Example #1
def draw_squares_from_circle(n, circle, window):
    What comes in:  Three arguments:
      -- A positive integer n.
      -- An rg.Circle.
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      See   draw_squares_from_circle.pdf   in this project for pictures
        that may help you better understand the following specification:

      First draws the given rg.Circle on the given rg.RoseWindow.
      Then draws  n  rg.Squares on the given rg.RoseWindow, such that:
        -- The first rg.Square circumscribes the given rg.Circle.
        -- Each subsequent rg.Square has its upper-left quarter
             on top of the lower-right quarter of the previous rg.Square,
             so that the squares form an overlapping sequence
             that goes down and to the right.
      Must  ** render **     but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type n: int
      :type circle: rg.Circle
      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 2. Implement and test this function.
    #          Tests have been written for you (above).
    #             as in   draw_row_of_circles   in m1e,
    #             instead of directly using the loop variable.
    # HINT: To figure out the code that computes the necessary
    #       positions of each square,
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    square_x = circle.center.x
    square_y = circle.center.y
    for _ in range(n):
        square = rg.Square(rg.Point(square_x, square_y), circle.radius * 2)
        square_x = square_x + circle.radius
        square_y = square_y + circle.radius
def draw_squares_from_circle(n, circle, window):
    drawncircle = circle
    windowsfc = window
    centersquare = drawncircle.center
    csx = centersquare.x
    csy = centersquare.y
    sidesquare = drawncircle.radius * 2
    for k in range(n):
        square = rg.Square(
            rg.Point(csx + k * sidesquare / 2, csy + k * sidesquare / 2),
Example #3
def broken_5(circle, window):
    What comes in: an rg.Circle and an rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      Draws the given rg.Circle and an rg.Square that circumscribes it,
         both on the given rg.RoseWindow.

      Must  ** render **     but   ** NOT close **   the window.
    Type hints:
      :type circle: rg.Circle
      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
    square = rg.Square(circle.center, circle.radius * 2)
    square.outline_color = circle.fill_color
Example #4
class ShapesTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Runs tests for the Shapes specified in the class variable
    shapes = (rg.Rectangle(rg.Point(50, 100), rg.Point(70, 140)),
              rg.Ellipse(rg.Point(50, 100),
                         rg.Point(70, 140)), rg.Circle(rg.Point(50, 100), 30),
              rg.Square(rg.Point(50, 100), 30), rg.Point(50, 100),
              rg.Line(rg.Point(50, 100), rg.Point(70, 140)))
    speed = 10

    def test(self):
        testcase = ShapeTest()
        testcase.speed = ShapesTest.speed
        for shape in ShapesTest.shapes:
            testcase.start_shape = shape
def draw_squares_from_circle(n, circle, window):
    x = circle.center.x
    y = circle.center.y
    center = rg.Point(x, y)
    circle = rg.Circle(center, circle.radius)
    circle.fill_color = 'pink'

    for k in range(n):
        square = rg.Square(center, 2 * circle.radius)
        square.outline_color = 'pink'

        x = x + circle.radius
        y = y + circle.radius
        center = rg.Point(x, y)
    What comes in:  Three arguments:
      -- A positive integer n.
      -- An rg.Circle.
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      See   draw_squares_from_circle.pdf   in this project for pictures
        that may help you better understand the following specification:

      First draws the given rg.Circle on the given rg.RoseWindow.
      Then draws  n  rg.Squares on the given rg.RoseWindow, such that:
        -- The first rg.Square circumscribes the given rg.Circle.
        -- Each subsequent rg.Square has its upper-left quarter
             on top of the lower-right quarter of the previous rg.Square,
             so that the squares form an overlapping sequence
             that goes down and to the right.
      Must  ** render **     but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type n: int
      :type circle: rg.Circle
      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
Example #6
def rectangles_from_circles(circles):
    See   rectangles_from_circles.pdf   in this project for pictures
    that may help you better understand the following specification:

