Example #1
    def test_unroll_issue_3(self):

        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        b_erase, b_unerase = new_erasing_pair("B")  # list of ints
        c_erase, c_unerase = new_erasing_pair("C")  # list of Nones

        def unpack_b(a):
            return b_unerase(a)

        jitdriver = JitDriver(greens=[], reds='auto')

        def f(a, flag):
            i = 0
            total = 0
            while i < 10:
                if flag:
                    total += unpack_b(a)[0]
                    flag += 1
                i += 1
            return total

        def run(n):
            res = f(b_erase([n]), 1)
            f(c_erase([None]), 0)
            return res

        assert run(42) == 420
        res = self.meta_interp(run, [42], backendopt=True)
        assert res == 420
Example #2
    def test_boxed_unerased_pointers_in_short_preamble(self):
        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype
        class A(object):
            def __init__(self, val):
                self.val = val
            def tst(self):
                return self.val

        class Box(object):
            def __init__(self, val):
                self.val = val

        erase_A, unerase_A = new_erasing_pair('A')
        erase_TP, unerase_TP = new_erasing_pair('TP')
        TP = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
        myjitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['n', 'm', 'i', 'sa', 'p'])
        def f(n, m):
            i = sa = 0
            p = Box(erase_A(A(7)))
            while i < n:
                myjitdriver.jit_merge_point(n=n, m=m, i=i, sa=sa, p=p)
                if i < m:
                    sa += unerase_A(p.val).tst()
                elif i == m:
                    a = lltype.malloc(TP, 5)
                    a[0] = 42
                    p = Box(erase_TP(a))
                    sa += unerase_TP(p.val)[0]
                sa -= A(i).val
                i += 1
            return sa
        res = self.meta_interp(f, [20, 10])
        assert res == f(20, 10)
Example #3
    def test_unroll_issue_3(self):

        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        b_erase, b_unerase = new_erasing_pair("B")    # list of ints
        c_erase, c_unerase = new_erasing_pair("C")    # list of Nones

        def unpack_b(a):
            return b_unerase(a)

        jitdriver = JitDriver(greens=[], reds='auto')

        def f(a, flag):
            i = 0
            total = 0
            while i < 10:
                if flag:
                    total += unpack_b(a)[0]
                    flag += 1
                i += 1
            return total

        def run(n):
            res = f(b_erase([n]), 1)
            f(c_erase([None]), 0)
            return res

        assert run(42) == 420
        res = self.meta_interp(run, [42], backendopt=True)
        assert res == 420
Example #4
    def test_unerased_pointers_in_short_preamble(self):
        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype

        class A(object):
            def __init__(self, val):
                self.val = val

        erase_A, unerase_A = new_erasing_pair('A')
        erase_TP, unerase_TP = new_erasing_pair('TP')
        TP = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
        myjitdriver = JitDriver(greens=[],
                                reds=['n', 'm', 'i', 'j', 'sa', 'p'])

        def f(n, m, j):
            i = sa = 0
            p = erase_A(A(7))
            while i < n:
                myjitdriver.jit_merge_point(n=n, m=m, i=i, j=j, sa=sa, p=p)
                if i < m:
                    sa += unerase_A(p).val
                elif i == m:
                    a = lltype.malloc(TP, 5)
                    a[0] = 42
                    p = erase_TP(a)
                    sa += unerase_TP(p)[0]
                sa += A(i).val
                assert n > 0 and m > 0
                i += j
            return sa

        res = self.meta_interp(f, [20, 10, 1])
        assert res == f(20, 10, 1)
Example #5
    def define_erased(cls):
        from rpython.rlib import rerased
        erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("test")
        class Unrelated(object):

        u = Unrelated()
        u.tagged = True
        u.x = rerased.erase_int(41)
        class A(object):
        def fn():
            n = 1
            while n >= 0:
                if u.tagged:
                    n = rerased.unerase_int(u.x)
                    a = A()
                    a.n = n - 1
                    u.x = erase(a)
                    u.tagged = False
                    n = unerase(u.x).n
                    u.x = rerased.erase_int(n - 1)
                    u.tagged = True
        def func():
            rgc.collect() # check that a prebuilt erased integer doesn't explode
            u.x = rerased.erase_int(1000)
            u.tagged = True
            return 1
        return func
Example #6
class FlonumVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("flonum-vector-strategy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_vector, w_obj):
        return isinstance(w_obj, W_Flonum)

    def wrap(self, val):
        assert isinstance(val, float)
        return W_Flonum(val)

    def unwrap(self, w_val):
        assert isinstance(w_val, W_Flonum)
        return w_val.value

    def immutable_variant(self):
        return FlonumImmutableVectorStrategy.singleton

    def dehomogenize(self, w_vector, hint):
        if type(hint) is W_Fixnum and can_encode_int32(hint.value):
            new_strategy = FlonumTaggedVectorStrategy.singleton
            VectorStrategy.dehomogenize(self, w_vector, hint)
Example #7
class DoubleFormStrategy(FormStrategy):

    def __init__(self):
        self.name = String(u"double")

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("double_form")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def wrap(self, raw):
        return Float(raw)
    def unwrap(self, obj):
        return cast(obj, Float, u"numeric (double form strategy)").number

    def add(self, a_n, b_n):
        a = self.unerase(a_n.storage)
        b = self.unerase(b_n.storage)
        if len(a) != len(b):
            raise unwind(LError(u"incompatible numerics for arithmetic"))
        c = []
        for i in range(len(a)):
            c.append(a[i] + b[i])
        return Numeric(self, self.erase(c[:]))
Example #8
    def test_opaque_list(self):
        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test_opaque_list")

        def fn(n, ca, cb):
            l1 = [n]
            l2 = [n]
            a1 = erase(l1)
            a2 = erase(l1)
            a = a1
            if ca:
                a = a2
                if n < -100:
            b = a1
            if cb:
                b = a
            return unerase(a)[0] + unerase(b)[0]

        res = self.interp_operations(fn, [7, 0, 1])
        assert res == 7 * 2
        res = self.interp_operations(fn, [-7, 1, 1])
        assert res == -7 * 2
Example #9
 def test_opaque_list(self):
     from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
     erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test_opaque_list")
     def fn(n, ca, cb):
         l1 = [n]
         l2 = [n]
         a1 = erase(l1)
         a2 = erase(l1)
         a = a1
         if ca:
             a = a2
             if n < -100:
         b = a1
         if cb:
             b = a
         return unerase(a)[0] + unerase(b)[0]
     res = self.interp_operations(fn, [7, 0, 1])
     assert res == 7 * 2
             getfield_gc_i=0, getfield_gc_r=0)
     res = self.interp_operations(fn, [-7, 1, 1])
     assert res == -7 * 2
             getfield_gc_i=0, getfield_gc_r=0)
Example #10
class ObjectFormStrategy(FormStrategy):

    # I am planning to add shape of the numeric into the strategy and
    # store a table of used strategies with their associated shape.
    # That should allow JIT to optimize common shapes encountered?
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = String(u"object")

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("object_form")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def wrap(self, raw):
        return raw

    def unwrap(self, obj):
        return obj

    def add(self, a_n, b_n):
        a = self.unerase(a_n.storage)
        b = self.unerase(b_n.storage)
        if len(a) != len(b):
            raise unwind(LError(u"incompatible numerics for arithmetic"))
        c = []
        for i in range(len(a)):
            c.append(operators.add.call([a[i], b[i]]))
        return Numeric(self, self.erase(c[:]))
Example #11
class ConstantVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):
    # Strategy desribing a vector whose contents are all the same object.

