def test_13(self): """ Interpolating Data Interpolating data to/from known FSTD grids is made easy with the Ezscint package. There are a few exceptions though * you can only interpolate to a Y grid, not from it. * multi-parts grids (Yin-Yang, ...) have to be dealth with in a special way (see below) In this example we'll interpolate forecast data onto the analysis grid to make some computations See also: """ import os import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn ATM_MODEL_DFILES = os.getenv('ATM_MODEL_DFILES') fileName0 = os.path.join(ATM_MODEL_DFILES.strip(), 'bcmk/2009042700_000') #Analysis fileName1 = os.path.join(ATM_MODEL_DFILES.strip(), 'bcmk/2009042700_012') #Forecast # Get data and grid definition for P0 in the 1st FSTD file try: fileId = rmn.fstopenall(fileName0, rmn.FST_RO) p0Data1 = rmn.fstlir(fileId, nomvar='P0') # Get the record data and metadata along with partial grid info p0Data1['iunit'] = fileId p0GridId = rmn.ezqkdef(p0Data1) # use ezscint to retreive a grid id p0Grid1 = rmn.decodeGrid(p0GridId) # Decode all the grid parameters values rmn.fstcloseall(fileId) except: raise rmn.FSTDError("Problem getting P0 record grid meta from file: %s" % fileName0) # Get data and grid definition for P0 in the 2nd FSTD file try: fileId = rmn.fstopenall(fileName1, rmn.FST_RO) p0Data2 = rmn.fstlir(fileId, nomvar='P0', ip2=12) # Get the record data and metadata along with partial grid info p0Data2['iunit'] = fileId p0GridId = rmn.ezqkdef(p0Data2) # use ezscint to retreive a grid id p0Grid2 = rmn.decodeGrid(p0GridId) # Decode all the grid parameters values rmn.fstcloseall(fileId) except: raise rmn.FSTDError("Problem getting P0 record grid meta from file: %s " % fileName1) # Make a cubic interpolation of p0Data2 onto p0Grid1 with extrapolated values set to Minvalue of the field rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_EXTRAP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_EXTRAP_MIN) rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) p0Data2_onGrid1 = rmn.ezsint(p0Grid1['id'], p0Grid2['id'], p0Data2['d']) # Make some computation p0Diff = p0Data2_onGrid1 - p0Data1['d']
def test_ezsint(self): gp1 = self.getGridParams_L() gid1 = rmn.ezqkdef(gp1) self.assertTrue(gid1>=0) gp2 = self.getGridParams_L(0.25) gid2 = rmn.ezqkdef(gp2) self.assertTrue(gid2>=0) setid = rmn.ezdefset(gid2, gid1) self.assertTrue(setid>=0) zin = np.empty(gp1['shape'],dtype=np.float32,order='FORTRAN') for x in xrange(gp1['ni']): zin[:,x] = x zout = rmn.ezsint(gid2,gid1,zin) self.assertEqual(gp2['shape'],zout.shape) for j in xrange(gp2['nj']): for i in xrange(gp2['ni']): self.assertTrue(abs((zin[i,j]+zin[i+1,j])/2.-zout[i,j]) < self.epsilon)
def test_ezsint(self): gp1 = self.getGridParams_L() gid1 = rmn.ezqkdef(gp1) self.assertTrue(gid1>=0) gp2 = self.getGridParams_L(0.25) gid2 = rmn.ezqkdef(gp2) self.assertTrue(gid2>=0) setid = rmn.ezdefset(gid2, gid1) self.assertTrue(setid>=0) zin = np.empty(gp1['shape'],dtype=np.float32,order='FORTRAN') for x in range(gp1['ni']): zin[:,x] = x zout = rmn.ezsint(gid2,gid1,zin) self.assertEqual(gp2['shape'],zout.shape) for j in range(gp2['nj']): for i in range(gp2['ni']): self.assertTrue(abs((zin[i,j]+zin[i+1,j])/2.-zout[i,j]) < self.epsilon)
def test_41qd(self): import os, sys, datetime import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn fdate ='%Y%m%d') + '00_048' CMCGRIDF = os.getenv('CMCGRIDF').strip() fileNameOut = 'p0fstfileqd.fst' fileIdIn = rmn.fstopenall(os.getenv('CMCGRIDF')+'/prog/regeta/'+fdate) fileIdOut = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameOut, rmn.FST_RW) gOut = rmn.defGrid_ZE(90, 45, 35., 250., 0.5, 0.5, 0., 180., 1., 270.) r = rmn.fstlir(fileIdIn, nomvar='P0') gIn = rmn.readGrid(fileIdIn, r) rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) d = rmn.ezsint(gOut, gIn, r) r2 = r.copy() r2.update(gOut) r2.update({'etiket':'my_etk', 'd':d}) rmn.fstecr(fileIdOut, r2) rmn.writeGrid(fileIdOut, gOut) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdIn) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdOut) os.unlink(fileNameOut) # Remove test file
