Example #1
def batch_delete_using_membership_proofs(A_pre_delete, S, x_list, proofs_list, n, agg_indexes=[]):
    is_aggregated = len(agg_indexes) > 0
    if is_aggregated and len(proofs_list) != len(agg_indexes):
        return None

    if (not is_aggregated) and len(x_list) != len(proofs_list):
        return None

    members = []
    if is_aggregated:
        # sanity - verify each and every proof individually
        for i, indexes in enumerate(agg_indexes):
            current_x_list = x_list[indexes[0]: indexes[1]]
            current_nonce_list = [S[x] for x in current_x_list]
            product = __calculate_primes_product(current_x_list, current_nonce_list)
            for x in current_x_list:
                del S[x]
        for x in x_list:
            members.append(hash_to_prime(x, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, S[x])[0])
            del S[x]

    A_post_delete = proofs_list[0]
    product = members[0]

    for i in range(len(members))[1:]:
        A_post_delete = shamir_trick(A_post_delete, proofs_list[i], product, members[i], n)
        product *= members[i]

    return A_post_delete, prove_exponentiation(A_post_delete, product, A_pre_delete, n)
Example #2
def __calculate_primes_product(x_list, nonce_list):
    if len(x_list) != len(nonce_list):
        return None

    primes_list = [hash_to_prime(x, nonce=nonce_list[i])[0] for i, x in enumerate(x_list)]
    product = calculate_product(primes_list)
    return product
Example #3
def prove_non_membership(A0, S, x, x_nonce, n):
    if x in S.keys():
        return None
        product = 1
        for element in S.keys():
            nonce = S[element]
            product *= hash_to_prime(element, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonce)[0]
    prime = hash_to_prime(x, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, x_nonce)[0]
    a, b = bezoute_coefficients(prime, product)
    if a < 0:
        positive_a = -a
        inverse_A0 = mul_inv(A0, n)
        d = pow(inverse_A0, positive_a, n)
        d = pow(A0, a, n)
    return d, b
Example #4
def batch_prove_membership(A0, S, x_list, n):
    product = 1
    for element in S.keys():
        if element not in x_list:
            nonce = S[element]
            product *= hash_to_prime(element, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonce)[0]
    A = pow(A0, product, n)
    return A
Example #5
def add(A, S, x, n):
    if x in S.keys():
        return A
        hash_prime, nonce = hash_to_prime(x, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE)
        A = pow(A, hash_prime, n)
        S[x] = nonce
        return A
Example #6
def verify_non_membership(A0, A_final, d, b, x, x_nonce, n):
    prime = hash_to_prime(x, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, x_nonce)[0]
    if b < 0:
        positive_b = -b
        inverse_A_final = mul_inv(A_final, n)
        second_power = pow(inverse_A_final, positive_b, n)
        second_power = pow(A_final, b, n)
    return (pow(d, prime, n) * second_power) % n == A0
Example #7
        def test_shamir_trick_2(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(2)

                A1 = add(A0, S, elements_list[0], n)
                A2 = add(A1, S, elements_list[1], n)

                prime0 = hash_to_prime(elements_list[0], nonce=S[elements_list[0]])[0]
                prime1 = hash_to_prime(elements_list[1], nonce=S[elements_list[1]])[0]

                proof0 = prove_membership(A0, S, elements_list[0], n)
                proof1 = prove_membership(A0, S, elements_list[1], n)

                agg_proof = shamir_trick(proof0, proof1, prime0, prime1, n)

                is_valid = pow(agg_proof, prime0 * prime1, n) == A2
Example #8
def batch_add(A_pre_add, S, x_list, n):
    product = 1
    for x in x_list:
        if x not in S.keys():
            hash_prime, nonce = hash_to_prime(x, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE)
            S[x] = nonce
            product *= hash_prime
    A_post_add = pow(A_pre_add, product, n)
    return A_post_add, prove_exponentiation(A_pre_add, product, A_post_add, n)
Example #9
def delete(A0, A, S, x, n):
    if x not in S.keys():
        return A
        del S[x]
        product = 1
        for element in S.keys():
            nonce = S[element]
            product *= hash_to_prime(element, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonce)[0]
        Anew = pow(A0, product, n)
        return Anew
Example #10
        def test_batch_add(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(10)

                A_post_add, nipoe = batch_add(A0, S, elements_list, n)
                self.assertEqual(len(S), 10)

                nonces_list = list(map(lambda e: hash_to_prime(e)[1], elements_list))
                is_valid = batch_verify_membership_with_NIPoE(nipoe[0], nipoe[1], A0, elements_list, nonces_list, A_post_add, n)
Example #11
def prove_membership(A0, S, x, n):
    if x not in S.keys():
        return None
        product = 1
        for element in S.keys():
            if element != x:
                nonce = S[element]
                product *= hash_to_prime(element, ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonce)[0]
        A = pow(A0, product, n)
        return A
Example #12
def aggregate_membership_witnesses(A, witnesses_list, x_list, nonces_list, n):
    primes = []
    for i in range(len(x_list)):
        prime = hash_to_prime(x_list[i], ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonces_list[i])[0]

    agg_wit = witnesses_list[0]
    product = primes[0]

    for i in range(len(x_list))[1:]:
        agg_wit = shamir_trick(agg_wit, witnesses_list[i], product, primes[i], n)
        product *= primes[i]

    return agg_wit, prove_exponentiation(agg_wit, product, A, n)
Example #13
        def test_batch_proof_of_membership_with_NIPoE(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(10)

