def temp_menu(): r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=9, max_val=30, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) lastval = r.value() lcd.clear() lcd.putstr("Temperature:\n") while True: val = r.value() if lastval != val: lastval = val lcd.move_to(0,1) lcd.putstr("") lcd.putchar(chr(62)) if val == 9: lcd.putstr(" OFF") else: lcd.putstr(" %d" %val) lcd.putchar(chr(223)) lcd.putstr("C") if sw.value()==0: lcd.clear() if val == 9: lcd.putstr("Temp: OFF") else: lcd.putstr("Temp: %d"%val) lcd.putchar(chr(223)) lcd.putstr("C") time.sleep_ms(5000) return val
def __init__(self, pin_clk, pin_dt, delay=100, cw=None, ccw=None): self._rotary = RotaryIRQ(pin_clk, pin_dt) self._delay = delay self._cb_cw = cw self._cb_ccw = ccw loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self.check())
async def main(): r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=15) r.add_listener(callback) asyncio.create_task(heartbeat()) while True: await event.wait() print('result =', r.value()) event.clear()
def set_mtime(check,max,x): if check==x: r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=max, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) elif (check+1)==x: r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=max, max_val=59, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) else: r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=59, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) lastval = r.value() while True: val = r.value() if lastval != val: lastval = val lcd.move_to(0,1) lcd.putstr("") lcd.putchar(chr(62)) if x<10 and val<10: lcd.putstr(" 0%d:0%d " %(x,val)) elif x<10 and val>9: lcd.putstr(" 0%d:%d " %(x,val)) elif x>9 and val<10: lcd.putstr(" %d:0%d " %(x,val)) else: lcd.putstr(" %d:%d " %(x,val)) if sw.value()==0: return val
class RotaryEncoder(object): def __init__(self, pin_clk, pin_dt, delay=100, cw=None, ccw=None): self._rotary = RotaryIRQ(pin_clk, pin_dt) self._delay = delay self._cb_cw = cw self._cb_ccw = ccw loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self.check()) async def check(self): old_value = 0 while True: new_value = self._rotary.value() difference = abs(new_value - old_value) if new_value > old_value and callable(self._cb_ccw): self._cb_ccw(difference) elif old_value > new_value and callable(self._cb_cw): self._cb_cw(difference) old_value = new_value await asyncio.sleep_ms(self._delay)
def setup(temps, sm): i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=machine.Pin(22), sda=machine.Pin(21)) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, 39, 2, 16) lcd.clear() r = RotaryIRQ(18, 19, 0, 10, False) menu = ep_lcd_menu.menu_rot_enc(menu_config_file="menu.json", display_type="1602", display=lcd, rotary=r, button_pin=5) menu.display_funcs = { "print_T_Oven": lambda: "{:.2f} C".format(temps("T_Oven")), "print_T_TankU": lambda: "{:.2f} C".format(temps("T_TankU")), "print_T_TankL": lambda: "{:.2f} C".format(temps("T_TankL")), "print_state": lambda: "{}".format(sm.state), "print_cpu_temp": lambda: "{:.2f} C".format((esp32.raw_temperature() - 32) * 5 / 9), "print_ram": lambda: "{:.1f}/{:.1f}kB".format(gc.mem_free() / 1024, (gc.mem_alloc( ) + gc.mem_free()) / 1024), } menu.load() menu.render() return menu
def set_htime(): r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=23, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) lastval = r.value() while True: val = r.value() if lastval != val: lastval = val lcd.move_to(0,1) lcd.putstr("") lcd.putchar(chr(62)) if val<10: lcd.putstr(" 0%d:00 " %val) else: lcd.putstr(" %d:00 " %val) if sw.value()==0: x=val return x
def __init__(self): self.rotary_encoder = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=0, pin_num_dt=4, min_val=-50, max_val=50, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) self.rotary_switch = Pin(32, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
