class BaseVehicle(WheeledVehicle): """ Base class for all vehicles. Other vehicles inherit from this class and can use/overwrite its functions. It provides the following basic services: - /set_state: Set the vehicle state. - /set_speed_kph: Set the vehicles speed in kilometers per hour. - /set_loop: Set a closed loop trajectory from a certain node. - /set_destination: Set a trajectory to a certain destination node. - /toggle_simulation: Toggle the simulation of the vehicle on/off. The launch_sensor function can be called from child classes to launch the sensor nodes that are listed in their class variable self.sensors. """ def __init__(self, namespace, vehicle_id, simulation_rate, x=0., y=0., yaw=0., v=0.): """ Initialize class BaseVehicle. @param namespace: I{(string)} Namespace in which the vehicle node is started. @param vehicle_id: I{(int)} ID of the vehicle that is created. @param simulation_rate: I{(int)} Rate at which the vehicle is simulated (hz) @param x: I{(float)} x-coordinate at which the vehicle starts. @param y: I{(float)} y-coordinate at which the vehicle starts. @param yaw: I{(float)} Initial yaw of the vehicle. @param v: I{(float)} Initial velocity of the vehicle. """ self.launcher = ROSLaunch() self.launcher.start() self.namespace = namespace self.vehicle_id = int(vehicle_id) self.class_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.simulation_rate = simulation_rate # Set parameters of base vehicle to default values. self.simulate = False self.sensors = [] self.coms = [] self.x = x self.y = y self.yaw = yaw self.v = v self.cruising_speed = v self.axles_distance = 1.9 self.np_trajectory = [] self.commands = {} self.loop = False self.at_dest = False # Start the simulation loop in a separate thread. sim_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.simulation_loop) sim_thread.daemon = True sim_thread.start() # Register all services, pubs and subs last to prevent attempts to use # the services before the initialization of the vehicle is finished. self.pub_state = rospy.Publisher('/current_vehicle_state', VehicleState, queue_size=10) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_state', SetVehicleState, self.handle_set_state) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_speed_kph', SetSpeed, self.handle_set_speed_kph) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_loop', SetLoop, self.handle_set_loop) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_destination', SetDestination, self.handle_set_destination) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'toggle_simulation', SetBool, self.handle_toggle_simulation) # rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace + '/publish_com') # self.publish_com = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace + 'publish_com', # PublishCom) def simulation_loop(self): """The simulation loop of the car.""" rate = rospy.Rate(self.simulation_rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # print self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.v # Simulate only if the simulate flat is set. if self.simulate: self.simulation_step() # Check if simulatio rate could be achieved or not. if rate.remaining() < rospy.Duration(0): rospy.logwarn("Simulation rate of vehicle " + "#%i " % self.vehicle_id + "could not be achieved.") rate.last_time = rospy.get_rostime() else: rate.sleep() def simulation_step(self): """Simulate one timestep of the car.""" # Find closest trajectory point, then set reference point some indices # ahead of the closest trajecctory point to imporove lateral controller # performance. Use this trajectory pose as reference pose. closest_ind = self.find_closest_trajectory_pose() ref_ind = closest_ind + numpy.round(self.v / 4) traj_len = len(self.np_trajectory[0]) print traj_len - 1, closest_ind if self.loop is True: ref_ind = ref_ind % traj_len else: if ref_ind > traj_len - 1: ref_ind = traj_len - 1 if closest_ind == traj_len - 1: self.at_dest = True else: ref_ind = closest_ind ref_state = self.np_trajectory[:, ref_ind] # set controll commands. self.set_control_commands(ref_state) # update vehicle state. self.update_vehicle_state() # publish vehicle state. vehicle_state = VehicleState(self.vehicle_id, self.class_name, self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.v) self.pub_state.publish(vehicle_state) def find_closest_trajectory_pose(self): """ Find closest point to the current vehicle position in the trajectory. @return: The index of the closest trajectory point to the current vehicle position. """ np_state = numpy.array([[self.x], [self.y]]) temp_distance = numpy.sum((self.np_trajectory[0:2, :] - np_state)**2, axis=0) best_idx = numpy.argmin(temp_distance) return best_idx def set_control_commands(self, ref_state): """ Set the control commands, depending on the vehicles controler. @param ref_state: I{(numpy array)} Reference state [x, y, yaw] that the vehicle tries to reach. """ if not self.at_dest: self.commands['speed'] = self.cruising_speed else: self.commands['speed'] = 0.0 dx = ref_state[0] - self.x dy = ref_state[1] - self.y dx_v = numpy.cos(self.yaw) * dx + numpy.sin(self.yaw) * dy dy_v = -numpy.sin(self.yaw) * dx + numpy.cos(self.yaw) * dy dyaw_v = ref_state[2] - self.yaw # Correct yaw difference. dyaw_v 0..pi while dyaw_v > numpy.pi: dyaw_v -= 2 * numpy.pi while dyaw_v < -numpy.pi: dyaw_v += 2 * numpy.pi # Calculate steering command from dy_v, dx_v and dyaw_v steering_command = dy_v + dyaw_v * 1.5 / (1 + dx_v) # Compare with max steering angle if steering_command > 0.5: steering_command = 0.5 elif steering_command < -0.5: steering_command = -0.5 self.commands['steering_angle'] = steering_command def update_vehicle_state(self): """Update the vehicle state.""" sim_timestep = 1. / self.simulation_rate # Decompose v into x and y component. self.v = self.commands['speed'] vx = numpy.cos(self.yaw) * self.v vy = numpy.sin(self.yaw) * self.v # Update vehicles position self.x += vx * sim_timestep self.y += vy * sim_timestep self.yaw += ((self.v / self.axles_distance) * numpy.tan(self.commands['steering_angle']) * sim_timestep) # Make sure self.yaw is never negative. # self.yaw 0..2pi if self.yaw > 2 * numpy.pi: self.yaw = 0. elif self.yaw < 0.: self.yaw += 2 * numpy.pi