def __init__(self): ## The number of child subprocesses. self._threads = \ rospy.get_param("rapp_speech_detection_sphinx4_threads") ## The subprocesses structure that contains information used for the # subprocess handling self._availableProcesses = [{ 'sphinx': SpeechRecognitionSphinx4(), \ 'running': False, \ 'configuration_hash': 0\ } for i in range(self._threads)] ## Thread conditional variable used for the subprocess scheduling self._lock = threading.Condition() ## Total service callback threads waiting to execute self._threadCounter = 0 serv_batch_topic = \ rospy.get_param("rapp_speech_detection_sphinx4_total_topic") if(not serv_batch_topic): rospy.logerror("Sphinx4 Speech detection batch topic param not found") ## Ros service server for sphinx speech recognition self._speech_recognition_batch_service = rospy.Service( \ serv_batch_topic, SpeechRecognitionSphinx4TotalSrv, \ self.handleSpeechRecognitionCallback)
def run(self, verbose): # yrange = None # scopez = m3t.M3Scope(xwidth=100, yrange=yrange) ros_rate = rospy.Rate(np.amax(self.rates_idx)) try: rospy.loginfo("Starting "+str(len(self.components_idx))+" publish threads!") for idx, val in enumerate(self.components_idx): t = PublisherThread(self.scope, self.comps[val], self.fields_idx[idx], self.dataTypes_idx[idx], self.rates_idx[idx]) with self.lock: self.publishers[(self.components_idx[idx], self.fields_idx[idx], self.dataTypes_idx[idx])] = t t.start() while True and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.rt_proxy.step() rospy.Rate(self.max_rate).sleep() except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] rospy.logerror("Error e: " + str(e) + ". Stopping threads!") for t in self.publishers: t.stop() t.join() self.rt_proxy.stop(force_safeop=False) # allow other clients to continue running
def callback(self, joint_values): # First, we must extract information about the kinematics of the robot from its URDF. # We will start at the root and add links and joints to lists link_name = self.robot.get_root() link_names = [] joints = [] while True: # Find the joint connected at the end of this link, or its "child" # Make sure this link has a child if link_name not in self.robot.child_map: break # Make sure it has a single child (we don't deal with forks) if len(self.robot.child_map[link_name]) != 1: rospy.logerror("Forked kinematic chain!"); break # Get the name of the child joint, as well as the link it connects to (joint_name, next_link_name) = self.robot.child_map[link_name][0] # Get the actual joint based on its name if joint_name not in self.robot.joint_map: rospy.logerror("Joint not found in map") break; joints.append(self.robot.joint_map[joint_name]) link_names.append(next_link_name) # Move to the next link link_name = next_link_name # Compute all the transforms based on the information we have all_transforms = self.compute_transforms(link_names, joints, joint_values) # Publish all the transforms self.pub_tf.publish(all_transforms)
def main(): rospy.init_node('stamina_calibration_tf_publisher') robot_description = rospy.get_param("robot_description") r = rospy.Rate(5) if (len(rospy.myargv()) < 3): rospy.logerr(usage()) return else: # the keys are the optical frames of the calibrated cameras # the values are the fixed joints of the cameras and their base cam_dict = {} urdf_xml = rospy.myargv()[1] try: for i in xrange(2, len(rospy.myargv())): [cam_link, joint] = map(lambda x: x.strip("/"), rospy.myargv()[i].split(':')) cam_dict[cam_link] = joint except: rospy.logerror(usage()) return print cam_dict c = CalibrationManager(robot_description, urdf_xml, cam_dict) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if c.is_updated(): c.update() try: r.sleep() except: rospy.loginfo("Shutting down")
def right_scan(img): global new_right_img # convert ROS image message to numpy array for OpenCV try: new_right_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, desired_encoding="bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerror(e)
def left_scan(img): global new_left_img # convert ROS image message to numpy array for OpenCV try: new_left_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerror(e)
def main(): rospy.init_node('get_remote_map_node', anonymous=False) if not (rospy.has_param('server_uri') and rospy.has_param('world')): rospy.logfatal("no server_uri or world params provided") return server = rospy.get_param("server_uri", None) world = rospy.get_param("world", None) resolution = rospy.get_param("resolution", 5) url = ("{server}/worlds/{world}/map.gmapping?resolution={resolution}" .format(**locals())) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() # TODO: not nice path = "{root}/worlds/{world}/map".format( root=rospack.get_path('alma_remote_planner'), world=world) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) rospy.loginfo( "Sent request to {url}. Got response {response}".format(**locals())) if response.status_code != 200: rospy.logerror("No valid response") else: z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(response.content)) z.extractall(path=path)
def main_loop(self): img = Image() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print "getting image..", image = self.camProxy.getImageRemote(self.nameId) #print "ok" # TODO: better time img.header.stamp = img.header.frame_id = self.frame_id img.height = image[1] img.width = image[0] nbLayers = image[2] #colorspace = image[3] if image[3] == kYUVColorSpace: encoding = "mono8" elif image[3] == kRGBColorSpace: encoding = "rgb8" elif image[3] == kBGRColorSpace: encoding = "bgr8" else: rospy.logerror("Received unknown encoding: {0}".format(image[3])) img.encoding = encoding img.step = img.width * nbLayers = image[6] self.info_.width = img.width self.info_.height = img.height self.info_.header = img.header self.pub_img_.publish(img) self.pub_info_.publish(self.info_) rospy.sleep(0.0001)# TODO: is this necessary? self.camProxy.unsubscribe(self.nameId)
def on_message(self, unused_channel, basic_deliver, properties, body): """Invoked by pika when a message is delivered from RabbitMQ. The channel is passed for your convenience. The basic_deliver object that is passed in carries the exchange, routing key, delivery tag and a redelivered flag for the message. The properties passed in is an instance of BasicProperties with the message properties and the body is the message that was sent. :param unused_channel: The channel object :param pika.Spec.Basic.Deliver: basic_deliver method :param pika.Spec.BasicProperties: properties :param str|unicode body: The message body """ rospy.loginfo('Received message # %s from %s: %s', basic_deliver.delivery_tag, properties.app_id, body) self.acknowledge_message(basic_deliver.delivery_tag) rosmsg = ClientCommand() request = json.loads(body) = request['request_id'] request_type = request['request_type'] if request_type == 'move': rosmsg.position_x = request['request_body']['position']['x'] rosmsg.position_y = request['request_body']['position']['y'] rosmsg.position_z = 0 rosmsg.tag_epc = request['request_body']['position']['rfid'] self._pub.publish(rosmsg) else: rospy.logerror("invalid request type %s", request_type)
def bfs(root_cam, observations, cameras_seen, checkerboards_seen): q = [root_cam] frame = PyKDL.Frame() tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: tf_listener.waitForTransform("/base_link", "/checkerboard_id", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(10)) t = tf_listener.lookupTransform("/base_link", "/checkerboard_id", rospy.Time(0)) v = PyKDL.Vector(t[0][0],t[0][1],t[0][2]) r = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(t[1][0],t[1][1],t[1][2], t[1][3]) frame = PyKDL.Frame(r, v) break except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException): rospy.logerror("No transform from /base_link to /checkerboard_id found. Retrying...") cameras_seen[root_cam] = frame while q: cam1, q = q[0], q[1:] # pop cam1_pose = cameras_seen[cam1] for cam2, checkerboards in observations[cam1].iteritems(): assert checkerboards if cam2 not in cameras_seen: q.append(cam2) # Cam2Pose = Cam1Pose * Cam1->CB * CB->Cam2 cameras_seen[cam2] = cam1_pose * checkerboards[0][0] * checkerboards[0][1].Inverse() for cb in checkerboards: if cb[2] not in checkerboards_seen: checkerboards_seen[cb[2]] = cam1_pose * cb[0]
def createDynEntitiesForRviz(entity, frame, type_elt): _entity_ = entity.replace('-', '_') addInstructionDyn("ros.rosPublish.add('vector', 'rviz_"+_entity_+"', '/RvizFeatureSoTRH/"+_entity_+"') if not 'rviz_"+_entity_+"' in ros.rosPublish.list() else None") addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+" = EntityToMatrix('convert_"+entity+"')") if type_elt == "": rospy.logerror("Entity type: UNKNOW. WRANING!") elif type_elt == "Point": addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin1.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].position") addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin2.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].position") elif type_elt == "Versor": addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin1.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].versor") addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin2.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].versor") elif type_elt == "Line" or type_elt == "Plane": addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin1.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].position") addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin2.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].normal") elif type_elt == "Plane": addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin1.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].position") addInstructionDyn("convert_"+_entity_+".sin2.value = robot.entities['"+entity+"'].normal") addInstructionDyn("plug(convert_"+_entity_+".sout, ros.rosPublish.signal('rviz_"+_entity_+"'))") addInstructionDyn("robot.plug['convert_"+_entity_+"'] = convert_"+_entity_) addInstructionRviz([_entity_, frame, type_elt])
def __init__(self): if rospy.has_param('joint_names'): self.joint_names = rospy.get_param('joint_names') else: rospy.logerror("joint_names not available") return self.configuration = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.lock = threading.Lock() self.received_state = False self.listener = tf.TransformListener() time.sleep(0.5) self.service = rospy.Service("move_cart_abs", MoveCart, self.cbIKSolverAbs) #self.service = rospy.Service("move_cart_rel", MoveCart, self.cbIKSolverRel) self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('joint_trajectory_action', JointTrajectoryAction) self.as_ = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("move_cart_rel", MoveCartAction, execute_cb=self.cbIKSolverRel) if not self.client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15)): rospy.logerr("arm action server not ready within timeout, aborting...") return else: rospy.logdebug("arm action server ready") rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_callback) #self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.joint_states_listener) #self.thread.start() rospy.wait_for_service('get_ik') self.iks = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_ik', GetPositionIK)
