Example #1
 def testChecklistEvalExcel(self):
     Test checklist evaluation with generated Minim file from Excel source
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "testro", "RO for testMkMinim", "ro-testMkMinim")
     self.populateTestRo(testbase, rodir)
     self.annotateResource(testbase, rodir, "", "FileAnnotations.ttl")
     rouri = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     # Create minim graph from CSV file
     gridname = "TestMkMinim.xls"
     griduri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, gridname)
     gridxls = os.path.join(rodir, gridname)
     gridbase = "http://example.org/base/"
     grid = GridExcel(gridxls, baseuri=gridbase)
     (status, minimgr) = mkminim.mkminim(grid, baseuri=grid.resolveUri(""))
     self.assertEquals(status, 0)
     # Write Minim
     minimname = "TestMkMinim_minim.ttl"
     with open(rodir + "/" + minimname, "w") as minimfile:
         minimgr.serialize(minimfile, format="turtle")
     # Evaluate checklist
     minimuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, minimname)
     minimpurpose = "test1"
     args = ["ro", "evaluate", "checklist", "-a", "-d", rodir + "/", minimname, minimpurpose, "."]
     with StdoutContext.SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(
             os.path.join(testbase, TestConfig.ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR),
             os.path.join(testbase, TestConfig.ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR),
     outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
     assert status == 0, "Status %d, outtxt: %s" % (status, outtxt)
     log.debug("status %d, outtxt: %s" % (status, outtxt))
     # Check response returned
     # filelist  = [ unicode(ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, f))
     #               for f in ["File1.txt", "File2.txt", "File3.txt"] ]
     filelist = ValueList(
         [str(ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, f)) for f in ["File1.txt", "File2.txt", "File3.txt"]]
     expect = [
         "Research Object file://%s/:" % (rodir),
         "Fully complete for test1 of resource .",
         "Satisfied requirements:",
         "  At least 3 file as part values are present",
         "  At most 3 file as part values are present",
         "  All part resource files %s are aggregated in RO" % (filelist),
         "  All file as part resources are accessible (live)",
         "  Python 2.7.x present",
         "  Files as part are partOf some indicated whole",
         "  File exists as a part",
         "Research object URI:     %s" % (rouri),
         "Minimum information URI: %s" % (minimuri),
     for line in self.outstr:
         self.assertIn(str(line)[:-1], expect)
 def testGetRequirements(self):
     def compare_reqs(req_expect, req_found):
         for k in req_expect:
             if not k in req_found:
                 log.debug("- not found: %s"%(k))
                 return False
             elif isinstance(req_expect[k], dict) and isinstance(req_found[k], dict):
                 if not compare_reqs(req_expect[k], req_found[k]): return False
             elif req_found[k] != req_expect[k]:
                 log.debug("- not found: %s: %s != %s "%(k,req_expect[k],req_found[k]))
                 return False
         return True
     rodir        = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-1", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri        = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase    = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements.rdf")
     model        = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRequirementRO")
     minimgraph   = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     requirements = ro_minim.getRequirements(minimgraph, model)
     expected_found = False
     r1 = (
         { 'level': "MUST"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("Python 2.7")
         , 'softwarerule':
           { 'command':  rdflib.Literal("python -V")
           , 'response': rdflib.Literal("Python 2.7")
           , 'derives':  ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#environment-software/python-27")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#environment-software/python-27") 
     r2 = (
         { 'level': "MUST"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("aggregates data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'datarule':
           { 'aggregates': ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
           , 'derives':    ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isPresent/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isPresent/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods") 
     r3 = (
         { 'level': "SHOULD"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("aggregates docs/reqs.css")
         , 'datarule':
           { 'aggregates': ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "docs/reqs.css") 
           , 'derives':    ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isPresent/docs/reqs.css")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isPresent/docs/reqs.css") 
     r1_found = r2_found = r3_found = False
     for r in requirements:
