Example #1
def import_accounts(accounts, vo='def', session=None):
    vo_filter = {'account': InternalAccount(account='*', vo=vo)}
    old_accounts = {account['account']: account for account in account_module.list_accounts(filter_=vo_filter, session=session)}
    missing_accounts = [account for account in accounts if account['account'] not in old_accounts]
    outdated_accounts = [account for account in accounts if account['account'] in old_accounts]
    to_be_removed_accounts = [old_account for old_account in old_accounts if old_account not in [account['account'] for account in accounts]]
    old_identities = identity_module.list_identities(session=session)
    old_identity_account = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation.identity, models.IdentityAccountAssociation.identity_type, models.IdentityAccountAssociation.account).all()

    # add missing accounts
    for account_dict in missing_accounts:
        account = account_dict['account']
        email = account_dict['email']
        account_module.add_account(account=account, type_=AccountType.USER, email=email, session=session)
        identities = account_dict.get('identities', [])
        if identities:
            import_identities(identities, account, old_identities, old_identity_account, email, session=session)

    # remove left over accounts
    for account in to_be_removed_accounts:
        if account.external != 'root':
            account_module.del_account(account=account, session=session)

    # update existing accounts
    for account_dict in outdated_accounts:
        account = account_dict['account']
        email = account_dict['email']
        old_account = old_accounts[account]
        if email and old_account['email'] != email:
            account_module.update_account(account, key='email', value=email, session=session)

        identities = account_dict.get('identities', [])
        if identities:
            import_identities(identities, account, old_identities, old_identity_account, email, session=session)
Example #2
def convert_to_svo(old_vo, delete_vos=False, commit_changes=False, skip_history=False, echo=True):
    Converts a multi-VO database to a single-VO one by renaming the given VO and (optionally) deleting entries for other VOs and the super_root.
    Intended to be run on a copy of the original database that contains several VOs.

    :param old_vo:         The 3 character string for the old VO.
    :param delete_vos:     If True then all entries associated with a VO other than `old_vo` will be deleted.
    :param commit_changes: If True then changes are made against the database directly and the old super_root account will be (soft) deleted.
                           If False, then nothing is commited and the commands needed are dumped to be run later.
    :param skip_history:   If True then tables without FKC containing historical data will not be converted to save time.
    if not config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', False, False):
        print('Multi-VO mode is not enabled in the config file, aborting conversion.')

    rename_vo(old_vo, 'def', commit_changes=commit_changes, skip_history=skip_history)
    s = session.get_session()
    if delete_vos:
        success_all = True
        for vo in list_vos(session=s):
            if vo['vo'] != 'def':
                success = remove_vo(vo['vo'], commit_changes=commit_changes, skip_history=skip_history)
                success_all = success_all and success
        if commit_changes and success_all:
            del_account(InternalAccount('super_root', vo='def'), session=s)
Example #3
def del_account(account, issuer):
    Disables an account with the provided account name.

    :param account: The account name.
    :param issuer: The issuer account_core.

    kwargs = {"account": account}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(issuer=issuer, action="del_account", kwargs=kwargs):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied("Account %s can not delete account" % (issuer))

Example #4
def del_account(account, issuer):
    Disables an account with the provided account name.

    :param account: The account name.
    :param issuer: The issuer account_core.

    kwargs = {'account': account}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(
            issuer=issuer, action='del_account', kwargs=kwargs):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied(
            'Account %s can not delete account' % (issuer))

Example #5
def del_account(account, issuer, vo='def', session=None):
    Disables an account with the provided account name.

    :param account: The account name.
    :param issuer: The issuer account.
    :param vo: The VO to act on.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    kwargs = {'account': account}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(issuer=issuer,
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied(
            'Account %s can not delete account' % (issuer))

    account = InternalAccount(account, vo=vo)

    account_core.del_account(account, session=session)
Example #6
 def tearDown(self):
Example #7
 def tearDown(self):
     """ Tear down the Test Case """