def _add_waypoint_pose(self): current_pose = self._get_current_pose() if (None != current_pose): self._append_waypoint_pose(current_pose.pose.pose) else: rospy.logerror("Invalid waypoint pose")
def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, cam_info): #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image try: image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8") except CvBridgeError, e: rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e) return
def getAnglesFromPose(self,pose): if type(pose)==Pose: goal=PoseStamped() goal.header.frame_id="/base" goal.pose=pose else: goal=pose if not self.ik: rospy.logerror("ERROR: Inverse Kinematics service was not loaded") return None goalstr="%f,%f,%f"%(goal.pose.position.x,goal.pose.position.y,goal.pose.position.z) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(goal) try: resp = self.iksvc(ikreq) if (resp.isValid[0]): return resp.joints[0] else: rospy.logerr("FAILURE - No Valid Joint Solution Found for %s"%goalstr) return None except rospy.ServiceException,e : rospy.loginfo("Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) return None
def callback(self, range_msg, img_msg, userdata, finishdata): if self._finished: return height = range_msg.range try: image = self._bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img_msg, desired_encoding='bgr8') except CvBridgeError as error: rospy.logerror(error) output = self.on_execute(userdata, image, height) if output is None: # Don't terminate this state yet, # try again with new sensor input. return self._finished = True finishdata.append(output) self._height_sub.sub.unregister() self._image_sub.sub.unregister() self._trigger_event.set()
def list_to_trajectory(self, trajectory, G): """ Args: trajectory (list): List containing a tuple with the time and nodes in the roadmap. The nodes must contain a 'pos' attribute in pixels. Returns: path(Path): A nav_msgs path containing the poses of each node in world coordinates. """ if not trajectory: rospy.logerror("Trajectory is emtpty") path = Path() path.header.frame_id = '/map' path.header.stamp = #l = l[0::3] for w in trajectory: t, node = w x2, y2 = G.node[node]['pos'] #This is in pixels x2, y2 = self.img_to_map(x2,y2) p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = '/map' p.header.stamp = path.header.stamp + rospy.Duration.from_sec(t) p.pose.position = Point(float(x2),float(y2),0.0) path.poses.append(p) s = path.poses[0] for p in path.poses: angle_to_goal=math.atan2(p.pose.position.y-s.pose.position.y, p.pose.position.x-s.pose.position.x) q_angle = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle_to_goal, axes='sxyz') q = Quaternion(*q_angle) p.pose.orientation = q s = p return path
def handle_img(img): global new_crotch_img2 # convert ROS image message to numpy array for OpenCV try: new_crotch_img2 = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerror(e)
def get_xml(self): if self.type=='box': return box(self.get_spawn_name(), self.size,, self.rpy, is_static=True) else: rospy.logerror("unknown type %s"%t) return None
def UpdatePatternPoints (self, pattern): if (pattern.isDirty): if (pattern.shape == 'constant'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsConstant(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'point'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsConstant(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'circle'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsCircle(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'square'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsSquare(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'flylogo'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsFlylogo(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'spiral'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsSpiral(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'ramp'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsRamp(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'peano'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsPeano(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'grid'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsGrid(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'raster'): pattern.points = self.GetPointsGridRaster(pattern) elif ((len(pattern.shape)==1) and (pattern.shape.isalnum())): pattern.points = self.GetPointsCharacter(pattern) elif (pattern.shape == 'bypoints'): pass elif (pattern.shape == 'none'): pattern.points = [] else: pattern.points = [] rospy.logerror('PatternGen: unknown pattern') pattern.isDirty = False
def __init__(self): # Dependencies self.serv_topic = rospy.get_param('rapp_knowrob_wrapper_create_ontology_alias') if(not self.serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_knowrob_wrapper_create_ontology_alias param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(self.serv_topic) self.serv_topic = rospy.get_param('rapp_knowrob_wrapper_register_image_object_to_ontology') if(not self.serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_knowrob_wrapper_register_image_object_to_ontology param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(self.serv_topic) #Declare Callbacks self.serv_topic = rospy.get_param("rapp_caffe_wrapper_image_classification") if(not self.serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_caffe_wrapper_image_classification") self.serv=rospy.Service(self.serv_topic, imageClassificationSrv, self.imageClassificationDataHandler) self.serv_topic = rospy.get_param("rapp_caffe_wrapper_get_ontology_class_equivalent") if(not self.serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_caffe_wrapper_get_ontology_class_equivalent") self.serv=rospy.Service(self.serv_topic, ontologyClassBridgeSrv, self.ontologyClassBridgeDataHandler) self.serv_topic = rospy.get_param("rapp_caffe_wrapper_register_image_to_ontology") if(not self.serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_caffe_wrapper_register_image_to_ontology") self.serv=rospy.Service(self.serv_topic, registerImageToOntologySrv, self.registerImageToOntologyDataHandler)
def process_link_recursive(self, link, T, joint_values): if link not in self.robot.child_map: self.x_current = T return for i in range(0,len(self.robot.child_map[link])): (joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][i] if joint_name not in self.robot.joint_map: rospy.logerror("Joint not found in map") continue current_joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name] trans_matrix = tf.transformations.translation_matrix(([0],[1],[2])) rot_matrix = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(current_joint.origin.rpy[0], current_joint.origin.rpy[1], current_joint.origin.rpy[2], 'rxyz') origin_T =, rot_matrix) current_joint_T =, origin_T) if current_joint.type != 'fixed': if not in rospy.logerror("Joint not found in list") continue # compute transform that aligns rotation axis with z aligned_joint_T =, self.align_with_z(current_joint.axis)) self.joint_transforms.append(aligned_joint_T) index = angle = joint_values.position[index] joint_rot_T = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, numpy.asarray(current_joint.axis)) next_link_T =, joint_rot_T) else: next_link_T = current_joint_T self.process_link_recursive(next_link, next_link_T, joint_values)
def main_loop(self): img = Image() r = rospy.Rate(self.fps) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): image = self.camProxy.getImageRemote(self.nameId) stampAL = image[4] + image[5]*1e-6 #print image[5], stampAL, "%lf"%(stampAL) img.header.stamp = rospy.Time(stampAL) img.header.frame_id = self.frame_id img.height = image[1] img.width = image[0] nbLayers = image[2] if image[3] == kYUVColorSpace: encoding = "mono8" elif image[3] == kRGBColorSpace: encoding = "rgb8" elif image[3] == kBGRColorSpace: encoding = "bgr8" elif image[3] == kYUV422ColorSpace: encoding = "yuv422" # this works only in ROS groovy and later else: rospy.logerror("Received unknown encoding: {0}".format(image[3])) img.encoding = encoding img.step = img.width * nbLayers = image[6] infomsg = self.cim.getCameraInfo() infomsg.header = img.header self.pub_info_.publish(infomsg) self.pub_img_.publish(img) r.sleep() self.camProxy.unsubscribe(self.nameId)
def get_points_3d(self, left_points, right_points): """ this method assumes that corresponding points are in the right order and returns a list of 3d points """ # both lists must be of the same lenghth otherwise return None if len(left_points) != len(right_points): rospy.logerror("The number of left points and the number of right points is not the same") return None points_3d = [] for i in range(len(left_points)): a = left_points[i] b = right_points[i] disparity = abs(a[0]-b[0]) pt = Util.convertStereo(a[0], a[1], disparity, points_3d.append(pt) # IPython.embed() # publish the points if in debug mode if DEBUG: markers = MarkerArray() for i in range(len(points_3d)): point = points_3d[i] marker = Util.createMarker(tfx.pose(point).msg.PoseStamped(), id=i+1, lifetime=2) markers.markers.append(marker) self.points_3d_pub.publish(markers) return points_3d
def get_controller_state(self): with self.ctrl_state_lock: if self.ctrl_state_dict is None: rospy.logerror("[pr2_arm_base] get_controller_state NOT IMPLEMENTED!") elif len(self.ctrl_state_dict) == 0: rospy.logwarn("[pr2_arm_base] Controller state not yet published.") return self.ctrl_state_dict
def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, corners_x, corners_y, spacing_x, spacing_y, width_scaling, height_scaling): #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image try: image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8") except CvBridgeError, e: rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e) return
def callback(self, ros_image): #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image try: image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8") except CvBridgeError, e: rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e) return
def resolve(self): """ Resolves :return: entity in the <area_description> of the <surface_designator> that is closest to the robot """ # Get the surface as an entity surface = self._surface_designator.resolve() if surface is None: rospy.logerror("Cannot resolve surface designator") return None # Get all entities and check which ones are on the table all_entities = self._robot.ed.get_entities() entities = [] for e in all_entities: point = robot_skills.util.kdl_conversions.VectorStamped(frame_id=e.frame_id, vector=e._pose.p) if surface.in_volume(point=point, volume_id=self.area_description): entities.append(e) # Remove all entities that are too large or too small entities = [e for e in entities if (e.shape.z_max - e.shape.z_min) > MIN_GRAB_OBJECT_HEIGHT] entities = [e for e in entities if (e.shape.y_max - e.shape.y_min) < MAX_GRAB_OBJECT_WIDTH] entities = [e for e in entities if (e.shape.x_max - e.shape.x_min) < MAX_GRAB_OBJECT_WIDTH] # Check if there are any if not entities: return None # Sort the entities and return the closest one base_pose = self._robot.base.get_location().frame entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda e: e.distance_to_2d(base_pose.p)) return entities[0]