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("constant-vector-strategy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_vector, w_obj):
        from pycket.prims.equal import eqp_logic
        val = self._storage(w_vector)[0]
        return eqp_logic(val, w_obj)

    def create_storage_for_element(self, element, times):
        return self.erase([element])

    def _ref(self, w_vector, i):
        return self._storage(w_vector)[0]

    def _set(self, w_vector, i, w_val):
        if not we_are_translated():
            from pycket.prims.equal import eqp_logic
            self.indexcheck(w_vector, i)
            assert eqp_logic(w_val, self._storage(w_vector)[0])

    def immutable_variant(self):
        return ConstantImmutableVectorStrategy.singleton

    def ref_all(self, w_vector):
        val = self._storage(w_vector)[0]
        return [val] * w_vector.length()

    def dehomogenize(self, w_vector, hint):
        val = self._storage(w_vector)[0]
        len = w_vector.length()
        hinttype = type(hint)
        valtype = type(val)
        if not len:
            newstrategy = ObjectVectorStrategy.singleton
        elif hinttype is valtype:
            if valtype is W_Fixnum:
                newstrategy = FixnumVectorStrategy.singleton
            elif valtype is W_Flonum:
                newstrategy = FlonumVectorStrategy.singleton
                newstrategy = ObjectVectorStrategy.singleton
        elif hinttype is W_Flonum and valtype is W_Fixnum and can_encode_int32(
            newstrategy = FlonumTaggedVectorStrategy.singleton
            newstrategy = ObjectVectorStrategy.singleton
        storage = newstrategy.create_storage_for_element(val, len)
Example #12
    def test_unroll_issue_2(self):

        class B(object):
            def __init__(self, b_value):
                self.b_value = b_value

        class C(object):

        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        b_erase, b_unerase = new_erasing_pair("B")
        c_erase, c_unerase = new_erasing_pair("C")

        def unpack_b(a):
            return b_unerase(a)

        jitdriver = JitDriver(greens=[], reds='auto')

        def f(a, flag):
            i = 0
            total = 0
            while i < 10:
                if flag:
                    total += unpack_b(a).b_value
                    flag += 1
                i += 1
            return total

        def run(n):
            res = f(b_erase(B(n)), 1)
            f(c_erase(C()), 0)
            return res

        assert run(42) == 420
        res = self.meta_interp(run, [42], backendopt=True)
        assert res == 420
Example #13
    def test_unroll_issue_2(self):

        class B(object):
            def __init__(self, b_value):
                self.b_value = b_value
        class C(object):

        from rpython.rlib.rerased import new_erasing_pair
        b_erase, b_unerase = new_erasing_pair("B")
        c_erase, c_unerase = new_erasing_pair("C")

        def unpack_b(a):
            return b_unerase(a)

        jitdriver = JitDriver(greens=[], reds='auto')

        def f(a, flag):
            i = 0
            total = 0
            while i < 10:
                if flag:
                    total += unpack_b(a).b_value
                    flag += 1
                i += 1
            return total

        def run(n):
            res = f(b_erase(B(n)), 1)
            f(c_erase(C()), 0)
            return res

        assert run(42) == 420
        res = self.meta_interp(run, [42], backendopt=True)
        assert res == 420
Example #14
 def __new__(self, name, bases, attrs):
     attrs['_is_strategy'] = False
     attrs['_is_singleton'] = False
     attrs['_specializations'] = []
     # Not every strategy uses rerased-pairs, but they won't hurt
     erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair(name)
     def get_storage(self, w_self):
         erased = self.strategy_factory().get_storage(w_self)
         return unerase(erased)
     def set_storage(self, w_self, storage):
         erased = erase(storage)
         self.strategy_factory().set_storage(w_self, erased)
     attrs['get_storage'] = get_storage
     attrs['set_storage'] = set_storage
     return type.__new__(self, name, bases, attrs)
Example #15
 def __new__(self, name, bases, attrs):
     attrs['_is_strategy'] = False
     attrs['_is_singleton'] = False
     attrs['_specializations'] = []
     # Not every strategy uses rerased-pairs, but they won't hurt
     erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair(name)
     def get_storage(self, w_self):
         erased = self.strategy_factory().get_storage(w_self)
         return unerase(erased)
     def set_storage(self, w_self, storage):
         erased = erase(storage)
         self.strategy_factory().set_storage(w_self, erased)
     attrs['get_storage'] = get_storage
     attrs['set_storage'] = set_storage
     return type.__new__(self, name, bases, attrs)
Example #16
class W_Immutable_PointersObject(W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject):
    """`W_PointersObject` subclass with immutable storage of variable size."""
    _immutable_fields_ = ['_storage[*]']
    repr_classname = '%s_Immutable_N' % W_PointersObject.repr_classname
    erase, unerase = map(staticmethod,

    def __init__(self, space, w_cls, pointers_w):
        W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject.__init__(self, space, w_cls)
        self._storage = self.erase(pointers_w)

    def size(self):
        return len(self.unerase(self._storage))

    def fetch(self, space, n0):
        return self.unerase(self._storage)[n0]
Example #17
class CharacterVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("character-vector-strategy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_obj):
        return isinstance(w_obj, W_Character)

    def wrap(self, val):
        return W_Character(val)

    def unwrap(self, w_val):
        assert isinstance(w_val, W_Character)
        return w_val.value
Example #18
class FlonumVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("flonum-vector-strategry")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_obj):
        return isinstance(w_obj, W_Flonum)

    def wrap(self, val):
        assert isinstance(val, float)
        return W_Flonum(val)

    def unwrap(self, w_val):
        assert isinstance(w_val, W_Flonum)
        return w_val.value
Example #19
class DictProxyStrategy(DictStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("dictproxy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def __init__(w_self, space):
        DictStrategy.__init__(w_self, space)

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_true(space.issubtype(w_lookup_type, space.w_unicode)):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.str_w(w_key))
            return None

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).getdictvalue(self.space, key)

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_unicode):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, self.space.str_w(w_key), w_value)
            raise OperationError(
                space.wrap("cannot add non-string keys to dict of a type"))

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        w_type = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
            w_type.setdictvalue(self.space, key, w_value)
        except OperationError, e:
            if not e.match(self.space, self.space.w_TypeError):
            if not w_type.is_cpytype():
            # Allow cpyext to write to type->tp_dict even in the case
            # of a builtin type.
            # Like CPython, we assume that this is only done early
            # after the type is created, and we don't invalidate any
            # cache.  User code shoud call PyType_Modified().
            w_type.dict_w[key] = w_value
Example #20
class ObjectVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("object-vector-strategry")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def wrap(self, obj):
        return obj

    def unwrap(self, w_obj):
        return w_obj

    def is_correct_type(self, w_obj):
        return True

    def create_storage_for_elements(self, elements_w):
        return self.erase(elements_w)

    def dehomogenize(self, w_vector):
        assert 0  # should be unreachable because is_correct_type is always True
Example #21
class DictProxyStrategy(DictStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("dictproxy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def __init__(w_self, space):
        DictStrategy.__init__(w_self, space)

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if (space.is_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_str) or  # Most common path first
                space.abstract_issubclass_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_str)):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.str_w(w_key))
        elif space.abstract_issubclass_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_unicode):
                w_key = space.str(w_key)
            except OperationError, e:
                if not e.match(space, space.w_UnicodeEncodeError):
                # non-ascii unicode is never equal to a byte string
                return None
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.str_w(w_key))
Example #22
class FixnumVectorStrategy(VectorStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("fixnum-vector-strategy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_vector, w_obj):
        return isinstance(w_obj, W_Fixnum)

    def wrap(self, val):
        assert isinstance(val, int)
        return W_Fixnum(val)

    def unwrap(self, w_val):
        assert isinstance(w_val, W_Fixnum)
        return w_val.value

    def immutable_variant(self):
        return FixnumImmutableVectorStrategy.singleton

    def ref_all(self, w_vector):
        unwrapped = self._storage(w_vector)
        return [W_Fixnum.make_or_interned(i) for i in unwrapped]
Example #23
class ClassDictStrategy(DictStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("dictproxy")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def __init__(self, space):
        DictStrategy.__init__(self, space)

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if (space.is_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_text)
                or  # Most common path first
                space.abstract_issubclass_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_text)):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key))
        elif space.abstract_issubclass_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_unicode):
                w_key = space.str(w_key)
            except OperationError as e:
                if not e.match(space, space.w_UnicodeEncodeError):
                # non-ascii unicode is never equal to a byte string
                return None
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key))
            return None