def __init__(self): """Init""" machine.WDT(True) self.tft = self.initDisplay() self.tft.clear() self.encoder_state_machine = RotaryIRQ(25, 26, min_val=0, max_val=2, reverse=True, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.encoder_grinder_time = None = True self.update_display = True self.print_s = 0.0 self.encoder_value = 0 self.state = 0 self.state_old = 0 self.edit_state = False self.cup = Cup() self.single_sec = machine.nvs_getint("single_sec") self.double_sec = machine.nvs_getint("double_sec") self.cps = machine.nvs_getint("cps") self.seconds = 0.1 self.edit_cps = False self.pin_start = machine.Pin(33, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.__startGrinding, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.pin_menu = machine.Pin(27, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.setCPS, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.pin_out = machine.Pin(32, mode=machine.Pin.INOUT) self.pin_out.value(False)
async def main(): rotary_encoder_1 = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=15, min_val=0, max_val=5, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) rotary_encoder_2 = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=32, pin_num_dt=33, min_val=0, max_val=20, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) # create tasks that use the rotary encoders app1 = Application1(rotary_encoder_1) app2 = Application2(rotary_encoder_1, rotary_encoder_2) # keep the event loop active while True: await asyncio.sleep_ms(10)
def setup(): i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=machine.Pin(22), sda=machine.Pin(21)) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, 39, 2, 16) lcd.clear() r = RotaryIRQ(18, 19, 0, 10, False) menu = ep_lcd_menu.menu_rot_enc(menu_config_file="menu.json", display_type="1602", display=lcd, rotary=r, button_pin=5) menu.load() menu.render() return menu
class Controller(): _enc = RotaryIRQ(PIN_ENC1, PIN_ENC2) _but = Pin(PIN_BUTTON, Pin.IN) _pressed = False @classmethod def get_key(cls): # Next / previous count = cls._enc.value() if count != 0: cls._enc.reset() return KEY_NEXT if count > 0 else KEY_PREV, abs(count) # Enter if cls._but.value() == 0 and not cls._pressed: cls._pressed = True return KEY_ENTER, count if cls._but.value() and cls._pressed: cls._pressed = False return False, count
sdist_i = [20, 31, 40, 52, 81, 96, 113, 123] pxc = [20, 31, 52, 81, 96, 113, 123] rad_i = [5, 7, 10, 13, 20, 24, 28, 30] oled.fill(0) display1.fill(0) display2.fill(0) # define rotary variables r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=len(names) - 1, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) lastval = r.value() # orbitTracker_all needs to be cached 1/day simple_cron.add('Daily', lambda *a, **k: orbit_loc_all(), hours=12, minutes=0, seconds=0) #define starfield screensaver variables stars = 500
from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ import math LED_OUT_GPIO = 2 pin = Pin(LED_OUT_GPIO, Pin.OUT) #signal = Signal(LED_OUT_GPIO, Pin.OUT, invert=True) pwm0 = PWM(Pin(LED_OUT_GPIO)) # create PWM object from a pin pwm0.freq(100) # set frequency pwm0.duty(0) # set duty cycle r = RotaryIRQ( pin_num_clk=4, pin_num_dt=0, min_val=0, max_val=33, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED # range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_UNBOUNDED # range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP ) def start(): val_old = r.value() while True: val_new = r.value() if val_old != val_new: val_old = val_new
# from machine import Pin # from neopixel import NeoPixel import time from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=2, pin_num_dt=0, min_val=0, max_val=100, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED) val_old = r.value() while True: val_new = r.value() if val_old != val_new: val_old = val_new print('result =', val_new) time.sleep_ms(50) # NEOPIXEL # pixelCount = 16
d = dht.DHT22(Pin(13)) nuevo_sp = 0 ventilador = 0 histeresis = 2 rele = Pin(16, Pin.OUT, value=1) f = open("setpoint.dat", "r") setpoint = int( f.close() #gpio12 == D6 NodeMCU #gpio14 == D5 NodeMCU r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=12, pin_num_dt=14, min_val=0, max_val=50, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) r.set(value=setpoint) disp_SP = setpoint y_SP = 28 y_vent = 39 y_wifi = 51 oled.text("Set Point:", 0, y_SP) oled.text(str(setpoint), 112, y_SP) oled.text("Ventilador: NO", 0, y_vent) if wlan.isconnected(): oled.text("WiFi: " + wlan.config('essid'), 0, y_wifi) nic = wlan.config('mac') mac = ""
