def _plotFigure(self): = plt.subplot([0]) for i, hist in enumerate(self.hists): if self.plotType[i] == 'Data': rplt.errorbar(hist, label=self.label[i], markerfacecolor=self.colour[i], markersize=8, xerr=False, yerr=False, elinewidth=0, markeredgewidth=0, markeredgecolor=self.colour[i], emptybins=False, zorder=self.zorder[i], elif self.plotType[i] == 'Simulation': rplt.hist(hist, label=self.label[i], color=self.colour[i], alpha=self.alpha[i], fill=self.fill[i], zorder=self.zorder[i], elif self.plotType[i] == 'CMSSW': rplt.step(hist, label=self.label[i], color=self.colour[i], zorder=self.zorder[i], linewidth=2, else: pass return None
def plot_weights(input_filename): weights = parse_weights(input_filename) hist = Hist( np.logspace(math.log(float(1e-8), math.e), math.log(1, math.e), 25, base=np.e)) hist.fill_array(weights) # plt.hist(weights, bins=200, normed=1) rplt.hist(hist) print max(weights) # print "Total number of events = ", len(weights) plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.autoscale() plt.xlabel("Weight") plt.ylabel("# of Events") plt.savefig("plots/weights.pdf") plt.clf()
def plot_weights(input_filename): weights = parse_weights(input_filename) hist = Hist(np.logspace(math.log(float(1e-8), math.e), math.log(1, math.e), 25, base=np.e)) hist.fill_array(weights) # plt.hist(weights, bins=200, normed=1) rplt.hist(hist) print max(weights) # print "Total number of events = ", len(weights) plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.autoscale() plt.xlabel("Weight") plt.ylabel("# of Events") plt.savefig("plots/weights.pdf") plt.clf()
def checkOnMC(unfolding, method): global bins, nbins RooUnfold.SVD_n_toy = 1000 pulls = [] for sub in range(1,9): inputFile2 = File('../data/unfolding_merged_sub%d.root' % sub, 'read') h_data = asrootpy(inputFile2.unfoldingAnalyserElectronChannel.measured.Rebin(nbins, 'measured', bins)) nEvents = inputFile2.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent(1) lumiweight = 164.5 * 5050 / nEvents # print sub, nEvents h_data.Scale(lumiweight) doUnfoldingSequence(unfolding, h_data, method, '_sub%d' %sub) pull = unfolding.pull_inputErrorOnly() # unfolding.printTable() pulls.append(pull) unfolding.Reset() allpulls = [] for pull in pulls: allpulls.extend(pull) h_allpulls = Hist(100,-30,30) filling = h_allpulls.Fill for entry in allpulls: filling(entry) fit = h_allpulls.Fit('gaus', 'WWS') h_fit = asrootpy(h_allpulls.GetFunction("gaus").GetHistogram()) canvas = Canvas(width=1600, height=1000) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.15) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.10) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05) h_allpulls.Draw() fit.Draw('same') canvas.SaveAs('plots/Pull_allBins_withFit.png') plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_allpulls, label=r'Pull distribution for all bins', emptybins=False) rplt.hist(h_fit, label=r'fit') plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for all bins', CMS.title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.savefig('plots/Pull_allBins.png') #individual bins for bin_i in range(nbins): h_pull = Hist(100,-30,30) for pull in pulls: h_pull.Fill(pull[bin_i]) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, label=r'Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), emptybins=False) plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), CMS.title) plt.savefig('Pull_bin_%d.png' % (bin_i + 1))
def make_plots_matplotlib(histograms, category, output_folder, histname): global variable, variables_latex_matplotlib, measurements_latex_matplotlib, k_value channel = 'electron' if 'electron' in histname: channel = 'electron' elif 'muon' in histname: channel = 'muon' else: channel = 'combined' # plot with matplotlib hist_data = histograms['unfolded'] hist_measured = histograms['measured'] hist_data.markersize = 2 hist_measured.markersize = 2 hist_data.marker = 'o' hist_measured.marker = 'o' hist_measured.color = 'red' plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel('$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex_matplotlib[variable], CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \times \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex_matplotlib[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) rplt.errorbar(hist_data, axes=axes, label='unfolded', xerr=False) rplt.errorbar(hist_measured, axes=axes, label='measured', xerr=False) for key, hist in histograms.iteritems(): if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: hist.linestyle = 'dashed' hist.linewidth = 2 # hist.SetLineStyle(7) # hist.SetLineWidth(2) #setting colours if 'POWHEG' in key or 'matchingdown' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kBlue) elif 'MADGRAPH' in key or 'matchingup' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) elif 'MCATNLO' in key or 'scaleup' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kMagenta + 3) elif 'scaledown' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kGreen) rplt.hist(hist, axes=axes, label=measurements_latex_matplotlib[key]) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.title(get_cms_labels_matplotlib(channel), CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + str(measurement_config.centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + category make_folder_if_not_exists(path) for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(path + '/' + histname + '_kv' + str(k_value) + '.' + output_format)
def make_plot( histogram, histogram_label, histogram_properties = Histogram_properties(), save_folder = 'plots/', save_as = ['pdf', 'png'], normalise = False, draw_errorbar = False, draw_legend = True ): histogram.SetTitle( histogram_label ) # histogram.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) # to be changed histogram.fillcolor = '0.75' histogram.fillstyle = 'solid' if normalise: histogram.Scale( 1 / histogram.Integral() ) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor ) axes = plt.axes() if draw_errorbar: rplt.errorbar( histogram, xerr = False, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 10, capthick = 2 ) else: rplt.hist( histogram ) if draw_legend: plt.legend( numpoints = 1, loc = histogram_properties.legend_location, prop = CMS.legend_properties ) adjust_axis_limits( axes, histogram_properties ) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len( x_limits ) == 2: axes.set_xlim( xmin = x_limits[0], xmax = x_limits[1] ) if len( y_limits ) == 2: axes.set_ylim( ymin = y_limits[0], ymax = y_limits[1] ) if histogram_properties.set_log_y: axes.set_yscale( 'log', nonposy = "clip" ) if not len( histogram_properties.y_limits ) == 2: # if not user set y-limits, calculate the limits from the tuple values value_range = sorted( list( histogram.y() ) ) for i, value in enumerate(value_range): if value == 0: del value_range[i] axes.set_ylim( ymin = min(value_range)/10, ymax = max(value_range)*10 ) set_labels( plt, histogram_properties ) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig( save_folder + + '.' + save ) plt.close()
def makePurityStabilityPlots(input_file, histogram, bin_edges, channel, variable, isVisiblePhaseSpace): global output_folder, output_formats hist = get_histogram_from_file( histogram, input_file ) print "bin edges contents : ", bin_edges new_hist = rebin_2d( hist, bin_edges, bin_edges ).Clone() # get_bin_content = hist.ProjectionX().GetBinContent purities = calculate_purities( new_hist.Clone() ) stabilities = calculate_stabilities( new_hist.Clone() ) # n_events = [int( get_bin_content( i ) ) for i in range( 1, len( bin_edges ) )] print "purities contents : ", purities print "stabilities contents : ", stabilities hist_stability = value_tuplelist_to_hist(stabilities, bin_edges) hist_purity = value_tuplelist_to_hist(purities, bin_edges) hist_purity.color = 'red' hist_stability.color = 'blue' hist_stability.linewidth = 4 hist_purity.linewidth = 4 x_limits = [bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]] y_limits = [0,1] plt.figure( figsize = ( 20, 16 ), dpi = 200, facecolor = 'white' ) ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() # ax0.grid( True, 'major', linewidth = 2 ) # ax0.grid( True, 'minor' ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax0.yaxis.labelpad = 12 rplt.hist( hist_stability , stacked=False, axes = ax0, cmap = my_cmap, vmin = 1, label = 'Stability' ) rplt.hist( hist_purity, stacked=False, axes = ax0, cmap = my_cmap, vmin = 1, label = 'Purity' ) ax0.set_xlim( x_limits ) ax0.set_ylim( y_limits ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) x_title = '$' + variables_latex[variable] + '$ [GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_title, CMS.x_axis_title ) leg = plt.legend(loc=4,prop={'size':40}) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('test.pdf') save_as_name = 'purityStability_'+channel + '_' + variable + '_' + str(options.CoM) + 'TeV' for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig( output_folder + save_as_name + '.' + output_format )
def make_control_region_comparison(control_region_1, control_region_2, name_region_1, name_region_2, variable='mttbar', x_label=r'$m(\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}})$ [GeV]', x_min=300, x_max=1800, y_label='arbitrary units/ 50 GeV', y_min = 0, y_max = 0.15): #make copies in order not to mess with existing histograms control_region_1 = deepcopy(control_region_1) control_region_2 = deepcopy(control_region_2) # normalise as we are comparing shapes control_region_1.Scale(1 / control_region_1.Integral()) control_region_2.Scale(1 / control_region_2.Integral()) ratio = control_region_1.Clone('ratio') ratio.Divide(control_region_2) ratio.SetMarkerSize(3) control_region_1.fillcolor = 'yellow' control_region_2.fillcolor = 'red' control_region_1.fillstyle = 'solid' control_region_2.fillstyle = 'solid' # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax0.minorticks_on() rplt.hist(control_region_1, axes=ax0) rplt.hist(control_region_2, axes=ax0, alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel(y_label, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(get_title(variable), CMS.title) plt.legend([name_region_1 + ' (1)', name_region_2 + ' (2)'], numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) ax0.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) ax0.set_ylim(ymin=y_min, ymax=y_max) plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=1) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.xlabel(x_label, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('(1)/(2)', CMS.y_axis_title) rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=True, emptybins=False, axes=ax1) ax1.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) ax1.set_ylim(ymin= -0.5, ymax=4) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(variable + '_shape_comparision.png') plt.savefig(variable + '_shape_comparision.pdf')