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).getdictvalue(self.space, key)

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_text):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, self.space.text_w(w_key), w_value)
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                        "cannot add non-string keys to dict of a type")

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        w_type = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
            w_type.setdictvalue(self.space, key, w_value)
        except OperationError as e:
            if not e.match(self.space, self.space.w_TypeError):
            if not w_type.is_cpytype():
            # Allow cpyext to write to type->tp_dict even in the case
            # of a builtin type.
            # Like CPython, we assume that this is only done early
            # after the type is created, and we don't invalidate any
            # cache.  User code shoud call PyType_Modified().
            w_type.dict_w[key] = w_value

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        w_result = self.getitem(w_dict, w_key)
        if w_result is not None:
            return w_result
        self.setitem(w_dict, w_key, w_default)
        return w_default

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_key_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_key_type, space.w_text):
            key = self.space.text_w(w_key)
            if not self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).deldictvalue(space, key):
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

    def length(self, w_dict):
        return len(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w)

    def w_keys(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        return space.newlist_text(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w.keys())

    def values(self, w_dict):
        return [
            unwrap_cell(self.space, w_value)
            for w_value in self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w.itervalues()

    def items(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        return [
                            unwrap_cell(self.space, w_value))
            for (key,
                 w_value) in self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w.iteritems()

    def clear(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        w_type = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        if not w_type.is_heaptype():
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                        "can't clear dictionary of type '%N'", w_type)

    def getiterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w.iterkeys()

    def getitervalues(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w.itervalues()

    def getiteritems_with_hash(self, w_dict):
        return iteritems_with_hash(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).dict_w)

    def wrapkey(space, key):
        return space.newtext(key)

    def wrapvalue(space, value):
        return unwrap_cell(space, value)
Example #24
class _ObjectStrategy(_ArrayStrategy):

    _erase, _unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("obj_list")
    _erase   = staticmethod(_erase)
    _unerase = staticmethod(_unerase)

    def get_idx(self, storage, idx):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return store[idx]

    def set_idx(self, array, idx, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        store[idx] = value

    def set_all(self, array, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        assert isinstance(value, AbstractObject)

        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        # TODO: we could avoid an allocation here if value isn't something to specialize for...
        self._set_all_with_value(array, value, len(store))

    def set_all_with_block(self, array, block):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)

        # TODO: perhaps we can sometimes avoid the extra allocation of the underlying storage
        self._set_all_with_block(array, block, len(store))

    def as_arguments_array(self, storage):
        return self._unerase(storage)

    def get_size(self, storage):
        return len(self._unerase(storage))

    def new_storage_for(size):
        return _ObjectStrategy._erase([nilObject] * size)

    def new_storage_with_values(values):
        assert isinstance(values, list)
        return _ObjectStrategy._erase(values)

    def copy(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(store[:]), _obj_strategy)

    def copy_and_extend_with(self, storage, value):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        old_size = len(store)
        new_size = old_size + 1

        new = [None] * new_size

        for i, _ in enumerate(store):
            new[i] = store[i]

        new[old_size]  = value

        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(new), _obj_strategy)
Example #25
import weakref, sys

from rpython.rlib import jit, objectmodel, debug, rerased
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint

from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
from pypy.objspace.std.dictmultiobject import (
    W_DictMultiObject, DictStrategy, ObjectDictStrategy, BaseKeyIterator,
    BaseValueIterator, BaseItemIterator, _never_equal_to_string,
from pypy.objspace.std.typeobject import MutableCell

erase_item, unerase_item = rerased.new_erasing_pair("mapdict storage item")
erase_map,  unerase_map = rerased.new_erasing_pair("map")
erase_list, unerase_list = rerased.new_erasing_pair("mapdict storage list")

# ____________________________________________________________
# attribute shapes

# note: we use "x * NUM_DIGITS_POW2" instead of "x << NUM_DIGITS" because
# we want to propagate knowledge that the result cannot be negative

class AbstractAttribute(object):
    _immutable_fields_ = ['terminator']
    cache_attrs = None
Example #26

class LoopHandle(Object):
    A handle.

    def __init__(self, handle):
        self.handle = handle

def walkCB(handle, erased):
    l = uneraseList(erased)

eraseList, uneraseList = new_erasing_pair("handleList")

class LoopStats(Object):
    Information about the event loop.

    This object is unsafe because it refers directly to the (read-only) vital
    statistics of the runtime's reactor.

    def __init__(self, loop):
        self.loop = loop

    def getHandles(self):
Example #27
class _LongStrategy(_ArrayStrategy):

    _erase, _unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("int_list")
    _erase   = staticmethod(_erase)
    _unerase = staticmethod(_unerase)

    def get_idx(self, storage, idx):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        assert isinstance(store, list)
        assert isinstance(store[idx], int)
        return Integer(store[idx])

    def set_idx(self, array, idx, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        if isinstance(value, Integer):
            store = self._unerase(array._storage)
            store[idx] = value.get_embedded_integer()
            self._transition_to_object_array(array, idx, value)

    def _transition_to_object_array(self, array, idx, value):
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        new_store = [None] * len(store)
        for i, v in enumerate(store):
            new_store[i] = Integer(v)

        new_store[idx] = value
        array._storage = _ObjectStrategy.new_storage_with_values(new_store)
        array._strategy = _obj_strategy

    def set_all(self, array, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)

        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        self._set_all_with_value(array, value, len(store))

        # we could avoid the allocation of the new array if value is an Integer
        # for i, _ in enumerate(store):
        #     store[i] = value.get_embedded_integer()

    def set_all_with_block(self, array, block):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)

        # TODO: perhaps we can sometimes avoid the extra allocation of the underlying storage
        self._set_all_with_block(array, block, len(store))

    def as_arguments_array(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return [Integer(v) for v in store]

    def get_size(self, storage):
        return len(self._unerase(storage))

    def new_storage_for(size):
        return _LongStrategy._erase([0] * size)

    def new_storage_with_values(values):
        assert isinstance(values, list)
        # TODO: do we guarantee this externally?
        new = [v.get_embedded_integer() for v in values]
        return _LongStrategy._erase(new)

    def copy(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(store[:]), _long_strategy)

    def copy_and_extend_with(self, storage, value):
        assert isinstance(value, Integer)
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        old_size = len(store)
        new_size = old_size + 1

        new = [0] * new_size

        for i, v in enumerate(store):
            new[i] = v

        new[old_size]  = value.get_embedded_integer()

        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(new), _long_strategy)
Example #28
class ModuleDictStrategy(DictStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("modulecell")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    _immutable_fields_ = ["version?"]

    def __init__(self, space):
        self.space = space
        self.version = VersionTag()

    def get_empty_storage(self):
        return self.erase({})

    def mutated(self):
        self.version = VersionTag()

    def getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(self, w_dict, key):
        # NB: it's important to promote self here, so that self.version is a
        # no-op due to the quasi-immutable field
        self = jit.promote(self)
        return self._getdictvalue_no_unwrapping_pure(self.version, w_dict, key)

    def _getdictvalue_no_unwrapping_pure(self, version, w_dict, key):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).get(key, None)

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_text):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key), w_value)
            w_dict.setitem(w_key, w_value)

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
        return self._setitem_str_cell_known(cell, w_dict, key, w_value)

    def _setitem_str_cell_known(self, cell, w_dict, key, w_value):
        w_value = write_cell(self.space, cell, w_value)
        if w_value is None:
        self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[key] = w_value

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_text):
            key = space.text_w(w_key)
            cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
            w_result = unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)
            if w_result is not None:
                return w_result
            self._setitem_str_cell_known(cell, w_dict, key, w_default)
            return w_default
            return w_dict.setdefault(w_key, w_default)

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_key_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_key_type, space.w_text):
            key = space.text_w(w_key)
            dict_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
                del dict_w[key]
            except KeyError:
        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_key_type):
            raise KeyError

    def length(self, w_dict):
        return len(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage))

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_text):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key))

