Example #1
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error   = 1

################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2 :              # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par = rsf.Par(argv)             # get parameters

    levels = par.int('levels',3)
    # directory search depth

    list = par.string('list')
    # how much to list [all,filter,none], default = all

    timer = par.string('timer')
    # output execution time [log,file,none], default = none

    rsfproj = par.string('rsfproj')
    # rsfproj filter [yes,no,both], default = yes

    size = par.int('size',1024**2)
    # max data size filter (MB)
    size = size*1024**2

    uses = par.string('uses')
    # uses filter, default = any

    fetch_none = par.bool('nofetch',True)
    # fetch-no-data filter

    fetch_public = par.bool('public',False)
    # fetch-public-data filter

    fetch_private = par.bool('private',False)
    # fetch-private-data filter

    fetch_local = par.bool('local',False)
    # fetch-local-data filter

    command = par.string('command')
    # command to execute in each directory, default = none

    skipfile = par.string('skipfile')
    # file with list of directories to skip

    if list is None:    list='all'
    if list not in ['all','filter','none']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown list option: %s\n' % list)
        return unix_error

    if timer is None:   timer='none'
    if timer not in ['log','file','none']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown timer option: %s\n' % timer)
        return unix_error

    if rsfproj is None: rsfproj='yes'
    if rsfproj not in ['yes','no','both']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown rsfproj option: %s\n' % rsfproj)
        return unix_error

    if uses is None:    uses='any'

    if fetch_none is None:      fetch_none    = True
    if fetch_public is None:    fetch_public  = False
    if fetch_private is None:   fetch_private = False
    if fetch_local is None:     fetch_local   = False

################    build list of search directories

    books = []
    for item in argv[1:]:
        if '='  in item: continue       # skip parameter items
        if not os.path.exists(item):    # does item exist?
            sys.stderr.write("Directory '%s' does not exist.\n" % item)
        if not os.path.isdir(item):     # is item a directory?
            sys.stderr.write("File '%s' is not a directory.\n" % item)

    if len(books) == 0:                 # nothing to search
        sys.stderr.write("No directories to search.\n")
        return unix_error

    sys.stdout.write("Searching in: %s\n\n" % books)

################    read skipfile

    g = {}
    l = {}
    if skipfile is not None: execfile(skipfile,g,l)
    if 'skiplist' in l: skiplist = l['skiplist']
    else:               skiplist = []
################    get list of tools installed in $RSFROOT

    tool_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(RSFROOT,"bin"))

################    search directory tree

    if (list == 'all') or (list == 'filter'):
        sys.stdout.write('command   rsfproj     data    size        directory\n')

    total_list      = 0
    total_size      = 0
    pass_list       = 0
    pass_size       = 0
    rsfproj_yes     = 0
    rsfproj_no      = 0
    rsfproj_error   = 0
    command_error   = 0
    data_unknown    = 0
    data_none       = 0
    data_public     = 0
    data_private    = 0
    data_local      = 0

    for bookdir in books:
        for root,dirs,files in os.walk(bookdir):

            if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn')      # don't visit .svn dirs

            reldir = root.replace(bookdir,"dummy",1)    # get relative dir name
            level  = len(reldir.split(os.sep))-1        # get dir level

            if level <  levels: continue        # scan to depth 'levels' ...
            if level == levels: del dirs[:]     # ... but not beyond 'levels'

                                                # skip dirs without SConstruct
            if 'SConstruct' not in files: continue
                                                # read rsfproj file
            tuple = read_rsfproj(root,files)
            (error,rsfproj_exist,uses_list,data_type,data_size) = tuple
            if error==1:
                rsfproj_error = rsfproj_error+1
                string = "   *********  .rsfproj error   *********  %s\n"
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)
            tools = 'yes'
            for item in uses_list:
                if (item not in tool_list): tools = 'no '

                                                # calculate directory filter
            options = (skiplist,rsfproj,uses,size,fetch_none,fetch_public,fetch_private,fetch_local)
            props   = (root,rsfproj_exist,uses_list,data_type,data_size)
            filter  = calc_filter(options,props)
            if filter==True:
                pass_list = pass_list+1
                pass_size = pass_size+data_size