         log.debug("requirement: %s"%(repr(r)))
         if compare_reqs(r1, r): r1_found = True
         if compare_reqs(r2, r): r2_found = True
         if compare_reqs(r3, r): r3_found = True
     self.assertTrue(r1_found, "Expected requirement(1) not found in minim")
     self.assertTrue(r2_found, "Expected requirement(2) not found in minim")
     self.assertTrue(r3_found, "Expected requirement(3) not found in minim")
 def testGetConstraint(self):
     rodir      = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-1", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri      = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase  = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements.rdf")
     model      = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRequirementRO")
     constraint = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#create/docs/UserRequirements-astro.csv")
     minimgraph = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     c = ro_minim.getConstraint(minimgraph, rodir,
     self.assertEquals(c['target'],   ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "docs/UserRequirements-astro.csv"))
     self.assertEquals(c['purpose'],  rdflib.Literal("create UserRequirements-astro.csv"))
     self.assertEquals(c['model'],    model)
     self.assertEquals(c['uri'],      constraint)
 def testAnnotateMultiple(self):
     rodir  = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     rofile = rodir+"/"+"subdir1/subdir1-file.txt"
     define_annotations = (
         [ {"atypename": "type",        "avalue":"atype",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.type,        "aexpect":"atype" }
         , {"atypename": "keywords",    "avalue":"asubj",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.subject,     "aexpect":"asubj" }
         , {"atypename": "description", "avalue":"adesc",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.description, "aexpect":"adesc" }
         , {"atypename": "format",      "avalue":"aformat",  "atypeuri":DCTERMS.format,      "aexpect":"aformat" }
         , {"atypename": "title",       "avalue":"atitle",   "atypeuri":DCTERMS.title,       "aexpect":"atitle" }
         , {"atypename": "created",     "avalue":"acreated", "atypeuri":DCTERMS.created,     "aexpect":"acreated" }
         #, {"atypename": ..., "avalue":..., "atypeuri":..., "aexpect":... }
         #, {"atypename": ..., "avalue":..., "atypeuri":..., "aexpect":... }
     self.annotateMultiple(rodir, rofile, define_annotations)
     # Read manifest and check for annotation
     annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (resourceuri, a["atypeuri"], rdflib.Literal(a["aexpect"]))
             for a in define_annotations
     for i in range(6):
         next = annotations.next()
         #log.debug("Next %s"%(repr(next)))
         if ( next not in expected_annotations):
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(i, repr(next)))
     self.assertRaises(StopIteration, annotations.next)
     # Clean up
 def annotateTest(self, anntype, annvalue, anntypeuri, annexpect):
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     args = [
         "ro", "annotate", rodir+"/"+"subdir1/subdir1-file.txt", anntype, annvalue,
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
     outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
     assert status == 0, outtxt
     self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("ro annotate"), 1)
     # Read manifest and check for annotation
     annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (resourceuri, anntypeuri, rdflib.Literal(annexpect))
     for i in range(1):
         next = annotations.next()
         #log.debug("Next %s"%(repr(next)))
         if ( next not in expected_annotations):
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(i, repr(next)))
     self.assertRaises(StopIteration, annotations.next)
 def testAddAggregatedResourcesCommand(self):
     Test function that adds aggregated resources to a research object manifest
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     args = [
         "ro", "add", "-v", "-a",
         "-d", rodir,
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
     outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
     assert status == 0, outtxt
     log.debug("outtxt %s"%outtxt)
     def URIRef(path):
         return ro_manifest.getComponentUriAbs(rodir, path)
     s = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "")
     g = rdflib.Graph()
     g.add( (s, RDF.type,            RO.ResearchObject                       ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("README-ro-test-1")              ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("filename%20with%20spaces.txt")  ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("filename%23with%23hashes.txt")  ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("README-ro-test-1")              ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")      ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("subdir2/subdir2-file.txt")      ) )
     self.checkManifestGraph(rodir, g)
Example #7
    def testMkMinim(self):
        rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "testro", "RO for testMkMinim", "ro-testMkMinim")
