def setHighSpeed(self): self.write(b"5") highspeed = if(highspeed == b"F"): # highspeed !!! time.sleep(1) self.connection.baudrate = 500000 self.write(b"\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x99") highspeed = if highspeed == b"\xaaV": if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Highspeed enabled")) return True else: raise RP6ConnectionError(_("Could not setup high speed connection"))
def write(self, data): self.connection.write(data) if self.debuglevel >= 3: outstr = _("OUT: ") for char in data: outstr += str(char) + " " print(outstr)
def reset(self): if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Resetting Robot")) # set RTS on & off, to reset the robot self.connection.setRTS(1) time.sleep(1) self.connection.setRTS(0) # read a newline character # read the boot message rp6boot = if rp6boot == b"[RP6BOOT]": # read another newline character return True else: raise RP6ConnectionError(_('Could not reset Robot %s') % str(rp6boot))
def read(self, length): data = if self.debuglevel >= 3: instr = _("IN: ") for char in data: instr += str(char) + " " print(instr) return data
def connect(self): if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Connecting to %s") % self.port) self.connection = serial.Serial( port=self.port, baudrate=38400, timeout=1, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS )
def getType(self, getVoltage=False): # send ASCII character with value of 072 self.write(b"H") # read first part of next boot message rp6boot = if rp6boot == b"RP6:": # read second part of boot message, to get the type rp6read = if rp6read == b"\x01\x01\x04\x05\x00": self.type = "rp6" if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("RP6-Board connected")) if getVoltage: self.getBatteryVoltage() elif rp6read == b"\x02\x01\x04\x03\x00": self.type = "m32" if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("M32-Board connected")) return self.type else: raise RP6ConnectionError(_("Could not determinate the type of the Robot"))
def parseHex(self, filename): self.bindata = b"" if self.debuglevel >= 2: print(_("Parsing Hexfile: %s") % filename) file = open(filename, "rb") for linenr, line in enumerate(file): line = line[1:] position = 0 checksum = 0; while position < len(line) - 2: checksum = checksum + int(line[position:position + 2], 16) position += 2 if checksum % 256 != 0: raise HexError(_("Incorrect Checksum at line %i") % linenr) # cut line to data line = line[8:-4] position = 0 while position < len(line): self.bindata += bytes([int(line[position:position + 2], 16)]) position += 2
def flash(self, bindata): if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Initializing flash")) # init flashing self.write(b"I") confirm = if confirm != b"g": return False self.write(b"K") confirm = if confirm != b"[": return False flashlib = FlashLib(bindata) blocknr = 0 if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Flashing")) while flashlib.getblock(blocknr): if self.debuglevel >= 2: print(_("Flashing block: %i") % blocknr) self.write(bytes([170])) self.write(b"\x80") self.write(b"\x00") self.write(bytes([blocknr])) flashdata = flashlib.getblock(blocknr) self.write(flashdata[1]) self.write(bytes([(flashdata[0] & 255)])) self.write(bytes([(flashdata[0] >> 8) & 255])) self.write(b"\xAA") confirm = if confirm != b"B][": raise FlashError(_("Error flashing Block %i") % blocknr) blocknr += 1 if self.debuglevel >= 1: print(_("Flashing finished")) self.connection.baudrate = 38400 self.write(bytes([0]))
def getBatteryVoltage(self): self.write(b"\x95") value1 = ord( value2 = ord( # TODO check this print(_("Voltage: %s V") % str((((value1 & 255) << 0) + ((value2 & 255) << 8)) / 102.4))