def draw(fig, h, heid, row): ax = plt.subplot2grid(shape=(2,5), loc=(row,0), colspan=2) lbls = labels_count if row==1 else [_] ax.set_xticklabels(lbls) for t in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): t.label.set_rotation(30) rplt.hist(h, axes=ax) npass = sum(list(h)[2:]) p = plt.fill_between([1.5,4.5],[npass,npass], [0.01,0.01]) p.set_facecolors('none') for path in p.get_paths(): p1 = PathPatch(path, fc='none', hatch='\\\\\\', color='blue') ax.add_patch(p1) p1.set_zorder(p.get_zorder()-0.1) ax.set_yscale('log') ylim((0.01,3*h.GetMaximum())) text(0.9, 0.75,'charge skim', fontsize=12, color='blue', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') text(0.9, 0.68, '%.1f'%(100*npass)+'$\%$', fontsize=14, color='blue', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') ax = plt.subplot2grid(shape=(2,5), loc=(row,2), colspan=3) lbls = labels_eid if row==1 else [_] ax.set_xticklabels(lbls) for t in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): t.label.set_rotation(30) rplt.hist(heid, axes=ax) X = [0.5,6.5] Y1 = [npass,npass] Y2 = [heid.GetMinimum(), heid.GetMinimum()] # plot(X, Y2, 'r-.') p = plt.fill_between([0.5,1.5],[npass,npass]) p.set_facecolors('none') for path in p.get_paths(): p1 = PathPatch(path, fc='none', hatch='\\\\\\', color='blue') ax.add_patch(p1) p1.set_zorder(p.get_zorder()-0.1) p = plt.fill_between([5.5,6.5],Y2) p.set_facecolors('none') for path in p.get_paths(): p1 = PathPatch(path, fc='none', hatch='xxx', color='green') ax.add_patch(p1) p1.set_zorder(p.get_zorder()-0.1) ylim((0.5*heid.GetMinimum(),1.1*heid.GetMaximum())) text(0.95, 0.75, 'refined electron\nidentification', fontsize=12, color='green', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') text(0.95, 0.68, '%.1f'%(100*heid.GetMinimum())+'$\%$', fontsize=14, color='green', transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') # subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5, wspace=0.6, hspace=0.1) subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.6, hspace=0.1) if row==1: # text(0,-0.0025,'selection criteria', fontsize=12) text(0.5,0,'selection criteria', fontsize=12, transform=fig.transFigure, horizontalalignment='center') text(0, 0.5, 'events per trigger', fontsize=12, transform=fig.transFigure, verticalalignment='center', rotation=90)
def draw_mem_data_mc(*args, **kwargs): a1, a2, hs = draw_data_mc(*args, **kwargs) h = hs["tth_13TeV_phys14"].Clone() h.fillstyle = "hollow" h.linewidth = 2 h.title = h.title + " x10" h.Scale(10) hist(h) plt.legend(loc=(1.01,0.0)) a1.set_ylim(bottom=0) return a1, a2, hs
def drawMulti(ax, hMeas, hTrue): # ax.set_ylim([1e-5,1000]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$N_{tracks}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{1}{N_{jets}}\frac{dN}{dN_{tracks}}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_yscale("log") # ax.set_xscale('log') hMeas.linecolor = "blue" hTrue.linecolor = "red" rplt.hist(hMeas, axes=ax, label="Measured") rplt.hist(hTrue, axes=ax, label="True") # Plot jT histogram, ax.set_xlim([0, 30])
def subtract_bkg(h_sig, sp_sig, sp_bkg, color='k', ax=None, axins=None): x = [h_sig.GetBinCenter(x) for x in range(1, h_sig.GetNbinsX())] h_new = h_sig.Clone() for x in range(0, h_sig.GetNbinsX()): h_new.SetBinContent( x, max(0, sp_sig(h_sig.GetBinCenter(x)) - sp_bkg(h_sig.GetBinCenter(x)))) rplt.hist(h_new, color=color, axes=ax) if axins is not None: rplt.hist(h_new, color=color, axes=axins) return h_new
def saveUnfolding(unfolding, outputfile, **kwargs): if not unfolding.unfolded_data: print 'Run unfold function first' return setDrawStyles(unfolding) # TODO: change this to be more generic plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.hist(unfolding.truth, label=r'SM $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(, label=r'$\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ from fit', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(unfolding.unfolded_data, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('$E_{\mathrm{T}}^{miss}$') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig(outputfile)
def saveClosureTest(unfolding, outputfile, **kwargs): if not unfolding.unfolded_closure: print 'Run closureTest function first' return setDrawStyles(unfolding) # TODO: change this to be more generic plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.hist(unfolding.truth, label=r'truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(unfolding.measured, label=r'measured', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(unfolding.unfolded_closure, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('$E_{\mathrm{T}}^{miss}$') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding closure test') plt.legend() plt.savefig('Unfolding_' + unfolding.method + '_closureTest.png')
def make_control_region_data_mc_comparision( histograms, histogram_name, variable, x_label=r'$m(\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}})$ [GeV]', x_min=300, x_max=1800, y_label='Events/50 GeV'): qcd = histograms['QCD'][histogram_name] ttjet = histograms['TTJet'][histogram_name] wjets = histograms['WJets'][histogram_name] zjets = histograms['ZJets'][histogram_name] single_top = histograms['SingleTop'][histogram_name] other = ttjet + wjets + zjets + single_top data = histograms['data'][histogram_name] data.SetMarkerSize(3) qcd.SetTitle('QCD from data') other.SetTitle('Combined other background') data.SetTitle('Data') qcd.fillcolor = 'yellow' other.fillcolor = 'red' qcd.fillstyle = 'solid' other.fillstyle = 'solid' stack = HistStack() stack.Add(other) stack.Add(qcd) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(stack, stacked=True, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(data, xerr=None, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel(x_label, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(y_label, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(get_title(variable), CMS.title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) axes.set_ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(variable + '.png') plt.savefig(variable + '.pdf')
def mc_stack( hlist, hs_syst, systematics, colors="auto" ): if colors=="auto": coloriter = iter(,1,len(hlist)))) for h in hlist: h.color = next(coloriter) elif isinstance(colors, list) and len(colors) == len(hlist): for h, c in zip(hlist, colors): h.color = c for h in hlist: h.fillstyle = "solid" #FIXME: Temporary workaround for failed fill, only works when hatch is specified stack = hist(hlist, stacked=True, hatch=".", lw=2) htot = sum(hlist) htot.color="black" htot_u = htot.Clone() htot_d = htot.Clone() for i in range(1, htot.nbins()+1): htot_u.set_bin_content(i, htot.get_bin_content(i) + htot.get_bin_error(i)) htot_d.set_bin_content(i, htot.get_bin_content(i) - htot.get_bin_error(i)) htot_u.color="black" htot_d.color="black" fill_between(htot_u, htot_d, color="black", hatch="////////", alpha=1.0, linewidth=0, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", zorder=10, ) #add systematic uncertainties hstat = htot_u - htot_d errs = np.array([y for y in hstat.y()]) errs = np.abs(errs) htot_usyst = htot.Clone() htot_dsyst = htot.Clone() for systUp, systDown in systematics: errs_syst_up = np.array([y for y in sum(hs_syst[systUp].values()).y()]) errs_syst_down = np.array([y for y in sum(hs_syst[systDown].values()).y()]) errs_syst = np.abs(errs_syst_up - errs_syst_down) errs = np.power(errs, 2) + np.power(errs_syst, 2) errs = np.sqrt(errs) for i in range(len(errs)): htot_usyst.SetBinContent(i+1, htot_usyst.GetBinContent(i+1) + errs[i]/2) htot_dsyst.SetBinContent(i+1, htot_dsyst.GetBinContent(i+1) - errs[i]/2) fill_between(htot_usyst, htot_dsyst, color="gray", hatch=r"\\\\", alpha=1.0, linewidth=0, facecolor="none", edgecolor="gray", zorder=10, ) return {"hists":stack, "tot":htot, "tot_u":htot_u, "tot_d":htot_d, "tot_usyst":htot_usyst, "tot_dsyst":htot_dsyst}
def plotting_purity_stability(variable, channel, binning_criteria, bin_edges ): ''' Purity, stability and resolution plots. ''' p = binning_criteria['p_i'] s = binning_criteria['s_i'] hist_stability = value_tuplelist_to_hist(s, bin_edges) hist_purity = value_tuplelist_to_hist(p, bin_edges) hist_purity.color = 'red' hist_stability.color = 'blue' hist_stability.linewidth = 4 hist_purity.linewidth = 4 fig = plt.figure( figsize = ( 20, 16 ), dpi = 200, facecolor = 'white' ) axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() axes.set_xlim( [bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]] ) axes.set_ylim( [0,1] ) axes.xaxis.labelpad = 12 axes.yaxis.labelpad = 12 rplt.hist( hist_stability , stacked=False, axes = axes, label = 'Stability' ) rplt.hist( hist_purity, stacked=False, axes = axes, label = 'Purity' ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) x_title = '$' + variables_latex[variable] + '$' if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'lepton_pt', 'WPT']: x_title += '[GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_title, CMS.x_axis_title ) leg = plt.legend(loc=4,prop={'size':40}) plt.tight_layout() plot_filepath = 'plots/binning/purity_stability/' make_folder_if_not_exists(plot_filepath) plot_filename = channel + '_' + variable+'_purityStability.pdf' fig.savefig(plot_filepath+plot_filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def plotting_purity_stability(variable, channel, binning_criteria, bin_edges): ''' Purity, stability and resolution plots. ''' p = binning_criteria['p_i'] s = binning_criteria['s_i'] hist_stability = value_tuplelist_to_hist(s, bin_edges) hist_purity = value_tuplelist_to_hist(p, bin_edges) hist_purity.color = 'red' hist_stability.color = 'blue' hist_stability.linewidth = 4 hist_purity.linewidth = 4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() axes.set_xlim([bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]]) axes.set_ylim([0, 1]) axes.xaxis.labelpad = 12 axes.yaxis.labelpad = 12 rplt.hist(hist_stability, stacked=False, axes=axes, label='Stability') rplt.hist(hist_purity, stacked=False, axes=axes, label='Purity') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) x_title = '$' + variables_latex[variable] + '$' if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'lepton_pt', 'WPT']: x_title += '[GeV]' plt.xlabel(x_title, CMS.x_axis_title) leg = plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size': 40}) plt.tight_layout() plot_filepath = 'plots/binning/purity_stability/' make_folder_if_not_exists(plot_filepath) plot_filename = channel + '_' + variable + '_purityStability.pdf' fig.savefig(plot_filepath + plot_filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def draw_shape(f, samples, hn, **kwargs): rebin = kwargs.get("rebin", 1) hs = [] for s in samples: h = f.get(s[0] + hn).Clone() h.Scale(1.0 / h.Integral()) h.rebin(rebin) h.title = s[1] hs += [h] coloriter = iter(,1,len(hs)))) for h in hs: h.color = next(coloriter) errorbar(h) plt.legend() for h in hs: hist(h, lw=1, ls="-")
