def _compute_waypoints(self, action): """Convert action of a single step to waypoints. Args: action: The action of a single step. Returns: List of waypoints of a single step. """ action = np.reshape(action, [2, 2]) start = action[0, :] motion = action[1, :] # Start. x = start[0] * self.start_range[0] + self.start_offset[0] y = start[1] * self.start_range[1] + self.start_offset[1] z = self.start_z angle = 0.0 start = Pose([[x, y, z], [np.pi, 0, (angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi]]) # End. delta_x = motion[0] * self.config.ACTION.MOTION.TRANSLATION_X delta_y = motion[1] * self.config.ACTION.MOTION.TRANSLATION_Y x = x + delta_x y = y + delta_y x = np.clip(x, self.cspace.low[0], self.cspace.high[0]) y = np.clip(y, self.cspace.low[1], self.cspace.high[1]) end = Pose([[x, y, z], [np.pi, 0, (angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi]]) waypoints = [start, end] return waypoints
def compute_inverse_kinematics(self, link_uid, link_pose, upper_limits=None, lower_limits=None, ranges=None, damping=None, neutral_positions=None): """Compute the inverse kinematics. Args: link_uid: The unique ID of the link. link_pose: The target pose of the link. upper_limits: The upper limits of joints. lower_limits: The lower limits of joints. ranges: The ranges of joints. dampings: The list of joint damping parameters. neutral_positions: The neutral joint positions. returns: target_positions: The list of target joint positions. """ body_uid, link_ind = link_uid if not isinstance(link_pose, Pose): link_pose = Pose(link_pose) position = link_pose.position quaternion = link_pose.quaternion kwargs = dict() kwargs['bodyUniqueId'] = body_uid kwargs['endEffectorLinkIndex'] = link_ind kwargs['targetPosition'] = list(position) if quaternion is not None: kwargs['targetOrientation'] = list(quaternion) # TODO(kuanfang): Not sure if those are necessary for computing IK. if lower_limits is not None: kwargs['lowerLimits'] = lower_limits if upper_limits is not None: kwargs['upperLimits'] = upper_limits if ranges is not None: kwargs['jointRanges'] = ranges if damping is not None: kwargs['jointDamping'] = damping if neutral_positions is not None: kwargs['restPoses'] = neutral_positions kwargs['physicsClientId'] = self.uid target_positions = pybullet.calculateInverseKinematics(**kwargs) return target_positions
def __init__(self, simulator, pose=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], joint_positions=None, config=None): """Initialize. Args: simulator: The simulated simulator for the robot. pose: The initial pose of the robot base. joint_positions: The list of initial joint positions. config: The configuartion as a dictionary. """ super(SawyerSim, self).__init__(config=config) self._simulator = simulator self._arm_pose = Pose(pose) self._arm = None self._base = None self._head = None if joint_positions is None: self._initial_joint_positions = self.config.LIMB_NEUTRAL_POSITIONS else: self._initial_joint_positions = joint_positions self.reboot()
def __call__(self, event): """Call. Args: event: A clicking event. """ pixel = [event.xdata, event.ydata] z = self.depth[int(pixel[1]), int(pixel[0])] position =, z) pose = Pose([position, [np.pi, 0, 0]]) position.z = self.eef_z while not (self.cli.robot.is_limb_ready() and self.cli.robot.is_gripper_ready()): if self.cli.mode == 'sim': self.cli.simulator.step() print('Clicked pixel: %r. Moving end effector to: % s' % (pixel + [z], position)) self.cli.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(pose) while not (self.cli.robot.is_limb_ready() and self.cli.robot.is_gripper_ready()): if self.cli.mode == 'sim': self.cli.simulator.step() self.show_image() plt.scatter(pixel[0], pixel[1], c='r') return pixel
def end_effector(self): ros_pose = self._limb.endpoint_pose() ros_position = ros_pose['position'] ros_quaternion = ros_pose['orientation'] position = [ros_position.x, ros_position.y, ros_position.z] orientation = [ ros_quaternion.x, ros_quaternion.y, ros_quaternion.z, ros_quaternion.w ] return Pose([position, orientation])
def get_constraint_pose(self, constraint_uid): """Get the constraint pose. Args: constraint_uid: The constraint unique ID. Returns: An instance of Pose. """ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, position, _, quaternion, _, _, _, _, _ = ( pybullet.getConstraintInfo(constraintUniqueId=constraint_uid, physicsClientId=self.uid)) return Pose([position, quaternion])
