def test_validators(self):
     from rospy.impl.validators import ParameterInvalid
     from rospy.impl.validators import non_empty
     contextes = ['', '/', '/foo']
     for context in contextes:
         valid = ['foo', 1, [1]]
         for v in valid:
             non_empty('param-name')(v, context)
         invalid = ['', 0, []]
         for i in invalid:
                 non_empty('param-name-foo')(i, context)
             except ParameterInvalid, e:
                 self.assert_('param-name-foo' in str(e))
 def test_validators(self):
     from rospy.impl.validators import ParameterInvalid
     from rospy.impl.validators import non_empty
     contextes = ['', '/', '/foo']
     for context in contextes:
         valid = ['foo', 1, [1]]
         for v in valid:
             non_empty('param-name')(v, context)
         invalid = ['', 0, []]
         for i in invalid:
                 non_empty('param-name-foo')(i, context)
             except ParameterInvalid, e:
                 self.assert_('param-name-foo' in str(e))
    def test_validators(self):
        from rospy.impl.validators import ParameterInvalid
        from rospy.impl.validators import non_empty

        contextes = ["", "/", "/foo"]
        for context in contextes:
            valid = ["foo", 1, [1]]
            for v in valid:
                non_empty("param-name")(v, context)
            invalid = ["", 0, []]
            for i in invalid:
                    non_empty("param-name-foo")(i, context)
                except ParameterInvalid, e:
                    self.assert_("param-name-foo" in str(e))
Example #4
class ROSHandler(XmlRpcHandler):
    Base handler for both slave and master nodes. API methods
    generally provide the capability for establishing point-to-point
    connections with other nodes.
    Instance methods are XML-RPC API methods, so care must be taken as
    to what is added here. 
    def __init__(self, name, master_uri):
        Base constructor for ROS nodes/masters
        @param name: ROS name of this node
        @type  name: str
        @param master_uri: URI of master node, or None if this node is the master
        @type  master_uri: str
        super(ROSHandler, self).__init__()
        self.masterUri = master_uri = name
        self.uri = None
        self.done = False

        # initialize protocol handlers. The master will not have any.
        self.protocol_handlers = []
        handler = rospy.impl.tcpros.get_tcpros_handler()
        if handler is not None:

        self.reg_man = RegManager(self)


    def _is_registered(self):
        @return: True if slave API is registered with master.
        @rtype: bool
        if self.reg_man is None:
            return False
            return self.reg_man.is_registered()

    def _ready(self, uri):
        @param uri: XML-RPC URI
        @type  uri: str
        callback from ROSNode to inform handler of correct i/o information
        """"_ready: %s", uri)
        self.uri = uri
        #connect up topics in separate thread
        if self.reg_man:
            t = threading.Thread(target=self.reg_man.start,
                                 args=(uri, self.masterUri))

    def _custom_validate(self, validation, param_name, param_value, caller_id):
        Implements validation rules that require access to internal ROSHandler state.
        @param validation: name of validation rule to use
        @type  validation: str
        @param param_name: name of parameter being validated
        @type  param_name: str
        @param param_value str: value of parameter
        @type  param_value: str
        @param caller_id: value of caller_id parameter to API method
        @type  caller_id: str
        @raise ParameterInvalid: if the parameter does not meet validation
        @return: new value for parameter, after validation
        if validation == 'is_publishers_list':
            if not type(param_value) == list:
                raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] must be a list" %
            for v in param_value:
                if not isinstance(v, str):
                    raise ParameterInvalid(
                        "ERROR: param [%s] must be a list of strings" %
                parsed = urlparse.urlparse(v)
                if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:  #protocol and host
                    raise ParameterInvalid(
                        "ERROR: param [%s] does not contain valid URLs [%s]" %
                        (param_name, v))
            return param_value
            raise ParameterInvalid(
                "ERROR: param [%s] has an unknown validation type [%s]" %
                (param_name, validation))

    ## static map for tracking which arguments to a function should be remapped
    #  { methodName : [ arg indices ]
    _remap_table = {}

    def remappings(cls, methodName):
        @param cls: class to register remappings on
        @type  cls: Class: class to register remappings on    
        @return: parameters (by pos) that should be remapped because they are names
        @rtype: list
        if methodName in cls._remap_table:
            return cls._remap_table[methodName]
            return []