    What comes in:
      -- a sequence of rg.Circle objects
    What goes out:
      Returns a list of rg.Rectangles, where each rg.Rectangle circumscribes
      its corresponding rg.Circle in the given list of rg.Circles.
    Side effects: None.
    Examples: See   rectangles_from_circles.pdf   in this project.
    Type hints:
      :type circles:  list | tuple of rg.Circle
      :rtype: list of rg.Rectangles
    seq = []
    for k in range(len(circles)):
        seq += [rg.Square(circles[k].center, circles[k].radius * 2)]
    return seq
Example #7
def broken_5(circle, window):
    What comes in: an rg.Circle and an rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      Draws the given rg.Circle and an rg.Square that circumscribes it,
         both on the given rg.RoseWindow,
         with the rg.Square having the same OUTLINE color
         as the FILL color of the given rg.Circle.
      Must  ** render **     but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type circle: rg.Circle
      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
    square = rg.Square(circle.center, 2 * circle.radius)
    square.outline_color = circle.__getattribute__('fill_color')
def draw_squares_from_circle(n, circle, window):
    What comes in:  Three arguments:
      -- A positive integer n.
      -- An rg.Circle.
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      See   draw_squares_from_circle.pdf   in this project for pictures
        that may help you better understand the following specification:
    rectcenter = circle.center
    for k in range(n):
        rect = rg.Square(rectcenter, circle.radius * 2)
        rectcenter = rg.Point(rectcenter.x + circle.radius,
                              rectcenter.y + circle.radius)
Example #9
def rectangles_from_circles(circles):
    See   rectangles_from_circles.pdf   in this project for pictures
    that may help you better understand the following specification:

    What comes in:
      -- a sequence of rg.Circle objects
    What goes out:
      Returns a list of rg.Rectangles, where each rg.Rectangle circumscribes
      its corresponding rg.Circle in the given list of rg.Circles.
    Side effects: None.
    Examples: See   rectangles_from_circles.pdf   in this project.
    Type hints:
      :type circles:  list | tuple of rg.Circle
      :rtype: list of rg.Rectangles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TODO: 10. Implement and test this function.
    #     The testing code is already written for you (above).
    # IMPORTANT: Examine the testing code above carefully.  Be sure
    #            that you understand WHY the tests are adequate tests!
    # IMPORTANT: The specification does NOT say to draw anything
    #            in this function, so DON'T draw anything in here!
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    window = rg.RoseWindow()

    for k in range(len(circles)):

        square = rg.Square(circles[k].center, circles[k].radius * 2)

Example #10
def main():
    Uses ROSEGRAPHICS to demonstrate:
      -- CONSTRUCTING objects,
      -- applying METHODS to them, and
      -- accessing their DATA via INSTANCE VARIABLES
    window = rg.RoseWindow()
    point3 = rg.Point(200, 300)

    point4 = rg.Point(200,200)
    circle = rg.Circle(point4, 50)


def draw_squares_from_circle(n, circle, window):
    What comes in:  Three arguments:
      -- A positive integer n.
      -- An rg.Circle.
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      See   draw_squares_from_circle.pdf   in this project for pictures
        that may help you better understand the following specification:

      First draws the given rg.Circle on the given rg.RoseWindow.
      Then draws  n  rg.Squares on the given rg.RoseWindow, such that:
        -- The first rg.Square circumscribes the given rg.Circle.
        -- Each subsequent rg.Square has its upper-left quarter
             on top of the lower-right quarter of the previous rg.Square,
             so that the squares form an overlapping sequence
             that goes down and to the right.
      Must  ** render **     but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type n: int
      :type circle: rg.Circle
      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
    cc = circle.clone()
    sq_center = cc.center
    sq_side_length = cc.radius * 2

    for k in range(n):
        sq = rg.Square(sq_center, sq_side_length)
        sq_center.x += (sq_side_length / 2)
        sq_center.y += (sq_side_length / 2)
def many_hourglasses(window, square, m, colors):
    See   many_hourglasses_picture.pdf   in this project for pictures that may
    help you better understand the following specification:

