Example #1
def find_pyrs():
    :return: the location (absolute path) of the pyrealsense2 .so (linux) or .pyd (windows)
    global build
    from rspy import file
    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        for so in file.find(build, '(^|/)pyrealsense2.*\.so$'):
            return os.path.join(build, so)
        for pyd in file.find(build, '(^|/)pyrealsense2.*\.pyd$'):
            return os.path.join(build, pyd)
Example #2
def find_pyrs():
    :return: the location (absolute path) of the pyrealsense2 .so (linux) or .pyd (windows)
    global build
    import platform
    system = platform.system()
    linux = ( system == 'Linux'  and  "microsoft" not in platform.uname()[3].lower() )
    from rspy import file
    if linux:
        for so in file.find( build, '(^|/)pyrealsense2.*\.so$' ):
            return os.path.join( build, so )
        for pyd in file.find( build, '(^|/)pyrealsense2.*\.pyd$' ):
            return os.path.join( build, pyd )
Example #3
def get_tests():
    global regex, target, pyrs, current_dir, linux
    if regex:
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
    if target:
        # In Linux, the build targets are located elsewhere than on Windows
        # Go over all the tests from a "manifest" we take from the result of the last CMake
        # run (rather than, for example, looking for test-* in the build-directory):
        if linux:
            manifestfile = target + '/CMakeFiles/TargetDirectories.txt'
            manifestfile = target + '/../CMakeFiles/TargetDirectories.txt'
        # log.d( manifestfile )
        for manifest_ctx in file.grep(
            # We need to first create the test name so we can see if it fits the regex
            testdir = manifest_ctx['match'].group(0)  # "log/internal/test-all"
            # log.d( testdir )
            testparent = os.path.dirname(testdir)  # "log/internal"
            if testparent:
                testname = 'test-' + testparent.replace(
                    '/', '-') + '-' + os.path.basename(testdir)[
                        5:]  # "test-log-internal-all"
                testname = testdir  # no parent folder so we get "test-all"

            if regex and not pattern.search(testname):

            if linux:
                exe = target + '/unit-tests/build/' + testdir + '/' + testname
                exe = target + '/' + testname + '.exe'

            yield libci.ExeTest(testname, exe, context)

    # Python unit-test scripts are in the same directory as us... we want to consider running them
    # (we may not if they're live and we have no pyrealsense2.pyd):
    for py_test in file.find(current_dir, '(^|/)test-.*\.py'):
        testparent = os.path.dirname(
            py_test)  # "log/internal" <-  "log/internal/test-all.py"
        if testparent:
            testname = 'test-' + testparent.replace(
                '/', '-') + '-' + os.path.basename(py_test)[5:-3]  # remove .py
            testname = os.path.basename(py_test)[:-3]

        if regex and not pattern.search(testname):

        yield libci.PyTest(testname, py_test, context)
Example #4
def find_image_or_exit(product_name, fw_version_regex=r'(\d+\.){3}(\d+)'):
    Searches for a FW image file for the given camera name and optional version. If none are
    found, exits with an error!
    :param product_name: the name of the camera, from get_info(rs.camera_info.name)
    :param fw_version_regex: optional regular expression specifying which FW version image to find
    :return: the image file corresponding to product_name and fw_version if exist, otherwise exit
    pattern = re.compile(r'^Intel RealSense (((\S+?)(\d+))(\S*))')
    match = pattern.search(product_name)
    if not match:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse product name '" + product_name +

    # For a product 'PR567abc', we want to search, in order, these combinations:
    #     PR567abc
    #     PR306abX
    #     PR306aXX
    #     PR306
    #     PR30X
    #     PR3XX
    # Each of the above, combined with the FW version, should yield an image name like:
    #     PR567aXX_FW_Image-<fw-version>.bin
    suffix = 5  # the suffix
    for j in range(1, 3):  # with suffix, then without
        start_index, end_index = match.span(j)
        for i in range(0, len(match.group(suffix))):
            pn = product_name[start_index:end_index - i]
            image_name = '(^|/)' + pn + i * 'X' + "_FW_Image-" + fw_version_regex + r'\.bin$'
            for image in file.find(repo.root, image_name):
                return os.path.join(repo.root, image)
        suffix -= 1
    # If we get here, we didn't find any image...
    global product_line
    log.f("Could not find image file for", product_line)
Example #5
    product_line = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)
    cmd = None

    if product_line == "L500":
        cmd = "14 00 AB CD 0A 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
    elif product_line == "D400":
        cmd = "14 00 AB CD 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
        log.f("Incompatible product line:", product_line)

    send_hardware_monitor_command(device, cmd)

