def estimate_Ambient_Isp(self, Pc=100.0, MR=1.0, eps=40.0, Pamb=14.7): """:: #: return the tuple (IspAmb, mode) #: Use throat gam to run ideal separation calculations. #: mode is a string containing, UnderExpanded, OverExpanded, or Separated #: MR is only used for ox/fuel combos. """ self.setupCards(Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps) IspVac = py_cea.rockt.vaci[2] mw, gam = py_cea.prtout.wm[1], py_cea.prtout.gammas[1] # throat gamma Cf, CfOverCfvac, mode = ambientCf(gam=gam, epsTot=eps, Pc=Pc, Pamb=Pamb) IspAmb = IspVac * CfOverCfvac return IspAmb, mode
Nsteps = 20 ispObj = CEA_Obj(oxName=oxName, fuelName=fuelName) IspODE, Cstar, Tcomb, mw, gam = ispObj.get_IvacCstrTc_ChmMwGam(Pc=pc, MR=mr, eps=eps) pcArr = [100.0, 150.0, 200.0] rs = [['Pamb', 'Cf/Cfvac', 'Pc', 'mode']] for pc in pcArr: for i in range(Nsteps + 1): Pamb = 14.7 * i / Nsteps Cf, CfOverCfvac, mode = separated_Cf.ambientCf(gam=gam, epsTot=eps, Pc=pc, Pamb=Pamb) rs.append([Pamb, CfOverCfvac, pc, mode]) rs.append(['', '', '', '']) xl = xlChart.xlChart() xl.xlApp.DisplayAlerts = 0 # Allow Quick Close without Save Message myTitle = "%s/%s Ambient Performance at Area Ratio=%.1f\n"%(oxName, fuelName, eps) +\ "Pc Range = %g - %g psia"%(min(pcArr), max(pcArr)) xl.makeChart(rs, title=myTitle, nCurves=1, chartName="Performance", sheetName="FillData",