def make_control_region_data_mc_comparision(histograms, histogram_name, variable, x_label=r'$m(\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}})$ [GeV]', x_min=300, x_max=1800, y_label='Events/50 GeV'): qcd = histograms['QCD'][histogram_name] ttjet = histograms['TTJet'][histogram_name] wjets = histograms['WJets'][histogram_name] zjets = histograms['ZJets'][histogram_name] single_top = histograms['SingleTop'][histogram_name] other = ttjet + wjets + zjets + single_top data = histograms['data'][histogram_name] data.SetMarkerSize(3) qcd.SetTitle('QCD from data') other.SetTitle('Combined other background') data.SetTitle('Data') qcd.fillcolor = 'yellow' other.fillcolor = 'red' qcd.fillstyle = 'solid' other.fillstyle = 'solid' stack = HistStack() stack.Add(other) stack.Add(qcd) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(stack, stacked=True, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(data, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel(x_label, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(y_label, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(get_title(variable), CMS.title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) axes.set_ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(variable + '.png') plt.savefig(variable + '.pdf')
def make_plot(histogram, histogram_label, histogram_properties = Histogram_properties(), save_folder='plots/', save_as=['pdf', 'png'], normalise = False ): histogram.SetTitle(histogram_label) # histogram.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) #to be changed histogram.fillcolor = '0.75' histogram.fillstyle = 'solid' if normalise: histogram.Scale(1/histogram.Integral()) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(histogram) plt.xlabel(histogram_properties.x_axis_title, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(histogram_properties.y_axis_title, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(histogram_properties.title, CMS.title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc=histogram_properties.legend_location, prop=CMS.legend_properties) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits if len(x_limits) == 2: axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_limits[0], xmax=x_limits[1]) y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len(y_limits) == 2: axes.set_ylim(ymin=y_limits[0], ymax=y_limits[1]) else: axes.set_ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + + '.' + save) plt.close()
def draw_result(result, axes): graph = result["unfolded"] graph_with_systematics = result["unfolded_with_systematics"] madgraph = result["MADGRAPH"] powheg = result["POWHEG"] mcatnlo = result["MCATNLO"] # styles graph.markersize = 2 graph.marker = "o" graph_with_systematics.markersize = 2 graph_with_systematics.marker = "o" powheg.linestyle = "longdashdot" powheg.SetLineColor(kBlue) madgraph.linestyle = "solid" madgraph.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) mcatnlo.linestyle = "dotted" mcatnlo.SetLineColor(kMagenta + 3) rplt.errorbar(graph, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=10, capthick=2, zorder=6) rplt.errorbar( graph_with_systematics, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=0, zorder=5, label="unfolded data", ) rplt.hist(madgraph, axes=axes, label="MADGRAPH", zorder=1) rplt.hist(powheg, axes=axes, label="POWHEG", zorder=2) rplt.hist(mcatnlo, axes=axes, label="MCATNLO", zorder=3)
def compare_mbb_signal_and_data(): fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20, 10), dpi=100) ax[0, 0].set_title("mBB: VBF Simulation (correction applied)") ax[0, 1].set_title("mBB: VBF Simulation (no correction)") ax[1, 0].set_title("mBB: Data, signal region removed (correction applied)") ax[1, 1].set_title("mBB: Data, signal region removed (no correction)") rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(mbbs_signal, 50, 0, 5e2), axes=ax[0, 0]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(mbbs_signal_no_corr, 50, 0, 5e2), axes=ax[0, 1]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(mbbs_data, 50, 0, 5e2), axes=ax[1, 0]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(mbbs_data_no_corr, 50, 0, 5e2), axes=ax[1, 1]) if not ROOT.gROOT.IsBatch():
def plotting_resolution(variable, channel, residual, resolution, bin_number, bin_low, bin_high): ''' Resolution plots. ''' bin_width = bin_high - bin_low unit = '' if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'lepton_pt', 'WPT']: unit += '[GeV]' title = "channel = {}, variable = ${}${}, {}-{}".format( channel, variables_latex[variable], unit, bin_low, bin_high) fig = plt.figure() axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(residual, axes=axes, label='Residuals') plt.axvline(x=resolution, linewidth=1, color='r', label='Resolution') plt.axvline(x=bin_width / 2, linewidth=1, color='blue', label='Bin Width') axes.set_ylim(ymin=0) axes.set_xlabel('Residual') axes.set_ylabel('N') fig.suptitle('Residual Distribution', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.title(title, loc='right') leg = plt.legend(loc='best') leg.draw_frame(False) plt.tight_layout() plot_filepath = 'plots/binning/residuals/' make_folder_if_not_exists(plot_filepath) plot_filename = '{}_{}_{}_Residual.pdf'.format(channel, variable, str(bin_number)) fig.savefig(plot_filepath + plot_filename, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect() return
def score_plot(sig_arr, bkg_arr, sig_weight, bkg_weight): ''' make a plot of the score for bkg and signal ''' hsig = Hist(100, -0.5, 0.5) hbkg = Hist(100, -0.5, 0.5) fill_hist(hsig, sig_arr, sig_weight) fill_hist(hbkg, bkg_arr, bkg_weight) hsig /= hsig.Integral() hbkg /= hbkg.Integral() hsig.color = 'red' hbkg.color = 'blue' hsig.title = 'signal' hbkg.title = 'background' fig = plt.figure() rmpl.hist([hsig, hbkg], stacked=False) plt.ylabel('Arbitrary Unit') plt.xlabel('BDT Score') plt.legend(loc='upper right') return fig
def make_template_plots(histograms, category, channel): global variable, output_folder for variable_bin in variable_bins_ROOT[variable]: path = output_folder + str(measurement_config.centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + category + '/fit_templates/' make_folder_if_not_exists(path) plotname = path + channel + '_templates_bin_' + variable_bin # check if template plots exist already for output_format in output_formats: if os.path.isfile(plotname + '.' + output_format): continue # plot with matplotlib h_signal = histograms[variable_bin]['signal'] h_VJets = histograms[variable_bin]['V+Jets'] h_QCD = histograms[variable_bin]['QCD'] h_signal.linecolor = 'red' h_VJets.linecolor = 'green' h_QCD.linecolor = 'gray' h_VJets.linestyle = 'dashed' h_QCD.linestyle = 'dotted'# currently not working #bug report: h_signal.linewidth = 5 h_VJets.linewidth = 5 h_QCD.linewidth = 5 plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel(r'lepton $|\eta|$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('normalised to unit area/0.2', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) rplt.hist(h_signal, axes=axes, label='signal') if (h_VJets.Integral() != 0): rplt.hist(h_VJets, axes=axes, label='V+Jets') else: print "WARNING: in %s bin %s, %s category, %s channel, V+Jets template is empty: not plotting." % (variable, variable_bin, category, channel) if (h_QCD.Integral() != 0): rplt.hist(h_QCD, axes=axes, label='QCD') else: print "WARNING: in %s bin %s, %s category, %s channel, QCD template is empty: not plotting." % (variable, variable_bin, category, channel) axes.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.title(get_cms_labels(channel), CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(plotname + '.' + output_format) plt.close() gc.collect()
def doUnfoldingSequence(unfolding, h_data, method, outputfile_suffix = '', doClosureTest = False, checkFakes = False): unfolding.unfold(h_data) saveUnfolding(unfolding, 'plots/Unfolding_' + method + outputfile_suffix + '.png') if doClosureTest: unfolding.closureTest() saveClosureTest(unfolding, 'plots/Unfolding_' + method + outputfile_suffix + '_closure.png') if checkFakes: fakes = asrootpy(unfolding.unfoldResponse.Hfakes()) fakes.SetColor('red') h_fakes.SetColor('blue') fakes.SetFillStyle('\\') h_fakes.SetFillStyle('/') #cross check: are the fakes the same? plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.hist(fakes, label=r'fakes from unfolding', stacked=False) rplt.hist(h_fakes, label=r'fakes from MC', stacked=False, alpha = 0.5) plt.xlabel('$E_{\mathrm{T}}^{miss}$') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig('plots/Fakes' + outputfile_suffix + '.png')
def drawJetPtQA(ax, hMeas, hTrue, hInput, hReco): # ax.set_ylim([1e-5,1000]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$p_{T}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{dN}{dp_{jet}}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xscale("log") hMeas.linecolor = "blue" hTrue.linecolor = "red" hInput.linecolor = "pink" hReco.linecolor = "green" rplt.hist(hInput, axes=ax, label="Input") rplt.hist(hMeas, axes=ax, label="Measured") rplt.hist(hTrue, axes=ax, label="True") rplt.hist(hReco, axes=ax, label="Unfolded") ax.set_xlim([5, 150])
def draw_pair(constructed, real, systematic): fig = plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) axes.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=250) constructed.markersize = 1.2 constructed.markercolor = 'green' constructed.linecolor = 'green' real.linecolor = 'red' constructed.SetTitle('constructed') real.SetTitle('real') rplt.errorbar(constructed, xerr=None, emptybins=False, axes=axes) rplt.hist(real) plt.xlabel('MET [GeV]', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('normalised to unit area', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.savefig('validation_' + systematic + '.png')
def draw_pair(constructed, real, systematic): fig = plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) axes.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=250) constructed.markersize=1.2 constructed.markercolor = 'green' constructed.linecolor = 'green' real.linecolor = 'red' constructed.SetTitle('constructed') real.SetTitle('real') rplt.errorbar(constructed, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) rplt.hist(real) plt.xlabel('MET [GeV]', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('normalised to unit area', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.savefig('validation_' + systematic + '.png')
def drawZ(ax, hMeas, hTrue, hInput, hFake): # ax.set_xlim([0,10]) # ax.set_ylim([1e-5,1000]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$Z$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{1}{N_{jets}}\frac{dN}{dZ}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_yscale("log") # ax.set_xscale('log') hMeas.linecolor = "blue" hTrue.linecolor = "red" hInput.linecolor = "pink" hFake.linecolor = "yellow" rplt.hist(hInput, axes=ax, label="Input") rplt.hist(hMeas, axes=ax, label="Measured") rplt.hist(hTrue, axes=ax, label="True") # Plot jT histogram, rplt.hist(hFake, axes=ax, label="Fake")