        rouri = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
        # Create minim graph from CSV file
        # NOTE: a base URI may be specoified when decoding the grid or when constructing the minim
        #       graph.  The Minim graph uses its own relative references, so for consistency it may
        #       be necessary to pass the grid base URI to mkminim.  The code below does this.
        gridname = "TestMkMinim.csv"
        griduri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, gridname)
        gridcsv = os.path.join(rodir, gridname)
        gridbase = "http://example.org/base/"
        with open(gridcsv, "rU") as gridfile:
            grid = GridCSV(gridfile, baseuri=gridbase, dialect=csv.excel)
        (status, minimgr) = mkminim.mkminim(grid, baseuri=grid.resolveUri(""))
        self.assertEquals(status, 0)
        # Read expected graph
        graphname = os.path.join(rodir, "TestMkMinim.ttl")
        expectgr = rdflib.Graph()
        with open(graphname) as expectfile:
            expectgr.parse(file=expectfile, publicID=gridbase, format="turtle")
        # Check content of minim graph
        ###minimgr.serialize(sys.stdout, format="turtle")
        self.checkTargetGraph(minimgr.graph(), expectgr, msg="Not found in constructed minim graph")

Example #8
 def linkTest(self, anntype, annvalue, anntypeuri, annexpect):
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     args = [
         "ro", "link", rodir+"/"+"subdir1/subdir1-file.txt", anntype, annvalue,
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
     outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
     assert status == 0, outtxt
     self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("ro link"), 1)
     # Read manifest and check for annotation
     annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (resourceuri, anntypeuri, annexpect)
     count = 0
     for next in list(annotations):
         log.debug("- next %s"%(str(next[0])) )
         log.debug("       - (%s, %s)"%(str(next[1]),str(next[2])) )
         if next in expected_annotations:
             count += 1
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(count, repr(next)))
 def testGetRequirements(self):
     def compare_reqs(req_expect, req_found):
         for k in req_expect:
             if not k in req_found:
                 log.debug("- not found: %s"%(k))
                 return False
             elif isinstance(req_expect[k], dict) and isinstance(req_found[k], dict):
                 if not compare_reqs(req_expect[k], req_found[k]): return False
             elif req_found[k] != req_expect[k]:
                 log.debug("- not found: %s: %s != %s "%(k,req_expect[k],req_found[k]))
                 return False
         return True
     rodir        = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-2", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri        = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase    = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements2.rdf")
     model        = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRO")
     minimgraph   = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     requirements = ro_minim.getRequirements(minimgraph, model)
     r1 = (
         { 'level': "MUST"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("aggregates data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'querytestrule':
           { 'query':        rdflib.Literal("?ro a ro:ResearchObject")
           , 'resultmod':    None
           , 'aggregates_t': rdflib.Literal("data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isAggregated/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods") 
     r2 = (
         { 'level': "MUST"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("accessible data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'querytestrule':
           { 'query':        rdflib.Literal("?ro a ro:ResearchObject")
           , 'resultmod':    None
           , 'islive_t':     rdflib.Literal("data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isAccessible/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods") 
     r3 = (
         { 'level': "MUST"
         , 'label': rdflib.Literal("labeled data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
         , 'querytestrule':
           { 'query':        rdflib.Literal("?ro a ro:ResearchObject")
           , 'resultmod':    rdflib.Literal("ORDER BY ?ro")
           , 'exists':       rdflib.Literal("<data/UserRequirements-astro.ods> rdfs:label ?label")
         , 'uri': ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#isLabeled/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods") 
     r1_found = r2_found = r3_found = False
     for r in requirements:
         log.debug("requirement: %s"%(repr(r)))
         if compare_reqs(r1, r): r1_found = True
         if compare_reqs(r2, r): r2_found = True
         if compare_reqs(r3, r): r3_found = True
     self.assertTrue(r1_found, "Expected requirement(1) not found in minim")
