Example #1
def get_metaCharValue(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,timer):

    Reads a char meta variable from an existing input file to get the value to insert into the new file. 

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @return var_values Return the char value from an existing file.

    var_values = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,years[0],ave_info['months_to_average'][0],var,file_dict)
    return var_values[0] 
Example #2
def get_metaCharValue(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,timer):

    Reads a char meta variable from an existing input file to get the value to insert into the new file. 

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @return var_values Return the char value from an existing file.

    var_values = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,years[0],ave_info['months_to_average'][0],var,file_dict)
    return var_values[0] 
Example #3
def weighted_rms_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,avg_test_slice,obs_file,nlev):

    Computes the weighted rms for a year  

    @param var            The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name             The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num              The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var             The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var              The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year           The year to average over. 
    @param hist_dict      A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 
    @param ave_info       A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                          Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                          (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict      A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                          are needed by this average calculation.

    @param avg_test_slice Averaged slice used in this calculation.
    @param obs_file       Observation file that contains the values to be used in the caluculation.

    @param nlev           Number of ocean vertical levels

    @return nrms          The normalized rms results for this variable.

    import warnings

    # Get the weighted values from the yearly average file
    slev_weights = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,wgt_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Get the region mask
    slev_mask = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,mask_var,file_dict,time=False)

    # Since weights and region mask are only one level, we need to expand them to all levels
    region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
    weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
    for lev in range(1,nlev):
        new_region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
        region_mask = np.vstack((region_mask,new_region_mask))
        new_weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
        weights = np.vstack((weights,new_weights))

    # Calculate the weighted average
    # First, we need to reshape the arrays to average along two dims
    if (reg_name == 'Glo'):
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask<=int(reg_num),avg_test_slice)
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask!=int(reg_num),avg_test_slice)

    ma_to_average = temp_mask.reshape(temp_mask.shape[0], -1)

    weights_flattened = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],-1)

    rms_Ave = MA.sqrt(MA.average((ma_to_average*ma_to_average), axis=1, weights=weights_flattened))

    #nrms = rms_Ave/(MA.max(rms_Ave) - MA.min(rms_Ave))
    nrms = rms_Ave

    return nrms
Example #4
def weighted_hor_avg_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,nlev):

    Computes the weighted hor mean rms diff for a year  

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name          The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num           The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var          The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var           The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year        The year to average over. 

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param nlev        Number of ocean vertical levels

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.


    # Get correct data slice from the yearly average file
    var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,var,file_dict)

    # Get the weighted values from the yearly average file
    slev_weights = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,wgt_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Get the region mask
    slev_mask = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,mask_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Since weights and region mask are only one level, we need to expand them to all levels
    region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
    weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
    if var_val.ndim > 2:
        for lev in range(1,nlev):
            new_region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
            region_mask = np.vstack((region_mask,new_region_mask))
            new_weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
            weights = np.vstack((weights,new_weights))
        region_mask = np.squeeze(region_mask,axis=0)
    # Calculate the weighted average
    # First, we need to reshape the arrays to average along two dims
    if (reg_name == 'Glo'):
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask<=int(reg_num),var_val)
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask!=int(reg_num),var_val)

    ma_to_average = temp_mask.reshape(temp_mask.shape[0], -1)

    if var_val.ndim > 2:
        weights_flattened = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],-1)
        weights_flattened = np.squeeze(weights,axis=0)
    var_Ave = MA.average(ma_to_average,axis=1, weights=weights_flattened)
    return np.array(var_Ave)
Example #5
def weighted_avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable that contains missing values

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param fillValue   The value that indicates missing values within the data.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    # if variable contains missing values, create a mask accumulator that will count how many masked values not to add & divide
    count = 0
    first = True
    fetch_time = 0

    first_mask = True
    d_in_m = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
    for yr in years:
        i = 0
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            timer.start("Variable fetch time")
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
            if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                pull_year = yr
            var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
            timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
            if (hasattr(var_val, 'filled')):
                var_filled = var_val.filled(fill_value=0) # zero out the masked grid points
                var_filled = np.ones(var_val.shape)
            # Get and add mask values to the mask accumulator
            if (first_mask):
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
                    first_mask = False
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = mask_sum + (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
            if (first):
                if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                    var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m])
                    var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i])
                first = False
                if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                     var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m]) + var_sum
                    var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i]) + var_sum
    # Since the weights are only for 1 year, divide by total number of years
    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
        var_Ave = var_sum * (1/365.)
        var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)
    # If any values are 0, then replace the var_Ave value with the fill value
    if (first_mask != True):

    return var_Ave
Example #6
def weighted_avg_var(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the weighted average of a variable

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    print('Computing weighted ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",years)

    timer.start("Time to compute Average")

    count = 0
    first = True

    # Create the sum of all slices
    sample_month = next(iter(file_dict.values()).next().itervalues())
    sample_fn = hist_dict[years[0]][0]['fn']

    # If the variable has missing values, we need to calculate the average differently
    if hasattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue'):
        fillValue = getattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue')
        var_Ave = weighted_avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr)
        d_in_m = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] 
        # Create the sum of all slices
        for yr in years:
            i = 0
            for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
                timer.start("Variable fetch time") 
                # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
                if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                    pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                    pull_year = yr
                var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
                timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                if (first):
                    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                        var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m])
                        var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i])
                    first = False
                    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                        var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m]) + var_sum
                        var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i]) + var_sum
        # Since the weights are only for 1 year, divide by total number of years
        if (ave_type == 'ya'):
            var_Ave = var_sum * (1/365.)
            var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)

    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")

    return var_Ave
Example #7
    def create_pre_proc(self,spec):

        Creates the CICE pre_proc file.