# The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2019 Mike Teachman # # example for MicroPython rotary encoder # # Documentation: # import time from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=5, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) lastval = r.value() while True: val = r.value() if lastval != val: lastval = val print('result =', val) time.sleep_ms(50)
async def rotary_change_timer(): global rotary, rotary_sw, rotary_press_count, val_old, val_new, countdown_timer, arr_t rotary = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=36, pin_num_dt=39, min_val=0, max_val=9, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) val_old = rotary.value() rotary_press_count = 0 oled.fill(0) #清屏 oled.draw_chinese('新定时间', 0, 0) #白色线,1 oled.hline(0, 30, 128, 1) #每个占16高度,最大64/16=4 oled.draw_chinese('原定时间', 0, 2) oled.text(str("{:.0f}".format(float(countdown_timer))), 70, 40) oled.text('min', 96, 40) oled.text(':', 78, 6) while True: val_new = rotary.value() #如果旋转编码器按钮被按下,计数器加1 rotary_sw.close_func(count_add) if val_old != val_new: #arr用来存储setpoint的高位,低位,小数点后的位数 #最高设置温度99.9.最低0.0 #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数0,光标在十位数,修改该位数值,下同 if rotary_press_count == 0: #把矩形区域充0,先用oled.fill(0) 代替 #消除三角形 oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 70, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 86, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 94, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 70, 6) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 70, 16) #val_new旋转编码器读数 arr_t[0] = val_new #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数1,光标在个位数 elif rotary_press_count == 1: oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 70, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 86, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 94, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 86, 6) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 86, 16) if val_new > 6: val_new = 0 arr_t[1] = val_new #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数2,光标在小数点后第一位 elif rotary_press_count == 2: oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 70, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 86, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 94, 16) oled.draw_all(0x03, 8, 8, 94, 6) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 94, 16) arr_t[2] = val_new if rotary_press_count == 3: #会执行两遍,不知道原因 countdown_timer = arr_t[0] * 60 + arr_t[1] * 10 + arr_t[2] break val_old = val_new oled.text(str(arr_t[0]), 70, 6) oled.text(str(arr_t[1]), 86, 6) oled.text(str(arr_t[2]), 94, 6) await asyncio.sleep_ms(60)
#Credit: #Forked from miketeachman/micropython-rotary # import time from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=12, pin_num_dt=13, min_val=0, max_val=99, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) lastval = r.value() while True: val = r.value() if lastval != val: lastval = val print('result =', val) time.sleep_ms(20)
if sys.platform == 'esp8266' or sys.platform == 'esp32': from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ elif sys.platform == 'pyboard': from rotary_irq_pyb import RotaryIRQ print('found pyboard') elif sys.platform == 'rp2': from rotary_irq_rp2 import RotaryIRQ print('found Raspberry Pico') else: print('Warning: The Rotary module has not been tested on this platform') import time r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=17, pin_num_dt=16, min_val=0, max_val=10, reverse=True, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) val_old = r.value() while True: val_new = r.value() if val_old != val_new: val_old = val_new print('result =', val_new) time.sleep_ms(50)
start_sw = Switch(start_pin) timer_pin = Pin(21, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) timer_sw = Switch(timer_pin) temp_pin = Pin(22, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) temp_sw = Switch(temp_pin) menu_pin = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) menu_sw = Switch(menu_pin) #旋转编码器按钮 rotary_btn_pin = Pin(34, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) rotary_sw = Switch(rotary_btn_pin) #旋转编码器按钮按动次数计数器 rotary_press_count = 0 #旋转编码器 rotary = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=36, pin_num_dt=39, min_val=0, max_val=9, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) #initial spi oled,miso与字库共用,都写成gpio 19。 res没引出,设为3,否则oled实例化失败 spi = SPI(2, baudrate=8000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13), miso=Pin(12)) oled = SH1106_SPI(128, 64, spi, dc=Pin(25), res=Pin(16), cs=Pin(15)) #显示中文 #oled.draw_chinese('我',0,0)