def plotting_resolution(variable, channel, residual, resolution, bin_number, bin_low, bin_high ): ''' Resolution plots. ''' bin_width = bin_high - bin_low unit = '' if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'lepton_pt', 'WPT']: unit += '[GeV]' title = "channel = {}, variable = ${}${}, {}-{}".format(channel, variables_latex[variable], unit, bin_low, bin_high) fig = plt.figure() axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(residual, axes = axes, label = 'Residuals') plt.axvline(x=resolution, linewidth=1, color='r', label = 'Resolution') plt.axvline(x=bin_width/2, linewidth=1, color='blue', label = 'Bin Width') axes.set_ylim(ymin = 0) axes.set_xlabel('Residual') axes.set_ylabel('N') fig.suptitle('Residual Distribution', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.title(title, loc='right') leg = plt.legend(loc='best') leg.draw_frame(False) plt.tight_layout() plot_filepath = 'plots/binning/residuals/' make_folder_if_not_exists(plot_filepath) plot_filename = '{}_{}_{}_Residual.pdf'.format(channel, variable, str(bin_number)) fig.savefig(plot_filepath+plot_filename, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect() return
def test_hist(): from rootpy.plotting import root2matplotlib as rplt h = Hist(100, -5, 5) h.FillRandom('gaus') rplt.hist(h) # stack h1 = h.Clone() stack = HistStack([h, h1]) rplt.hist(stack) rplt.hist([h, h1])
def compare_ptbb_signal_and_data(): ptbbs_signal, ptbbs_signal_no_corr = retrieve_stats(signal_file, var="ptbb") ptbbs_data, ptbbs_data_no_corr = retrieve_stats(data_file, var="ptbb") fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20, 10), dpi=100) ax[0, 0].set_title("pTBB: VBF Simulation (correction applied)") ax[0, 1].set_title("pTBB: VBF Simulation (no correction)") ax[1, 0].set_title("pTBB: Data, signal region removed (correction applied)") ax[1, 1].set_title("pTBB: Data, signal region removed (no correction)") rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(ptbbs_signal, 50, 0, 3e2), axes=ax[0, 0]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(ptbbs_signal_no_corr, 50, 0, 3e2), axes=ax[0, 1]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(ptbbs_data, 50, 0, 3e2), axes=ax[1, 0]) rplt.hist(make_root_1D_hist(ptbbs_data_no_corr, 50, 0, 3e2), axes=ax[1, 1]) if not ROOT.gROOT.IsBatch():
def make_template_plots_matplotlib(histograms, category, channel): global variable, output_folder from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) for variable_bin in variable_bins_ROOT[variable]: path = output_folder + str(measurement_config.centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + category + '/fit_templates/' make_folder_if_not_exists(path) plotname = path + channel + '_templates_bin_' + variable_bin # check if template plots exist already for output_format in output_formats: if os.path.isfile(plotname + '.' + output_format): continue # plot with matplotlib h_signal = histograms[variable_bin]['signal'] h_VJets = histograms[variable_bin]['V+Jets'] h_QCD = histograms[variable_bin]['QCD'] h_signal.linecolor = 'red' h_VJets.linecolor = 'green' h_QCD.linecolor = 'yellow' h_signal.linewidth = 5 h_VJets.linewidth = 5 h_QCD.linewidth = 5 plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel(r'lepton $|\eta|$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('normalised to unit area/0.2', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) rplt.hist(h_signal, axes=axes, label='signal') rplt.hist(h_VJets, axes=axes, label='V+Jets') rplt.hist(h_QCD, axes=axes, label='QCD') axes.set_ylim([0,0.2]) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.title(get_cms_labels_matplotlib(channel), CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(plotname + '.' + output_format)
def draw_result(result, axes): graph = result['unfolded'] graph_with_systematics = result['unfolded_with_systematics'] madgraph = result['MADGRAPH'] powheg = result['POWHEG'] mcatnlo = result['MCATNLO'] # styles graph.markersize = 2 graph.marker = 'o' graph_with_systematics.markersize = 2 graph_with_systematics.marker = 'o' powheg.linestyle = 'longdashdot' powheg.SetLineColor(kBlue) madgraph.linestyle = 'solid' madgraph.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) mcatnlo.linestyle = 'dotted' mcatnlo.SetLineColor(kMagenta + 3) rplt.errorbar(graph, xerr=None, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=10, capthick=2, zorder=6) rplt.errorbar(graph_with_systematics, xerr=None, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=0, zorder=5, label='unfolded data') rplt.hist(madgraph, axes=axes, label='MADGRAPH', zorder=1) rplt.hist(powheg, axes=axes, label='POWHEG', zorder=2) rplt.hist(mcatnlo, axes=axes, label='MCATNLO', zorder=3)
def draw_result( result, axes ): graph = result['unfolded'] graph_with_systematics = result['unfolded_with_systematics'] madgraph = result['MADGRAPH'] powheg = result['POWHEG'] mcatnlo = result['MCATNLO'] # styles graph.markersize = 2 graph.marker = 'o' graph_with_systematics.markersize = 2 graph_with_systematics.marker = 'o' powheg.linestyle = 'longdashdot' powheg.SetLineColor( kBlue ) madgraph.linestyle = 'solid' madgraph.SetLineColor( kRed + 1 ) mcatnlo.linestyle = 'dotted' mcatnlo.SetLineColor( kMagenta + 3 ) rplt.errorbar( graph, xerr = None, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 10, capthick = 2, zorder = 6) rplt.errorbar( graph_with_systematics, xerr = None, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 0, zorder = 5, label = 'unfolded data') rplt.hist( madgraph, axes = axes, label = 'MADGRAPH', zorder = 1 ) rplt.hist( powheg, axes = axes, label = 'POWHEG', zorder = 2 ) rplt.hist( mcatnlo, axes = axes, label = 'MCATNLO', zorder = 3 )
def compare_measurements(models={}, measurements={}, show_measurement_errors=True, histogram_properties=Histogram_properties(), save_folder='plots/', save_as=['pdf', 'png'], match_models_to_measurements=False, line_styles_for_models=None, show_ratio_for_pairs={}): """ This function takes one or more models and compares it to a set of measurements. Models and measurements are supplied as dictionaries in the form of {'label': histogram} @param models: a dictionary of one or more model input, i.e theories = {'model1' : histogram1, 'model2' : histogram_2 where histogram_1(2) is a root (or rootpy/matplotlib) histogram object. @param measurements: a dictionary of one or more measurement. Follows the same prescription as the models parameter. @param histogram_properties: a Histogram_properties object to describe the look of the histogram """ save_folder = check_save_folder(save_folder) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes() if len(show_ratio_for_pairs) > 0: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) axes = plt.subplot(gs[0]) # Set default color cycle to rgby # matplotlib # plt.rc( 'axes', color_cycle = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y'] ) # rootpy colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'magenta', 'black'] colorcycler = cycle(colors) # markers = ['circle', 'triangledown', 'triangleup', 'diamond', 'square', 'star'] markers = [20, 21, 22, 33, 23, 29] markercycler = cycle(markers) # matplotlib # lines = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"] # rootpy lines = ["dashed"] if line_styles_for_models is not None: lines = line_styles_for_models linecycler = cycle(lines) for label, histogram in models.iteritems(): if not histogram: # skip empty ones continue histogram.linewidth = 4 histogram.color = next(colorcycler) histogram.linestyle = next(linecycler) histogram.fillstyle = 0 rplt.hist(histogram, axex=axes, label=label) if match_models_to_measurements: colorcycler = cycle(colors) markercycler = cycle(markers) linecycler = cycle(lines) for label, histogram in measurements.iteritems(): histogram.markersize = 2 histogram.markerstyle = next(markercycler) histogram.color = next(colorcycler) rplt.errorbar(histogram, axes=axes, label=label, elinewidth=4, yerr=show_measurement_errors, xerr=histogram_properties.xerr) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, axes=axes, show_x_label=len(show_ratio_for_pairs) == 0) l1 = axes.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=histogram_properties.legend_color, bbox_to_anchor=histogram_properties.legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, prop=CMS.legend_properties, ncol=histogram_properties.legend_columns) l1.set_zorder(102) all_hists = [] all_hists.extend(models.values()) all_hists.extend(measurements.values()) adjust_axis_limits(axes, histogram_properties, all_hists) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len(x_limits) == 2: axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_limits[0], xmax=x_limits[1]) if len(y_limits) == 2: axes.set_ylim(ymin=y_limits[0], ymax=y_limits[1]) if histogram_properties.set_log_y: axes.set_yscale('log', nonposy="clip") if not len( histogram_properties.y_limits ) == 2: # if not user set y-limits, calculate the limits from the tuple values value_range = sorted(list(histogram.y())) for i, value in enumerate(value_range): if value == 0: del value_range[i] axes.set_ylim(ymin=min(value_range) / 10, ymax=max(value_range) * 10) ratios = {} if len(show_ratio_for_pairs) > 0: for l, hists in show_ratio_for_pairs.iteritems(): h1 = hists[0].clone() h2 = hists[1].clone() h1.Divide(h2) h1.linewidth = 4 ratios[l] = h1 plt.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) axes_ratio = plt.subplot(gs[1]) axes_ratio.minorticks_on() axes_ratio.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=1) axes_ratio.axhline(y=1, linewidth=1, linestyle='dashed', color='black') set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, show_x_label=True, show_title=False) plt.ylabel(histogram_properties.ratio_y_title, fontsize=25) axes_ratio.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115, 0.8) for label, ratio in ratios.items(): rplt.hist(ratio, axes=axes_ratio, label=label) adjust_ratio_ticks(axes_ratio.yaxis, n_ticks=3) adjust_axis_limits(axes_ratio, histogram_properties, ratios.values(), adjust_y=True, y_limits=histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + + '.' + save) plt.close()