                                        # print data for each directory
            if (list == 'all') or ((list == 'filter') and (filter == True)):

                total_list = total_list+1
                total_size = total_size+data_size

                if filter:  filter_command = 'yes'
                else:       filter_command = 'no '

                if rsfproj_exist == 'yes' : rsfproj_yes   = rsfproj_yes+1
                if rsfproj_exist == 'no'  : rsfproj_no    = rsfproj_no+1

                if data_type == 'unknown' : data_unknown = data_unknown+1
                if data_type == 'none'    : data_none    = data_none+1
                if data_type == 'public'  : data_public  = data_public+1
                if data_type == 'private' : data_private = data_private+1
                if data_type == 'local'   : data_local   = data_local+1

                tuple = (filter_command,rsfproj_exist,
                sys.stdout.write('%s       %-3s     %10s  %-7s     %s\n' % tuple)

                                        # execute command in directory
            if (filter is True) and (command is not None):
                string = "   +++++++++  running command  +++++++++  %s\n"
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)

                tuple = command_wait(' '.join(['cd',root,';',command]))
                (exit,dt_user,dt_sys,dt_real) = tuple

                if (timer == 'log'):
                    string = "   user %6.2f   sys %6.2f  real %6.2f  %s\n"
                    sys.stdout.write(string % (dt_user,dt_sys,dt_real,root))
                if (timer == 'file'):
                if (exit==0):
                    string = "   ---------  command success  ---------  %s\n"
                    string = "   *********   command error   *********  %s\n"
                    command_error = command_error+1
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)

    sys.stdout.write("Directories listed : %3d\n" % total_list)
    sys.stdout.write("Total data size    : %s\n" % size_string(total_size))
    sys.stdout.write("Directories with .rsfproj    : %3d\n" % rsfproj_yes)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories without .rsfproj : %3d\n" % rsfproj_no)
    sys.stdout.write(".rsfproj errors              : %3d\n" % rsfproj_error)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories for command      : %3d\n" % pass_list)
    sys.stdout.write("Total data size for command  : %s\n"  % size_string(pass_size))
    sys.stdout.write("Command errors               : %3d\n" % command_error)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using unknown external data : %3d\n" % data_unknown)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using no external data      : %3d\n" % data_none)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using public external data  : %3d\n" % data_public)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using private external data : %3d\n" % data_private)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using local data            : %3d\n" % data_local)

    return unix_success
Example #2
def show_man_and_out(condition):
    'Display self-doc (man page) and exit'

    if condition:
        rsfprog.selfdoc() # show the man page
Example #3
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error = 1

    ################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2:  # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par = rsf.Par(argv)  # get parameters

    levels = par.int('levels', 3)
    # directory search depth

    outfile_name = par.string('outfile')
    # file name for detailed inventory table, default none

    untested = par.bool('untested', False)
    # list untested examples?

    ################    build list of search directories

    books = []
    for item in argv[1:]:
        if '=' in item: continue  # skip parameter items
        if not os.path.exists(item):  # does item exist?
            sys.stderr.write("Directory '%s' does not exist.\n" % item)
        if not os.path.isdir(item):  # is item a directory?
            sys.stderr.write("File '%s' is not a directory.\n" % item)

    if len(books) == 0:  # nothing to search
        sys.stderr.write("No directories to search.\n")
        return unix_error

    sys.stdout.write("Searching in: %s\n\n" % books)

    ################    open outut file

    if outfile_name == None:
        outfile = None
        outfile = open(outfile_name, 'w')
        outfile.write('proj error  ')
        outfile.write('test error  time                                ')
        outfile.write('size  type     fig lock miss  ext diff same  dir\n')

################    search directory tree

    sbool = {True: 'yes', False: 'no ', None: '-  '}
    serror = {0: 'ok   ', 1: 'error'}

    rsftest_errors = 0
    rsftest_no = 0
    figdir_no = 0
    lockdir_no = 0
    figs_missing = 0
    figs_extra = 0
    figs_diff = 0

    rsftest_error_list = []
    rsftest_no_list = []
    figdir_no_list = []
    lockdir_no_list = []
    figs_missing_list = []
    figs_extra_list = []
    figs_diff_list = []

    for bookdir in books:
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(bookdir):

            if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn')  # don't visit .svn dirs

            reldir = root.replace(bookdir, "dummy", 1)  # get relative dir name
            level = len(reldir.split(os.sep)) - 1  # get dir level

            if level < levels: continue  # scan to depth 'levels' ...
            if level == levels: del dirs[:]  # ... but not beyond 'levels'