    Displays  m  rectangles, where:
      -- Each rectangle has an hourglass of circles inside it,
           per the  hourglass  function above.
      -- The circles in the hourglasses are all the same size.
      -- The leftmost rectangle is the given square, and it contains
           an hourglass with a single circle that fills the square.
      -- Each successive rectangle is immediately to the right of the
           previous rectangle, and each contains an hourglass with
           the hourglass'  n   being one greater than the  n  used
           for the previous rectangle.
      -- The colors for the hourglass figures use the given sequence of
           colors, "wrapping" if m exceeds the length of the sequence.

      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
      :type square: rg.Square
      :type m: int
      :type colors: (list | tuple) of str
    where m is positive and colors is a sequence of strings,
    each of which denotes a color that rosegraphics understands.
    multiplier = 0
    for k in range(m):
        new_square = rg.Square(square.center, square.length_of_each_side)
        hourglass(window, k + 1, square.center, square.length_of_each_side / 2,
        multiplier = multiplier + 2
        square.center.x = square.center.x + square.length_of_each_side
        square.length_of_each_side = square.length_of_each_side + square.length_of_each_side * multiplier
Example #13
def problem1(square, thickness, window):
    See   problem1_picture.pdf   in this project for pictures
    that may help you better understand the following specification:

    What comes in:
      -- An rg.Square.
      -- A positive integer
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      -- Draws, on the given rg.RoseWindow:
           -- The given rg.Square.
           -- An rg.Circle that:
                -- is directly below and touching the given rg.Square,
                -- has diameter the same as the length of each side
                     of the given rg.Square,
                -- has fill color the same as the fill color
                     of the given rg.Square, and
                -- has the given thickness as its outline thickness.
                     (SEE THE PICTURES.)
            -- An rg.Line that:
                -- has one endpoint is at the center of the above rg.Circle,
                -- has another endpoint that is at the midpoint of the
                     left side of the given rg.Square,
                -- has color the same as the outline color
                     of the given rg.Square, and
                -- has the given thickness.  (SEE THE PICTURES.)

      Note: Attach the rg.Line  AFTER  attaching the rg.Square and rg.Circle.
      Must render but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type square:    rg.Square
      :type thickness: int
      :type window:    rg.RoseWindow
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 3. Implement and test this function.  SEE THE PICTURES in the PDF!
    #          Tests have been written for you (above).
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    start_x = square.center.x
    start_y = square.center.y
    length = square.length_of_each_side
    radius = length / 2
    fill_color = square.fill_color
    circle_thick = thickness
    line_color = square.outline_color
    thickness = square.outline_thickness

    square = rg.Square(rg.Point(start_x, start_y), length)
    square.fill_color = fill_color
    square.outline_color = line_color
    square.outline_thickness = thickness
    circle = rg.Circle(rg.Point(start_x, (start_y + length)), radius)
    circle.fill_color = fill_color
    circle.outline_thickness = circle_thick

    line = rg.Line(rg.Point((start_x - radius), start_y),
                   rg.Point(start_x, (start_y + length)))
    line.thickness = circle_thick
    line.color = line_color
Example #14
def hourglass(window, n, point, radius, color):
    See   hourglass_picture.pdf   in this project for pictures that may
    help you better understand the following specification:

    Displays an "hourglass" shape of circles in the given window.
      -- Each circle has the given radius and given color.
      -- Each circle has a horizontal line drawn through it.
      -- The middlemost of the circles is centered at the given point.
      -- There is a single circle in that middlemost row.
      -- There are n rows (including the middlemost row)
            of circles going UP from the middlemost circle.
      -- There are n rows (including the middlemost row)
           of circles going DOWN from the middlemost circle.
      -- Each circle barely touches its neighbor circles.