def plot_systematic_uncertainties(systematic_uncertainties, bin_edges, variable, output_folder, subcategories=[], subname='', plot_largest=False, plot_foreground=None): ''' Plot the systematic uncertainties ''' if not subcategories: subcategories = systematic_uncertainties.keys() x_limits = [bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]] # y_limits = [-0.6,0.6] y_limits = [0, 0.4] fig_syst = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16), dpi=400, facecolor='white') ax_syst = fig_syst.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax_syst.minorticks_on() ax_syst.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax_syst.yaxis.labelpad = 12 error_hists_up = {} error_hists_down = {} stat_hist = None for syst, vals in systematic_uncertainties.iteritems(): if syst == 'central': n = len(systematic_uncertainties[syst]) continue elif syst == 'statistical': stat_hist_up = values_and_errors_to_hist(vals, [], bin_edges) stat_hist_down = values_and_errors_to_hist(-vals, [], bin_edges) elif syst == 'systematic': syst_hist_up = values_and_errors_to_hist(vals, [], bin_edges) syst_hist_down = values_and_errors_to_hist(-vals, [], bin_edges) elif syst in subcategories: error_hists_up[syst] = values_and_errors_to_hist( vals, [], bin_edges) error_hists_down[syst] = values_and_errors_to_hist( -vals, [], bin_edges) else: continue if plot_largest: largest_syst = [] for bin_i in range(n): high = [] for syst, vals in systematic_uncertainties.iteritems(): if syst == 'central': continue if syst == 'statistical': continue if syst == 'systematic': continue high.append([syst, vals[bin_i]]) high = sorted(high, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # Retrieve highest systematics if high[0][0] not in largest_syst: largest_syst.append(high[0][0]) elif high[1][0] not in largest_syst: largest_syst.append(high[1][0]) else: continue rplt.fill_between(syst_hist_up, syst_hist_down, color='gold', label='Syst.') rplt.fill_between(stat_hist_down, stat_hist_up, color='0.75', label='Stat.') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) colours = [ 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'chartreuse', 'indigo', 'magenta', 'darkmagenta', 'hotpink', 'cyan', 'darkred', 'darkgoldenrod', 'mediumvioletred', 'mediumspringgreen', 'darkgoldenrod', 'slategray', 'dodgerblue', 'cadetblue', 'darkblue', 'seagreen', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue' ] * 2 if len(colours) < len(error_hists_up.keys()): print '---> Need to add more colours!!!' for error_hists in [error_hists_up, error_hists_down]: for i, source, in enumerate(error_hists.keys()): hist = error_hists[source] hist.linewidth = 4 hist.color = colours[i] if plot_largest: if source not in largest_syst: hist.linestyle = 'dashed' hist.alpha = 0.4 hist.linewidth = 2 # Only label systematic once if plot_foreground and plot_foreground in error_hists.keys(): source = '' if error_hists == error_hists_up: rplt.hist(hist, stacked=False, label=source) else: rplt.hist(hist, stacked=False, label='') if plot_foreground and plot_foreground in error_hists.keys(): hist = error_hists[plot_foreground] hist.color = 'black' rplt.hist(hist, stacked=False, label=source) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 25}, ncol=3) # leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right',prop={'size':20},ncol=4) leg.draw_frame(False) x_title = variables_NonLatex[variable] if variable in ['HT', 'MET', 'WPT', 'ST', 'lepton_pt']: x_title += ' [GeV]' ax_syst.set_xlim(x_limits) ax_syst.set_ylim(y_limits) plt.xlabel(x_title, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('Relative Uncertainty', CMS.y_axis_title) template = '%.1f fb$^{-1}$ (%d TeV)' label = template % (measurement_config.new_luminosity / 1000., measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy) plt.title(label, loc='right', **CMS.title) logo_location = (0.05, 0.98) prelim_location = (0.05, 0.92) channel_location = (0.05, 0.86) # plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], # "CMS", # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # # preliminary # plt.text(prelim_location[0], prelim_location[1], # r"\emph{Preliminary}", # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # # channel text # plt.text(channel_location[0], channel_location[1], # r"\emph{%s}" % channel, # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=40, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) plt.tight_layout() file_template = output_folder + '{var}_systematics_{com}TeV'.format( var=variable, com=measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy, ) if subname: file_template = file_template + '_' + subname file_template += '.pdf' fig_syst.savefig(file_template) print "Written plots to {f}".format(f=file_template) # return
def make_eff_plots(input_files, file_path, split=''): ''' 1D and 2D efficiency plotter ''' ################################################################################################################################# # PLOT EFFICIENCY ################################################################################################################################# f = TFile(file_path, "OPEN") make_folder_if_not_exists('plots/BTagEfficiency/') # ################################################################################################################################# # # PLOT 2D EFFICIENCY # ################################################################################################################################# for generator in input_files.values(): b_Hist = f.Get(generator+"/bQuarkJets_Ratio_Hist") c_Hist = f.Get(generator+"/cQuarkJets_Ratio_Hist") udsg_Hist = f.Get(generator+"/udsgQuarkJets_Ratio_Hist") b_Canvas = TCanvas("bQuarkJet","bQuarkJet", 0, 0, 800, 600) b_Hist.SetTitle("b quark b tagging efficiency ; pt; eta") b_Hist.Draw("colz") b_Canvas.Update() b_Canvas.SaveAs("plots/BTagEfficiency/bQuarkJet_"+generator+"_BTagEfficiency.png") c_Canvas = TCanvas("cQuarkJet","cQuarkJet", 0, 0, 800, 600) c_Hist.SetTitle("c quark b tagging efficiency ; pt; eta") c_Hist.Draw("colz") c_Canvas.Update() c_Canvas.SaveAs("plots/BTagEfficiency/cQuarkJet_"+generator+"_BTagEfficiency.png") udsg_Canvas = TCanvas("udsgQuarkJet","udsgQuarkJet", 0, 0, 800, 600) udsg_Hist.SetTitle("udsg quark b tagging efficiency ; pt; eta") udsg_Hist.Draw("colz") udsg_Canvas.Update() udsg_Canvas.SaveAs("plots/BTagEfficiency/udsgQuarkJet_"+generator+"_BTagEfficiency.png") ################################################################################################################################# # PLOT 1D EFFICIENCY ################################################################################################################################# b_pt = {} b_eta = {} c_pt = {} c_eta = {} udsg_pt = {} udsg_eta = {} for generator in input_files.values(): # Only get generators if they exist in the file if not f.GetListOfKeys().Contains(generator): continue # Split into categories if split == 'generator': if generator not in [ 'PowhegPythia8', 'PowhegHerwigpp', 'aMCatNLOPythia8', 'Madgraph' ]: continue if split == 'Shape': if generator not in [ 'PowhegPythia8', 'PowhegPythia8_plusJES', 'PowhegPythia8_minusJES', 'PowhegPythia8_plusJER', 'PowhegPythia8_minusJER', 'PowhegPythia8_mtop1695', 'PowhegPythia8_mtop1755' ]: continue if split == 'Tune': if generator not in [ 'PowhegPythia8', 'PowhegPythia8_fsrup', 'PowhegPythia8_fsrdown', 'PowhegPythia8_isrup', 'PowhegPythia8_isrdown', 'PowhegPythia8_up', 'PowhegPythia8_down' ]: continue b_pt[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/bQuarkJets_Ratio_Pt_Hist") ) b_eta[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/bQuarkJets_Ratio_Eta_Hist") ) c_pt[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/cQuarkJets_Ratio_Pt_Hist") ) c_eta[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/cQuarkJets_Ratio_Eta_Hist") ) udsg_pt[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/udsgQuarkJets_Ratio_Pt_Hist") ) udsg_eta[generator] = asrootpy( f.Get(generator+"/udsgQuarkJets_Ratio_Eta_Hist") ) eff_to_plot = { "b parton tagging effienciency (pt)" : b_pt, "b parton tagging effienciency (eta)" : b_eta, "c parton tagging effienciency (pt)" : c_pt, "c parton tagging effienciency (eta)" : c_eta, "udsg parton tagging effienciency (pt)" : udsg_pt, "udsg parton tagging effienciency (eta)" : udsg_eta, } print b_pt colours = [ 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'chartreuse', 'indigo', 'magenta', 'darkmagenta', 'hotpink', 'cyan', 'darkred', 'darkgoldenrod', 'mediumvioletred', 'mediumspringgreen', 'gold', 'darkgoldenrod', 'slategray', 'dodgerblue', 'cadetblue', 'darkblue', 'seagreen', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue' ] for title, efficiencies in eff_to_plot.iteritems(): # create figure fig_eff = plt.figure( figsize = ( 20, 16 ), dpi = 400, facecolor = 'white' ) ax_eff = fig_eff.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax_eff.minorticks_on() ax_eff.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax_eff.yaxis.labelpad = 12 ax_eff.set_ylim( 0, 1 ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) # plot specifics var = 'pt' if 'eta' in title: var = 'eta' parton = 'b' if "c parton" in title: parton = 'c' if "udsg parton" in title: parton = 'udsg' ylimits=[] if parton == 'b': if var == 'pt': y_limits = [0.480,0.75] if var == 'eta': y_limits = [0.510,0.75] if parton == 'c': if var == 'pt': y_limits = [0.150,0.200] if var == 'eta': y_limits = [0.125,0.21] if parton == 'udsg': if var == 'pt': y_limits = [0.015,0.050] if var == 'eta': y_limits = [0.014,0.034] # labels x_title = var if var == 'pt': x_title+=' [GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_title, CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( 'Efficiency', CMS.y_axis_title) template = '%.1f fb$^{-1}$ (%d TeV)' label = template % ( measurement_config.new_luminosity/1000, measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy) plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title ) # plot histograms i=0 for label, h in efficiencies.iteritems(): hist = asrootpy( h ) h.linewidth = 4 h.color = 'black' if label != 'PowhegPythia8': hist.linestyle = 'dashed' # hist.alpha = 0.8 hist.linewidth = 2 h.color = colours[i] rplt.hist( h, stacked=False, label = label ) i+=1 # plot legend leg = plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':25},ncol=2) leg.draw_frame(False) ax_eff.set_ylim( y_limits ) # additional text # logo_location = (0.05, 0.95) # plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], # "CMS", # transform=ax_eff.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # title_location = (0.05, 0.90) # plt.text(title_location[0], title_location[1], # title, # transform=ax_eff.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # filename and saving name_template = '{parton}_{var}_{split}efficiency.pdf' s='' if split: s = split+'_' name = name_template.format( parton=parton, var=var, split=s, ) plt.tight_layout() fig_eff.savefig('plots/BTagEfficiency/'+name) f.Close() return
