Example #1
def read_grid(RTG_file, rti, RTG_type='FLOAT', REPORT=False, SILENT=True):

    # Notes: This function is outside of the "rtg_file" class
    #        and will be more convenient in many cases.
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Reading grid values...'

    # Read in the grid
    file_unit = open(RTG_file, 'rb')
    dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type(RTG_type)
    grid = numpy.fromfile(file_unit, count=rti.n_pixels, dtype=dtype)
    grid = grid.reshape(rti.nrows, rti.ncols)

    if (rti.SWAP_ENDIAN):

    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Finished reading grid from:'
        print '  ' + RTG_file

    # Optional report
    if (REPORT):
        print '    min(grid) =', grid.min()
        print '    max(grid) =', grid.max()
        print ' '

    return grid
Example #2
    def read_grid(self,

        if (VERBOSE):
            print 'Reading grid values....'

        # Different ways to specify data type
        if (rtg_type != None):
            dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type(rtg_type)

        # Read grid as binary from file
        n_values = self.nx * self.ny
        grid = numpy.fromfile(self.rtg_unit, count=n_values, dtype=dtype)
        grid = grid.reshape(self.ny, self.nx)

        # Close the file

        # Swap byte order, if necessary
        if (self.info.SWAP_ENDIAN): grid.byteswap(True)

        # Optional report
        if (REPORT):
            gmin = grid.min()
            gmax = grid.max()
            print '    min(grid) =', gmin
            print '    max(grid) =', gmax
        if (VERBOSE):
            print 'Finished reading grid from:'
            print '  ' + self.file_name

        return grid
Example #3
    def read_grid(self, dtype='float32', rtg_type=None,
                  REPORT=False, VERBOSE=False):

        if (VERBOSE):    
            print 'Reading grid values....'

        # Different ways to specify data type
        if (rtg_type != None):
            dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type( rtg_type )

        # Read grid as binary from file
        n_values = self.nx * self.ny
        grid = numpy.fromfile( self.rtg_unit, count=n_values,
                               dtype=dtype )
        grid = grid.reshape( self.ny, self.nx )

        # Close the file
        # Swap byte order, if necessary
        if (self.info.SWAP_ENDIAN): grid.byteswap( True )

        # Optional report
        if (REPORT):    
            gmin = grid.min()
            gmax = grid.max()
            print '    min(grid) =', gmin
            print '    max(grid) =', gmax
        if (VERBOSE):    
            print 'Finished reading grid from:'
            print '  ' + self.file_name
        return grid
Example #4
def read_grid( RTG_file, rti, RTG_type='FLOAT',
               REPORT=False, SILENT=True ):

    # Notes: This function is outside of the "rtg_file" class
    #        and will be more convenient in many cases.
    if not(SILENT):    
        print 'Reading grid values...'
    # Read in the grid
    file_unit = open( RTG_file, 'rb' )
    dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type( RTG_type )
    grid  = numpy.fromfile( file_unit, count=rti.n_pixels,
                            dtype=dtype )
    grid  = grid.reshape( rti.nrows, rti.ncols )

    if (rti.SWAP_ENDIAN):
        grid.byteswap( True )
    if not(SILENT):    
        print 'Finished reading grid from:'
        print '  ' + RTG_file
    # Optional report
    if (REPORT):    
        print '    min(grid) =', grid.min()
        print '    max(grid) =', grid.max()
        print ' '

    return grid
Example #5
def fill_pits(DEM, DEM_type, nx, ny,
              USE_64_BITS=False, SILENT=True):

    # Notes:  This RAM-based version is about 4 times faster
    #         than a similar file-based version.
    # Notes:  Assume that original DEM has already been
    #         copied to raw_DEM_file.

    #         Be sure to call Check_Overwrite on files.
    # DEM        Time (s)     Max heap   Same?   New values
    # Small_KY                2925       Yes     419
    # KY_Sub     9.59         21280      Yes     4901
    # Beaver     65.86        83212      Yes     52353
    # Jing
    # Loess2                  781582     Yes     1543427
    # Small   (132 x 108)     = 14256
    # KY_Sub  (408 x 468)     = 190944      (5160.6 pix/sec)
    # Beaver  (915 x 1405)    = 1285575     (4652.7 pix/sec)
    # Jing    (3312 x 3771)   = 12489552
    # Loess2  (6016 x 4250)   = 25568000    (4674.3 pix/sec)
    # Amazon  (37558 x 25009) = 939288022   (2.3 days ??)
    # S.Amer  (56871 x 84906) = 4828689126  (11.89 days ??)
    USE_MY_HEAP = False
    ### USE_MY_HEAP = True
    start  = time.time()