    ## (Python-Only API) Get the XML-RPC URI of this server
    ## @param self
    ## @param caller_id str: ROS caller id
    ## @return [int, str, str]: [1, "", xmlRpcUri]
    def getUri(self, caller_id):
        return 1, "", self.uri

    ## (Python-Only API) Get the ROS node name of this server
    ## @param self
    ## @param caller_id str: ROS caller id
    ## @return [int, str, str]: [1, "", ROS node name]
    def getName(self, caller_id):
        return 1, "",


    def getBusStats(self, caller_id):
        Retrieve transport/topic statistics
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: [publishStats, subscribeStats, serviceStats]::
           publishStats: [[topicName, messageDataSent, pubConnectionData]...[topicNameN, messageDataSentN, pubConnectionDataN]]
               pubConnectionData: [connectionId, bytesSent, numSent, connected]* . 
           subscribeStats: [[topicName, subConnectionData]...[topicNameN, subConnectionDataN]]
               subConnectionData: [connectionId, bytesReceived, dropEstimate, connected]* . dropEstimate is -1 if no estimate. 
           serviceStats: not sure yet, probably akin to [numRequests, bytesReceived, bytesSent] 
        pub_stats, sub_stats = get_topic_manager().get_pub_sub_stats()
        #TODO: serviceStats
        return 1, '', [pub_stats, sub_stats, []]

    def getBusInfo(self, caller_id):
        Retrieve transport/topic connection information
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        return 1, "bus info", get_topic_manager().get_pub_sub_info()

    def getMasterUri(self, caller_id):
        Get the URI of the master node.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: [code, msg, masterUri]
        @rtype: [int, str, str]
        if self.masterUri:
            return 1, self.masterUri, self.masterUri
            return 0, "master URI not set", ""

    def _shutdown(self, reason=''):
        @param reason: human-readable debug string
        @type  reason: str
        if not self.done:
            self.done = True
            if reason:
            if self.protocol_handlers:
                for handler in self.protocol_handlers:
                del self.protocol_handlers[:]
                self.protocol_handlers = None
            return True

    @apivalidate(0, (None, ))
    def shutdown(self, caller_id, msg=''):
        Stop this server
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param msg: a message describing why the node is being shutdown.
        @type  msg: str
        @return: [code, msg, 0]
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        if msg:
            print("shutdown request: %s" % msg)
            print("shutdown requst")
        if self._shutdown('external shutdown request from [%s]: %s' %
                          (caller_id, msg)):
            signal_shutdown('external shutdown request from [%s]: [%s]' %
                            (caller_id, msg))
        return 1, "shutdown", 0

    def getPid(self, caller_id):
        Get the PID of this server
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: [1, "", serverProcessPID]
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        return 1, "", os.getpid()


    def getSubscriptions(self, caller_id):
        Retrieve a list of topics that this node subscribes to.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: list of topics this node subscribes to.
        @rtype: [int, str, [ [topic1, topicType1]...[topicN, topicTypeN]]]
        return 1, "subscriptions", get_topic_manager().get_subscriptions()

    def getPublications(self, caller_id):
        Retrieve a list of topics that this node publishes.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: list of topics published by this node.
        @rtype: [int, str, [ [topic1, topicType1]...[topicN, topicTypeN]]]
        return 1, "publications", get_topic_manager().get_publications()

    def _connect_topic(self, topic, pub_uri):
        Connect subscriber to topic.
        @param topic: Topic name to connect.
        @type  topic: str
        @param pub_uri: API URI of topic publisher.
        @type  pub_uri: str
        @return: [code, msg, numConnects]. numConnects is the number
           of subscribers connected to the topic.
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        caller_id = rospy.names.get_caller_id()
        sub = get_topic_manager().get_subscriber_impl(topic)
        if not sub:
            return -1, "No subscriber for topic [%s]" % topic, 0
        elif sub.has_connection(pub_uri):
            return 1, "_connect_topic[%s]: subscriber already connected to publisher [%s]" % (
                topic, pub_uri), 0