        @param spec          An instance of the Specification class which holds the user settings
                             that define which averages to compute, directories, file prefixes, etc    

	variables = {'hi':{'factor':1.0e-13,'units':'1.E+13 m3'},
		     'ai':{'factor':1.0e-14,'units':'1.E+13 m3'},
		     'ext':{'factor':1.0e-12,'units':'1.E+12 m2'},
		     'hs':{'factor':1.0e-13,'units':'1.E+12 m2'},

        #  All of the region names, with 0=Northern Hem and 1=Southern Hem
	regions = {'nh':0, 'sh':1, 'Lab':0,'GIN':0,'Bar':0,'ArcOc':0,'Sib':0,'Beau':0,

        split_hem = spec.split_files.split(',') 

        attributes = {'missing_value':1.e+30, 'coordinates':'time', 'cell_methods':'time:mean','_FillValue':1.e+30}

	poly_masks = {}
        ave_descr = ['preproc',str(spec.year0),str(spec.year1)]

        AVE_TAG = 40
        time_dim = 'time'
        years = list(range(int(spec.year0),int(spec.year1)+1))
        months = ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average']

	# Initialize simplecomm (MPI wrappers) 
	main_comm = spec.main_comm 

        # If the region mask file doesn't exist, have root call ncl to create it
        if (not os.path.isfile(spec.reg_file) and (main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial)):
            import subprocess
            os.environ['GRIDFILE'] = spec.ice_obs_file
            os.environ['REGIONFILE'] = spec.reg_file
            ncl_command = 'ncl < '+ spec.ncl_location +'/ice_pre_proc_mask.ncl'
        # make sure to have all ranks sync to prevent ranks other than root from continuing on without a region mask file

	# Get the history dictionary that lists were files are located for each time slice, a variable list, meta list, and a key lookup variable
	if (spec.hist_type == 'series'):
	    hist_dict,file_var_list,meta_list,key = rover.set_slices_and_vars_time_series(spec.in_directory, spec.file_pattern, spec.date_pattern, 
							spec.prefix, spec.suffix, int(spec.year0), int(spec.year1), spec.split, spec.split_files)
	    hist_dict,file_var_list,meta_list,key = rover.set_slices_and_vars_time_slice(spec.in_directory, spec.file_pattern, spec.prefix, spec.suffix, int(spec.year0), int(spec.year1))

	# Loop over the regions and variable names to get full list of variables
        global_var_list = []
	for reg in regions:
            for var in variables:
                if ('ext' in var):

	# Partition the global variable list between the MPI ranks
	local_var_list = main_comm.partition(global_var_list,func=partition.EqualLength(),involved=False)
	# If master/root, give it the full variable list
	if main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial:
	    local_var_list = global_var_list

        meta_list = []

	# Define the netcdf file
        outfile = 'ice_vol_'+spec.prefix[:-7]+'_'+str(spec.year0)+'-'+str(spec.year1)+'.nc'
        ave_date = str(spec.year0)+'-'+str(spec.year1)
	all_files_vars,new_file = climFileIO.define_ave_file(main_comm.is_manager(),spec.serial,global_var_list,local_var_list,meta_list,hist_dict,spec.hist_type,

	# If using time slice files, open all files now
        if (len(local_var_list) > 0):
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'slice' and (spec.serial or not main_comm.is_manager())):
	        file_dict,open_list = climFileIO.open_all_files(hist_dict,ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average'],

	# Loop over each variable in the local list and read/operate on/write
	for nc_var in local_var_list:
	    if not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Slave
                print('Computing ice_pre_proc for', nc_var)
              # Get variable/region names
                if ('time' in nc_var):
                    get_var_name = 'aice'
                    var_name = 'time'
                    var_name,reg = nc_var.split('_mo_')
                    if ('ext' in var_name):
                        var_name = var_name
                        var_name = var_name[1:]
                    if ('ext' in var_name or 'ai' in var_name):
                        get_var_name = 'aice'
                        get_var_name = var_name
                # Get observation lat,lon,area
                obs_file = spec.ice_obs_file
                tarea = 'TAREA'
                tlong = 'TLONG'
                tlat = 'TLAT'
                o_lat,o_lon,o_area = self.read_obs(obs_file,tarea,tlong,tlat)

		# If using time series files, open the variable's file now
		if (spec.hist_type == 'series'):
                    if spec.split:
                        split_name = split_hem[regions[reg]]
                        split_name = ''
		    file_dict,open_list = climFileIO.open_all_files(hist_dict,ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average'],

	    time_slice = 0
	    for year in years:
              for m in months:
		if not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Slave
                    if ('time' in nc_var):
                        var_sum = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict, year, m, var_name, file_dict)
		        # Get month slice
		        var_slice = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict, year, m, get_var_name, file_dict)
                        lat,lon = var_slice.shape
                        full_lat,full_lon = o_lat.shape
                        if spec.split:
                            fill = full_lat-lat
                            missing_vals = np.zeros((fill,lon))
                            var_slice = np.array(var_slice)
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 1e+20] = 0 
                            if regions[reg] == 1: 
                                var_slice = np.concatenate((var_slice,missing_vals),axis=0)
                                var_slice = np.concatenate((missing_vals,var_slice),axis=0)

		        # Get ai factor
		        if ('ext' in var_name or 'ai' in var_name):
			    aimax = np.amax(var_slice)
			    if (aimax < 2):
			        aifac = 100
			        aifac = 1
			    var_slice = var_slice*aifac
                       # The ext variable is true/false based on the ai variable.  Set accordingly 
                        if ('ext' in var_name):
                            var_slice = np.array(var_slice)
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 1e+20] = 0
                            var_slice[var_slice < 15] = 0
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 15] = 1

