Example #1
 def __init__(self, size):
     assert isinstance(size, r_uint)
     self._array = [empty_slot] * size
     self._array_len = size
     self._length = size
     self._head = r_uint(0)
     self._tail = r_uint(0)
Example #2
 def pickSourcePixels(self, nPixels, srcMask, dstMask, srcShiftInc, dstShiftInc):
     # Pick nPix pixels starting at srcBitIndex from the source, map by the
     # color map, and justify them according to dstBitIndex in the resulting destWord.
     sourceWord = r_uint(self.source.w_bits.getword(self.sourceIndex))
     destWord = 0
     srcShift = self.srcBitShift # put into temp for speed
     dstShift = self.dstBitShift
     nPix = nPixels
     # always > 0 so we can use do { } while(--nPix);
     if (self.w_cmLookupTable): # a little optimization for (pretty crucial) blits using indexed lookups only
         for px in range(nPix):
             sourcePix = self.rshift(r_uint(sourceWord), srcShift) & srcMask
             destPix = self.w_cmLookupTable.getword(intmask(sourcePix & self.cmMask))
             # adjust dest pix index
             destWord = destWord | ((destPix & dstMask) << dstShift)
             # adjust source pix index
             dstShift += dstShiftInc
             srcShift += srcShiftInc
             if srcShift & r_uint(0xFFFFFFE0):
                 if (self.source.msb):
                     srcShift += 32
                     srcShift -= 32
                 self.sourceIndex += 1
                 sourceWord = self.source.w_bits.getword(self.sourceIndex)
         raise PrimitiveFailedError("Failed to pick source pixels")
     self.srcBitShift = srcShift # Store back
     return destWord
Example #3
 def seed(self, space, w_n=None):
     if w_n is None:
         w_n = space.newint(int(time.time()))
         if space.isinstance_w(w_n, space.w_int):
             w_n = space.abs(w_n)
         elif space.isinstance_w(w_n, space.w_long):
             w_n = space.abs(w_n)
             n = space.hash_w(w_n)
             w_n = space.wrap(r_uint(n))
     key = []
     w_one = space.newint(1)
     w_two = space.newint(2)
     w_thirtytwo = space.newint(32)
     # 0xffffffff
     w_masklower = space.sub(space.pow(w_two, w_thirtytwo, space.w_None), w_one)
     while space.is_true(w_n):
         w_chunk = space.and_(w_n, w_masklower)
         chunk = space.uint_w(w_chunk)
         w_n = space.rshift(w_n, w_thirtytwo)
     if not key:
         key = [r_uint(0)]
Example #4
def test_invert():
    def f(x):
        return ~x

    res = interpret(f, [3])
    assert res == ~3
    assert interpret(f, [r_uint(3)]) == ~r_uint(3)
Example #5
def _hash_float(space, v):
    if not isfinite(v):
        if isinf(v):
            return HASH_INF if v > 0 else -HASH_INF
        return HASH_NAN

    m, e = math.frexp(v)

    sign = 1
    if m < 0:
        sign = -1
        m = -m

    # process 28 bits at a time;  this should work well both for binary
    # and hexadecimal floating point.
    x = r_uint(0)
    while m:
        x = ((x << 28) & HASH_MODULUS) | x >> (HASH_BITS - 28)
        m *= 268435456.0  # 2**28
        e -= 28
        y = r_uint(m)  # pull out integer part
        m -= y
        x += y
        if x >= HASH_MODULUS:
            x -= HASH_MODULUS

    # adjust for the exponent;  first reduce it modulo HASH_BITS
    e = e % HASH_BITS if e >= 0 else HASH_BITS - 1 - ((-1 - e) % HASH_BITS)
    x = ((x << e) & HASH_MODULUS) | x >> (HASH_BITS - e)

    x = intmask(intmask(x) * sign)
    return -2 if x == -1 else x
Example #6
    def conj(self, val):
        assert self._cnt < r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)

        if self._cnt - self.tailoff() < 32:
            new_tail = self._tail[:]
            return PersistentVector(self._meta, self._cnt + 1, self._shift, self._root, new_tail)

        root = self._root
        assert isinstance(root, Node)
        tail_node = Node(root._edit, self._tail)
        new_shift = self._shift

        if (self._cnt >> 5) > (r_uint(1) << self._shift):
            root = self._root
            assert isinstance(root, Node)
            new_root = Node(root._edit)
            new_root._array[0] = self._root
            root = self._root
            assert isinstance(root, Node)
            new_root._array[1] = new_path(root._edit, self._shift, tail_node)
            new_shift += 5

            new_root = self.push_tail(self._shift, self._root, tail_node)

