def generate_rooms(self): # Idea is to process everything at once so we can switch between rooms with ease. = list() i = 0 while True: # Generate all possible rooms. if there is a gap anywhere, the generator will stop there. try: get_room(i) except KeyError: break i += 1 print("Generated " + str(i) + " rooms.")
def move(self, dir): newroom = self.loc._neighbor(dir) if newroom is None: print("You can't go that way.") else: self.loc = get_room(newroom) self.look()
def leave(self): globals.chara.go_to_room(rooms.get_room('room_area1')) self.return_ = False
def __init__(self, room=0): super(GameScene, self).__init__() lines = get_room(room) self.lines = lines self.nextScene = None self.nextSceneThread = None self.roomNumber = room lineLength = len(max(lines, key=len)) charset = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'charset3.png')).convert_alpha() shadow = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'shadow.png')).convert_alpha() walls = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'veggur2.png')).convert_alpha() heart = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'hearts.png')).convert_alpha() floor_tile = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'floor.png')).convert_alpha() door = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'hurd2.png')).convert_alpha() self.arrowSprite = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'arrow.png')).convert_alpha() self.sword_texture = aspect_scale(pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'swords3.png')).convert_alpha(), (100000, drawSize)) self.sword_icon = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'sword icon.png')).convert_alpha() self.keyTexture = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'Small_Key_MC.gif')).convert_alpha() self.heartTexture = heart self.paused = False self.entities = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.npcs = pygame.sprite.Group() self.animations = list() self.collidables = list() charset = aspect_scale(charset, (drawSize * 16, 100000)) # Even though it shouldn't, this does affect character width and therefore AI character_sprite_size = (charset.get_width() / 18, charset.get_height() / 8, drawSize * 0.9) charsetRect = charset.get_rect() self.player = Player(pygame.Rect(30, 30, drawSize-1, drawSize / 5 * 3), charset.subsurface(pygame.Rect(0, charsetRect.bottom - (charsetRect.height / 8 * 4), charset.get_width() / 18 * 3, charsetRect.height / 8 * 4)), character_sprite_size) self.block_group = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() self.action_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.background_group = pygame.sprite.Group() self.grand_clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.levelrect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, lineLength * drawSize, len(lines) * drawSize) self.gameSurface = pygame.Surface(self.levelrect.size) = pygame.Rect(0, 0, min(window_width, self.gameSurface.get_width()), min(window_height, self.gameSurface.get_height())) #Custom event timers self.timers = list() #Grid self.grid = Grid([lineLength, len(lines)]) screenrect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, window_width, window_height) self.cameraLeeway = pygame.Rect(0, 0, window_width / (drawSize / 8), window_height / (drawSize / 8)) = = self.doors = list() """ Guide to room element codes: Stone floor = 0 Stone wall = 1 Wood door = 2, add a "L" to make it locked Player = "Player" Melee enemy = "Stalker" Bow enemy = "Bowman" Chest = "Chest", contents can be found at [0][0] """ for i in xrange(len(lines)): for j in xrange(len(lines[i])): rect = pygame.Rect(j * drawSize, i * drawSize, drawSize, drawSize) if 1 in lines[i][j]: sliced = self.make_array_slice(lines, i, j, [1]) # array, i, j, filler sprite = self.make_wall_block(walls, sliced) sprite = SimpleRectSprite(rect, sprite.image, True) self.block_group.add(sprite) if "Stalker" in lines[i][j]: stalker = Stalker(pygame.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, drawSize-1, drawSize / 5 * 3), charset.subsurface(pygame.Rect(charset.get_width() / 18 * 3, charsetRect.bottom - (charsetRect.height / 8 * 4), charset.get_width() / 18 * 3, charsetRect.height / 8 * 4)), character_sprite_size, self.player) self.npcs.add(stalker) if "Bowman" in lines[i][j]: bowman = Bowman(pygame.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, drawSize-1, drawSize / 5 * 3), charset.subsurface(pygame.Rect(charset.get_width() / 18 * 6, charsetRect.bottom - (charsetRect.height / 8 * 4), charset.get_width() / 18 * 3, charsetRect.height / 8 * 4)), character_sprite_size, self.player) self.npcs.add(bowman) #pygame.time.set_timer(bowmanShootEvent, 5000) if "Player" in lines[i][j]: self.player.update_player(pygame.