def __init__(self, filename): self.parameters = {} sys_name ='Output/(\w+)/', filename).group(1) file_list = glob.glob(filename + '/*.txt') # Get parameter names and corresponding line numbers with open(file_list[1]) as f: lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] candidates = [[item.split()[0], i] for i, item in enumerate(lines) if"\+\/\-.*|Chi2", item)] for cand in candidates: self.parameters[cand[0]] = [cand[1], []] print(self.parameters) for ifile in file_list: [iy, ipt] ="y(\d)_pt(\d+)", ifile).groups() iy = int(iy) ipt = int(ipt) with open(ifile) as ftmp: lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in ftmp] mean_pt = float(lines[0].split()[1]) for par in self.parameters: graphs = self.parameters[par][1] parno = self.parameters[par][0] try: graph = next(igraph for igraph in graphs if == 'g_{0}_y{1}_{2}'.format( sys_name, iy, par)) except StopIteration: graph = Graph(len(bins_pt) - 1, name='g_{0}_y{1}_{2}'.format( sys_name, iy, par), type='asymm') graphs.append(graph) try: data = lines[parno].split() except IndexError: continue if par == 'Chi2/nDOF:': par_value = float(data[1]) par_error = [0, 0] else: par_value = float(data[2]) if (data[3] == "+/-"): if (data[4][0] == "("): par_error = [ float(data[4][2:-1]), float(data[5][:-1]) ] else: if float(data[4]) > 0.3 * par_value: par_error = [ 0.3 * par_value, 0.3 * par_value ] else: par_error = [ float(data[4]), float(data[4]) ] else: par_error = [999, 999] graph[ipt] = (mean_pt, par_value) graph[ipt].x.error_hi = bins_pt[ipt + 1] - mean_pt graph[ipt].x.error_low = -bins_pt[ipt] + mean_pt graph[ipt].y.error_low = par_error[0] graph[ipt].y.error_hi = par_error[1] for par in self.parameters: graphs = self.parameters[par][1] for graph, color in zip(graphs, colors): graph.color = color
tmplabels = [] for a,b in zip(handles,labels): if type(a)==Line2D: continue tmphandles.append(a[0]) tmplabels.append(b) # use them in the legend axes.legend(tmphandles, tmplabels, loc='best',numpoints=1) if 'Data' in hists: # print list(stack.sum.y()) # ratioplot = Graph.divide( Graph(hists['Data']), stack.sum ) ratioplot = Graph() ratioplot.Divide( hists['Data'], stack.sum , 'pois' ) ratioplot.color = "black" if hists["Data"].Integral(): tmpyerror,tmpyerror2 = zip(*list(ratioplot.yerr()) ) tmpx = list(ratioplot.x()) tmpy = list(ratioplot.y()) tmpxy = zip(tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror) # print tmpxy tmpxy = [tmp for tmp in tmpxy if tmp[1]!=0 ] # print tmpxy tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror = zip(*tmpxy) # print tmpyerror axes_ratio.errorbar(tmpx, tmpy, # list(ratioplot.y()), yerr = tmpyerror, # yerr=[ x[0] for x in list(ratioplot.yerr() ) ] ,
def main(args): fileList = glob('/data/nawoods/lepsForSIP/*.root') files = {int(f.split('_M')[1].split('.')[0]) : f for f in fileList} checkers = {m : MuonSIPChecker('m={}'.format(m), [f]) for m,f in files.iteritems()} sipRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') sipHists = [] dxyRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') dxyHists = [] dzRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') dzHists = [] ipHists = [] ipErrHists = [] fracFailing = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') for i, m in enumerate(sorted(files.keys())): checkers[m].processSample() checkers[m].hists['sip'].Sumw2() sipRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['sip'].GetRMS()) sipRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['sip'].GetRMSError()) sipHists.append(checkers[m].hists['sip']) sipHists[-1].color = getColor(m) sipHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) sipHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' sipHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' sipHists[-1].linewidth = 2 sipHists[-1].scale(1./sipHists[-1].integral()) ipHists.append(checkers[m].hists['ip']) ipHists[-1].color = getColor(m) ipHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) ipHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' ipHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' ipHists[-1].linewidth = 2 ipHists[-1].scale(1./ipHists[-1].integral()) ipErrHists.append(checkers[m].hists['ipErr']) ipErrHists[-1].color = getColor(m) ipErrHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) ipErrHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' ipErrHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' ipErrHists[-1].linewidth = 2 ipErrHists[-1].scale(1./ipErrHists[-1].integral()) checkers[m].hists['dxy'].Sumw2() dxyRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['dxy'].GetRMS()) dxyRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['dxy'].GetRMSError()) dxyHists.append(checkers[m].hists['dxy']) dxyHists[-1].color = getColor(m) dxyHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) dxyHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' dxyHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' dxyHists[-1].linewidth = 2 dxyHists[-1].scale(1./dxyHists[-1].integral()) checkers[m].hists['dz'].Sumw2() dzRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['dz'].GetRMS()) dzRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['dz'].GetRMSError()) dzHists.append(checkers[m].hists['dz']) dzHists[-1].color = getColor(m) dzHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) dzHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' dzHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' dzHists[-1].linewidth = 2 dzHists[-1].scale(1./dzHists[-1].integral()) fracFailing.SetPoint(i, float(m), 1. - float(checkers[m].nPassSIP) / checkers[m].nTot) cSIP = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(sipHists, cSIP, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.') legSIP = Legend(sipHists, cSIP, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legSIP.Draw("same") cSIP.Print('/afs/') cSIPLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(sipHists, cSIPLog, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legSIPLog = Legend(sipHists, cSIPLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legSIPLog.Draw("same") cSIPLog.Print('/afs/') cSIPRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) sipRMS.color = 'b' sipRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' sipRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(sipRMS, cSIPRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(SIP_{3D})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cSIPRMS.Print('/afs/') cIP = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipHists, cIP, xtitle='IP_{3D}', ytitle='arb.') legIP = Legend(ipHists, cIP, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legIP.Draw("same") cIP.Print('/afs/') cIPLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipHists, cIPLog, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legIPLog = Legend(ipHists, cIPLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legIPLog.Draw("same") cIPLog.Print('/afs/') cIPErr = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipErrHists, cIPErr, xtitle='#sigma_{IP_{3D}}', ytitle='arb.') legIPErr = Legend(ipErrHists, cIPErr, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legIPErr.Draw("same") cIPErr.Print('/afs/') cIPErrLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipErrHists, cIPErrLog, xtitle='#sigma_{IP_{3D}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legIPErrLog = Legend(ipErrHists, cIPErrLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legIPErrLog.Draw("same") cIPErrLog.Print('/afs/') cFail = Canvas(1000, 1000) fracFailing.color = 'b' fracFailing.drawstyle = 'PE' fracFailing.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(fracFailing, cSIPRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="Fraction failing SIP", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cSIPRMS.Print('/afs/') cDXY = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(dxyHists, cDXY, xtitle='#Delta_{xy}', ytitle='arb.') legDXY = Legend(dxyHists, cDXY, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legDXY.Draw("same") cDXY.Print('/afs/') cDXYRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) dxyRMS.color = 'b' dxyRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' dxyRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(dxyRMS, cDXYRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(#Delta_{xy})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cDXYRMS.Print('/afs/') cDZ = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(dzHists, cDZ, xtitle='#Delta_{z}', ytitle='arb.') legDZ = Legend(dzHists, cDZ, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legDZ.Draw("same") cDZ.Print('/afs/') cDZRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) dzRMS.color = 'b' dzRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' dzRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(dzRMS, cDZRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(#Delta_{z})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cDZRMS.Print('/afs/')
} def selectLowMass(row): return row.MassDREtFSR < 110. for ana in ['full', 'z4l']: if ana == 'z4l': selector = selectLowMass else: selector = lambda *args: True g = {} for ch in plotter.channels: g[ch] = Graph(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch].GetEntries(), title=titles[ch]) g[ch].color = colors[ch] g[ch].markerstyle = markers[ch] g[ch].drawstyle = 'P' g[ch].SetMarkerSize(g[ch].GetMarkerSize()*1.5) if ch == 'mmmm': g[ch].SetMarkerSize(g[ch].GetMarkerSize()*1.18) for ch in plotter.channels: #nWithFSR = 0 for i, row in enumerate(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch]): if selector(row): g[ch].SetPoint(i, getMZ1[ch](row), getMZ2[ch](row)) #if row.Mass != row.MassDREtFSR: # nWithFSR += 1 #print "%s: %d / %d"%(ch, nWithFSR, int(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch].GetEntries()))
from rootpy.plotting import Graph, Canvas, Legend from import set_style from rootpy import ROOT set_style('ATLAS', shape='rect') ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) gr_vbf = Graph(len(MASSES)) gr_ggh = Graph(len(MASSES)) for ip, (m, eff_vbf, eff_ggh) in enumerate(zip(MASSES, EFFS_VBF, EFFS_GGH)): gr_vbf.SetPoint(ip, m, eff_vbf) gr_ggh.SetPoint(ip, m, eff_ggh) gr_vbf.title = 'VBFH#rightarrow #tau#tau' gr_vbf.color = 'red' gr_vbf.xaxis.title = 'm_H [GeV]' gr_vbf.yaxis.title = 'Filter Efficiency' gr_vbf.yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 0.6) gr_ggh.title = 'ggH#rightarrow #tau#tau' gr_ggh.color = 'blue' gr_ggh.xaxis.title = 'm_{H} [GeV]' c = Canvas() gr_vbf.Draw('APL') gr_ggh.Draw('SAMEPL') leg = Legend([gr_vbf, gr_ggh], pad=c, anchor='upper left') leg.Draw('same') c.SaveAs('filter_eff.png')