                        # Mult by weight
                        var_slice = var_slice * o_area

                        # Mask the variable to get just this region
                        mask_to_apply = self.read_reg_mask(spec.reg_file,reg)
                        masked_var = MA.masked_where(mask_to_apply==0,var_slice) 

                        # Sum the variable 
		        var_sum = self.get_sum(masked_var,variables[var_name],var_name)

		    # Pass the average results to master rank for writing
		    var_shape = var_sum.shape
		    var_dtype = var_sum.dtype
		    md_message = {'name':nc_var,'shape':var_shape,'dtype':var_dtype,'average':var_sum,'index':time_slice}
		    if not spec.serial:
			main_comm.collect(data=md_message, tag=AVE_TAG)

		if main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Master
		    # Recv the variable to write
		    if not spec.serial:
			r_rank,results = main_comm.collect(tag=AVE_TAG)
			var_sum_results = results['average']
			v_name = results['name']
			index = results['index']
			v_name = nc_var
			var_sum_results = var_sum    
			index = time_slice

		    #Write Var
		    climFileIO.write_averages(all_files_vars, var_sum_results, v_name, index)

		time_slice = time_slice + 1    
	    # Close timeseries files that are open
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'series' and (not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial)):

	# Close timeslice files that are open
        if (len(local_var_list) > 0):
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'slice' and (spec.serial or not main_comm.is_manager())):
        # Make sure everyone gets sync'ed up

	# Close the file that was just created
	if spec.serial or main_comm.is_manager():
Example #8
def avg_var(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files. 
    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    print('Computing ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",years)

    timer.start("Time to compute Average")

    # Get a sample month/file to look into to see if the variable contains missing values 
    #sample_month = next(iter(file_dict.values()).next().itervalues())
    sample_month = file_dict[years[0]][ave_info['months_to_average'][0]]

    # If the variable has missing values, we need to calculate the average
    # with a mask accumulator
    if hasattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue'):
        fillValue = getattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue')
        var_Ave = avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr)
        # Create average by creating a running sum and then divide by the count
        count = 0
        first = True
        for yr in years:
            for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
                if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan' 
		    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                    pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                    pull_year = yr
                timer.start("Variable fetch time")
                var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
                timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                # Add the variable value to the accumulator
                if (first):
                    var_sum = var_val
                    first = False
                    var_sum = var_val + var_sum
        var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)

    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")

    return var_Ave
Example #9
def avg_var(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files. 
    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    print('Computing ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",years)

    timer.start("Time to compute Average")

    # Get a sample month/file to look into to see if the variable contains missing values 
    #sample_month = next(iter(file_dict.values()).next().itervalues())
    sample_month = file_dict[years[0]][ave_info['months_to_average'][0]]

    # If the variable has missing values, we need to calculate the average
    # with a mask accumulator
    if hasattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue'):
        fillValue = getattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue')
        var_Ave = avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr)
        # Create average by creating a running sum and then divide by the count
        count = 0
        first = True
        for yr in years:
            for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
                if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan' 
		    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                    pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                    pull_year = yr
                timer.start("Variable fetch time")
                var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
                timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                # Add the variable value to the accumulator
                if (first):
                    var_sum = var_val
                    first = False
                    var_sum = var_val + var_sum
        var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)

    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")

    return var_Ave
Example #10
def zonal_average(var,yr,month,hist_dict,file_dict,timer,collapse_dim):

    Concats files together in the time dimension.

    @param var             The name of the variable to concat.

    @param yr              The year to average.

    @param month           The month to average.

    @param hist_dict       A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months.

    @param file_dict       A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                           are needed by this average calculation.

    @param collapse_dim    Used to collapse/average over one dim. 


    # Get existing dimensions
    orig_dims = file_dict[yr][month]['fp'].variables[var].dimensions 

    # Creat a string to retreive the correct data slice
    slice_string = ''
    col_i = -999

    if '<' not in collapse_dim:
        for d in orig_dims:
            if d != collapse_dim:        
                if 'time' in d:
                    i = hist_dict[yr][month]['index']
                    i = ':'
                slice_string = slice_string+d+'|'+str(i)
                slice_string = slice_string+d+'|:'
                col_i = orig_dims.index(d)-1
        # Get data slice
        timer.start("Variable fetch time")
        var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,month,var,file_dict,ext_select=slice_string)
        timer.stop("Variable fetch time") 
        if col_i != -999:
            return np.mean(var_val, axis=col_i, dtype=np.float64)
            return var_val
        dims = collapse_dim.split(",")
        spec_dims = {}
        for d in dims:
            bounds = d.split('<')
            spec_dims[bounds[1]] = {'lower':bounds[0], 'upper':bounds[2]} 
        for d in orig_dims:
            if d != collapse_dim:    
                if 'time' in d:
                    i = str(hist_dict[yr][month]['index'])
                elif d in spec_dims.keys():
                    i = spec_dims[d]['lower']+':'+spec_dims[d]['upper']
                    i = ':'
            slice_string = slice_string+d+' '+str(i)
        timer.start("Variable fetch time")
        var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,month,var,file_dict,ext_select=slice_string)
        timer.stop("Variable fetch time") 
        return np.mean(var_val, dtype=np.float64)
Example #11
def mean_diff_rms(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,obs_file,reg_obs_file,simplecomm,serial,MPI_TAG,AVE_TAG):

    Computes the weighted hor mean rms diff for a year  

    @param var           The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name            The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num             The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var            The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var             The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year          The year to average over. 
    @param hist_dict     A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 
    @param ave_info      A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                         Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                         (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict     A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                         are needed by this average calculation.