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, drawSize - 1, drawSize / 5 * 3), 180) if 2 in lines[i][j]: # Check if vertical door or horizontal door # If door has already been made, skip this # Assuming that this is the top-left corner of the door array_slice = self.make_array_slice(lines, i, j, [0]) temp_rect = pygame.Rect(rect) if not (2 in array_slice[0][1] or 2 in array_slice[1][0]): rotation = 0 if len(lines) - 1 >= (i + 1) and len(lines[i]) - 1 >= (j + 2) and 2 in lines[i+1][j+2]: if i > len(lines) / 2: rotation = 180 else: rotation = 0 temp_rect.w = drawSize * 3 temp_rect.h = drawSize * 2 elif len(lines) - 1 >= (i + 2) and len(lines[i]) - 1 >= (j + 1) and 2 in lines[i+2][j+1]: if j > len(lines[i]) / 2: rotation = 270 else: rotation = 90 temp_rect.w = drawSize * 2 temp_rect.h = drawSize * 3 else: print("Level not set up properly.") raise Exception inner_rect = pygame.Rect(75, 0, 75, 50) if "L" in lines[i][j] else pygame.Rect(0, 0, 75, 50) door_texture = door.copy().subsurface(inner_rect) door_texture = pygame.transform.scale(door_texture, (drawSize * 3, drawSize * 2)) door_texture = pygame.transform.rotate(door_texture, rotation) temp_door = Door(temp_rect, door_texture, rotation, pygame.transform.scale(door, (drawSize * 6, drawSize * 2)), True if "L" in lines[i][j] else False) self.doors.append(temp_door) self.action_group.add(temp_door) self.collidables.append(temp_door) if 0 in lines[i][j]: sprite = SimpleRectSprite(rect, floor_tile, True) sprite.image = pygame.transform.rotate(sprite.image, random.randrange(0, 360, 90)) self.background_group.add(sprite) self.triggers = list() for tag in lines[0][0]: if type(tag) is Trigger: self.triggers.append(tag) try: tag.placeWhere except: pass else: tag.set_place(lines) # Merge individual blocks into lines self.block_lines = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() lastBlock = None currentLineSpriteGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() for block in self.block_group: if lastBlock is None: lastBlock = block currentLineSpriteGroup.add(block) continue if (lastBlock.rect.y == block.rect.y and lastBlock.rect.height == block.rect.height and lastBlock.rect.right == block.rect.left): currentLineSpriteGroup.add(block) else: self.block_lines.add(ConjoinedSpriteGroup(currentLineSpriteGroup)) currentLineSpriteGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(block) lastBlock = block self.block_lines.add(ConjoinedSpriteGroup(currentLineSpriteGroup)) #Merge lines into large blocks """self.large_block_group = pygame.sprite.Group() tempasd = pygame.sprite.Group() for line in self.block_lines: for line2 in self.block_lines: if (lastBlock.rect.x == block.rect.x and lastBlock.rect.width == block.rect.width and ( == block.rect.bottom)): for large_block in self.large_block_group: if large_block.rect.contains(line2): break else: tempasd.add(line2) self.large_block_group.add(ConjoinedSpriteGroup(pygame.sprite.Group()))""" self.collidables.extend(self.block_lines) self.entities.add(self.player, self.npcs) self.character_collision_boxes = [char.get_collision_box() for char in self.entities] #self.grid.update_grid(self.collidables + self.character_collision_boxes) self.grid.update_grid(self.collidables) if self.character_collision_boxes: self.shadow = pygame.transform.scale(shadow, self.character_collision_boxes[0].rect.size) self.update_hearts(heart) self.update_keys(self.keyTexture) self.swordsprite = SimpleSprite(self.player.rect.midtop, pygame.Surface((0, 0))) """self.backgroundFill = pygame.Surface((window_size)) self.backgroundFill.fill(BLACK) self.gameSurface.blit(self.backgroundFill,""" backgroundSurface = self.gameSurface.copy() backgroundSurface.fill(BLACK) self.block_group.draw(backgroundSurface) self.background_group.draw(backgroundSurface) backgroundSprite = SimpleSprite((0, 0), backgroundSurface) self.background = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates(backgroundSprite,) self.windowRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), window_size) self.offset = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.levelrect.w < window_width: self.offset.x = (window_width - self.levelrect.w) / 2 if self.levelrect.h < window_height: self.offset.y = (window_height - self.levelrect.h) / 2 = self.arrows = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.timerThread = threading.Thread()
def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.loc = get_room("A31") self.look()
def load(self, file: str): """ Load a SAVE file. If passed a file-like object, read from it. If passed a string, open a file with that name. If passed a string and contains a newline, use that as the SAVE file. """ try: if isinstance(file, str) and '\n' in file: i = file.split('\n') else: try: f = open(file) except TypeError: f = file finally: i ="\n") f.close() i = [None] + i # for easier indexing self.charname = i[1] = int(i[2]) self.maxhp = int(i[3]) self.maxen = int(i[4]) = int(i[5]) self.wstrength = int(i[6]) self.df = int(i[7]) self.adef = int(i[8]) self.sp = int(i[9]) self.xp = int(i[10]) = int(i[11]) self.kills = int(i[12]) self.inventory = [None] * 8 for j, k in zip(range(8), i[13:29:2]): self.inventory[j] = item.get_item(int(k)) self.inventory = list(filter(None, self.inventory)) = [None] * 8 for j, k in zip(range(8), i[14:29:2]):[j] = item.get_item(int(k)) = list(filter(None, self.weapon = item.get_item(int(i[29])) self.armor = item.get_item(int(i[30])) for j, k in zip(range(512), i[31:543]): self.flags[j] = int(k) self.plot = i[543] for j, k in zip(range(4), i[544:547]): self.menuchoice[j] = int(k) self.currentsong = int( i[547]) # TODO: figure out how to define songs. if int(i[547]) in list(range(0, 5)) + list(range(239, 264)) + list( range(239, 264)) and not globals.DEBUG: raise globals.UndertaleError = int(i[547]) self.time = int(i[549]) globals.time = self.time = rooms.get_room( globals.last_save_room_name = self.custom_data = i[550:] except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() output = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) if globals.DEBUG: print('Load FAILED because:') print('\n'.join(output)) raise globals.UndertaleError