def get_body_pose(self, body_uid): """Get the pose of the body. The pose of the body is defined as the pose of the base of the body. Args: body_uid: The body Unique ID. Returns: An instance of Pose. """ position, quaternion = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( bodyUniqueId=body_uid, physicsClientId=self.uid) return Pose([position, quaternion])
def set_body_pose(self, body_uid, pose): """Set the pose of the body. Args: body_uid: The body Unique ID. pose: An instance of Pose. """ pose = Pose(pose) position = list(pose.position) quaternion = list(pose.quaternion) pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(bodyUniqueId=body_uid, posObj=position, ornObj=quaternion, physicsClientId=self.uid)
def _sample_body_poses(self, num_samples, body_config, max_attemps=32): """Sample body poses. Args: num_samples: Number of samples. body_config: Configuration of the body. max_attemps: Maximum number of attemps to find a feasible placement. Returns: List of poses. """ while True: movable_poses = [] for i in range(num_samples): num_attemps = 0 is_valid = False while not is_valid and num_attemps <= max_attemps: pose = Pose.uniform(x=body_config.POSE.X, y=body_config.POSE.Y, z=body_config.POSE.Z, roll=body_config.POSE.ROLL, pitch=body_config.POSE.PITCH, yaw=body_config.POSE.YAW) # Check if the new pose is distant from other bodies. is_valid = True for other_pose in movable_poses: dist = np.linalg.norm(pose.position[:2] - other_pose.position[:2]) if dist < body_config.MARGIN: is_valid = False num_attemps += 1 break if not is_valid: 'Cannot find the placement of body %d. ' 'Start re-sampling.', i) break else: movable_poses.append(pose) if i == num_attemps: break return movable_poses
def get_link_center_of_mass(self, link_uid): """Get the center of mass of the link. Args: link_uid: A tuple of the body Unique ID and the link index. Returns: An instance of Pose. """ body_uid, link_ind = link_uid position, quaternion, _, _, _, _ = pybullet.getLinkState( bodyUniqueId=body_uid, linkIndex=link_ind, physicsClientId=self.uid) return Pose([position, quaternion])
def as_4dof(self): """Computes the 4-DOF pose of the grasp in the world frame. Returns: The 4-DOF gripper pose in the world. """ angle = (self.angle + np.pi / 2) grasp_pose_in_camera = Pose([self.pose.position, [0, 0, angle]]) grasp_pose_in_world = get_transform( grasp_pose_in_camera) x, y, z = grasp_pose_in_world.position angle = grasp_pose_in_world.euler[2] return [x, y, z, angle]
def load_calibration(self, path, robot_pose=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]): """Set the camera by using the camera calibration results. Args: path: The data directory of the calibration results. """ intrinsics_path = os.path.join(path, 'IR_intrinsics.npy') intrinsics = np.load(intrinsics_path, encoding='latin1') translation_path = os.path.join(path, 'robot_IR_translation.npy') translation = np.load(translation_path, encoding='latin1') rotation_path = os.path.join(path, 'robot_IR_rotation.npy') rotation = np.load(rotation_path, encoding='latin1') # Convert the extrinsics from the robot frame to the world frame. from_robot_to_world = get_transform(source=robot_pose) robot_pose_in_camera = Pose([translation, rotation]) camera_pose_in_robot = robot_pose_in_camera.inverse() camera_pose_in_world = from_robot_to_world.transform( camera_pose_in_robot) world_origin_in_camera = camera_pose_in_world.inverse() translation = world_origin_in_camera.position rotation = world_origin_in_camera.matrix3 return intrinsics, translation, rotation
def _reset_scene(self): """Reset the scene in simulation or the real world. """ super(Grasp4DofEnv, self)._reset_scene() # Reload graspable object. if self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.RESAMPLE_N_EPISODES: if (self.num_episodes % self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.RESAMPLE_N_EPISODES == 0): self.graspable_path = None if self.graspable_path is None: if self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.USE_RANDOM_SAMPLE: self.graspable_path = random.choice(self.all_graspable_paths) else: self.graspable_index = ((self.graspable_index + 1) % len(self.all_graspable_paths)) self.graspable_path = ( self.all_graspable_paths[self.graspable_index]) pose = Pose.uniform(x=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.X, y=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.Y, z=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.Z, roll=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.ROLL, pitch=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.PITCH, yaw=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.YAW) pose = get_transform(source=self.table_pose).transform(pose) scale = np.random.uniform(*self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.SCALE)'Loaded the graspable object from %s with scale %.2f...', self.graspable_path, scale) self.graspable = self.simulator.add_body(self.graspable_path, pose, scale=scale, name=GRASPABLE_NAME) logger.debug('Waiting for graspable objects to be stable...') self.simulator.wait_until_stable(self.graspable) # Reset camera. self._reset_camera(, intrinsics=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.INTRINSICS, translation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION, rotation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION, intrinsics_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.INTRINSICS_NOISE, translation_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION_NOISE, rotation_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION_NOISE)
def convert_pose_for_ros(pose): """Convert an instance from robovat.math.Pose into geometry_msgs.msg.Pose. Args: pose: An instance of robovat.math.Pose. Returns: An instance of geometry_msgs.msg.Pose. """ # The Orientation is defined as x, y, z, w. pose = Pose(pose) position = pose.position.tolist() orientation = pose.quaternion.tolist() return geometry_msgs.msg.Pose( position=geometry_msgs.msg.Point(*position), orientation=geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(*orientation))
def set_constraint_pose(self, constraint_uid, pose): """Set the constraint pose. Args: constraint_uid: The constraint unique ID. pose: An instance of Pose. """ if not isinstance(pose, Pose): pose = Pose(pose) position = list(pose.position) quaternion = list(pose.quaternion) pybullet.changeConstraint(userConstraintUniqueId=constraint_uid, jointChildPivot=position, jointChildFrameOrientation=quaternion, physicsClientId=self.uid)
def add_body(self, filename, pose, scale=1.0, is_static=False): """Load a body into the simulation. Args: filename: The path to the body file. The current supported file formats are urdf and sdf. pose: The pose of the base, as an instance of robovat.math.Pose or a tuple of position and orientation. scale: The global scaling factor. is_static: If set the pose of the base to be fixed. Returns: body_uid: The unique ID of the body. """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) assert os.path.exists(filename), 'File %s does not exist.' % filename _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) pose = Pose(pose) position = list(pose.position) quaternion = list(pose.quaternion) if ext == '.urdf': # Do not use pybullet.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION since it will cause # problems for the motor control in Bullet. pybullet.configureDebugVisualizer(pybullet.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0) body_uid = pybullet.loadURDF( fileName=filename, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=quaternion, globalScaling=scale, useFixedBase=is_static, physicsClientId=self.uid, flags=pybullet.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_PARENT, ) pybullet.configureDebugVisualizer(pybullet.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized extension %s.' % ext) return int(body_uid)
def pose(self): """Computes the 3D pose of the grasp relative to the camera. If an approach direction is not specified then the camera optical axis is used. Returns: The pose of the grasp in the camera frame. """ if is None: raise ValueError('Must specify camera intrinsics to compute 3D ' 'grasp pose.') # Compute 3D grasp center in camera basis. grasp_center_camera =, self.depth, is_world_frame=False) # Compute 3D grasp axis in camera basis. grasp_axis_image = self.axis grasp_axis_image = grasp_axis_image / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_image) grasp_axis_camera = np.array( [grasp_axis_image[0], grasp_axis_image[1], 0]) grasp_axis_camera = ( grasp_axis_camera / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_camera)) # Aligned with camera Z axis. grasp_x_camera = np.array([0, 0, 1]) grasp_y_camera = grasp_axis_camera grasp_z_camera = np.cross(grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera) grasp_x_camera = np.cross(grasp_z_camera, grasp_y_camera) grasp_rot_camera = np.array( [grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera, grasp_z_camera]).T if np.linalg.det(grasp_rot_camera) < 0: # Fix possible reflections due to SVD. grasp_rot_camera[:, 0] = -grasp_rot_camera[:, 0] pose = Pose([grasp_center_camera, grasp_rot_camera]) return pose