        return PersistentVector(self._meta, self._cnt + 1, new_shift, new_root, [val])
Example #7
 def wrap_int(self, val):
     if isinstance(val, rbigint.rbigint):
         return self.wrap_rbigint(val)
     elif isinstance(val, int):
         return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(val)
     elif isinstance(val, r_uint):
         if val <= r_uint(constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(val, self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
     elif IS_64BIT and isinstance(val, r_uint32):
         return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
     elif isinstance(val, r_longlong) or isinstance(val, r_int64):
         # use '&' instead of 'and' in these checks, so we only generate 1 guard instead of two
         if (constants.MININT <= val) & (val <= constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
         elif (0 <= val) & (val <= r_longlong(constants.U_MAXINT)):
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(val), self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
         elif (0 > val) & (-r_longlong(constants.U_MAXINT) <= val):
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(-val), self.w_LargeNegativeInteger)
             return self.wrap_rbigint_direct(rbigint.rbigint.fromrarith_int(val))
     elif isinstance(val, r_ulonglong):
         if val <= r_ulonglong(constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
         elif val <= constants.U_MAXINT:
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(val), self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
             return self.wrap_rbigint_direct(rbigint.rbigint.fromrarith_int(val))
         raise WrappingError
Example #8
def min_max_acc_method(size, signed):
    if signed:
        min = -(2 ** (8*size-1))
        max = (2 ** (8*size-1)) - 1
        if size <= native_int_size:
            accept_method = 'accept_int_arg'
            min = int(min)
            max = int(max)
            accept_method = 'accept_longlong_arg'
            min = r_longlong(min)
            max = r_longlong(max)
        min = 0
        max = (2 ** (8*size)) - 1
        if size < native_int_size:
            accept_method = 'accept_int_arg'
        elif size == native_int_size:
            accept_method = 'accept_uint_arg'
            min = r_uint(min)
            max = r_uint(max)
            accept_method = 'accept_ulonglong_arg'
            min = r_ulonglong(min)
            max = r_ulonglong(max)
    return min, max, accept_method
Example #9
 def short_at0(self, space, index0):
     byte_index0 = index0 * 2
     byte0 = ord(self.getchar(byte_index0))
     byte1 = ord(self.getchar(byte_index0 + 1)) << 8
     if byte1 & 0x8000 != 0:
         byte1 = intmask(r_uint(0xffff0000) | r_uint(byte1))
     return space.wrap_int(byte1 | byte0)
Example #10
 def test_uintmask(self):
     assert rbigint.fromint(-1).uintmask() == r_uint(-1)
     assert rbigint.fromint(0).uintmask() == r_uint(0)
     assert (rbigint.fromint(sys.maxint).uintmask() ==
     assert (rbigint.fromlong(sys.maxint+1).uintmask() ==
Example #11
def _int_binary_operations():
    minint = -sys.maxint-1
    # Test cases.  Note that for each operation there should be at least
    # one case in which the two input arguments are equal.
    for opnum, testcases in [
        (rop.INT_ADD, [(10, -2, 8),
                       (-60, -60, -120)]),
        (rop.INT_SUB, [(10, -2, 12),
                       (133, 133, 0)]),
        (rop.INT_MUL, [(-6, -3, 18),
                       (15, 15, 225)]),
        (rop.INT_AND, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0x0F00),
                       (-111, -111, -111)]),
        (rop.INT_OR, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0xFFF0),
                      (-111, -111, -111)]),
        (rop.INT_XOR, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0xF0F0),
                       (-111, -111, 0)]),
        (rop.INT_LSHIFT, [(10, 4, 10<<4),
                          (-5, 2, -20),
                          (-5, 0, -5),
                          (3, 3, 24)]),
        (rop.INT_RSHIFT, [(-17, 2, -5),
                          (19, 1, 9),
                          (3, 3, 0)]),
        (rop.UINT_RSHIFT, [(-1, 4, intmask(r_uint(-1) >> r_uint(4))),
                           ( 1, 4, intmask(r_uint(1) >> r_uint(4))),
                           ( 3, 3, 0)]),
        (rop.UINT_MUL_HIGH, [(5, 6, 0),
                             (0xffff, 0xffff, 0),
                             (-1, -1, -2),
                             (-1, 123, 122)]),
        for x, y, z in testcases:
            yield opnum, [x, y], z
Example #12
 def test_cast_primitive(self):
     def llf(u):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Signed, u)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [r_uint(-1)], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == -1
     res = self.interpret(llf, ['x'], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == ord('x')
     def llf(v):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Unsigned, v)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [-1], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == r_uint(-1)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [u'x'], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == ord(u'x')
     res = self.interpret(llf, [1.0], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == r_uint(1)
     def llf(v):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Char, v)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [ord('x')], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == 'x'
     def llf(v):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.UniChar, v)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [ord('x')], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == u'x'
     def llf(v):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(rffi.SHORT, v)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [123], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == 123
     def llf(v):
         return lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Signed, v)
     res = self.interpret(llf, [rffi.r_short(123)], policy=LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy())
     assert res == 123
Example #13
def test_display_bitmap():
    # XXX: Patch SDLDisplay -> get_pixelbuffer() to circumvent
    # double-free bug
    def get_pixelbuffer(self):
        from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
        return lltype.malloc(rffi.ULONGP.TO, self.width * self.height * 32, flavor='raw')
    display.SDLDisplay.get_pixelbuffer = get_pixelbuffer
    d = display.SDLDisplay("test")
    d.set_video_mode(32, 10, 1)

    target = model.W_DisplayBitmap.create(space, space.w_Array, 10, 1, d)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00FF00FF))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0x00FF00FF)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00FF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00FF00)
    for i in xrange(2):
        assert target.pixelbuffer[i] == 0x01010101
    for i in xrange(2, 4):
        assert target.pixelbuffer[i] == 0x0
    for i in xrange(4, 6):
        assert target.pixelbuffer[i] == 0x01010101
    for i in xrange(6, 8):
        assert target.pixelbuffer[i] == 0x0
Example #14
def get_len_of_range(space, lo, hi, step):
    Return number of items in range/xrange (lo, hi, step).
    Raise ValueError if step == 0 and OverflowError if the true value is too
    large to fit in a signed long.