            # skip dirs without SConstruct
            if 'SConstruct' not in files: continue

            rsfproj_vals = read_rsfproj(root, files)  # read rsfproj file
            rsftest_vals = read_rsftest(root, files)  # read rsftest file

            # count errors
            if rsftest_vals['error'] == 1:
                rsftest_errors = rsftest_errors + 1

            if not rsftest_vals['exist']:
                rsftest_no = rsftest_no + 1

            if rsftest_vals['exist_fig'] == False:
                figdir_no = figdir_no + 1

            if rsftest_vals['exist_lock'] == False:
                lockdir_no = lockdir_no + 1

            if rsftest_vals['miss'] > 0:
                figs_missing = figs_missing + 1

            if rsftest_vals['extra'] > 0:
                figs_extra = figs_extra + 1

            if rsftest_vals['diff'] > 0:
                figs_diff = figs_diff + 1

                # write summary table
            if outfile != None:
                outfile.write('%s  ' % sbool[rsfproj_vals['exist']])
                outfile.write('%s  ' % serror[rsfproj_vals['error']])
                outfile.write('%s  ' % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist']])
                outfile.write('%s  ' % serror[rsftest_vals['error']])
                outfile.write('"%-24s"  ' % rsftest_vals['time'])
                outfile.write('%12s  ' % int_string(rsfproj_vals['size']))
                outfile.write('%s  ' % rsfproj_vals['data'])
                outfile.write('%s  ' % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist_fig']])
                outfile.write('%s  ' % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist_lock']])
                outfile.write('%3s  ' % int_string(rsftest_vals['miss']))
                outfile.write('%3s  ' % int_string(rsftest_vals['extra']))
                outfile.write('%3s  ' % int_string(rsftest_vals['diff']))
                outfile.write('%3s  ' % int_string(rsftest_vals['same']))
                outfile.write('%s\n' % root)

################    write summary

    sys.stdout.write("Examples without an .rsftest file (%d):\n" % rsftest_no)
    if untested:
        for item in rsftest_no_list:
            sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Examples with .rsftest file errors (%d):\n" %
    for item in rsftest_error_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples without a fig directory (%d):\n" %
    for item in figdir_no_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples without a lock directory (%d):\n" %
    for item in lockdir_no_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with missing figs (%d):\n" %
    for item in figs_missing_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with extra figs (%d):\n" % figs_extra)
    for item in figs_extra_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with non-matching figs (%d):\n" %
    for item in figs_diff_list:
        sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    return unix_success
Example #4
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error = 1

    ################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2:  # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par = rsf.Par(argv)  # get parameters
    figdir = par.string('figdir')  # fig directory, default = ./Fig
    lockdir = par.string(
        'lockdir')  # lock directory, default = lock counterpart of figdir
    list = par.string(
        'list')  # how much to list [none,diff,miss,all], default = all
    show = par.string(
        'show')  # how much to show [none,diff,miss,all], default = none
    rsftest = par.bool('rsftest', False)  # write .rsftest file?
    copy = par.bool('copy',
                    False)  # copy different figs from figdir to lockdir?

    # check list and show parameters
    options = ['none', 'diff', 'miss', 'all']
    if list is None: list = 'all'
    if options.count(list) == 0:
        print "Unknown list option: %s" % list
        return unix_error

    if show is None: show = 'none'
    if options.count(show) == 0:
        print "Unknown show option: %s" % show
        return unix_error

################    get environment variables

# get $RSFFIGS variable
    rsffigs = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS')

    # use $RSFROOT/figs if $RSFFIGS not defined
    if rsffigs == None:
        rsffigs = os.path.join(RSFROOT, 'share', 'madagascar', 'figs')

        # get $RSFALTFIGS variable
    rsfaltfigs = os.environ.get('RSFALTFIGS')

    # use rsffigs if $RSFALTFIGS not defined
    if rsfaltfigs == None: rsfaltfigs = rsffigs

    ################    get directory paths

    # get fig directory path
    if figdir is None: figpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('.', 'Fig'))
    else: figpath = os.path.abspath(figdir)

