Example #1
def beforeMailPassword(self, login, REQUEST, **kw):
    """ Password reset only with Role 'Member' """
    portal = getSite()
    reject_non_members = IAnnotations(portal).get('rohberg.doorman.reject_non_members', True)
    if reject_non_members:
        membership = getToolByName(self, 'portal_membership')
        member = membership.getMemberById(login)
        if member:
            if not (member.has_role("Member") or member.has_role("Manager")):
                raise ValueError(_(u"Your account is locked."))
    return self.original_mailPassword(login, REQUEST, **kw)
Example #2
def testPasswordValidity(self, password, confirm=None):

    """ Verify that the password satisfies the portal's requirements.

    o If the password is valid, return None.
    o If not, return a string explaining why.
    if not password:
        return _(u'You must enter a password.')

    # if len(password) < 5 and not _checkPermission(ManagePortal, self):
    #     return _(u'Your password must contain at least 5 characters.')

    if confirm is not None and confirm != password:
        return _(u'Your password and confirmation did not match. '
                 u'Please try again.')
    # changes:
    # Use PAS to test validity
    pas_instance = self.acl_users
    plugins = pas_instance._getOb('plugins')
    validators = plugins.listPlugins(IValidationPlugin)
    err = []
    for validator_id, validator in validators:
        user = None
        set_id = ''
        set_info = {'password':password}
        errors = validator.validateUserInfo( user, set_id, set_info )
        err += [info['error'] for info in errors if info['id'] == 'password' ]
    if err:
        return ' '.join(err)
        # original policy if no custom policy defined
        if len(password) < 5 and not _checkPermission(ManagePortal, self):
            return _(u'Your password must contain at least 5 characters.')
        return None
Example #3
def redirect_to_loggedout_reset_password(user):
    Redirects the user to reset password form

    :return: True or False depending if we found a redirect target or not
    portal = getSite()
    request = getattr(portal, "REQUEST", None)
    if not request:
        return False
    username = user.getId()
    def isPasswordDurationExpired(portal, member):
            return False
        plugin = portal.acl_users.get(PLUGIN_ID, None)
        if not plugin:
            return False
        password_duration = plugin.getPasswordDuration()
        # if no password_duration defined or password_duration == 0: no password reset neccessary
        if password_duration < 1:
            return False
        jetzt = DateTime()
        last_password_reset = member.getProperty('last_password_reset', jetzt-1000)
        cond = last_password_reset+password_duration < jetzt
        if cond:
            return True
        return False
    def getPasswordResetURL(portal, username):
        reset_tool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_password_reset')
        reset = reset_tool.requestReset(username)
        url = u"%s/passwordreset/%s?userid=%s" % (portal.absolute_url(), reset.get('randomstring',""), username)
        return url

    # reject non-members and redirect to info page
    annotations = IAnnotations(portal)
    reject_non_members = annotations.get('rohberg.doorman.reject_non_members', True)
    if reject_non_members:
        if not user.has_role('Member') and not user.has_role('Manager'):
            # logout:
            logger.info("Redirecting non-member %s to info page" % username)

            msg = _(u"Your account is locked.")
            portal.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(msg, type='info')

            url = portal.absolute_url() + "/login"
            return request.response.redirect(url)

    if isPasswordDurationExpired(portal, user):
        # logout:
        url = getPasswordResetURL(portal, username)
        logger.info("Redirecting user %s to reset password form %s" % (username, url))
        msg = _(u"Your password is expired. Please reset your password.")
        portal.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(msg, type='error')
        return True

    # Let the normal login proceed to the page "You are now logged in" etc.
    return False