def numpy2ri(o): """ Augmented conversion function, converting numpy arrays into rpy2.rinterface-level R structures. """ if isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray): if not o.dtype.isnative: raise(ValueError("Cannot pass numpy arrays with non-native byte orders at the moment.")) # Most types map onto R arrays: if o.dtype.kind in _kinds: # "F" means "use column-major order" vec = SexpVector(o.ravel("F"), _kinds[o.dtype.kind]) dim = SexpVector(o.shape, INTSXP) res = ro.r.array(vec, dim=dim) # R does not support unsigned types: elif o.dtype.kind == "u": raise(ValueError("Cannot convert numpy array of unsigned values -- R does not have unsigned integers.")) # Array-of-PyObject is treated like a Python list: elif o.dtype.kind == "O": res = conversion.py2ri(list(o)) # Record arrays map onto R data frames: elif o.dtype.kind == "V": if o.dtype.names is None: raise(ValueError("Nothing can be done for this numpy array type %s at the moment." % (o.dtype,))) df_args = [] for field_name in o.dtype.names: df_args.append((field_name, conversion.py2ri(o[field_name]))) res = ro.baseenv["data.frame"].rcall(tuple(df_args), ro.globalenv) # It should be impossible to get here: else: raise(ValueError("Unknown numpy array type.")) else: res = ro.default_py2ri(o) return res
def as_ape_object(o): """ Returns ``o`` as an ape object. """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(o, dendropy.TreeList): kwargs["keep.multi"] = True text = o.as_string("newick") return _R["read.tree"](text=text, **kwargs) elif isinstance(o, dendropy.Tree): kwargs["keep.multi"] = False text = o.as_string("newick") return _R["read.tree"](text=text, **kwargs) # if isinstance(o, dendropy.Tree) or isinstance(o, dendropy.TreeList): # f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # o.write_to_stream(f, "nexus", simple=True, block_titles=False) # f.flush() # return _R['']( elif isinstance(o, dendropy.CharacterMatrix): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() o.write_to_stream(f, "nexus", simple=True, block_titles=False) f.flush() return _R[""]( else: return robjects.default_py2ri(o)
def as_ape_object(o): """ Returns ``o`` as an ape object. """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(o, dendropy.TreeList): kwargs['keep.multi'] = True text = o.as_string("newick") return _R['read.tree'](text=text, **kwargs) elif isinstance(o, dendropy.Tree): kwargs['keep.multi'] = False text = o.as_string("newick") return _R['read.tree'](text=text, **kwargs) # if isinstance(o, dendropy.Tree) or isinstance(o, dendropy.TreeList): # f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # o.write_to_stream(f, "nexus", simple=True, block_titles=False) # f.flush() # return _R['']( elif isinstance(o, dendropy.CharacterMatrix): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() o.write_to_stream(f, "nexus", simple=True, block_titles=False) f.flush() return _R['']( else: return robjects.default_py2ri(o)
def pd_py2ri(o): """ """ res = None if isinstance(o, pd.DataFrame) and isinstance(o.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): res = convert_df_to_xts(o) if res is None: res = robjects.default_py2ri(o) return res
def numpy2ri(o): if isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray): if not o.dtype.isnative: raise(ValueError("Cannot pass numpy arrays with non-native byte orders at the moment.")) # The possible kind codes are listed at # kinds = { # "t" -> not really supported by numpy "b": rinterface.LGLSXP, "i": rinterface.INTSXP, # "u" -> special-cased below "f": rinterface.REALSXP, "c": rinterface.CPLXSXP, # "O" -> special-cased below "S": rinterface.STRSXP, "U": rinterface.STRSXP, # "V" -> special-cased below } # Most types map onto R arrays: if o.dtype.kind in kinds: # "F" means "use column-major order" vec = rinterface.SexpVector(o.ravel("F"), kinds[o.dtype.kind]) dim = rinterface.SexpVector(o.shape, rinterface.INTSXP) res = ro.r.array(vec, dim=dim) # R does not support unsigned types: elif o.dtype.kind == "u": raise(ValueError("Cannot convert numpy array of unsigned values -- R does not have unsigned integers.")) # Array-of-PyObject is treated like a Python list: elif o.dtype.kind == "O": res = ro.conversion.py2ri(list(o)) # Record arrays map onto R data frames: elif o.dtype.kind == "V": if o.dtype.names is None: raise(ValueError("Nothing can be done for this numpy array type %s at the moment." % (o.dtype,))) df_args = [] for field_name in o.dtype.names: df_args.append((field_name, ro.conversion.py2ri(o[field_name]))) res = ro.baseNameSpaceEnv["data.frame"].rcall(tuple(df_args)) # It should be impossible to get here: else: raise(ValueError("Unknown numpy array type.")) else: res = ro.default_py2ri(o) return res
def pd_py2ri(o): """ """ res = None if isinstance(o, pd.DataFrame): if isinstance(o.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): res = convert_df_to_xts(o) else: res = rcom.convert_to_r_dataframe(o) if isinstance(o, pd.DatetimeIndex): res = convert_datetime_index(o) if res is None: res = robjects.default_py2ri(o) return res
def numpy2ri(o): """ Augmented conversion function, converting numpy arrays into rpy2.rinterface-level R structures. """ # allow array-likes to also function with this module. if not isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(o, '__array__'): o = o.__array__() if isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray): if not o.dtype.isnative: raise (ValueError( "Cannot pass numpy arrays with non-native byte orders at the moment." )) # Most types map onto R arrays: if o.dtype.kind in _kinds: # "F" means "use column-major order" vec = SexpVector(o.ravel("F"), _kinds[o.dtype.kind]) dim = SexpVector(o.shape, INTSXP) #FIXME: no dimnames ? #FIXME: optimize what is below needed/possible ? (other ways to create R arrays ?) res = rinterface.baseenv['array'](vec, dim=dim) # R does not support unsigned types: elif o.dtype.kind == "u": raise (ValueError( "Cannot convert numpy array of unsigned values -- R does not have unsigned integers." )) # Array-of-PyObject is treated like a Python list: elif o.dtype.kind == "O": res = conversion.py2ri(list(o)) # Record arrays map onto R data frames: elif o.dtype.kind == "V": if o.dtype.names is None: raise (ValueError( "Nothing can be done for this numpy array type %s at the moment." % (o.dtype, ))) df_args = [] for field_name in o.dtype.names: df_args.append((field_name, conversion.py2ri(o[field_name]))) res = ro.baseenv["data.frame"].rcall(tuple(df_args), ro.globalenv) # It should be impossible to get here: else: raise (ValueError("Unknown numpy array type.")) else: res = ro.default_py2ri(o) return res