Example #1
    def calculate_layout(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], tatami_index: int,
                         tmpRoom: Room, half_used: bool) -> None:
        Recursively calculates the layout for a given room, filling the solutions
        member array with all possible solutions. It doesn't check whether the
        solutions themselves are rotation or reflection invariant.
        #stop condition:
        if tmpRoom.is_full() and self.is_solution(tmpRoom):
            if room not in self.solutions:

        #try horizontal:
        if tmpRoom.can_place_tatami(pos, (Orientation.west, tatami_index)):
            tmpRoom.place_tatami(pos, (Orientation.west, tatami_index))
            self.calculate_layout(self.next_position(pos, tmpRoom),
                                  tatami_index + 1, tmpRoom, half_used)

        #try vertical:
        if tmpRoom.can_place_tatami(pos, (Orientation.south, tatami_index)):
            tmpRoom.place_tatami(pos, (Orientation.south, tatami_index))
            self.calculate_layout(self.next_position(pos, tmpRoom),
                                  tatami_index + 1, tmpRoom, half_used)

        #try half:
        if not half_used and tmpRoom.can_place_tatami(
                pos, (Orientation.half, tatami_index)):
            half_used = True
            tmpRoom.place_tatami(pos, (Orientation.half, tatami_index))
            self.calculate_layout(self.next_position(pos, tmpRoom),
                                  tatami_index + 1, tmpRoom, half_used)
            half_used = False