def main(): while True: try: time.sleep(1) with get_android() as android: print('connected to Samsung GS3') while True: raw_data = if raw_data: frame = AndroidFrame(raw_data) odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.latitude_deg = int(frame.lat_deg) odom_msg.latitude_min = frame.lat_min odom_msg.longitude_deg = int(frame.lon_deg) odom_msg.longitude_min = frame.lon_min odom_msg.bearing_deg = frame.azimuth_deg odom_msg.speed = 0 lcm_.publish('/odometry', odom_msg.encode()) bearing_msg = Bearing() bearing_msg.bearing = frame.azimuth_deg lcm_.publish('/bearing', bearing_msg.encode()) else: print('read timed out, retrying the connection') break except usb.core.USBError: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) print('USBError occured, retrying...')
def asOdom(self): ''' Returns the current state estimate as an Odometry LCM object @return Odometry: state estimate in Odometry LCM format ''' odom = Odometry() odom.latitude_deg = self.pos["lat_deg"] odom.latitude_min = self.pos["lat_min"] odom.longitude_deg = self.pos["long_deg"] odom.longitude_min = self.pos["long_min"] odom.bearing_deg = self.bearing_deg odom.speed = np.hypot(self.vel["north"], self.vel["east"]) return odom
async def transmit_fake_odometry(): while True: new_odom = Odometry() new_odom.latitude_deg = random.randint(42, 43) new_odom.longitude_deg = random.randint(-84, -82) new_odom.latitude_min = random.uniform(0, 60) new_odom.longitude_min = random.uniform(0, 60) new_odom.bearing_deg = random.uniform(0, 359) with await lock: lcm_.publish('/odom', new_odom.encode()) print("Published new odometry") await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
def main(): lcm = aiolcm.AsyncLCM() serialPort = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') serialPort.baudrate = 4800 serialPort.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS serialPort.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE serialPort.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE while (True): oneByte = if oneByte != b'$': continue fiveBytes = if fiveBytes != b'GPRMC': continue odometry = Odometry() serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] hasFix = serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] if hasFix != b'A': continue latitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] longitude = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1] speed = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) bearing = float(serialPort.read_until(b',')[:-1]) odometry.latitude_deg = int(latitude / 100) odometry.longitude_deg = int(longitude / 100) odometry.latitude_min = latitude - (odometry.latitude_deg * 100) odometry.longitude_min = longitude - (odometry.longitude_deg * 100) odometry.bearing_deg = bearing odometry.speed = speed lcm.publish('/odometry', odometry.encode())