        #Negotiate with source for connection
        # - collect supported protocols
        protocols = []
        for h in self.protocol_handlers:  #currently only TCPROS
        if not protocols:
            return 0, "ERROR: no available protocol handlers", 0

        _logger.debug("connect[%s]: calling requestTopic(%s, %s, %s)", topic,
                      caller_id, topic, str(protocols))
        # 1) have to preserve original (unresolved) params as this may
        #    go outside our graph
        # 2) xmlrpclib doesn't give us any way of affecting the
        #    timeout other than affecting the global timeout. We need
        #    to set a timeout to prevent infinite hangs. 60 seconds is
        #    a *very* long time. All of the rospy code right now sets
        #    individual socket timeouts, but this could potentially
        #    affect user code.
        tries = 0
        max_num_tries = 3
        success = False
        while not success:
            tries += 1
                code, msg, result = \
                      xmlrpcapi(pub_uri).requestTopic(caller_id, topic, protocols)
                success = True
            except Exception as e:
                if tries >= max_num_tries:
                    return 0, "unable to requestTopic: %s" % str(e), 0
                    _logger.debug("Retrying for %s" % topic)

        #Create the connection (if possible)
        if code <= 0:
            _logger.debug("connect[%s]: requestTopic did not succeed %s, %s",
                          pub_uri, code, msg)
            return code, msg, 0
        elif not result or type(protocols) != list:
            return 0, "ERROR: publisher returned invalid protocol choice: %s" % (
                str(result)), 0
        _logger.debug("connect[%s]: requestTopic returned protocol list %s",
                      topic, result)
        protocol = result[0]
        for h in self.protocol_handlers:
            if h.supports(protocol):
                return h.create_transport(topic, pub_uri, result)
        return 0, "ERROR: publisher returned unsupported protocol choice: %s" % result, 0

    @apivalidate(-1, (global_name('parameter_key'), None))
    def paramUpdate(self, caller_id, parameter_key, parameter_value):
        Callback from master of current publisher list for specified topic.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param parameter_key str: parameter name, globally resolved
        @type  parameter_key: str
        @param parameter_value New parameter value
        @type  parameter_value: XMLRPC-legal value
        @return: [code, status, ignore]. If code is -1 ERROR, the node
        is not subscribed to parameter_key
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
            get_param_server_cache().update(parameter_key, parameter_value)
            return 1, '', 0
        except KeyError:
            return -1, 'not subscribed', 0

    @apivalidate(-1, (is_topic('topic'), is_publishers_list('publishers')))
    def publisherUpdate(self, caller_id, topic, publishers):
        Callback from master of current publisher list for specified topic.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic str: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param publishers: list of current publishers for topic in the form of XMLRPC URIs
        @type  publishers: [str]
        @return: [code, status, ignore]
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        if self.reg_man:
            for uri in publishers:
                self.reg_man.publisher_update(topic, publishers)
        return 1, "", 0

    _remap_table['requestTopic'] = [0]  # remap topic

    @apivalidate([], (is_topic('topic'), non_empty('protocols')))
    def requestTopic(self, caller_id, topic, protocols):
        Publisher node API method called by a subscriber node.
        Request that source allocate a channel for communication. Subscriber provides
        a list of desired protocols for communication. Publisher returns the
        selected protocol along with any additional params required for
        establishing connection. For example, for a TCP/IP-based connection,
        the source node may return a port number of TCP/IP server. 
        @param caller_id str: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param protocols: list of desired
         protocols for communication in order of preference. Each
         protocol is a list of the form [ProtocolName,
         ProtocolParam1, ProtocolParam2...N]
        @type  protocols: [[str, XmlRpcLegalValue*]]
        @return: [code, msg, protocolParams]. protocolParams may be an
        empty list if there are no compatible protocols.
        @rtype: [int, str, [str, XmlRpcLegalValue*]]
        if not get_topic_manager().has_publication(topic):
            return -1, "Not a publisher of [%s]" % topic, []
        for protocol in protocols:  #simple for now: select first implementation
            protocol_id = protocol[0]
            for h in self.protocol_handlers:
                if h.supports(protocol_id):
                    _logger.debug("requestTopic[%s]: choosing protocol %s",
                                  topic, protocol_id)
                    return h.init_publisher(topic, protocol)
        return 0, "no supported protocol implementations", []
Example #5
class _TopicPubListenerHandler(XmlRpcHandler):
    def __init__(self, publisher_update_callback):
        super(_TopicPubListenerHandler, self).__init__()
        self.uri                       = None
        self.publisher_update_callback = publisher_update_callback

