def add_item(task_str): create_backup(tdl_log) new_task = ToDoTask(task_str) with open(tdl_log, 'a') as writer: writer.write("{t_date}\t{task}".format(, task=new_task.task)) writer.write('\n')
def add_to_dir_jump(targ_dir): create_backup(dir_jump_file_log) print "Adding: " + targ_dir with open(dir_jump_file_log, "a") as f: f.write(str(getcwd())) f.write("\n")
def remove_from_dir_jump(targ_pos): jump_list = get_jump_list() print "Removing: " + jump_list[targ_pos] del jump_list[ targ_pos] # del apparently more efficient than pop; avoids issue where directory is also prevDir create_backup(dir_jump_file_log) write_to_dir_jump(jump_list)
def delete_item(number_of_item): create_backup(tdl_log) task_list = load_task_list() print "Removing:\n\t {num}) {date} \t {task}".format( num=str(number_of_item), date=task_list[number_of_item - 1].date, task=task_list[number_of_item - 1].task) task_list.remove(task_list[number_of_item - 1]) with open(tdl_log, 'w') as writer: for t in task_list: if isinstance(t, ToDoTask) is True: writer.write("{t_date}\t{task}".format(, task=t.task)) writer.write('\n')
def merge_changes_to_base_tag_file(base_tag_file_log, tag_file_changes_log): print "Merging tag changes log with base file" with open(tag_file_changes_log) as reader: change_lines ='\n') with open(base_tag_file_log) as reader: base_tag_dict = json.load(reader, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) change_lines = [l for l in change_lines if len(l) > 0] for line in change_lines: # last change won't be written yet, can only validate up to all changes except last parse_change_line_to_tag_dict(line, base_tag_dict) # noinspection PyArgumentList base_tag_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(base_tag_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])) # validate backup similar to original log file orig_tag_dict = load_tag_dict() if base_tag_dict == orig_tag_dict: with open(base_tag_file_log, 'w') as writer: tag_dict_str = json.dumps(base_tag_dict, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", separators=(',', ': ')) writer.write(tag_dict_str.encode("utf-8")) open(tag_file_changes_log, 'w').close() create_backup(base_tag_file_log, backup_dir=os.path.join(default_backup_dir, "tag_file")) else: error_alert("Backup contents not similar to original. Merge aborted!") keys_not_in_orig = [key for key in base_tag_dict if key not in orig_tag_dict] keys_not_in_new = [key for key in orig_tag_dict if key not in base_tag_dict] if len(keys_not_in_orig) > 0: print "Keys in new but not in original", keys_not_in_orig if len(keys_not_in_new) > 0: print "Keys in original but not in new", keys_not_in_new elif len(keys_not_in_new) == 0 and len(keys_not_in_orig) == 0: for k in orig_tag_dict: if orig_tag_dict[k] != base_tag_dict[k]: print k, set(orig_tag_dict[k]).symmetric_difference(set(base_tag_dict[k]))