        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_lookup_type):
            return None
            return w_dict.getitem(w_key)

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
        return unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)

    def w_keys(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        l = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).keys()
        return space.newlist_text(l)

    def values(self, w_dict):
        iterator = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).itervalues
        return [unwrap_cell(self.space, cell) for cell in iterator()]

    def items(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        iterator = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).iteritems
        return [space.newtuple([_wrapkey(space, key), unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)])
                for key, cell in iterator()]

    def clear(self, w_dict):

    def popitem(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        d = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        key, cell = d.popitem()
        return _wrapkey(space, key), unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)

    def switch_to_object_strategy(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        d = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        strategy = space.fromcache(ObjectDictStrategy)
        d_new = strategy.unerase(strategy.get_empty_storage())
        for key, cell in d.iteritems():
            d_new[_wrapkey(space, key)] = unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)
        w_dict.dstorage = strategy.erase(d_new)

    def getiterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).iterkeys()

    def getitervalues(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).itervalues()

    def getiteritems_with_hash(self, w_dict):
        return objectmodel.iteritems_with_hash(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage))

    wrapkey = _wrapkey

    def wrapvalue(space, value):
        return unwrap_cell(space, value)
Example #29
class _BoolStrategy(_ArrayStrategy):

    _erase, _unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("bool_list")
    _erase   = staticmethod(_erase)
    _unerase = staticmethod(_unerase)

    def get_idx(self, storage, idx):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        assert isinstance(store, list)
        assert isinstance(store[idx], bool)
        return trueObject if store[idx] else falseObject

    def set_idx(self, array, idx, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        assert value is trueObject or value is falseObject
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        store[idx] = value is trueObject

    def set_all(self, array, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)

        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        self._set_all_with_value(array, value, len(store))

        # we could avoid the allocation of the new array if value is an Integer
        # for i, _ in enumerate(store):
        #     store[i] = value.get_embedded_integer()

    def set_all_with_block(self, array, block):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)

        # TODO: perhaps we can sometimes avoid the extra allocation of the underlying storage
        self._set_all_with_block(array, block, len(store))

    def as_arguments_array(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return [trueObject if v else falseObject for v in store]

    def get_size(self, storage):
        return len(self._unerase(storage))

    def new_storage_for(size):
        return _BoolStrategy._erase([False] * size)

    def new_storage_with_values(values):
        assert isinstance(values, list)
        # TODO: do we guarantee this externally?
        new = [v is trueObject for v in values]
        return _BoolStrategy._erase(new)

    def copy(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(store[:]),

    def copy_and_extend_with(self, storage, value):
        assert value is trueObject or value is falseObject
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        old_size = len(store)
        new_size = old_size + 1

        new = [False] * new_size

        for i, v in enumerate(store):
            new[i] = v

        new[old_size]  = value is trueObject

        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(new),
Example #30
class MapDictStrategy(DictStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("map")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def __init__(self, space):
        self.space = space

    def get_empty_storage(self):
        w_result = Object()
        terminator = self.space.fromcache(get_terminator_for_dicts)
        return self.erase(w_result)

    def switch_to_object_strategy(self, w_dict):
        w_obj = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(ObjectDictStrategy)
        dict_w = strategy.unerase(strategy.get_empty_storage())
        w_dict.dstorage = strategy.erase(dict_w)
        assert w_obj.getdict(self.space) is w_dict or w_obj._get_mapdict_map(
        ).terminator.w_cls is None
        materialize_r_dict(self.space, w_obj, dict_w)

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_str):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.str_w(w_key))
        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_lookup_type):
            return None
            return w_dict.getitem(w_key)

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        w_obj = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        return w_obj.getdictvalue(self.space, key)

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        w_obj = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        flag = w_obj.setdictvalue(self.space, key, w_value)
        assert flag

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_str):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, self.space.str_w(w_key), w_value)
            w_dict.setitem(w_key, w_value)

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_str):
            key = space.str_w(w_key)
            w_result = self.getitem_str(w_dict, key)
            if w_result is not None:
                return w_result
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, key, w_default)
            return w_default
            return w_dict.setdefault(w_key, w_default)

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_key_type = space.type(w_key)
        w_obj = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        if space.is_w(w_key_type, space.w_str):
            key = self.space.str_w(w_key)
            flag = w_obj.deldictvalue(space, key)
            if not flag:
                raise KeyError
        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_key_type):
            raise KeyError

    def length(self, w_dict):
        res = 0
        curr = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)._get_mapdict_map().search(DICT)
        while curr is not None:
            curr = curr.back
            curr = curr.search(DICT)
            res += 1
        return res

    def clear(self, w_dict):
        w_obj = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        new_obj = w_obj._get_mapdict_map().remove_dict_entries(w_obj)
        _become(w_obj, new_obj)

    def popitem(self, w_dict):
        curr = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)._get_mapdict_map().search(DICT)
        if curr is None:
            raise KeyError
        key = curr.name
        w_value = self.getitem_str(w_dict, key)
        w_key = self.space.wrap(key)
        self.delitem(w_dict, w_key)
        return (w_key, w_value)

    # XXX could implement a more efficient w_keys based on space.newlist_bytes

    def iterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return MapDictIteratorKeys(self.space, self, w_dict)

    def itervalues(self, w_dict):
        return MapDictIteratorValues(self.space, self, w_dict)

    def iteritems(self, w_dict):
        return MapDictIteratorItems(self.space, self, w_dict)
Example #31
def LoopHandle(Object):
    A handle.
    def __init__(self, handle):
        self.handle = handle

def walkCB(handle, erased):
    l = uneraseList(erased)

eraseList, uneraseList = new_erasing_pair("handleList")

class LoopStats(Object):
    Information about the event loop.

    This object is unsafe because it refers directly to the (read-only) vital
    statistics of the runtime's reactor.
    def __init__(self, loop):
        self.loop = loop

    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETHANDLES_0:
Example #32
class ModuleDictStrategy(DictStrategy):

    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("modulecell")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    _immutable_fields_ = ["version?"]

    def __init__(self, space):
        self.space = space
        self.version = VersionTag()
        self.caches = None

    def get_empty_storage(self):
        return self.erase({})

    def mutated(self):
        self.version = VersionTag()

    def getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(self, w_dict, key):
        # NB: it's important to promote self here, so that self.version is a
        # no-op due to the quasi-immutable field
        self = jit.promote(self)
        return self._getdictvalue_no_unwrapping_pure(self.version, w_dict, key)

    def _getdictvalue_no_unwrapping_pure(self, version, w_dict, key):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).get(key, None)

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_text):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key), w_value)
            w_dict.setitem(w_key, w_value)

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
        return self._setitem_str_cell_known(cell, w_dict, key, w_value)

    def _setitem_str_cell_known(self, cell, w_dict, key, w_value):
        w_value = write_cell(self.space, cell, w_value)
        if w_value is None:
        self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[key] = w_value
        if self.caches is None:
        cache = self.caches.get(key, None)
        if cache:
            cache.cell = w_value

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        space = self.space
        if space.is_w(space.type(w_key), space.w_text):
            key = space.text_w(w_key)
            cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
            w_result = unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)
            if w_result is not None:
                return w_result
            self._setitem_str_cell_known(cell, w_dict, key, w_default)
            return w_default
            return w_dict.setdefault(w_key, w_default)

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_key_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_key_type, space.w_text):
            key = space.text_w(w_key)
            dict_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
                del dict_w[key]
            except KeyError:
                if self.caches:
                    cache = self.caches.get(key, None)
                    if cache:
                        cache.cell = None
        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_key_type):
            raise KeyError

    def length(self, w_dict):
        return len(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage))

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        w_lookup_type = space.type(w_key)
        if space.is_w(w_lookup_type, space.w_text):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, space.text_w(w_key))

        elif _never_equal_to_string(space, w_lookup_type):
            return None
            return w_dict.getitem(w_key)

