Example #1
def rbigint_example():
    r1 = rbigint.fromint((1 << 63 - 1))
    r2 = rbigint.fromint(1 << 32)
    print r1.add(r2).str()
    print r1.sub(r2).str()
    print r1.mul(r2).str()
    print r1.div(r2).str()
    print r1.digit(1)    # Return the x'th digit, as an int
    r2.setdigit(1, 5)
    r3 = rbigint.fromstr("1234567890000")
    print r3.str()
    r4 = rbigint.fromstr("1234567890000", base=16)
    print r4.str()

    print r3.lt(r4)    # less than
Example #2
def _string_to_w_long(space, w_longtype, w_source, string, base=10):
        bigint = rbigint.fromstr(string, base)
    except ParseStringError as e:
        from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import wrap_parsestringerror
        raise wrap_parsestringerror(space, e, w_source)
    return newbigint(space, w_longtype, bigint)
Example #3
def parse_int(m):
    sign = 1
    if m.group(1) == u'-':
        sign = -1

    radix = 10

    if m.group(7):
        num = m.group(7)
    elif m.group(2):
        radix = 16
        num = m.group(3)
    elif m.group(4):
        radix = 8
        num = m.group(4)
    elif m.group(5):
        radix = int(m.group(5))
        num = m.group(6)
        return None

    if m.group(8):
        return rt.wrap(rbigint.fromstr(str(m.group(1) + num), radix))
        return rt.wrap(sign * int(str(num), radix))
Example #4
def random_bigint(max_size):
    from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint
    import random
    size = random.randrange(1, max_size)
    sign = random.choice([-1, 1])
    digits = "".join([random.choice("0123456789") for _ in range(size)])
    bignum = rbigint.fromstr(digits, base=10)
    return bignum.int_mul(sign)
Example #5
def random_bigint(max_size):
    from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint
    import random
    size = random.randrange(1, max_size)
    sign = random.choice([-1, 1])
    digits = "".join([random.choice("0123456789") for _ in range(size)])
    bignum = rbigint.fromstr(digits, base=10)
    return bignum.int_mul(sign)
Example #6
def atom(token):
    "Numbers become numbers; every other token is a symbol."
        return rbigint.fromstr(token).toint()
    except ParseStringError:
            return float(token)
        except ValueError:
            return Symbol(token)
Example #7
 def fromBytes(self, bs, ej):
     # Ruby-style underscores are legal here but can't be handled by
     # RPython, so remove them.
     bs = ''.join([c for c in bs if c != '_'])
         return rbigint.fromstr(bs, self.radix)
     except ParseStringError:
         throwStr(ej, u"_makeInt: Couldn't make int in radix %d from %s" %
             (self.radix, bytesToString(bs)))
Example #8
 def fromBytes(self, bs, ej):
     # Ruby-style underscores are legal here but can't be handled by
     # RPython, so remove them.
     bs = ''.join([c for c in bs if c != '_'])
         return rbigint.fromstr(bs, self.radix)
     except ParseStringError:
         throwStr(ej, u"_makeInt: Couldn't make int in radix %d from %s" %
             (self.radix, bytesToString(bs)))
Example #9
 def test_fromstr(self):
     from rpython.rlib.rstring import ParseStringError
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L').tolong() == 123
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L  ').tolong() == 123
     py.test.raises(ParseStringError, rbigint.fromstr, 'L')
     py.test.raises(ParseStringError, rbigint.fromstr, 'L  ')
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L', 4).tolong() == 27
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L', 30).tolong() == 27000 + 1800 + 90 + 21
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L', 22).tolong() == 10648 + 968 + 66 + 21
     assert rbigint.fromstr('123L', 21).tolong() == 441 + 42 + 3
     assert rbigint.fromstr('1891234174197319').tolong() == 1891234174197319
Example #10
 def exact_from_node(self, node, radix):
     s = node.token.source
     i = 0
     # Skip prefixes
     while s[i] == "#":
         i += 2
     s = s[i:]
     src_pos = self.make_src_pos(node)
         return kt.Fixnum(string_to_int(s, radix), src_pos)
     except rstring.ParseStringOverflowError:
         if radix == 10:
             bi = rbigint.fromdecimalstr(s)
             bi = rbigint.fromstr(s, radix)
         return kt.Bignum(bi, src_pos)
Example #11
 def _literal_integer(self, negate_value):
         i = int(self._text)
         if negate_value:
             i = 0 - i
         result = self._universe.new_integer(i)
     except ParseStringOverflowError:
         bigint = rbigint.fromstr(self._text)
         if negate_value:
             bigint.sign = -1
         result = self._universe.new_biginteger(bigint)
     except ValueError:
         raise ParseError("Could not parse integer. "
                          "Expected a number but got '%s'" % self._text,
                          Symbol.NONE, self)
     return result
Example #12
 def _literal_integer(self, negate_value):
         i = int(self._text)
         if negate_value:
             i = 0 - i
         result = self._universe.new_integer(i)
     except ParseStringOverflowError:
         bigint = rbigint.fromstr(self._text)
         if negate_value:
             bigint.sign = -1
         result = self._universe.new_biginteger(bigint)
     except ValueError:
         raise ParseError("Could not parse integer. "
                          "Expected a number but got '%s'" % self._text,
                          Symbol.NONE, self)
     return result
Example #13
def match_number(s):
    m = int_pat.match(s)
    if m:
        if m.group(2) is not None:
            if m.group(8) is not None:
                return bigint_zero
            return int_zero
        sign = -1 if m.group(1) == '-' else 1