      :type window: rg.RoseWindow
      :type n: int
      :type point: rg.Point
      :type radius: int
      :type color: str
    where n and radius are positive and color is a string that denotes
    a color that rosegraphics understands.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 2. Implement and test this function.
    #       We provided some tests for you (above).
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # BONUS: Avoid replicated code if you can.  Hint: You are allowed
    #        to define an additional function(s) if you wish.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DIFFICULTY AND TIME RATINGS (see top of this file for explanation)
    #    DIFFICULTY:      8
    #    TIME ESTIMATE:  25 minutes (warning: this problem is challenging)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    circle = rg.Circle(point, radius)
    circle.fill_color = color
    p1 = rg.Point(point.x - radius, point.y)
    p2 = rg.Point(point.x + radius, point.y)
    line = rg.Line(p1, p2)

    rect = rg.Rectangle(rg.Point(0, 0), rg.Point(0, 0))

    point1 = rg.Point(point.x, point.y)
    for i in range(n - 1):
        point1.x = point.x - (radius * (i + 1))
        point1.y = point.y - ((radius * math.sqrt(3)) * (i + 1))
        for j in range(i + 2):
            circle1 = rg.Circle(point1, radius)
            circle1.fill_color = color
            p1 = rg.Point(point1.x - radius, point1.y)
            p2 = rg.Point(point1.x + radius, point1.y)
            line1 = rg.Line(p1, p2)
            point1.x = point1.x + radius * 2
    point1.x = point.x - radius * n
    point1.y = point1.y - radius
    rect.corner_1 = point1

    point2 = rg.Point(point.x, point.y)
    for k in range(n - 1):
        point2.x = point.x - (radius * (k + 1))
        point2.y = point.y + ((radius * math.sqrt(3)) * (k + 1))
        for l in range(k + 2):
            circle2 = rg.Circle(point2, radius)
            circle2.fill_color = color
            p1 = rg.Point(point2.x - radius, point2.y)
            p2 = rg.Point(point2.x + radius, point2.y)
            line2 = rg.Line(p1, p2)
            point2.x = point2.x + radius * 2
    point2.x = point2.x - radius
    point2.y = point2.y + radius
    rect.corner_2 = point2

    if n == 1:
        return rg.Square(point, radius * 2)
    return rect
Example #15
def problem1(square, thickness, window):
    See   problem1_picture.pdf   in this project for pictures
    that may help you better understand the following specification:

    What comes in:
      -- An rg.Square.
      -- A positive integer
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      -- Draws, on the given rg.RoseWindow:
           -- The given rg.Square.
           -- An rg.Circle that:
                -- is directly below and touching the given rg.Square,
                -- has diameter the same as the length of each side
                     of the given rg.Square,
                -- has fill color the same as the fill color
                     of the given rg.Square, and
                -- has the given thickness as its outline thickness.
                     (SEE THE PICTURES.)
            -- An rg.Line that:
                -- has one endpoint is at the center of the above rg.Circle,
                -- has another endpoint that is at the midpoint of the
                     left side of the given rg.Square,
                -- has color the same as the outline color
                     of the given rg.Square, and
                -- has the given thickness.  (SEE THE PICTURES.)

      Note: Attach the rg.Line  AFTER  attaching the rg.Square and rg.Circle.
      Must render but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type square:    rg.Square
      :type thickness: int
      :type window:    rg.RoseWindow
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 3. Implement and test this function.  SEE THE PICTURES in the PDF!
    #          Tests have been written for you (above).
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    sponge = rg.Square(square.center, square.length_of_each_side)
    sponge.fill_color = square.fill_color
    sponge.outline_color = square.outline_color
    sponge.outline_thickness = square.outline_thickness

    point = rg.Point(sponge.center.x,
                     sponge.center.y + sponge.length_of_each_side)
    radius = sponge.length_of_each_side / 2

    pat = rg.Circle(point, radius)
    pat.fill_color = square.fill_color
    pat.outline_thickness = thickness

    left = sponge.center.x - (sponge.length_of_each_side / 2)
    middle = sponge.center.y
    left_middle = rg.Point(left, middle)

    stick = rg.Line(pat.center, left_middle)
    stick.color = square.outline_color
    stick.thickness = thickness