def launch_sensors(self): """Launch and register the sensors used by the vehicle.""" # Go through sensor list. for sensor in self.sensors: # Launch sensor node. sensor_name = sensor.partition(' ')[0] subpub_name = sensor_name.lower() + '_readings' args = str(self.vehicle_id) + ' ' + sensor node = Node('sml_world', '', namespace=self.namespace, args=args, name=sensor_name.lower()) self.launcher.launch(node) # Register subscriptions for each of them. rospy.Subscriber(self.namespace + subpub_name, getattr(msgs, sensor_name + 'Readings'), getattr(self, 'process_' + subpub_name)) def launch_coms(self): """Launch and register the communications used by the vehicle.""" # Go through list of comunication. for com in self.coms: com_name = com.partition(' ')[0] subpub_name = com_name.lower() + '_com' args = str(self.vehicle_id) + ' ' + com node = Node('sml_world', '', namespace=self.namespace, args=args, name=com_name.lower()) self.launcher.launch(node) # Register subscriptions for each of them. rospy.Subscriber(self.namespace + subpub_name, getattr(msgs, com_name + 'Com'), getattr(self, 'process_' + subpub_name)) def handle_set_state(self, req): """ Handle the set state request. @param req: I{(SetState)} Request of the service that sets the vehicle state. """ self.x = req.x self.y = req.y self.yaw = req.yaw self.v = req.v msg = "State of vehicle #%i successfully set." % self.vehicle_id return SetVehicleStateResponse(True, msg) def handle_set_speed_kph(self, req): """ Handle the set speed request. @param req: I{(SetSpeed)} Request of the service that sets the vehicles cruising speed in kmh. """ self.cruising_speed = req.speed / 3.6 msg = "Speed of vehicle #%i successfully set." % self.vehicle_id return SetSpeedResponse(True, msg) def handle_set_loop(self, req): """ Handle the set closed loop request. @param req: I{(SetLoop)} Request of the service that sets the vehicles closed loop trajectory. """ rospy.wait_for_service('/get_trajectory') try: get_traj = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_trajectory', GetTrajectory) trajectory = get_traj(True, req.node_id, 0).trajectory except rospy.ServiceException, e: raise "Service call failed: %s" % e self.np_trajectory = to_numpy_trajectory(trajectory) self.loop = True self.at_dest = False msg = ("Closed loop trajectory of vehicle #%i " % self.vehicle_id + "successfully set.") return SetLoopResponse(True, msg)
class BaseVehicle(WheeledVehicle): """ Base class for all vehicles. Other vehicles inherit from this class and can use/overwrite its functions. It provides the following basic services: - /set_state: Set the vehicle state. - /set_speed_kph: Set the vehicles speed in kilometers per hour. - /set_loop: Set a closed loop trajectory from a certain node. - /set_destination: Set a trajectory to a certain destination node. - /toggle_simulation: Toggle the simulation of the vehicle on/off. The launch_sensor function can be called from child classes to launch the sensor nodes that are listed in their class variable self.sensors. """ def __init__(self, namespace, vehicle_id, simulation_rate, x=0., y=0., yaw=0., v=0.): """ Initialize class BaseVehicle. @param namespace: I{(string)} Namespace in which the vehicle node is started. @param vehicle_id: I{(int)} ID of the vehicle that is created. @param simulation_rate: I{(int)} Rate at which the vehicle is simulated (hz) @param x: I{(float)} x-coordinate at which the vehicle starts. @param y: I{(float)} y-coordinate at which the vehicle starts. @param yaw: I{(float)} Initial yaw of the vehicle. @param v: I{(float)} Initial velocity of the vehicle. """ self.launcher = ROSLaunch() self.launcher.start() self.namespace = namespace self.vehicle_id = int(vehicle_id) self.class_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.simulation_rate = simulation_rate # Set parameters of base vehicle to default values. self.simulate = False self.sensors = [] self.coms = [] self.x = x self.y = y self.yaw = yaw self.v = v self.cruising_speed = v self.axles_distance = 1.9 self.np_trajectory = [] self.commands = {} self.loop = False self.at_dest = False # Start the simulation loop in a separate thread. sim_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.simulation_loop) sim_thread.daemon = True sim_thread.start() # Register all services, pubs and subs last to prevent attempts to use # the services before the initialization of the vehicle is finished. self.pub_state = rospy.Publisher('/current_vehicle_state', VehicleState, queue_size=10) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_state', SetVehicleState, self.handle_set_state) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_speed_kph', SetSpeed, self.handle_set_speed_kph) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_loop', SetLoop, self.handle_set_loop) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'set_destination', SetDestination, self.handle_set_destination) rospy.Service(self.namespace + 'toggle_simulation', SetBool, self.handle_toggle_simulation) # rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace + '/publish_com') # self.publish_com = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace + 'publish_com', # PublishCom) def simulation_loop(self): """The simulation loop of the car.""" rate = rospy.Rate(self.simulation_rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # print self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.v # Simulate only if the simulate flat is set. if self.simulate: self.simulation_step() # Check if simulatio rate could be achieved or not. if rate.remaining() < rospy.Duration(0): rospy.logwarn("Simulation rate of vehicle " + "#%i " % self.vehicle_id + "could not be achieved.") rate.last_time = rospy.get_rostime() else: rate.sleep() def simulation_step(self): """Simulate one timestep of the car.""" # Find closest trajectory point, then set reference point some indices # ahead of the closest trajecctory point to imporove lateral controller # performance. Use this trajectory pose as reference pose. closest_ind = self.find_closest_trajectory_pose() ref_ind = closest_ind + numpy.round(self.v / 4) traj_len = len(self.np_trajectory[0]) print traj_len-1, closest_ind if self.loop is True: ref_ind = ref_ind % traj_len else: if