def _reset_scene(self): """Reset the scene in simulation or the real world.""" self.table_pose = Pose(self.config.SIM.TABLE.POSE) self.table_pose.position.z += np.random.uniform( *self.config.TABLE.HEIGHT_RANGE) if self.is_simulation: self.ground = self.simulator.add_body(self.config.SIM.GROUND.PATH, self.config.SIM.GROUND.POSE, is_static=True, name='ground') self.table = self.simulator.add_body(self.config.SIM.TABLE.PATH, self.table_pose, is_static=True, name='table') if self.config.SIM.WALL.USE: self.wall = self.simulator.add_body(self.config.SIM.WALL.PATH, self.config.SIM.WALL.POSE, is_static=True, name='wall')
def __init__(self, mode, config, debug, assets_dir): """Initialize. Args: mode: 'sim' or 'real'. config: The configuration file for the environment. debug: True if it is debugging mode, False otherwise. assets_dir: The assets directory. """ self.mode = mode self.config = YamlConfig(config).as_easydict() self.debug = debug self.assets_dir = assets_dir # Command line client input history. readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') history_file = os.path.join('.python_history') try: readline.read_history_file(history_file) except IOError: pass atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history_file) # Set up the scene. if self.mode == 'sim': print('Setting up the environment in simulation...') self.simulator = Simulator(use_visualizer=self.debug, assets_dir=self.assets_dir) self.simulator.reset() self.simulator.start() self.ground = self.simulator.add_body(self.config.SIM.GROUND.PATH, self.config.SIM.GROUND.POSE, is_static=True, name='ground') self.table_pose = Pose(self.config.SIM.TABLE.POSE) self.table_pose.position.z += np.random.uniform( *self.config.SIM.TABLE.HEIGHT_RANGE) self.simulator.add_body(self.config.SIM.TABLE.PATH, self.table_pose, is_static=True, name='table') # Camera. = BulletCamera(simulator=self.simulator, distance=1.0) elif self.mode == 'real': print('Setting up the environment in the real world...') self.table_pose = Pose(self.config.SIM.TABLE.POSE) self.table_pose.position.z += np.random.uniform( *self.config.SIM.TABLE.HEIGHT_RANGE) = Kinect2(packet_pipeline_mode=0, device_num=0, skip_regirobovation=False, use_inpaint=True) self.simulator = None else: raise ValueError # Set up the robot. self.robot = franka_panda.factory(simulator=self.simulator, config=self.config.SIM.ARM.CONFIG) # Start the camera camera. intrinsics=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.INTRINSICS, translation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION, rotation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION) if self.simulator: camera_pose = [ self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION, self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION ] camera_pose = Pose(camera_pose).inverse() self.simulator.plot_pose(camera_pose, axis_length=0.05)
def move_to_gripper_pose(self, pose, speed=None, timeout=None, threshold=None, straight_line=False): """Move the arm to the specified joint positions. Please refer to: See the parent class. """ if speed is None: speed = self.config.LIMB_MAX_VELOCITY_RATIO if timeout is None: timeout = self.config.LIMB_TIMEOUT if threshold is None: threshold = self.config.LIMB_POSITION_THRESHOLD if straight_line: start_pose = self.end_effector end_pose = pose if self._motion_planning is None: # A hacky way of straight line motion without motion planning. rospy.logwarn('No motion planning is available. Use the hacky' 'way of straight line motion.') delta_position = end_pose.position - start_pose.position end_effector_step = 0.1 num_waypoints = int(np.linalg.norm(delta_position) / end_effector_step) waypoints = [] for i in range(num_waypoints): scale = float(i) / float(num_waypoints) position = start_pose.position + delta_position * scale euler = end_pose.euler waypoint = Pose([position, euler]) waypoints.append(waypoint) waypoints.append(end_pose) else: # With motion planning, the path is always a straight line. waypoints = [start_pose, end_pose] self.move_along_gripper_path(waypoints, speed=speed) else: positions = self._compute_inverse_kinematics( self.config.END_EFFCTOR_NAME, pose) if positions is None: rospy.logerr("IK response is not valid.") else: self.move_to_joint_positions( positions=positions, speed=speed, timeout=timeout, threshold=threshold)