    def _ready(self, uri):
        self.uri = uri

    def _custom_validate(self, validation, param_name, param_value, caller_id):
        if validation == 'is_publishers_list':
            if not type(param_value) == list:
                raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] must be a list"%param_name)
            for v in param_value:
                if not isinstance(v, basestring):
                    raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] must be a list of strings"%param_name)
                parsed = urlparse.urlparse(v)
                if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]: #protocol and host
                    raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] does not contain valid URLs [%s]"%(param_name, v))
            return param_value
            raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] has an unknown validation type [%s]"%(param_name, validation))

    def getBusStats(self, caller_id):
        # not supported
        return 1, '', [[], [], []]

    def getBusInfo(self, caller_id):
        # not supported
        return 1, '', [[], [], []]
    def getMasterUri(self, caller_id):
        # not supported
        return 1, '', ''
    @apivalidate(0, (None, ))
    def shutdown(self, caller_id, msg=''):
        return -1, 'not authorized', 0

    def getPid(self, caller_id):
        return -1, 'not authorized', 0

    # pub/sub

    def getSubscriptions(self, caller_id):
        return 1, 'subscriptions', [[], []]

    def getPublications(self, caller_id):
        return 1, 'publications', [[], []]
    @apivalidate(-1, (global_name('parameter_key'), None))
    def paramUpdate(self, caller_id, parameter_key, parameter_value):
        # not supported
        return -1, 'not authorized', 0

    @apivalidate(-1, (is_topic('topic'), is_publishers_list('publishers')))
    def publisherUpdate(self, caller_id, topic, publishers):
        self.publisher_update_callback(topic, publishers)
    @apivalidate([], (is_topic('topic'), non_empty('protocols')))
    def requestTopic(self, caller_id, topic, protocols):
        return 0, 'no supported protocol implementations', []
Example #6
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic str: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param publishers: list of current publishers for topic in the form of XMLRPC URIs
        @type  publishers: [str]
        @return: [code, status, ignore]
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        if self.reg_man:
            for uri in publishers:
                self.reg_man.publisher_update(topic, publishers)
        return 1, "", 0

    _remap_table['requestTopic'] = [0]  # remap topic

    @apivalidate([], (is_topic('topic'), non_empty('protocols')))
    def requestTopic(self, caller_id, topic, protocols):
        Publisher node API method called by a subscriber node.
        Request that source allocate a channel for communication. Subscriber provides
        a list of desired protocols for communication. Publisher returns the
        selected protocol along with any additional params required for
        establishing connection. For example, for a TCP/IP-based connection,
        the source node may return a port number of TCP/IP server. 
        @param caller_id str: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param protocols: list of desired
         protocols for communication in order of preference. Each
class ProxyHandler(XmlRpcHandler):
    def __init__(self, name, master_uri, topic_manager, protocol_handlers):
        Variant handler for proxy
        @param name: ROS name of this node
        @type  name: str
        @param master_uri: URI of master node, or None if this node is the master
        @type  master_uri: str
        super(ProxyHandler, self).__init__()
        self.master_uri = master_uri = name
        self.uri = None
        self.done = False

        self.protocol_handlers = protocol_handlers

        self.reg_man = None

        # this is the key difference from the normal handler
        self.topic_man = topic_manager


    def _ready(self, uri):
        @param uri: XML-RPC URI
        @type  uri: str
        callback from ROSNode to inform handler of correct i/o information
        self.uri = uri