    # If lo >= hi, the range is empty.
    # Else if n values are in the range, the last one is
    # lo + (n-1)*step, which must be <= hi-1.  Rearranging,
    # n <= (hi - lo - 1)/step + 1, so taking the floor of the RHS gives
    # the proper value.  Since lo < hi in this case, hi-lo-1 >= 0, so
    # the RHS is non-negative and so truncation is the same as the
    # floor.  Letting M be the largest positive long, the worst case
    # for the RHS numerator is hi=M, lo=-M-1, and then
    # hi-lo-1 = M-(-M-1)-1 = 2*M.  Therefore unsigned long has enough
    # precision to compute the RHS exactly.
    if step == 0:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
                             space.wrap("step argument must not be zero"))
    elif step < 0:
        lo, hi, step = hi, lo, -step
    if lo < hi:
        uhi = r_uint(hi)
        ulo = r_uint(lo)
        diff = uhi - ulo - 1
        n = intmask(diff // r_uint(step) + 1)
        if n < 0:
            raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
                                 space.wrap("result has too many items"))
        n = 0
    return n
Example #15
def ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash):
    entries = d.entries
    ENTRIES = lltype.typeOf(entries).TO
    direct_compare = not hasattr(ENTRIES, 'no_direct_compare')
    mask = len(entries) - 1
    i = r_uint(hash & mask)
    # do the first try before any looping
    if entries.valid(i):
        checkingkey = entries[i].key
        if direct_compare and checkingkey == key:
            return i   # found the entry
        if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
            # correct hash, maybe the key is e.g. a different pointer to
            # an equal object
            found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
            if d.paranoia:
                if (entries != d.entries or
                    not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                    # the compare did major nasty stuff to the dict: start over
                    return ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash)
            if found:
                return i   # found the entry
        freeslot = -1
    elif entries.everused(i):
        freeslot = intmask(i)
        return i | HIGHEST_BIT # pristine entry -- lookup failed

    # In the loop, a deleted entry (everused and not valid) is by far
    # (factor of 100s) the least likely outcome, so test for that last.
    perturb = r_uint(hash)
    while 1:
        # compute the next index using unsigned arithmetic
        i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1
        i = i & mask
        # keep 'i' as a signed number here, to consistently pass signed
        # arguments to the small helper methods.
        if not entries.everused(i):
            if freeslot == -1:
                freeslot = intmask(i)
            return r_uint(freeslot) | HIGHEST_BIT
        elif entries.valid(i):
            checkingkey = entries[i].key
            if direct_compare and checkingkey == key:
                return i
            if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
                # correct hash, maybe the key is e.g. a different pointer to
                # an equal object
                found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
                if d.paranoia:
                    if (entries != d.entries or
                        not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                        # the compare did major nasty stuff to the dict:
                        # start over
                        return ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash)
                if found:
                    return i   # found the entry
        elif freeslot == -1:
            freeslot = intmask(i)
        perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT
Example #16
 def _find_map_attr_cache(self, selector):
     space = self.space
     cache = space.fromcache(MapAttrCache)
     SHIFT2 = r_uint.BITS - space.config.objspace.std.methodcachesizeexp
     SHIFT1 = SHIFT2 - 5
     attrs_as_int = objectmodel.current_object_addr_as_int(self)
     # ^^^Note: see comment in typeobject.py for
     # _pure_lookup_where_with_method_cache()
     hash_selector = objectmodel.compute_hash(selector)
     product = intmask(attrs_as_int * hash_selector)
     attr_hash = (r_uint(product) ^ (r_uint(product) << SHIFT1)) >> SHIFT2
     # ^^^Note2: same comment too
     cached_attr = cache.attrs[attr_hash]
     if cached_attr is self:
         cached_selector = cache.selectors[attr_hash]
         if cached_selector == selector:
             attr = cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash]
             if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
                 name = selector[0]
                 cache.hits[name] = cache.hits.get(name, 0) + 1
             return attr
     attr = self._find_map_attr(selector)
     cache.attrs[attr_hash] = self
     cache.selectors[attr_hash] = selector
     cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash] = attr
     if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
         name = selector[0]
         cache.misses[name] = cache.misses.get(name, 0) + 1
     return attr
Example #17
 def unwrap_positive_32bit_int(self, w_value):
     if isinstance(w_value, model.W_SmallInteger):
         if w_value.value >= 0:
             return r_uint(w_value.value)
     elif isinstance(w_value, model.W_LargePositiveInteger1Word):
         return r_uint(w_value.value)
     raise UnwrappingError("Wrong types or negative SmallInteger.")
Example #18
def test_large_positive_integer_1word_at_put():
    target = model.W_LargePositiveInteger1Word(0)
    source = model.W_LargePositiveInteger1Word(-1)
    for i in range(constants.BYTES_PER_MACHINE_INT):
        target.atput0(space, i, source.at0(space, i))
        assert target.at0(space, i) == source.at0(space, i)
    assert hex(r_uint(target.value)) == hex(r_uint(source.value))
Example #19
def test_display_bitmap():
    size = 10
    space.display().set_video_mode(32, size, 1)
    target = model_display.W_MappingDisplayBitmap(space, size, 1)
    for idx in range(size):
        target.setword(idx, r_uint(0))