    # get lock directory path
    if lockdir is None:
        # default to $RSFFIGS/book_tree
        book_paths = book_path_split(figpath)
        lockpath = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(rsffigs, book_paths[1]))

        # if $RSFSRC is defined and we are not in
        # $RSFSRC/book/book_tree then
        # default to $RSFALTFIGS/book_tree
        if os.environ.get('RSFSRC') != None:
            if book_paths[0] != os.path.expandvars(
                    os.path.join('$RSFSRC', 'book')):
                lockpath = os.path.expandvars(
                    os.path.join(rsfaltfigs, book_paths[1]))

                # use user-supplied lockdir
        lockpath = os.path.abspath(lockdir)

        # check if fig & lock directories exist
    exist_fig = os.path.exists(figpath)
    exist_lock = os.path.exists(lockpath)

    # print fig directory path
    print ""
    if exist_fig:
        print "Fig directory:"
        print figpath
        print "Fig directory does not exist:"
        print figpath

        # print lock directory path
    print ""
    if exist_lock:
        print "Lock directory:"
        print lockpath
        print "Lock directory does not exist:"
        print lockpath

    if (not exist_fig) or (not exist_lock):
        if rsftest:
            rsftest_write(exist_fig, exist_lock, None, None, None, None, None)
        return unix_error

################    initialize variables

    miss = 0
    extra = 0
    diff = 0
    same = 0
    files = {}

    ################    get file lists

    # get lists of vpl files
    figlist = vpl_list(os.listdir(figpath))
    locklist = vpl_list(os.listdir(lockpath))


    # merge vpl lists
    for item in figlist:
        files[item] = '  '
    for item in locklist:
        files[item] = '  '
    filelist = files.keys()

    ################    find missing and different files

    # find missing files
    for item in filelist:
        if figlist.count(item) == 0:
            files[item] = ' -'
            miss = miss + 1
    for item in filelist:
        if locklist.count(item) == 0:
            files[item] = ' +'
            extra = extra + 1

            # find different files
    print ""
    binpath = os.path.join(RSFROOT, 'bin')
    command = os.path.join(binpath, sfprefix + 'vplotdiff')
    for item in filelist:
        if files[item] == '  ':
            figfile = os.path.join(figpath, item)
            lockfile = os.path.join(lockpath, item)
            check = os.system(' '.join(
                [command, figfile, lockfile, '2>/dev/null']))
            if check != 0:
                if copy:
                    print "Copying %s from fig directory to lock directory." % item
                    shutil.copy(figfile, lockfile)
                    files[item] = '%2d' % (check // 256)
                    diff = diff + 1

################    print file list and show selected figs

    command = os.path.join(binpath, 'sfpen')
    for item in filelist:
        miss_check = (files[item] != '  ')

        diff_check = ((files[item] != '  ') and (files[item] != ' -')
                      and (files[item] != ' +'))

        list_check = (((list == 'all')) or ((list == 'miss') and miss_check)
                      or ((list == 'diff') and diff_check))

        show_check = (((show == 'all')) or ((show == 'miss') and miss_check)
                      or ((show == 'diff') and diff_check))

        if files[item] == ' -': figfile = ''
        else: figfile = os.path.join(figpath, item)

        if files[item] == ' +': lockfile = ''
        else: lockfile = os.path.join(lockpath, item)

        if list_check: print " %s %s" % (files[item], item)
        if show_check: syswait(' '.join([command, figfile, lockfile]))
        if files[item] == '  ': same = same + 1

    print ""
    print "Identical files:         %3d" % same
    print "Different files:         %3d" % diff
    print "Files missing from Fig:  %3d" % miss
    print "Extra files in Fig:      %3d" % extra
    print "Total vplot files:       %3d" % len(filelist)
    print ""

    # write .rsftest file
    if rsftest:
        rsftest_write(exist_fig, exist_lock, miss, extra, diff, same, files)

    return unix_success
Example #5
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error = 1