    @param obs_file      Observational file name

    @param reg_obs_file  Regional observation files

    @simplecomm          Simplecomm object used for mpi communication.

    @serial              Boolean if running in serial or parallel mode.

    @MPI_TAG             Integer tag used to communicate message numbers.

    @return var_Ave      The averaged results for this variable.

    @return var_DIFF     The difference results for this variable.

    @return var_RMS      The normalized rms results for this variable.


    print('Computing ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",year, " region ",reg_name)
    var_diff = var+'_DIFF'
    var_rms = var+'_RMS'

    ## Get the masked regional average
    var_Avg = weighted_hor_avg_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year[0],hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict)
    ## Send var_Avg results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message_v = {'name':var,'shape':var_Avg.shape,'dtype':var_Avg.dtype,'average':var_Avg}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_Avg, tag=AVE_TAG)

    # Get the DIFF values
    var_DIFF = diff_var(var, var_Avg, reg_obs_file)
    # Send var_Diff results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message = {'name':var_diff,'shape':var_DIFF.shape,'dtype':var_DIFF.dtype,'average':var_DIFF}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_DIFF, tag=AVE_TAG)                                      
    ## Get the RMS from the obs diff
    var_slice = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year[0],0,var,file_dict)
    temp_diff = diff_var(var, var_slice, obs_file)
    var_RMS = weighted_rms_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year[0],hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,temp_diff,obs_file)
    ## Send var_RMS results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message = {'name':var_rms,'shape':var_RMS.shape,'dtype':var_RMS.dtype,'average':var_RMS}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_RMS,  tag=AVE_TAG)
    return var_Avg,var_DIFF,var_RMS 
Example #12
def weighted_rms_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,avg_test_slice,obs_file):

    Computes the weighted rms for a year  

    @param var            The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name             The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num              The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var             The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var              The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year           The year to average over. 
    @param hist_dict      A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 
    @param ave_info       A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                          Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                          (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict      A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                          are needed by this average calculation.

    @param avg_test_slice Averaged slice used in this calculation.
    @param obs_file       Observation file that contains the values to be used in the caluculation.

    @return nrms          The normalized rms results for this variable.

    import warnings

    # Get the weighted values from the yearly average file
    slev_weights = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,wgt_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Get the region mask
    slev_mask = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,mask_var,file_dict,time=False)

    # Since weights and region mask are only one level, we need to expand them to all levels
    region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
    weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
    for lev in range(1,60):
        new_region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
        region_mask = np.vstack((region_mask,new_region_mask))
        new_weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
        weights = np.vstack((weights,new_weights))

    # Calculate the weighted average
    # First, we need to reshape the arrays to average along two dims
    if (reg_name == 'Glo'):
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask<=int(reg_num),avg_test_slice)
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask!=int(reg_num),avg_test_slice)

    ma_to_average = temp_mask.reshape(temp_mask.shape[0], -1)

    weights_flattened = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],-1)

    rms_Ave = MA.sqrt(MA.average((ma_to_average*ma_to_average), axis=1, weights=weights_flattened))

    #nrms = rms_Ave/(MA.max(rms_Ave) - MA.min(rms_Ave))
    nrms = rms_Ave

    return nrms
Example #13
def weighted_hor_avg_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict):

    Computes the weighted hor mean rms diff for a year  

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name          The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num           The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var          The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var           The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year        The year to average over. 

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.

    # Get correct data slice from the yearly average file
    var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,var,file_dict)

    # Get the weighted values from the yearly average file
    slev_weights = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,wgt_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Get the region mask
    slev_mask = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year,0,mask_var,file_dict,time=False)
    # Since weights and region mask are only one level, we need to expand them to all levels
    region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
    weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
    if var_val.ndim > 2:
        for lev in range(1,60):
            new_region_mask = MA.expand_dims(slev_mask, axis=0)
            region_mask = np.vstack((region_mask,new_region_mask))
            new_weights = MA.expand_dims(slev_weights, axis=0)
            weights = np.vstack((weights,new_weights))
        region_mask = np.squeeze(region_mask,axis=0)
    # Calculate the weighted average
    # First, we need to reshape the arrays to average along two dims
    if (reg_name == 'Glo'):
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask<=int(reg_num),var_val)
        temp_mask = MA.masked_where(region_mask!=int(reg_num),var_val)

    ma_to_average = temp_mask.reshape(temp_mask.shape[0], -1)

    if var_val.ndim > 2:
        weights_flattened = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],-1)
        weights_flattened = np.squeeze(weights,axis=0)
    var_Ave = MA.average(ma_to_average,axis=1, weights=weights_flattened)
    return np.array(var_Ave)
Example #14
def weighted_avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable that contains missing values

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param fillValue   The value that indicates missing values within the data.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    # if variable contains missing values, create a mask accumulator that will count how many masked values not to add & divide
    count = 0
    first = True
    fetch_time = 0

    first_mask = True
    d_in_m = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
    for yr in years:
        i = 0
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            timer.start("Variable fetch time")
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
            if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                pull_year = yr
            var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
            timer.stop("Variable fetch time") 
            var_filled = var_val.filled(fill_value=0) # zero out the masked grid points
            # Get and add mask values to the mask accumulator
            if (first_mask):
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
                    first_mask = False
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = mask_sum + (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
            if (first):
                if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                    var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m])
                    var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i])
                first = False
                if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                     var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m]) + var_sum
                    var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i]) + var_sum
    # Since the weights are only for 1 year, divide by total number of years
    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
        var_Ave = var_sum * (1/365.)
        var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)
    # If any values are 0, then replace the var_Ave value with the fill value
    if (first_mask != True):

    return var_Ave
Example #15
def weighted_avg_var(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the weighted average of a variable