        radix = 10
        n = m.group(3)
        if n is not None:
            radix = 10
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(4)
            if n is not None:
                radix = 16
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(5)
            if n is not None:
                radix = 8
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(7)
            if n is not None:
                radix = int(m.group(6))
        if n is None:
            return None

        bn = rbigint.fromstr(
            n, radix)  # throws rpython.rlib.rstring.InvalidBaseError
        bn.sign = sign

        if m.group(8) is not None:
            return wrap_bigint(bn)
        elif bn.bit_length() < LONG_BIT:
            return wrap_int(bn.toint())
            return wrap_bigint(bn)
        assert False, "TODO: implement other number types"

    return None
Example #14
def match_number(s):
    m = int_pat.match(s)
    if m:
        if m.group(2) is not None:
            if m.group(8) is not None:
                return bigint_zero
            return int_zero
        sign = -1 if m.group(1) == '-' else 1

        radix = 10
        n = m.group(3)
        if n is not None:
            radix = 10
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(4)
            if n is not None:
                radix = 16
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(5)
            if n is not None:
                radix = 8
        if n is None:
            n = m.group(7)
            if n is not None:
                radix = int(m.group(6))
        if n is None:
            return None

        bn = rbigint.fromstr(n, radix) # throws rpython.rlib.rstring.InvalidBaseError
        bn.sign = sign

        if m.group(8) is not None:
            return wrap_bigint(bn)
        elif bn.bit_length() < LONG_BIT:
            return wrap_int(bn.toint())
            return wrap_bigint(bn)
        assert False, "TODO: implement other number types"

    return None
Example #15
def _string_to_w_long(space, w_longtype, w_source, string, base=10):
        bigint = rbigint.fromstr(string, base)
    except ParseStringError as e:
        raise wrap_parsestringerror(space, e, w_source)
    return newbigint(space, w_longtype, bigint)
Example #16
def fromstr(s):
    return rbigint.fromstr(s)
Example #17
def _lex(tokens):
    """Given a Python list of unicodes that look roughly like tokens, lex
    them. Returns a Trifle exception if they aren't valid tokens.

    lexed_tokens = []

    for token in tokens:
        found_match = False
        for lexeme_name, regexp in LEXEMES:
            match = rsre_core.match(regexp, token)
            if match:
                found_match = True

                if lexeme_name == OPEN_PAREN:
                elif lexeme_name == CLOSE_PAREN:
                elif lexeme_name == OPEN_CURLY_PAREN:
                elif lexeme_name == CLOSE_CURLY_PAREN:

                elif lexeme_name == BOOLEAN:
                    if token == u'#true':
                elif lexeme_name == NULL_TYPE:
                elif lexeme_name == INTEGER:
                    integer_string = remove_char(token, "_")