    ################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2:  # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par = rsf.Par(argv)  # get parameters

    levels = par.int('levels', 3)
    # directory search depth

    list = par.string('list')
    # how much to list [all,filter,none], default = all

    timer = par.string('timer')
    # output execution time [log,file,none], default = none

    rsfproj = par.string('rsfproj')
    # rsfproj filter [yes,no,both], default = yes

    size = par.int('size', 1024**2)
    # max data size filter (MB)
    size = size * 1024**2

    uses = par.string('uses')
    # uses filter, default = any

    fetch_none = par.bool('nofetch', True)
    # fetch-no-data filter

    fetch_public = par.bool('public', False)
    # fetch-public-data filter

    fetch_private = par.bool('private', False)
    # fetch-private-data filter

    fetch_local = par.bool('local', False)
    # fetch-local-data filter

    command = par.string('command')
    # command to execute in each directory, default = none

    skipfile = par.string('skipfile')
    # file with list of directories to skip

    if list is None: list = 'all'
    if list not in ['all', 'filter', 'none']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown list option: %s\n' % list)
        return unix_error

    if timer is None: timer = 'none'
    if timer not in ['log', 'file', 'none']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown timer option: %s\n' % timer)
        return unix_error

    if rsfproj is None: rsfproj = 'yes'
    if rsfproj not in ['yes', 'no', 'both']:
        sys.stderr.write('Unknown rsfproj option: %s\n' % rsfproj)
        return unix_error

    if uses is None: uses = 'any'

    if fetch_none is None: fetch_none = True
    if fetch_public is None: fetch_public = False
    if fetch_private is None: fetch_private = False
    if fetch_local is None: fetch_local = False

    ################    build list of search directories

    books = []
    for item in argv[1:]:
        if '=' in item: continue  # skip parameter items
        if not os.path.exists(item):  # does item exist?
            sys.stderr.write("Directory '%s' does not exist.\n" % item)
        if not os.path.isdir(item):  # is item a directory?
            sys.stderr.write("File '%s' is not a directory.\n" % item)

    if len(books) == 0:  # nothing to search
        sys.stderr.write("No directories to search.\n")
        return unix_error

    sys.stdout.write("Searching in: %s\n\n" % books)

    ################    read skipfile

    g = {}
    l = {}
    if skipfile is not None: execfile(skipfile, g, l)

    if 'skiplist' in l: skiplist = l['skiplist']
    else: skiplist = []

    ################    get list of tools installed in $RSFROOT

    tool_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(RSFROOT, "bin"))

    ################    search directory tree

    if (list == 'all') or (list == 'filter'):
            'command   rsfproj     data    size        directory\n')

    total_list = 0
    total_size = 0
    pass_list = 0
    pass_size = 0
    rsfproj_yes = 0
    rsfproj_no = 0
    rsfproj_error = 0
    command_error = 0
    data_unknown = 0
    data_none = 0
    data_public = 0
    data_private = 0
    data_local = 0

    for bookdir in books:
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(bookdir):

            if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn')  # don't visit .svn dirs

            reldir = root.replace(bookdir, "dummy", 1)  # get relative dir name
            level = len(reldir.split(os.sep)) - 1  # get dir level

            if level < levels: continue  # scan to depth 'levels' ...
            if level == levels: del dirs[:]  # ... but not beyond 'levels'

            # skip dirs without SConstruct
            if 'SConstruct' not in files: continue

            # read rsfproj file
            tuple = read_rsfproj(root, files)
            (error, rsfproj_exist, uses_list, data_type, data_size) = tuple
            if error == 1:
                rsfproj_error = rsfproj_error + 1
                string = "   *********  .rsfproj error   *********  %s\n"
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)

            tools = 'yes'
            for item in uses_list:
                if (item not in tool_list): tools = 'no '