ref_ind > traj_len-1: ref_ind = traj_len-1 if closest_ind == traj_len-1: self.at_dest = True else: ref_ind = closest_ind ref_state = self.np_trajectory[:, ref_ind] # set controll commands. self.set_control_commands(ref_state) # update vehicle state. self.update_vehicle_state() # publish vehicle state. vehicle_state = VehicleState(self.vehicle_id, self.class_name, self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.v) self.pub_state.publish(vehicle_state) def find_closest_trajectory_pose(self): """ Find closest point to the current vehicle position in the trajectory. @return: The index of the closest trajectory point to the current vehicle position. """ np_state = numpy.array([[self.x], [self.y]]) temp_distance = numpy.sum( (self.np_trajectory[0:2, :] - np_state) ** 2, axis=0) best_idx = numpy.argmin(temp_distance) return best_idx def set_control_commands(self, ref_state): """ Set the control commands, depending on the vehicles controler. @param ref_state: I{(numpy array)} Reference state [x, y, yaw] that the vehicle tries to reach. """ if not self.at_dest: self.commands['speed'] = self.cruising_speed else: self.commands['speed'] = 0.0 dx = ref_state[0] - self.x dy = ref_state[1] - self.y dx_v = numpy.cos(self.yaw) * dx + numpy.sin(self.yaw) * dy dy_v = -numpy.sin(self.yaw) * dx + numpy.cos(self.yaw) * dy dyaw_v = ref_state[2] - self.yaw # Correct yaw difference. dyaw_v 0..pi while dyaw_v > numpy.pi: dyaw_v -= 2*numpy.pi while dyaw_v < -numpy.pi: dyaw_v += 2*numpy.pi # Calculate steering command from dy_v, dx_v and dyaw_v steering_command = dy_v + dyaw_v * 1.5 / (1 + dx_v) # Compare with max steering angle if steering_command > 0.5: steering_command = 0.5 elif steering_command < -0.5: steering_command = -0.5 self.commands['steering_angle'] = steering_command def update_vehicle_state(self): """Update the vehicle state.""" sim_timestep = 1. / self.simulation_rate # Decompose v into x and y component. self.v = self.commands['speed'] vx = numpy.cos(self.yaw) * self.v vy = numpy.sin(self.yaw) * self.v # Update vehicles position self.x += vx * sim_timestep self.y += vy * sim_timestep self.yaw += ((self.v / self.axles_distance) * numpy.tan(self.commands['steering_angle']) * sim_timestep) # Make sure self.yaw is never negative. # self.yaw 0..2pi if self.yaw > 2*numpy.pi: self.yaw = 0. elif self.yaw < 0.: self.yaw += 2*numpy.pi def launch_sensors(self): """Launch and register the sensors used by the vehicle.""" # Go through sensor list. for sensor in self.sensors: # Launch sensor node. sensor_name = sensor.partition(' ')[0] subpub_name = sensor_name.lower()+'_readings' args = str(self.vehicle_id)+' '+sensor node = Node('sml_world', '', namespace=self.namespace, args=args, name=sensor_name.lower()) self.launcher.launch(node) # Register subscriptions for each of them. rospy.Subscriber(self.namespace + subpub_name, getattr(msgs, sensor_name+'Readings'), getattr(self, 'process_'+subpub_name)) def launch_coms(self): """Launch and register the communications used by the vehicle.""" # Go through list of comunication. for com in self.coms: com_name = com.partition(' ')[0] subpub_name = com_name.lower()+'_com' args = str(self.vehicle_id)+' '+com node = Node('sml_world', '', namespace=self.namespace, args=args, name=com_name.lower()) self.launcher.launch(node) # Register subscriptions for each of them. rospy.Subscriber(self.namespace + subpub_name, getattr(msgs, com_name+'Com'), getattr(self, 'process_'+subpub_name)) def handle_set_state(self, req): """ Handle the set state request. @param req: I{(SetState)} Request of the service that sets the vehicle state. """ self.x = req.x self.y = req.y self.yaw = req.yaw self.v = req.v msg = "State of vehicle #%i successfully set." % self.vehicle_id return SetVehicleStateResponse(True, msg) def handle_set_speed_kph(self, req): """ Handle the set speed request. @param req: I{(SetSpeed)} Request of the service that sets the vehicles cruising speed in kmh. """ self.cruising_speed = req.speed / 3.6 msg = "Speed of vehicle #%i successfully set." % self.vehicle_id return SetSpeedResponse(True, msg) def handle_set_loop(self, req): """ Handle the set closed loop request. @param req: I{(SetLoop)} Request of the service that sets the vehicles closed loop trajectory. """ rospy.wait_for_service('/get_trajectory') try: get_traj = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_trajectory', GetTrajectory) trajectory = get_traj(True, req.node_id, 0).trajectory except rospy.ServiceException, e: raise "Service call failed: %s" % e self.np_trajectory = to_numpy_trajectory(trajectory) self.loop = True self.at_dest = False msg = ("Closed loop trajectory of vehicle #%i " % self.vehicle_id + "successfully set.") return SetLoopResponse(True, msg)
class ScenarioLauncher: def __init__(self): print "I am ScenarioLauncher in python !!" def start_launcher(self): self.launcher = ROSLaunch() self.launcher.start() def stop_launcher(self): self.launcher.stop() time.sleep(60) def runGazeboServer(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-u " + Scenarin_folder + "/" # -u starts the simulation in pause mode node = ROSNode( "gazebo_ros", "gzserver", name="gazebo", args=arguments, output="screen", respawn="false" ) # name="gazebo" in order for replay and grader to work (name space) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def runGazeboClient(self): node = ROSNode("gazebo_ros", "gzclient", name="gazebo_client", output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def setScenarioEnv(self, Scenarin_folder): rospy.set_param('/use_sim_time', True) #synchronizing ros to gazebo rospack = rospkg.RosPack() srvss_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('smartest') os.environ[ "GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH"] = srvss_pkg_path + "/world_components_models/:" + Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioSystemModels/" return True def launch_platform_controls_spawner(self): #used by the srvss_dummy return True def launch_platform_controls_unspawner(self): #used by the srvss_dummy return True def launch_WPdriver(self, Scenarin_folder): def run_node(package_name, node_type, node_nickname, params_file, remap_file, arguments): def read_remaps_from_file(filename): from