                    # TODO: validate that the integer string is only numbers
                elif lexeme_name == FLOAT:
                    float_string = remove_char(token, "_")
                    except ValueError:
                        return TrifleExceptionInstance(
                            lex_failed, u"Invalid float: '%s'" % token)

                elif lexeme_name == FRACTION:
                    fraction_string = remove_char(token, "_")
                    fraction_parts = fraction_string.split('/')
                    numerator = fraction_parts[0]
                    denominator = fraction_parts[1]

                    # TODO: validate that the fraction string is only numbers
                    numerator = RBigInt.fromstr(numerator)
                    denominator = RBigInt.fromstr(denominator)

                    if denominator.eq(RBigInt.fromint(0)):
                        return TrifleExceptionInstance(
                            u"Can't have fraction denominator of zero: '%s'" % token)

                    fraction = Fraction(numerator, denominator)

                    if fraction.denominator.eq(RBigInt.fromint(1)):

                elif lexeme_name == SYMBOL:
                elif lexeme_name == KEYWORD:
                    # todoc
                elif lexeme_name == BYTESTRING:
                    string_end = match.match_end - 2

                    # This is always true, but RPython doesn't support
                    # negative indexes on slices and can't prove the
                    # slice is non-negative.
                    if string_end >= 0:
                        contents = token[8:string_end]
                        # Unreachable.
                        contents = u""

                elif lexeme_name == STRING:
                    string_end = match.match_end - 1

                    # This is always true, but RPython doesn't support
                    # negative indexes on slices and can't prove the
                    # slice is non-negative.
                    if string_end >= 0:
                        string_contents = token[1:string_end]

                        lexed_tokens.append(String(unescape_chars(string_contents, u'"')))
                elif lexeme_name == CHARACTER:

                    # TODO: use unescape_chars
                    if token == u"'\\n'":
                    elif token == u"'\\\\'":
                    elif token == u"'\\''":
                    assert False, u"Unrecognised token '%s'" % token

        if not found_match:
            return TrifleExceptionInstance(
                lex_failed, u"Could not lex token: '%s'" % token)

    return List(lexed_tokens)
Example #18
 def test_fromstr_hypothesis(self, l):
     assert rbigint.fromstr(str(l)).tolong() == l
Example #19
def read_obj(rdr):
    tag = read_tag(rdr)

    if tag == INT:
        return Integer(intmask(read_raw_integer(rdr)))
    elif tag == BIGINT:
        return BigInteger(read_raw_bigint(rdr))
    elif tag == CODE:
        return read_code(rdr)
    elif tag == NIL:
        return nil
    elif tag == VAR:
        return read_var(rdr)
    elif tag == STRING:
        return String(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == KEYWORD:
        return keyword(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == SYMBOL:
        return symbol(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == LINE_PROMISE:
        lp = LinePromise()
        lp._chrs = None
        lp._str = read_raw_string(rdr)
        return lp
    elif tag == MAP:
        return read_map(rdr)
    elif tag == TRUE:
        return true
    elif tag == FALSE:
        return false
    elif tag == NIL:
        return nil
    elif tag == VECTOR:
        return read_vector(rdr)
    elif tag == SEQ:
        return read_seq(rdr)
    elif tag == FLOAT:
        return read_float(rdr)
    elif tag == NAMESPACE:
        return read_namespace(rdr)
    elif tag == INT_STRING:
        return Integer(int(read_raw_string(rdr)))
    elif tag == BIGINT_STRING:
        return BigInteger(rbigint.fromstr(str(read_raw_string(rdr))))

    elif tag == NEW_CACHED_OBJ:
        return rdr.read_and_cache()
    elif tag == CACHED_OBJ:
        return rdr.read_cached_obj()

    elif tag == EOF:
        from pixie.vm.reader import eof

        return eof

    elif tag == CODE_INFO:
        return read_interpreter_code_info(rdr)

    elif tag == TAGGED:
        tp_name = read_raw_string(rdr)
        tp = get_type_by_name(tp_name)
        handler = read_handlers.get(tp, None)
        if handler is None:
            runtime_error(u"No type handler for " + tp_name)

