Example #1
def main():

    # Display Help in the beginning of the program.
    print RPN.rpn_help()

    # Get into a controlled Daemon/infinite loop.
    while True:

        # Get the RPN expression
        input_text = RPN.get_input()

        # Check what have you got, if its an expression, call for evaluation
        if RPN.is_expression(input_text):
            output = RPN.evaluate_expression(input_text)
            print output
Example #2
def test_get_input_quit():
    rpn.raw_input = lambda _: 'quit'
    text_input = RPN.get_input()
    assert text_input == 'quit'
Example #3
def test_get_input_help():
    rpn.raw_input = lambda _: 'help'
    text_input = RPN.get_input()
    assert text_input == 'help'