async def rotary_change_temp(): global rotary, rotary_sw, rotary_press_count, val_old, val_new, setpoint, arr, new_setpoint rotary = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=36, pin_num_dt=39, min_val=0, max_val=9, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) val_old = rotary.value() rotary_press_count = 0 oled.fill(0) #清屏 oled.draw_chinese('新定温度', 0, 0) #白色线,1 oled.hline(0, 30, 128, 1) #每个占16高度,最大64/16=4 oled.draw_chinese('原定温度', 0, 2) oled.text(str("{:.2f}".format(float(setpoint))), 70, 40) #oled.text('.',86,6) #import framebuf #buffer = bytearray(34 * 22 // 8) #开辟56*8像素空间 #framebufnew = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buffer, 34, 22, framebuf.MVLSB) #创建新的framebuffer对象 while True: val_new = rotary.value() #如果旋转编码器按钮被按下,计数器加1 rotary_sw.close_func(count_add) if val_old != val_new: #清屏 #arr用来存储setpoint的高位,低位,小数点后的位数 #最高设置温度99.9.最低0.0 #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数0,光标在十位数,修改该位数值,下同 if rotary_press_count % 3 == 0: #把矩形区域充0,先用oled.fill(0) 代替 #消除三角形 ''' oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,70,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,78,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,94,16) ''' #framebufnew.fill(0) #清屏 #oled.draw_all(0x04,32,18,70,16) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 70, 16) #val_new旋转编码器读数 arr[0] = val_new #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数1,光标在个位数 elif rotary_press_count % 3 == 1: ''' oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,70,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,78,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,94,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,78,6) oled.draw_all(0x02,8,8,78,16) ''' #framebufnew.fill(0) #清屏 oled.draw_all(0x04, 32, 18, 70, 16) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 78, 16) arr[1] = val_new #计数,如果按动次数被3除余数2,光标在小数点后第一位 elif rotary_press_count % 3 == 2: ''' #清除 oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,70,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,78,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,94,16) oled.draw_all(0x03,8,8,94,6) oled.draw_all(0x02,8,8,94,16) ''' #framebufnew.fill(0) #清屏 oled.draw_all(0x04, 32, 18, 70, 16) oled.draw_all(0x02, 8, 8, 94, 16) arr[2] = val_new val_old = val_new #setpoint=arr[0]*10+arr[1]+arr[2]*0.1 ''' framebufnew.text(str(arr[0]), 0, 0) #新的framebuffer输入字符串 framebufnew.text(str(arr[1]), 8, 0) framebufnew.text('.',16,0) framebufnew.text(str(arr[2]), 24, 0) oled.blit(framebufnew, 70, 6) #新的frambuffer起始坐标 ''' oled.text(str(arr[0]), 70, 6) oled.text(str(arr[1]), 78, 6) oled.text(str(arr[2]), 94, 6) oled.text('.', 86, 6) #''' await asyncio.sleep_ms(800)
class CoffeeGrinder: """CoffeeGrinder Class""" CPS_DEFAULT = 167 def __init__(self): """Init""" machine.WDT(True) self.tft = self.initDisplay() self.tft.clear() self.encoder_state_machine = RotaryIRQ(25, 26, min_val=0, max_val=2, reverse=True, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.encoder_grinder_time = None = True self.update_display = True self.print_s = 0.0 self.encoder_value = 0 self.state = 0 self.state_old = 0 self.edit_state = False self.cup = Cup() self.single_sec = machine.nvs_getint("single_sec") self.double_sec = machine.nvs_getint("double_sec") self.cps = machine.nvs_getint("cps") self.seconds = 0.1 self.edit_cps = False self.pin_start = machine.Pin(33, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.__startGrinding, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.pin_menu = machine.Pin(27, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.setCPS, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.pin_out = machine.Pin(32, mode=machine.Pin.INOUT) self.pin_out.value(False) @staticmethod def initDisplay(): """initialize the display""" tft = display.TFT() tft.init(tft.ST7789, rst_pin=23, backl_pin=4, miso=0, mosi=19, clk=18, cs=5, dc=16, width=235, height=340, backl_on=1) tft.font(tft.FONT_DejaVu18) # invert colors tft.tft_writecmd(0x21) # set orientation (optional) tft.orient(tft.PORTRAIT_FLIP) # set window size tft.setwin(52, 40, 188, 280) # x, y -> x2, y2 tft.rect(0, 0, 135, 240, 0xFFFFFF) return tft def __textWrapper(self, x, y, text, color=0xFFFFFF): """Function to warp text""" self.tft.text(x - self.