ast import literal_eval with open(filename) as f: mainlist = [list(literal_eval(line)) for line in f] return mainlist def read_params_from_file(filename, namespace): paramlist = rosparam.load_file(filename, default_namespace=namespace, verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) if params_file != None: read_params_from_file(params_file, node_nickname) remaps_list = None if remap_file != None: remaps_list = read_remaps_from_file(remap_file) node = ROSNode(package_name, node_type, name=node_nickname, remap_args=remaps_list, args=arguments, respawn=True, output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) #rospack = rospkg.RosPack() #robil2conf_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('robil2conf') #robil2conf_yaml = robil2conf_pkg_path +"/configuration.yaml" #paramlist=rosparam.load_file(robil2conf_yaml, default_namespace='' ,verbose=True) #for params, ns in paramlist: # rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) #<!-- == GENERAL ===== --> print "Loading GENERAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" arguments = "ODOM GPS 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM INS 0.266 0.155 -1.683 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM IBEO 0.310 0.170 -0.230 0.000 0.215 0.149 \ ODOM TRACKS_BOTTOM 0.000 0.000 -2.260 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM ROBOT_CENTER -0.380 0.155 -1.683 0.000 0.000 0.000" node = ROSNode("robil2tf", "robil2TF_node", name="robil2TF_publisher", args=arguments, output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("robil2tf", "", name="world_gazebo_to_WORLD_TF_pub", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> #<!-- == SENSORS INTERFACEs == --> node = ROSNode("shiffon2ros", "shiffon2ros_node", name="ipon2ros", args="", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("sick_ldmrs", "", name="ibeo2ros", args="", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) # ================ --> #<!-- == PLATFORM INTERFACE == --> node = ROSNode("lli", "lli_node", name="ros2qinetiq", args="", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> # == MONITORING == --> print "Loading MONITORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_fsm_states_tracker_node", name="ssm_fsm_states_tracker_node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_heartbeat_monitor_node", name="ssm_heartbeat_monitor_node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_node", name="ssm_node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> #<!-- == LOCALIZATION == --> print "Loading LOCALIZATION node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("loc", "loc_node", name="loc_node", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(1) # ================ --> # == PERCEPTION == --> print "Loading PERCEPTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("per", "per_node", name="per_node", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) #<!-- == OPERATOR CONTROL UNIT == --> node = ROSNode("ocu", "ocu_node", name="ocu_node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> # -- MISSION CONTROL --> print "Loading MISSION CONTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("smme", "smme_node", name="smme_node", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("wsm", "wsm_node", name="wsm_node", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> #<!-- == LOW LEVEL CONTROL == --> print "Loading LOW LEVEL CONTROL node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("llc", "llc_node", name="llc_node", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) #<!-- == PATH PLANING + WAY POINT DRIVER == --> print "Loading PATH PLANING + WAY POINT DRIVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" rospack = rospkg.RosPack() pp_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('pp') run_node("navex_navigation", "navex_navigation_node", "navex_navigation", pp_pkg_path + "/launch/navex.yaml", pp_pkg_path + "/launch/navex.remap", '') run_node("pp", "pp_node", "pp_node", pp_pkg_path + "/launch/pp_node.yaml", pp_pkg_path + "/launch/pp_node.remap", '') run_node("wpd", "wpd_node", "wpd_node", None, None, '') # ================ --> #<!-- == Navigation Mission Load == --> arguments = "-d 20 " + Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioMission.bag" node = ROSNode("rosbag", "play", name="rosbag_Mission_node", output="screen", respawn="true", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> def launch_robot_tf_broadcaster(self): node = ROSNode("bobcat_model", "", name="world_to_body_TF_pub", output="screen", respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('bobcat_model') urdf_file = bobcat_pkg_path + "/urdf_models/bobcat_tracked_urdf_for_dynamic_arm.URDF" robot_urdf_file = open(urdf_file) robot_urdf = rospy.set_param("/robot_description", robot_urdf) remaping = [("/joint_states", "/Sahar/joint_states")] node = ROSNode("robot_state_publisher", "robot_state_publisher", name="robot_state_broadcaster_node", remap_args=remaping, output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_recorder(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/CAM/(.*)|/SENSORS/IBEO/(.*)|/Sahar/(.*)|/PER/Map|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" # arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/(.*)|/LOC/Velocity|/Sahar/(.*)|/OCU/(.*)|/LLC/(.*)|/PER/(.*)|/WPD/(.*)|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/heartbeat|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" # arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/(.*)|/LOC/Pose|/LOC/Velocity|/Sahar/(.*)|/OCU/(.*)|/LLC/(.*)|/PER/(.*)|/WPD/(.*)|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/heartbeat|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" node = ROSNode("rosbag", "record", name="rosbag_recorde_node", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_grader(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = Scenarin_folder + " " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen.SFV" node = ROSNode("smartest", "grader_node", name="grader_node", output="screen", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def Gazebo_UnPause(self): print " i am inside Gazebo_UnPause !!!!!!!!! " name = '/gazebo/unpause_physics' msg_class = std_srvs.srv.Empty() rospy.wait_for_service(name) try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy(name, msg_class) resp1 = service() return True except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e return True