    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00FF00FF))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0x00FF00FF)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00FF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00FF00)

    buf = target.pixelbuffer()
    for i in xrange(2, 8):
        assert buf[i] == 0x0

    target.force_rectange_to_screen(0, 31, 0, 9)

    buf = target.pixelbuffer()
    for i in xrange(2):
        assert buf[i] == 0x01010101
    for i in xrange(2, 4):
        assert buf[i] == 0x0
    for i in xrange(4, 6):
        assert buf[i] == 0x01010101
    for i in xrange(6, 8):
        assert buf[i] == 0x0
Example #20
    def find_map_attr(self, name, index):
        # attr cache
        space = self.space
        cache = space.fromcache(MapAttrCache)
        SHIFT2 = r_uint.BITS - space.config.objspace.std.methodcachesizeexp
        SHIFT1 = SHIFT2 - 5
        attrs_as_int = objectmodel.current_object_addr_as_int(self)
        # ^^^Note: see comment in typeobject.py for
        # _pure_lookup_where_with_method_cache()

        # unrolled hash computation for 2-tuple
        c1 = 0x345678
        c2 = 1000003
        hash_name = objectmodel.compute_hash(name)
        hash_selector = intmask((c2 * ((c2 * c1) ^ hash_name)) ^ index)
        product = intmask(attrs_as_int * hash_selector)
        attr_hash = (r_uint(product) ^ (r_uint(product) << SHIFT1)) >> SHIFT2
        # ^^^Note2: same comment too
        cached_attr = cache.attrs[attr_hash]
        if cached_attr is self:
            cached_name = cache.names[attr_hash]
            cached_index = cache.indexes[attr_hash]
            if cached_name == name and cached_index == index:
                attr = cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash]
                if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
                    cache.hits[name] = cache.hits.get(name, 0) + 1
                return attr
        attr = self._find_map_attr(name, index)
        cache.attrs[attr_hash] = self
        cache.names[attr_hash] = name
        cache.indexes[attr_hash] = index
        cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash] = attr
        if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
            cache.misses[name] = cache.misses.get(name, 0) + 1
        return attr
Example #21
def int_signext(value, numbytes):
    b8 = numbytes * 8
    a = r_uint(value)
    a += r_uint(1 << (b8 - 1))     # a += 128
    a &= r_uint((1 << b8) - 1)     # a &= 255
    a -= r_uint(1 << (b8 - 1))     # a -= 128
    return intmask(a)
Example #22
def test_display_bitmap8():
    size = 10
    space.display().set_video_mode(32, size, 8)
    target = W_MappingDisplayBitmap(space, size, 8)
    for idx in range(size):
        target.setword(idx, r_uint(0))

    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00FF00FF))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0x00FF00FF)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00FF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00FF00)

    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    # for i in xrange(2, 8):
    #     assert buf[i] == 0xff000000

    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF01FF01))
    target.force_rectange_to_screen(0, 31, 0, 9)
    # now we have 1 pixels white, 1 black, 1 white, 1 black
    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    assert buf[0] == 0xffffffff
    assert buf[1] == 0xff000000
    assert buf[2] == 0xffffffff
    assert buf[3] == 0xff000000
Example #23
def _get_serial_type_of_int_hidden(i, file_format):
    MAX_6BYTE = (0x00008000 << 32) - 1
    if i < 0:
        # test prevents:  u = -(-9223372036854775808)
        if i < -MAX_6BYTE:
            return 6
        u = rarithmetic.r_uint(-i)
        u = rarithmetic.r_uint(i)
    if u <= 127:
        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, file_format) > 4:
            if i == 0:
                return 8
            elif i == 1:
                return 9
        return 1
    if u <= 32767:
        return 2
    if u <= 8388607:
        return 3
    if u<=2147483647:
        return 4
    if u <= MAX_6BYTE:
        return 5
    return 6
Example #24
def test_display_bitmap4():
    size = 10
    space.display().set_video_mode(32, size, 4)
    target = W_MappingDisplayBitmap(space, size, 4)
    for idx in range(size):
        target.setword(idx, r_uint(0))

    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00FF00FF))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0x00FF00FF)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00FF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00FF00)

    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    # for i in xrange(2, 8):
    #     assert buf[i] == 0xff000000

    target.force_rectange_to_screen(0, 31, 0, 9)
    # now we have 2 pixels white, 2 black, 2 white, 2 black
    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    for i in xrange(2):
        assert buf[i] == 0xffffffff
    for i in xrange(3, 4):
        assert buf[i] == 0xff000000
    for i in xrange(5, 6):
        assert buf[i] == 0xffffffff
    for i in xrange(7, 8):
        assert buf[i] == 0xff000000
Example #25
 def read_int_until(self, delim, can_be_negative=True):
     i = self.consume(2)
     s = self.s
     negative = False
     if not s[i].isdigit():
         if not can_be_negative:
             raise SerializerError("unexpected negative int")
         if s[i] != '-':
             raise SerializerError("bad int")
         negative = True
         i += 1
         if not s[i].isdigit():
             raise SerializerError("bad int")
     value = r_uint(ord(s[i]) - 48)
     self.pos = i + 1
     while True:
         i = self.consume(1)
         if not s[i].isdigit():
         value = value * 10 + r_uint(ord(s[i]) - 48)
     if s[i] != delim:
         raise SerializerError("bad int")
     if negative:
         value = -value
     return intmask(value)
Example #26
def test_display_bitmap():
    size = 10
    space.display().set_video_mode(32, size, 1)
    target = W_MappingDisplayBitmap(space, size, 1)
    for idx in range(size):
        target.setword(idx, r_uint(0))

    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00FF00FF))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0x00FF00FF)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0xFF00FF00))
    assert bin(target.getword(0)) == bin(0xFF00FF00)