                # calculate directory filter
            options = (skiplist, rsfproj, uses, size, fetch_none, fetch_public,
                       fetch_private, fetch_local)
            props = (root, rsfproj_exist, uses_list, data_type, data_size)
            filter = calc_filter(options, props)
            if filter == True:

                pass_list = pass_list + 1
                pass_size = pass_size + data_size

                # print data for each directory
            if (list == 'all') or ((list == 'filter') and (filter == True)):

                total_list = total_list + 1
                total_size = total_size + data_size

                if filter: filter_command = 'yes'
                else: filter_command = 'no '

                if rsfproj_exist == 'yes': rsfproj_yes = rsfproj_yes + 1
                if rsfproj_exist == 'no': rsfproj_no = rsfproj_no + 1

                if data_type == 'unknown': data_unknown = data_unknown + 1
                if data_type == 'none': data_none = data_none + 1
                if data_type == 'public': data_public = data_public + 1
                if data_type == 'private': data_private = data_private + 1
                if data_type == 'local': data_local = data_local + 1

                tuple = (filter_command, rsfproj_exist, data_type,
                         size_string(data_size), root)
                sys.stdout.write('%s       %-3s     %10s  %-7s     %s\n' %

                # execute command in directory
            if (filter is True) and (command is not None):
                string = "   +++++++++  running command  +++++++++  %s\n"
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)

                tuple = command_wait(' '.join(['cd', root, ';', command]))
                (exit, dt_user, dt_sys, dt_real) = tuple

                if (timer == 'log'):
                    string = "   user %6.2f   sys %6.2f  real %6.2f  %s\n"
                    sys.stdout.write(string % (dt_user, dt_sys, dt_real, root))

                if (timer == 'file'):
                    rsftimer_write(root, exit, dt_user, dt_sys, dt_real)

                if (exit == 0):
                    string = "   ---------  command success  ---------  %s\n"
                    string = "   *********   command error   *********  %s\n"
                    command_error = command_error + 1
                sys.stdout.write(string % root)

    sys.stdout.write("Directories listed : %3d\n" % total_list)
    sys.stdout.write("Total data size    : %s\n" % size_string(total_size))
    sys.stdout.write("Directories with .rsfproj    : %3d\n" % rsfproj_yes)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories without .rsfproj : %3d\n" % rsfproj_no)
    sys.stdout.write(".rsfproj errors              : %3d\n" % rsfproj_error)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories for command      : %3d\n" % pass_list)
    sys.stdout.write("Total data size for command  : %s\n" %
    sys.stdout.write("Command errors               : %3d\n" % command_error)
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using unknown external data : %3d\n" %
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using no external data      : %3d\n" %
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using public external data  : %3d\n" %
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using private external data : %3d\n" %
    sys.stdout.write("Directories using local data            : %3d\n" %

    return unix_success
Example #6
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error   = 1

################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2 :              # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par     = rsf.Par(argv)             # get parameters
    figdir  = par.string('figdir')      # fig directory, default = ./Fig
    lockdir = par.string('lockdir')     # lock directory, default = lock counterpart of figdir
    list    = par.string('list')        # how much to list [none,diff,miss,all], default = all
    show    = par.string('show')        # how much to show [none,diff,miss,all], default = none
    rsftest = par.bool('rsftest',False) # write .rsftest file?
    copy    = par.bool('copy',False)    # copy different figs from figdir to lockdir?

                                    # check list and show parameters
    options = ['none','diff','miss','all']
    if list is None:    list='all'
    if options.count(list) == 0:
        print "Unknown list option: %s" % list
        return unix_error

    if show is None:    show='none'
    if options.count(show) == 0:
        print "Unknown show option: %s" % show
        return unix_error
################    get environment variables

                                    # get $RSFFIGS variable
    rsffigs = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS')

                                    # use $RSFROOT/figs if $RSFFIGS not defined
    if rsffigs == None:
        rsffigs = os.path.join(RSFROOT,'share','madagascar','figs')

                                    # get $RSFALTFIGS variable
    rsfaltfigs = os.environ.get('RSFALTFIGS')

                                    # use rsffigs if $RSFALTFIGS not defined
    if rsfaltfigs == None: rsfaltfigs = rsffigs

################    get directory paths

                                    # get fig directory path
    if figdir is None:  figpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('.','Fig'))
    else:               figpath = os.path.abspath(figdir)

                                    # get lock directory path
    if lockdir is None:
                                    # default to $RSFFIGS/book_tree
        book_paths = book_path_split(figpath)
        lockpath = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(rsffigs,book_paths[1]))

                                    # if $RSFSRC is defined and we are not in
                                    # $RSFSRC/book/book_tree then
                                    # default to $RSFALTFIGS/book_tree
        if os.environ.get('RSFSRC') != None:
            if book_paths[0] != os.path.expandvars(os.path.join('$RSFSRC','book')):
                lockpath = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(rsfaltfigs,book_paths[1]))