    if (USE_64_BITS):    
        ID_type = 'Int64'
        nx = numpy.int64(nx)
        ny = numpy.int64(ny)
        ID_type = 'Int32'
        nx = numpy.int32(nx)
        ny = numpy.int32(ny)
    n_pixels = (nx * ny)
    # Get the "start pixels" which include:
    #   (1) all edge pixels with valid data
    #   (2) all interior pixels with valid data
    #       beside a pixel with a nodata value
    #   (3) all pixels with "closed basin" code
    # Do we need to remove duplicate entries ?
    #*** IDs = get_start_pixels(DEM, nx, ny, /EDGES_ONLY)
    IDs   = get_start_pixels(DEM, nx, ny)
    n_IDs = size(IDs)
    # Initialize the CLOSED array
    # Set all nodata & NaN pixels to CLOSED
    OPEN    = uint8(0)
    CLOSED  = uint8(1)
    ON_HEAP = uint8(2)
    ## C  = numpy.zeros( (ny, nx), dtype='UInt8' ).flat  # (iterator for 1D indices)
    C  = numpy.zeros( n_pixels, dtype='UInt8' )
    w  = where( logical_or((DEM <= nodata), (isfinite(DEM) == 0)) )
    nw = size(w[0])
    w  = w[0]        ############## (need this ?)
    if (nw != 0):    
        C[w] = CLOSED
    n_closed = int64( nw )
    n_raised = int64(0)
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Number of nodata and NaN values =', nw
        print 'Finished initializing "closed" array.'
        print ' '
    # Initialize variables for priority queue
    # including arrays called heap and IDs
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Putting boundary pixels on heap...'
    if (USE_MY_HEAP):
        # Use methods of my own "heap" class
        DEM_dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type( DEM_type )
        heap = heap_base.heap_base()
        heap.initialize(nx, ny, DEM_dtype)

        # Add the "boundary pixels" to the heap
        ### for k in xrange(n_IDs):   # (do a speed comparison later)
        for ID in IDs:
            # Read pixel's elevation
            ## ID = IDs[k]  # (for speed comparison)
            zval = DEM.flat[ ID ]
            if (zval > nodata) and (isfinite(zval) == 1):
                heap.insert( zval, ID )
        n_heap = heap.n
        # Use the built-in Python package "heapq"
        # which should be a lot faster (in C).
        # numpy.column_stack() is similar to Python's
        # built-in "zip()", but should be faster
        ## fast_heap = numpy.column_stack( (DEM.flat[ IDs ], IDs) )
        ## fast_heap = fast_heap.tolist()
        fast_heap = zip( DEM.flat[ IDs ], IDs )
        heapq.heapify( fast_heap )
        n_heap = len( fast_heap )

    # Should this be here ? (Added on 11/03/09)
    # Should make code a little faster ?
    C[ IDs ] = ON_HEAP

    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Number of pixels on heap = ' + str(n_heap)
        print 'Finished with heap insertion.'
        print ' '
    # Prepare to compute neighbor IDs
    incs = array([-nx - 1, -nx, -nx + 1, -1, 1, nx - 1, nx, nx + 1], dtype=ID_type)
    tstr = str(n_pixels)
    # Process pixels to fill pits until there
    # are no pixels left on the heap
    # NB!  Both while loops work for Small,
    #      KY_Sub, but not Beaver
    while (n_heap > 0):
        ### while (n_closed < n_pixels):

        # Print status message every so often
        if ((n_closed % 5000) == 0):    
            nstr = str(n_closed) + ' of '
            if not(SILENT):
                print 'n_closed = ' + nstr + tstr

        # Get pixel in heap with min elevation,
        # and remove it from the heap array
        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            min_ID = heap.get_min_ID()
            zmin   = heap.get_min()
            pair   = heapq.heappop( fast_heap )
            min_ID = pair[1]
            zmin   = pair[0]
        ## print 'zmin =', zmin

        # Flag pixel with min elevation as CLOSED
        C[ min_ID ] = CLOSED          
        n_closed   += 1
        # Get IDs of this pixel's neighbors
        ID_vals = (min_ID + incs)

        # Find neighbors with valid IDs that are
        # still OPEN (i.e. not(ON_HEAP or CLOSED))
        w  = where( logical_and((ID_vals >= 0), (ID_vals < n_pixels)) )
        if (size(w[0]) != 0):
            ID_vals = ID_vals[ w[0] ]
        # Next line excludes neighbor pixels
        # that are either ON_HEAP or CLOSED
        C_vals = C[ ID_vals ]
        w2 = where( C_vals == OPEN )
        if (size(w2[0]) != 0):
            ID_vals = ID_vals[ w2[0] ]
            ID_vals = []

        # Process each of the neighbor pixels
        for ID in ID_vals:
            # Raise neighbor elevation,
            # if it is smaller than zmin & OPEN
            if (DEM.flat[ ID ] < zmin):
                DEM.flat[ ID] = zmin
                n_raised += 1
            ## DEM.flat[ ID ] = numpy.maximum( DEM.flat[ ID ], zmin )
            # Flag neighbor as ON_HEAP
            C[ ID ] = ON_HEAP   

            # Add neighbor to priority queue
            if (USE_MY_HEAP):
                heap.insert( DEM.flat[ ID ], ID )
                heapq.heappush( fast_heap, (DEM.flat[ ID ], ID) )

        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            n_heap = heap.n
            n_heap = len( fast_heap )
    # Print final report
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Total pixels   = ' + tstr
        print 'Raised  pixels = ' + str(n_raised)
        print 'Drained pixels = ' + str(n_closed)
        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            print 'Max heap size  = ' + str(heap.nmax)
            print ' '
        # Would be better to use CSDMS_base.print_run_time()
        run_time = (time.time() - start)
        rt_str   = ('%10.4f' % run_time) + ' [seconds]'
        print 'Run time for fill_pits() = ' + rt_str
        print 'Finished with fill_pits().'
        print ' '
def fill_pits(DEM,

    # Notes:  This RAM-based version is about 4 times faster
    #         than a similar file-based version.
    # Notes:  Assume that original DEM has already been
    #         copied to raw_DEM_file.

    #         Be sure to call Check_Overwrite on files.
    # DEM        Time (s)     Max heap   Same?   New values
    # Small_KY                2925       Yes     419
    # KY_Sub     9.59         21280      Yes     4901
    # Beaver     65.86        83212      Yes     52353
    # Jing
    # Loess2                  781582     Yes     1543427
    # Small   (132 x 108)     = 14256
    # KY_Sub  (408 x 468)     = 190944      (5160.6 pix/sec)
    # Beaver  (915 x 1405)    = 1285575     (4652.7 pix/sec)
    # Jing    (3312 x 3771)   = 12489552
    # Loess2  (6016 x 4250)   = 25568000    (4674.3 pix/sec)
    # Amazon  (37558 x 25009) = 939288022   (2.3 days ??)
    # S.Amer  (56871 x 84906) = 4828689126  (11.89 days ??)
    USE_MY_HEAP = False
    ### USE_MY_HEAP = True
    start = time.time()

    if (USE_64_BITS):
        ID_type = 'Int64'
        nx = numpy.int64(nx)
        ny = numpy.int64(ny)
        ID_type = 'Int32'
        nx = numpy.int32(nx)
        ny = numpy.int32(ny)
    n_pixels = (nx * ny)

    # Get the "start pixels" which include:
    #   (1) all edge pixels with valid data
    #   (2) all interior pixels with valid data
    #       beside a pixel with a nodata value
    #   (3) all pixels with "closed basin" code
    # Do we need to remove duplicate entries ?
    #*** IDs = get_start_pixels(DEM, nx, ny, /EDGES_ONLY)
    IDs = get_start_pixels(DEM, nx, ny)
    n_IDs = size(IDs)

    # Initialize the CLOSED array
    # Set all nodata & NaN pixels to CLOSED
    OPEN = uint8(0)
    CLOSED = uint8(1)
    ON_HEAP = uint8(2)
    ## C  = numpy.zeros( (ny, nx), dtype='UInt8' ).flat  # (iterator for 1D indices)
    C = numpy.zeros(n_pixels, dtype='UInt8')
    w = where(logical_or((DEM <= nodata), (isfinite(DEM) == 0)))
    nw = size(w[0])
    w = w[0]  ############## (need this ?)
    if (nw != 0):
        C[w] = CLOSED
    n_closed = int64(nw)
    n_raised = int64(0)
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Number of nodata and NaN values =', nw
        print 'Finished initializing "closed" array.'
        print ' '