     self.assertTrue(r2_found, "Expected requirement(2) not found in minim")
     self.assertTrue(r3_found, "Expected requirement(3) not found in minim")
 def testGetConstraints(self):
     rodir      = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-2", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri      = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase  = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements2.rdf")
     model      = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRO")
     constraint = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#create/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
     # Read Minim as graph, scan constraints and look for expected value
     minimgraph = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     constraints = ro_minim.getConstraints(minimgraph)
     expected_found = False
     for c in constraints:
         if ( c['target']   == ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "data/UserRequirements-astro.ods") and
              c['purpose']  == rdflib.Literal("create UserRequirements-astro.ods")                   and
              c['model']    == model                                                                 and
              c['uri']      == constraint ) :
             expected_found = True
     self.assertTrue(expected_found, "Expected constraint not found in minim")
 def testGetModel(self):
     rodir      = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-2", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri      = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase  = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements2.rdf")
     model      = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRO")
     minimgraph = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     m = ro_minim.getModel(minimgraph, model)
     self.assertEquals(m['label'], rdflib.Literal("Runnable RO"))
     self.assertEquals(m['uri'],   model)
 def testMinimRead(self):
     Basic test that Minim test file can be read
     rodir      = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-2", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri      = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase  = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements2.rdf")
     target     = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
     constraint = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#create/data/UserRequirements-astro.ods")
     model      = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRO")
     g = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     expected_minim = (
         [ (target,     MINIM.hasChecklist,  constraint                                          )
         , (constraint, MINIM.forPurpose,    rdflib.Literal('create UserRequirements-astro.ods') )
         , (constraint, MINIM.toModel,       model                                               )
         , (model,      RDF.type,            MINIM.Model                                         )
     self.checkTargetGraph(g, expected_minim, msg="Not found in Minim")
Example #13
 def testGridRead(self):
     Basic test that Minim test file can be read
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "testro", "RO for Minim creation test", "ro-testMkMinim")
     rouri = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     gridname = "TestMkMinim.csv"
     griduri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, gridname)
     gridcsv = os.path.join(rodir, gridname)
     with open(gridcsv, "rU") as gridfile:
         grid = GridCSV(gridfile, baseuri=griduri, dialect=csv.excel)
     self.assertEqual(grid[0][0], "Minim definition for MkMinim testing")
 def testGetModels(self):
     rodir      = self.createTestRo(testbase, "test-data-2", "RO test minim", "ro-testMinim")
     rouri      = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     minimbase  = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "Minim-UserRequirements2.rdf")
     model      = ro_minim.getElementUri(minimbase, "#runnableRO")
     minimgraph = ro_minim.readMinimGraph(minimbase)
     models     = ro_minim.getModels(minimgraph)
     expected_found = False
     for m in models:
         if ( m['label']  == rdflib.Literal("Runnable RO") and
              m['uri']    == model ) :
             expected_found = True
     self.assertTrue(expected_found, "Expected model not found in minim")
 def testGetComponentUri(self):
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("/example/ro/dir", "a/b.txt"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("/example/ro/dir/", "a/b.txt"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("ro/dir", "a/b.txt"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("ro/dir/", "a/b.txt"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("/example/ro/dir", "a/b/d/"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("/example/ro/dir/", "a/b/d/"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("ro/dir", "a/b/d/"),
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri("ro/dir/", "a/b/d/"),