def parseMonitorSpec(monitor): m_id = monitor.monitor_id exp_id = e_risen = monitor.event_risen comp = monitor.comparison_type type_ = monitor.monitored_variable_type lower_bound = monitor.lower_bound upper_bound = monitor.upper_bound if comp == monitor.LESS: fun = lambda x: x < lower_bound print "fun = lambda x: x < "+str(lower_bound) elif comp == monitor.MORE: fun = lambda x: x > upper_bound print "fun = lambda x: x > "+str(upper_bound) elif comp == monitor.IN_INTERVAL: fun = lambda x: x > lower_bound and x < upper_bound print "fun = lambda x: x > "+str(lower_bound)+" and x < "+str(upper_bound) elif comp == monitor.OUT_INTERVAL: fun = lambda x: x < lower_bound or x > upper_bound print "fun = lambda x: x < "+str(upper_bound)+" or x > "+str(upper_bound) else: rospy.logerror("Unknow comparaison type") return [m_id, exp_id, e_risen, fun]
def start_stream(self, req): """A ROS service to start streaming video towards a certain address. The address supplied should be a simple IPv4 address in the form of a string. This string is supplied directly to gstreamer's udpsink. """ with self._stream_mutex: if self._streamer is not None: #Shut down old stream self._streamer.shutdown() success = True try: #initialise and start the streamer self._streamer = VideoStream(self._elements, source=self._video_src, address=req.address, port=self._port) rospy.loginfo('Video streaming to ' + str(req.address)) except StreamException, se: rospy.logerror('Could not start video stream: ' + str(se)) self._streamer = None success = False #Return a C-style error code. return ConnectedResponse(1 if success else 0)
rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + ', forward right (left, right)=(%s,%s)' % (y - 0.1, (-(0.2 + y) - 0.1))) self.set_speed(self.motor_left_ID, y - 0.1) self.set_speed(self.motor_right_ID, (-(0.2 + y) - 0.1)) else: self.all_stop() # raw L/R motor commands (speed, speed) def on_cmd_raw(self, msg): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + ' cmd_raw=%s', move_data_recv = json.loads( self.set_speed(self.motor_left_ID, float(move_data_recv['left'])) self.set_speed(self.motor_right_ID, float(move_data_recv['right'])) # simple string commands (left/right/forward/backward/stop) def on_cmd_str(self, msg): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + ' cmd_str=%s', self.move_dir( # initialization if __name__ == '__main__': move = Move() try: move.start() finally: rospy.logerror("move node failed") # stop motors before exiting move.all_stop()
def move_trajectory_sequence(self, trajectory_points, time_list, stop=True, start_time=None, send_action=None): """Move base following the trajectory points at each time points trajectory-points [ list of #f(x y yaw) ([m] for x, y; [rad] for yaw) ] time-list [list of time span [sec] ] stop [ stop after msec moveing ] start-time [ robot will move at start-time [sec or ros::Time] ] send-action [ send message to action server, it means robot will move ] """ if len(trajectory_points) != len(time_list): raise ValueError while self.odom_msg is None: rospy.sleep(0.01) odom_coords = geometry_pose_to_coords(self.odom_msg.pose) goal = control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal() msg = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() msg.joint_names = self.move_base_trajectory_joint_names if start_time is not None: msg.header.stamp = start_time else: msg.header.stamp = coords_list = [odom_coords] for traj_point in trajectory_points: cds = Coordinates(pos=odom_coords.translation, rot=odom_coords.rotation) cds.translate((traj_point[0], traj_point[1], 0.0)) cds.rotate(traj_point[2], 'z') coords_list.append(cds) cur_cds = odom_coords cur_yaw = cur_cds.rpy_angle()[0][0] cur_time = 0 pts_msg_list = [] for i, (cur_cds, next_cds) in enumerate(zip( coords_list[:-1], coords_list[1:])): next_time = time_list[i] tra = cur_cds.transformation(next_cds) rot = cur_cds.rotate_vector(tra.translation) diff_yaw = rotation_distance(cur_cds.rotation, next_cds.rotation) pts_msg_list.append( trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint( positions=[cur_cds.translation[0], cur_cds.translation[1], cur_yaw], velocities=[rot[0] / next_time, rot[1] / next_time, tra.rpy_angle()[0][0] / next_time], time_from_start=rospy.Time(cur_time))) cur_time += next_time cur_cds = next_cds if tra.rpy_angle()[0][0] > 0: cur_yaw += abs(diff_yaw) else: cur_yaw -= abs(diff_yaw) # append last point if stop: velocities = [0, 0, 0] else: velocities = [rot[0] / next_time, rot[1] / next_time, tra.rpy_angle()[0][0] / next_time] pts_msg_list.append( trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint( positions=[cur_cds.translation[0], cur_cds.translation[1], cur_yaw], velocities=velocities, time_from_start=rospy.Time(cur_time))) msg.points = pts_msg_list goal.goal.trajectory = msg if send_action: if self.move_base_trajectory_action is None: rospy.logerror( 'send_action is True, ' 'but move_base_trajectory_action is not found') return False self.move_base_trajectory_action.send_goal(goal.goal) if self.move_base_trajectory_action.wait_for_result(): return self.move_base_trajectory_action.get_result() else: return False return goal
# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. __author__ = "[email protected] (Edward Venator)" import roslib; roslib.load_manifest("cwru_utilities") import rospy from tabletop_object_detector.srv import TabletopSegmentation if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('tabletop_object_detector_wrapper') rospy.loginfo('Waiting for tabletop_segmentation service') rospy.wait_for_service('tabletop_segmentation') tabletop_detection = rospy.ServiceProxy('tabletop_segmentation', TabletopSegmentation) rospy.loginfo('Connected to tabletop segmentation service') timer = rospy.Rate(.2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): resp = tabletop_detection() if resp.result == resp.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo("Tabletop detection service returned %d clusters", len(resp.clusters)) elif resp.result == resp.NO_TABLE: rospy.loginfo("No table detected") elif resp.result == resp.NO_CLOUD_RECEIVED: rospy.logwarn("No cloud received") elif resp.result == resp.OTHER_ERROR: rospy.logerror("Tabletop segmentation error") timer.sleep()
def process(self, data): data = self.pre_processing(data) #Save the data in case of it's not a pre-programmed sentence old_data = data sentence = self.sentences['sentences'].get(data) #If there is not match, remove courtesy and try again if sentence is None: data = self.remove_part(data, 'you', 1) data = self.remove_part(data, 'can', 0) sentence = self.sentences['sentences'].get(data) if sentence is None: data = self.remove_part(data, 'please', -1) sentence = self.sentences['sentences'].get(data) if sentence is None: rospy.loginfo('Sentence not in the static vocabulary ...') data = old_data #Try to parse the sentence to retrieve keywords from the hot topic if self.hot_topic is not None: client = self.get_best_client(self.hot_topic, data) if client is not None: #Reset the hot topic self.hot_topic = None self.publish_data(client.callback(data)) return rospy.loginfo('The sentence does not match the hot topic ...') #Try to parse the sentence to retrieve keywords if there is clients if self.clients: client = self.get_best_client(self.clients, data) if client is not None: self.publish_data(client.callback(data)) return rospy.loginfo( 'The sentence does not match any passive keyword ...') """if sentence is None and self.clients: data = old_data client = self.get_best_client(self.clients) if client is not None: self.publish_data(client.callback(data)) return""" """ #Try to parse the sentence to retrieve keywords if there is clients if sentence is None and self.clients: data = old_data relevance = {client:0 for client in self.clients} print self.clients for client, patterns in self.clients.iteritems(): for keyword, weight in patterns.iteritems(): if keyword in data: relevance[client] += weight elif keyword == '*': relevance[client] = sys.maxint best = max(relevance, key=lambda key: relevance[key]) print relevance if relevance[best] != 0: self.publish_data(best.callback(data)) return """ if sentence is None: rospy.logwarn('Did not understand ...') return sentence = str(sentence) rospy.loginfo( 'Understood {} from the static vocabulary'.format(sentence)) intent = self.intents['intents'].get(sentence) if sentence is None: rospy.logerror(rospy.get_caller_id() + ' There is no intent to match to this sentence ...') return for action in intent["actions"]: action = str(action) tmp = self.actions['actions'].get(action) if sentence is None: rospy.logerror(rospy.get_caller_id() + ' There is no action match to this intent ...') return #TODO: Do smth with the action rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'Displaying face :' + str(tmp['face'])) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'Displaying gesture :' + str(tmp['gesture'])) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'Displaying voice :' + str(tmp['voice'])) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + ' QT says :' + intent["answer"]) text = intent["answer"] if text[0] == '$': tmp = text[1:].split('~') for c in self.classes: if c.__class__.__name__ == tmp[0]: try: text = getattr(c, tmp[1])() #print '###############################################' return except AttributeError: rospy.logfatal( rospy.get_caller_id() + ' The class "{}" has no method named "{}" !'. format(tmp[0], tmp[1])) return if text == intent["answer"]: rospy.logfatal( rospy.get_caller_id() + ' The class "{}" does not exists in the module "features" !' .format(tmp[0], tmp[1])) return self.publish_data(text)