    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    for i in xrange(2, 8):
        assert buf[i] == 0xffffffff

    target.force_rectange_to_screen(0, 31, 0, 9)
    # now we have 8 pixels black, 8 white, 8 black, 8 white
    buf = target._sdl_pixel_buffer
    for i in xrange(8):
        assert buf[i] == 0xff000000
    for i in xrange(9, 16):
        assert buf[i] == 0xffffffff
    for i in xrange(17, 24):
        assert buf[i] == 0xff000000
    for i in xrange(25, 32):
        assert buf[i] == 0xffffffff
Example #27
def compile_fn(form, ctx):
    form = rt.next(form)
    if isinstance(rt.first(form), symbol.Symbol):
        name = rt.first(form)
        form = rt.next(form)
        name = symbol.symbol(default_fn_name)

    if rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.ISeq.deref(), rt.first(form)):
        arities = []
        while form is not nil:
            required_arity, argc = compile_fn_body(name, rt.first(rt.first(form)), rt.next(rt.first(form)), ctx)
            arities.append(argc if required_arity == -1 else required_arity | 256)
            form = rt.next(form)

        for x in arities:

        ctx.add_sp(1) # result

        res = compile_fn_body(name, rt.first(form), rt.next(form), ctx)
    if rt.meta(name) is not nil:
        compile_meta(rt.meta(name), ctx)
Example #28
 def _GetContents(self, fp):
     endrec = _EndRecData(fp)
     if not endrec:
         raise BadZipfile, "File is not a zip file"
     size_cd = endrec.stuff[5]             # bytes in central directory
     offset_cd = endrec.stuff[6]   # offset of central directory
     self.comment = endrec.comment
     x = endrec.filesize - size_cd
     concat = x - offset_cd
     self.start_dir = offset_cd + concat
     fp.seek(self.start_dir, 0)
     total = 0
     while total < size_cd:
         centdir = fp.read(46)
         total = total + 46
         if centdir[0:4] != stringCentralDir:
             raise BadZipfile, "Bad magic number for central directory"
         centdir = runpack(structCentralDir, centdir)
         filename = fp.read(centdir[_CD_FILENAME_LENGTH])
         # Create ZipInfo instance to store file information
         x = RZipInfo(filename)
         x.extra = fp.read(centdir[_CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH])
         x.comment = fp.read(centdir[_CD_COMMENT_LENGTH])
         total = (total + centdir[_CD_FILENAME_LENGTH]
                  + centdir[_CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]
                  + centdir[_CD_COMMENT_LENGTH])
         x.header_offset = centdir[_CD_LOCAL_HEADER_OFFSET] + concat
         # file_offset must be computed below...
         (x.create_version, x.create_system, x.extract_version, x.reserved,
             x.flag_bits, x.compress_type, t, d,
             crc, x.compress_size, x.file_size) = centdir[1:12]
         x.CRC = r_uint(crc) & r_uint(0xffffffff)
         x.dostime = t
         x.dosdate = d
         x.volume, x.internal_attr, x.external_attr = centdir[15:18]
         # Convert date/time code to (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
         x.date_time = ( (d>>9)+1980, (d>>5)&0xF, d&0x1F,
                                  t>>11, (t>>5)&0x3F, (t&0x1F) * 2 )
         self.NameToInfo[x.filename] = x
     for data in self.filelist:
         fp.seek(data.header_offset, 0)
         fheader = fp.read(30)
         if fheader[0:4] != stringFileHeader:
             raise BadZipfile, "Bad magic number for file header"
         fheader = runpack(structFileHeader, fheader)
         # file_offset is computed here, since the extra field for
         # the central directory and for the local file header
         # refer to different fields, and they can have different
         # lengths
         data.file_offset = (data.header_offset + 30
                             + fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH]
                             + fheader[_FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH])
         fname = fp.read(fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
         if fname != data.orig_filename:
             raise BadZipfile, \
                   'File name in directory "%s" and header "%s" differ.' % (
                       data.orig_filename, fname)
     fp.seek(self.start_dir, 0)
Example #29
    def add_const(self, v):
        for x in range(len(self.consts)):
            if self.consts[x] is v:
                return r_uint(x)

        idx = len(self.consts)
        return r_uint(idx)
Example #30
def test_WordsObject_short_at():
    target = model.W_WordsObject(space, None, 2)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00018000))
    target.setword(1, r_uint(0x80010111))
    assert target.short_at0(space, 0).value == intmask(0xffff8000)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 1).value == intmask(0x0001)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 2).value == intmask(0x0111)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 3).value == intmask(0xffff8001)
Example #31
 def set_position(self, new_pos):
     assert new_pos >= 0
     self.position_and_flags &= ~FO_POSITION_MASK
     self.position_and_flags |= r_uint(new_pos << FO_POSITION_SHIFT)
Example #32
 def r_uint_val(self):
     return r_uint(self._int_val)
Example #33
 def set_state(self, t):
     self._state_stackptr_pc = (self._get_state_stackptr_pc() & state_mask
                                ) | (r_uint(t.num()) << state_shift)
     assert self.get_state() == t
Example #34
 def val_at(self, key, not_found):
     return not_found if self._root is None else self._root.find(
         rt.hash(key) & MASK_32, key, not_found)
Example #35
py_object = object
import pixie.vm.object as object
from pixie.vm.object import affirm
from pixie.vm.primitives import nil, true, false
import pixie.vm.stdlib as proto
from pixie.vm.code import extend, as_var
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_int, r_uint, intmask
import rpython.rlib.jit as jit
import pixie.vm.rt as rt

MASK_32 = r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)