class ScenarioLauncher: def __init__(self): print "I am ScenarioLauncher in python !!" def start_launcher(self): self.launcher = ROSLaunch() self.launcher.start() def stop_launcher(self): self.launcher.stop() time.sleep(10) def runGazeboServer(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-u " + Scenarin_folder + "/" # -u starts the simulation in pause mode node = ROSNode( "gazebo_ros", "gzserver", name="gazebo", args=arguments, output="screen", respawn="false" ) # name="gazebo" in order for replay and grader to work (name space) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def runGazeboClient(self): node = ROSNode("gazebo_ros", "gzclient", name="gazebo_client", output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def setScenarioEnv(self, Scenarin_folder): rospy.set_param('/use_sim_time', True) #synchronizing ros to gazebo rospack = rospkg.RosPack() smartest_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('smartest') os.environ[ "GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH"] = smartest_pkg_path + "/world_components_models/:" + Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioSystemModels/" srvss_bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('srvss_bobcat') urdf_file = srvss_bobcat_pkg_path + "/urdf/BOBCAT.URDF" robot_urdf_file = open(urdf_file) robot_urdf = rospy.set_param("/robot_description", robot_urdf) return True def launch_platform_controls_spawner(self): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() srvss_bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('srvss_bobcat') srvss_bobcat_controllers_yaml = srvss_bobcat_pkg_path + "/controllers/srvss_bobcat_controllers.yaml" paramlist = rosparam.load_file(srvss_bobcat_controllers_yaml, default_namespace='', verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) # if the controllers do not load it possible to increase the time of waiting for the server in the spawner # it located in /home/userws3/gz_ros_cws/src/ros_control/controller_manager/scripts node = ROSNode("controller_manager", "spawner", name="platform_controllers_spawner", namespace="/srvss_bobcat", output="screen", respawn="false", args="joint_state_controller \ front_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ front_left_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_left_wheel_velocity_controller") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(10) node = ROSNode("srvss_bobcat", "srvss_bobcat_rate2effort_node", name="srvss_bobcat_RateToEffort_node", cwd="node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_platform_controls_unspawner(self): node = ROSNode("controller_manager", "unspawner", name="platform_controllers_unspawner", namespace="/srvss_bobcat", output="screen", respawn="false", args="joint_state_controller \ front_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ front_left_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_left_wheel_velocity_controller") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(10) def launch_WPdriver(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-file " + Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioMission.txt" node = ROSNode("srvss_wp_driver", "srvss_wp_driver_node", name="srvss_wp_driver_node", args=arguments, respawn="false") # output="screen" self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_robot_tf_broadcaster(self): remaping = [("/joint_states", "/srvss_bobcat/joint_states")] node = ROSNode("robot_state_publisher", "robot_state_publisher", name="robot_state_broadcaster_node", remap_args=remaping, output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) node = ROSNode("srvss_bobcat", "world_to_bobcat_tf_broadcaster_node", name="worltd_to_bobcat_tf_broadcaster_node", output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) node = ROSNode("tf", "static_transform_publisher", name="sick_link_tf_broadcaster_node", args="1 0 0.2 0 0 0 body front_sick 100", output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_recorder(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-a -O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag" node = ROSNode("rosbag", "record", name="rosbag_recorde_node", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_grader(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = Scenarin_folder + " " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen.SFV" print "I am hear arguments = " + arguments node = ROSNode("smartest", "grader_node", name="grader_node", output="screen", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def Gazebo_UnPause(self): name = '/gazebo/unpause_physics' msg_class = std_srvs.srv.Empty() print "wait for service " + name rospy.wait_for_service(name) print "done wating" try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy(name, msg_class) resp1 = service() return True except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e return True
class ScenarioLauncher: def __init__(self): print "I am ScenarioLauncher in Python_robil2_bobtank !!" def start_launcher(self): self.launcher = ROSLaunch() self.launcher.start() def stop_launcher(self): self.launcher.stop() time.sleep(60) def runGazeboServer(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-u " + Scenarin_folder + "/" # -u starts the simulation in pause mode node = ROSNode("gazebo_ros","gzserver",name="gazebo" ,args=arguments ,output="screen" , respawn="false") # name="gazebo" in order for replay and grader to work (name space) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def runGazeboClient(self): node = ROSNode("gazebo_ros", "gzclient",name="gazebo_client" ,output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) return True def setScenarioEnv(self,Scenarin_folder): rospy.set_param('/use_sim_time',True) #synchronizing ros to gazebo rospack = rospkg.RosPack() srvss_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('SRVSS') os.environ["GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH"] = srvss_pkg_path+"/world_components_models/:" + Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioSystemModels/" bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('bobtank') urdf_file = bobcat_pkg_path +"/urdf/BOBCAT_sdf_model_new.URDF" robot_urdf_file = open(urdf_file) robot_urdf = rospy.set_param("/robot_description", robot_urdf ) return True def launch_platform_controls_spawner(self): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('bobtank') bobcat_controllers_yaml = bobcat_pkg_path +"/config/bobcat_with_trucks_gazebo_control.