# find the update tool exe
fw_updater_exe = None
for tool in file.find(repo.build, '(^|/)rs-fw-update.exe$'):
    fw_updater_exe = os.path.join(repo.build, tool)
if not fw_updater_exe:
    log.f("Could not find the update tool file (rs-fw-update.exe)")

sn_list = devices.all()
# acroname should ensure there is always 1 available device
if len(sn_list) != 1:
    log.f("Expected 1 device, got", len(sn_list))
device = devices.get_first(sn_list).handle
log.d('found:', device)
product_line = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)
log.d('product line:', product_line)

Example #6
def process_cpp(dir, builddir):
    global regex, required_tags, list_only, available_tags, tests_and_tags
    found = []
    shareds = []
    statics = []
    if regex:
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
    for f in file.find(dir, '(^|/)test-.*\.cpp$'):
        testdir = os.path.splitext(f)[
            0]  # "log/internal/test-all"  <-  "log/internal/test-all.cpp"
        testparent = os.path.dirname(testdir)  # "log/internal"
        # We need the project name unique: keep the path but make it nicer:
        testname = 'test-' + testparent.replace(
            '/', '-') + '-' + os.path.basename(testdir)[
                5:]  # "test-log-internal-all"

        if regex and not pattern.search(testname):

        if required_tags or list_tags:
            config = libci.TestConfigFromCpp(dir + os.sep + f)
            if not all(tag in config.tags for tag in required_tags):
            if list_tests:
                tests_and_tags[testname] = config.tags

        if testname not in tests_and_tags:
            tests_and_tags[testname] = None

        if list_only:

        # Each CMakeLists.txt sits in its own directory
        os.makedirs(builddir + '/' + testdir,
                    exist_ok=True)  # "build/log/internal/test-all"
        # Build the list of files we want in the project:
        # At a minimum, we have the original file, plus any common files
        filelist = [dir + '/' + f, '${ELPP_FILES}', '${CATCH_FILES}']
        # Add any "" includes specified in the .cpp that we can find
        includes = find_includes(dir + '/' + f)
        # Add any files explicitly listed in the .cpp itself, like this:
        #         //#cmake:add-file <filename>
        # Any files listed are relative to $dir
        shared = False
        static = False
        for context in file.grep('^//#cmake:\s*', dir + '/' + f):
            m = context['match']
            index = context['index']
            cmd, *rest = context['line'][m.end():].split()
            if cmd == 'add-file':
                for additional_file in rest:
                    files = additional_file
                    if not os.path.isabs(additional_file):
                        files = dir + '/' + testparent + '/' + additional_file
                    files = glob(files)
                    if not files:
                        log.e(f + '+' + str(index) + ': no files match "' +
                              additional_file + '"')
                    for abs_file in files:
                        abs_file = os.path.normpath(abs_file)
                        abs_file = abs_file.replace('\\', '/')
                        if not os.path.exists(abs_file):
                            log.e(f + '+' + str(index) + ': file not found "' +
                                  additional_file + '"')
                        log.d('   add file:', abs_file)
                        if (os.path.splitext(abs_file)[0] == 'cpp'):
                            # Add any "" includes specified in the .cpp that we can find
                            includes |= find_includes(abs_file)
            elif cmd == 'static!':
                if len(rest):
                    log.e(f + '+' + str(index) +
                          ': unexpected arguments past \'' + cmd + '\'')
                elif shared:
                    log.e(f + '+' + str(index) + ': \'' + cmd +
                          '\' mutually exclusive with \'shared!\'')
                    static = True
            elif cmd == 'shared!':
                if len(rest):
                    log.e(f + '+' + str(index) +
                          ': unexpected arguments past \'' + cmd + '\'')
                elif static:
                    log.e(f + '+' + str(index) + ': \'' + cmd +
                          '\' mutually exclusive with \'static!\'')
                    shared = True
                    f + '+' + str(index) + ': unknown cmd \'' + cmd +
                    '\' (should be \'add-file\', \'static!\', or \'shared!\')')
        for include in includes:
        generate_cmake(builddir, testdir, testname, filelist)
        if static:
        elif shared:
    return found, shareds, statics
Example #7
        list_tags = True
    elif opt == '--list-tests':
        list_tests = True