def _reset_scene(self): """Reset the scene in simulation or the real world. """ # Configure debug visualizer if self._debug and self.is_simulation: visualizer_info = self.simulator.physics.get_debug_visualizer_info(['yaw', 'pitch', 'dist', 'target']) # Adjust the camera view to your own need. visualizer_info['dist'] = 1.5 visualizer_info['yaw'] = 50 visualizer_info['pitch'] = -20 self.simulator.physics.reset_debug_visualizer(camera_distance=visualizer_info['dist'], camera_yaw=visualizer_info['yaw'], camera_pitch=visualizer_info['pitch'], camera_target_position=visualizer_info['target']) super(FrankaPandaGraspEnv, self)._reset_scene() # Reload graspable object. if self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.RESAMPLE_N_EPISODES: if (self.num_episodes % self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.RESAMPLE_N_EPISODES == 0): self.graspable_path = None if self.graspable_path is None: if self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.USE_RANDOM_SAMPLE: self.graspable_path = random.choice( self.all_graspable_paths) else: self.graspable_index = ((self.graspable_index + 1) % len(self.all_graspable_paths)) self.graspable_path = ( self.all_graspable_paths[self.graspable_index]) pose = Pose.uniform(x=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.X, y=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.Y, z=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.Z, roll=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.ROLL, pitch=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.PITCH, yaw=self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.POSE.YAW) pose = get_transform(source=self.table_pose).transform(pose) scale = np.random.uniform(*self.config.SIM.GRASPABLE.SCALE)'Loaded the graspable object from %s with scale %.2f...', self.graspable_path, scale) self.graspable = self.simulator.add_body(self.graspable_path, pose, scale=scale, name=GRASPABLE_NAME, baseMass=0.1) # self.graspable = self.simulator.add_body(self.graspable_path, pose, scale=scale * 0.01, name=GRASPABLE_NAME, collisionFrameOrientation=[-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5], visualFrameOrientation=[-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5], baseMass=0.1) logger.debug('Waiting for graspable objects to be stable...') # Change some properties of the object compensating for # artifacts due to simulation self.table.set_dynamics(contact_damping=100., contact_stiffness=100.) self.graspable.set_dynamics( lateral_friction=1., rolling_friction=0.001, spinning_friction=0.001, contact_damping=100., contact_stiffness=100.) self.simulator.wait_until_stable(self.graspable) # Reset camera. self._reset_camera(, intrinsics=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.INTRINSICS, translation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION, rotation=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION, intrinsics_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.INTRINSICS_NOISE, translation_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.TRANSLATION_NOISE, rotation_noise=self.config.KINECT2.DEPTH.ROTATION_NOISE)
def move_to_gripper_pose(self, pose, speed=None, timeout=None, threshold=None, straight_line=False): """Move the arm to the specified gripper pose. See the parent class. """ if speed is None: speed = self.config.LIMB_MAX_VELOCITY_RATIO if timeout is None: timeout = self.config.LIMB_TIMEOUT if threshold is None: threshold = self.config.LIMB_POSITION_THRESHOLD self._arm.reset_targets() pose = Pose(pose) if straight_line: start_pose = self.end_effector.pose end_pose = pose delta_position = end_pose.position - start_pose.position num_waypoints = int(np.linalg.norm(delta_position) / self.config.END_EFFECTOR_STEP) waypoints = [] for i in range(num_waypoints): scale = float(i) / float(num_waypoints) position = start_pose.position + delta_position * scale euler = end_pose.euler waypoint = Pose([position, euler]) waypoints.append(waypoint) waypoints.append(end_pose) self.move_along_gripper_path(waypoints, speed=speed) else: # Set the maximal joint velocities. joint_velocities = dict([ (, speed * joint.max_velocity) for joint in self._limb_joints ]) kwargs = { 'joint_velocities': joint_velocities, } robot_command = RobotCommand(, command_type='set_max_joint_velocities', arguments=kwargs) self._send_robot_command(robot_command) # Command the IK control. kwargs = { 'link_ind': self._end_effector.index, 'link_pose': pose, 'timeout': timeout, 'threshold': threshold, } robot_command = RobotCommand(, command_type='set_target_link_pose', arguments=kwargs) self._send_robot_command(robot_command)