def __init__(self, config={}): self.UR5RobotiqUtils_config = default_config self.UR5RobotiqUtils_config.update(config) rospy.init_node('ur5_robotiq_utils', anonymous=True) rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.create_publishers_and_subscribers() ############################# # Initiate member variables # ############################# self.action_feedback = None self.current_goal_id = None ############### # Moveit init # ############### #### initialize move_group API #### moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) #### initialize robot #### self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() #### initialize move group #### self.arm = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('manipulator') #### set tool link #### self.arm.set_end_effector_link("tool0") #### get name of end-effector link #### self.ee_link = self.arm.get_end_effector_link() #### get reference frame for pose targets #### self.reference_frame = "base_link" #### setup ur5 reference frame #### self.arm.set_pose_reference_frame(self.reference_frame) #### allow replanning #### self.arm.allow_replanning(True) #### allow some leeway in position (m) and orientation (rad) #### self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) #### neutral position for reset #### self.neutral_joint_positions = [ 2.996885061264038, -1.3486784140216272, 1.112940788269043, -0.805460278187887, -0.4705269972430628, -1.7602842489825647 ] #### joint names #### self.joint_names = [ 'shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint' ] #### Initialize IK Service #### try: self.moveit_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) self.moveit_ik.wait_for_service() except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerror("Service call failed: %s" % e)
def image_callback(ros_data): global frame try: frame = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(ros_data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerror(e)
def handle_calculate_IK(req): global g_kuka_dh_model rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses)) if len(req.poses) < 1: print "No valid poses received" return -1 else: ### Your FK code here ## CREATION OF THE DH MODEL WAS MADE BELOW ( in main ) ... ## AS A GLOBAL VARIABLE ( g_kuka_dh_model ) # Initialize service response joint_trajectory_list = [] for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)): # IK code starts here joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request # px,py,pz = end-effector position # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation px = req.poses[x].position.x py = req.poses[x].position.y pz = req.poses[x].position.z (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y, req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w ]) ### Your IK code here ## Extract data for ik solver _xyz = np.zeros((3, 1)) _xyz[0, 0] = px _xyz[1, 0] = py _xyz[2, 0] = pz _rpy = np.zeros((3, 1)) _rpy[0, 0] = roll _rpy[1, 0] = pitch _rpy[2, 0] = yaw ## Request ik solution _joints = g_kuka_dh_model.inverse(_xyz, _rpy) ## Assemble solution with a just-in-case check theta1 = 0.0 theta2 = 0.0 theta3 = 0.0 theta4 = 0.0 theta5 = 0.0 theta6 = 0.0 if _joints is not None: theta1 = _joints[0] theta2 = _joints[1] theta3 = _joints[2] theta4 = _joints[3] theta5 = _joints[4] theta6 = _joints[5] else: rospy.logerror('Non solvable ik request') print 'Non solvable ik request' # Populate response for the IK request # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables joint_trajectory_point.positions = [ theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6 ] joint_trajectory_list.append(joint_trajectory_point) rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list)) return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
def get_transform(self): try: self.transform = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform("base_link", "laser", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerror("Error getting transform") print "Error"
response = update_kb( rosplan_service.KnowledgeUpdateServiceRequest.REMOVE_GOAL, msg) else: rospy.logerr( 'Error : Unknown update_type, admisible values are ADD_KNOWLEDGE, ADD_GOAL, REMOVE_KNOWLEDGE and REMOVE_GOAL' ) rospy.logwarn('Knowledge base not updated...!') return False except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr('Service call failed: %s' % e) if (response.success): rospy.loginfo('Knowledge base successfully updated') # service call succesful return True else: rospy.logerror('Could not update world model, failed') # service call failed return False def replan(): rospy.logwarn( 'Some component reported failure, therefore replan is needed') msg = String() = 'e_failure' event_out_pub.publish(msg) return False def publish_success(): rospy.loginfo('Plan succesfully completed, everyone is happy now : )')
def preempt(self): rospy.logerror("[behavior] preempt must be overrided!")
def set_angles(self, angles): for j, v in angles.items(): if j not in self.joints: rospy.logerror('Invalid joint name "' + j + '"') continue self._pub_joints[j].publish(v)
class NaoTactile(ALModule): "Sends callbacks for tactile touch, bumper press and foot contact to ROS" def __init__(self, moduleName): # get connection from command line: from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--ip", dest="ip", default="", help= "IP/hostname of broker. Default is system's default IP address.", metavar="IP") parser.add_option( "--port", dest="port", default=0, help="IP/hostname of broker. Default is automatic port.", metavar="PORT") parser.add_option( "--pip", dest="pip", default="", help="IP/hostname of parent broker. Default is", metavar="IP") parser.add_option("--pport", dest="pport", default=9559, help="port of parent broker. Default is 9559.", metavar="PORT") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() self.ip = options.ip self.port = int(options.port) self.pip = options.pip self.pport = int(options.pport) self.moduleName = moduleName self.init_almodule() # ROS initialization: rospy.init_node('nao_tactile') # init. messages: self.tactile = TactileTouch() self.bumper = Bumper() self.tactilePub = rospy.Publisher("tactile_touch", TactileTouch, queue_size=10) self.bumperPub = rospy.Publisher("bumper", Bumper, queue_size=10) try: footContact = self.memProxy.getData("footContact", 0) except RuntimeError: footContact = None if footContact is None: self.hasFootContactKey = False rospy.loginfo( "Foot contact key is not present in ALMemory, will not publish to foot_contact topic." ) else: self.hasFootContactKey = True self.footContactPub = rospy.Publisher("foot_contact", Bool, latch=True, queue_size=10) self.footContactPub.publish(footContact > 0.0) # constants in TactileTouch and Bumper will not be available in callback functions # as they are executed in the parent broker context (i.e. on robot), # so they have to be copied to member variables self.tactileTouchFrontButton = TactileTouch.buttonFront self.tactileTouchMiddleButton = TactileTouch.buttonMiddle self.tactileTouchRearButton = TactileTouch.buttonRear self.bumperRightButton = Bumper.right self.bumperLeftButton = Bumper.left self.subscribe() rospy.loginfo("nao_tactile initialized") def init_almodule(self): # before we can instantiate an ALModule, an ALBroker has to be created rospy.loginfo("Connecting to NaoQi at %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) try: = ALBroker("%sBroker" % self.moduleName, self.ip, self.port, self.pip, self.pport) except RuntimeError, e: print("Could not connect to NaoQi's main broker") exit(1) ALModule.__init__(self, self.moduleName) self.memProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", self.pip, self.pport) # TODO: check self.memProxy.version() for > 1.6 if self.memProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALMemory on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1)
'init_pose_topic_name': 'initialpose' } args = {} for name in arg_defaults: try: if rospy.search_param(name): args[name] = rospy.get_param( '~' + name ) # Adding the name of the node, because the para has the namespace of the node else: args[name] = arg_defaults[name] #print name except rospy.ROSException, e: rospy.logerror('%s: %s' % (e, _name)) server = PointPathManager( _name, frame_id=args['frame_id'], goto_planner=args['goto_planner'], init_pose_topic_name=args['init_pose_topic_name']) t_sleep = 0.5 running = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and running: try: rospy.sleep(t_sleep) except rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException:
rospy.spin() def on_tf(self, data): pose = data.pose[1] h = Header() h.stamp = t = TransformStamped() t.transform.translation = pose.position t.transform.rotation = pose.orientation t.header = h print "Published Data:\n", t self.pub_tf.publish(t) # Main function. if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize the node and name it. print "Initiating simulation node..." rospy.init_node('Simulation') try: Simulation_server = Simulation() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerror("Failed to start server node.") pass
def getColumns(t, msg, imageFile=""): #this function gets the data that is necessary for the csv file - one row at a time from the current msg. msgType = str(type(msg)) msgType = msgType[msgType.index('.') + 1:] msgType = msgType[:msgType.index('\'')] if (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__LaserScan'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, msg.angle_increment, msg.time_increment, msg.scan_time, msg.range_min, msg.range_max ] for i in range(len(msg.ranges)): columns.append(msg.ranges[i]) if len(msg.intensities) >= 1: for i in range(len(msg.intensities)): columns.append(msg.intensities[i]) elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Imu'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z, msg.orientation.w, \ msg.angular_velocity.x, msg.angular_velocity.y, msg.angular_velocity.z, \ msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Joy'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.axes[0], msg.axes[1], msg.axes[2], msg.axes[3], msg.axes[4], msg.axes[5],msg.axes[6],msg.axes[7], \ msg.buttons[0], msg.buttons[1], msg.buttons[2], msg.buttons[3], msg.buttons[4],\ msg.buttons[5], msg.buttons[6], msg.buttons[7], msg.buttons[8], msg.buttons[9],\ msg.buttons[10]] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__NavSatFix'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance] elif (msgType == '_gps_common__GPSFix'): columns =[t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.status.status, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance, msg.position_covariance_type, \ msg.track, msg.speed, msg.climb, msg.time, msg.pitch, msg.roll, msg.dip ] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Image'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, imageFile ] elif (msgType == '_umrr_driver__radar_msg'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.sensorID, msg.numTargets, msg.mode, msg.submode, msg.status, \ msg.targetRange, msg.targetAngle, msg.targetRadialSpeed, msg.targetSig2Threhold, msg.targetType ] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Observed_angles'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].elev, msg.Obj[0].quads[0].name, msg.Obj[0].quads[0].visible,msg.Obj[0].quads[0].azim,msg.Obj[0].quads[0].elev, \ msg.Obj[1].name, msg.Obj[1].landmarks[0].name, msg.Obj[1].landmarks[0].visible,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[0].azim,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[0].elev,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[1].name, msg.Obj[1].landmarks[1].visible,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[1].azim,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[1].elev,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[2].name, msg.Obj[1].landmarks[2].visible,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[2].azim,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[2].elev,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[3].name, msg.Obj[1].landmarks[3].visible,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[3].azim,msg.Obj[1].landmarks[3].elev, msg.Obj[1].quads[0].name, msg.Obj[1].quads[0].visible,msg.Obj[1].quads[0].azim,msg.Obj[1].quads[0].elev] elif (msgType == '_tf2_msgs__TFMessage'): columns = [t, msg.transforms[0].header.seq, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp.secs, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.transforms[0].header.frame_id, msg.transforms[0].child_frame_id, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.x, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.y, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.z, msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.x,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.y,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.z,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.w] elif (msgType == '_ardrone_autonomy__Navdata'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.batteryPercent, msg.state, msg.magX, msg.magY, msg.magZ, msg.pressure, msg.temp, msg.wind_speed, msg.wind_angle, msg.wind_comp_angle, msg.rotX, msg.rotY, msg.rotZ, msg.altd, msg.vx, msg.vy, msg.vz,, msg.ay,, msg.motor1, msg.motor2, msg.motor3, msg.motor4, msg.tags_count, msg.tags_type, msg.tags_xc, msg.tags_yc, msg.tags_width, msg.tags_height, msg.tags_orientation, msg.tags_distance, ] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Controls'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].phi, msg.Obj[0].theta, msg.Obj[0].psi, msg.Obj[0].alt ] ## two quads elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Cortex'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].visible, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z, msg.Obj[0].u, msg.Obj[0].v, msg.Obj[0].w, msg.Obj[0].phi, msg.Obj[0].theta, msg.Obj[0].psi, msg.Obj[0].p, msg.Obj[0].q, msg.Obj[0].r, msg.Obj[1].name, msg.Obj[1].visible, msg.Obj[1].x, msg.Obj[1].y, msg.Obj[1].z, msg.Obj[1].u, msg.Obj[1].v, msg.Obj[1].w, msg.Obj[1].phi, msg.Obj[1].theta, msg.Obj[1].psi, msg.Obj[1].p, msg.Obj[1].q, msg.Obj[1].r ] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Waypoints'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z, msg.Obj[0].heading ] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Landmarks'): columns = [ t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z, msg.Obj[1].name, msg.Obj[1].x, msg.Obj[1].y, msg.Obj[1].z, msg.Obj[2].name, msg.Obj[2].x, msg.Obj[2].y, msg.Obj[2].z, msg.Obj[3].name, msg.Obj[3].x, msg.Obj[3].y, msg.Obj[3].z ] else: rospy.logerror("Unexpected error - AGH!") usage() sys.exit(2) return columns
def getColumns(t, msg, imageFile = ""): #this function gets the data that is necessary for the csv file - one row at a time from the current msg. msgType = str(type(msg)) msgType = msgType[msgType.index('.')+1:] msgType = msgType[:msgType.index('\'')] if (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__LaserScan'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, msg.angle_increment, msg.time_increment, msg.scan_time, msg.range_min, msg.range_max ] for i in range(len(msg.ranges)): columns.append(msg.ranges[i]) if len(msg.intensities) >= 1: for i in range(len(msg.intensities)): columns.append(msg.intensities[i]) elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Imu'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z, msg.orientation.w, \ msg.angular_velocity.x, msg.angular_velocity.y, msg.angular_velocity.z, \ msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__NavSatFix'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance] elif (msgType == '_gps_common__GPSFix'): columns =[t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.status.status, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance, msg.position_covariance_type, \ msg.track, msg.speed, msg.climb, msg.time, msg.pitch, msg.roll, msg.dip ] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Image'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, imageFile] elif (msgType == '_umrr_driver__radar_msg'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.sensorID, msg.numTargets, msg.mode, msg.submode, msg.status, \ msg.targetRange, msg.targetAngle, msg.targetRadialSpeed, msg.targetSig2Threhold, msg.targetType ] elif (msgType == '_nav_msgs__Odometry'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z, \ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w ] elif (msgType == '_tuw_vehicle_msgs__Wheelspeeds'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \, msg.fl, msg.rr, msg.rl] elif (msgType == '_tuw_vehicle_msgs__BatteryState'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.current] elif (msgType == '_geometry_msgs__PoseWithCovarianceStamped'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z, \ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w , msg.pose.covariance ] elif (msgType == '_arf_msgs__controllerData'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs ] for i in range(len( columns.append(ord([i])) else: rospy.logerror("Unexpected error - AGH!") usage() sys.exit(2) return columns
tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) key = termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings) return key if __name__ == "__main__": settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) rospy.init_node('keyboard_teleop') """ ROS Parameters """ pressed_key_pub = rospy.Publisher('pressed_key', String, queue_size=10) pressed_key_msg = String() try: print msg while (1): key = getKey() print key if (key == '\x03' or key == '\x1B' ): #If the user pressed Ctrl+C or Scape finish the program break = key pressed_key_pub.publish(pressed_key_msg) except: rospy.logerror(" exception") finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
def callback_image(self, data): if (self.navdata_msg != None and \ self.navdata_msg.state == 3): # The actor-critic system works only when the drone is flying rospy.logdebug("Episode : " + str(self.count) + " Replay Buffer " + str(self.buff.count())) loss = 0 # Rmoving inf from laser ranges if self.laser_msg != None: laser_ranges = np.asarray(self.laser_msg.ranges) laser_ranges[laser_ranges == inf] = 0 # Calculating laser punishment laser_cost = 0.0 if self.laser_msg != None: inverted_ranges = 1 - (laser_ranges / self.laser_msg.range_max) gaussian_ranges = np.multiply( inverted_ranges, signal.gaussian(self.feature_dim, (self.feature_dim / 2 * 0.8))) laser_cost = -np.sum(gaussian_ranges) / self.feature_dim rospy.loginfo("Laser range punishment: " + str(laser_cost)) # Calculating the punishment for colliding is_colliding = False collision_cost = 0.0 if self.colliding_flag: is_colliding = True collision_cost = -10.0 rospy.logdebug("Collisions punishment: " + str(collision_cost)) # Calculating the time elapsed from the last respawn actual_time = rospy.get_rostime() time_stamp = actual_time.secs + \ actual_time.nsecs / 1000000000 time_elapsed = time_stamp - self.start_time rospy.logdebug("Time elapsed: " + str(time_elapsed)) # Calculating the aruco distance reward aruco_dist = 0.0 aruco_cost = 0.0 if self.aruco_msg != None: aruco_dist = np.sqrt(self.aruco_msg.linear.x**2 + \ self.aruco_msg.linear.y**2 + \ self.aruco_msg.linear.z**2) if aruco_dist == 0.0 or aruco_dist > self.aruco_limit: aruco_dist = self.aruco_limit aruco_cost = 1.0 - (aruco_dist / self.aruco_limit) rospy.logdebug("Aruco distance reward: " + str(aruco_cost)) # Calculating the traveled distance reward and the altitude punishment trav_dist = 0.0 alt_cost = 0.0 if self.model_states_pose_msg != None: actual_pos = self.model_states_pose_msg.position trav_dist = np.sqrt((actual_pos.x - self.start_pos.linear.x)**2 + \ (actual_pos.y - self.start_pos.linear.y)**2) trav_cost = trav_dist / time_elapsed alt_cost = -abs(1 - actual_pos.z) rospy.logdebug("Travel distance reward: " + str(trav_cost)) # Calculating the angular velocity punishment angular_cost = 0 if self.imu_msg != None: angular_cost = -abs(self.imu_msg[6]) rospy.loginfo("Angular punishment: " + str(angular_cost)) # Calculating the step reward step_reward = collision_cost + \ (10 * aruco_cost) + \ trav_cost + alt_cost \ + laser_cost #+ angular_cost rospy.logdebug("Step reward: " + str(step_reward)) # Calculating the total reward self.total_reward += step_reward rospy.logdebug("Total reward: " + str(self.total_reward)) image_features = np.zeros(self.feature_dim) if self.input_mode == "camera": rospy.logwarn(self.input_mode + " CAMERA") # Reading the camera image from the topic try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as err: rospy.logerror(err) # Risizeing the image to 160x80 pixel for the convolutional network cv_image_resized = cv2.resize(cv_image, (160, 80)) #array_image = np.asarray(cv_image_resized) array_image = img_to_array(cv_image_resized) input_image = np.zeros((1, 80, 160, 3)) input_image[0] = array_image input_image /= 255.0 # Calculating image features with self.graph.as_default(): image_features = self.autoencoder_network.run_network( input_image) elif self.laser_msg != None: rospy.logwarn(self.input_mode + " LASER") # Reading laser data as state features image_features = laser_ranges / self.laser_msg.range_max # Adding the features to the features list if len(self.queue) == 0: self.queue.append(image_features) self.queue.append(image_features) self.queue.append(image_features) else: self.queue.popleft() self.queue.append(image_features) rospy.logdebug("Queue length: " + str(len(self.queue))) rospy.logdebug("Image Features: " + str(image_features.shape)) rospy.logdebug("Imu length: " + str(len(self.imu_msg))) # Create the state vector new_state = np.concatenate( (self.queue[0].flatten(), self.queue[1].flatten(), self.queue[2].flatten())) if self.imu_input_mod == 1: new_state = np.concatenate((new_state, self.imu_msg)) if self.input_mode == "laser": # Creating aruco features aruco_features = np.zeros(self.aruco_dim) if self.aruco_msg != None: if self.aruco_msg.linear.x == 0 or self.aruco_msg.linear.x > self.aruco_limit: aruco_features[0] = 1.0 else: aruco_features[ 0] = self.aruco_msg.linear.x / self.aruco_limit if self.aruco_msg.linear.y == 0 or self.aruco_msg.linear.y > self.aruco_limit: aruco_features[1] = 1.0 else: aruco_features[ 1] = self.aruco_msg.linear.y / self.aruco_limit if self.aruco_msg.linear.z == 0 or self.aruco_msg.linear.y > self.aruco_limit: aruco_features[2] = 1.0 else: aruco_features[ 2] = self.aruco_msg.linear.z / self.aruco_limit #aruco_features[3] = self.aruco_msg.angular.x / np.pi #aruco_features[4] = self.aruco_msg.angular.y / np.pi #aruco_features[5] = self.aruco_msg.angular.z / np.pi # Creating altitude feature altitude_feature = np.zeros(1) if self.model_states_pose_msg != None: altitude_value = self.model_states_pose_msg.position.z if altitude_value > self.altitude_limit: altitude_feature[0] = 1.0 else: altitude_feature[ 0] = altitude_value / self.altitude_limit new_state = new_state = np.concatenate( (new_state, aruco_features, altitude_feature)) rospy.logdebug("State length: " + str(len(new_state))) rospy.loginfo("State: " + str(new_state)) # Add replay buffer done = False if is_colliding or \ (aruco_cost > 0.8): done = True self.buff.add(self.state, self.action[0], step_reward, new_state, done) # Calculating new action with self.graph.as_default(): a_t_original = new_state.reshape(1, new_state.shape[0])) self.action_noise[0][0] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][0], 0.3, 0.5, 0.1) self.action_noise[0][1] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][1], 0.0, 0.5, 0.1) self.action_noise[0][2] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][2], 0.0, 0.5, 0.1) self.action[0][0] = a_t_original[0][0] + self.action_noise[0][0] self.action[0][1] = a_t_original[0][1] + self.action_noise[0][1] self.action[0][2] = a_t_original[0][2] + self.action_noise[0][2] # with self.graph.as_default(): # a_t_original =, new_state.shape[0])) # self.action_noise[0][0] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ # self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][0], 0.3, 0.6, 0.1) # self.action_noise[0][1] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ # self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][1], 0.0, 0.5, 0.1) # self.action_noise[0][2] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ # self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][2], 0.0, 0.9, 0.1) # self.action_noise[0][3] = self.train_indicator * max(self.epsilon, 0) * \ # self.ou.function(a_t_original[0][3], 0.0, 0.5, 0.1) # # self.action[0][0] = a_t_original[0][0] + self.action_noise[0][0] # self.action[0][1] = a_t_original[0][1] + self.action_noise[0][1] # self.action[0][2] = a_t_original[0][2] + self.action_noise[0][2] # self.action[0][3] = a_t_original[0][3] + self.action_noise[0][3] rospy.loginfo("motor comand plus noise: " + str( self.action[0][2]) + \ " original motor command: " + str(a_t_original[0][2]) + \ " noise: " + str(self.action_noise[0][2])) # Perform an action cmd_input = Twist() # cmd_input.linear.x = self.action[0][0] # cmd_input.linear.y = self.action[0][1] # cmd_input.linear.z = self.action[0][2] # cmd_input.angular.z = self.action[0][3] cmd_input.linear.x = self.action[0][0] cmd_input.linear.y = 0.0 cmd_input.linear.z = self.action[0][1] # CAMBIO TEST MOMENTANEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO # if abs(a_t_original[0][2]) > 0.7: # self.action[0][2] = 0.0 cmd_input.angular.z = self.action[0][2] self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_input) # Updating the state self.state = new_state #Do the batch update batch = self.buff.getBatch(self.batch_size) states = np.asarray([e[0] for e in batch]) actions = np.asarray([e[1] for e in batch]) rewards = np.asarray([e[2] for e in batch]) new_states = np.asarray([e[3] for e in batch]) dones = np.asarray([e[4] for e in batch]) y_t = np.asarray([e[1] for e in batch]) # Calculating Q value with self.graph.as_default(): target_q_values = self.critic.target_model.predict( [new_states,]) for k in range(len(batch)): if dones[k]: y_t[k] = rewards[k] else: y_t[k] = rewards[k] + self.gamma * target_q_values[k] # Training the network with self.graph.as_default(): if (self.train_indicator): loss += self.critic.model.train_on_batch([states, actions], y_t) a_for_grad = grads = self.critic.gradients(states, a_for_grad), grads) self.critic.target_train() rospy.logdebug("Episode: " + str(self.count) + \ " Step: " + str(self.step) + \ " Action: " + str(self.action) + \ " Reward: " + str(step_reward) + \ " Loss: " + str(loss)) self.step += 1 # Starting a newe episode if the drone collide with something or if it's close enough to an aruco board if is_colliding or \ (aruco_cost > 0.8): model_state_msg = ModelState() empty_msg = Empty() # Generating a new random position chosen between 4 new_position = random.sample(self.position_list, 1) # Generating a random orientation angle = random.random() * 2 * np.pi rospy.loginfo("New position: " + str(new_position) + \ "New angle: " + str(angle)) # Creating the model state message to send to set_model_space topic model_state_msg.model_name = "quadrotor" model_state_msg.pose.position.x = new_position[0][0] model_state_msg.pose.position.y = new_position[0][1] model_state_msg.pose.position.z = 0.0 quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle) model_state_msg.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] model_state_msg.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] model_state_msg.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] model_state_msg.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] model_state_msg.reference_frame = "world" self.start_pos.linear.x = new_position[0][0] self.start_pos.linear.y = new_position[0][1] self.start_pos.linear.z = 0.0 # Reseting the episode starting time actual_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.start_time = actual_time.secs + \ actual_time.nsecs / 1000000000 # Reseting the image queue self.queue = deque([]) # Reseting state, action and noise vectors self.action = np.zeros((1, self.action_dim)) self.action_noise = np.zeros((1, self.action_dim)) self.state = np.zeros(self.state_dim) # Saving the weights with self.graph.as_default(): if (self.train_indicator): rospy.loginfo("Saving the weights") + "actormodel.h5", overwrite=True) with open(self.networks_dir + "actormodel.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(, outfile) self.critic.model.save_weights(self.networks_dir + "criticmodel.h5", overwrite=True) with open(self.networks_dir + "criticmodel.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.critic.model.to_json(), outfile) rospy.loginfo("TOTAL REWARD @ " + str(self.count) + "-th Episode : Reward " + str(self.total_reward)) rospy.loginfo("Total Step: " + str(self.step)) self.total_reward = 0.0 self.count += 1 self.step = 0 # reset the actions cmd_input.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_input.linear.y = 0.0 cmd_input.linear.z = 0.0 cmd_input.angular.z = 0.0 self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_input) # Reinitializing position, orientation and status of the drone self.land_pub.publish(empty_msg) self.model_state_pub.publish(model_state_msg) self.reset_pub.publish(empty_msg) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.takeoff_pub.publish(empty_msg) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.colliding_flag = False
def recordPerformance(self,req): try: res = recordUserCognitiveTestPerformanceSrvResponse() serv_topic = rospy.get_param('rapp_knowrob_wrapper_create_ontology_alias') if(not serv_topic): rospy.logerror("mysql_wrapper_rapp_read_data topic param not found") res.trace.append("mysql_wrapper_rapp_read_data topic param not found") res.error="mysql_wrapper_rapp_read_data topic param not found" res.success=False return res rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) knowrob_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, createOntologyAliasSrv) createOntologyAliasReq = createOntologyAliasSrvRequest() createOntologyAliasReq.username=req.username createOntologyAliasResponse = knowrob_service(createOntologyAliasReq) if(createOntologyAliasResponse.success!=True): res.trace=createOntologyAliasResponse.trace res.error=createOntologyAliasResponse.error res.success=False return res serv_topic = rospy.get_param('rapp_knowrob_wrapper_user_performance_cognitve_tests') if(not serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_knowrob_wrapper_user_performance_cognitve_tests") res.trace.append("mysql_wrapper_rapp_read_data topic param not found") res.error="mysql_wrapper_rapp_read_data topic param not found" res.success=False return res serv_topic = rospy.get_param('rapp_knowrob_wrapper_record_user_cognitive_tests_performance') if(not serv_topic): rospy.logerror("rapp_knowrob_wrapper_record_user_cognitive_tests_performance not found") res.trace.append("rapp_knowrob_wrapper_record_user_cognitive_tests_performance topic param not found") res.error="rapp_knowrob_wrapper_record_user_cognitive_tests_performance topic param not found" res.success=False return res rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) knowrob_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, recordUserPerformanceCognitiveTestsSrv) userPerformanceEntry = recordUserPerformanceCognitiveTestsSrvRequest() userPerformanceEntry.test=req.test #userPerformanceEntry.test_type=req.testType userPerformanceEntry.patient_ontology_alias=createOntologyAliasResponse.ontology_alias userPerformanceEntry.timestamp=int(time.time()) userPerformanceEntry.score=req.score userPerformanceEntryResponse = knowrob_service(userPerformanceEntry) if(userPerformanceEntryResponse.success!=True): res.trace=userPerformanceEntryResponse.trace res.trace.append("Submitting query to ontology failed, either test or user ontology alias do not exist or test not of the given type") res.error=userPerformanceEntryResponse.error+"Submitting query to ontology failed, either test or user ontology alias do not exist or test not of the given type" res.success=False return res else: res.success=True res.userCognitiveTestPerformanceEntry=userPerformanceEntryResponse.cognitive_test_performance_entry except IndexError: res.trace.append("Wrong Query Input Format, check for empty required columns list or wrong/incomplete Query data format") res.success=False #print "Wrong Query Input Format, check for empty required columns list or wrong/incomplete Query data format" except IOError: print "Error: can\'t find login file or read data" res.success=False res.trace.append("Error: can\'t find login file or read data") return res