        obj = read_obj(rdr)
        return handler.invoke([obj])
        runtime_error(u"No dispatch for bytecode: " + unicode(tag_name[tag]))

    return nil
Example #20
def number(p):
    number_str = filtered_str(p[0].getstr())
    number_int = rbigint.fromstr(number_str)
    return datatype.Number(number_int)
Example #21
def read_obj(rdr):
    tag = read_tag(rdr)

    if tag == INT:
        return Integer(intmask(read_raw_integer(rdr)))
    elif tag == BIGINT:
        return BigInteger(read_raw_bigint(rdr))
    elif tag == CODE:
        return read_code(rdr)
    elif tag == NIL:
        return nil
    elif tag == VAR:
        return read_var(rdr)
    elif tag == STRING:
        return String(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == KEYWORD:
        return keyword(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == SYMBOL:
        return symbol(read_raw_string(rdr))
    elif tag == LINE_PROMISE:
        lp = LinePromise()
        lp._chrs = None
        lp._str = read_raw_string(rdr)
        return lp
    elif tag == MAP:
        return read_map(rdr)
    elif tag == TRUE:
        return true
    elif tag == FALSE:
        return false
    elif tag == NIL:
        return nil
    elif tag == VECTOR:
        return read_vector(rdr)
    elif tag == SEQ:
        return read_seq(rdr)
    elif tag == FLOAT:
        return read_float(rdr)
    elif tag == NAMESPACE:
        return read_namespace(rdr)
    elif tag == INT_STRING:
        return Integer(int(read_raw_string(rdr)))
    elif tag == BIGINT_STRING:
        return BigInteger(rbigint.fromstr(str(read_raw_string(rdr))))

    elif tag == NEW_CACHED_OBJ:
        return rdr.read_and_cache()
    elif tag == CACHED_OBJ:
        return rdr.read_cached_obj()

    elif tag == EOF:
        from pixie.vm.reader import eof
        return eof

    elif tag == CODE_INFO:
        return read_interpreter_code_info(rdr)

    elif tag == TAGGED:
        tp_name = read_raw_string(rdr)
        tp = get_type_by_name(tp_name)
        handler = read_handlers.get(tp, None)
        if handler is None:
            runtime_error(u"No type handler for " + tp_name)

        obj = read_obj(rdr)
        return handler.invoke([obj])
        runtime_error(u"No dispatch for bytecode: " + unicode(tag_name[tag]))

    return nil
Example #22
def entry_point(argv):
        All benchmarks are run using --opt=2 and minimark gc (default).
        Benchmark changes:
        2**N is a VERY heavy operation in default pypy, default to 10 million instead of 500,000 used like an hour to finish.
        A cutout with some benchmarks.
        Pypy default:
        mod by 2:  7.978181
        mod by 10000:  4.016121
        mod by 1024 (power of two):  3.966439
        Div huge number by 2**128: 2.906821
        rshift: 2.444589
        lshift: 2.500746
        Floordiv by 2: 4.431134
        Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 4.404396
        2**500000: 23.206724
        (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 13.886118
        10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 8.464378
        i = i * i: 10.121505
        n**10000 (not power of two): 16.296989
        Power of two ** power of two: 2.224125
        v = v * power of two 12.228391
        v = v * v 17.119933
        v = v + v 6.489957
        Sum:  142.686547
        Pypy with improvements:
        mod by 2:  0.007059
        mod by 10000:  3.204295
        mod by 1024 (power of two):  0.009401
        Div huge number by 2**128: 1.368511
        rshift: 2.345295
        lshift: 1.339761
        Floordiv by 2: 1.532028
        Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 4.005607
        2**500000: 0.033466
        (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 0.047093
        10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 1.207310
        i = i * i: 3.998161
        n**10000 (not power of two): 6.323250
        Power of two ** power of two: 0.013258
        v = v * power of two 3.567459
        v = v * v 6.316683
        v = v + v 2.757308
        Sum:  38.075946