def ezinterp(arrayin, arrayin2, src_nij, src_grtyp, src_refparam, src_xyAxis, src_hasAxis, src_ij0, dst_nij, dst_grtyp, dst_refparam, dst_xyAxis, dst_hasAxis, dst_ij0, isVect): """Interpolate from one grid to another newArray = Fstdc.ezinterp(arrayin, arrayin2, (niS, njS), grtypS, (grrefS, ig1S, ig2S, ig3S, ig4S), (xsS, ysS), hasSrcAxis, (i0S, j0S), (niD, njD), grtypD, (grrefD, ig1D, ig2D, ig3D, ig4D), (xsD, ysD), hasDstAxis, (i0D, j0D), isVect) @param ...TODO... @return interpolated data (numpy.ndarray) @exception TypeError @exception Fstdc.error """ try: src_gid = _getGridHandle(src_nij[0], src_nij[1], src_grtyp, src_refparam[0], src_refparam[1], src_refparam[2], src_refparam[3], src_refparam[4], src_ij0[0], src_ij0[1], src_xyAxis[0], src_xyAxis[1]) except: raise error("ezgetlalo: Invalid Source Grid Desc") try: dst_gid = _getGridHandle(dst_nij[0], dst_nij[1], dst_grtyp, dst_refparam[0], dst_refparam[1], dst_refparam[2], dst_refparam[3], dst_refparam[4], dst_ij0[0], dst_ij0[1], dst_xyAxis[0], dst_xyAxis[1]) except: raise error("ezgetlalo: Invalid Source Grid Desc") try: gridsetid = _rmn.ezdefset(dst_gid, src_gid) except: raise error("Problem defining a grid interpolation set") try: if isVect: dst_data = _rmn.ezuvint(dst_gid, src_gid, arrayin, arrayin2) else: dst_data = _rmn.ezsint(dst_gid, src_gid, arrayin) return dst_data except: raise error("Interpolation problem in ezscint")
def test_41qd(self): import os, sys, datetime import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn fdate ='%Y%m%d') + '00_048' CMCGRIDF = os.getenv('CMCGRIDF').strip() fileNameOut = 'p0fstfileqd.fst' fileIdIn = rmn.fstopenall( os.getenv('CMCGRIDF') + '/prog/regeta/' + fdate) fileIdOut = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameOut, rmn.FST_RW) gOut = rmn.defGrid_ZE(90, 45, 35., 250., 0.5, 0.5, 0., 180., 1., 270.) r = rmn.fstlir(fileIdIn, nomvar='P0') gIn = rmn.readGrid(fileIdIn, r) rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) d = rmn.ezsint(gOut, gIn, r) r2 = r.copy() r2.update(gOut) r2.update({'etiket': 'my_etk', 'd': d}) rmn.fstecr(fileIdOut, r2) rmn.writeGrid(fileIdOut, gOut) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdIn) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdOut) os.unlink(fileNameOut) # Remove test file
def test_41(self): """ Horizontal Interpolation See also: """ import os, sys, datetime import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn fdate ='%Y%m%d') + '00_048' CMCGRIDF = os.getenv('CMCGRIDF').strip() fileNameIn = os.path.join(CMCGRIDF, 'prog', 'regeta', fdate) fileNameOut = 'p0fstfile.fst' # Restrict to the minimum the number of messages printed by librmn rmn.fstopt(rmn.FSTOP_MSGLVL, rmn.FSTOPI_MSG_CATAST) try: # Create Destination grid # Note: Destination grid can also be read from a file gp = { 'grtyp': 'Z', 'grref': 'E', 'ni': 90, 'nj': 45, 'lat0': 35., 'lon0': 250., 'dlat': 0.5, 'dlon': 0.5, 'xlat1': 0., 'xlon1': 180., 'xlat2': 1., 'xlon2': 270. } gOut = rmn.encodeGrid(gp) print("CB41: Defined a %s/%s grid of shape=%d, %d" % (gOut['grtyp'], gOut['grref'], gOut['ni'], gOut['nj'])) except: sys.stderr.write("Problem creating grid\n") sys.exit(1) # Open Files try: fileIdIn = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameIn) fileIdOut = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameOut, rmn.FST_RW) except: sys.stderr.write("Problem opening the files: %s, %s\n" % (fileNameIn, fileNameOut)) sys.exit(1) try: # Find and read record to interpolate with its grid r = rmn.fstlir(fileIdIn, nomvar='P0') gIn = rmn.readGrid(fileIdIn, r) print("CB41: Read P0") # Set interpolation options and interpolate rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) d = rmn.ezsint(gOut, gIn, r) print("CB41: Interpolate P0") # Create new record to write with interpolated data and r2 = r.copy() # Preserve meta from original record r2.update(gOut) # update grid information r2.update({ # attach data and update specific meta 'etiket': 'my_etk', 'd': d }) # Write record data + meta + grid to file rmn.fstecr(fileIdOut, r2) rmn.writeGrid(fileIdOut, gOut) print("CB41: Wrote interpolated P0 and its grid") except: pass finally: # Properly close files even if an error occured above # This is important when editing to avoid corrupted files rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdIn) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdOut) os.unlink(fileNameOut) # Remove test file