def add_constraint(self, parent_uid, child_uid, joint_type='fixed', joint_axis=[0, 0, 0], parent_frame_pose=None, child_frame_pose=None): """Add the constraint. A constraint limits the relative movements between two entities using a joint. Different types of joints have different degrees of freedom. Args: parent: The unique ID of the parent entity. child: The unique ID of the child entity. joint_type: The type of the joint. joint_axis: The axis of the joint. parent_frame_pose: The pose of the joint in the parent frame. child_frame_pose: The pose of the joint in the child frame. Returns: The constraint unique ID. """ if isinstance(parent_uid, six.integer_types): # The parent entity is a body. parent_body_uid = parent_uid parent_link_ind = -1 elif isinstance(parent_uid, (tuple, list)): # The parent entity is a link. parent_body_uid, parent_link_ind = parent_uid else: raise ValueError if isinstance(child_uid, six.integer_types): # The child entity is a body. child_body_uid = child_uid child_link_ind = -1 elif isinstance(child_uid, (tuple, list)): # The child entity is a link. child_body_uid, child_link_ind = child_uid elif child_uid is None: # The child entity is ignored. child_body_uid = -1 child_link_ind = -1 else: raise ValueError if parent_frame_pose is None: parent_frame_position = [0, 0, 0] parent_frame_quaternion = None else: if not isinstance(parent_frame_pose, Pose): parent_frame_pose = Pose(parent_frame_pose) parent_frame_position = parent_frame_pose.position parent_frame_quaternion = parent_frame_pose.quaternion if child_frame_pose is None: child_frame_position = [0, 0, 0] child_frame_quaternion = None else: if not isinstance(child_frame_pose, Pose): child_frame_pose = Pose(child_frame_pose) child_frame_position = child_frame_pose.position child_frame_quaternion = child_frame_pose.quaternion joint_type = JOINT_TYPES_MAPPING[joint_type] joint_axis = list(joint_axis) kwargs = dict() kwargs['physicsClientId'] = self.uid kwargs['parentBodyUniqueId'] = parent_body_uid kwargs['parentLinkIndex'] = parent_link_ind kwargs['childBodyUniqueId'] = child_body_uid kwargs['childLinkIndex'] = child_link_ind kwargs['jointType'] = joint_type kwargs['jointAxis'] = joint_axis kwargs['parentFramePosition'] = parent_frame_position kwargs['childFramePosition'] = child_frame_position if parent_frame_quaternion is not None: kwargs['parentFrameOrientation'] = parent_frame_quaternion if child_frame_quaternion is not None: kwargs['childFrameOrientation'] = child_frame_quaternion constraint_uid = pybullet.createConstraint(**kwargs) return constraint_uid
def _sample_body_poses_on_tiles(self, num_samples, body_config, layout, safe_drop_height=0.2, max_attemps=32): """Sample tile poses on the tiles. Args: num_samples: Number of samples. body_config: Configuration of the body. layout: Configuration of the layout. safe_drop_height: Dropping height of the body. max_attemps: Maximum number of attemps to find a feasible placement. Returns: List of poses. """ tile_size = layout.size tile_offset = layout.offset while True: movable_poses = [] for i in range(num_samples): num_attemps = 0 is_valid = False if i == 0 and is not None: tile_config = else: tile_config = layout.obstacle while not is_valid and num_attemps <= max_attemps: num_tiles = len(tile_config) tile_id = np.random.choice(num_tiles) tile_center = tile_config[tile_id] x_range = [ tile_offset[0] + (tile_center[0] - 0.5) * tile_size, tile_offset[0] + (tile_center[0] + 0.5) * tile_size ] y_range = [ tile_offset[1] + (tile_center[1] - 0.5) * tile_size, tile_offset[1] + (tile_center[1] + 0.5) * tile_size ] z = self.table_pose.position.z + safe_drop_height pose = Pose.uniform(x=x_range, y=y_range, z=z, roll=[-np.pi, np.pi], pitch=[-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2], yaw=[-np.pi, np.pi]) is_valid = True for other_pose in movable_poses: dist = np.linalg.norm(pose.position[:2] - other_pose.position[:2]) if dist < body_config.MARGIN: is_valid = False num_attemps += 1 break if not is_valid: 'Cannot find the placement of body %d. ' 'Start re-sampling.', i) break else: movable_poses.append(pose) if i == num_attemps: break return movable_poses