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    print('Computing weighted ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",years)

    timer.start("Time to compute Average")

    count = 0
    first = True

    # Create the sum of all slices
    sample_month = next(iter(file_dict.values()).next().itervalues())
    sample_fn = hist_dict[years[0]][0]['fn']

    # If the variable has missing values, we need to calculate the average differently
    if hasattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue'):
        fillValue = getattr(sample_month['fp'].variables[var],'_FillValue')
        var_Ave = weighted_avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr)
        d_in_m = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] 
        # Create the sum of all slices
        for yr in years:
            i = 0
            for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
                timer.start("Variable fetch time") 
                # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
                if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                    pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                    pull_year = yr
                var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
                timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                if (first):
                    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                        var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m])
                        var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i])
                    first = False
                    if (ave_type == 'ya'):
                        var_sum = (var_val*d_in_m[m]) + var_sum
                        var_sum = (var_val*ave_info['weights'][i]) + var_sum
        # Since the weights are only for 1 year, divide by total number of years
        if (ave_type == 'ya'):
            var_Ave = var_sum * (1/365.)
            var_Ave = np.divide(var_sum,count)

    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")

    return var_Ave
Example #16
def mean_diff_rms(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,obs_file,reg_obs_file,simplecomm,serial,MPI_TAG,AVE_TAG,nlev):

    Computes the weighted hor mean rms diff for a year  

    @param var           The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @reg_name            The name of the region to average over.

    @reg_num             The number of the region in the region_mask.

    @mask_var            The name of the netCDF variable that contain the region mask.

    @wgt_var             The name of the netCDF variable that contains the weight information.

    @param year          The year to average over. 
    @param hist_dict     A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 
    @param ave_info      A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                         Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                         (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict     A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                         are needed by this average calculation.

    @param obs_file      Observational file name

    @param reg_obs_file  Regional observation files

    @simplecomm          Simplecomm object used for mpi communication.

    @serial              Boolean if running in serial or parallel mode.

    @MPI_TAG             Integer tag used to communicate message numbers.

    @param nlev          Number of ocean vertical levels

    @return var_Ave      The averaged results for this variable.

    @return var_DIFF     The difference results for this variable.

    @return var_RMS      The normalized rms results for this variable.


    print('Computing ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var," for ",year, " region ",reg_name)
    var_diff = var+'_DIFF'
    var_rms = var+'_RMS'

    ## Get the masked regional average
    var_Avg = weighted_hor_avg_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year[0],hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,nlev)
    ## Send var_Avg results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message_v = {'name':var,'shape':var_Avg.shape,'dtype':var_Avg.dtype,'average':var_Avg}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_Avg, tag=AVE_TAG)

    # Get the DIFF values
    var_DIFF = diff_var(var, var_Avg, reg_obs_file)
    # Send var_Diff results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message = {'name':var_diff,'shape':var_DIFF.shape,'dtype':var_DIFF.dtype,'average':var_DIFF}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_DIFF, tag=AVE_TAG)                                      
    ## Get the RMS from the obs diff
    var_slice = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,year[0],0,var,file_dict)
    temp_diff = diff_var(var, var_slice, obs_file)
    var_RMS = weighted_rms_var_from_yr(var,reg_name,reg_num,mask_var,wgt_var,year[0],hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,temp_diff,obs_file,nlev)
    ## Send var_RMS results to local root to write
    if (not serial):
        #md_message = {'name':var_rms,'shape':var_RMS.shape,'dtype':var_RMS.dtype,'average':var_RMS}
        simplecomm.collect(data=var_RMS,  tag=AVE_TAG)
    return var_Avg,var_DIFF,var_RMS 
Example #17
def zonal_average(var,yr,month,hist_dict,file_dict,timer,collapse_dim):

    Concats files together in the time dimension.

    @param var             The name of the variable to concat.

    @param yr              The year to average.

    @param month           The month to average.

    @param hist_dict       A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months.

    @param file_dict       A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                           are needed by this average calculation.

    @param collapse_dim    Used to collapse/average over one dim. 


    # Get existing dimensions
    orig_dims = file_dict[yr][month]['fp'].variables[var].dimensions 

    # Creat a string to retreive the correct data slice
    slice_string = ''
    col_i = -999

    if '<' not in collapse_dim:
        for d in orig_dims:
            if d != collapse_dim:        
                if 'time' in d:
                    i = hist_dict[yr][month]['index']
                    i = ':'
                slice_string = slice_string+d+'|'+str(i)
                slice_string = slice_string+d+'|:'
                col_i = orig_dims.index(d)-1
        # Get data slice
        timer.start("Variable fetch time")
        var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,month,var,file_dict,ext_select=slice_string)
        timer.stop("Variable fetch time") 
        if col_i != -999:
            return np.mean(var_val, axis=col_i, dtype=np.float64)
            return var_val
        dims = collapse_dim.split(",")
        spec_dims = {}
        for d in dims:
            bounds = d.split('<')
            spec_dims[bounds[1]] = {'lower':bounds[0], 'upper':bounds[2]} 
        for d in orig_dims:
            if d != collapse_dim:    
                if 'time' in d:
                    i = str(hist_dict[yr][month]['index'])
                elif d in spec_dims.keys():
                    i = spec_dims[d]['lower']+':'+spec_dims[d]['upper']
                    i = ':'
            slice_string = slice_string+d+' '+str(i)
        timer.start("Variable fetch time")
        var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,month,var,file_dict,ext_select=slice_string)
        timer.stop("Variable fetch time") 
        return np.mean(var_val, dtype=np.float64)
Example #18
def time_concat(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,simplecomm,all_files_vars,serial,timer,collapse_dim=''):

    Concats files together in the time dimension.

    @param var             The name of the variable to concat.

    @param years           A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict       A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info        A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                           Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                           (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict       A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                           are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type        The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param simplecomm      The simple comm object used for mpi communication.

    @param all_files_vars  All of the file's variables with ncids attached.

    @param collapse_dim    Used to collapse/average over one dim.

    @serial                Boolean if running in serial mode.

    import asaptools
    if (not simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
        print('Concatenating ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var)
    time_index = 0
    CONCAT_TAG = 60
    # Loop over years, months, and variables to cat them all together into one file
    first = True
    for yr in years:
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            if ('__meta' in var):
                parts = var.split('__')
                var = parts[0]
            # If slave, get slice and pass to master
            if (not simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
                if 'zonalavg' in ave_type:
                    if collapse_dim is not None:
                        timer.start("Time to compute Average")
                        var_val = zonal_average(var,yr,m,hist_dict,file_dict,timer,collapse_dim)
                        timer.stop("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.start("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.start("Variable fetch time")
                    var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,m,var,file_dict)
                    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                #print var, asaptools.__version__,type(var_val),var_val.dtype
                if not serial:
                    timer.start("Send Average Time")
                    var_shape = var_val.shape
                    var_dtype = var_val.dtype
                    md_message = {'name':var,'shape':var_shape,'dtype':var_dtype,'index':time_index}
                    #var_val = np.ma.filled(var_val)
                    #print type(var_val), md_message
                    timer.stop("Send Average Time")
            if (simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
                # If master, recv slice and write to file
                if not serial:
                    timer.start("Recv Average Time")
                    r_rank,results = simplecomm.collect(tag=CONCAT_TAG)
                    r_rank,var_val = simplecomm.collect(tag=CONCAT_VAL_TAG)
                    if results['dtype'] == 'S1':
                        var_val = var_val[0]
                    ti = results['index']
                    var_n = results['name']
                    timer.stop("Recv Average Time")
                    var_n = var
                    ti = time_index
                    if var_val.dtype == 'S1':
                        var_val = var_val[0]
                timer.start("Write Netcdf Averages")
                climFileIO.write_averages(all_files_vars, var_val, var_n, index=ti) 
                timer.stop("Write Netcdf Averages")
            time_index = time_index + 1
Example #19
def time_concat(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,simplecomm,all_files_vars,serial,timer,collapse_dim=''):

    Concats files together in the time dimension.

    @param var             The name of the variable to concat.

    @param years           A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict       A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info        A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                           Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                           (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict       A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                           are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type        The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param simplecomm      The simple comm object used for mpi communication.

    @param all_files_vars  All of the file's variables with ncids attached.

    @param collapse_dim    Used to collapse/average over one dim.

    @serial                Boolean if running in serial mode.

    import asaptools
    if (not simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
        print('Concatenating ',ave_info['type'],' for ',var)
    time_index = 0
    CONCAT_TAG = 60
    # Loop over years, months, and variables to cat them all together into one file
    first = True
    for yr in years:
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            if ('__meta' in var):
                parts = var.split('__')
                var = parts[0]
            # If slave, get slice and pass to master
            if (not simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
                if 'zonalavg' in ave_type:
                    if collapse_dim is not None:
                        timer.start("Time to compute Average")
                        var_val = zonal_average(var,yr,m,hist_dict,file_dict,timer,collapse_dim)
                        timer.stop("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.start("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.start("Variable fetch time")
                    var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,yr,m,var,file_dict)
                    timer.stop("Time to compute Average")
                    timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
                #print var, asaptools.__version__,type(var_val),var_val.dtype
                if not serial:
                    timer.start("Send Average Time")
                    var_shape = var_val.shape
                    var_dtype = var_val.dtype
                    md_message = {'name':var,'shape':var_shape,'dtype':var_dtype,'index':time_index}
                    #var_val = np.ma.filled(var_val)
                    #print type(var_val), md_message
                    timer.stop("Send Average Time")
            if (simplecomm.is_manager() or serial):
                # If master, recv slice and write to file
                if not serial:
                    timer.start("Recv Average Time")
                    r_rank,results = simplecomm.collect(tag=CONCAT_TAG)
                    r_rank,var_val = simplecomm.collect(tag=CONCAT_VAL_TAG)
                    if results['dtype'] == 'S1' or results['dtype'] == 'c':
                        var_val = var_val[0]
                    ti = results['index']
                    var_n = results['name']
                    timer.stop("Recv Average Time")
                    var_n = var
                    ti = time_index
                    if var_val.dtype == 'S1' or var_val.dtype == 'c':
                        var_val = var_val[0]
                timer.start("Write Netcdf Averages")
                climFileIO.write_averages(all_files_vars, var_val, var_n, index=ti) 
                timer.stop("Write Netcdf Averages")
            time_index = time_index + 1
Example #20
def avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable that contains missing values