__textCenterOffset(text), y - self.__textFontSizeOffset(), text, color=color) def __initText(self): """Init Text""" text = "Initialize" self.__textWrapper(67, 110, text) text = "Coffegrinder" self.__textWrapper(67, 130, text) time.sleep(4) def __textCenterOffset(self, text): """Center offset""" return int(self.tft.textWidth(text) / 2) def __textFontSizeOffset(self): """Fontsize offset""" return int(self.tft.fontSize()[1] / 2) def __showCoffeData(self): """Show Display Data""" self.update_display = True color = 0xFFFFFF if self.edit_state: color = 0xFF0000 text_s = "Timer: {} \r".format(round(self.print_s, 2)) if self.print_s < 10: text_s = "Timer: {} \r".format(round(self.print_s, 2)) qty = round(self.print_s * self.cps, 1) text_g = "QTY: {} g\r".format(qty) if qty < 10: text_g = "QTY: {} g\r".format(qty) self.tft.textClear(67, 200, text_s, color) if self.state != 2: self.__textWrapper(67, 200, text_s, color) self.__textWrapper(67, 225, text_g, color) def __stateSingeleShot(self): """Single shot""" self.pin_start = machine.Pin(33, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.__startGrinding, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.update_display = True self.tft.clear() self.cup.oneCup(self.tft, 57, 90) text = "Single Shot!" self.__textWrapper(67, 30, text) self.print_s = self.single_sec = False def __stateDoubleShot(self): """Double Shot""" self.pin_start = machine.Pin(33, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.__startGrinding, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.update_display = True self.tft.clear() self.cup.oneCup(self.tft, 27, 90) self.cup.oneCup(self.tft, 87, 90) text = "Double Shot!" self.__textWrapper(67, 30, text) self.print_s = self.double_sec = False def __stateEndlessShot(self): """Endless""" self.pin_start = machine.Pin(33, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN, handler=self.__startGrinding, trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL, acttime=0, debounce=500000) self.update_display = True self.tft.clear() self.cup.endLess(self.tft, 68, 110, 20) text = "Endless!" self.__textWrapper(67, 30, text) = False def __startGrinding(self, pin): """Interrupt routine for grinder start""" if self.edit_state: return self.pin_start.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_DISABLE) self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_DISABLE) time.sleep(0.1) if not self.pin_start.value(): self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING) self.pin_start.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL) return self.pin_out.value(True) if self.state != 2: sleep = self.print_s while sleep > 0: text = "Seconds: {}".format(round(sleep, 2)) self.__textWrapper(67, 200, text, 0xec7d15) sleep -= 0.1 time.sleep(0.1) else: text = "Grind!" self.__textWrapper(67, 200, text) count = 0.2 time.sleep(0.2) while self.pin_start.value(): qty = round(count * self.cps, 1) text_g = "QTY: {} g".format(qty) if qty < 10: text_g = "QTY: {} g\r".format(qty) self.__textWrapper(67, 225, text_g) count += 0.1 time.sleep(0.1) self.__textWrapper(67, 200, "\r ") self.pin_out.value(False) print(self.pin_out.value()) self.update_display = True time.sleep(1) self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING) self.pin_start.