def test_num_args_exception(self):

        x = tf.Variable(np.random.randint(0, 256, [224, 224, 3]),
        for pp_str in [
                "resize(1, 1, 1)"
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Example #2
def create():
    """Loads the VGG ImageNet model."""
    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        model = torch.hub.load("pytorch/vision:v0.6.0",

    with_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
    if with_cuda:"cuda")
        logging.warn("Running on CPU, no CUDA detected.")

    def call(features):
        images = features["image"].numpy()
        # Normalize according to the documentation. Note that the pro-processing
        # will already have the range normalized to [0, 1].
        mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
        std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
        images_normalized = (images - mean) / std
        # Reshape from [batch, h, w, c] -> [batch, c, h, w]
        images_torch = torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(images_normalized,
                                                     [0, 3, 1, 2]),
        if with_cuda:
            images_torch ="cuda")
        logits = model(images_torch)
        return torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1).cpu().numpy()

    preprocess_config = "resize(256)|central_crop(224)|value_range(0,1)"
    preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(preprocess_config,
    return call, preprocess_fn
Example #3
def create(config=None):
    """Loads the Anti Alias model."""

    del config  # Unused argument

    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        model = antialiased_cnns.resnet50(pretrained=True)
        model = model.eval()

    image_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
    image_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

    def call(features):
        # Normalize according to the documentation. Note that the pre-processing
        # will already have the range normalized to [0, 1].
        images_normalized = (features["image"] - image_mean) / image_std

        # Reshape from [batch, h, w, c] -> [batch, c, h, w]
        images_torch = torch.tensor(
            np.transpose(images_normalized, [0, 3, 1, 2]).astype(np.float32))

        with torch.no_grad():
            logits = model(images_torch)
            return logits.softmax(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()

    preprocess_config = ("resize_small(256)|"
    preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(preprocess_config,
    return call, preprocess_fn
 def test_preprocessing_pipeline_multi_channel(self):
     pp_str = ("resize((256,256))|random_crop((224,224))|"
     pp_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(pp_str)
     # Example multi-channel input
     x = tf.Variable(np.random.randint(0, 999, [64, 64, 4]))
     result = pp_fn({"image": x})
     image = result["image"].numpy()
     self.assertEqual(image.shape, (224, 224, 3))
     self.assertLessEqual(np.max(image), 1)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(np.min(image), -1)
    def test_batched_preprocessing_pipeline(self):
        pp_str = (
            "resize((256, 256))|random_crop(240)|"
            "central_crop((80, 120))|flip_lr|flip_ud|standardize(0, 1)|"
        pp_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(pp_str)

        # Typical image input
        x = tf.Variable(np.random.randint(0, 256, [640, 480, 3]))

        result = pp_fn({"image": x})
        image = result["image"].numpy()
        self.assertEqual(image.shape, (4, 80, 120, 3))
        self.assertLessEqual(np.max(image), 1)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(np.min(image), -1)
def create(network):
    """Loads the CLIP model."""
    json_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "imagenet.json")
    with open(json_path, "r") as fp:
        imagenet_labels = json.load(fp)

    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        model, _ = clip.load(network, device="cuda", jit=False)
        model = model.eval()

    prompts = clip.tokenize(
        [f"This is a photo of a {label}" for label in imagenet_labels])

    with torch.no_grad():
        prompts_features = model.encode_text(prompts.cuda()).float()
        prompts_features /= prompts_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)

    image_mean = [0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073]
    image_std = [0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711]

    def call(features):
        # Normalize according to the documentation. Note that the pre-processing
        # will already have the range normalized to [0, 1].
        images_normalized = (features["image"] - image_mean) / image_std
        # Reshape from [batch, h, w, c] -> [batch, c, h, w]
        images_torch = torch.tensor(
            np.transpose(images_normalized, [0, 3, 1, 2]).astype(np.float32))
        with torch.no_grad():
            image_features = model.encode_image(
            image_features /= image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            similarities = image_features @ prompts_features.T
            # The 100 (inv temperature) comes from the released code.
            return (100.0 * similarities).softmax(dim=-1).cpu().numpy()

    input_resolution = model.visual.input_resolution
    preprocess_config = (f"resize_small({input_resolution})|"
    preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(preprocess_config,
    return call, preprocess_fn
Example #7
def create(dataset, network, size, resolution=None):
    """Returns the BiT pre-trained models with the linear classifier layer."""
    # Mapping the dataset names to the BiT qualifiers.
    supported_datasets = {
        "Imagenet1k": "s",
        "Imagenet21k": "m",
    supported_networks = ["R50", "R101", "R152"]
    supported_sizes = ["x1", "x3", "x4"]

    if size not in supported_sizes:
        raise ValueError(f"Size {size} is not in {supported_sizes!r}.")
    if dataset not in supported_datasets:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Dataset {dataset} is not in {supported_datasets!r}.")
    if network not in supported_networks:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Network {network} is not in {supported_networks!r}.")