NOT_FOUND = object.Object()

class Box(py_object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._val = None

class PersistentHashMap(object.Object):
    _type = object.Type(u"pixie.stdlib.PersistentHashMap")

    def __init__(self, cnt, root, meta=nil):
        self._cnt = cnt
        self._root = root
        self._meta = meta

    def meta(self):
        return self._meta
Example #36
 def fn(x):
     return r_uint(x)
Example #37
 def f(n, m):
     return _rotateLeft(r_uint(n), m)
Example #38
 def uint_w(self, space):
     intval = self.intval
     if intval < 0:
         raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                     "cannot convert negative integer to unsigned")
     return r_uint(intval)
Example #39
 def uint_w(self, w_obj):
     assert isinstance(w_obj, FakeLong)
     return rarithmetic.r_uint(w_obj.val.touint())
Example #40
def crc32(s, crc=r_uint(0)):
    crc = ~crc & r_uint(0xffffffffL)
    for c in s:
        crc = crc_32_tab[(crc ^ r_uint(ord(c))) & 0xffL] ^ (crc >> 8)
        #/* Note:  (crc >> 8) MUST zero fill on left
    return crc ^ r_uint(0xffffffffL)
Example #41
 def __init__(self, pos):
     # p is the 32-bit position shifted left by one (might be negative,
     # but casted to the 32-bit UINT type)
     p = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, pos << FO_POSITION_SHIFT)
     self.position_and_flags = r_uint(p)  # zero-extended to a full word
Example #42
def uint_rshift(space, n, m):
    n = r_uint(n)
    x = llop.uint_rshift(lltype.Unsigned, n, m)
    return space.newint(intmask(x))
Example #43
 def push_arg(self, idx):
Example #44
 def fn(n):
     return float(r_uint(n)) / 2
Example #45
 def get_jitcounter_hash(self):
     from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint
     return r_uint(13)
Example #46
def _list_all_operations(result, operations, omit_finish=True):
    if omit_finish and operations[-1].getopnum() == rop.FINISH:
        # xxx obscure
    for op in operations:
        if op.is_guard() and op.getdescr():
            if hasattr(op.getdescr(), '_debug_suboperations'):
                ops = op.getdescr()._debug_suboperations
                _list_all_operations(result, ops, omit_finish)

# ____________________________________________________________


class FrontendOp(AbstractResOp):
    type = 'v'
    _attrs_ = ('position_and_flags', )

    def __init__(self, pos):
        # p is the 32-bit position shifted left by one (might be negative,
        # but casted to the 32-bit UINT type)
        p = rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, pos << FO_POSITION_SHIFT)
        self.position_and_flags = r_uint(p)  # zero-extended to a full word

    def get_position(self):
Example #47
class AbstractResumeGuardDescr(ResumeDescr):
    _attrs_ = ('status', )

    status = r_uint(0)

    ST_BUSY_FLAG = 0x01  # if set, busy tracing from the guard
    ST_TYPE_MASK = 0x06  # mask for the type (TY_xxx)
    ST_SHIFT = 3  # in "status >> ST_SHIFT" is stored:
    # - if TY_NONE, the jitcounter hash directly
    # - otherwise, the guard_value failarg index
    ST_SHIFT_MASK = -(1 << ST_SHIFT)
    TY_NONE = 0x00
    TY_INT = 0x02
    TY_REF = 0x04
    TY_FLOAT = 0x06

    def get_resumestorage(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")

    def handle_fail(self, deadframe, metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd):
        if (self.must_compile(deadframe, metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd)
                and not rstack.stack_almost_full()):
                self._trace_and_compile_from_bridge(deadframe, metainterp_sd,
            from rpython.jit.metainterp.blackhole import resume_in_blackhole
            if isinstance(self, ResumeGuardCopiedDescr):
                resume_in_blackhole(metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd, self.prev,
                assert isinstance(self, ResumeGuardDescr)
                resume_in_blackhole(metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd, self,
        assert 0, "unreachable"

    def _trace_and_compile_from_bridge(self, deadframe, metainterp_sd,
        # 'jitdriver_sd' corresponds to the outermost one, i.e. the one
        # of the jit_merge_point where we started the loop, even if the
        # loop itself may contain temporarily recursion into other
        # jitdrivers.
        from rpython.jit.metainterp.pyjitpl import MetaInterp
        metainterp = MetaInterp(metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd)
        metainterp.handle_guard_failure(self, deadframe)

    _trace_and_compile_from_bridge._dont_inline_ = True

    def get_jitcounter_hash(self):
        return self.status & self.ST_SHIFT_MASK

    def must_compile(self, deadframe, metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd):
        jitcounter = metainterp_sd.warmrunnerdesc.jitcounter
        if self.status & (self.ST_BUSY_FLAG | self.ST_TYPE_MASK) == 0:
            # common case: this is not a guard_value, and we are not
            # already busy tracing.  The rest of self.status stores a
            # valid per-guard index in the jitcounter.
            hash = self.status
            assert hash == (self.status & self.ST_SHIFT_MASK)
        # do we have the BUSY flag?  If so, we're tracing right now, e.g. in an
        # outer invocation of the same function, so don't trace again for now.
        elif self.status & self.ST_BUSY_FLAG:
            return False
        else:  # we have a GUARD_VALUE that fails.
            from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import current_object_addr_as_int

            index = intmask(self.status >> self.ST_SHIFT)
            typetag = intmask(self.status & self.ST_TYPE_MASK)