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_HILEVEL) def __setCoffeGrindTime(self, pin): """Interrupt routine for set timer""" self.update_display = True if self.state == 0: self.single_sec = self.seconds / 10 self.print_s = self.single_sec machine.nvs_setint("single_sec", int(self.seconds)) elif self.state == 1: self.double_sec = self.seconds / 10 self.print_s = self.double_sec machine.nvs_setint("double_sec", int(self.seconds)) def switchState(self, pin): """Switch state on button press""" self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_DISABLE) self.update_display = True if self.state == 2: self.edit_state = False self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING) return if self.edit_state: self.edit_state = False elif not self.edit_state: self.edit_state = True if self.edit_state: value = 0.1 if self.state_old == 0: value = self.single_sec elif self.state_old == 1: value = self.double_sec value *= 10 self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=value, min_val=1, max_val=120, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) else: self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=self.state_old, min_val=0, max_val=2, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING) def setCPS(self, pin): self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_DISABLE) self.edit_cps = True def editCPS(self): self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=self.cps * 10, min_val=100, max_val=200, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.tft.clear() text = "Set CPS" self.__textWrapper(67, 110, text) time.sleep(1.0) while True: self.cps = self.encoder_value / 100 text = "CPS: {}\r".format(round(self.cps, 2)) self.__textWrapper(67, 130, text, 0xec7d15) if not self.pin_menu.value(): print(self.pin_menu.value()) break time.sleep(0.1) machine.nvs_setint("cps", int(self.cps * 100)) self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=0, min_val=0, max_val=2, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.tft.clear() self.edit_cps = False self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.switchState) def __getEncoderValue(self): """Thread for fast polling encoder value""" while True: ntf = _thread.wait(0) if ntf == _thread.EXIT: # Terminate the thread return self.encoder_value = self.encoder_state_machine.value() time.sleep(0.001) def __shotState(self): """Thread for checking states""" self.state_old = self.encoder_value while True: ntf = _thread.wait(50) if ntf == _thread.EXIT: # Terminate the thread return if not self.edit_state: self.state = self.encoder_value if self.state_old != self.state: = True self.state_old = self.state else: self.seconds = self.encoder_value def runProgram(self): """Run Main Program""" if not self.single_sec: self.single_sec = 1 self.single_sec /= 10 if not self.double_sec: self.double_sec = 1 self.double_sec /= 10 if not self.cps: self.cps = self.CPS_DEFAULT self.cps /= 100 self.tft.set_fg(0x000000) self.shot_state_th = _thread.start_new_thread("Shot_state", self.__shotState, ()) _thread.start_new_thread("t", self.__getEncoderValue, ()) self.__initText() if self.edit_cps: self.editCPS() self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.switchState) # self.__stateSingeleShot() self.state = 0 = True while True: if self.state == 0 and self.__stateSingeleShot() elif self.state == 1 and self.__stateDoubleShot() elif self.state == 2 and self.__stateEndlessShot() if self.edit_state: self.__setCoffeGrindTime(1) if self.update_display: self.__showCoffeData() self.update_display = False time.sleep(0.1)
# # example for MicroPython rotary encoder import sys if sys.platform == 'esp8266' or sys.platform == 'esp32': from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ elif sys.platform == 'pyboard': from rotary_irq_pyb import RotaryIRQ else: print('Warning: The Rotary module has not been tested on this platform') import time r = RotaryIRQ(pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=15, min_val=0, max_val=5, reverse=False, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_WRAP) val_old = r.value() while True: val_new = r.value() if val_old != val_new: val_old = val_new print('result =', val_new) time.sleep_ms(50)
import tm1637 from machine import Pin import time tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(5), dio=Pin(4)) button = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) led = Pin(17, Pin.OUT) # Rotary encoder from rotary_irq_esp import RotaryIRQ r = RotaryIRQ( pin_num_clk=14, pin_num_dt=12, min_val=0, max_val=200, range_mode=RotaryIRQ.RANGE_BOUNDED ) microwave_on = False while True: if microwave_on == False: cur_val = r.value() minutes = int(cur_val/60) seconds = cur_val%60 tm.numbers(minutes,seconds) time.sleep(.2) if button.value() == 0: