def onBrowseScriptEvent (self, event):
        dialog = wx.FileDialog (None,
                                message = "Choose script",
                                defaultDir = run_recorded.recorded_scripts_dir(), 
                                defaultFile = "",
                                wildcard = "*.py",
                                style = wx.OPEN | wx.MULTIPLE | wx.CHANGE_DIR)
        if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
            paths = dialog.GetPaths()
            for path in paths:
                (path, extension) = os.path.splitext (path)
                #split the filename out of the path
                (path, filename) = os.path.split(path)

                #run the recorded script
                runScript (filename)
    def onToggleRecordingEvent (self, event):
        theApp = wx.GetApp()

        if self.FilterEvent not in theApp.filterEventCallables:
            self.commands = ""
            self.comments = ""
            self.typingSequence = None

            if hasattr (self, "lastFocus"):
                del self.lastFocus
            self.lineNumber = 0
            self.lastOffset = len(self.commands)
            self.lastEventWasSetFocus = False

            theApp.filterEventCallables.add (self.FilterEvent)
            theApp.filterEventCallables.remove (self.FilterEvent)
            theApp.SetCallFilterEvent (False)

            dialog = wx.FileDialog (None,
                                    message = _(u"Save Script"),
                                    defaultDir = run_recorded.recorded_scripts_dir(), 
                                    defaultFile = u"",
                                    wildcard = u"*.py",
                                    style = wx.SAVE|wx.CHANGE_DIR)
            if dialog.ShowModal () == wx.ID_OK:
                # Finish the script
                if self.typingSequence is not None:
                    self.comments += "        Type %s (%d)%s" % \
                        (self.valueToString (self.typingSequence),

                # Change the working directory so the next time you save a script
                #you will be where you saved the last one.
                path = dialog.GetPath()
                # Save the script
                (root, ext) = os.path.splitext (path)
                if len (ext) == 0:
                    path += ".py"
                theFile = file (path, 'wb')
                self.script = "import wx, osaf, application" + os.linesep
                self.script += "def run():" + os.linesep

                if len (self.comments) > 0:
                    self.script += '    """' + os.linesep
                    self.script += self.comments
                    self.script += '    """' + os.linesep + os.linesep

                self.script += "    wx.GetApp().RunRecordedScript ([" + os.linesep

                if len (self.commands) > 0:
                    self.script += self.commands
                self.script += "    ])" + os.linesep

                theFile.write (self.script)
                # dealocate memory used for script
                del self.script
                del self.comments
                del self.commands