def _execute_action(self, action): """Execute the grasp action. Args: action: A 4-DoF grasp defined in the image space or the 3D space. """ if self.config.ACTION.TYPE == 'CUBOID': x, y, z, angle = action elif self.config.ACTION.TYPE == 'IMAGE': grasp = Grasp2D.from_vector(action, x, y, z, angle = grasp.as_4dof() else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized action type: %r' % (self.config.ACTION.TYPE)) start = Pose([[x, y, z + self.config.ARM.FINGER_TIP_OFFSET], [0, np.pi, angle]]) phase = 'initial' # Handle the simulation robustness. if self.is_simulation: num_action_steps = 0 while (phase != 'done'): if self.is_simulation: self.simulator.step() if phase == 'start': num_action_steps += 1 if self._is_phase_ready(phase, num_action_steps): phase = self._get_next_phase(phase) logger.debug('phase: %s', phase) if phase == 'overhead': self.robot.move_to_joint_positions( self.config.ARM.OVERHEAD_POSITIONS) # self.robot.grip(0) elif phase == 'prestart': prestart = start.copy() prestart.z = self.config.ARM.GRIPPER_SAFE_HEIGHT self.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(prestart) elif phase == 'start': self.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(start, straight_line=True) # Prevent problems caused by unrealistic frictions. if self.is_simulation: self.robot.l_finger_tip.set_dynamics( lateral_friction=0.001, spinning_friction=0.001) self.robot.r_finger_tip.set_dynamics( lateral_friction=0.001, spinning_friction=0.001) self.table.set_dynamics(lateral_friction=100) elif phase == 'end': self.robot.grip(1) elif phase == 'postend': postend = self.robot.end_effector.pose postend.z = self.config.ARM.GRIPPER_SAFE_HEIGHT self.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(postend, straight_line=True) # Prevent problems caused by unrealistic frictions. if self.is_simulation: self.robot.l_finger_tip.set_dynamics( lateral_friction=100, rolling_friction=10, spinning_friction=10) self.robot.r_finger_tip.set_dynamics( lateral_friction=100, rolling_friction=10, spinning_friction=10) self.table.set_dynamics(lateral_friction=1)
def pose(self): world_origin_in_camera = Pose([self._translation, self._rotation]) return world_origin_in_camera.inverse()
def run_command(self, command): # NOQA """Run the input command. Args: command: An input string command. """ command = command.replace(',', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '') words = command.split(' ') command_type = words[0] # Print the help information. if command_type == 'help' or command_type == 'h': print(HELP) # Reset the robot joint positions. elif command_type == 'reset' or command_type == 'r': self.robot.reset(self.config.ARM.OFFSTAGE_POSITIONS) # Visualize the camera image. elif command_type == 'visualize' or command_type == 'v': results = image = results['rgb'] depth = results['depth'] plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(image) plt.title('RGB Image') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(depth) plt.title('Depth Image') # Visualize the table. elif command_type == 'table' or command_type == 't': results = image = results['rgb'] depth = results['depth'] table_points = [ [0, 0, 0], [0, -0.61, 0], [0, 0.61, 0], [-0.38, 0, 0], [0.38, 0, 0], [-0.38, -0.61, 0], [-0.38, 0.61, 0], [0.38, -0.61, 0], [0.38, 0.61, 0], ] table_offset = self.table_pose.position table_points = np.array(table_points) + table_offset table_pixels = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(image) plt.scatter(table_pixels[:, 0], table_pixels[:, 1], c='r') plt.title('RGB Image') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(depth) plt.scatter(table_pixels[:, 0], table_pixels[:, 1], c='r') plt.title('Depth Image') # Visualize the layout. elif command_type == 'layout' or command_type == 'l': results = image = results['rgb'] layout_name = words[1] layout_config = self.config.LAYOUT[layout_name] tile_config = layout_config.REGION size = layout_config.SIZE offset = layout_config.OFFSET plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.subplot(111) plt.imshow(image) for i, center in enumerate(tile_config.CENTERS): position = np.array(offset) + np.array(center) * size x = position[0] y = position[1] z = self.table_pose.position.z corners = [[x - 0.5 * size, y - 0.5 * size, z], [x + 0.5 * size, y - 0.5 * size, z], [x - 0.5 * size, y + 0.5 * size, z], [x + 0.5 * size, y + 0.5 * size, z]] pixels = color = 'green' plt.plot([pixels[0, 0], pixels[1, 0]], [pixels[0, 1], pixels[1, 1]], color=color, linewidth=2) plt.plot([pixels[0, 0], pixels[2, 0]], [pixels[0, 1], pixels[2, 1]], color=color, linewidth=2) plt.plot([pixels[1, 0], pixels[3, 0]], [pixels[1, 1], pixels[3, 1]], color=color, linewidth=2) plt.plot([pixels[2, 0], pixels[3, 0]], [pixels[2, 1], pixels[3, 1]], color=color, linewidth=2) # Visualize the camera image. elif command_type == 'pointcloud' or