def listener(command): # Get the ~private namespace parameters from command line or launch file. # topic = rospy.get_param('~topic', 'chatter') ## Next structure is a pythonic "select case" options = {"show_accel" : ('/imu', Imu), "show_tilt" : ('/cur_tilt_angle', Float64), "show_status" : ('/cur_tilt_status', UInt8), "update_tilt" : ('/tilt_angle', Float64), "image_mode" : ('/camera/driver/image_mode', int), "depth_mode" : ('~depth_mode', int), "depth_registration" : ('~depth_registration', int), "data_skip" : ('data_skip', int), } topic, dataType = options[command] if command == "update_tilt": pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, dataType) pub.publish("10") rospy.spinOnce(); return if command == "data_skip": client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client('/camera/driver') params = { topic : int(sys.argv[2]) } config = client.update_configuration(params) return timeout = 100 # Create a subscriber with appropriate topic, custom message and name of callback function. # rospy.Subscriber(topic, Imu, callback) print "Reading topic %s"%topic rcvdMsg = rospy.wait_for_message(topic, dataType, timeout) if dataType == Imu: callback(rcvdMsg) else: print rcvdMsg
def step(self, max_action): self.performAction(max_action) unpause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/unpause_physics', Empty) #Unpause Gazebo here! unpaused = unpause_physics() while (not unpaused): rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep( self.dt_real ) #Sleep for the step length, letting the action we sent garner a result. pause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/pause_physics', Empty) #Pause Gazebo here! paused = pause_physics() while (not paused): rospy.spinOnce() new_obs = self.getObs() reward = self.getReward() done = numpy.array([self.getDone()]) info = "Envs finished:" + str(done) #Update previous position. self.prevPos = self.currPos[:] return new_obs, reward, done, info
def reset(self): reset = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/reset_world', Empty) resetted = reset() while (not reset): rospy.spinOnce() #Reinit current positon, previous position self.currPos = [0, 0] self.prevPos = [-1, -1] if self.currObs is not None: return self.getObs() else: rospy.logwarn( "In env.reset(): self.currObs is None! Waiting for observations... " ) time_start = rospy.get_rostime() unpause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/unpause_physics", Empty) unpaused = unpause_physics() while (self.currObs is None or len(self.currObs) != math.floor(1081 / (self.cellsPerDegree * self.degreesPerArc)) + 1): rospy.sleep(1) rospy.logwarn("Observations found {}! Resuming...".format( len(self.currObs))) return self.getObs()
def listener(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # name are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. rospy.init_node('subscriptor', anonymous=True) print "Funciona" #Obstaculos rospy.Subscriber("/b_r1", Pose2D, callbackObs1) rospy.Subscriber("/b_r2", Pose2D, callbackObs2) rospy.Subscriber("/b_r3", Pose2D, callbackObs3) rospy.Subscriber("/b_r4", Pose2D, callbackObs4) rospy.Subscriber("/b_r0", Pose2D, callbackObs0) #meta rospy.Subscriber("/ball", Pose2D, callbackMeta) #robot rospy.Subscriber("/y_r0", Pose2D, callbackRobot) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if(bplan): ruta = getRuta() print ruta ejecutaPlan(ruta) # spin() simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped rospy.spinOnce()
def listener(command): # Get the ~private namespace parameters from command line or launch file. # topic = rospy.get_param('~topic', 'chatter') ## Next structure is a pythonic "select case" options = { "show_accel": ('/imu', Imu), "show_tilt": ('/cur_tilt_angle', Float64), "show_status": ('/cur_tilt_status', UInt8), "update_tilt": ('/tilt_angle', Float64), "image_mode": ('/camera/driver/image_mode', int), "depth_mode": ('~depth_mode', int), "depth_registration": ('~depth_registration', int), "data_skip": ('data_skip', int), } topic, dataType = options[command] if command == "update_tilt": pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, dataType) pub.publish("10") rospy.spinOnce() return if command == "data_skip": client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client('/camera/driver') params = {topic: int(sys.argv[2])} config = client.update_configuration(params) return timeout = 100 # Create a subscriber with appropriate topic, custom message and name of callback function. # rospy.Subscriber(topic, Imu, callback) print "Reading topic %s" % topic rcvdMsg = rospy.wait_for_message(topic, dataType, timeout) if dataType == Imu: callback(rcvdMsg) else: print rcvdMsg
