async def r34(self, ctx, tags: str, limit=1): """Rule34 Example tags : "gay furry" """ if if limit > post_limit[0]['post_limit']: await ctx.send(over_limit) else: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() Rule34 = rule34.Rule34(loop) totalImages = await Rule34.totalImages(tags) if totalImages > 0: if limit > totalImages: ctx.send("Only {} images found".format(totalImages)) images = await Rule34.getImages(tags) images = images[:limit] for image in images: embed = discord.Embed( title=tags, #url = '' +, #wanted to give image source but can't because of damn library color=random.randint(0, 0xffffff)) embed.set_footer(text='{}'.format( embed.set_image(url=image.file_url) embed.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send("> No images found") else: await ctx.send(non_nsfw_channel)
async def searchr34(self, searchterm): #r34 api import rule34 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() rule34 = rule34.Rule34(loop) url = await rule34.getImageURLS(searchterm) try: return random.choice(url) except TypeError: print("[{0}] found nothing".format(st())) return 0
async def rule_thirty_four(self, ctx, *, query): if r34 = rule34.Rule34(loop=self.loop) msg = await ctx.send(embed=await macro.send( f"This might take a couple of seconds, standby...")) await asyncio.sleep(1) if not await r34.getImageURLS(query): return await msg.edit(embed=await macro.error( f"I couldn't find anything for ``{query}``")) await msg.edit(embed=await macro.img( str(random.choice(await r34.getImageURLS(query))))) else: await ctx.send(embed=await macro.error( f"You must use this command in an NSFW channel."))
async def rule34(self, ctx): rule34 = r34.Rule34(self.client.loop) query = ctx.message.content[8:] urls = await rule34.getImageURLS(query) if len(urls) == 0: return await ctx.send("Nessun risultato.") else: choose = randrange(len(urls)) embed = discord.Embed( title="If it exists there is p**n of it. If not, start uploading.", url=urls[choose], description="No exception") embed.set_image(url=urls[choose]) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def cmd_rule_34(self, ctx, *, arg=""): await if await self.check_voted(ctx): search = arg.replace(" ", "_") r34 = rule34.Rule34( urls = await r34.getImageURLS(search) if urls is None: urls = await r34.getImageURLS(arg) if urls is not None: e = discord.Embed(title=f"Rule 34 {arg}") e.set_image(url=random.choice(urls)) await ctx.send(embed=e) else: await ctx.send( f"{} No Rule 34 results found for {arg}. :pensive:" ) usage.update(ctx) return
async def rule34(self, ctx, *, search): '''Rule 34 NSFW''' if ( search_tag = helpers.StringManipulator() search_tag.build_array(search.lower().split(' '), '_') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() r34 = rule34.Rule34(loop=loop) images = await r34.getImageURLS(search_tag) if (images == None): await ctx.send('No results found') else: image = images[random.randint(0, len(images) - 1)] embed = discord.Embed(title='Rule 34: {}'.format(search), description='', colour=0x1f0000) embed.set_image(url=image) embed.set_footer( text='Requested by: {}'.format( await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send('You need to be in a NSFW channel to do that.')