                                    # use user-supplied lockdir
        lockpath = os.path.abspath(lockdir)

                                    # check if fig & lock directories exist
    exist_fig   = os.path.exists(figpath)
    exist_lock  = os.path.exists(lockpath)

                                    # print fig directory path
    print ""
    if exist_fig:
        print "Fig directory:"
        print figpath
        print "Fig directory does not exist:"
        print figpath

                                    # print lock directory path
    print ""
    if exist_lock:
        print "Lock directory:"
        print lockpath
        print "Lock directory does not exist:"
        print lockpath

    if (not exist_fig) or (not exist_lock):
        if rsftest: rsftest_write(exist_fig,exist_lock,None,None,None,None,None)
        return unix_error

################    initialize variables

    miss  = 0
    extra = 0
    diff  = 0
    same  = 0
    files = {}

################    get file lists

                                    # get lists of vpl files
    figlist  = vpl_list(os.listdir(figpath))
    locklist = vpl_list(os.listdir(lockpath))


                                    # merge vpl lists
    for item in figlist:  files[item] = '  '
    for item in locklist: files[item] = '  '
    filelist = files.keys()

################    find missing and different files

                                    # find missing files
    for item in filelist:
        if figlist.count(item)  == 0:
            files[item] = ' -'
            miss = miss+1
    for item in filelist:
        if locklist.count(item) == 0:
            files[item] = ' +'
            extra = extra+1

                                    # find different files
    print ""
    binpath = os.path.join(RSFROOT,'bin')
    command = os.path.join(binpath,sfprefix+'vplotdiff')
    for item in filelist:
        if files[item] == '  ':
            figfile  = os.path.join(figpath,item)
            lockfile = os.path.join(lockpath,item)
            check    = os.system(' '.join([command,figfile,lockfile,
            if check != 0:
                if copy:
                    print "Copying %s from fig directory to lock directory." % item
                    files[item] = '%2d' % (check//256)
                    diff = diff+1

################    print file list and show selected figs

    command = os.path.join(binpath,'sfpen')
    for item in filelist:
        miss_check =      (files[item] != '  ')

        diff_check = (    (files[item] != '  ')
                      and (files[item] != ' -')
                      and (files[item] != ' +'))

        list_check = (   ((list == 'all'))
                      or ((list == 'miss') and miss_check)
                      or ((list == 'diff') and diff_check))

        show_check = (   ((show == 'all'))
                      or ((show == 'miss') and miss_check)
                      or ((show == 'diff') and diff_check))

        if files[item] == ' -': figfile  = ''
        else:                   figfile  = os.path.join(figpath,item)

        if files[item] == ' +': lockfile = ''
        else:                   lockfile = os.path.join(lockpath,item)

        if list_check: print " %s %s" % (files[item],item)
        if show_check: syswait(' '.join([command,figfile,lockfile]))
        if files[item] == '  ': same = same+1

    print ""
    print "Identical files:         %3d" % same
    print "Different files:         %3d" % diff
    print "Files missing from Fig:  %3d" % miss
    print "Extra files in Fig:      %3d" % extra
    print "Total vplot files:       %3d" % len(filelist)
    print ""

                                        # write .rsftest file
    if rsftest: rsftest_write(exist_fig,exist_lock,miss,extra,diff,same,files)

    return unix_success
Example #7
def show_man_and_out(condition):
    'Display self-doc (man page) and exit'

    if condition:
        rsfprog.selfdoc() # show the man page
Example #8
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    unix_success = 0
    unix_error   = 1

################    get user parameters

    if len(argv) < 2 :              # print selfdoc and exit if no parameters
        return unix_error

    par = rsf.Par(argv)             # get parameters

    levels        = par.int('levels',3)
    # directory search depth
    outfile_name  = par.string('outfile')
    # file name for detailed inventory table, default none

    untested      = par.bool('untested',False)
    # list untested examples?