def plotServer(): rospy.init_node("graph_plot_server") server = rospy.Service("graph_plot", Empty, graphPlotCallBack) print "Graph Plot Service ready" r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spinOnce() r.sleep()
def plotServer(): rospy.init_node('graph_plot_server') server = rospy.Service('graph_plot', Empty, graphPlotCallBack) print "Graph Plot Service ready" r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spinOnce() r.sleep()
def init(): rospy.init_node('create_odom', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel") rospy.Publisher("odom") rate_hz = 100 rate = rospy.Rate(rate_hz) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spinOnce() calculate() last_time = rospy.rostime.get_time() rate.sleep()
def main(): rospy.init_node('node_choice_fonction') pub = rospy.Publisher('fonc_to_choose', String, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber("wind_angle", Quaternion, callback) rate = rospy.Rate(100) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg = String() pub.publish() rospy.spinOnce() rate.sleep()
def listal(): # listen-talk rospy.init_node('listal', anonymous=True) pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter', String, queue_size=10) sub = rospy.Subscriber('chatter', String, callback) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() rospy.loginfo(hello_str) pub.publish(hello_str) rospy.spinOnce() rate.sleep()
def _oneInteraction(self): self.stepid += 1 self.agent.integrateObservation(self.task.getObservation()) self.task.performAction(self.agent.getAction()) unpause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/unpause_physics', Empty) #Unpause Gazebo here! while(not unpause): rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep(self.stepLength) #Sleep for the step length, letting the action we sent garner a result. pause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/pause_physics', Empty) #Pause Gazebo here! while(not pause): rospy.spinOnce() reward = self.task.getReward() self.agent.giveReward(reward)
def gps_to_utm(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # node are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. pub = rospy.Publisher('/ground/odom', Odometry, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node('gps_to_utm', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(5) rospy.Subscriber("/at_drone_interface/gps_full_data", GpsData, callback) # spin() simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(msg) rospy.spinOnce()
for y in range(10):, 0, 0, alt - (y / 10 * alt)) time.sleep(0.1) ## IMAGE HANDLING / THREADS ## # TODO: Katie figure this out -- gets images and sends it across network # runs in parallel to main thread def image_thread(self): pass DEFAULT_URI = 'radio://0/80/250K' if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('CFNode', anonymous=True) if not rospy.has_param('id') or not rospy.has_param('uri'): print("No ID or URI Specified! Abort.") return cf = CFNode(int(rospy.get_param('id', '0')), rospy.get_param('uri', DEFAULT_URI)) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spinOnce() rate.sleep()
def run(self): while (rospy.is_shutdown == False): rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('lezl') self.pose = PoseStamped() self.state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/state',State,self.state_cb) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/p3at/odom',Odometry,self.odom_cb) self.tracked_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/tracker/tracked',Bool,self.track_cb) self.landed_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/lezl/landed',Bool,self.landed_cb) self.track_pub = rospy.Publisher('/tracker/tracked',Bool,queue_size=10) self.tag_track_pub = rospy.Publisher('/tag_detections/tracked',Bool,queue_size=10) self.state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/lezl/state',TwistStamped,queue_size=10) self.heading_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/tracker/heading',TwistStamped,self.head_cb) self.apriltag_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/tag_detections',AprilTagDetectionArray,self.parse_tags) local_pos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_position/local',PoseStamped,queue_size=10) self.cam_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/camera1/camera_info',CameraInfo,self.get_cam_info) self.cam_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landing_pad/camera_info',CameraInfo,queue_size=10) local_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel',TwistStamped,queue_size=10) self.arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/arming',CommandBool) self.set_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/set_mode',SetMode) command_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/command',CommandLong) self.state = State() self.tag_track = Bool() self.cam_info = CameraInfo() self.tracked = False self.landed = False self.lezl_state = TwistStamped() rate = rospy.Rate(20) while self.state.connected: rospy.spinOnce() rate.sleep() self.pose.pose.position.x = 0 self.pose.pose.position.y = 0 self.pose.pose.position.z = 5 wait = offb = True print "Starting Mission" while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.landed: print "Landed!!!" break # print ( - wait)>rospy.Duration(5) if (self.state.mode != "OFFBOARD" and ( - wait) > rospy.Duration(5)): print "Attempting to enter OFFBOARD" self.mode_switch("OFFBOARD") start = else: if (not self.state.armed and ( - wait) > rospy.Duration(5)): print "Attempting to arm" self.arm_cmd(1) if not offb and self.state.mode == 'OFFBOARD': print "Watching for landing" self.watchdog(start) self.pose.header.stamp = if not self.tracked: local_pos_pub.publish(self.pose) else: pass # Controller() class should be handling this #local_vel_pub.publish(self.heading) rate.sleep()
print " sail out " self.sail_angle += self.incr elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if self.verbose: stdscr.addstr(3, 30, "Rudder Right") print " rudder right " self.rudder_angle += self.incr if self.verbose: print " rudder %f, sail %f" %(self.rudder_angle, self.sail_angle) if self.rudder_angle < 0: self.rudder_angle = 0 if self.sail_angle < 0: self.sail_angle = 0 self.rudder_publisher.publish(self.rudder_angle) self.sail_publisher.publish(self.sail_angle) curses.endwin() return (self.rudder_angle, self.sail_angle) if __name__ == "__main__": t=teleop() t.verbose = 1 while 1: t.get_user_input() print t.rudder_angle rospy.spinOnce()
def json_grabber(): while not rospy.is_shutdown: with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response: self.source = = json.loads(source.decode()) json_ball_grabber() json_corner_grabber() json_team_grabber() rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep() def json_corner_grabber(): #Corners data parsing corners = data['Corners'] cornerBL = corners[0] cornerBR = corners[1] cornerTL = corners[2] cornerTR = corners[3] corner.BotL.x = cornerBL['X'] corner.BotL.y = cornerBL['Y'] corner.BotR.x = cornerBR['X'] corner.BotR.y = cornerBR['Y'] corner.TopL.x = cornerTL['X'] corner.TopL.y = cornerTL['Y'] corner.TopR.x = cornerTR['X'] corner.TopR.y = cornerTR['Y'] def json_team_grabber(): #Red Team data parsing Red = data['Red Team Data'] #Red Circle rCircle = Red['Circle'] rcCenterPoint = rCircle['Object Center'] #Coordinates rccpX = rcCenterPoint['X'] rccpY = rcCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box rcBoundinBox = rCircle['Bounding Box'] rcbbXL = rcBoundinBox['X Left'] rcbbYT = rcBoundinBox['Y Top'] rcbbXR = rcBoundinBox['X Right'] rcbbYB = rcBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rcArea = rCircle['Area'] #Red Square rSquare = Red['Square'] rsCenterPoint = rSquare['Object Center'] #Coordinates rscpX = rsCenterPoint['X'] rscpY = rsCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box rsBoundinBox = rSquare['Bounding Box'] rsbbXL = rsBoundinBox['X Left'] rsbbYT = rsBoundinBox['Y Top'] rsbbXR = rsBoundinBox['X Right'] rsbbYB = rsBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rsArea = rSquare['Area'] #Red Triangle rTriangle = Red['Triangle'] rtCenterPoint = rTriangle['Object Center'] #Coordinates rtcpX = rtCenterPoint['X'] rtcpY = rtCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Btox rtBoundinBox = rTriangle['Bounding Box'] rtbbXL = rtBoundinBox['X Left'] rtbbYT = rtBoundinBox['Y Top'] rtbbXR = rtBoundinBox['X Right'] rtbbYB = rtBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rtArea = rTriangle['Area'] #Write Red team data to ROS message (.msg) #Blue Team data parsing Blue = data['Blue