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
        return unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)

    def w_keys(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        l = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).keys()
        return space.newlist_text(l)

    def values(self, w_dict):
        iterator = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).itervalues
        return [unwrap_cell(self.space, cell) for cell in iterator()]

    def items(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        iterator = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).iteritems
        return [space.newtuple2(_wrapkey(space, key), unwrap_cell(self.space, cell))
                for key, cell in iterator()]

    def clear(self, w_dict):

    def popitem(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        d = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        key, cell = d.popitem()
        return _wrapkey(space, key), unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)

    def switch_to_object_strategy(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        d = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        strategy = space.fromcache(ObjectDictStrategy)
        d_new = strategy.unerase(strategy.get_empty_storage())
        for key, cell in d.iteritems():
            d_new[_wrapkey(space, key)] = unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)
        if self.caches is not None:
            for cache in self.caches.itervalues():
                cache.cell = None
                cache.valid = False
            self.caches = None
        w_dict.dstorage = strategy.erase(d_new)

    def getiterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).iterkeys()

    def getitervalues(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage).itervalues()

    def getiteritems_with_hash(self, w_dict):
        return objectmodel.iteritems_with_hash(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage))

    wrapkey = _wrapkey

    def wrapvalue(space, value):
        return unwrap_cell(space, value)

    def copy(self, w_dict):
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(BytesDictStrategy)
        str_dict = strategy.unerase(strategy.get_empty_storage())

        d = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        for key, cell in d.iteritems():
            str_dict[key] = unwrap_cell(self.space, cell)
        return W_DictObject(strategy.space, strategy, strategy.erase(str_dict))

    def get_global_cache(self, w_dict, key):
        space = w_dict.space
        if self.caches is None:
            cache = None
            self.caches = {}
            cache = self.caches.get(key, None)
        if cache is None:
            cell = self.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(w_dict, key)
            cache = GlobalCache(cell)
            if (not space.config.objspace.honor__builtins__ and
                    cell is None and
                    w_dict is not space.builtin.w_dict):
                w_builtin_dict = space.builtin.w_dict
                assert isinstance(w_builtin_dict, W_ModuleDictObject)
                builtin_strategy = w_builtin_dict.mstrategy
                if isinstance(builtin_strategy, ModuleDictStrategy):
                    cell = builtin_strategy.getdictvalue_no_unwrapping(
                            w_builtin_dict, key)
                    # logic: if the global is not defined but the builtin is,
                    # cache it. otherwise don't cache the builtin ever
                    if cell is not None:
                        builtincache = builtin_strategy.get_global_cache(
                                w_builtin_dict, key)
                        cache.builtincache = builtincache
            self.caches[key] = cache
        return cache
Example #33
class _EmptyStrategy(_ArrayStrategy):

    # We have these basic erase/unerase methods, and then the once to be used, which
    # do also the wrapping with Integer objects of the integer value
    __erase, __unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("Integer")
    __erase   = staticmethod(__erase)
    __unerase = staticmethod(__unerase)

    def _erase(self, anInt):
        assert isinstance(anInt, int)
        return self.__erase(Integer(anInt))

    def _unerase(self, storage):
        return self.__unerase(storage).get_embedded_integer()

    def get_idx(self, storage, idx):
        size = self._unerase(storage)
        if 0 <= idx < size:
            return nilObject
            raise IndexError()

    def set_idx(self, array, idx, value):
        size = self._unerase(array._storage)
        if 0 <= idx < size:
            if value is nilObject:
                return  # everything is nil already, avoids transition...

            assert isinstance(value, AbstractObject)
            # We need to transition to the _PartiallyEmpty strategy, because
            # we are not guaranteed to set all elements of the array.

            array._storage  = _partially_empty_strategy.new_storage_with_values([nilObject] * size)
            array._strategy = _partially_empty_strategy
            array._strategy.set_idx(array, idx, value)
            raise IndexError()

    def set_all(self, array, value):
        if value is nilObject:
            return  # easy short cut

        size = self._unerase(array._storage)
        if size > 0:
            self._set_all_with_value(array, value, size)

    def set_all_with_block(self, array, block):
        size = self._unerase(array._storage)
        self._set_all_with_block(array, block, size)

    def as_arguments_array(self, storage):
        size = self._unerase(storage)
        return [nilObject] * size

    def get_size(self, storage):
        size = self._unerase(storage)
        return size

    def new_storage_for(size):
        return _empty_strategy._erase(size)

    def new_storage_with_values(values):
        return _empty_strategy._erase(len(values))

    def copy(self, storage):
        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(storage, _empty_strategy)

    def copy_and_extend_with(self, storage, value):
        size = self._unerase(storage)
        if value is nilObject:
            return Array.from_size(size + 1)
            new = [nilObject] * (size + 1)
            new[-1] = value
            return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(_ObjectStrategy._erase(new),
Example #34
class _PartiallyEmptyStrategy(_ArrayStrategy):
    # This is an array that we expect to be slowly filled, and we have the hope
    # that it will turn out to be homogeneous
    # Thus, we track the number of empty slots left, and we track whether it
    # is homogeneous in one type

    _erase, _unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("partial_storage")
    _erase   = staticmethod(_erase)
    _unerase = staticmethod(_unerase)

    def get_idx(self, storage, idx):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return store.storage[idx]

    def set_idx(self, array, idx, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        assert isinstance(value, AbstractObject)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)

        if value is nilObject:
            if store.storage[idx] is nilObject:
                store.storage[idx] = nilObject
                store.empty_elements += 1
        if store.storage[idx] is nilObject:
            store.empty_elements -= 1

        store.storage[idx] = value

        if isinstance(value, Integer):
            if store.type is None:
                store.type = _long_strategy
            elif store.type is not _long_strategy:
                store.type = _obj_strategy
        elif isinstance(value, Double):
            if store.type is None:
                store.type = _double_strategy
            elif store.type is not _double_strategy:
                store.type = _obj_strategy
        elif value is trueObject or value is falseObject:
            if store.type is None:
                store.type = _bool_strategy
            elif store.type is not _bool_strategy:
                store.type = _obj_strategy
            store.type = _obj_strategy

        if store.empty_elements == 0:
            array._strategy = store.type
            array._storage = array._strategy.new_storage_with_values(store.storage)

    def set_all(self, array, value):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        assert isinstance(value, AbstractObject)

        store = self._unerase(array._storage)
        self._set_all_with_value(array, value, store.size)

    def set_all_with_block(self, array, block):
        assert isinstance(array, Array)
        store = self._unerase(array._storage)

        # TODO: perhaps we can sometimes avoid the extra allocation of the underlying storage
        self._set_all_with_block(array, block, store.size)

    def as_arguments_array(self, storage):
        return self._unerase(storage).storage

    def get_size(self, storage):
        return self._unerase(storage).size

    def new_storage_for(size):
        return _PartiallyEmptyStrategy._erase(

    def new_storage_with_values(values):
        assert isinstance(values, list)
        return _PartiallyEmptyStrategy._erase(

    def copy(self, storage):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        return Array._from_storage_and_strategy(

    def copy_and_extend_with(self, storage, value):
        store = self._unerase(storage)
        old_size = store.size
        new_size = old_size + 1

        new = [nilObject] * new_size

        for i, _ in enumerate(store.storage):
            new[i] = store.storage[i]

        new_store = instantiate(_PartiallyEmptyStrategy)
        new_store.storage        = new
        new_store.size           = new_size
        new_store.empty_elements = store.empty_elements + 1
        new_store.type           = store.type

        new_arr = Array._from_storage_and_strategy(self._erase(new_store),
        new_arr.set_indexable_field(old_size, value)
        return new_arr
Example #35
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint

from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
from pypy.objspace.std.dictmultiobject import (
from pypy.objspace.std.typeobject import MutableCell

erase_item, unerase_item = rerased.new_erasing_pair("mapdict storage item")
erase_map, unerase_map = rerased.new_erasing_pair("map")
erase_list, unerase_list = rerased.new_erasing_pair("mapdict storage list")

