Example #1
def apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_obj):
    Applies group attributes obj to the live lio_obj.
    # TODO Split that one up, too much indentation there!
    unsupported_fmt = "Unsupported %s %s: consider upgrading your kernel"
    for group in obj.nodes:
        if group.data['type'] == 'group':
            group_name = group.key[0]
            for attr in group.nodes:
                if attr.data['type'] == 'attr' \
                   and not attr.data['required']:
                    name = attr.key[0]
                    value = obj_attr(group, name)
                    if group_name == 'auth':
                        except RTSLibError:
                            log.info(unsupported_fmt %
                                     ("auth attribute", name))
                            log.debug("Setting auth %s to %s" % (name, value))
                            lio_obj.set_auth_attr(name, value)
                    elif group_name == 'attribute':
                        except RTSLibError:
                            log.info(unsupported_fmt % ("attribute", name))
                            log.debug("Setting attribute %s to %s" %
                                      (name, value))
                            lio_obj.set_attribute(name, value)
                    elif group_name == 'parameter':
                        except RTSLibError:
                            log.info(unsupported_fmt % ("parameter", name))
                            log.debug("Setting parameter %s to %s" %
                                      (name, value))
                            lio_obj.set_parameter(name, value)
                    elif group_name == 'discovery_auth':
                        log.debug("Setting discovery_auth %s to %s" %
                                  (name, value))
                        if name == 'enable':
                            lio_obj.discovery_enable_auth = value
                        elif name == 'mutual_password':
                            lio_obj.discovery_mutual_password = value
                        elif name == 'mutual_userid':
                            lio_obj.discovery_mutual_userid = value
                        elif name == 'password':
                            lio_obj.discovery_password = value
                        elif name == 'userid':
                            lio_obj.discovery_userid = value
                            raise ConfigError("Unexpected discovery_auth "
                                              "attribute: %s" % name)
Example #2
    def do_rollback(self, options):

        Return to the last committed configuration. Only the current
        configuration is affected. The commit command can then be used to apply
        the rolled-back configuration to the running system.
        # TODO Add more control to directly rollback the n-th version, view
        # backup infos before rollback, etc.
        backups = sorted(n for n in os.listdir(self.backup_dir)
                         if n.endswith(".lio"))
        if not backups:
            raise ConfigError("No backup found")
            backup_path = "%s/%s" % (self.backup_dir, backups[-1])
            log.warning("Rolled-back to %s" % backup_path)
Example #3
def apply_delete_obj(obj):
    Deletes an object from the live system.
    # TODO Factorize this when stable
    # TODO storage fabric cannot be deleted from the system, find a way to
    # handle this when i.e. path 'storage fileio' is in current config, but
    # no objects are hanging under it.

    root = get_root()
    log.debug("apply_delete(%s)" % obj.data)
    if obj.key[0] == 'mapped_lun':
        acl = obj.parent
        if acl.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = acl.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = acl.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        node_wwn = acl.key[1]
        lio_acl = NodeACL(lio_tpg, node_wwn, mode='lookup')
        mlun = int(obj.key[1])
        lio_mlun = MappedLUN(lio_acl, mlun)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'acl':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        node_wwn = obj.key[1]
        lio_acl = NodeACL(lio_tpg, node_wwn, mode='lookup')

    elif obj.key[0] == 'portal':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        (address, _, port) = obj.key[1].partition(':')
        port = int(port)
        lio_portal = NetworkPortal(lio_tpg, address, port, mode='lookup')

    elif obj.key[0] == 'lun':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        lun = int(obj.key[1])
        lio_lun = LUN(lio_tpg, lun)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'tpgt':
        target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        tpgt = int(obj.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        # FIXME IS this really needed ?
        lio_tpg.enable = True

    elif obj.key[0] == 'target':
        fabric = obj.parent
        wwn = obj.key[1]
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=wwn, mode='lookup')