    def _custom_validate(self, validation, param_name, param_value, caller_id):
        Implements validation rules that require access to internal ROSHandler state.
        @param validation: name of validation rule to use
        @type  validation: str
        @param param_name: name of parameter being validated
        @type  param_name: str
        @param param_value str: value of parameter
        @type  param_value: str
        @param caller_id: value of caller_id parameter to API method
        @type  caller_id: str
        @raise ParameterInvalid: if the parameter does not meet validation
        @return: new value for parameter, after validation
        if validation == 'is_publishers_list':
            if not type(param_value) == list:
                raise ParameterInvalid("ERROR: param [%s] must be a list" %
            for v in param_value:
                if not isinstance(v, basestring):
                    raise ParameterInvalid(
                        "ERROR: param [%s] must be a list of strings" %
                parsed = urlparse.urlparse(v)
                if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:  #protocol and host
                    raise ParameterInvalid(
                        "ERROR: param [%s] does not contain valid URLs [%s]" %
                        (param_name, v))
            return param_value
            raise ParameterInvalid(
                "ERROR: param [%s] has an unknown validation type [%s]" %
                (param_name, validation))


    def getBusStats(self, caller_id):
        # not supported
        return 1, '', [[], [], []]

    def getBusInfo(self, caller_id):
        # not supported
        return 1, '', [[], [], []]

    def getMasterUri(self, caller_id):
        return 1, self.master_uri, self.master_uri

    @apivalidate(0, (None, ))
    def shutdown(self, caller_id, msg=''):
        return -1, "not authorized", 0

    def getPid(self, caller_id):
        return -1, "not authorized", 0


    def getSubscriptions(self, caller_id):
        """Retrieve a list of topics that this node subscribes to
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return [int, str, [ [topic1, topicType1]...[topicN, topicTypeN]]]: list of topics this node subscribes to
        return 1, "subscriptions", self.topic_man.get_subscriptions()

    def getPublications(self, caller_id):
        Retrieve a list of topics that this node publishes.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @return: list of topics published by this node
        @rtype: [int, str, [ [topic1, topicType1]...[topicN, topicTypeN]]]
        return 1, "publications", self.topic_man.get_publications()

    @apivalidate(-1, (global_name('parameter_key'), None))
    def paramUpdate(self, caller_id, parameter_key, parameter_value):
        Callback from master of current publisher list for specified topic.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param parameter_key str: parameter name, globally resolved
        @type  parameter_key: str
        @param parameter_value New parameter value
        @type  parameter_value: XMLRPC-legal value
        @return: [code, status, ignore]. If code is -1 ERROR, the node
        is not subscribed to parameter_key
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        # not supported
        return -1, 'not authorized', 0

    @apivalidate(-1, (is_topic('topic'), is_publishers_list('publishers')))
    def publisherUpdate(self, caller_id, topic, publishers):
        Callback from master of current publisher list for specified topic.
        @param caller_id: ROS caller id
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic str: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param publishers: list of current publishers for topic in the form of XMLRPC URIs
        @type  publishers: [str]
        @return: [code, status, ignore]
        @rtype: [int, str, int]
        if self.reg_man:
            for uri in publishers:
                self.reg_man.publisher_update(topic, publishers)

    @apivalidate([], (is_topic('topic'), non_empty('protocols')))
    def requestTopic(self, caller_id, topic, protocols):
        Publisher node API method called by a subscriber node.
        Request that source allocate a channel for communication. Subscriber provides
        a list of desired protocols for communication. Publisher returns the
        selected protocol along with any additional params required for
        establishing connection. For example, for a TCP/IP-based connection,
        the source node may return a port number of TCP/IP server. 
        @param caller_id str: ROS caller id    
        @type  caller_id: str
        @param topic: topic name
        @type  topic: str
        @param protocols: list of desired
         protocols for communication in order of preference. Each
         protocol is a list of the form [ProtocolName,
         ProtocolParam1, ProtocolParam2...N]
        @type  protocols: [[str, XmlRpcLegalValue*]]
        @return: [code, msg, protocolParams]. protocolParams may be an
        empty list if there are no compatible protocols.
        @rtype: [int, str, [str, XmlRpcLegalValue*]]
        if not self.topic_man.has_publication(topic):
            return -1, "Not a publisher of [%s]" % topic, []
        for protocol in protocols:  #simple for now: select first implementation
            protocol_id = protocol[0]
            for h in self.protocol_handlers:
                if h.supports(protocol_id):
                    return h.init_publisher(topic, protocol)
        return 0, "no supported protocol implementations", []