def apply_contra_harmonic_mean(img, filter_size, q):
        filter_size = util.format_filter_size(filter_size)
        obtained, original = util.get_empty_image_with_same_dimensions(img)

        if len(img.shape) == 2:
            for i in range(len(original)):
                for j in range(len(original[0])):
                    neighbors = ImageFilter.__get_neighbors_matrix(
                        filter_size, i, j, original)
                    obtained[i][j] = ImageFilter.get_contra_harmonic_mean(
                        neighbors, q)
            R = ImageFilter.apply_contra_harmonic_mean(img[:, :, 0],
                                                       filter_size, q)
            G = ImageFilter.apply_contra_harmonic_mean(img[:, :, 1],
                                                       filter_size, q)
            B = ImageFilter.apply_contra_harmonic_mean(img[:, :, 2],
                                                       filter_size, q)
            output = np.zeros((R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            output[:, :, 0] = R
            output[:, :, 1] = G
            output[:, :, 2] = B
            obtained = output

        return obtained
Example #2
 def compress(self):
     initial_bytes_amount = self.__read_bytes_amount(self.filename)
     img = util.read_image(self.filename)
     img = self.apply_bilinear_interpolation(img, 0.8)
     scaled_filename = self.__format_scaled_filename(self.filename)
     util.save_image(scaled_filename, img)
     compressor = Huffman(scaled_filename)
     return compressor.compress_filename, initial_bytes_amount, compressor.final_bytes_amount
Example #3
 def decompress(self):
     compressor = Huffman(self.filename)
     img = util.read_image(compressor.decompress_filename)
     img = self.apply_bilinear_interpolation(img, 1.2)
     scaled_filename = compressor.decompress_filename.replace(
         "small", "big")
     util.save_image(scaled_filename, img)
     return scaled_filename
    def apply_laplacian(img):
        kernel = np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]])

        obtained = ImageFilter.apply_convolution(img, kernel)

        norm_obtained = util.normalize_image(obtained)
        sharpened = img + norm_obtained
        norm_sharpened = util.normalize_image(sharpened)
        return norm_obtained, norm_sharpened
    def apply_geometric_mean(img, filter_size):
        filter_size = util.format_filter_size(filter_size)
        obtained, original = util.get_empty_image_with_same_dimensions(img)
        for i in range(len(original)):
            for j in range(len(original[0])):
                neighbors = ImageFilter.__get_neighbors_matrix(
                    filter_size, i, j, original)
                obtained[i][j] = ImageFilter.get_geometric_mean(neighbors)

        return obtained
    def apply_gradient(img, filter_matrix):
        Apply gradient using a single filter_matrix (3x3).
        # filter_height, filter_width = util.get_dimensions(
        #     filter_matrix)
        # assert filter_height != 3, "Filter Matrix must have height = 3 instead of " + \
        #     str(filter_height)
        # assert filter_width != 3, "Filter Matrix must have width = 3 instead of " + \
        #     str(filter_width)

        height, width = util.get_dimensions(img)

        # define image with 0s
        new_gradient_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
        if len(img.shape) == 2:
            for i in range(1, height - 1):
                for j in range(1, width - 1):
                    grad = ImageFilter.apply_gradient_core(
                        filter_matrix, img, i, j)
                    new_gradient_image[i - 1, j - 1] = abs(grad)
            R = ImageFilter.apply_gradient(img[:, :, 0], filter_matrix)
            G = ImageFilter.apply_gradient(img[:, :, 1], filter_matrix)
            B = ImageFilter.apply_gradient(img[:, :, 2], filter_matrix)
            output = np.zeros((R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            output[:, :, 0] = R
            output[:, :, 1] = G
            output[:, :, 2] = B
            new_gradient_image = output

        return new_gradient_image
Example #7
    def get_bilinear_pixel_interpolation(self, img, posX, posY):
        out = []

        # Get integer parts of positions
        modXi = int(posX)
        modYi = int(posY)
        # Get fractional parts of positions
        modXf = posX - modXi
        modYf = posY - modYi
        # To avoid going over image bounderies
        height, width = util.get_image_dimensions(img)
        modXiPlusOneLim = min(modXi + 1, width - 1)
        modYiPlusOneLim = min(modYi + 1, height - 1)

        # Get pixels in four corners
        for channel in range(img.shape[2]):
            bottom_left = img[modYi, modXi, channel]
            bottom_right = img[modYi, modXiPlusOneLim, channel]
            top_left = img[modYiPlusOneLim, modXi, channel]
            top_right = img[modYiPlusOneLim, modXiPlusOneLim, channel]

