Example #1
# Blink the lights connected to the RomiPi
# The neopixel should turn red, yellow, then red
from romipi_astar.romipi_driver import AStar
import time

led_delay_s = 2.0

romi = AStar()

# turn on red LED
romi.leds(True, False, False)
romi.pixels(250, 0, 0)
print("LED RED")
print("PIXEL RED")

# turn on yellow LED
romi.leds(False, True, False)
romi.pixels(0, 250, 0)
print("LED YELLOW")
print("PIXEL GREEN")

# turn on green LED
romi.leds(False, False, True)
romi.pixels(0, 0, 250)
print("LED GREEN")
print("PIXEL BLUE")
# Move the robot forwards and backwards
from romipi_astar.romipi_driver import AStar
import time

motor_delay_s = 5.0
forward_speed_m_s = 0.25
stop_speed_m_s = 1.25
romi = AStar()

# int main()
# turn off all LEDs
romi.leds(False, False, False)
romi.pixels(0, 0, 0)
print("Displaying Circle Code")
var = input("Press s/S to stop and any key to continue: ")  #input
while var != "s" and var != "S":
    currentTime = time.time()
    nextTime = currentTime + motor_delay_s
    while currentTime < nextTime:  #loops for prev time delay
        romi.twist(forward_speed_m_s, stop_speed_m_s)  # makes a circle
        currentTime = time.time()
    romi.twist(0.0, 0.0)  # stop
    var = input("Press s/S to stop and any key to continue: ")  #input