def plot_systematic_uncertainties(systematic_uncertainties, bin_edges, variable, output_folder, subcategories = [], subname = '', plot_largest = False): ''' Plot the systematic uncertainties ''' print subcategories if not subcategories: subcategories = systematic_uncertainties.keys() x_limits = [bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]] # y_limits = [-0.6,0.6] y_limits = [0,0.4] fig_syst = plt.figure( figsize = ( 20, 16 ), dpi = 400, facecolor = 'white' ) ax_syst = fig_syst.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax_syst.minorticks_on() ax_syst.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax_syst.yaxis.labelpad = 12 error_hists_up = {} error_hists_down = {} stat_hist = None for syst, vals in systematic_uncertainties.iteritems(): if syst == 'central': n = len(systematic_uncertainties[syst]) continue elif syst == 'statistical': stat_hist_up = values_and_errors_to_hist( vals, [], bin_edges ) stat_hist_down = values_and_errors_to_hist( -vals, [], bin_edges ) elif syst == 'systematic': syst_hist_up = values_and_errors_to_hist( vals, [], bin_edges ) syst_hist_down = values_and_errors_to_hist( -vals, [], bin_edges ) elif syst in subcategories: error_hists_up[syst] = values_and_errors_to_hist( vals, [], bin_edges ) error_hists_down[syst] = values_and_errors_to_hist( -vals, [], bin_edges ) else: continue if plot_largest: largest_syst = [] for bin_i in range( n ): high = [] for syst, vals in systematic_uncertainties.iteritems(): if syst == 'central': continue if syst == 'statistical': continue if syst == 'systematic': continue high.append([syst,vals[bin_i]]) high = sorted(high, key = itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # Retrieve highest systematics if high[0][0] not in largest_syst: largest_syst.append(high[0][0]) elif high[1][0] not in largest_syst: largest_syst.append(high[1][0]) else: continue rplt.fill_between( syst_hist_up, syst_hist_down, color = 'yellow', label='Syst.' ) rplt.fill_between( stat_hist_down, stat_hist_up, color = 'grey', label='Stat.' ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) colours = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'chartreuse', 'indigo', 'magenta', 'darkmagenta', 'hotpink', 'cyan', 'darkred', 'darkgoldenrod', 'mediumvioletred', 'mediumspringgreen', 'gold', 'darkgoldenrod', 'slategray', 'dodgerblue', 'cadetblue', 'darkblue', 'seagreen', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue' ] # if len(colours) < len(error_hists.keys()): # print '---> Need to add more colours!!!' for error_hists in [error_hists_up, error_hists_down]: for i, source, in enumerate(error_hists.keys()): hist = error_hists[source] hist.linewidth = 4 hist.color = colours[i] if plot_largest: if source not in largest_syst: hist.linestyle = 'dashed' hist.alpha = 0.4 hist.linewidth = 2 # Only label systematic once if error_hists == error_hists_up: rplt.hist( hist, stacked=False, label = source ) else: rplt.hist( hist, stacked=False, label = '' ) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right',prop={'size':25},ncol=3) # leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right',prop={'size':20},ncol=4) leg.draw_frame(False) x_title = variables_NonLatex[variable] if variable in ['HT', 'MET', 'WPT', 'ST', 'lepton_pt']: x_title += ' [GeV]' ax_syst.set_xlim( x_limits ) ax_syst.set_ylim( y_limits ) plt.xlabel( x_title, CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( 'Relative Uncertainty', CMS.y_axis_title) template = '%.1f fb$^{-1}$ (%d TeV)' label = template % ( measurement_config.new_luminosity/1000, measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy) plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title ) logo_location = (0.05, 0.98) prelim_location = (0.05, 0.92) channel_location = ( 0.05, 0.86) # plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], # "CMS", # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # # preliminary # plt.text(prelim_location[0], prelim_location[1], # r"\emph{Preliminary}", # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=42, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) # # channel text # plt.text(channel_location[0], channel_location[1], # r"\emph{%s}" % channel, # transform=ax_syst.transAxes, # fontsize=40, # verticalalignment='top', # horizontalalignment='left' # ) plt.tight_layout() file_template = output_folder + '{var}_systematics_{com}TeV'.format( var = variable, com = measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy, ) if subname: file_template = file_template + '_' + subname file_template += '.pdf' fig_syst.savefig(file_template) print "Written plots to {f}".format(f = file_template) # return
hTrue= Hist(40, -10.0, 10.0); hMeas= Hist(40, -10.0, 10.0); hTrue.SetLineColor('red') hMeas.SetLineColor('blue') # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): xt= gRandom.Gaus (0.0, 2.0) x= smear (xt); hTrue.Fill(xt); if x!=None: hMeas.Fill(x); print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" unfold= RooUnfoldBayes (response, hMeas, 4); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd (response, hMeas, 20); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold (response, hMeas); hReco= unfold.Hreco(); h_unfolded = asrootpy(hReco) unfold.PrintTable (cout, hTrue); plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=100) rplt.hist(hTrue, label='truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(hMeas, label='measured', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(h_unfolded, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('var') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig('plots/RooUnfoldBayesExample.png') print 'Done'
bins = array('d', [0, 25, 45, 70, 100, 1000]) h_data = Hist(bins.tolist()) h_data.SetBinContent(1, 2146) h_data.SetBinError(1, 145) h_data.SetBinContent(2, 3399) h_data.SetBinError(2, 254) h_data.SetBinContent(3, 3723) h_data.SetBinError(3, 69) h_data.SetBinContent(4, 2256) h_data.SetBinError(4, 53) h_data.SetBinContent(5, 1722) h_data.SetBinError(5, 91) h_data.SetTitle('input distribution') h_new = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_data) h_new.SetTitle('toy MC') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) rplt.hist(h_new, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(h_data, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('Mass', position=(1., 0.), ha='right') plt.ylabel('Events', position=(0., 1.), va='top') plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.savefig('toy_MC_test.png') print list( h_data.y() ) print list( h_new.y() )
def make_error_plot( errorHists, bins ): global output_folder, variable # For each up/down source, reduce to one set of numbers symmetricErrorHists = {} for source, hist in errorHists.iteritems(): if ( variable == 'HT' or variable == 'NJets' or variable == 'lepton_pt' or variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' ) and source in measurement_config.met_systematics and not 'JES' in source and not 'JER' in source: continue if 'down' in source or '-' in source or 'lower' in source or 'Down' in source: # Find up version upHist = None newSource = '' if 'down' in source: upHist = errorHists[source.replace('down','up')] newSource = source.replace('down','') elif 'Down' in source: upHist = errorHists[source.replace('Down','Up')] newSource = source.replace('Down','') elif '-' in source: upHist = errorHists[source.replace('-','+')] newSource = source.replace('-','') elif 'lower' in source: upHist = errorHists[source.replace('lower','upper')] newSource = source.replace('lower','') if newSource[-1] == '_': newSource = newSource[:-1] # if '_' in newSource: # newSource = newSource.replace('_','') symmetricErrorHists[newSource] = [] for errorup, errordown in zip(hist, upHist): newError = max( abs(errorup), abs(errordown) ) symmetricErrorHists[newSource].append(newError) elif 'TTJets_hadronisation' in source or 'QCD_shape' in source or 'TTJets_NLOgenerator' in source: symmetricErrorHists[source] = [ abs(i) for i in hist ] x_limits = [bins[0], bins[-1]] y_limits = [0,0.6] plt.figure( figsize = ( 20, 16 ), dpi = 200, facecolor = 'white' ) ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax0.yaxis.labelpad = 12 ax0.set_xlim( x_limits ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) statisticalErrorHists = values_and_errors_to_hist( errorHists['statistical'], [], bins ) for source, hist in symmetricErrorHists.iteritems(): symmetricErrorHists[source] = values_and_errors_to_hist( hist, [], bins ) colours = ['silver', 'r', 'tan', 'chartreuse', 'cadetblue', 'dodgerblue', 'pink', 'hotpink', 'coral', 'forestgreen', 'cyan', 'teal', 'crimson', 'darkmagenta', 'olive', 'slateblue', 'deepskyblue', 'orange', 'r' ] for source, colour in zip( symmetricErrorHists.keys(), colours): hist = symmetricErrorHists[source] hist.linewidth = 4 hist.color = colour rplt.hist( hist, stacked=False, axes = ax0, cmap = my_cmap, vmin = 1, label = source ) statisticalErrorHists.linewidth = 4 statisticalErrorHists.color = 'black' statisticalErrorHists.linestyle = 'dashed' rplt.hist( statisticalErrorHists, stacked=False, axes = ax0, cmap = my_cmap, vmin = 1, label = 'stat.' ) ax0.set_ylim( y_limits ) leg = plt.legend(loc=1,prop={'size':40},ncol=2) leg.draw_frame(False) x_title = variables_NonLatex[variable] if variable in ['HT', 'MET', 'WPT', 'ST', 'lepton_pt']: x_title += ' [GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_title, CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( 'Relative Uncertainty', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + '/' + variable + '/' make_folder_if_not_exists(path) file_template = path + '/%s_systematics_%dTeV_%s.pdf' % (variable, measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy, channel) plt.savefig(file_template) pass
