Example #1
    def test_p_servo(self):
        a = sm.SE3()
        b = sm.SE3.Rx(0.7) * sm.SE3.Tx(1)
        c = sm.SE3.Tz(0.59)

        v0, arrived0 = rp.p_servo(a, b)
        v1, _ = rp.p_servo(a.A, b.A)
        _, arrived1 = rp.p_servo(a, c, threshold=0.6)

        ans = np.array([2, 0, 0, 1.4, -0,  0])

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(v0, ans, decimal=4)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(v1, ans, decimal=4)

Example #2
import spatialmath as sm
import numpy as np
import time

env = PyPlot()
env.launch('Panda Resolved-Rate Motion Control Example')

panda = rtb.models.DH.Panda()
panda.q = panda.qr

Tep = panda.fkine(panda.q) * sm.SE3.Tx(-0.2) * sm.SE3.Ty(0.2) * sm.SE3.Tz(0.2)

arrived = False

dt = 0.05

while not arrived:

    start = time.time()
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(panda.fkine(panda.q), Tep, 1)
    panda.qd = np.linalg.pinv(panda.jacobe(panda.q)) @ v
    stop = time.time()

    if stop - start < dt:
        time.sleep(dt - (stop - start))

# Uncomment to stop the plot from closing
# env.hold()
Example #3
T = SE3(0.7, 0.2, 0.1) * SE3.OA([0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1])
solution = robot.ikine_LM(T)
traj = jtraj(robot.qz, solution.q, 50)
robot.plot(traj.q, backend='swift')

# Make and instance of the Swift simulator and open it
env = Swift()

# Make a robot model and set its joint angles to the ready joint configuration
robot = rtb.models.Panda()
robot.q = robot.qr

# Set a desired and effector pose an an offset from the current end-effector pose
Tep = robot.fkine(robot.q) * SE3.Tx(0.2) * SE3.Ty(0.2) * SE3.Tz(0.45)

# Add the robot to the simulator

# Simulate the robot while it has not arrived at the goal
arrived = False
while not arrived:
    # Work out the required end-effector velocity to go towards the goal
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(robot.fkine(robot.q), Tep, 1)

    # Set the robot's joint velocities (calculate pseudoinverse(J) * v)
    robot.qd = np.linalg.pinv(robot.jacobe(robot.q)) @ v

    # Step the simulator by 15 milliseconds
arrived = False

while not arrived:

    # The pose of the Panda's end-effector
    Te = panda.fkine()

    # Transform from the end-effector to desired pose
    eTep = Te.inv() * Tep

    # Spatial error
    e = np.sum(np.abs(np.r_[eTep.t, eTep.rpy() * np.pi / 180]))

    # Calulate the required end-effector spatial velocity for the robot
    # to approach the goal. Gain is set to 1.0
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(Te, Tep, 1.0)

    # Gain term (lambda) for control minimisation
    Y = 0.01

    # Quadratic component of objective function
    Q = np.eye(n + 6)

    # Joint velocity component of Q
    Q[:n, :n] *= Y

    # Slack component of Q
    Q[n:, n:] = (1 / e) * np.eye(6)

    # The equality contraints
    Aeq = np.c_[panda.jacobe(), np.eye(6)]
Example #5
arrived = False

while not arrived:

    # The pose of the Panda's end-effector
    Te = panda.fkine()

    # Transform from the end-effector to desired pose
    eTep = Te.inv() * Tep

    # Spatial error
    e = np.sum(np.abs(np.r_[eTep.t, eTep.rpy() * np.pi / 180]))

    # Calulate the required end-effector spatial velocity for the robot
    # to approach the goal. Gain is set to 1.0
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(Te, Tep, 0.5, 0.05)

    # Gain term (lambda) for control minimisation
    Y = 0.01

    # Quadratic component of objective function
    Q = np.eye(n + 6)

    # Joint velocity component of Q
    Q[:n, :n] *= Y

    # Slack component of Q
    Q[n:, n:] = (1 / e) * np.eye(6)

    # The equality contraints
    Aeq = np.c_[panda.jacobe(), np.eye(6)]
Example #6
    def servo_cb(self, goal: ServoToPoseGoal) -> None:
        ROS Action Server callback:
        Servos the end-effector to the cartesian pose indicated by goal

        :param goal: [description]
        :type goal: ServoToPoseGoal

        This callback makes use of the roboticstoolbox p_servo function
        to generate velocities at each timestep.
        if self.moving:

        with self.lock:
            goal_pose = goal.pose_stamped

            if goal_pose.header.frame_id == '':
                goal_pose.header.frame_id = self.base_link.name

            goal_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
            pose = goal_pose.pose

            target = SE3(pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z) * UnitQuaternion([

            arrived = False

            self.moving = True

            while not arrived and not self.preempted:
                velocities, arrived = rtb.p_servo(
                    self.fkine(self.q, start=self.base_link, end=self.gripper),
                    min(3, goal.gain) if goal.gain else 2,
                    threshold=goal.threshold if goal.threshold else 0.005
                self.j_v = np.linalg.pinv(
                    self.jacobe(self.q)) @ velocities
                self.last_update = timeit.default_timer()

            self.moving = False
            result = not self.preempted
            self.preempted = False