    elif obj.key[0] == 'disk':
        plugin = obj.parent.key[1]
        name = obj.key[1]
        matching_lio_so = [
            so for so in root.storage_objects
            if so.backstore.plugin == plugin and so.name == name
        log.debug("Looking for storage object %s in %s" %
                       "%s/%s" % (so.backstore.plugin, so.name)
                       for so in root.storage_objects
        if len(matching_lio_so) > 1:
            raise ConfigError("Detected unsupported configfs storage objects "
                              "allocation schema for storage object '%s'" %
        elif len(matching_lio_so) == 0:
            raise ConfigError("Could not find storage object '%s'" %
            lio_so = matching_lio_so[0]
Example #4
def apply_create_obj(obj):
    Creates an object on the live system.
    # TODO Factorize this when stable, merging it with update and delete,
    # leveraging rtslib 'any' mode (create if not exist)
    # TODO storage
    root = get_root()
    log.debug("apply_create(%s)" % obj.data)
    if obj.key[0] == 'mapped_lun':
        acl = obj.parent
        if acl.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = acl.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = acl.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        node_wwn = acl.key[1]
        lio_acl = NodeACL(lio_tpg, node_wwn, mode='lookup')
        mlun = int(obj.key[1])

        write_protect = obj_attr(obj, "write_protect")
        tpg_lun = int(obj_attr(obj, "target_lun").rpartition(' ')[2])
        lio_mlun = MappedLUN(lio_acl, mlun, tpg_lun, write_protect)
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_mlun)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'acl':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        node_wwn = obj.key[1]
        lio_acl = NodeACL(lio_tpg, node_wwn)
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_acl)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'portal':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        (address, _, port) = obj.key[1].partition(':')
        port = int(port)
        lio_portal = NetworkPortal(lio_tpg, address, port)
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_portal)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'lun':
        if obj.parent.key[0] == 'tpgt':
            tpg = obj.parent
            target = tpg.parent
            tpg = None
            target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        if tpg is None:
            tpgt = 1
            tpgt = int(tpg.key[1])
        lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, mode='lookup')
        lun = int(obj.key[1])
        (plugin, name) = obj_attr(obj, "backend")

        # TODO move that to a separate function, use for disk too
        matching_lio_so = [
            so for so in root.storage_objects
            if so.backstore.plugin == plugin and so.name == name

        if len(matching_lio_so) > 1:
            raise ConfigError("Detected unsupported configfs storage objects "
                              "allocation schema for storage object '%s'" %
        elif len(matching_lio_so) == 0:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Could not find storage object '%s %s' for '%s'" %
                (plugin, name, obj.path_str))
            lio_so = matching_lio_so[0]

        lio_lun = LUN(lio_tpg, lun, lio_so)
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_lun)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'tpgt':
        target = obj.parent
        fabric = target.parent
        has_enable = len(obj.search([("enable", ".*")])) != 0
        if has_enable:
            enable = obj_attr(obj, "enable")
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=target.key[1], mode='lookup')
        tpgt = int(obj.key[1])
            nexus_wwn = obj_attr(obj, "nexus_wwn")
            lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt, nexus_wwn=nexus_wwn)
        except ConfigError:
            lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, tpgt)
        if has_enable:
            lio_tpg.enable = enable
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_tpg)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'target':
        fabric = obj.parent
        wwn = obj.key[1]
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(fabric.key[1])
        lio_target = Target(lio_fabric, wwn=wwn)
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_target)
        if not lio_target.has_feature("tpgts"):
                nexus_wwn = obj_attr(obj, "nexus_wwn")
                lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, 1, nexus_wwn=nexus_wwn)
            except ConfigError:
                lio_tpg = TPG(lio_target, 1)
            if len(obj.search([("enable", ".*")])) != 0:
                lio_tpg.enable = True

    elif obj.key[0] == 'fabric':
        lio_fabric = FabricModule(obj.key[1])
        apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_fabric)