# ____________________________________________________________
# attribute shapes

# note: we use "x * NUM_DIGITS_POW2" instead of "x << NUM_DIGITS" because
# we want to propagate knowledge that the result cannot be negative

class AbstractAttribute(object):
    _immutable_fields_ = ['terminator']
    cache_attrs = None
Example #36
class CPyListStrategy(ListStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("empty")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def _check_index(self, index, length):
        if index < 0:
            index = length + index
        if index < 0 or index >= length:
            raise IndexError
        return index

    def getitem(self, w_list, index):
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        index = self._check_index(index, storage._length)
        return from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[index])

    def setitem(self, w_list, index, w_obj):
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        index = self._check_index(index, storage._length)
        py_old = storage._elems[index]
        storage._elems[index] = make_ref(w_list.space, w_obj)
        decref(w_list.space, py_old)

    def length(self, w_list):
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        return storage._length

    def get_raw_items(self, w_list):
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        return storage._elems

    def getslice(self, w_list, start, stop, step, length):
        return w_list.strategy.getslice(w_list, start, stop, step, length)

    def getitems(self, w_list):
        # called when switching list strategy, so convert storage
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        retval = [None] * storage._length
        for i in range(storage._length):
            retval[i] = from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[i])
        return retval

    def getitems_unroll(self, w_list):
        storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
        retval = [None] * storage._length
        for i in range(storage._length):
            retval[i] = from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[i])
        return retval

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, w_list:
            jit.loop_unrolling_heuristic(w_list, w_list.length(),
    def getitems_fixedsize(self, w_list):
        return self.getitems_unroll(w_list)

    def copy_into(self, w_list, w_other):
        w_other.strategy = self
        w_other.lstorage = self.getstorage_copy(w_list)

    def clone(self, w_list):
        storage = self.getstorage_copy(w_list)
        w_clone = W_ListObject.from_storage_and_strategy(self.space, storage,
        return w_clone

    def getitems_copy(self, w_list):
        return self.getitems(w_list) # getitems copies anyway

    def getstorage_copy(self, w_list):
        lst = self.getitems(w_list)
        return self.erase(CPyListStorage(w_list.space, lst))

    # all these methods fail or switch strategy and then call ListObjectStrategy's method

    def setslice(self, w_list, start, stop, step, length):
        w_list.strategy.setslice(w_list, start, stop, step, length)

    def init_from_list_w(self, w_list, list_w):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _resize_hint(self, w_list, hint):

    def find(self, w_list, w_item, start, stop):
        return w_list.strategy.find(w_list, w_item, start, stop)

    def append(self, w_list, w_item):
        w_list.strategy.append(w_list, w_item)

    def inplace_mul(self, w_list, times):
        w_list.strategy.inplace_mul(w_list, times)

    def deleteslice(self, w_list, start, step, slicelength):
        w_list.strategy.deleteslice(w_list, start, step, slicelength)

    def pop(self, w_list, index):
        return w_list.strategy.pop(w_list, index)

    def pop_end(self, w_list):
        return w_list.strategy.pop_end(w_list)

    def insert(self, w_list, index, w_item):
        w_list.strategy.insert(w_list, index, w_item)

    def extend(self, w_list, w_any):
        w_list.strategy.extend(w_list, w_any)

    def _extend_from_list(self, w_list, w_other):
        w_list.strategy._extend_from_list(w_list, w_other)

    def _extend_from_iterable(self, w_list, w_iterable):
        w_list.strategy._extend_from_iterable(w_list, w_iterable)

    def reverse(self, w_list):

    def sort(self, w_list, reverse):
        w_list.descr_sort(w_list.space, reverse=reverse)

    def is_empty_strategy(self):
        return False
Example #37
    rffi.setintfield(buf, "c_len", size)
    return buf

def freeBuf(buf):

def allocCB(handle, size, buf):
    # This is almost certainly the right thing to pass to alloc_cb
    buf.c_base = alloc_raw_storage(size)
    rffi.setintfield(buf, "c_len", size)

streamReadStart_erase, streamReadStart_unerase = new_erasing_pair(

class StreamReadStartFutureCallback(object):

stashStream2, unstashStream2, unstashingStream2 = stashFor(
    "stream", stream_tp,

def readStreamCB(stream, status, buf):
    status = intmask(status)
    # We only restash in the success case, not the error cases.
    state, v = unstashStream2(stream)
Example #38
class JsonDictStrategy(DictStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("jsondict")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    _immutable_fields_ = ['jsonmap']

    def __init__(self, space, jsonmap):
        DictStrategy.__init__(self, space)
        self.jsonmap = jsonmap

    def wrap(self, w_key):
        return w_key

    def wrapkey(space, key):
        return key

    def get_empty_storage(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("should not be reachable")

    def is_correct_type(self, w_obj):
        space = self.space
        return space.is_w(space.type(w_obj), space.w_unicode)

    def _never_equal_to(self, w_lookup_type):
        return False

    def length(self, w_dict):
        return len(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage))

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            return self.getitem_unicode(w_dict, w_key)
            return w_dict.getitem(w_key)

    def getitem_unicode(self, w_dict, w_key):
        storage_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        if jit.isconstant(w_key):
        index = self.jsonmap.get_index(w_key)
        if index == -1:
            return None
        return storage_w[index]

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            storage_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
            index = self.jsonmap.get_index(w_key)
            if index != -1:
                storage_w[index] = w_value
        w_dict.setitem(w_key, w_value)

    # for setitem_str use the default implementation
    # because the jsonmap needs a wrapped key anyway

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            w_result = self.getitem_unicode(w_dict, w_key)
            if w_result is not None:
                return w_result
        return w_dict.setdefault(w_key, w_default)

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        return w_dict.delitem(w_key)

    def popitem(self, w_dict):
        return w_dict.popitem()

    def switch_to_unicode_strategy(self, w_dict):
        storage = self._make_unicode_dict(w_dict)
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(UnicodeDictStrategy)
        w_dict.dstorage = storage

    def _make_unicode_dict(self, w_dict):
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(UnicodeDictStrategy)
        values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        storage = strategy.get_empty_storage()
        d_new = strategy.unerase(storage)
        keys_in_order = self.jsonmap.get_keys_in_order()
        assert len(keys_in_order) == len(values_w)
        for index, w_key in enumerate(keys_in_order):
            assert w_key is not None
            assert type(w_key) is self.space.UnicodeObjectCls
            d_new[w_key] = values_w[index]
        return storage

    def copy(self, w_dict):
        storage = self._make_unicode_dict(w_dict)
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(UnicodeDictStrategy)
        return W_DictObject(strategy.space, strategy, storage)

    def w_keys(self, w_dict):
        return self.space.newlist(self.jsonmap.get_keys_in_order())

    def values(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[:]  # to make resizable

    def items(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        storage_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        res = [None] * len(storage_w)
        for index, w_key in enumerate(self.jsonmap.get_keys_in_order()):
            res[index] = space.newtuple2(w_key, storage_w[index])
        return res

    def getiterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return iter(self.jsonmap.get_keys_in_order())

    def getitervalues(self, w_dict):
        storage_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        return iter(storage_w)

    def getiteritems_with_hash(self, w_dict):
        storage_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        return ZipItemsWithHash(self.jsonmap.get_keys_in_order(), storage_w)
Example #39
class KwargsDictStrategy(DictStrategy):
    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("kwargsdict")
    erase = staticmethod(erase)
    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)

    def wrap(self, key):
        return _wrapkey(self.space, key)

    def unwrap(self, wrapped):
        return self.space.str_w(wrapped)

    def get_empty_storage(self):
        d = ([], [])
        return self.erase(d)

    def is_correct_type(self, w_obj):
        space = self.space
        return space.is_w(space.type(w_obj), space.w_str)

    def _never_equal_to(self, w_lookup_type):
        return False

    def setitem(self, w_dict, w_key, w_value):
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, self.unwrap(w_key), w_value)
            w_dict.setitem(w_key, w_value)

    def setitem_str(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        self._setitem_str_indirection(w_dict, key, w_value)