            # Calculate interpolation
            obtained_bottom = modXf * bottom_right + (1. - modXf) * bottom_left
            obtained_top = modXf * top_right + (1. - modXf) * top_left
            new_channel = modYf * obtained_top + (1. - modYf) * obtained_bottom
            out.append(int(new_channel + 0.5))

        return out
 def apply_median(img, filter_size):
     filter_size = util.format_filter_size(filter_size)
     obtained, original = util.get_empty_image_with_same_dimensions(img)
     if len(img.shape) == 2:
         for i in range(len(original)):
             for j in range(len(original[0])):
                 obtained[i][j] = ImageFilter.get_median(
                     filter_size, i, j, original)
         R = ImageFilter.apply_median(img[:, :, 0], filter_size)
         G = ImageFilter.apply_median(img[:, :, 1], filter_size)
         B = ImageFilter.apply_median(img[:, :, 2], filter_size)
         output = np.zeros((R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
         output[:, :, 0] = R
         output[:, :, 1] = G
         output[:, :, 2] = B
         obtained = output
     return obtained
Example #9
    def apply_sepia(img):
        height, width = util.get_image_dimensions(img)
        obtained, img = util.get_empty_image_with_same_dimensions(img)
        r_matrix, g_matrix, b_matrix = rgb.get_rgb_layers(img)
        for i in range(height):
            for j in range(width):
                r, g, b = r_matrix[i][j], g_matrix[i][j], b_matrix[i][j]
                tr = int(0.393 * r + 0.769 * g + 0.189 * b)
                tg = int(0.349 * r + 0.686 * g + 0.168 * b)
                tb = int(0.272 * r + 0.534 * g + 0.131 * b)

                r = ColorFilter.__normalize_max_value(tr, r)
                g = ColorFilter.__normalize_max_value(tg, g)
                b = ColorFilter.__normalize_max_value(tb, b)

                obtained[i][j] = [r, g, b]

        return obtained
    def show_histogram(self):
        a = filter.histogram(self.current_image)
        f = plt.figure()
        _ = plt.hist(a, bins='auto')  # arguments are passed to np.histogram


        return util.fig2img(f)
Example #11
    def apply_bilinear_interpolation(self, img, scale):
        if scale <= 0:
            return img

        imHeight, imWidth = util.get_image_dimensions(img)
        enlargedShape = list(
            map(int, [imHeight * scale, imWidth * scale, img.shape[2]]))
        enlargedImg = np.empty(enlargedShape, dtype=np.uint8)
        enlargedHeight, enlargedWidth = util.get_image_dimensions(enlargedImg)
        rowScale = float(imHeight) / float(enlargedHeight)
        colScale = float(imWidth) / float(enlargedWidth)
        for row in range(enlargedHeight):
            for col in range(enlargedWidth):
                oriRow = row * rowScale  # Find position in original image
                oriCol = col * colScale
                enlargedImg[row, col] = self.get_bilinear_pixel_interpolation(
                    img, oriCol, oriRow)

        return enlargedImg
    def create_gaussian_kernel(filter_size, sigma):
        Creates a 2D gaussian kernel using filter_size and sigma
        filter_size = util.format_filter_size(filter_size)
        ax = np.linspace(-(filter_size - 1) / 2., (filter_size - 1) / 2.,
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(ax, ax)

        kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * (np.square(xx) + np.square(yy)) /

        return kernel / np.sum(kernel)
    def adjust_brightness(img, br):
        0 < br < 1: decrease brightness
        br = 1: no changes
        br >: increase brightness
        height, width = util.get_dimensions(img)
        obtained = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for i in range(height):
            for j in range(width):
                for k in range(img.shape[2]):
                    b = img[i][j][k] * br
                    if b > 255:
                        b = 255
                    obtained[i][j][k] = b
        return obtained.astype(np.uint8)
Example #14
    def get_nearest_neighbour_pixel_interpolation(self, img, posX, posY):
        out = []

        # Get integer parts of positions
        modXi = int(posX)
        modYi = int(posY)
        # Get fractional parts of positions
        modXf = posX - modXi
        modYf = posY - modYi
        # To avoid going over image bounderies
        height, width = util.get_image_dimensions(img)
        modXiPlusOneLim = min(modXi + 1, width - 1)
        modYiPlusOneLim = min(modYi + 1, height - 1)

        for channel in range(img.shape[2]):
            target = img[modYi, modXi, channel]
            out.append(int(target + 0.5))
        return out
Example #15
    def add_background(background, img, coord=(0, 0)):
        img = img_as_ubyte(img)
        x_size, y_size = util.get_image_dimensions(img)

        (y_begin, x_begin) = coord
        x_end = x_begin + x_size
        y_end = y_begin + y_size

        background_crop = background[

        pixel_preserve = (img[:, :, 3] > 10)
        background_crop[pixel_preserve] = img[pixel_preserve]

        background[x_begin:x_end, y_begin:y_end, :] = background_crop

        return background
    def apply_sobel(img):
        # Horizontal sobel matrix
        horizontal = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])

        # Vertical sobel matrix
        vertical = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])

        height, width = util.get_dimensions(img)