            # self.qd *= 0
            if result:
Example #7
import spatialmath as sm
import numpy as np
import time

env = rp.backends.PyPlot()
env.launch('Panda Resolved-Rate Motion Control Example')

panda = rp.models.DH.Panda()
panda.q = panda.qr

Tep = panda.fkine() * sm.SE3.Tx(-0.2) * sm.SE3.Ty(0.2) * sm.SE3.Tz(0.2)

arrived = False

dt = 0.05

while not arrived:

    start = time.time()
    v, arrived = rp.p_servo(panda.fkine(), Tep, 1)
    panda.qd = np.linalg.pinv(panda.jacobe()) @ v
    stop = time.time()

    if stop - start < dt:
        time.sleep(dt - (stop - start))

# Uncomment to stop the plot from closing
# env.hold()
Example #8
import roboticstoolbox as rtb
import spatialmath as sm
import numpy as np
import qpsolvers as qp
import time

# Launch the simulator Swift
env = rtb.backends.Swift()

# Create a Panda robot object
r = rtb.models.Frankie()

# Set joint angles to ready configuration
r.q = r.qr

# Add the puma to the simulator

Tep = r.fkine(r.q) * sm.SE3.Tx(1.0) * sm.SE3.Ty(1.0)

arrived = False

dt = 0.05

while not arrived:
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(r.fkine(r.q), Tep, 0.1)
    r.qd = np.linalg.pinv(r.jacobe(r.q)) @ v
def step():
    # The pose of the Panda's end-effector
    Te = panda.fkine(panda.q)

    # Transform from the end-effector to desired pose
    eTep = Te.inv() * Tep

    # Spatial error
    e = np.sum(np.abs(np.r_[eTep.t, eTep.rpy() * np.pi / 180]))

    # Calulate the required end-effector spatial velocity for the robot
    # to approach the goal. Gain is set to 1.0
    v, arrived = rtb.p_servo(Te, Tep, 0.5, 0.05)

    # Gain term (lambda) for control minimisation
    Y = 0.01

    # Quadratic component of objective function
    Q = np.eye(n + 6)

    # Joint velocity component of Q
    Q[:n, :n] *= Y

    # Slack component of Q
    Q[n:, n:] = (1 / e) * np.eye(6)

    # The equality contraints
    Aeq = np.c_[panda.jacobe(panda.q), np.eye(6)]
    beq = v.reshape((6, ))

    # The inequality constraints for joint limit avoidance
    Ain = np.zeros((n + 6, n + 6))
    bin = np.zeros(n + 6)

    # The minimum angle (in radians) in which the joint is allowed to approach
    # to its limit
    ps = 0.05

    # The influence angle (in radians) in which the velocity damper
    # becomes active
    pi = 0.9

    # Form the joint limit velocity damper
    Ain[:n, :n], bin[:n] = panda.joint_velocity_damper(ps, pi, n)

    # For each collision in the scene
    for collision in collisions:

        # Form the velocity damper inequality contraint for each collision
        # object on the robot to the collision in the scene
        c_Ain, c_bin = panda.link_collision_damper(

        # If there are any parts of the robot within the influence distance
        # to the collision in the scene
        if c_Ain is not None and c_bin is not None:
            c_Ain = np.c_[c_Ain, np.zeros((c_Ain.shape[0], 6))]

            # Stack the inequality constraints
            Ain = np.r_[Ain, c_Ain]
            bin = np.r_[bin, c_bin]

    # Linear component of objective function: the manipulability Jacobian
    c = np.r_[-panda.jacobm(panda.q).reshape((n, )), np.zeros(6)]

    # The lower and upper bounds on the joint velocity and slack variable
    lb = -np.r_[panda.qdlim[:n], 10 * np.ones(6)]
    ub = np.r_[panda.qdlim[:n], 10 * np.ones(6)]

    # Solve for the joint velocities dq
    qd = qp.solve_qp(Q, c, Ain, bin, Aeq, beq, lb=lb, ub=ub)

    # Apply the joint velocities to the Panda
    panda.qd[:n] = qd[:n]

    # Step the simulator by 50 ms

    return arrived
panda.q = panda.qr

vell = panda.vellipse(centre='ee')

env = rp.backends.PyPlot()
    'Panda Velocity Ellipse Example',
    limits=[-0.2, 0.6, -0.4, 0.4, 0, 0.8])

Tep = panda.fkine() * sm.SE3.Tx(-0.3) * sm.SE3.Tz(0.3) * sm.SE3.Rz(np.pi)

arrived = False


dt = 0.05

while not arrived:
    start = time.time()

    v, arrived = rp.p_servo(panda.fkine(panda.q), Tep, 0.5)
    panda.qd = np.linalg.pinv(panda.jacobe(panda.q)) @ v
    stop = time.time()

    if stop - start < dt:
        time.sleep(dt - (stop - start))