command_type == 'pc': if len(words) == 1: num_clusters = 0 else: num_clusters = int(words[1]) images = image = images['rgb'] depth = images['depth'] point_cloud = fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(141) ax1.imshow(depth) if (self.config.OBS.CROP_MIN is not None and self.config.OBS.CROP_MAX is not None): crop_max = np.array(self.config.OBS.CROP_MAX)[np.newaxis, :] crop_min = np.array(self.config.OBS.CROP_MIN)[np.newaxis, :] crop_mask = np.logical_and( np.all(point_cloud >= crop_min, axis=-1), np.all(point_cloud <= crop_max, axis=-1)) point_cloud = point_cloud[crop_mask] ax2 = fig.add_subplot(142, projection='3d') downsampled_point_cloud = pc_utils.downsample(point_cloud, num_samples=4096), ax2, axis_range=1.0) if num_clusters > 0: point_cloud = pc_utils.remove_table(point_cloud) segmask = pc_utils.cluster(point_cloud, num_clusters=num_clusters, method='dbscan') point_cloud = point_cloud[segmask != -1] segmask = pc_utils.cluster(point_cloud, num_clusters=num_clusters) point_cloud = pc_utils.group_by_labels(point_cloud, segmask, num_clusters, 256) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(143, projection='3d'), ax3, axis_range=1.0) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(144) pc_utils.show2d(point_cloud,, ax4, image=image) # Visualize the camera image. elif command_type == 'rgbd': images = image = images['rgb'] depth = images['depth'] point_cloud = fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if (self.config.OBS.CROP_MIN is not None and self.config.OBS.CROP_MAX is not None): crop_max = np.array(self.config.OBS.CROP_MAX)[np.newaxis, :] crop_min = np.array(self.config.OBS.CROP_MIN)[np.newaxis, :] crop_mask = np.logical_and( np.all(point_cloud >= crop_min, axis=-1), np.all(point_cloud <= crop_max, axis=-1)) point_cloud = point_cloud[crop_mask] point_cloud = pc_utils.remove_table(point_cloud) point_cloud = pc_utils.downsample(point_cloud, num_samples=4096) pixels = pixels = np.array(pixels, dtype=np.int32) background = np.zeros_like(image) background[pixels[:, 1], pixels[:, 0]] = (image[pixels[:, 1], pixels[:, 0]]) plt.imshow(background) # Move the gripper to the clicked pixel position. elif command_type == 'click' or command_type == 'c': fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) onclick = EndEffectorClickController(self, ax) results = plt.imshow(results['rgb']) plt.title('Image') fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) # Move joints to the target positions. elif command_type == 'joints' or command_type == 'j': joint_positions = [float(ch) for ch in words[1:]] print('Moving to joint positions: %s ...' % joint_positions) self.robot.move_to_joint_positions(joint_positions) # Move the end effector to the target pose. elif command_type == 'end_effector' or command_type == 'e': pose = [float(ch) for ch in words[1:]] if len(pose) == 6 or len(pose) == 7: pose = Pose(pose[:3], pose[3:]) elif len(pose) == 3: end_effector_pose = self.robot.end_effector pose = Pose([pose, end_effector_pose.orientation]) else: print('The format of the input pose is wrong.') print('Moving to end effector pose: %s ...' % pose) self.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(pose) # Move the end effector to the target pose. elif command_type == 'end_effector_line' or command_type == 'el': pose = [float(ch) for ch in words[1:]] if len(pose) == 6 or len(pose) == 7: pose = Pose(pose[:3], pose[3:]) elif len(pose) == 3: end_effector_pose = self.robot.end_effector pose = Pose(pose, end_effector_pose.orientation) else: print('The format of the input pose is wrong.') print('Moving to end effector pose: %s ...' % pose) self.robot.move_to_gripper_pose(pose, straight_line=True) # Open the gripper. elif command_type == 'open' or command_type == 'o': joint_positions = self.robot.grip(0) # Close the gripper. elif command_type == 'grasp' or command_type == 'g': joint_positions = self.robot.grip(1) # Print the current robot status. elif command_type == 'print' or command_type == 'p': joint_positions = self.robot.joint_positions joint_positions = [ joint_positions['right_j0'], joint_positions['right_j1'], joint_positions['right_j2'], joint_positions['right_j3'], joint_positions['right_j4'], joint_positions['right_j5'], joint_positions['right_j6'], ] print('Joint positions: %s' % (joint_positions)) end_effector_pose = self.robot.end_effector print('End Effector position: %s, %s' % (end_effector_pose.position, end_effector_pose.euler)) else: print('Unrecognized command: %s' % command)