class NaoVisionInterface(ALModule, NaoqiNode): "sss" def __init__(self, moduleName): # ROS initialization NaoqiNode.__init__(self, Constants.NODE_NAME) # NAOQi initialization self.ip = "" self.port = 10601 self.moduleName = moduleName self.init_almodule() #~ Variable initialization self.faces = FaceDetected() self.face_detection_enabled = False self.motion_detection_enabled = False self.landmark_detection_enabled = False #~ ROS initializations self.subscribeFaceSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/face_detection/enable", Empty, self.serveSubscribeFaceSrv) self.unsubscribeFaceSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/face_detection/disable", Empty, self.serveUnsubscribeFaceSrv) self.subscribeMotionSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/motion_detection/enable", Empty, self.serveSubscribeMotionSrv) self.unsubscribeMotionSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/motion_detection/disable", Empty, self.serveUnsubscribeMotionSrv) self.subscribeLandmarkSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/landmark_detection/enable", Empty, self.serveSubscribeLandmarkSrv) self.unsubscribeLandmarkSrv = rospy.Service( "nao_vision/landmark_detection/disable", Empty, self.serveUnsubscribeLandmarkSrv) self.learnFaceSrv = rospy.Service( 'nao_vision/face_detection/learn_face', LearnFace, self.learnFaceSrv) self.forgetPersonSrv = rospy.Service( 'nao_vision/face_detection/forget_person', LearnFace, self.forgetPersonSrv) self.subscribe() rospy.loginfo("nao_vision_interface initialized") def init_almodule(self): # before we can instantiate an ALModule, an ALBroker has to be created rospy.loginfo("Connecting to NaoQi at %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) try: = ALBroker("%sBroker" % self.moduleName, self.ip, self.port, self.pip, self.pport) except RuntimeError, e: print("Could not connect to NaoQi's main broker") exit(1) ALModule.__init__(self, self.moduleName) self.memProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", self.pip, self.pport) if self.memProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALMemory on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) self.landmarkDetectionProxy = ALProxy("ALLandMarkDetection", self.pip, self.pport) if self.landmarkDetectionProxy is None: rospy.logerror( "Could not get a proxy to ALLandMarkDetection on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) self.movementDetectionProxy = ALProxy("ALMovementDetection", self.pip, self.pport) if self.movementDetectionProxy is None: rospy.logerror( "Could not get a proxy to ALMovementDetection on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) self.faceDetectionProxy = ALProxy("ALFaceDetection", self.pip, self.pport) if self.faceDetectionProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALFaceDetection on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1)
def cmd_vel(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity): rospy.logerror( 'Base class contains no command model. Use or' ) raise NotImplementedError()
# enables GPIO pin that controls I2C bus for the IMU import rospy import pigpio def enableIMU(): #on current PiHat for SigSent, enable pin is on GPIO 23 gpio_pin = 23 #enable node rospy.init_node('enableIMU') #init pigpio p = pigpio.pi() #set GPIO to HIGH, enabling i2c bus p.write(gpio_pin, 1) #happy little message to let us know whats going on rospy.loginfo("IMU enabled on pin {}".format(gpio_pin)) if __name__ == '__main__': try: enableIMU() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerror( "Could not enable IMU pin on GPIO pin {}".format(gpio_pin)) pass
def update_pddl_file(self): self.clean_pddl() types = "" predicates = "" actions = "" pddl_dirs = [] if rospy.has_param('~pddl_packages'): pddl_pkgs = rospy.get_param('~pddl_packages') if isinstance(pddl_pkgs, (list, )): for pkg in pddl_pkgs: try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pkg) pddl_dirs.append(pkg_path) except: rospy.logerror("No existe package[" + pkg + "]") pass elif isinstance(pddl_pkgs, basestring): try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pddl_pkgs) pddl_dirs.append(pkg_path) except: rospy.logerror("No existe package[" + pddl_pkgs + "]") pass else: rospy.logerror("[pddl_builder] Unable to process: " + pddl_pkgs) rospy.loginfo("[pddl_builder] set pddl_dirs to:") rospy.loginfo(pddl_dirs) else: rospy.logwarn("[pddl_builder] set pddl_pkgs to all") pddl_dirs.append(os.environ['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'].split(':')[0]) type_files = self.get_pddl_files_in_ws(pddl_dirs, "types.pddl") predicate_files = self.get_pddl_files_in_ws(pddl_dirs, "predicates.pddl") action_files = self.get_pddl_files_in_ws(pddl_dirs, "actions.pddl") function_files = self.get_pddl_files_in_ws(pddl_dirs, "functions.pddl") types_content = self.get_file_content(type_files) predicates_content = self.get_file_content(predicate_files) functions_content = self.get_file_content(function_files) actions_content = self.get_file_content(action_files) template_content = self.get_file_content([self.template]) types_content = self.remove_duplicated(types_content) predicates_content = self.remove_duplicated(predicates_content) template_content = template_content.replace("$$TYPES$$", types_content) template_content = template_content.replace("$$PREDICATES$$", predicates_content) template_content = template_content.replace("$$FUNCTIONS$$", functions_content) template_content = template_content.replace("$$ACTIONS$$", actions_content) template_content = template_content.replace("$$DOMAIN$$", self.domain) try: with open(self.pddl_out, "w") as file: file.write(template_content) except IOError as e: rospy.logerr("I/O error %s returned the invalid value %s", e.errno, e.strerror) return
def callback(self, unordered_joint_values): # We will start at the root link = self.robot.get_root() # This will hold our results, which we will publish at the end all_transforms = tf.msg.tfMessage() # Prepare structures to hold information link_transforms = [] joints = [] joint_values = [] links = [] # Append the root with a fake fixed joint links.append(link) (jn, nl) = self.robot.child_map[link][0] root_joint = self.robot.joint_map[jn] root_joint.type = 'fixed' joints.append(root_joint) joint_values.append(0) # Cycle through the joints and collect relevant information while True: # Find the joint connected at the end of this link, or its "child" # Make sure this link has a child if link not in self.robot.child_map: break # Make sure it has a single child (we don't deal with forks) if len(self.robot.child_map[link]) != 1: rospy.logerror("Forked kinematic chain!") break # Get the name of the child joint, as well as the link it connects to (joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][0] # Get the actual joint based on its name if joint_name not in self.robot.joint_map: rospy.logerror("Joint not found in map") break joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name] # Append link transform to list link_transforms.append(joint.origin) joints.append(joint) # Find the relevant joint axis and value and append to list if joint.type != 'fixed' and in index = joint_values.append(unordered_joint_values.position[index]) else: joint_values.append(0) # Append the next link to list links.append(next_link) # Move to the next link link = next_link # Append one final identity link transform which is not used link_transforms.append(link_transforms[-1]) link_transforms[-1].rpy = (0, 0, 0) link_transforms[-1].xyz = (0, 0, 0) # Compute all transforms transforms = self.forward_kinematics(link_transforms, joints, joint_values) # Check if the right number if transforms has been returned if len(transforms) != len(links): print 'Transforms returned: ' + str(len(transforms)) rospy.logerror("Incorrect number of transforms returned") return # Convert the result into a message and prepare it to be published for i in range(0, len(transforms)): transform_msg = convert_to_message(transforms[i], links[i], "world_origin") all_transforms.transforms.append(transform_msg) # Publish all the transforms self.pub_tf.publish(all_transforms)
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('Deliver', ow_lander.msg.DeliverAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = ow_lander.msg.DeliverGoal() = args.x_start = args.y_start = args.z_start # Sends the goal to the action server. client.send_goal(goal) # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. client.wait_for_result() # Prints out the result of executing the action return client.get_result() if __name__ == '__main__': try: # Initializes a rospy node so that the deliver client can # publish and subscribe over ROS. rospy.init_node('deliver_client_py') result = deliver_client() rospy.loginfo("Result: %s", result) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerror("program interrupted before completion")
def set_angles(self, angles): for j, v in angles.items(): if j not in self.joints: rospy.logerror(j) continue self._pub_joints[j].publish(v)
def testTblUserWriteReadDeleteCheck(self): #Write serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_write_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_write_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, writeDataSrv) req = writeDataSrv() req.req_cols = [ "name", "email", "pwd", "activated", "language", "ontology_alias" ] #req.req_cols=["idsd","macddr", "model","owner", "timestamp"] entry1 = StringArrayMsg() entry1 = [ "'rappMysqlTestTemp1'", "'*****@*****.**'", "'rappMysqlTestTemp1TestPass'", "'Y'", "'el'", "NULL" ] entry2 = StringArrayMsg() entry2 = [ "'rappMysqlTestTemp2'", "'*****@*****.**'", "'rappMysqlTestTemp2TestPass'", "'Y'", "'el'", "NULL" ] req.req_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1), StringArrayMsg(s=entry2)] response = db_service(req.req_cols, req.req_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( #Read what was written serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_fetch_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_fetch_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, fetchDataSrv) req = fetchDataSrv() req.req_cols = ["name", "email"] entry1 = ["name", "rappMysqlTestTemp1"] req.where_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1)] response = db_service(req.req_cols, req.where_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(response.res_data[0].s[0], "rappMysqlTestTemp1") #self.assertEqual(response.res_data[1].s[0],"*****@*****.**") #Update written serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_update_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_update_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, updateDataSrv) req = updateDataSrv() req.set_cols = ["name='rappMysqlTestTemp1'"] entry1 = ["name", "rappMysqlTestTemp2"] req.where_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1)] response = db_service(req.set_cols, req.where_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( #Read again serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_fetch_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_read_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, fetchDataSrv) req = fetchDataSrv() req.req_cols = ["name", "email"] entry1 = ["name", "rappMysqlTestTemp1"] req.where_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1)] response = db_service(req.req_cols, req.where_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(response.res_data[0].s[0], "rappMysqlTestTemp1") self.assertEqual(response.res_data[1].s[0], "rappMysqlTestTemp1") #Delete updated serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_delete_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_delete_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, deleteDataSrv) req = deleteDataSrv() entry1 = ["name", "rappMysqlTestTemp1"] req.where_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1)] response = db_service(req.where_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( #Check if it was deleted serv_topic = rospy.get_param( 'rapp_mysql_wrapper_user_fetch_data_topic') if (not serv_topic): rospy.logerror( "mysql_wrapper_user_read_data topic param not found") rospy.wait_for_service(serv_topic) db_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serv_topic, fetchDataSrv) req = fetchDataSrv() req.req_cols = ["name", "email"] entry1 = ["name", "rappMysqlTestTemp1"] req.where_data = [StringArrayMsg(s=entry1)] response = db_service(req.req_cols, req.where_data) self.assertEqual(response.trace[0], "Success") self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue((len(response.res_data) < 1))