 def testManifestContent(self):
     Test content of newly created manifest
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     ro_graph = ro_manifest.readManifestGraph(rodir)
     self.checkManifestGraph(rodir, ro_graph)
     s = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "")
     g = rdflib.Graph()
     g.add( (s, RDF.type,            RO.ResearchObject                            ) )
     g.add( (s, DCTERMS.creator,     rdflib.Literal(ro_test_config.ROBOXUSERNAME) ) )
     g.add( (s, DCTERMS.description, rdflib.Literal("RO test annotation")         ) )
     g.add( (s, DCTERMS.title,       rdflib.Literal("RO test annotation")         ) )
     g.add( (s, DCTERMS.identifier,  rdflib.Literal("ro-testRoAnnotate")          ) )
     self.checkManifestGraph(rodir, g)
 def testAddAggregatedResources(self):
     Test function that adds aggregated resources to a research object manifest
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     ro_manifest.addAggregatedResources(rodir, rodir, recurse=True)
     def URIRef(path):
         return ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, path)
     s = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "")
     g = rdflib.Graph()
     g.add( (s, RDF.type,            RO.ResearchObject                  ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("README-ro-test-1")         ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("subdir1/subdir1-file.txt") ) )
     g.add( (s, ORE.aggregates,      URIRef("subdir2/subdir2-file.txt") ) )
     self.checkManifestGraph(rodir, g)
 def testAddGetAllAnnotations(self):
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "Test get all annotations", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     roresource = "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt"
     # Add anotations for file
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "type",         "Test file")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "description",  "File in test research object")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "note",         "Research object file created for annotation testing")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "title",        "Test file in RO")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "created",      "2011-12-07")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "rdf:type",     ROTERMS.resource)
     # Retrieve the file anotations
     annotations = ro_annotation.getAllAnnotations(rodir)
     rouri       = ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir)
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, roresource)
     log.debug("resourceuri: %s"%(resourceuri))
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (rouri,       DCTERMS.description,  rdflib.Literal('Test get all annotations'))
         , (rouri,       DCTERMS.title,        rdflib.Literal('Test get all annotations'))
         , (rouri,       DCTERMS.created,      rdflib.Literal('unknown'))
         , (rouri,       DCTERMS.creator,      rdflib.Literal('Test User'))
         , (rouri,       DCTERMS.identifier,   rdflib.Literal('ro-testRoAnnotate'))
         , (rouri,       RDF.type,             RO.ResearchObject)
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.type,         rdflib.Literal('Test file'))
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.description,  rdflib.Literal('File in test research object'))
         , (resourceuri, ROTERMS.note,         rdflib.Literal('Research object file created for annotation testing'))
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.title,        rdflib.Literal('Test file in RO'))
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.created,      rdflib.Literal('2011-12-07'))
         , (resourceuri, RDF.type,             ROTERMS.resource)
     for i in range(12+1+6):      # Annotations + aggregations
         next = annotations.next()
         #log.debug("Next %s"%(repr(next)))
         if ( next not in expected_annotations and
              next[1] != DCTERMS.created       and
              next[1] != ORE.aggregates        ):
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(i, repr(next)))
     self.assertRaises(StopIteration, annotations.next)
 def testCreateReadRoAnnotationBody(self):
     Test function to create simple annotation body
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     roresource = "."
     attrdict = {
         "type":         rdflib.Literal("Research Object"),
         # @@TODO: handle lists "keywords":     ["test", "research", "object"],
         "description":  rdflib.Literal("Test research object"),
         "format":       rdflib.Literal("application/vnd.wf4ever.ro"),
         "note":         rdflib.Literal("Research object created for annotation testing"),
         "title":        rdflib.Literal("Test research object"),
         "created":      rdflib.Literal("2011-12-07")
     annotationfilebase = ro_annotation.createAnnotationBody(
         ro_config, rodir, roresource, attrdict)
     # Ann-%04d%02d%02d-%04d-%s.rdf
         msg="Unexpected filename form for annotation: "+annotationfilebase)