            # fetch the actual value of the guard_value, possibly turning
            # it to an integer
            if typetag == self.TY_INT:
                intval = metainterp_sd.cpu.get_value_direct(
                    deadframe, 'i', index)
            elif typetag == self.TY_REF:
                refval = metainterp_sd.cpu.get_value_direct(
                    deadframe, 'r', index)
                intval = lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(refval)
            elif typetag == self.TY_FLOAT:
                floatval = metainterp_sd.cpu.get_value_direct(
                    deadframe, 'f', index)
                intval = longlong.gethash_fast(floatval)
                assert 0, typetag

            if not we_are_translated():
                if isinstance(intval, llmemory.AddressAsInt):
                    intval = llmemory.cast_adr_to_int(
                        llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(intval), "forced")

            hash = r_uint(
                current_object_addr_as_int(self) * 777767777 +
                intval * 1442968193)
        increment = jitdriver_sd.warmstate.increment_trace_eagerness
        return jitcounter.tick(hash, increment)

    def start_compiling(self):
        # start tracing and compiling from this guard.
        self.status |= self.ST_BUSY_FLAG

    def done_compiling(self):
        # done tracing and compiling from this guard.  Note that if the
        # bridge has not been successfully compiled, the jitcounter for
        # it was reset to 0 already by jitcounter.tick() and not
        # incremented at all as long as ST_BUSY_FLAG was set.
        self.status &= ~self.ST_BUSY_FLAG

    def compile_and_attach(self, metainterp, new_loop, orig_inputargs):
        # We managed to create a bridge.  Attach the new operations
        # to the corresponding guard_op and compile from there
        assert metainterp.resumekey_original_loop_token is not None
        new_loop.original_jitcell_token = metainterp.resumekey_original_loop_token
        inputargs = new_loop.inputargs
        if not we_are_translated():
            self._debug_subinputargs = new_loop.inputargs
            self._debug_suboperations = new_loop.operations
        send_bridge_to_backend(metainterp.jitdriver_sd, metainterp.staticdata,
                               self, inputargs, new_loop.operations,
        record_loop_or_bridge(metainterp.staticdata, new_loop)

    def make_a_counter_per_value(self, guard_value_op, index):
        assert guard_value_op.getopnum() == rop.GUARD_VALUE
        box = guard_value_op.getarg(0)
        if box.type == history.INT:
            ty = self.TY_INT
        elif box.type == history.REF:
            ty = self.TY_REF
        elif box.type == history.FLOAT:
            ty = self.TY_FLOAT
            assert 0, box.type
        self.status = ty | (r_uint(index) << self.ST_SHIFT)

    def store_hash(self, metainterp_sd):
        if metainterp_sd.warmrunnerdesc is not None:  # for tests
            jitcounter = metainterp_sd.warmrunnerdesc.jitcounter
            hash = jitcounter.fetch_next_hash()
            self.status = hash & self.ST_SHIFT_MASK
Example #48
def compile_form(form, ctx):
    if form is nil:

    if rt.satisfies_QMARK_(rt.ISeq.deref(), form) and form is not nil:
        form = macroexpand(form)
        return compile_cons(form, ctx)
    if isinstance(form, numbers.Integer):
    if isinstance(form, numbers.BigInteger):
    if isinstance(form, numbers.Float):
    if isinstance(form, numbers.Ratio):

    if isinstance(form, symbol.Symbol):
        name = rt.name(form)
        loc = resolve_local(ctx, name)
        if loc is None:
            var = resolve_var(ctx, form)

            if var is None:
                var = NS_VAR.deref().intern_or_make(name)


            meta = rt.meta(form)
            if meta is not nil:
                    ctx.bytecode)] = rt.interpreter_code_info(meta)


    if isinstance(form, Bool) or form is nil:

    if isinstance(form, Keyword):

    if isinstance(form, PersistentVector):
        vector_var = rt.vector()
        size = rt.count(form)
        #assert rt.count(form).int_val() == 0
        ctx.push_const(code.intern_var(u"pixie.stdlib", u"vector"))
        for x in range(size):
            compile_form(rt.nth(form, rt.wrap(x)), ctx)

        ctx.bytecode.append(r_uint(size + 1))

        compile_meta(rt.meta(form), ctx)


    if isinstance(form, PersistentHashSet):
        compile_set_literal(form, ctx)

    if rt.satisfies_QMARK_(rt.IMap.deref(), form):
        compile_map_literal(form, ctx)

    if isinstance(form, String):

    if isinstance(form, Character):

    raise Exception("Can't compile ")
Example #49
def bit_count(i):
    assert isinstance(i, r_uint)
    i = i - ((i >> 1) & r_uint(0x55555555))
    i = (i & r_uint(0x33333333)) + ((i >> 2) & r_uint(0x33333333))
    return (((i + (i >> 4) & r_uint(0xF0F0F0F)) * r_uint(0x1010101))
            & r_uint(0xffffffff)) >> 24
Example #50
 def __init__(self, idx):
     self.idx = r_uint(idx)
Example #51
 def store_pc(self, newpc):
     assert newpc >= 0, "trying to store pc < 0"
     assert newpc <= returned_pc, "trying to store pc > returned_pc"
     self._state_stackptr_pc = (self._get_state_stackptr_pc()
                                & pc_mask) | (r_uint(newpc) << pc_shift)
     assert self.pc() == newpc
Example #52
 def emit(self, ctx):
     assert 0 <= ctx.sp() - self.sp < 100000
     ctx.bytecode.append(r_uint(ctx.sp() - self.sp))
Example #53
        # From block-context