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, w_dict, key, w_value: jit.isconstant(
        self.length(w_dict)) and jit.isconstant(key))
    def _setitem_str_indirection(self, w_dict, key, w_value):
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            if keys[i] == key:
                values_w[i] = w_value
            # limit the size so that the linear searches don't become too long
            if len(keys) >= 16:
                w_dict.setitem_str(key, w_value)

    def setdefault(self, w_dict, w_key, w_default):
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            key = self.unwrap(w_key)
            w_result = self.getitem_str(w_dict, key)
            if w_result is not None:
                return w_result
            self.setitem_str(w_dict, key, w_default)
            return w_default
            return w_dict.setdefault(w_key, w_default)

    def delitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        # XXX could do better, but is it worth it?
        return w_dict.delitem(w_key)

    def length(self, w_dict):
        return len(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[0])

    def getitem_str(self, w_dict, key):
        return self._getitem_str_indirection(w_dict, key)

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, w_dict, key: jit.isconstant(
        self.length(w_dict)) and jit.isconstant(key))
    def _getitem_str_indirection(self, w_dict, key):
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            if keys[i] == key:
                return values_w[i]
        return None

    def getitem(self, w_dict, w_key):
        space = self.space
        if self.is_correct_type(w_key):
            return self.getitem_str(w_dict, self.unwrap(w_key))
        elif self._never_equal_to(space.type(w_key)):
            return None
            return w_dict.getitem(w_key)

    def w_keys(self, w_dict):
        l = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[0]
        return self.space.newlist_bytes(l[:])

    def values(self, w_dict):
        return self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[1][:]  # to make non-resizable

    def items(self, w_dict):
        space = self.space
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        return [
            space.newtuple([self.wrap(keys[i]), values_w[i]])
            for i in range(len(keys))

    def popitem(self, w_dict):
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        key = keys.pop()
        w_value = values_w.pop()
        return self.wrap(key), w_value

    def clear(self, w_dict):
        w_dict.dstorage = self.get_empty_storage()

    def switch_to_object_strategy(self, w_dict):
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(ObjectDictStrategy)
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        d_new = strategy.unerase(strategy.get_empty_storage())
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            d_new[self.wrap(keys[i])] = values_w[i]
        w_dict.strategy = strategy
        w_dict.dstorage = strategy.erase(d_new)

    def switch_to_bytes_strategy(self, w_dict):
        strategy = self.space.fromcache(BytesDictStrategy)
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        storage = strategy.get_empty_storage()
        d_new = strategy.unerase(storage)
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            d_new[keys[i]] = values_w[i]
        w_dict.strategy = strategy
        w_dict.dstorage = storage

    def view_as_kwargs(self, w_dict):
        keys, values_w = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)
        return keys[:], values_w[:]  # copy to make non-resizable

    def getiterkeys(self, w_dict):
        return iter(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[0])

    def getitervalues(self, w_dict):
        return iter(self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[1])

    def getiteritems(self, w_dict):
        keys = self.unerase(w_dict.dstorage)[0]
        return iter(range(len(keys)))

    wrapkey = _wrapkey
Example #40
def makeFingerTreeClass(zero, add, measure):
    Produce a finger tree class.

    `zero` is the monoidal zero of the monoid for this class, and `add` is the
    monoidal binary operation; `measure` is a function which turns values into
    monoidal values.

    class Node(object):
        _immutable_ = True

    class Node2(Node):

        def __init__(self, x, y, depth):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                x = uneraseNode(x)
                y = uneraseNode(y)
                self.measure = add(x.measure, y.measure)
                x = uneraseValue(x)
                y = uneraseValue(y)
                self.measure = add(measure(x), measure(y))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "N2(measure=%d, %r, %r)" % (self.measure, self.x, self.y)

        def asDigits(self):
            return Two(self.x, self.y, self.depth)

    class Node3(Node):

        def __init__(self, x, y, z, depth):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                x = uneraseNode(x)
                y = uneraseNode(y)
                z = uneraseNode(z)
                self.measure = add(add(x.measure, y.measure), z.measure)
                x = uneraseValue(x)
                y = uneraseValue(y)
                z = uneraseValue(z)
                self.measure = add(add(measure(x), measure(y)), measure(z))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "N3(measure=%d, %r, %r, %r)" % (self.measure, self.x,
                    self.y, self.z)

        def asDigits(self):
            return Three(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.depth)

    eraseNode, uneraseNode = new_erasing_pair("Node")
    eraseValue, uneraseValue = new_erasing_pair("Value")

    def gatherNodes(l, depth):
        nodes = []
        while l:
            if len(l) == 2:
                node = eraseNode(Node2(l[0], l[1], depth))
                l = l[2:]
            elif len(l) == 4:
                node = eraseNode(Node2(l[0], l[1], depth))
                node = eraseNode(Node2(l[2], l[3], depth))
                l = l[4:]
                node = eraseNode(Node3(l[0], l[1], l[2], depth))
                l = l[3:]
        return nodes

    class Digit(object):
        _immutable_ = True

        def split(self, predicate, i):
            right = self.asList()
            left = []
            while right:
                if len(right) == 1:
                    return left, right[0], []
                item = right.pop(0)
                if self.depth:
                    m = uneraseNode(item).measure
                    m = measure(uneraseValue(item))
                i = add(i, m)
                if predicate(i):
                    return left, item, right

    class One(Digit):
        def __init__(self, a, depth):
            self.a = a
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                a = uneraseNode(a)
                self.measure = a.measure
                a = uneraseValue(a)
                self.measure = measure(a)

        def __repr__(self):
            return "1(%r)" % self.a

        def pushLeft(self, value):
            return Two(value, self.a, self.depth)

        def pushRight(self, value):
            return Two(self.a, value, self.depth)

        def popLeft(self):
            assert False, "popcorn"

        popRight = popLeft

        def asTree(self):
            return Single(self.a, self.depth)

        def asList(self):
            return [self.a]

    class Two(Digit):
        def __init__(self, a, b, depth):
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                a = uneraseNode(a)
                b = uneraseNode(b)
                self.measure = add(a.measure, b.measure)
                a = uneraseValue(a)
                b = uneraseValue(b)
                self.measure = add(measure(a), measure(b))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "2(%r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b)

        def pushLeft(self, value):
            return Three(value, self.a, self.b, self.depth)

        def pushRight(self, value):
            return Three(self.a, self.b, value, self.depth)

        def popLeft(self):
            return self.a, One(self.b, self.depth)

        def popRight(self):
            return self.b, One(self.a, self.depth)

        def asTree(self):
            return Deep(One(self.a, self.depth), Empty(self.depth + 1),
                        One(self.b, self.depth), self.depth)

        def asList(self):
            return [self.a, self.b]

    class Three(Digit):
        def __init__(self, a, b, c, depth):
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.c = c
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                a = uneraseNode(a)
                b = uneraseNode(b)
                c = uneraseNode(c)
                self.measure = add(add(a.measure, b.measure), c.measure)
                a = uneraseValue(a)
                b = uneraseValue(b)
                c = uneraseValue(c)
                self.measure = add(add(measure(a), measure(b)), measure(c))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "3(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b, self.c)

        def pushLeft(self, value):
            return Four(value, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.depth)

        def pushRight(self, value):
            return Four(self.a, self.b, self.c, value, self.depth)

        def popLeft(self):
            return self.a, Two(self.b, self.c, self.depth)

        def popRight(self):
            return self.c, Two(self.a, self.b, self.depth)

        def asTree(self):
            # We must pick a bias here; we cannot use a Single instance to
            # keep the tree centered. I choose left, because I am left-handed.
            # ~ C.
            return Deep(Two(self.a, self.b, self.depth),
                        Empty(self.depth + 1), One(self.c, self.depth),

        def asList(self):
            return [self.a, self.b, self.c]

    class Four(Digit):
        def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, depth):
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.c = c
            self.d = d
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                a = uneraseNode(a)
                b = uneraseNode(b)
                c = uneraseNode(c)
                d = uneraseNode(d)
                self.measure = add(add(a.measure, b.measure),
                                   add(c.measure, d.measure))
                a = uneraseValue(a)
                b = uneraseValue(b)
                c = uneraseValue(c)
                d = uneraseValue(d)
                self.measure = add(add(measure(a), measure(b)),
                                   add(measure(c), measure(d)))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "4(%r, %r, %r, %r)" % (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d)