    root = ("{qualifier}-{network_name}{size}/"
    path = root.format(qualifier=supported_datasets[dataset],
    module = hub.load(path)

    def model(features):
        return tf.nn.softmax(module(features["image"]), axis=-1)

    if resolution is not None:
        preprocess_config_fmt = "resize_small({})|central_crop({})|value_range(0,1)"
        preprocess_config = preprocess_config_fmt.format(
            int(1.15 * resolution), resolution)
    elif size == "x4":
        preprocess_config = "resize_small(512)|central_crop(480)|value_range(0,1)"
        preprocess_config = "resize(384)|value_range(0,1)"
    preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(preprocess_config,

    return model, preprocess_fn
Example #8
def create(hub_path: str,
           preprocess_config: str = None,
           signature: str = "representation",
           logits_key: str = "logits"):
    """Returns a model using the specified hub signature and preprocessing."""
    module = hub.KerasLayer(hub_path,

    def model(features):
        return tf.nn.softmax(module(features["image"]), axis=-1)

    if preprocess_config:
        preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(
            preprocess_config, remove_tpu_dtypes=False)
        preprocess_fn = None

    return model, preprocess_fn
def create(size="1x", variant="self-supervised", resolution=None):
    """Returns the SimCLR pre-trained models with the linear classifier layer.

    size: Width of the ResNet-50 model in ('1x', '2x', '4x').
    variant: String in ["self-supervised", "fine-tuned-100"].
    resolution: If set, the preprocessing function will first 1) crop the
      smaller side to `1.15 * resolution`, and then take a square central crop
      of size `resolution`.
    tf.function wrapping the model.
    supported_sizes = ["1x", "2x", "4x"]
    supported_variants = ["self-supervised", "fine-tuned-10", "fine-tuned-100"]

    if size not in supported_sizes:
        raise ValueError(f"Size {size} is not in {supported_sizes!r}.")
    if variant not in supported_variants:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Variant {variant} is not in {supported_variants!r}.")

    module_id = f"{size}-{variant}"
    module_path = MODULE_PATHS[module_id]
    # The default signature is the 2048 dimensional representation, however we
    # want the ImageNet logits here.
    module = hub.KerasLayer(module_path, output_key="logits_sup")

    def model(features):
        return tf.nn.softmax(module(features["image"]), axis=-1)

    if resolution is not None:
        preprocess_config_fmt = "resize_small({})|central_crop({})|value_range(0,1)"
        preprocess_config = preprocess_config_fmt.format(
            int(1.15 * resolution), resolution)
        preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(
            preprocess_config, remove_tpu_dtypes=False)
        preprocess_fn = preprocess_fn_default

    return model, preprocess_fn
Example #10
def create(model: str, resolution: int, ckpt_path: str):
    """Loads a ViT model from the given checkpoint.

   model: The model name, for a list see vit_jax/models.KNOWN_MODELS.
   resolution: The image gets resized to `[resolution, resolution]`.
   ckpt_path: The .npz checkpoint file in the experiment's workdir.
    The model function and the corresponding preprocessing function.
    # Assert that there is only one host!
    assert jax.host_count() == 1, "Multi-host setups not supported under JAX."

        model = models.KNOWN_MODELS[model].partial(num_classes=1000)
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown model {model!r}, available models: "
    params = checkpoint.load(ckpt_path)
    params["pre_logits"] = {}  # Need to restore empty leaf for Flax.

    def _model_call(features, params):
        return jax.nn.softmax(, features), axis=-1)

    model_call = jax.pmap(_model_call, static_broadcasted_argnums=[1])

    def call(features):
        images = features["image"].numpy()
        # We have to pad the images in case the batch_size is not divisibly by
        # the device count.
        images_for_pmap = _pad_for_pmap(images)
        pmap_result = model_call(images_for_pmap, params)
        n_images = images.shape[0]
        return pmap_result.reshape([-1] +

    preprocess_config = f"resize({resolution})|value_range(-1,1)"
    preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(preprocess_config,
    return call, preprocess_fn
Example #11
def create(variant):
  """Loads the model.

    variant: One of 32x8d,32x16d,32x32d,32x48d.
    The model and the pre-processing function.
  with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
    model = torch.hub.load(
        "facebookresearch/WSL-Images", f"resnext101_{variant}_wsl").eval()

  with_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
  if with_cuda:"cuda")
    logging.warn("Running on CPU, no CUDA detected.")