Team Data'] #Blue Circle bCircle = Blue['Circle'] bcCenterPoint = bCircle['Object Center'] #Coordinates bccpX = bcCenterPoint['X'] bccpY = bcCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box bcBoundinBox = bCircle['Bounding Box'] bcbbXL = bcBoundinBox['X Left'] bcbbYT = bcBoundinBox['Y Top'] bcbbXR = bcBoundinBox['X Right'] bcbbYB = bcBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area bcArea = bCircle['Area'] #Blue Square bSquare = Blue['Square'] bsCenterPoint = bSquare['Object Center'] #Coordinates bscpX = bsCenterPoint['X'] bscpY = bsCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box bsBoundinBox = bSquare['Bounding Box'] bsbbXL = bsBoundinBox['X Left'] bsbbYT = bsBoundinBox['Y Top'] bsbbXR = bsBoundinBox['X Right'] bsbbYB = bsBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area bsArea = bSquare['Area'] #Blue Triangle bTriangle = Blue['Triangle'] btCenterPoint = bTriangle['Object Center'] #Coordinates btcpX = btCenterPoint['X'] btcpY = btCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box btBoundinBox = bSquare['Bounding Box'] btbbXL = btBoundinBox['X Left'] btbbYT = btBoundinBox['Y Top'] btbbXR = btBoundinBox['X Right'] btbbYB = btBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area btArea = bTriangle['Area']
def __init__(self): init_pubs() self.corner = Map() with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response: self.source = = json.loads(source.decode()) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # self.json_grabber() # pub_corner.publish(corners) # pub_ball.publish(ball_coordinates) # pub_red_triangle.publish(rtCenterPoint) # pub_red_square.publish(rsCenterPoint) # pub_red_circle.publish(rcCenterPoint) # pub_blue_triangle.publish(btCenterPoint) # pub_blue_square.publish(bsCenterPoint) # pub_blue_circle.publish(bcCenterPoint) rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep() # Initializes publishers def init_pubs(): rospy.loginfo('Initializing publisher...') pub_corner = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/corners',Map,queue_size=10) pub_ball = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/ball',Map,queue_size=10) pub_red_triangle = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/red/triangle',Map,queue_size=10) pub_red_square = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/red/square',Map,queue_size=10) pub_red_circle = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/red/circle',Map,queue_size=10) pub_blue_triangle = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/blue/triangle',Map,queue_size=10) pub_blue_square = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/blue/square',Map,queue_size=10) pub_blue_circle = rospy.Publisher('mapper/raw_data/blue/circle',Map,queue_size=10) rospy.loginfo('Done.') rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz def json_grabber(): while not rospy.is_shutdown: with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response: self.source = = json.loads(source.decode()) json_ball_grabber() json_corner_grabber() json_team_grabber() rospy.spinOnce() rospy.sleep() def json_corner_grabber(): #Corners data parsing corners = data['Corners'] cornerBL = corners[0] cornerBR = corners[1] cornerTL = corners[2] cornerTR = corners[3] corner.BotL.x = cornerBL['X'] corner.BotL.y = cornerBL['Y'] corner.BotR.x = cornerBR['X'] corner.BotR.y = cornerBR['Y'] corner.TopL.x = cornerTL['X'] corner.TopL.y = cornerTL['Y'] corner.TopR.x = cornerTR['X'] corner.TopR.y = cornerTR['Y'] def json_team_grabber(): #Red Team data parsing Red = data['Red Team Data'] #Red Circle rCircle = Red['Circle'] rcCenterPoint = rCircle['Object Center'] #Coordinates rccpX = rcCenterPoint['X'] rccpY = rcCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box rcBoundinBox = rCircle['Bounding Box'] rcbbXL = rcBoundinBox['X Left'] rcbbYT = rcBoundinBox['Y Top'] rcbbXR = rcBoundinBox['X Right'] rcbbYB = rcBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rcArea = rCircle['Area'] #Red Square rSquare = Red['Square'] rsCenterPoint = rSquare['Object Center'] #Coordinates rscpX = rsCenterPoint['X'] rscpY = rsCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box rsBoundinBox = rSquare['Bounding Box'] rsbbXL = rsBoundinBox['X Left'] rsbbYT = rsBoundinBox['Y Top'] rsbbXR = rsBoundinBox['X Right'] rsbbYB = rsBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rsArea = rSquare['Area'] #Red Triangle rTriangle = Red['Triangle'] rtCenterPoint = rTriangle['Object Center'] #Coordinates rtcpX = rtCenterPoint['X'] rtcpY = rtCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Btox rtBoundinBox = rTriangle['Bounding Box'] rtbbXL = rtBoundinBox['X Left'] rtbbYT = rtBoundinBox['Y Top'] rtbbXR = rtBoundinBox['X Right'] rtbbYB = rtBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area rtArea = rTriangle['Area'] #Write Red team data to ROS message (.msg) #Blue Team data parsing Blue = data['Blue Team Data'] #Blue Circle bCircle = Blue['Circle'] bcCenterPoint = bCircle['Object Center'] #Coordinates bccpX = bcCenterPoint['X'] bccpY = bcCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box bcBoundinBox = bCircle['Bounding Box'] bcbbXL = bcBoundinBox['X Left'] bcbbYT = bcBoundinBox['Y Top'] bcbbXR = bcBoundinBox['X Right'] bcbbYB = bcBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area bcArea = bCircle['Area'] #Blue Square bSquare = Blue['Square'] bsCenterPoint = bSquare['Object Center'] #Coordinates bscpX = bsCenterPoint['X'] bscpY = bsCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box bsBoundinBox = bSquare['Bounding Box'] bsbbXL = bsBoundinBox['X Left'] bsbbYT = bsBoundinBox['Y Top'] bsbbXR = bsBoundinBox['X Right'] bsbbYB = bsBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area bsArea = bSquare['Area'] #Blue Triangle bTriangle = Blue['Triangle'] btCenterPoint = bTriangle['Object Center'] #Coordinates btcpX = btCenterPoint['X'] btcpY = btCenterPoint['Y'] #Bounding Box btBoundinBox = bSquare['Bounding Box'] btbbXL = btBoundinBox['X Left'] btbbYT = btBoundinBox['Y Top'] btbbXR = btBoundinBox['X Right'] btbbYB = btBoundinBox['Y Bottom'] #Area btArea = bTriangle['Area']
def main(): rospy.init_node('data_record',anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber('/test_topic',Obu_connect,recordCallback) rospy.spinOnce()
rospy.loginfo('Digital Compass Setup Complete!') else: #sned error no data in buffer rospy.logerr('[Sparton][2]Received No data from DigitalCompass. Shutdown!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Received No data from DigitalCompass') #### loop-back test only #Testdata='P:,%i,ap,-6.34,-22.46,1011.71,gp,0.00,0.00,-0.00,yt,342.53,q,0.98,-0.01,0.01,-0.15\n' # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 #Testdata='P:,%i,ap,-6.34,-22.46,1011.71,gp,0.00,0.00,-0.00,q,0.98,-0.01,0.01,-0.15\n' #Testdata='P:,%i,ap,-6.34,-22.46,1011.71,gp,0.00,0.00,-0.00,q,1.,0.,0.,0.\n' # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 #i=0 ### end of loop-back test while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spinOnce(); ### loop-back test only #i+=1 #D_Compass.write(Testdata % i) # send testdata and do loop-back in RS232 for debug ### end of loop-back test data = D_Compass.readline() #rospy.loginfo("Received a sentence: %s" % data) #if not check_checksum(data): # rospy.logerr("Received a sentence with an invalid checksum. Sentence was: %s" % data) # continue #DatatimeNow = rospy.get_rostime() DataTimeSec=rospy.get_time() fields = data.split(',')
def listener(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # name are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. rospy.init_node('motor_GPIO', anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber("motor_commands", String, callback) x_dirPin = gpiozero.LED(2) y_dirPin = gpiozero.LED(4) z_dirPin = gpiozero.LED(6) x_speedPin = gpiozero.LED(3) y_speedPin = gpiozero.LED(5) z_speedPin = gpiozero.LED(7) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #directional pins if (commands[0] == "left"): else: x_dirPin.on() if (commands[2] == "back"): else: y_dirPin.on() if (commands[4] == "down"): else: z_dirPin.on() #update speeds x_speed = int(commands[1]) y_speed = int(commands[3]) z_speed = int(commands[5]) #if you're not holding down the button, set speed to zero if (commands[0] == "stop"): x_speed = 0 if (commands[2] == "stop"): y_speed = 0 if (commands[4] == "stop"): z_speed = 0 #finds periods at which to pulse with x_period = 1/x_speed*1000000 y_period = 1/y_speed*1000000 z_period = 1/z_speed*1000000 #use mod of timer by period to see if it's time to pulse on or off if((time.time*1000000)%x_period < x_period//2): x_speedPin.on() else: if((time.time*1000000)%y_period < y_period//2): y_speedPin.on() else: if((time.time*1000000)%z_period < z_period//2): z_speedPin.on() else: rospy.spinOnce() # spinOnce() checks for new messages once