    def __init__(self):
        self.instances_w = None
        self._s_fallback = None
        self._w_home = None
        self._initialip = 0
        self._eargc = 0

state_mask = r_uint(0b00111111111111111111111111111111)
stackptr_mask = r_uint(0b11000000001111111111111111111111)
pc_mask = r_uint(0b11111111110000000000000000000000)
returned_pc = 0b00000000001111111111111111111111
state_shift = 30
stackptr_shift = 22
pc_shift = 0

class ContextPartShadow(AbstractStrategy):
    This Shadow handles the entire object storage on its own, ignoring the _storage
    field in W_PointersObject. The w_self parameter in fetch/store/size etc. is ignored,
    and the own_fetch/own_store/own_size methods from ShadowMixin should be used instead.
    This shadow can exist without a W_PointersObject.
    In order to integrate well with the RPython toolchain (virtualizables and jit), this
Example #54
 def mark(self, lbl):
     self.bytecode[lbl] = r_uint(len(self.bytecode)) - lbl
Example #55
# ~~~ NOTE ~~~
# The exact value returned by a function is NOT DEFINED. The returned value is
# IGNORED EVERYWHERE in RPython and the question "was_an_exception_raised()"
# is implemented by checking the content of the global exc_data.
# The only case in which the returned error value is significant is for
# llhelpers which can be called by 3rd-party C functions, such as e.g. the HPy
# API. In that case, the error value is specified by @llhelper_error_value.
# The following table defines the default error values to return, but in
# general the returned value is not guaranteed. The only case in which it is
# guaranteed is for functions decorated with @llhelper_error_value

PrimitiveErrorValue = {
    lltype.Signed: -1,
    lltype.Unsigned: r_uint(-1),
    lltype.SignedLongLong: r_longlong(-1),
    lltype.UnsignedLongLong: r_ulonglong(-1),
    lltype.Float: -1.0,
    lltype.SingleFloat: r_singlefloat(-1.0),
    lltype.LongFloat: r_longfloat(-1.0),
    lltype.Char: chr(255),
    lltype.UniChar: unichr(0xFFFF),  # XXX is this always right?
    lltype.Bool: True,
    llmemory.Address: llmemory.NULL,
    lltype.Void: None

for TYPE in rffi.NUMBER_TYPES:
    PrimitiveErrorValue[TYPE] = lltype.cast_primitive(TYPE, -1)
del TYPE
Example #56
 def label(self):
     lbl = len(self.bytecode)
     return lbl
Example #57
def debug_bridge(descr_number, rawstart, codeendpos):
    debug_print("bridge out of Guard 0x%x has address 0x%x to 0x%x" %
                (r_uint(descr_number), r_uint(rawstart),
                 r_uint(rawstart + codeendpos)))
Example #58
def wrap_uid(space, uid):
    if uid <= r_uint(sys.maxint):
        return space.newint(intmask(uid))
        return space.newint(uid)  # an unsigned number
Example #59
def read_uint_from_env(varname):
    value, factor = _read_float_and_factor_from_env(varname)
    return r_uint(value * factor)
Example #60
    def setup_once(self):
        # the address of the function called by 'new'
        gc_ll_descr = self.cpu.gc_ll_descr
        if hasattr(gc_ll_descr, 'minimal_size_in_nursery'):
            self.gc_minimal_size_in_nursery = gc_ll_descr.minimal_size_in_nursery
            self.gc_minimal_size_in_nursery = 0
        if hasattr(gc_ll_descr, 'gcheaderbuilder'):
            self.gc_size_of_header = gc_ll_descr.gcheaderbuilder.size_gc_header
            self.gc_size_of_header = WORD  # for tests
        self.memcpy_addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, memcpy_fn)
        self.memset_addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, memset_fn)
        self._build_failure_recovery(False, withfloats=False)
        self._build_failure_recovery(True, withfloats=False)
        self._build_wb_slowpath(False, for_frame=True)
        # only one of those
        if self.cpu.supports_floats:
            self._build_failure_recovery(False, withfloats=True)
            self._build_failure_recovery(True, withfloats=True)
            self._build_wb_slowpath(False, withfloats=True)
            self._build_wb_slowpath(True, withfloats=True)
        if gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_slowpath_addr is not None:
            # generate few slowpaths for various cases
            self.malloc_slowpath = self._build_malloc_slowpath(kind='fixed')
            self.malloc_slowpath_varsize = self._build_malloc_slowpath(
        if hasattr(gc_ll_descr, 'malloc_str'):
            self.malloc_slowpath_str = self._build_malloc_slowpath(kind='str')
            self.malloc_slowpath_str = None
        if hasattr(gc_ll_descr, 'malloc_unicode'):
            self.malloc_slowpath_unicode = self._build_malloc_slowpath(
            self.malloc_slowpath_unicode = None
        lst = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        lst[0] = self._build_cond_call_slowpath(False, False)
        lst[1] = self._build_cond_call_slowpath(False, True)
        if self.cpu.supports_floats:
            lst[2] = self._build_cond_call_slowpath(True, False)
            lst[3] = self._build_cond_call_slowpath(True, True)
        self.cond_call_slowpath = lst

        if not self._debug:
            # if self._debug is already set it means that someone called
            # set_debug by hand before initializing the assembler. Leave it
            # as it is
        # when finishing, we only have one value at [0], the rest dies
        self.gcmap_for_finish = lltype.malloc(jitframe.GCMAP,
        self.gcmap_for_finish[0] = r_uint(1)