        def pushLeft(self, value):
            assert False, "golfball"

        pushRight = pushLeft

        def popLeft(self):
            return self.a, Three(self.b, self.c, self.d, self.depth)

        def popRight(self):
            return self.d, Three(self.a, self.b, self.c, self.depth)

        def asTree(self):
            return Deep(Two(self.a, self.b, self.depth), Empty(self.depth + 1),
                        Two(self.c, self.d, self.depth), self.depth)

        def asList(self):
            return [self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d]

    def listToDigit(l, depth):
        size = len(l)
        if size == 1:
            return One(l[0], depth)
        elif size == 2:
            return Two(l[0], l[1], depth)
        elif size == 3:
            return Three(l[0], l[1], l[2], depth)
            assert size == 4, "divot"
            return Four(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], depth)

    class FingerTree(object):
        _immutable_ = True

        def pushLeft(self, value):
            return self._pushLeft(eraseValue(value))

        def pushRight(self, value):
            return self._pushRight(eraseValue(value))

        def popLeft(self):
            value, ft = self._viewLeft()
            return uneraseValue(value), ft

        def popRight(self):
            value, ft = self._viewRight()
            return uneraseValue(value), ft

        def add(self, other):
            return self._concat([], other)

        def split(self, predicate):
            if isinstance(self, Empty):
                return self, self
            elif predicate(self.measure):
                left, item, right = self._split(predicate, zero)
                return left, right._pushRight(item)
                return self, Empty(self.depth)

    class Empty(FingerTree):

        measure = zero

        def __init__(self, depth=0):
            self.depth = depth

        def __repr__(self):
            return "Empty"

        def _pushLeft(self, value):
            return Single(value, self.depth)

        _pushRight = _pushLeft

        def _viewLeft(self):
            return None, None

        _viewRight = _viewLeft

        def isEmpty(self):
            return True

        def _concat(self, middle, other):
            for item in middle:
                other = other._pushLeft(item)
            return other

        def _split(self, predicate, i):
            assert False, "egghead"

    class Single(FingerTree):
        _immutable_ = True

        def __init__(self, value, depth):
            self.value = value
            self.depth = depth

            if depth:
                self.measure = uneraseNode(value).measure
                self.measure = measure(uneraseValue(value))

        def __repr__(self):
            return "Single(%r)" % self.value

        def _pushLeft(self, value):
            return Deep(One(value, self.depth), Empty(self.depth + 1),
                        One(self.value, self.depth), self.depth)

        def _pushRight(self, value):
            return Deep(One(self.value, self.depth), Empty(self.depth + 1),
                        One(value, self.depth), self.depth)

        def _viewLeft(self):
            return self.value, Empty(self.depth)

        _viewRight = _viewLeft

        def isEmpty(self):
            return False

        def _concat(self, middle, other):
            for item in middle:
                other = other._pushLeft(item)
            return other._pushLeft(self.value)

        def _split(self, predicate, i):
            return Empty(self.depth), self.value, Empty(self.depth)

    class Deep(FingerTree):
        _immutable_ = True

        def __init__(self, left, tree, right, depth):
            assert tree.depth == depth + 1, "birch"
            assert left.depth == depth, "pine"
            assert right.depth == depth, "redwood"

            assert isinstance(left, Digit), "sinister"
            assert isinstance(right, Digit), "dexter"

            self.left = left
            self.tree = tree
            self.right = right
            self.depth = depth

            self.measure = add(add(left.measure, tree.measure), right.measure)

        def __repr__(self):
            return "Deep%d(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.depth, self.left, self.tree,

        def _pushLeft(self, value):
            if isinstance(self.left, Four):
                node = eraseNode(Node3(self.left.b, self.left.c, self.left.d,
                return Deep(Two(value, self.left.a, self.depth),
                            self.tree._pushLeft(node), self.right, self.depth)
                left = self.left.pushLeft(value)
                return Deep(left, self.tree, self.right, self.depth)

        def _pushRight(self, value):
            if isinstance(self.right, Four):
                node = eraseNode(Node3(self.right.a, self.right.b,
                                       self.right.c, self.depth))
                return Deep(self.left, self.tree._pushRight(node),
                            Two(self.right.d, value, self.depth), self.depth)
                right = self.right.pushRight(value)
                return Deep(self.left, self.tree, right, self.depth)

        def _viewLeft(self):
            if isinstance(self.left, One):
                value = self.left.a
                if self.tree.isEmpty():
                    return value, self.right.asTree()
                    n, tree = self.tree._viewLeft()
                    left = uneraseNode(n).asDigits()
                    return value, Deep(left, tree, self.right, self.depth)
                value, left = self.left.popLeft()
                return value, Deep(left, self.tree, self.right, self.depth)

        def _viewRight(self):
            if isinstance(self.right, One):
                value = self.right.a
                if self.tree.isEmpty():
                    return value, self.left.asTree()
                    n, tree = self.tree._viewRight()
                    right = uneraseNode(n).asDigits()
                    return value, Deep(self.left, tree, right, self.depth)
                value, right = self.right.popRight()
                return value, Deep(self.left, self.tree, right, self.depth)

        def isEmpty(self):
            return False

        def _concat(self, middle, other):
            if isinstance(other, Empty):
                for item in middle:
                    self = self._pushRight(item)
                return self
            elif isinstance(other, Single):
                for item in middle:
                    self = self._pushRight(item)
                return self._pushRight(other.value)
            elif isinstance(other, Deep):
                newLeft = self.left
                newRight = self.right
                l = gatherNodes(self.right.asList() + other.left.asList(),
                newTree = self.tree._concat(l, other.tree)
                return Deep(newLeft, newTree, newRight, self.depth)
                assert False, "willow"

        def _split(self, predicate, i):
            j = add(i, self.left.measure)
            if predicate(j):
                left, item, right = self.left.split(predicate, i)
                if left:
                    leftSplit = listToDigit(left, self.depth).asTree()
                    leftSplit = Empty(self.depth)
                if right:
                    rightSplit = Deep(listToDigit(right, self.depth),
                                      self.tree, self.right, self.depth)
                elif self.tree.isEmpty():
                    rightSplit = self.right.asTree()
                    value, tree = self.tree._viewLeft()
                    rightSplit = Deep(uneraseNode(value).asDigits(), tree,
                                      self.right, self.depth)
                return leftSplit, item, rightSplit
            k = add(j, self.tree.measure)
            if predicate(k):
                leftTree, itemTree, rightTree = self.tree._split(predicate, j)
                digits = uneraseNode(itemTree).asDigits()
                leftList, item, rightList = digits.split(predicate,
                        add(j, leftTree.measure))
                if leftList:
                    leftSplit = Deep(self.left, leftTree,
                                     listToDigit(leftList, self.depth),
                elif leftTree.isEmpty():
                    leftSplit = self.left.asTree()
                    value, leftTree = leftTree._viewRight()
                    leftSplit = Deep(self.left, leftTree,
                if rightList:
                    rightSplit = Deep(listToDigit(rightList, self.depth),
                                      rightTree, self.right, self.depth)
                elif rightTree.isEmpty():
                    rightSplit = self.right.asTree()
                    value, rightTree = rightTree._viewLeft()
                    rightSplit = Deep(uneraseNode(value).asDigits(),
                                      rightTree, self.right, self.depth)
                return leftSplit, item, rightSplit
                left, item, right = self.right.split(predicate, k)
                if left:
                    leftSplit = Deep(self.left, self.tree,
                                     listToDigit(left, self.depth),
                elif self.tree.isEmpty():
                    leftSplit = self.left.asTree()
                    value, tree = self.tree._viewRight()
                    leftSplit = Deep(self.left, tree,
                if right:
                    rightSplit = listToDigit(right, self.depth).asTree()
                    rightSplit = Empty(self.depth)
                return leftSplit, item, rightSplit

    return Empty