        # define images with 0s
        new_horizontal_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
        new_vertical_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
        new_gradient_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
        if len(img.shape) == 2:
            # # define images with 0s
            # new_horizontal_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
            # new_vertical_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
            # new_gradient_image = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
            for i in range(1, height - 1):
                for j in range(1, width - 1):
                    horizontal_grad = ImageFilter.apply_gradient_core(
                        horizontal, img, i, j)
                    new_horizontal_image[i - 1, j - 1] = abs(horizontal_grad)

                    vertical_grad = ImageFilter.apply_gradient_core(
                        vertical, img, i, j)
                    new_vertical_image[i - 1, j - 1] = abs(vertical_grad)

                    # Edge Magnitude
                    new_gradient_image[i - 1, j - 1] = np.sqrt(
                        pow(horizontal_grad, 2.0) + pow(vertical_grad, 2.0))
            R = ImageFilter.apply_sobel(img[:, :, 0])
            G = ImageFilter.apply_sobel(img[:, :, 1])
            B = ImageFilter.apply_sobel(img[:, :, 2])
            output = np.zeros((R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            output[:, :, 0] = R
            output[:, :, 1] = G
            output[:, :, 2] = B
            new_gradient_image = output

        return new_gradient_image
    def apply_piecewise_linear(img, coordinates_x, coordinates_y):
        """Apply Piecewise Linear filter on an image basead on an group of coordinates.

        img : numpy array
            The target image where the filter would be applied
        coordinates_x : array
            The coordinates X from all points to the interpolated already in the desired order.
        coordinates_y : array
            The coordinates Y from all points to the interpolated already in the desired order.

        numpy array
            an array representing the obtained image after apply the filter
        x = np.array(range(0, _MAX_PIXEL + 1), dtype=np.uint8)
        interp = np.interp(x, coordinates_x, coordinates_y)
        obtained = img.copy()
        height, width = util.get_dimensions(obtained)
        if len(img.shape) == 2:
            for i in range(height):
                for j in range(width):
                    index = int(np.round(obtained[i][j]))
                    obtained[i][j] = interp[index]
            R = ImageFilter.apply_piecewise_linear(img[:, :, 0], coordinates_x,
            G = ImageFilter.apply_piecewise_linear(img[:, :, 1], coordinates_x,
            B = ImageFilter.apply_piecewise_linear(img[:, :, 2], coordinates_x,
            output = np.zeros((R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            output[:, :, 0] = R
            output[:, :, 1] = G
            output[:, :, 2] = B
            obtained = output

        return obtained
Example #18
 def adjust_hue (img, factor):
     Adjust image hue using a mulplication factor.
     Input: image and factor in [0.0, 1.0].
     Output: image with hue adjusted
     height,width = util.get_dimensions(img)
     obtained = np.zeros_like(img)
     for row in range(height):
         for col in range(width):
             r = img[row][col][0]
             g = img[row][col][1]
             b = img[row][col][2]
             h,s,i = converter.rgb_to_hsi(r,g,b)
             new_hue = h * factor #Hue value is [0, 360]
             if new_hue > 360:
                 new_hue = 360
             r,g,b = converter.hsi_to_rgb(new_hue,s,i)
             obtained[row][col][0] = r
             obtained[row][col][1] = g
             obtained[row][col][2] = b
     return obtained
Example #19
 def adjust_intensity (img, factor):
     Adjust image hue using a mulplication factor.
     Input: image and factor in [0.0, 1.0].
     Output: image with intensity adjusted
     height,width = util.get_dimensions(img)
     obtained = np.zeros_like(img)
     for row in range(height):
         for col in range(width):
             r = img[row][col][0]
             g = img[row][col][1]
             b = img[row][col][2]
             h,s,i = converter.rgb_to_hsi(r,g,b)
             new_intensity = i * factor #Intensity value is [0, 1]
             if new_intensity > 1:
                 new_intensity = 1
             r,g,b = converter.hsi_to_rgb(h,s,new_intensity)
             obtained[row][col][0] = r
             obtained[row][col][1] = g
             obtained[row][col][2] = b
     return obtained
 def openImage(self, image):
     img = util.read_image(image)
     if len(img.shape) == 2:
         img = converter.rgb_to_gray(self.original_image)
     return img
 def get_arithmetic_mean(neighbors):
     sum_value = np.sum(neighbors)
     height, width = util.get_dimensions(neighbors)
     return sum_value / (height * width)
Example #22
def test_format_negative_size():
    original_size = -5
    expected = 3
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
Example #23
def test_format_odd_size():
    original_size = 7
    expected = original_size
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
Example #24
def test_format_even_size():
    original_size = 4
    expected = original_size + 1
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
Example #25
def test_format_min_size():
    original_size = 3
    expected = 3
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
Example #26
def test_format_low_positive_size():
    original_size = 1
    expected = 3
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
Example #27
def test_format_size_zero():
    original_size = 0
    expected = 3
    obtained = util.format_filter_size(original_size)
    assert obtained == expected
 def get_geometric_mean(matrix):
     prod_value =
     height, width = util.get_dimensions(matrix)
     counter = height * width
     result = prod_value**(1.0 / counter)
     return np.around(result, decimals=3)