Example #16
def problem3(left_circle, right_circle, n, color1, color2, window):
    See    problem3_pictures.pdf     for pictures that may help you
    better understand the following specification:

    What comes in:
      -- Two rg.Circle objects, where they have the same radius and the second
           one is guaranteed to be to directly to the right of the first one.
           (Hence, the two rg.Circle's centers have the same y-coordinate.
           See the PDF.)
      -- A positive integer n.
      -- Two strings that are colors (e.g. 'red' or 'green' or ...)
      -- An rg.RoseWindow.
    What goes out:  Nothing (i.e., None).
    Side effects:
      1. Draws the two given rg.Circle objects on the given rg.RoseWindow.
      2. Draws  n  rg.Square objects on the given rg.RoseWindow such that:
           -- The leftmost rg.Square is directly to the right of the first
                (i.e, leftmost) of the two given rg.Circles.
           -- There is an rg.Square directly to the right of the leftmost
                rg.Square, then another rg.Square directly to the right of it,
                and so forth, with the rightmost rg.Square being directly to
                the left of the second (i.e., rightmost) rg.Circle.
           -- All  n  rg.Squares are the same size.
           -- The rg.Squares alternate fill colors, with color1 being the
                fill color for the leftmost rg.Square.  (See the PDF.)

        ** See  problem3_pictures.pdf  for examples. **

      Must render but   ** NOT close **   the window.

    Type hints:
      :type left_circle:  rg.Circle
      :type right_circle: rg.Circle
      :type n:            int
      :type color1:       str
      :type color2:       str
      :type window:       rg.RoseWindow


    center1 = left_circle.center
    center2 = right_circle.center

    side_length = (center2.x - center1.x - 2 * left_circle.radius) / n

    x1 = center1.x + left_circle.radius + (side_length / 2)
    y1 = center1.y

    for k in range(n):
        value = k + 1
        point1 = rg.Point(x1, y1)
        square1 = rg.Square(point1, side_length)
        if value % 2 == 1:
            square1.fill_color = color1
            square1.fill_color = color2

        x1 = x1 + side_length
x = 100
y = 100
radius = 20

center = rg.Point(x, y)
circle = rg.Circle(center, radius)

# Draw the squares
x = 100
y = 100
length_side = 40
for k in range(7):
    center = rg.Point(x, y)
    square = rg.Square(center, length_side)
    x = x + 20
    y = y + 20

# Draw the hollow circle
x = 350
y = 70
radius = 50

center = rg.Point(x, y)
circle2 = rg.Circle(center, radius)

# Draw the squares
x = 350
Example #18
def circle_and_rectangle():
    -- Constructs an rg.RoseWindow.
    -- Constructs and draws a rg.Circle and rg.Rectangle
       on the window such that:
          -- They fit in the window and are easily visible.
          -- The rg.Circle is filled with 'blue'
    -- Prints (on the console, on SEPARATE lines) the following data
         associated with your rg.Circle:
          -- Its outline thickness.
          -- Its fill color.
          -- Its center.
          -- Its center's x coordinate.
          -- Its center's y coordinate.
    -- Prints (on the console, on SEPARATE lines) the same data
         but for your rg.Rectangle.
    -- Waits for the user to press the mouse, then closes the window.

    Here is an example of the output on the console,
    for one particular circle and rectangle:
           Point(180.0, 115.0)
           Point(75.0, 150.0)

    window = rg.RoseWindow(300, 300, 'Circle and Square Window')

    x1 = 100
    y1 = 150
    color_circle = 'blue'
    center_circle = rg.Point(x1, y1)
    circle = rg.Circle(center_circle, 60)
    circle.fill_color = color_circle
    cot = circle.outline_thickness = 1

    x2 = 200
    y2 = 100
    center_square = rg.Point(x2, y2)
    square = rg.Square(center_square, 50)
    sot = square.outline_thickness = 1

    print('Point(', x1, ', ', y1, ')')
    print('Point(', x2, ', ', y2, ')')