    # Initialize variables for priority queue
    # including arrays called heap and IDs
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Putting boundary pixels on heap...'
    if (USE_MY_HEAP):
        # Use methods of my own "heap" class
        DEM_dtype = rti_files.get_numpy_data_type(DEM_type)
        heap = heap_base.heap_base()
        heap.initialize(nx, ny, DEM_dtype)

        # Add the "boundary pixels" to the heap
        ### for k in xrange(n_IDs):   # (do a speed comparison later)
        for ID in IDs:
            # Read pixel's elevation
            ## ID = IDs[k]  # (for speed comparison)
            zval = DEM.flat[ID]
            if (zval > nodata) and (isfinite(zval) == 1):
                heap.insert(zval, ID)
        n_heap = heap.n
        # Use the built-in Python package "heapq"
        # which should be a lot faster (in C).
        # numpy.column_stack() is similar to Python's
        # built-in "zip()", but should be faster
        ## fast_heap = numpy.column_stack( (DEM.flat[ IDs ], IDs) )
        ## fast_heap = fast_heap.tolist()
        fast_heap = zip(DEM.flat[IDs], IDs)
        n_heap = len(fast_heap)

    # Should this be here ? (Added on 11/03/09)
    # Should make code a little faster ?
    C[IDs] = ON_HEAP

    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Number of pixels on heap = ' + str(n_heap)
        print 'Finished with heap insertion.'
        print ' '

    # Prepare to compute neighbor IDs
    incs = array([-nx - 1, -nx, -nx + 1, -1, 1, nx - 1, nx, nx + 1],
    tstr = str(n_pixels)

    # Process pixels to fill pits until there
    # are no pixels left on the heap
    # NB!  Both while loops work for Small,
    #      KY_Sub, but not Beaver
    while (n_heap > 0):
        ### while (n_closed < n_pixels):

        # Print status message every so often
        if ((n_closed % 5000) == 0):
            nstr = str(n_closed) + ' of '
            if not (SILENT):
                print 'n_closed = ' + nstr + tstr

        # Get pixel in heap with min elevation,
        # and remove it from the heap array
        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            min_ID = heap.get_min_ID()
            zmin = heap.get_min()
            pair = heapq.heappop(fast_heap)
            min_ID = pair[1]
            zmin = pair[0]
        ## print 'zmin =', zmin

        # Flag pixel with min elevation as CLOSED
        C[min_ID] = CLOSED
        n_closed += 1

        # Get IDs of this pixel's neighbors
        ID_vals = (min_ID + incs)

        # Find neighbors with valid IDs that are
        # still OPEN (i.e. not(ON_HEAP or CLOSED))
        w = where(logical_and((ID_vals >= 0), (ID_vals < n_pixels)))
        if (size(w[0]) != 0):
            ID_vals = ID_vals[w[0]]
        # Next line excludes neighbor pixels
        # that are either ON_HEAP or CLOSED
        C_vals = C[ID_vals]
        w2 = where(C_vals == OPEN)
        if (size(w2[0]) != 0):
            ID_vals = ID_vals[w2[0]]
            ID_vals = []

        # Process each of the neighbor pixels
        for ID in ID_vals:

            # Raise neighbor elevation,
            # if it is smaller than zmin & OPEN
            if (DEM.flat[ID] < zmin):
                DEM.flat[ID] = zmin
                n_raised += 1
            ## DEM.flat[ ID ] = numpy.maximum( DEM.flat[ ID ], zmin )

            # Flag neighbor as ON_HEAP
            C[ID] = ON_HEAP

            # Add neighbor to priority queue
            if (USE_MY_HEAP):
                heap.insert(DEM.flat[ID], ID)
                heapq.heappush(fast_heap, (DEM.flat[ID], ID))

        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            n_heap = heap.n
            n_heap = len(fast_heap)

    # Print final report
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Total pixels   = ' + tstr
        print 'Raised  pixels = ' + str(n_raised)
        print 'Drained pixels = ' + str(n_closed)
        if (USE_MY_HEAP):
            print 'Max heap size  = ' + str(heap.nmax)
            print ' '
        # Would be better to use CSDMS_base.print_run_time()
        run_time = (time.time() - start)
        rt_str = ('%10.4f' % run_time) + ' [seconds]'
        print 'Run time for fill_pits() = ' + rt_str
        print 'Finished with fill_pits().'
        print ' '