    elif obj.key[0] == 'disk':
        plugin = obj.parent.key[1]
        name = obj.key[1]
        idx = max([0] +
                  [b.index for b in root.backstores if b.plugin == plugin]) + 1
        if plugin == 'fileio':
            dev = obj_attr(obj, "path")
            size = obj_attr(obj, "size")
                wwn = obj_attr(obj, "wwn")
            except ConfigError:
                wwn = None
            buffered = obj_attr(obj, "buffered")
            lio_bs = FileIOBackstore(idx)
            lio_so = lio_bs.storage_object(name, dev, size, wwn, buffered)
            apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_so)
        elif plugin == 'iblock':
            # TODO Add policy for iblock
            lio_bs = IBlockBackstore(idx)
            dev = obj_attr(obj, "path")
            wwn = obj_attr(obj, "wwn")
            lio_so = lio_bs.storage_object(name, dev, wwn)
            apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_so)
        elif plugin == 'pscsi':
            # TODO Add policy for pscsi
            lio_bs = PSCSIBackstore(idx)
            dev = obj_attr(obj, "path")
            lio_so = lio_bs.storage_object(name, dev)
            apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_so)
        elif plugin == 'rd_mcp':
            # TODO Add policy for rd_mcp
            lio_bs = RDMCPBackstore(idx)
            size = obj_attr(obj, "size")
            wwn = obj_attr(obj, "wwn")
            nullio = obj_attr(obj, "nullio")
            lio_so = lio_bs.storage_object(name, size, wwn, nullio)
            apply_group_attrs(obj, lio_so)
            raise ConfigError("Unknown backend '%s' for backstore '%s'" %
                              (plugin, obj))

        matching_lio_so = [
            so for so in root.storage_objects
            if so.backstore.plugin == plugin and so.name == name
        if len(matching_lio_so) > 1:
            raise ConfigError("Detected unsupported configfs storage objects "
                              "allocation schema for '%s'" % obj.path_str)
        elif len(matching_lio_so) == 0:
            raise ConfigError("Could not find backstore '%s'" % obj.path_str)
            lio_so = matching_lio_so[0]
Example #5
def obj_attr(obj, attr):
    Returns the value of attribute attr of the ConfigTree obj.
    If we cannot find the attribute, a ConfigError exception will be raised.
    Else, the attribute's value will be converted from its internal string
    representation to whatever rtslib expects.
    # TODO Factorize a bit the val_type switch.
    # TODO Maybe consolidate with validate_val in config.py
    log.debug("obj_attr(%s, %s)" % (obj, attr))
    matches = obj.search([(attr, ".*")])
    if len(matches) != 1:
        raise ConfigError("Could not determine value of %s attribute for %s" %
                          (attr, obj.path_str))

    if matches[0].data['type'] not in ['attr', 'group']:
        raise ConfigError("Configuration error, expected attribute for %s" %

    string = matches[0].key[1]
    if string == NO_VALUE:
        raise ConfigError("Value of %s attribute is not set for %s" %
                          (attr, obj.path_str))

    val_type = matches[0].data.get('val_type')
    ref_path = matches[0].data.get('ref_path')

    valid_value = None
    if val_type == 'bool':
        # FIXME There are inconsistencies in bools at the configfs level
        # The parameters take Yes/No values, the attributes 1/0
        # Maybe something can be done about it ?
        if string in ['yes', 'true', '1', 'enable']:
            valid_value = 1
        elif string in ['no', 'false', '0', 'disable']:
            valid_value = 0
        if obj.key[0] == 'parameter':
            if valid_value == 1:
                valid_value = 'Yes'
                valid_value = 'No'
    elif val_type == 'bytes':
        mults = {'K': 1024, 'M': 1024**2, 'G': 1024**3, 'T': 1024**4}
        val = float(string[:-2])
        unit = string[-2:-1]
        valid_value = int(val * mults[unit])
    elif val_type == 'int':
        valid_value = int(string)
    elif val_type == 'ipport':
        (addr, _, port) = string.rpartition(":")
        valid_value = (addr, int(port))
    elif val_type == 'posint':
        valid_value = int(string)
    elif val_type == 'str':
        valid_value = string
    elif val_type == 'erl':
        valid_value = int(string)
    elif val_type == 'iqn':
        valid_value = string
    elif val_type == 'naa':
        valid_value = string
    elif val_type == 'backend':
        (plugin, _, name) = string.partition(':')
        valid_value = (plugin, name)
    elif val_type == 'raw':
        valid_value = string
    elif ref_path:
        valid_value = ref_path
        raise ConfigError("Unknown value type '%s' when validating %s" %
                          (val_type, matches[0]))
    return valid_value