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(bobcat_controllers_yaml, default_namespace='' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) # if the controllers do not load it possible to increase the time of waiting for the server in the spawner # it located in /home/userws3/gz_ros_cws/src/ros_control/controller_manager/scripts node = ROSNode("controller_manager", "spawner", name="platform_controllers_spawner" ,namespace="/Sahar", output="screen", respawn="false" , args="joint_state_controller \ right_wheel_velocity_controller \ left_wheel_velocity_controller \ loader_position_controller \ supporter_position_controller \ brackets_position_controller") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(10) node = ROSNode("rate2effort", "rate2effort_for_tracks", name="rate2effort_for_tracks_node", cwd="node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_platform_controls_unspawner(self): node = ROSNode("controller_manager", "unspawner" ,name="platform_controllers_unspawner" ,namespace="/Sahar", output="screen", respawn="false" , args="joint_state_controller \ right_wheel_velocity_controller \ left_wheel_velocity_controller \ loader_position_controller \ supporter_position_controller \ brackets_position_controller") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(10) def launch_WPdriver(self,Scenarin_folder): # == GENERAL == --> rospack = rospkg.RosPack() robil2conf_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('robil2conf') robil2conf_yaml = robil2conf_pkg_path +"/configuration.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(robil2conf_yaml, default_namespace='' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) node = ROSNode("robil2TF", "robil2TF_node",name="robil2TF_publishe",output="screen" args="ODOM GPS 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM INS 0.266 0.155 -1.683 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM IBEO 0.256 0.169 -0.231 0.005 0.201 0.107 \ ODOM TRACKS_BOTTOM 0.000 0.000 -2.323 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM ROBOT_CENTER -0.380 0.155 -1.683 0.000 0.000 0.000 \ ODOM body 0.616 0.155 -2.133 0.000 0.000 0.000") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) # == MONITORING == --> print "Loading MONITORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_fsm_states_tracker_node",name="ssm_fsm_states_tracker_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_heartbeat_monitor_node",name="ssm_heartbeat_monitor_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("ssm", "ssm_node",name="ssm_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) #time.sleep(3) # ================ --> # == PERCEPTION == --> #print "Loading PERCEPTION-sensors_node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -- Not Working therefore stuck the loading process, not critical for robil2 #node = ROSNode("sensors", "sensors_node",name="sensors_node",output="screen",respawn="true") #self.launcher.launch(node) print "Loading PERCEPTION-iedsim_node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("iedsim", "iedsim_node",name="iedsim_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) print "Loading PERCEPTION-per_node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("per", "per_node",name="per_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) print "Loading PERCEPTION-loc_node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("loc", "loc_node",name="loc_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) # ================ --> # -- MISSION CONTROL --> print "Loading MISSION CONTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" node = ROSNode("smme", "smme_node",name="smme_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("wsm", "wsm_node",name="wsm_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("ocu", "ocu_node",name="ocu_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> #-- == NAVIGATION == --> print "Loading NAVIGATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" rospack = rospkg.RosPack() pp_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('pp') costmap_common_params = pp_pkg_path +"/params/costmap_common_params.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(costmap_common_params, default_namespace='move_base/global_costmap' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) paramlist=rosparam.load_file(costmap_common_params, default_namespace='move_base/local_costmap' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) local_costmap_params = pp_pkg_path +"/params/local_costmap_params.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(local_costmap_params, default_namespace='move_base' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) global_costmap_params = pp_pkg_path +"/params/global_costmap_params.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(global_costmap_params, default_namespace='move_base' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) base_local_planner_params = pp_pkg_path +"/params/base_local_planner_params.yaml" paramlist=rosparam.load_file(base_local_planner_params, default_namespace='move_base' ,verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) node = ROSNode("move_base", "move_base",name="move_base",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("pp", "pp_node",name="pp_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("wpd", "wpd_node",name="wpd_node",output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) node = ROSNode("llc", "llc_node",name="llc_node",output="screen",respawn="true") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) arguments = "-d 40 "+ Scenarin_folder + "/scenarioMission.bag" node = ROSNode("rosbag", "play",name="rosbag_Mission_node",output="screen",respawn="true", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) # ================ --> def launch_robot_tf_broadcaster(self): remaping = [ ("/joint_states" , "/Sahar/joint_states") ] node = ROSNode("robot_state_publisher", "robot_state_publisher",name="robot_state_broadcaster_node", remap_args=remaping ,output="screen", respawn="false") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_recorder(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/CAM/(.