     annotationfilename = ro_annotation.makeAnnotationFilename(rodir, annotationfilebase)
     annotationgraph    = ro_annotation.readAnnotationBody(rodir, annotationfilename)
     attrpropdict = {
         "type":         DCTERMS.type,
         # @@TODO "keywords":     DCTERMS.subject,
         "description":  DCTERMS.description,
         "format":       DCTERMS.format,
         "note":         ROTERMS.note,
         "title":        DCTERMS.title,
         "created":      DCTERMS.created
     s = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, roresource)
     log.debug("annotation subject %s"%repr(s))
     for k in attrpropdict:
         p = attrpropdict[k]
         log.debug("annotation predicate %s"%repr(p))
         v = attrdict[k]
         a = annotationgraph.value(s, p, None)
         log.debug("annotation value %s"%repr(a))
         #self.assertEqual(len(a), 1, "Singleton result expected")
         self.assertEqual(a, v)
Example #20
 def testLinkWithGraph(self):
     rodir  = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     rofile = rodir+"/"+"subdir1/subdir1-file.txt"
     define_annotations = (
         [ {"atypename": "type",        "avalue":"atype",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.type,        "aexpect":"atype" }
         , {"atypename": "keywords",    "avalue":"asubj",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.subject,     "aexpect":"asubj" }
         , {"atypename": "description", "avalue":"adesc",    "atypeuri":DCTERMS.description, "aexpect":"adesc" }
         , {"atypename": "format",      "avalue":"aformat",  "atypeuri":DCTERMS.format,      "aexpect":"aformat" }
         , {"atypename": "title",       "avalue":"atitle",   "atypeuri":DCTERMS.title,       "aexpect":"atitle" }
         , {"atypename": "created",     "avalue":"acreated", "atypeuri":DCTERMS.created,     "aexpect":"acreated" }
     # Create annotation graph file and apply annotations
     annotation_graph = rdflib.Graph()
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     for ann in define_annotations:
         annotation_graph.add( (resourceuri, ann["atypeuri"], rdflib.Literal(ann["aexpect"])) )
     annotation_graph_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(rodir), "annotate-subdir1-file.txt.rdf")
         format='xml', base=ro_manifest.getRoUri(rodir), xml_base="")
     args = ["ro", "annotate", rofile, "-g", annotation_graph_filename ]
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
     outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
     assert status == 0, outtxt
     # Read manifest and check for annotation
     annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt")
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (resourceuri, a["atypeuri"], rdflib.Literal(a["aexpect"]))
             for a in define_annotations
     count = 0
     for next in list(annotations):
         log.debug("- next %s"%(str(next[0])) )
         log.debug("       - (%s, %s)"%(str(next[1]),str(next[2])) )
         if next in expected_annotations:
             count += 1
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(count, repr(next)))
     # Clean up
Example #21
def getConstraint(minimgraph, rouri, target_ref, purpose_regex_string):
    Find constraint matching supplied RO, target and purpose regex
    Constraint is returned with:
    targetro_actual  -> URI of resource
    targetres_actual -> URI of target if supplied, else subject of minium:hasConstraint
    def mkstr(u):
        return u and str(u)
    log.debug("getConstraint: rouri %s, target_ref %s"%(rouri, target_ref))
    target       = target_ref and ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rouri, target_ref)
    log.debug("               target_uri %s"%(target))
    purpose      = purpose_regex_string and re.compile(purpose_regex_string)
    templatedict = {'targetro': urllib.unquote(str(rouri))}
    if target:
        # Allow use of {+targetres} in checklist target template:
        templatedict['targetres'] = urllib.unquote(str(target))
    for c in getConstraints(minimgraph):
        log.debug("- test: target %s purpose %s"%(c['target'],c['purpose']))
        log.debug("- purpose %s, c['purpose'] %s"%(purpose_regex_string, c['purpose']))
        if not purpose or purpose.match(c['purpose']):
            c['targetro_actual']   = rouri
            c['targetres_actual']  = target or c['target']
            if not target:
                # No target specified in request, match any (first) constraint
                return c
            if c['target'] == target:
                # Match explicit target specification (subject of minim:hasConstraint)
                return c
            log.debug("- target: %s, c['target_t']: %s"%(target, repr(c['target_t'])))
            if c['target_t'] and c['target_t'].value == "*":
                # Special case: wilcard ("*") template matches any target
                return c
            if target and c['target_t']:
                log.debug("- expand %s"%(uritemplate.expand(c['target_t'], templatedict)))