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param fillValue   The value that indicates missing values within the data.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    # if variable contains missing values, create a mask accumulator that will count how many masked values not to add & divide
    count = 0
    first = True
    fetch_time = 0

    first_mask = True
    for yr in years:
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            timer.start("Variable fetch time")
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
            if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                pull_year = yr
            var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
            timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
            var_filled = var_val.filled(fill_value=0) # zero out the masked grid points
            # Get and add mask values to the mask accumulator
            if (first_mask):
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
                    first_mask = False
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = mask_sum + (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
            # Add the variable value accumulator using the filled, zeroed about values. 
            if (first):
                var_sum = var_filled
                first = False
                var_sum = var_filled + var_sum
    # Create an inverserse of the mask to divide by
    if (first_mask == True):
        inv = count
        inv = (count - mask_sum)
    # Divide by mask to get average
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    var_Ave = var_sum / inv
    # Replace any nan values with the fill value.  Nans will occur if there is a 
    # missing value for that array element in all slices that are averaged (ie. land in ocean files).
    if var_Ave.shape:
        print var,var_Ave

    return var_Ave
Example #21
def avg_var_missing(var,years,hist_dict,ave_info,file_dict,ave_type,fillValue,timer,depend,fyr):

    Computes the average of a variable that contains missing values

    @param var         The name of the variable that is being  averaged.

    @param years       A list of the years that are in this average

    @param hist_dict   A dictionary that holds file references for all years/months. 

    @param ave_info    A dictionary of the type of average that is to be done.
                       Includes:  type, months_to_average, fn, and weights
                       (weights are not used in this function/average)
    @param file_dict   A dictionary which holds file pointers to the input files that
                       are needed by this average calculation.

    @param ave_type    The average type key that indicated which type of average will be done.

    @param fillValue   The value that indicates missing values within the data.

    @param timer       The timer class used for time bookkeeping.

    @param depend      Boolean variable to indicate if this average will be computed from previously calculated files.

    @param fyr         The first year of average series

    @return var_Ave    The averaged results for this variable across the designated time frame.
    # if variable contains missing values, create a mask accumulator that will count how many masked values not to add & divide
    count = 0
    first = True
    fetch_time = 0

    first_mask = True
    for yr in years:
        for m in ave_info['months_to_average']:
            timer.start("Variable fetch time")
            # Check if doing a winter average and get the correct year to pull
            if ((ave_type == 'djf' and depend == False) or ave_type == 'next_jan'
                    or ave_type == 'next_feb' or ave_type == 'prev_dec'):
                pull_year = climFileIO.which_winter_year(hist_dict, m, yr,fyr)
                pull_year = yr
            var_val = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict,pull_year,m,var,file_dict)
            timer.stop("Variable fetch time")
            if (hasattr(var_val, 'filled')):
                var_filled = var_val.filled(fill_value=0) # zero out the masked grid points
                var_filled = np.ones(var_val.shape)
            # Get and add mask values to the mask accumulator
            if (first_mask):
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
                    first_mask = False
                if (MA.any(MA.getmask(var_val))):
                    mask_sum = mask_sum + (MA.getmask(var_val)).astype(int)
            # Add the variable value accumulator using the filled, zeroed about values. 
            if (first):
                var_sum = var_filled
                first = False
                var_sum = var_filled + var_sum
    # Create an inverserse of the mask to divide by
    if (first_mask == True):
        inv = count
        inv = (count - mask_sum)
    # Divide by mask to get average
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    var_Ave = var_sum / inv
    # Replace any nan values with the fill value.  Nans will occur if there is a 
    # missing value for that array element in all slices that are averaged (ie. land in ocean files).
    if var_Ave.shape:
        print var,var_Ave

    return var_Ave
Example #22
    def create_pre_proc(self,spec):

        Creates the CICE pre_proc file.

        @param spec          An instance of the Specification class which holds the user settings
                             that define which averages to compute, directories, file prefixes, etc    

	variables = {'hi':{'factor':1.0e-13,'units':'1.E+13 m3'},
		     'ai':{'factor':1.0e-14,'units':'1.E+13 m3'},
		     'ext':{'factor':1.0e-12,'units':'1.E+12 m2'},
		     'hs':{'factor':1.0e-13,'units':'1.E+12 m2'},

        #  All of the region names, with 0=Northern Hem and 1=Southern Hem
	regions = {'nh':0, 'sh':1, 'Lab':0,'GIN':0,'Bar':0,'ArcOc':0,'Sib':0,'Beau':0,

        split_hem = spec.split_files.split(',') 

        attributes = {'missing_value':1.e+30, 'coordinates':'time', 'cell_methods':'time:mean','_FillValue':1.e+30}

	poly_masks = {}
        ave_descr = ['preproc',str(spec.year0),str(spec.year1)]

        AVE_TAG = 40
        time_dim = 'time'
        years = list(range(int(spec.year0),int(spec.year1)+1))
        months = ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average']

	# Initialize simplecomm (MPI wrappers) 
	main_comm = spec.main_comm 

        # If the region mask file doesn't exist, have root call ncl to create it
        if (not os.path.isfile(spec.reg_file) and (main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial)):
            import subprocess
            os.environ['GRIDFILE'] = spec.ice_obs_file
            os.environ['REGIONFILE'] = spec.reg_file
            ncl_command = 'ncl < '+ spec.ncl_location +'/ice_pre_proc_mask.ncl'
        # make sure to have all ranks sync to prevent ranks other than root from continuing on without a region mask file

	# Get the history dictionary that lists were files are located for each time slice, a variable list, meta list, and a key lookup variable
	if (spec.hist_type == 'series'):
	    hist_dict,file_var_list,meta_list,key = rover.set_slices_and_vars_time_series(spec.in_directory, spec.file_pattern, spec.date_pattern, 
							spec.prefix, spec.suffix, int(spec.year0), int(spec.year1), spec.split, spec.split_files)
	    hist_dict,file_var_list,meta_list,key = rover.set_slices_and_vars_time_slice(spec.in_directory, spec.file_pattern, spec.prefix, spec.suffix, int(spec.year0), int(spec.year1))