*)|/SENSORS/IBEO/(.*)|/Sahar/(.*)|/PER/Map|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" # arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/(.*)|/LOC/Velocity|/Sahar/(.*)|/OCU/(.*)|/LLC/(.*)|/PER/(.*)|/WPD/(.*)|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/heartbeat|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" # arguments = "-O " + Scenarin_folder + "/scen_rec.bag --all --exclude /SENSORS/(.*)|/LOC/Pose|/LOC/Velocity|/Sahar/(.*)|/OCU/(.*)|/LLC/(.*)|/PER/(.*)|/WPD/(.*)|/WSM/(.*)|/flea3/(.*)|/right_sick/(.*)|/left_sick/(.*)|/heartbeat|/gazebo/model_states|/clock" node = ROSNode("rosbag", "record", name="rosbag_recorde_node", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def launch_grader(self, Scenarin_folder): arguments = Scenarin_folder + " " + Scenarin_folder+"/scen.SFV" node = ROSNode("SRVSS", "grader_node", name="grader_node", output="screen", args=arguments) self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3) def Gazebo_UnPause(self): name = '/gazebo/unpause_physics' msg_class = std_srvs.srv.Empty() print "wait for service " + name rospy.wait_for_service(name) print "done wating" try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy(name, msg_class) resp1 = service() return True except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e return True
class BITE: def __init__(self, robotName, plan, team, packageName): self.robotName = robotName self.plan = plan = team self.packageName = packageName self.runningBehaviorsStack = [] self.behaviorsRunning = [] self.nodesToTerminate = [] self.readyTeam = [] self.roslauncher = ROSLaunch() self.roslauncher.start() # Initiate publishers # broadcast is the topic used for broadcast messages self.broadcastPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/bite/broadcast', InformMsg) self.terminateBehaviorPublisher = rospy.Publisher(str.format('/bite/{0}/terminate',self.robotName), String) # Initiate subscribers # broadcast is the topic used for broadcast messages rospy.Subscriber('/bite/broadcast', InformMsg, self.receiveCallback) print 'Waiting for knowledgebase...' knowledgeServiceName = str.format('/bite/{0}/get_knowledge', self.robotName) rospy.wait_for_service(knowledgeServiceName) self.getKnowledgeClient = rospy.ServiceProxy(knowledgeServiceName, GetKnowledge) print 'Ready' rospy.sleep(0.5) ####################################################### # Expands the running behaviors stack hierarchichally # ####################################################### def expandStackHierarchically(self): # Initiates the current node currentNode = self.plan.nodes[0] currentTeam = if self.runningBehaviorsStack == []: # Adds the first node of the plan print str.format('Adding node "{0}" to the stack', currentNode.nodeName) self.runningBehaviorsStack.append((currentNode, currentTeam, '')) else: # If the stack is not empty starting from the last behavior in the stack currentNode, currentTeam = self.runningBehaviorsStack[-1][0:2] print str.format('Starting from node "{0}"', currentNode.nodeName) print str.format('Hierarchical children of node "{0}" are: {1}', currentNode.nodeName, [node.nodeName for node in currentNode.hierarchicalChildren]) while not currentNode.hierarchicalChildren == []: # Allocating next level of hierarchy result = self.allocateNextNode(currentNode, currentTeam) if result.node == '': break currentNode = self.plan.getNode(result.node) currentTeam = result.newTeam # Adds the node to the stack print str.format('Adding node "{0}" to the stack', currentNode.nodeName) self.runningBehaviorsStack.append((currentNode, currentTeam, result.params)) print str.format('Hierarchical children of node "{0}" are: {1}', currentNode.nodeName, [node.nodeName for node in currentNode.hierarchicalChildren]) self.terminateBehaviorsNotInStack() rospy.sleep(1) print 'Starting behaviors in stack' for (node, team, params) in self.runningBehaviorsStack: if not node in self.behaviorsRunning: print str.format('Starting behavior: {0}', node.behaviorName) self.startBehavior(node, params) # Notify other robots what behavior its starting self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName,, str.format('STRATING {0}', node.behaviorName)) self.nodesToTerminate = [] #################################################################### # Allocate procedure for next node. Including team synchronization # #################################################################### def allocateNextNode(self, currentNode, currentTeam): filteredChildren = self.filterByPreConds(currentNode.hierarchicalChildren) print str.format('Next behaviors that their preconditions are true: {0}', [node.nodeName for node in filteredChildren]) # Set the right allocate method for the current node print str.format('Node\'s allocate method is: "{0}"', currentNode.allocateMethod) allocateServiceName = str.format('/bite/{0}/{1}', self.robotName, currentNode.allocateMethod) rospy.wait_for_service(allocateServiceName) allocateClient = rospy.ServiceProxy(allocateServiceName, Allocate) if len(currentTeam) > 1: # Inform the rest of the team that preconditions of these behaviors are true print str.format('Informing the rest of the team: {0}', currentTeam) for node in filteredChildren: for preCond in node.preConds: self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, currentTeam, str.format('INFORM {0} {1}', preCond, True)) # Sync with team print str.format('Waiting for team: {0}', currentTeam) self.waitForTeam(currentTeam) # Checks again after received information from other robots filteredChildren = self.filterByPreConds(currentNode.hierarchicalChildren) # Sleeps to make sure all the team gets here rospy.sleep(1) if (filteredChildren == []): # None of the nodes fit their preconditions return AllocateResponse('', [], '') # Calls allocate return allocateClient([child.nodeName