Example #1
        def upgrade(self, node):
            nso = NodeSaltOps(node)
            wait_for_rejoin = False

            ''' Prep '''

            _LOG.info('Verifying I can ping node=%s through Salt', node)
            assert nso.ping()

            ''' Highstate '''

            _LOG.info('Blazing it up (lighting a highstate) on node=%s', node)
            ret = nso.cmd('state.highstate', quiet=True)

            # Check for changes in the elasticsearch service from highstate run
            svc_changes = ret['service_|-elasticsearch_|-elasticsearch_|-running']['changes']
            if svc_changes:
                wait_for_rejoin = True
                _LOG.info('Salt elasticsearch service changes: %s', svc_changes)
                _LOG.info('Salt reported that no changes were performed on the elasticsearch service.')

            ''' HACK Work around broken pkg.latest in Salt '''

            upgradable = nso.cmd('pkg.available_version', ['elasticsearch'])
            if upgradable:
                _LOG.info('Working around broken pkg.latest in Salt')

                # We force a stop here because elasticsearch upgrades can make
                # service stop no longer work, leaving a zombie ES process that
                # sysvinit cannot control
                assert nso.ensure_elasticsearch_is_dead()
                wait_for_rejoin = True

                ret = nso.cmd('pkg.install', ['elasticsearch'])
                if ret.get('elasticsearch'):
                    wait_for_rejoin = True

            ''' Wait for node to rejoin (if applicable) '''

            if wait_for_rejoin:
                _LOG.info('Waiting for node=%s to rejoin', node)

                if not nso.service_status('elasticsearch'):
                    assert nso.service_start('elasticsearch')
                    assert nso.wait_for_service_status('elasticsearch', True)
                self.wait_until_node_joins(node.name, uptime_less_than=node.uptime.total_seconds())
Example #2
        def restart(self, node):
            _LOG.info('Found node with heap above threshold=%d: %s', heap_used_percent_threshold, node)

            nso = NodeSaltOps(node)

            ''' Prep '''

            _LOG.info('Verifying I can ping node=%s through Salt', node)
            assert nso.ping()

            ''' Shutdown '''

            assert nso.ensure_elasticsearch_is_dead()

            ''' Start '''

            assert nso.service_start('elasticsearch')
            assert nso.wait_for_service_status('elasticsearch', True)

            ''' Wait until node joins '''

            self.wait_until_node_joins(node.name, uptime_less_than=node.uptime.total_seconds())