	# Loop over the regions and variable names to get full list of variables
        global_var_list = []
	for reg in regions:
            for var in variables:
                if ('ext' in var):

	# Partition the global variable list between the MPI ranks
	local_var_list = main_comm.partition(global_var_list,func=partition.EqualLength(),involved=False)
	# If master/root, give it the full variable list
	if main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial:
	    local_var_list = global_var_list

        meta_list = []

	# Define the netcdf file
        outfile = 'ice_vol_'+spec.prefix[:-7]+'_'+str(spec.year0)+'-'+str(spec.year1)+'.nc'
        ave_date = str(spec.year0)+'-'+str(spec.year1)
	all_files_vars,new_file = climFileIO.define_ave_file(main_comm.is_manager(),spec.serial,global_var_list,local_var_list,meta_list,hist_dict,spec.hist_type,

	# If using time slice files, open all files now
        if (len(local_var_list) > 0):
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'slice' and (spec.serial or not main_comm.is_manager())):
	        file_dict,open_list = climFileIO.open_all_files(hist_dict,ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average'],

	# Loop over each variable in the local list and read/operate on/write
	for nc_var in local_var_list:
	    if not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Slave
                print('Computing ice_pre_proc for', nc_var)
              # Get variable/region names
                if ('time' in nc_var):
                    get_var_name = 'aice'
                    var_name = 'time'
                    var_name,reg = nc_var.split('_mo_')
                    if ('ext' in var_name):
                        var_name = var_name
                        var_name = var_name[1:]
                    if ('ext' in var_name or 'ai' in var_name):
                        get_var_name = 'aice'
                        get_var_name = var_name
                # Get observation lat,lon,area
                obs_file = spec.ice_obs_file
                tarea = 'TAREA'
                tlong = 'TLONG'
                tlat = 'TLAT'

                # Read in the ice observation file to get area, lat, and lon values.
                obs_file_hndl = Nio.open_file(obs_file,'r')
                o_lat = obs_file_hndl.variables[tlat]
                o_lon = obs_file_hndl.variables[tlong]
                o_area = obs_file_hndl.variables[tarea]
                o_area = o_area[:]*1.0e-4

		# If using time series files, open the variable's file now
		if (spec.hist_type == 'series'):
                    if spec.split:
                        split_name = split_hem[regions[reg]]
                        split_name = ''
		    file_dict,open_list = climFileIO.open_all_files(hist_dict,ave_t.average_types[ave_descr[0]]['months_to_average'],

	    time_slice = 0
	    for year in years:
              for m in months:
		if not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Slave
                    if ('time' in nc_var):
                        var_sum = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict, year, m, var_name, file_dict)
		        # Get month slice
		        var_slice = rover.fetch_slice(hist_dict, year, m, get_var_name, file_dict)
                        lat,lon = var_slice.shape
                        full_lat,full_lon = o_lat.shape
                        if spec.split:
                            fill = full_lat-lat
                            missing_vals = np.zeros((fill,lon))
                            var_slice = np.array(var_slice)
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 1e+20] = 0 
                            if regions[reg] == 1: 
                                var_slice = np.concatenate((var_slice,missing_vals),axis=0)
                                var_slice = np.concatenate((missing_vals,var_slice),axis=0)

		        # Get ai factor
		        if ('ext' in var_name or 'ai' in var_name):
			    aimax = np.amax(var_slice)
			    if (aimax < 2):
			        aifac = 100
			        aifac = 1
			    var_slice = var_slice*aifac
                       # The ext variable is true/false based on the ai variable.  Set accordingly 
                        if ('ext' in var_name):
                            var_slice = np.array(var_slice)
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 1e+20] = 0
                            var_slice[var_slice < 15] = 0
                            var_slice[var_slice >= 15] = 1

                        # Mult by weight
                        var_slice = var_slice * o_area

                        # Mask the variable to get just this region
                        mask_to_apply = self.read_reg_mask(spec.reg_file,reg)
                        masked_var = MA.masked_where(mask_to_apply==0,var_slice) 

                        # Sum the variable 
		        var_sum = self.get_sum(masked_var,variables[var_name],var_name)

		    # Pass the average results to master rank for writing
		    var_shape = var_sum.shape
		    var_dtype = var_sum.dtype
		    md_message = {'name':nc_var,'shape':var_shape,'dtype':var_dtype,'average':var_sum,'index':time_slice}
		    if not spec.serial:
			main_comm.collect(data=md_message, tag=AVE_TAG)

		if main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial: # Master
		    # Recv the variable to write
		    if not spec.serial:
			r_rank,results = main_comm.collect(tag=AVE_TAG)
			var_sum_results = results['average']
			v_name = results['name']
			index = results['index']
			v_name = nc_var
			var_sum_results = var_sum    
			index = time_slice

		    #Write Var
		    climFileIO.write_averages(all_files_vars, var_sum_results, v_name, index)

		time_slice = time_slice + 1    
	    # Close timeseries files that are open
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'series' and (not main_comm.is_manager() or spec.serial)):

	# Close timeslice files that are open
        if (len(local_var_list) > 0):
	    if (spec.hist_type == 'slice' and (spec.serial or not main_comm.is_manager())):
        # Make sure everyone gets sync'ed up

	# Close the file that was just created
	if spec.serial or main_comm.is_manager():