        # Notice: This is slightly old!
        With SUPPORT_INT128 set to False
        mod by 2:  0.004103
        mod by 10000:  3.237434
        mod by 1024 (power of two):  0.016363
        Div huge number by 2**128: 2.836237
        rshift: 2.343860
        lshift: 1.172665
        Floordiv by 2: 1.537474
        Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 3.796015
        2**500000: 0.327269
        (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 0.084709
        10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 2.063215
        i = i * i: 8.109634
        n**10000 (not power of two): 11.243292
        Power of two ** power of two: 0.072559
        v = v * power of two 9.753532
        v = v * v 13.569841
        v = v + v 5.760466
        Sum:  65.928667

    sumTime = 0.0

    V2 = rbigint.fromint(2)
    num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(100000000), rbigint.fromint(1024))
    t = time()
    for n in xrange(600000):
        rbigint.mod(num, V2)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "mod by 2: ", _time

    by = rbigint.fromint(10000)
    t = time()
    for n in xrange(300000):
        rbigint.mod(num, by)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "mod by 10000: ", _time

    V1024 = rbigint.fromint(1024)
    t = time()
    for n in xrange(300000):
        rbigint.mod(num, V1024)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "mod by 1024 (power of two): ", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(100000000), rbigint.fromint(1024))
    by = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(2), rbigint.fromint(128))
    for n in xrange(80000):
        rbigint.divmod(num, by)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "Div huge number by 2**128:", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(1000000000)
    for n in xrange(160000000):
        rbigint.rshift(num, 16)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "rshift:", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(1000000000)
    for n in xrange(160000000):
        rbigint.lshift(num, 4)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "lshift:", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(100000000)
    for n in xrange(80000000):
        rbigint.floordiv(num, V2)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "Floordiv by 2:", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(100000000)
    V3 = rbigint.fromint(3)
    for n in xrange(80000000):
        rbigint.floordiv(num, V3)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "Floordiv by 3 (not power of two):", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(500000)
    for n in xrange(10000):
        rbigint.pow(V2, num)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "2**500000:", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.fromint(5000000)
    for n in xrange(31):
        rbigint.pow(rbigint.pow(V2, rbigint.fromint(n)), num)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "(2**N)**5000000 (power of two):", _time

    t = time()
    num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(10000), rbigint.fromint(2**8))
    P10_4 = rbigint.fromint(10**4)
    V100 = rbigint.fromint(100)
    for n in xrange(60000):
        rbigint.pow(P10_4, num, V100)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "10000 ** BIGNUM % 100", _time

    t = time()
    i = rbigint.fromint(2**31)
    i2 = rbigint.fromint(2**31)
    for n in xrange(75000):
        i = i.mul(i2)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "i = i * i:", _time

    t = time()

    for n in xrange(10000):
        rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(n), P10_4)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "n**10000 (not power of two):", _time

    t = time()
    for n in xrange(100000):
        rbigint.pow(V1024, V1024)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "Power of two ** power of two:", _time

    t = time()
    v = rbigint.fromint(2)
    P62 = rbigint.fromint(2**62)
    for n in xrange(50000):
        v = v.mul(P62)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "v = v * power of two", _time

    t = time()
    v2 = rbigint.fromint(2**8)
    for n in xrange(28):
        v2 = v2.mul(v2)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "v = v * v", _time

    t = time()
    v3 = rbigint.fromint(2**62)
    for n in xrange(500000):
        v3 = v3.add(v3)

    _time = time() - t
    sumTime += _time
    print "v = v + v", _time

    x = rbigint.fromstr("13579246801357924680135792468013579246801")
    y = rbigint.fromstr(
    t = time()
    for i in range(5000):
        x = x.int_mul(2).int_add(1)
    _time = time() - t
    print "gcd", _time

    sumTime += _time

    print "Sum: ", sumTime

    return 0
Example #23
def _string_to_w_long(space, w_longtype, w_source, string, base=10):
        bigint = rbigint.fromstr(string, base)
    except ParseStringError as e:
        raise wrap_parsestringerror(space, e, w_source)
    return newbigint(space, w_longtype, bigint)
Example #24
def string_to_w_long(space, w_longtype, s, base=10):
        bigint = rbigint.fromstr(s, base)
    except ParseStringError, e:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(e.msg))
Example #25
def string_to_w_long(space, w_longtype, s, base=10):
        bigint = rbigint.fromstr(s, base)
    except ParseStringError, e:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,