  def call(features):
    images = features["image"].numpy()
    # Normalize according to the documentation. Note that the pro-processing
    # will already have the range normalized to [0, 1].
    mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
    std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
    images_normalized = (images - mean) / std
    # Reshape from [batch, h, w, c] -> [batch, c, h, w]
    images_normalized_bchw = np.transpose(
        images_normalized, [0, 3, 1, 2]).astype(np.float32).copy()
    with torch.no_grad():
      images_torch = torch.from_numpy(images_normalized_bchw)
      if with_cuda:
        images_torch ="cuda")
      logits = model(images_torch)
      return torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1).cpu().numpy()

  preprocess_config = "resize_small(256)|central_crop(224)|value_range(0,1)"
  preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(
      preprocess_config, remove_tpu_dtypes=True)
  return call, preprocess_fn
Example #12
# limitations under the License.

# Lint as: python3
"""Wrappers for datasets in tfds."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

from robustness_metrics.common import ops
from robustness_metrics.common import pipeline_builder
from robustness_metrics.common import types
from robustness_metrics.datasets import base
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

default_imagenet_preprocessing = None
default_config = "resize_small(256)|central_crop(224)|value_range(-1,1)"
default_imagenet_preprocessing = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(
    default_config, remove_tpu_dtypes=False)

PreprocessFn = Callable[[types.Features], types.Features]

def _enumerated_to_metadata(position, features):
  features["metadata"]["element_id"] = tf.reshape(position, [1])
  return features

class TFDSDataset(base.Dataset):
  """The base class of all `tensorflow_datasets` (TFDS) datasets.

  Two fields will be added to the wrapped dataset, before preprocessing it with
  the given function in `load` and batching. The two fields are:
def create(model_size="b0", variant="std", resolution=None):
    """Create EfficientNet models with corresponding preprocessing operations."""

    if variant not in ("std", "aa", "adv-prop", "noisy-student"):
        raise ValueError(f"EfficientNet variant not supported: {variant}")

    # Note that for the standard EfficientNet variant only B0-B5 architectures are
    # supported, B0-B7 for all other variants. Noisy-Student also supports L2
    # and L2_475 (with a resolution of 475).
    valid = (variant == "std" and model_size in {f"b{i}" for i in range(6)}) or \
            (variant != "std" and model_size in {f"b{i}" for i in range(8)}) or \
            (variant == "noisy-student" and model_size in ("l2", "l2_475"))
    if not valid:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid `model_size` {model_size!r} for EfficientNet `variant` "

    if model_size.startswith("l2"):
        noisy_student = hub.KerasLayer(MODEL_PATHS[variant +
        noisy_student = hub.KerasLayer(MODEL_PATHS[variant].format(model_size))

    def model(features):
        images = features["image"]
        return tf.nn.softmax(noisy_student(images), axis=-1)

    def preprocess_fn(features):
        # EfficientNet preprocessing with model-dependent input resolution.
        # Preprocessing mimicks that of the public EfficientNet code from
        # (both `_resize_image` and `_decode_and_center_crop` taken from that code)

        def _resize_image(image, image_size, method=None):
            if method is not None:
                return tf1.image.resize([image], [image_size, image_size],
            return tf1.image.resize_bicubic([image],
                                            [image_size, image_size])[0]

        def _decode_and_center_crop(image, image_size, resize_method=None):
            """Crops to center of image with padding then scales image_size."""
            shape = tf1.shape(image)
            image_height = shape[0]
            image_width = shape[1]

            padded_center_crop_size = tf1.cast(
                ((image_size / (image_size + CROP_PADDING)) *
                 tf.cast(tf.minimum(image_height, image_width), tf.float32)),

            offset_height = ((image_height - padded_center_crop_size) + 1) // 2
            offset_width = ((image_width - padded_center_crop_size) + 1) // 2
            image = tf1.image.crop_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height,
            image = _resize_image(image, image_size, resize_method)
            return image

        features["image"] = _decode_and_center_crop(
            features["image"], EFFICIENTNET_RESOLUTIONS[model_size])
        features["image"] = tf1.cast(features["image"], tf1.float32)
        # We assume the modules expect pixels in [-1, 1].
        features["image"] = features["image"] / 127.5 - 1.0

        return features

    if resolution is not None:
        preprocess_config_fmt = "resize_small({})|central_crop({})|value_range(-1,1)"
        preprocess_config = preprocess_config_fmt.format(
            int(1.15 * resolution), resolution)
        preprocess_fn = pipeline_builder.get_preprocess_fn(
            preprocess_config, remove_tpu_dtypes=False)

    return model, preprocess_fn