for child in filteredChildren], currentTeam) ############################################## # Filters given nodes by their preconditions # ############################################## def filterByPreConds(self, nodes): filteredNodes = [] # Iterates over all the given nodes for node in nodes: shouldAddNode = True for preCond in node.preConds: if not self.getKnowledgeClient(preCond).value == 'True': # One of the preconds isn't true - not adding the node shouldAddNode = False break if shouldAddNode: filteredNodes.append(node) return filteredNodes ############################## # Waits for rest of the team # ############################## def waitForTeam(self, currentTeam): allTeamReady = False self.readyTeam = [] while not allTeamReady: allTeamReady = True self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, currentTeam, 'READY') rospy.sleep(1) for robot in currentTeam: if not robot in self.readyTeam: allTeamReady = False break self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, currentTeam, 'READY') print 'All team is ready' ############################################## # Terminates behaviors not in current branch # ############################################## def terminateBehaviorsNotInStack(self): print 'Terminating behaviors not in current branch' for (node, team, params) in self.nodesToTerminate: if not (node, team, params) in self.runningBehaviorsStack: print str.format('Terminating behavior: {0}', node.behaviorName) self.terminateBehavior(node, team) ############################################################ # Terminates a behavior and informing the rest of the team # ############################################################ def terminateBehavior(self, node, team): # Inform the rest of the robots self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, team, str.format('TERMINATING {0}', node.behaviorName)) # Terminate the behavior self.terminateBehaviorPublisher.publish(node.behaviorName) self.behaviorsRunning.remove(node) ##################### # Starts a behavior # ##################### def startBehavior(self, node, params): # Node name with the robot name appended for namespace reasons fullNodeName = str.format('bite_{0}_{1}', self.robotName.lower(), node.behaviorName.lower()) # args var is for command line input, and by default is given the robot name, each argument is # is seperetd by space char args = str.format('{0} {1} {2}', self.robotName, node.behaviorName, params) # Creates a node, name argument is adding robotName and _ for namespace reasons runNode = Node(package = self.packageName, node_type = "", name = fullNodeName, args = args, output = "screen") # Launch node self.roslauncher.launch(runNode) self.behaviorsRunning.append(node) ################################################### # Receives information from the broadcast channel # ################################################### def receiveCallback(self, msg): if self.robotName in if == 'READY' and not msg.from_ in self.readyTeam: print str.format('Received that {0} is ready', msg.from_) self.readyTeam.append(msg.from_) ########################################### # Monitors running behaviors in the stack # ########################################### def monitorBehaviors(self): behaviorsEnded = [] # Monitors behaviors in running stack while behaviorsEnded == []: rospy.sleep(1) # Test all nodes in the running stack for their termination conditions for (node, team, params) in self.runningBehaviorsStack: for termCond in node.termConds: if self.getKnowledgeClient(termCond).value == 'True': print str.format('I think that node {0} has to be terminated', node.nodeName) behaviorsEnded.append(node) # Informs the rest of the team print str.format('Informing: {0}', team) self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, team, str.format('INFORM {0} {1}', termCond, True)) break # Adds nodes pending for termination while not behaviorsEnded == []: (node, team, params) = self.runningBehaviorsStack.pop() self.nodesToTerminate.append((node, team, params)) if node in behaviorsEnded: behaviorsEnded.remove(node) # Returns the last node terminated return (node, team) ####################################################### # Expands the stack sequentially # # Returns whether the stack was expanded sequentially # ####################################################### def expandStackSequentially(self, currentNode, currentTeam): if currentNode.sequentialChildren == []: return False # Get all sequential children of current node and filter them by preconditions print str.format('Sequential children of node "{0}" are: {1}', currentNode.nodeName, [node.nodeName for node in currentNode.sequentialChildren]) filteredChildren = self.filterByPreConds(currentNode.sequentialChildren) print str.format('Next behaviors that their preconditions are true: {0}', [node.nodeName for node in filteredChildren]) # Set the right vote method for the last node went out of the stack print str.format('Node\'s vote method is: "{0}"', currentNode.voteMethod) voteServiceName = str.format('/bite/{0}/{1}', self.robotName, currentNode.voteMethod) rospy.wait_for_service(voteServiceName) voteClient = rospy.ServiceProxy(voteServiceName, Vote) if len(currentTeam) > 1: # Inform the rest of the team that preconditions of these behaviors are true print str.format('Informing the rest of the team: {0}', currentTeam) for node in filteredChildren: for preCond in node.preConds: self.broadcastPublisher.publish(self.robotName, currentTeam, str.format('INFORM {0} {1}', preCond, True)) # Sync with team print str.format('Waiting for team: {0}', currentTeam) self.waitForTeam(currentTeam) # Checks again after received information from other robots filteredChildren = self.filterByPreConds(currentNode.sequentialChildren) if filteredChildren == []: # None of the nodes fit their preconditions return False # Sleeps to make sure all the team gets here rospy.sleep(1) # Calls Vote result = voteClient([child.nodeName for child in filteredChildren], currentTeam) # Adds the node to the stack nextNode = self.plan.getNode(result.node) print str.format('Adding node "{0}" to the stack', nextNode.nodeName) self.runningBehaviorsStack.append((nextNode, currentTeam, result.params)) return True