                A = A0
                for x in elements_list:
                        A = add(A, S, x, n)
                A_final = A

                elements_to_prove_list = [elements_list[4], elements_list[7], elements_list[8]]
                Q, l_nonce, u = batch_prove_membership_with_NIPoE(A0, S, elements_to_prove_list, n, A_final)
                nonces_list = list(map(lambda e: hash_to_prime(e)[1], elements_to_prove_list))
                is_valid = batch_verify_membership_with_NIPoE(Q, l_nonce, u, elements_to_prove_list, nonces_list, A_final, n)
Example #14
        def test_batch_proof_of_membership(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(10)

                A = A0
                for x in elements_list:
                        A = add(A, S, x, n)
                A_final = A

                elements_to_prove_list = [elements_list[4], elements_list[7], elements_list[8]]
                A_intermediate = batch_prove_membership(A0, S, elements_to_prove_list, n=n)
                nonces_list = list(map(lambda e: hash_to_prime(e)[1], elements_to_prove_list))
                is_valid = batch_verify_membership(A_final, elements_to_prove_list, nonces_list, A_intermediate, n)
Example #15
        def test_prove_non_membership(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(3)

                A1 = add(A0, S, elements_list[0], n)
                A2 = add(A1, S, elements_list[1], n)
                A3 = add(A2, S, elements_list[2], n)

                proof = prove_non_membership(A0, S, elements_list[0], S[elements_list[0]], n)

                x = create_list(1)[0]
                prime, x_nonce = hash_to_prime(x)
                proof = prove_non_membership(A0, S, x, x_nonce, n)
                is_valid = verify_non_membership(A0, A3, proof[0], proof[1], x, x_nonce, n)
Example #16
        def test_batch_delete(self):
                n, A0, S = setup()

                elements_list = create_list(5)

                A = A0
                for i in range(len(elements_list)):
                        A = add(A, S, elements_list[i], n)
                A_pre_delete = A

                elements_to_delete_list = [elements_list[0], elements_list[2], elements_list[4]]
                nonces_list = list(map(lambda e: hash_to_prime(e)[1], elements_to_delete_list))

                proofs = list(map(lambda x: prove_membership(A0, S, x, n), elements_to_delete_list))

                A_post_delete, nipoe = batch_delete_using_membership_proofs(A_pre_delete, S, elements_to_delete_list, proofs, n)

                is_valid = batch_verify_membership_with_NIPoE(nipoe[0], nipoe[1], A_post_delete, elements_to_delete_list, nonces_list, A_pre_delete, n)
Example #17
def prove_membership_with_NIPoE(g, S, x, n, w):
    u = prove_membership(g, S, x, n)
    x_prime, x_nonce = hash_to_prime(x=x, nonce=S[x])
    (Q, l_nonce) = prove_exponentiation(u, x_prime, w, n)
    return Q, l_nonce, u
Example #18
def verify_exponentiation(Q, l_nonce, u, x, x_nonce, w, n):
    x = hash_to_prime(x=x, nonce=x_nonce)[0]
    return __verify_exponentiation(Q, l_nonce, u, x, w, n)
Example #19
 def test_hash_to_prime(self):
         x = secrets.randbelow(pow(2, 256))
         h, nonce = hash_to_prime(x, 128)
         self.assertTrue(h, math.log2(h) < 128)
Example #20
def __verify_exponentiation(Q, l_nonce, u, x, w, n):
    l = hash_to_prime(x=(concat(x, u, w)), nonce=l_nonce)[0]
    r = x % l
    # check (Q^l)(u^r) == w
    return (pow(Q, l, n) % n) * (pow(u, r, n) % n) % n == w
Example #21
def verify_membership(A, x, nonce, proof, n):
    return __verify_membership(A, hash_to_prime(x=x, num_of_bits=ACCUMULATED_PRIME_SIZE, nonce=nonce)[0], proof, n)
Example #22
def create_all_membership_witnesses(A0, S, n):
    primes = [hash_to_prime(x=x, nonce=S[x])[0] for x in S.keys()]
    return root_factor(A0, primes, n)
Example #23
def prove_exponentiation(u, x, w, n):
    l, nonce = hash_to_prime(concat(x, u, w))  # Fiat-Shamir instead of interactive challenge
    q = x // l
    Q = pow(u, q, n)
    return Q, nonce