async def rule(self, ctx, choices: str = ''): """Manda rule34 de""" choices = choices.strip() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() boke = rule34.Rule34(loop) try: rule34_posts = await boke.getImages(choices, singlePage=True, randomPID=True) rule34_url = random.choice(rule34_posts).file_url except Exception: await ctx.send("No encontré eso") return print(rule34_url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(rule34_url) as resp: if resp.status != 200: return await ctx.send('Could not download file...') data = io.BytesIO(await await ctx.send(file=discord.File(data, 'cool_image.png'))
def test_async(): import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() r34 = rule34.Rule34(loop) assert (len(loop.run_until_complete(r34.getImages("gay"))) == 100)
async def r34(self, ctx, query: str): rule34_instance = rule34.Rule34(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) images = await rule34_instance.getImages(query) await ctx.send(choice(images).file_url)
def create_r34_bot(loop): global r34_bot r34_bot = rule34.Rule34(loop)
async def main(searchstr, output, threadlimit, creatorID=None, CLI=True): try: os.mkdir(output) except Exception as e: print(e) print("FULL DEBUG BEGIN") r34tag = rtag.r34tags("") originaltime = t.time() global threadcounter global downloadCounter global PVVar global SIVar global OOVar global NCVar downloadCounter = 0 threadcounter = 0 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() rule34 = r.Rule34(loop) sys.stdout.write( "\rGrabbing image list: {} ".format(t.time() - originaltime)) sys.stdout.flush() if NCVar.get() == 1: searchstr = searchstr + " original*" imageList = None while imageList == None: try: imageList = await rule34.getImages(searchstr, singlePage=False) except: print("\nError in image list, retrying") imageList = None sys.stdout.write( "\rBeginning download threads: {} ".format(t.time() - originaltime)) sys.stdout.flush() count = 1 for x in imageList: if not CLI: if PVVar.get() == 0 and SIVar.get() == 0: URL = x.file_url elif PVVar.get() == 1: URL = x.preview_url elif SIVar.get() == 1: URL = x.sample_url else: URL = x.file_url while (threadcounter >= threadlimit and threadlimit != 0): t.sleep(0.1) # Wait for new thread t1 = threading.Thread(target=download, args=(URL, x.md5, output, x, r34tag, creatorID, CLI, count)) t1.start() else: URL = x.file_url while (threadcounter >= threadlimit and threadlimit != 0): t.sleep(0.1) # Wait for new thread t1 = threading.Thread(target=downloadLITE, args=(URL, x.md5, output)) t1.start() threadcounter += 1 downloadCounter += 1 count += 1 sys.stdout.write("\rAll downloading threads running: [{}]".format( " " * threadlimit)) sys.stdout.flush() while (not threadcounter == 0): sys.stdout.write("\rAll downloading threads running: [{}>{}]".format( "=" * ((threadlimit - threadcounter) - 1), " " * threadcounter)) sys.stdout.flush() print("\nFinished downloading at: {} ".format(t.time() - originaltime)) print("\n") easygui.msgbox("{} has finished downloading".format(searchstr))
async def rule34(ctx, arg): r34 = ru34.Rule34(bot.loop) gallery = await r34.getImageURLS(arg) if gallery is None: await ctx.send( "No results with the search term were found. Note that you need to search with \"\" to search for multiple words. For example: ~rule34 \"touhou reimu\" __φ(..)" ) else: r34_embed = discord.Embed( description="Image results for the term \"{}\" on Rule34".format( arg)) r34_embed.set_image(url=gallery[0]) r34_embed.set_thumbnail(url="") r34_embed.set_footer(text="Results: {}/{}".format(1, len(gallery))) sent = await ctx.send(embed=r34_embed) async def update_embed(url, cnt): updated_embed = discord.Embed( description="Image results for the term \"{}\" on Rule34". format(arg)) updated_embed.set_image(url=url) updated_embed.set_thumbnail(url="") updated_embed.set_footer( text="Results: {}/{}".format(cnt, len(gallery))) await sent.edit(embed=updated_embed) reactions = ["⏪", "⬅", "⏹", "➡", "⏩"] """ ⏪: go to the first image ⬅: go to the previous image or the last one if on the first ⏹: delete the message ➡: go to the next image or the first one if on the last ⏩: go to the last image """ for reaction in reactions: await discord.Message.add_reaction(sent, emoji=reaction) def check(react, source): return source != bot.user and str(react.emoji) in reactions current_image = 0 while True: try: reacted, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=120.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: for emoji in reactions: await discord.Message.remove_reaction(sent, emoji=emoji, member=bot.user) break else: if reacted.emoji == "⏪": current_image = 0 await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1) elif reacted.emoji == "⏩": current_image = gallery.index(gallery[-1]) await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1) elif reacted.emoji == "⏹": await discord.Message.delete(sent) break elif reacted.emoji == "⬅": current_image -= 1 if current_image < 0: current_image = gallery.index(gallery[-1]) await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1) else: await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1) elif reacted.emoji == "➡": current_image += 1 if current_image > len(gallery) - 1: current_image = 0 await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1) else: await update_embed(gallery[current_image], current_image + 1)
import discord from discord.ext import commands import random import asyncio import rule34 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() rule34 = rule34.Rule34(loop) class Help(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.command(name="rule34") async def rule(self, ctx, *args): if post = await rule34.getImageURLS(tags="{}".format('+'.join(args))) r = random.randint(1, len(post)) print(post[r]) embed = discord.Embed(title="Rule34", ) embed.set_image(url=post[r]) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send( "Whoa! You need to use this command in a **NSFW** channel!")
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.images = rule34.Rule34(