def draw_d_i( d_i ): global variable, output_folder, output_formats, test, k_values, k_values_crosscheck plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor ) fit_all_bins = TF1("fit_all_bins", 'expo', 0, d_i.nbins(0)-1) fit_exclude_first_bin = TF1("fit_exclude_first_bin", 'expo', 1, d_i.nbins(0)-1) fit_all_bins_plus_flat = TF1("fit_all_bins_plus_flat", 'TMath::Exp([0]*x+[1])+[2]', 0, d_i.nbins(0)-1) fit_all_bins_plus_flat.SetParameter(0,-2.) fit_all_bins_plus_flat.SetParameter(1,3.) fit_all_bins_plus_flat.SetParameter(2,1.) # fit_all_bins_plus_flat.SetParLimits(2,0.1,2.) fit_all_bins_plus_linear = TF1("fit_all_bins_plus_linear", 'TMath::Exp([0]*x+[1])+[2]+[3]*x', 0, d_i.nbins(0)-1) fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParameter(0,-2.) fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParameter(1,3.) fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParameter(2,0.) fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParameter(3,0.) # fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParLimits(2,0.1,10.) fit_all_bins_plus_linear.SetParLimits(3,-10.,0.) d_i.Fit(fit_all_bins, 'WWSQR') d_i.Fit(fit_exclude_first_bin, 'WWSQR') d_i.Fit(fit_all_bins_plus_flat, 'WWSQR') d_i.Fit(fit_all_bins_plus_linear, 'WWSQR') p0_all_bins = ufloat(fit_all_bins.GetParameter(0), fit_all_bins.GetParError(0)) p1_all_bins = ufloat(fit_all_bins.GetParameter(1), fit_all_bins.GetParError(1)) k_value_all_bins = -p0_all_bins / p1_all_bins # other way of estimation: crossing the d = 1 line by exponential p0_exclude_first_bin = ufloat(fit_exclude_first_bin.GetParameter(0), fit_exclude_first_bin.GetParError(0)) p1_exclude_first_bin = ufloat(fit_exclude_first_bin.GetParameter(1), fit_exclude_first_bin.GetParError(1)) k_value_exclude_first_bin = -p0_exclude_first_bin / p1_exclude_first_bin # other way of estimation: crossing the d = 1 line by exponential p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParameter(0), fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParError(0)) p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParameter(1), fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParError(1)) p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParameter(2), fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetParError(2)) k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = -1.0 / p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value * ( p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value - numpy.log( p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value*0.1 ) ) # Either round value to nearest integer, or pick the bin the value is in # Chosen latter for now # k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = numpy.round(1+k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat,0) k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = 1+ int( k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat ) if k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat < 2: k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat = 2 p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParameter(0), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParError(0)) p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParameter(1), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParError(1)) p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParameter(2), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParError(2)) p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = ufloat(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParameter(3), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetParError(3)) # k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = -1.0 / p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value * ( p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value - numpy.log( p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.std_dev ) ) x = 1 y = numpy.exp( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value * x + p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value ) while y > 0.1 * ( p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value + p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value*x): x += 0.01 y = numpy.exp( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value * x + p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value ) if x > 10: break # Either round value to nearest integer, or pick the bin the value is in # Chosen latter for now # k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = numpy.round(1+x,0) k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = 1+int(x) if k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear < 2: k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear = 2 # print 'Fitted f_all = $e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f }$' % ( p1_all_bins.nominal_value, p0_all_bins.nominal_value ) # print 'Best k-value for %s using exponential fitted to all bins crossing d=1 method: %.2f +- %.2f' % (variable, k_value_all_bins.nominal_value, k_value_all_bins.std_dev) # print 'p1_all_bins: %f +- %f ' % ( p1_all_bins.nominal_value, p1_all_bins.std_dev ) # print 'p0_all_bins: %f +- %f ' % ( p0_all_bins.nominal_value, p0_all_bins.std_dev ) # print 'Fitted fit_exclude_first_bin = $e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f }$' % ( p1_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value, p0_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value ) # print 'Best k-value for %s using exponential fitted to all but 1st bin crossing d=1 method: %.2f +- %.2f' % (variable, k_value_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value, k_value_exclude_first_bin.std_dev) # print 'p1_exclude_first_bin: %f +- %f ' % ( p1_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value, p1_exclude_first_bin.std_dev ) # print 'p0_exclude_first_bin: %f +- %f ' % ( p0_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value, p0_exclude_first_bin.std_dev ) # print 'Fitted fit_all_bins_plus_flat = $e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f }$' % ( p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value ) print 'Fit exponential plus flat' print 'p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat: %f +- %f ' % ( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.std_dev ) print 'p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat: %f +- %f ' % ( p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.std_dev ) print 'p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat: %f +- %f ' % ( p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.std_dev ) print 'Fit exponential plus linear' print 'p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear: %f +- %f ' % ( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.std_dev ) print 'p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear: %f +- %f ' % ( p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.std_dev ) print 'p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear: %f +- %f ' % ( p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.std_dev ) print 'p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear: %f +- %f ' % ( p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.std_dev ) # print '============== Suggested k value : ',1+k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat, numpy.round(1+k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat,0) k_values[variable] = k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat k_values_crosscheck[variable] = k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear print '============== ',variable,channel,k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat print '=== Other ',x,y,k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear rplt.hist( d_i ) plt.title( r'SVD unfolding $d_i$ for $' + variables_latex[variable] + '$', CMS.title ) plt.xlabel( r'$i$', CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( r'$d_i$', CMS.y_axis_title ) axes = plt.axes() # x_all_bins = numpy.linspace(fit_all_bins.GetXmin(), fit_all_bins.GetXmax(), fit_all_bins.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve # function_data_all_bins = numpy.frompyfunc(fit_all_bins.Eval, 1, 1) # plot(x_all_bins, function_data_all_bins(x_all_bins), axes=axes, color='red', linewidth=2) # x_exclude_first_bin = numpy.linspace(fit_exclude_first_bin.GetXmin(), fit_exclude_first_bin.GetXmax(), fit_exclude_first_bin.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve # function_data_exclude_first_bin = numpy.frompyfunc(fit_exclude_first_bin.Eval, 1, 1) # plot(x_exclude_first_bin, function_data_exclude_first_bin(x_exclude_first_bin), axes=axes, color='red', linewidth=2) # #fill between fits x = numpy.arange(0, d_i.nbins(0), 0.1) # exp1 = numpy.exp( p1_all_bins.nominal_value*x + p0_all_bins.nominal_value ) # exp2 = numpy.exp( p1_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value*x + p0_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value ) # plt.fill_between(x, exp1, exp2, color='k', alpha=.5) x_all_bins_plus_flat = numpy.linspace(fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetXmin(), fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetXmax(), fit_all_bins_plus_flat.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve function_data_all_bins_plus_flat = numpy.frompyfunc(fit_all_bins_plus_flat.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x_all_bins_plus_flat, function_data_all_bins_plus_flat(x_all_bins_plus_flat), axes=axes, color='green', linewidth=2) # x_all_bins_plus_linear = numpy.linspace(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetXmin(), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetXmax(), fit_all_bins_plus_linear.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve # function_data_all_bins_plus_linear = numpy.frompyfunc(fit_all_bins_plus_linear.Eval, 1, 1) # plot(x_all_bins_plus_linear, function_data_all_bins_plus_linear(x_all_bins_plus_linear), axes=axes, color='blue', linewidth=2, linestyle = 'dashed') plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) axes.set_yscale( 'log', nonposy = "clip" ) #adjust the y limits so all d_i are visible on log scale value_range = sorted( list( d_i.y() ) ) for i, value in enumerate(value_range): if value == 0: del value_range[i] axes.set_ylim( ymin = min(value_range)/10 ) text = 'Fit function:' # text += '\n$f_{all~bins} = e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f }$' % ( p1_all_bins.nominal_value, p0_all_bins.nominal_value ) # text += '\n$f_{excl.1st} = e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f }$' % ( p1_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value, p0_exclude_first_bin.nominal_value ) text += '\n$f_{exp~plus~flat} = e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f } + %.2f$' % ( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p1_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value ) # text += '\n$f_{exp~plus~linear} = e^{%.2f \\times i + %.2f } + %.2f %.2f \\times i$ ' % ( p0_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p1_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value, p3_fit_all_bins_plus_linear.nominal_value ) axes.text(0.3, 0.8, text, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=axes.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=30, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5)) # text = 'k value : %.1g (%.1g)' % ( k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat, k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_linear ) text = 'k value : %.1g ' % ( k_value_fit_all_bins_plus_flat ) axes.text(0.3, 0.7, text, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=axes.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=30, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5)) # Plot error band on flat component only line = plt.axhline( y = p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, linewidth = 2, color = 'red', linestyle = 'dashed' ) # +/- 10% plt.fill_between(x, 0.9*p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, 1.1*p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value, color='k', alpha=.25) # # +/- 1 sigma # plt.fill_between(x, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value-p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.std_dev, p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.nominal_value+p2_fit_all_bins_plus_flat.std_dev, color='k', alpha=.25) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() save_as_name = 'k_from_d_i_%s_channel_%s_%s' % ( channel, variable, test ) for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + save_as_name + '.' + output_format)
def make_control_region_comparison( control_region_1, control_region_2, name_region_1, name_region_2, histogram_properties=Histogram_properties(), # show_ratio = True, save_folder='plots/', save_as=['pdf', 'png']): save_folder = check_save_folder(save_folder) # make copies in order not to mess with existing histograms control_region_1 = deepcopy(control_region_1) control_region_2 = deepcopy(control_region_2) # normalise as we are comparing shapes control_region_1.Scale(1 / control_region_1.Integral()) control_region_2.Scale(1 / control_region_2.Integral()) ratio = control_region_1.Clone('ratio') ratio.Divide(control_region_2) ratio.SetMarkerSize(3) control_region_1.fillcolor = 'yellow' control_region_2.fillcolor = 'red' control_region_1.fillstyle = 'solid' control_region_2.fillstyle = 'solid' control_region_1.legendstyle = 'F' control_region_2.legendstyle = 'F' # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) axes = plt.subplot(gs[0]) axes.minorticks_on() rplt.hist(control_region_1, axes=axes, alpha=0.5) rplt.hist(control_region_2, axes=axes, alpha=0.5) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, show_x_label=False, axes=axes) handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() labels.insert(0, name_region_1 + ' (1)') labels.insert(1, name_region_2 + ' (2)') l1 = axes.legend(handles, labels, numpoints=1, frameon=histogram_properties.legend_color, bbox_to_anchor=histogram_properties.legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, prop=CMS.legend_properties, ncol=histogram_properties.legend_columns) l1.set_zorder(102) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len(x_limits) == 2: axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_limits[0], xmax=x_limits[1]) if len(y_limits) == 2: axes.set_ylim(ymin=y_limits[0], ymax=y_limits[1]) else: y_max = get_best_max_y( [control_region_1, control_region_2], x_limits=x_limits) * histogram_properties.y_max_scale axes.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=y_max) plt.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=1) # dynamic tick placement adjust_ratio_ticks(ax1.yaxis, n_ticks=3) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, show_x_label=True, show_title=False) plt.ylabel('(1)/(2)', CMS.y_axis_title) rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=True, emptybins=histogram_properties.emptybins, axes=ax1) if len(x_limits) == 2: ax1.set_xlim(xmin=x_limits[0], xmax=x_limits[1]) if len(histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits) == 2: ax1.set_ylim(ymin=histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits[0], ymax=histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits[1]) else: ax1.set_ylim(ymin=-0.5, ymax=4) # dynamic tick placement adjust_ratio_ticks(ax1.yaxis, n_ticks=3) ax1.set_ylim(ymin=-0.5, ymax=4) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + + '.' + save) plt.close()
## Set parameters for plotting font_path = "/usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXGeneralItalic.otf" font_name = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=font_path).get_name() plt.rc('font',family=font_name) plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,6) plt.rc('xtick',labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick',labelsize=20) plt.title("b quark p$_{T}$",fontsize=15) #plt.grid(which='major', linestyle='-.') plt.xlabel("p$_{T}$ [GeV]", fontsize=15) plt.ylabel("Number of Events", fontsize=15) #plt.text(280, 500, "COMBINED", ha='center',va='center',fontsize=25) #plt.text(300, 75, "+ DELPHES3", ha='center',va='center',fontsize=25) #plt.plot(myhist1, label='W+') #plt.plot(myhist2, label='W-') #plt.legend(['W+', 'W-'], fontsize=15) plt.minorticks_on() ## Draw hist rplt.hist(G, linewidth=3,label='POWHEG v1 NLO',color="royalblue") rplt.hist(H, linewidth=3,label='POWHEG v1 NNLO',color="red") rplt.hist(I, linewidth=3,label='MADGRAPH5 NLO',color="black") #rplt.hist(J, linewidth=3,label='nn23lo1 Delphes',color="green") plt.legend(fontsize=15) plt.savefig("output.png")
def make_plot(histogram, histogram_properties=Histogram_properties(), save_folder='plots/', save_as=['pdf', 'png'], normalise=False, draw_errorbar=False, draw_legend=True): save_folder = check_save_folder(save_folder) histogram.SetTitle(histogram_properties.title) # histogram.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) # to be changed histogram.fillcolor = '0.75' histogram.fillstyle = 'solid' if normalise: histogram.Scale(1 / histogram.Integral()) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes() if draw_errorbar: rplt.errorbar(histogram, emptybins=histogram_properties.emptybins, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=10, capthick=2) else: rplt.hist(histogram) if draw_legend: l1 = axes.legend(numpoints=1, frameon=histogram_properties.legend_color, bbox_to_anchor=histogram_properties.legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, prop=CMS.legend_properties, ncol=histogram_properties.legend_columns) l1.set_zorder(102) adjust_axis_limits(axes, histogram_properties, [histogram]) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len(x_limits) == 2: axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_limits[0], xmax=x_limits[1]) if len(y_limits) == 2: axes.set_ylim(ymin=y_limits[0], ymax=y_limits[1]) if histogram_properties.set_log_y: axes.set_yscale('log', nonposy="clip") if not len( histogram_properties.y_limits ) == 2: # if not user set y-limits, calculate the limits from the tuple values value_range = sorted(list(histogram.y())) for i, value in enumerate(value_range): if value == 0: del value_range[i] axes.set_ylim(ymin=min(value_range) / 10, ymax=max(value_range) * 10) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + + '.' + save) plt.close()
def make_shape_comparison_plot(shapes=[], names=[], colours=[], histogram_properties=Histogram_properties(), fill_area=True, make_ratio=False, add_error_bars=True, alpha=0.5, save_folder='plots/', save_as=['pdf', 'png'], normalise_ratio_to_errors=False): save_folder = check_save_folder(save_folder) # make copies in order not to mess with existing histograms shapes_ = deepcopy(shapes) # normalise as we are comparing shapes for shape, colour, label in zip(shapes_, colours, names): shape.SetTitle(label) integral = shape.Integral() if integral > 0: shape.Sumw2() shape.Scale(1 / integral) if fill_area: shape.fillcolor = colour shape.fillstyle = 'solid' shape.legendstyle = 'F' else: shape.linecolor = colour shape.legendstyle = 'F' shape.linewidth = 5 if not histogram_properties.y_limits: histogram_properties.y_limits = [0, get_best_max_y(shapes_, False)] # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) axes = None if make_ratio: axes = plt.subplot(gs[0]) else: axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() for shape in shapes_: rplt.hist(shape, axes=axes, alpha=alpha) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, show_x_label=not make_ratio, axes=axes) handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() for i, name in enumerate(names): labels.insert(i, name) # always fill legends if not fill_area: for handle in handles: handle.set_fill(True) handle.set_facecolor(handle.get_edgecolor()) l1 = axes.legend(handles, labels, numpoints=1, frameon=histogram_properties.legend_color, bbox_to_anchor=histogram_properties.legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, prop=CMS.legend_properties, ncol=histogram_properties.legend_columns) l1.set_zorder(102) #add error bars graphs = spread_x(shapes_, list(shapes_[0].xedges())) if add_error_bars: for graph in graphs: rplt.errorbar(graph, axes=axes) adjust_axis_limits(axes, histogram_properties, shapes_) if make_ratio: plt.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ratios = get_histogram_ratios(shapes_[0], shapes_[1:], normalise_ratio_to_errors) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=1) set_labels(plt, histogram_properties, show_x_label=True, show_title=False) if normalise_ratio_to_errors: plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{1-2}{\sqrt{(\sigma_1)^2 + (\sigma_2)^2}}$', CMS.y_axis_title) else: plt.ylabel('(1)/(2)', CMS.y_axis_title) for ratio in ratios: ratio.SetMarkerSize(2) rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=True, emptybins=histogram_properties.emptybins, axes=ax1) if len(histogram_properties.x_limits) == 2: ax1.set_xlim(xmin=histogram_properties.x_limits[0], xmax=histogram_properties.x_limits[1]) if len(histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits) == 2: ax1.set_ylim(ymin=histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits[0], ymax=histogram_properties.ratio_y_limits[1]) # dynamic tick placement adjust_ratio_ticks(ax1.yaxis, n_ticks=3) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + + '.' + save) plt.close()
# --Show histogram using TCanvas if (not and args.TCanvas ): c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() histMass.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M_{T} [GeV]") histMass.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") histMass.Draw("Hist") dummy=input("Press Enter to continue...") # --Show histogram using Matplotlib if (not and not args.TCanvas): # Set parametres for plotting plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,6) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=15) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=15) plt.title("Transverse mass", fontsize=25) plt.xlabel("$M_{T} [GeV]$",fontsize=15) plt.ylabel("Events",fontsize=15) plt.grid(which='major', linestyle='-.') # Draw hist rplt.hist(histMass,linewidth=3, color="royalblue",label="W^{+} transverse mass") plt.xticks([0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200]) plt.yticks([0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140]) plt.legend()
from utils import pycopy, hist_info for i, roc in enumerate(rocs): fig = plt.figure('ROC curve') axes = fig.add_subplot(111) axes.grid(axis='both') axes.set_title('ROC curve') axes.set_xlim(axis_range, 1) axes.set_ylim(axis_range, 1) axes.set_xlabel('Signal selection efficiency') axes.set_ylabel('Background rejection efficiency') axes.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.9, -0.05) for key, hist in roc.iteritems(): info = hist_info(hist) hist = pycopy(Hist, ROOT.TH1, hist, *info[0], **info[1]) line = rplt.hist(hist, stacked=False) print type(line), line axes.legend(fontsize=10, numpoints=1, frameon=False, ncol=3) if doprint: pp.savefig() pp.close() elif not options.batch: else: canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('canvas', '', 800, 600) if doprint: canvas.Print('{}_ROC_curves.pdf['.format(prefix)) cols = (ROOT.kAzure, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlack) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.12, 0.15, 0.8, 0.6)