                if str(target) == uritemplate.expand(c['target_t'], templatedict):
                    # Target matches expanded template from constraint description
                    return c
    return None
 def testCreateReadFileAnnotationBody(self):
     Test function to create simple annotation body
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     roresource = "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt"
     attrdict = {
         "type":         "Test file",
         "description":  "File in test research object",
         "note":         "File in research object created for annotation testing",
         "title":        "Test file in RO",
         "created":      "2011-12-07"
     annotationfilebase = ro_annotation.createAnnotationBody(
         ro_config, rodir, roresource, attrdict)
     # Ann-%04d%02d%02d-%04d-%s.rdf
         msg="Unexpected filename form for annotation: "+annotationfilebase)
     annotationfilename = ro_annotation.makeAnnotationFilename(rodir, annotationfilebase)
     annotationgraph = ro_annotation.readAnnotationBody(rodir, annotationfilename)
     attrpropdict = {
         "type":         DCTERMS.type,
         "description":  DCTERMS.description,
         "note":         ROTERMS.note,
         "title":        DCTERMS.title,
         "created":      DCTERMS.created
     s = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, roresource)
     log.debug("annotation subject %s"%repr(s))
     for k in attrpropdict:
         p = attrpropdict[k]
         log.debug("annotation predicate %s"%repr(p))
         v = attrdict[k]
         a = annotationgraph.value(s, p, None)
         log.debug("annotation value %s"%repr(a))
         #self.assertEqual(len(a), 1, "Singleton result expected")
         self.assertEqual(a, v)
 def testAnnotateFileWithEscapes(self):
     rodir  = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "RO test annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     rofile1 = rodir+"/"+"filename with spaces.txt"
     rofile2 = rodir+"/"+"filename#with#hashes.txt"
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         for rofile in [rofile1,rofile2]:
             args = ["ro", "annotate", rofile, "type", "atype"]
             status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
             outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
             assert status == 0, outtxt
     # Reset output stream buffer closed
     self.outstr = StringIO.StringIO()
     # Read manifest and check for annotation
     for rofile in [rofile1,rofile2]:
         resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, rofile)
         annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, rofile)
         next = annotations.next()
         self.assertEqual(next, (resourceuri, DCTERMS.type, rdflib.Literal("atype")))
         self.assertRaises(StopIteration, annotations.next)
     # Clean up
 def testRemoveGetFileAnnotations(self):
     rodir = self.createTestRo(testbase, "data/ro-test-1", "Test remove file annotation", "ro-testRoAnnotate")
     roresource = "subdir1/subdir1-file.txt"
     # Add anotations for file
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "type",         "Test file")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "description",  "File in test research object")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "note",         "Research object file created for annotation testing")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "title",        "Test file in RO")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "created",      "2011-12-07")
     ro_annotation._addSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "rdf:type",     ROTERMS.resource)
     # Remove annotations
     ro_annotation._removeSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "description",  "File in test research object")
     ro_annotation._removeSimpleAnnotation(ro_config, rodir, roresource,
         "note",         None)
     # Retrieve the file anotations
     annotations = ro_annotation._getFileAnnotations(rodir, roresource)
     resourceuri = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, roresource)
     log.debug("resourceuri: %s"%(resourceuri))
     expected_annotations = (
         [ (resourceuri, DCTERMS.type,         rdflib.Literal('Test file'))
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.title,        rdflib.Literal('Test file in RO'))
         , (resourceuri, DCTERMS.created,      rdflib.Literal('2011-12-07'))
         , (resourceuri, RDF.type,             ROTERMS.resource)
     for i in range(4):
         next = annotations.next()
         #log.debug("Next %s"%(repr(next)))
         if ( next not in expected_annotations):
             self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(i, repr(next)))
     self.assertRaises(StopIteration, annotations.next)
 def testUri(rodir, path, uristring):
     self.assertEquals(ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, path), rdflib.URIRef(uristring))
 def URIRef(path):
     return ro_manifest.getComponentUri(rodir, path)