def test_13(self): """ Interpolating Data Interpolating data to/from known FSTD grids is made easy with the Ezscint package. There are a few exceptions though * you can only interpolate to a Y grid, not from it. * multi-parts grids (Yin-Yang, ...) have to be dealth with in a special way (see below) In this example we'll interpolate forecast data onto the analysis grid to make some computations See also: """ import os import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn ATM_MODEL_DFILES = os.getenv('ATM_MODEL_DFILES') fileName0 = os.path.join(ATM_MODEL_DFILES.strip(), 'bcmk/2009042700_000') #Analysis fileName1 = os.path.join(ATM_MODEL_DFILES.strip(), 'bcmk/2009042700_012') #Forecast # Get data and grid definition for P0 in the 1st FSTD file try: fileId = rmn.fstopenall(fileName0, rmn.FST_RO) p0Data1 = rmn.fstlir( fileId, nomvar='P0' ) # Get the record data and metadata along with partial grid info p0Data1['iunit'] = fileId p0GridId = rmn.ezqkdef( p0Data1) # use ezscint to retreive a grid id p0Grid1 = rmn.decodeGrid( p0GridId) # Decode all the grid parameters values rmn.fstcloseall(fileId) except: raise rmn.FSTDError( "Problem getting P0 record grid meta from file: %s" % fileName0) # Get data and grid definition for P0 in the 2nd FSTD file try: fileId = rmn.fstopenall(fileName1, rmn.FST_RO) p0Data2 = rmn.fstlir( fileId, nomvar='P0', ip2=12 ) # Get the record data and metadata along with partial grid info p0Data2['iunit'] = fileId p0GridId = rmn.ezqkdef( p0Data2) # use ezscint to retreive a grid id p0Grid2 = rmn.decodeGrid( p0GridId) # Decode all the grid parameters values rmn.fstcloseall(fileId) except: raise rmn.FSTDError( "Problem getting P0 record grid meta from file: %s " % fileName1) # Make a cubic interpolation of p0Data2 onto p0Grid1 with extrapolated values set to Minvalue of the field rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_EXTRAP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_EXTRAP_MIN) rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) p0Data2_onGrid1 = rmn.ezsint(p0Grid1['id'], p0Grid2['id'], p0Data2['d']) # Make some computation p0Diff = p0Data2_onGrid1 - p0Data1['d']
def test_41(self): """ Horizontal Interpolation See also: """ import os, sys, datetime import rpnpy.librmn.all as rmn fdate ='%Y%m%d') + '00_048' CMCGRIDF = os.getenv('CMCGRIDF').strip() fileNameIn = os.path.join(CMCGRIDF, 'prog', 'regeta', fdate) fileNameOut = 'p0fstfile.fst' # Restric to the minimum the number of messages printed by librmn rmn.fstopt(rmn.FSTOP_MSGLVL,rmn.FSTOPI_MSG_CATAST) try: # Create Destination grid # Note: Destination grid can also be read from a file gp = { 'grtyp' : 'Z', 'grref' : 'E', 'ni' : 90, 'nj' : 45, 'lat0' : 35., 'lon0' : 250., 'dlat' : 0.5, 'dlon' : 0.5, 'xlat1' : 0., 'xlon1' : 180., 'xlat2' : 1., 'xlon2' : 270. } gOut = rmn.encodeGrid(gp) print("CB41: Defined a %s/%s grid of shape=%d, %d" % (gOut['grtyp'], gOut['grref'], gOut['ni'], gOut['nj'])) except: sys.stderr.write("Problem creating grid\n") sys.exit(1) # Open Files try: fileIdIn = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameIn) fileIdOut = rmn.fstopenall(fileNameOut, rmn.FST_RW) except: sys.stderr.write("Problem opening the files: %s, %s\n" % (fileNameIn, fileNameOut)) sys.exit(1) try: # Find and read record to interpolate with its grid r = rmn.fstlir(fileIdIn, nomvar='P0') gIn = rmn.readGrid(fileIdIn, r) print("CB41: Read P0") # Set interpolation options and interpolate rmn.ezsetopt(rmn.EZ_OPT_INTERP_DEGREE, rmn.EZ_INTERP_LINEAR) d = rmn.ezsint(gOut, gIn, r) print("CB41: Interpolate P0") # Create new record to write with interpolated data and r2 = r.copy() # Preserve meta from original record r2.update(gOut) # update grid information r2.update({ # attach data and update specific meta 'etiket': 'my_etk', 'd' : d }) # Write record data + meta + grid to file rmn.fstecr(fileIdOut, r2) rmn.writeGrid(fileIdOut, gOut) print("CB41: Wrote interpolated P0 and its grid") except: pass finally: # Properly close files even if an error occured above # This is important when editing to avoid corrupted files rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdIn) rmn.fstcloseall(fileIdOut) os.unlink(fileNameOut) # Remove test file