def compute_missing(distros, arches, fqdn, rosdistro, sourcerpm_only=False, wet_only=False):
    """ Compute what packages are missing from a repo based on the rosdistro files, both wet and dry. """

    repo_url = 'http://%s/smd-ros-building' % fqdn

    rd = Rosdistro(rosdistro)
    # We take the intersection of repo-specific targets with default
    # targets.

    if distros:
        target_distros = distros
        target_distros = rd.get_target_distros()

    missing = {}
    for short_package_name in rd.get_package_list():
        #print ('Analyzing WET stack "%s" for "%s"' % (r['url'], target_distros))

        # todo check if sourcerpm is present with the right version
        rpm_name = redhatify_package_name(rosdistro, short_package_name)
        expected_version = rd.get_version(short_package_name, full_version=True)

        missing[short_package_name] = []
        for d in target_distros:
            d_ver = fedora_release_version(d)
            if not repo.rpm_in_repo(repo_url, rpm_name, str(expected_version) + "\.fc" + d_ver, d, 'SRPMS'):
                missing[short_package_name].append((d, 'SRPMS'))
            if not sourcerpm_only:
                for a in arches:
                    if not repo.rpm_in_repo(repo_url, rpm_name, str(expected_version) + "\.fc" + d_ver, d, a):
                        missing[short_package_name].append((d, a))

    if not sourcerpm_only and not wet_only:
        #dry stacks
        # dry dependencies
        dist = load_distro(distro_uri(rosdistro))

        distro_arches = []
        for d in target_distros:
            for a in arches:
                distro_arches.append((d, a))

        for s in dist.stacks:
            #print ("Analyzing DRY job [%s]" % s)
            expected_version = dry_get_stack_version(s, dist)

            # sanitize undeclared versions for string substitution
            if not expected_version:
                expected_version = ''
            missing[s] = []
            # for each distro arch check if the RPM is present. If not trigger the build.
            for (d, a) in distro_arches:
                if not repo.rpm_in_repo(repo_url, redhatify_package_name(rosdistro, s), expected_version + "\.fc" + fedora_release_version(d), d, a):
                    missing[s].append((d, a))

    return missing