################    build list of search directories

    books = []
    for item in argv[1:]:
        if '='  in item: continue       # skip parameter items
        if not os.path.exists(item):    # does item exist?
            sys.stderr.write("Directory '%s' does not exist.\n" % item)
        if not os.path.isdir(item):     # is item a directory?
            sys.stderr.write("File '%s' is not a directory.\n" % item)

    if len(books) == 0:                 # nothing to search
        sys.stderr.write("No directories to search.\n")
        return unix_error

    sys.stdout.write("Searching in: %s\n\n" % books)

################    open outut file

    if outfile_name == None:
        outfile = None
        outfile = open(outfile_name,'w')
        outfile.write('proj error  ')
        outfile.write('test error  time                                ')
        outfile.write('size  type     fig lock miss  ext diff same  dir\n')

################    search directory tree

    sbool  = {True:'yes', False:'no ', None:'-  '}
    serror = {0:'ok   ', 1:'error'}

    rsftest_errors  = 0
    rsftest_no      = 0
    figdir_no       = 0
    lockdir_no      = 0
    figs_missing    = 0
    figs_extra      = 0
    figs_diff       = 0

    rsftest_error_list  = []
    rsftest_no_list     = []
    figdir_no_list      = []
    lockdir_no_list     = []
    figs_missing_list   = []
    figs_extra_list     = []
    figs_diff_list      = []

    for bookdir in books:
        for root,dirs,files in os.walk(bookdir):

            if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn')      # don't visit .svn dirs

            reldir = root.replace(bookdir,"dummy",1)    # get relative dir name
            level  = len(reldir.split(os.sep))-1        # get dir level

            if level <  levels: continue        # scan to depth 'levels' ...
            if level == levels: del dirs[:]     # ... but not beyond 'levels'

                                                # skip dirs without SConstruct
            if 'SConstruct' not in files: continue

            rsfproj_vals = read_rsfproj(root,files)     # read rsfproj file
            rsftest_vals = read_rsftest(root,files)     # read rsftest file

                                                        # count errors
            if rsftest_vals['error'] == 1:
                rsftest_errors  = rsftest_errors+1

            if not rsftest_vals['exist']:
                rsftest_no  = rsftest_no+1

            if rsftest_vals['exist_fig'] == False:
                figdir_no  = figdir_no+1

            if rsftest_vals['exist_lock'] == False:
                lockdir_no  = lockdir_no+1

            if rsftest_vals['miss'] > 0:
                figs_missing = figs_missing+1

            if rsftest_vals['extra'] > 0:
                figs_extra = figs_extra+1

            if rsftest_vals['diff'] > 0:
                figs_diff = figs_diff+1

                                                # write summary table
            if outfile != None:
                outfile.write('%s  '      % sbool[rsfproj_vals['exist']])
                outfile.write('%s  '      % serror[rsfproj_vals['error']])
                outfile.write('%s  '      % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist']])
                outfile.write('%s  '      % serror[rsftest_vals['error']])
                outfile.write('"%-24s"  ' % rsftest_vals['time'])
                outfile.write('%12s  '    % int_string(rsfproj_vals['size']))
                outfile.write('%s  '      % rsfproj_vals['data'])
                outfile.write('%s  '      % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist_fig']])
                outfile.write('%s  '      % sbool[rsftest_vals['exist_lock']])
                outfile.write('%3s  '     % int_string(rsftest_vals['miss']))
                outfile.write('%3s  '     % int_string(rsftest_vals['extra']))
                outfile.write('%3s  '     % int_string(rsftest_vals['diff']))
                outfile.write('%3s  '     % int_string(rsftest_vals['same']))
                outfile.write('%s\n'      % root)
################    write summary

    sys.stdout.write("Examples without an .rsftest file (%d):\n" % rsftest_no)
    if untested:
        for item in rsftest_no_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Examples with .rsftest file errors (%d):\n" % rsftest_errors)
    for item in rsftest_error_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples without a fig directory (%d):\n" % figdir_no)
    for item in figdir_no_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples without a lock directory (%d):\n" % lockdir_no)
    for item in lockdir_no_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with missing figs (%d):\n" % figs_missing)
    for item in figs_missing_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with extra figs (%d):\n" % figs_extra)
    for item in figs_extra_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    sys.stdout.write("Tested examples with non-matching figs (%d):\n" % figs_diff)
    for item in figs_diff_list: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % item)

    return unix_success