class NaoAudioInterface(ALModule, NaoqiNode): def __init__(self, moduleName): # ROS initialization NaoqiNode.__init__(self, Constants.NODE_NAME) # NAOQi initialization self.ip = "" self.port = 10602 self.moduleName = moduleName self.init_almodule() #~ ROS initializations self.playFileSrv = rospy.Service("nao_audio/play_file", AudioPlayback, self.playFileSrv) self.masterVolumeSrv = rospy.Service("nao_audio/master_volume", AudioMasterVolume, self.handleAudioMasterVolumeSrv) self.enableRecordSrv = rospy.Service("nao_audio/record", AudioRecorder, self.handleRecorderSrv) self.audioSourceLocalizationPub = rospy.Publisher( "nao_audio/audio_source_localization", AudioSourceLocalization) self.subscribe() rospy.loginfo(Constants.NODE_NAME + " initialized") def init_almodule(self): # before we can instantiate an ALModule, an ALBroker has to be created rospy.loginfo("Connecting to NaoQi at %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) try: = ALBroker("%sBroker" % self.moduleName, self.ip, self.port, self.pip, self.pport) except RuntimeError, e: print("Could not connect to NaoQi's main broker") exit(1) ALModule.__init__(self, self.moduleName) #~ Memory proxy registration self.memProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", self.pip, self.pport) if self.memProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALMemory on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) #~ ALAudioProxy registration self.audioPlayerProxy = ALProxy("ALAudioPlayer", self.pip, self.pport) if self.audioPlayerProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALAudioPlayer on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) #~ ALAudioRecorder proxy registration self.audioRecorderProxy = ALProxy("ALAudioRecorder", self.pip, self.pport) if self.audioRecorderProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALAudioRecorder on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) #~ ALAudioDevice proxy registration self.audioDeviceProxy = ALProxy("ALAudioDevice", self.pip, self.pport) if self.audioDeviceProxy is None: rospy.logerror("Could not get a proxy to ALAudioDevice on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) #~ ALAudioSourceLocalization registration self.audioSourceLocalizationProxy = ALProxy( "ALAudioSourceLocalization", self.pip, self.pport) if self.audioSourceLocalizationProxy is None: rospy.logerror( "Could not get a proxy to ALAudioSourceLocalization on %s:%d", self.pip, self.pport) exit(1) #~ ALAudioSourceLocalization parameter trimming self.audioSourceLocalizationProxy.setParameter("EnergyComputation", True) self.audioSourceLocalizationProxy.setParameter("Sensibility", 0.8)
def execute(self): rospy.logerror("[behavior] execute must be overrided!")
def getColumns(t, objnum, msg, imageFile = ""): t = t.to_sec() #this function gets the data that is necessary for the csv file - one row at a time from the current msg. msgType = str(type(msg)) msgType = msgType[msgType.index('.')+1:] msgType = msgType[:msgType.index('\'')] if (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__LaserScan'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, msg.angle_increment, msg.time_increment, msg.scan_time, msg.range_min, msg.range_max ] for i in range(len(msg.ranges)): columns.append(msg.ranges[i]) if len(msg.intensities) >= 1: for i in range(len(msg.intensities)): columns.append(msg.intensities[i]) elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Imu'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z, msg.orientation.w, \ msg.angular_velocity.x, msg.angular_velocity.y, msg.angular_velocity.z, \ msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Joy'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.axes[0], msg.axes[1], msg.axes[2], msg.axes[3], msg.axes[4], msg.axes[5],msg.axes[6],msg.axes[7], \ msg.buttons[0], msg.buttons[1], msg.buttons[2], msg.buttons[3], msg.buttons[4],\ msg.buttons[5], msg.buttons[6], msg.buttons[7], msg.buttons[8], msg.buttons[9],\ msg.buttons[10]] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__NavSatFix'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance] elif (msgType == '_gps_common__GPSFix'): columns =[t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.status.status, \ msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude, msg.position_covariance, msg.position_covariance_type, \ msg.track, msg.speed, msg.climb, msg.time, msg.pitch, msg.roll, msg.dip ] elif (msgType == '_sensor_msgs__Image'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, imageFile] elif (msgType == '_umrr_driver__radar_msg'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.sensorID, msg.numTargets, msg.mode, msg.submode, msg.status, \ msg.targetRange, msg.targetAngle, msg.targetRadialSpeed, msg.targetSig2Threhold, msg.targetType ] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Observed_angles'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[0].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[1].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[2].elev,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].name, msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].visible,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].azim,msg.Obj[0].landmarks[3].elev] elif (msgType == '_tf2_msgs__TFMessage'): columns = [t, msg.transforms[0].header.seq, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp.secs, msg.transforms[0].header.stamp.nsecs, \ msg.transforms[0].header.frame_id, msg.transforms[0].child_frame_id, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.x, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.y, msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.z, msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.x,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.y,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.z,msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.w] elif (msgType == '_ardrone_autonomy__Navdata'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.batteryPercent, msg.state, msg.magX, msg.magY, msg.magZ, msg.pressure, msg.temp, msg.wind_speed, msg.wind_angle, msg.wind_comp_angle, msg.rotX, msg.rotY, msg.rotZ, msg.altd, msg.vx, msg.vy, msg.vz,, msg.ay,, msg.motor1, msg.motor2, msg.motor3, msg.motor4, msg.tags_count, msg.tags_type, msg.tags_xc, msg.tags_yc, msg.tags_width, msg.tags_height, msg.tags_orientation, msg.tags_distance,] elif (msgType == '_std_msgs__Bool'): rospy.loginfo("recognizes Boolean") columns = [t,] elif (msgType == '_roscopter__Status'): rospy.loginfo("recognizes roscopter Status") columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.battery_voltage, msg.battery_current, msg.battery_remaining, msg.sensors_enabled] elif (msgType == '_geometry_msgs__TwistStamped'): rospy.loginfo("recognizes TwistStamped") columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.twist.linear.x, msg.twist.linear.y, msg.twist.linear.z,msg.twist.angular.x,msg.twist.angular.y,msg.twist.angular.z] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Controls'): rospy.loginfo("recognizes Controls") columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].phi, msg.Obj[0].theta,msg.Obj[0].psi,msg.Obj[0].T] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Trajectories'): rospy.loginfo("recognizes trajectories") columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z, msg.Obj[0].psi, msg.Obj[0].xdot, msg.Obj[0].ydot, msg.Obj[0].zdot, msg.Obj[0].psidot,msg.Obj[0].xddot,msg.Obj[0].yddot, msg.Obj[0].zddot, msg.Obj[0].psiddot] ## two quads elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Cortex'): num = int(float(objnum)) - 1 columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[num].name, msg.Obj[num].visible,msg.Obj[num].x, msg.Obj[num].y, msg.Obj[num].z, msg.Obj[num].u, msg.Obj[num].v, msg.Obj[num].w, msg.Obj[num].phi, msg.Obj[num].theta,msg.Obj[num].psi,msg.Obj[num].p, msg.Obj[num].q, msg.Obj[num].r] # for one object three markers # elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Mocap_data'): # columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].residual,msg.Obj[0].marker[0].x, msg.Obj[0].marker[0].y, msg.Obj[0].marker[0].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].z] # for two objects first with 6 markers and the second with 4 elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Mocap_data'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].residual,msg.Obj[0].marker[0].x, msg.Obj[0].marker[0].y, msg.Obj[0].marker[0].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[1].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[2].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[3].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[3].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[3].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[4].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[4].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[4].z,msg.Obj[0].marker[5].x,msg.Obj[0].marker[5].y,msg.Obj[0].marker[5].z,msg.Obj[1].name, msg.Obj[1].residual,msg.Obj[1].marker[0].x, msg.Obj[1].marker[0].y, msg.Obj[1].marker[0].z,msg.Obj[1].marker[1].x,msg.Obj[1].marker[1].y,msg.Obj[1].marker[1].z,msg.Obj[1].marker[2].x,msg.Obj[1].marker[2].y,msg.Obj[1].marker[2].z,msg.Obj[1].marker[3].x,msg.Obj[1].marker[3].y,msg.Obj[1].marker[3].z] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Waypoints'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z,msg.Obj[0].heading] elif (msgType == '_risc_msgs__Landmarks'): columns = [t, msg.header.seq, msg.header.stamp.secs, msg.header.stamp.nsecs, msg.Obj[0].name, msg.Obj[0].x, msg.Obj[0].y, msg.Obj[0].z,msg.Obj[1].name, msg.Obj[1].x, msg.Obj[1].y, msg.Obj[1].z,msg.Obj[2].name, msg.Obj[2].x, msg.Obj[2].y, msg.Obj[2].z,msg.Obj[3].name, msg.Obj[3].x, msg.Obj[3].y, msg.Obj[3].z] elif (msgType == '_geometry_msgs__Point32'): columns = [t, msg.x, msg.y, msg.z] elif (msgType == '_three_pi_control__motor_command'): columns = [t, msg.left, msg.right] elif (msgType == '_three_pi_control__data_log'): num = int(float(objnum)) - 1 columns = [t, msg.distance_error[num], msg.velocity_error[num], msg.path_error[num], msg.distance[num], msg.velocity[num],] else: rospy.logerror("Unexpected error - AGH!") usage() sys.exit(2) return columns