if len(args) > 1:
target = None
if len(args) == 1:
    if os.path.isdir( args[0] ):
        target = args[0]
# Trying to assume target directory from inside build directory. Only works if there is only one location with tests
if not target:
    build = repo.root + os.sep + 'build'
    for executable in file.find(build, '(^|/)test-.*'):
        if not file.is_executable(executable):
        dir_with_test = build + os.sep + os.path.dirname(executable)
        if target and target != dir_with_test:
            log.e("Found executable tests in 2 directories:", target, "and", dir_with_test, ". Can't default to directory")
        target = dir_with_test

if target:
    logdir = target + os.sep + 'unit-tests'
else: # no test executables were found. We put the logs directly in build directory
    logdir = os.path.join( repo.root, 'build', 'unit-tests' )
os.makedirs( logdir, exist_ok = True )
n_tests = 0
Example #8
            for image in file.find(repo.root, image_name):
                return os.path.join(repo.root, image)
        suffix -= 1
    # If we get here, we didn't find any image...
    global product_line
    log.f("Could not find image file for", product_line)

# find the update tool exe
fw_updater_exe = None
fw_updater_exe_regex = r'(^|/)rs-fw-update'
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    fw_updater_exe_regex += r'\.exe'
fw_updater_exe_regex += '$'
for tool in file.find(repo.build, fw_updater_exe_regex):
    fw_updater_exe = os.path.join(repo.build, tool)
if not fw_updater_exe:
    log.f("Could not find the update tool file (rs-fw-update.exe)")

sn_list = devices.all()
# acroname should ensure there is always 1 available device
if len(sn_list) != 1:
    log.f("Expected 1 device, got", len(sn_list))
device = devices.get_first(sn_list).handle
log.d('found:', device)
product_line = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)
product_name = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.name)
log.d('product line:', product_line)
Example #9
exe_dir = None  # the directory in which we expect to find exes
if len(args) == 1:
    exe_dir = args[0]
    if not os.path.isdir(exe_dir):
        log.f('Not a directory:', exe_dir)
    build_dir = find_build_dir(exe_dir)
    build_dir = repo.build  # may not actually contain exes
    #log.d( 'repo.build:', build_dir )

# Python scripts should be able to find the pyrealsense2 .pyd or else they won't work. We don't know
# if the user (Travis included) has pyrealsense2 installed but even if so, we want to use the one we compiled.
# we search the librealsense repository for the .pyd file (.so file in linux)
pyrs = ""
if linux:
    for so in file.find(exe_dir or build_dir or repo.root,
        pyrs = so
    for pyd in file.find(exe_dir or build_dir or repo.root,
        pyrs = pyd
if pyrs:
    # The path is relative; make it absolute and add to PYTHONPATH so it can be found by tests
    pyrs_path = os.path.join(exe_dir or build_dir or repo.root, pyrs)
    # We need to add the directory not the file itself
    pyrs_path = os.path.dirname(pyrs_path)
    log.d('found pyrealsense pyd in:', pyrs_path)
    if not exe_dir:
        build_dir = find_build_dir(pyrs_path)
        if linux:
            exe_dir = build_dir
        start_index, end_index = match.span(j)
        for i in range(0, len(match.group(suffix))):
            pn = product_name[start_index:end_index - i]
            image_name = '(^|/)' + pn + i * 'X' + "_FW_Image-" + fw_version_regex + r'\.bin$'
            for image in file.find(repo.root, image_name):
                return os.path.join(repo.root, image)
        suffix -= 1
    # If we get here, we didn't find any image...
    global product_line
    log.f("Could not find image file for", product_line)

# find the update tool exe
fw_updater_exe = None
for tool in file.find(repo.build, '(^|/)rs-fw-update.exe$'):
    fw_updater_exe = os.path.join(repo.build, tool)
if not fw_updater_exe:
    log.f("Could not find the update tool file (rs-fw-update.exe)")

sn_list = devices.all()
# acroname should ensure there is always 1 available device
if len(sn_list) != 1:
    log.f("Expected 1 device, got", len(sn_list))
device = devices.get_first(sn_list).handle
log.d('found:', device)
product_line = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)
product_name = device.get_info(rs.camera_info.name)
log.d('product line:', product_line)