Example #1
def predict_category(client, name: str, lang: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, float]]:
    if lang not in SUPPORTED_LANG:
        return None

    preprocessed_name = preprocess_name(name, lang)
    results = match(client, preprocessed_name, lang)

    hits = results["hits"]["hits"]

    if hits:
        hit = hits[0]
        return hit["_source"]["id"], hit["_score"]

    return None
Example #2
def predict_category(client, name: str, lang: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, float]]:
    """Predict category from product name using ES.

    Lang is not used to filter category index, but to stem the name in the right way.

    :param elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client: ES client
    :param name: name of the product
    :param lang: language of the name

    :return: None if language not supported or no guess
    if lang not in SUPPORTED_LANG:
        return None

    preprocessed_name = preprocess_name(name, lang)
    results = match(client, preprocessed_name, lang)

    hits = results["hits"]["hits"]

    if hits:
        hit = hits[0]
        return hit["_source"]["id"], hit["_score"]

    return None
Example #3
def test_preprocess_name(name: str, lang: str, expected: str):
    assert preprocess_name(name, lang) == expected