class Solution(object): def __init__(self): self.database = {} self.lock = RWLock() def add_action(self, action): """ Adds a new action to the database. :param action: string formatted json object. Ex. '{"action":"jump", "time":100}' :return: None """ action_json = json.loads(action) action_name = action_json.get('action', '') action_duration = action_json.get('time', 0) with self.lock.w_locked(): if action_name in self.database: self.database[action_name].add(action_duration) else: new_action = Action(action_name, action_duration) self.database[action_name] = new_action def get_stats(self): """ Creates a string formatted json object of all actions in self.database, along with the average time. :return: string formatted json object """ stats = [] with self.lock.r_locked(): for action_name in self.database: action = self.database[action_name] new_item = {"action": action_name, "avg": action.get_average()} stats.append(new_item) return json.dumps(stats)
class VOLDOR_SLAM: def __init__(self, mode='mono'): self.voldor_winsize = 5 # key-frame selection related config self.vostep_visibility_thresh = 0.8 # visibility threshold for vo window step self.spakf_visibility_thresh = 0.8 # visibility threshold for creating a new spatial keyframe self.depth_covis_conf_thresh = 0.1 # depth confidence threshold for estimating covisibility # mono-scaled related config self.depth_scaling_max_pixels = 10000 self.depth_scaling_conf_thresh = 0.3 # voldor related, need modify before set_cam_params() self.voldor_pose_sample_min_disp = 1.0 self.voldor_pose_sample_max_disp = 200.0 # pgo related config self.pgo_refine_kf_interval = 10 self.pgo_local_kf_winsize = 50 # frame-alignment related config self.falign_vbf_factor = 5 # virtual basefocal factor self.falign_crw = 10 # color consistency weight self.falign_local_link_stride = 4 # sampling stride for local links self.falign_local_depth_gblur_width = 3 # depth gblur win size for local links self.falign_local_image_gblur_width = 5 # image gblur win size for local links self.falign_lc_link_stride = 3 # sampling stride for loop closure links self.falign_lc_depth_gblur_width = 5 # depth gblur win size for loop closure links self.falign_lc_image_gblur_width = 9 # image gblur win size for loop closure links # loop closure related config self.lc_bow_score_thresh = 0.04 self.lc_geo_inlier_thresh = 0.4 self.lc_min_kf_distance = 20 self.lc_link_visibility_thresh = 0.65 self.lc_link_consistency_thresh = 0.75 # mapping related config self.mp_realtime_link_thresh = 0.95 self.mp_no_link_thresh = 0.5 self.mp_spatial_sigma = 10 self.mp_temporal_sigma = 30 self.mp_lc_sigma = 2 self.mp_link_visibility_thresh = 0.75 self.mp_link_consistency_thresh = 0.85 # global config/flags self.mode = mode # mode should be either 'mono','mono-scaled' or 'stereo' self.use_image_info = True # use color consistency for frame-alignment self.end_of_vo = False # flag for indicating vo is end self.voldor_user_config = '' # specify parameters for VO self.disable_dp = False # disable temporal and spatial depth priors for VO self.disable_local_mapping = False # internal use self._use_loop_closure = False self._block_vo_signal = False self._map_lock = RWLock() self._viewer_signal_map_changed = False if mode == 'stereo': self.voldor_config = '--silent --meanshift_kernel_var 0.1 --disp_delta 1 --delta 0.2 --max_iters 4 ' self.mp_realtime_link_thresh = 1 self.pgo_refine_kf_interval = 20 elif mode == 'mono-scaled': self.voldor_config = '--silent --meanshift_kernel_var 0.2 --delta 1.5 --max_iters 5 ' self.mp_realtime_link_thresh = 1 self.pgo_refine_kf_interval = 20 elif mode == 'mono': self.voldor_config = '--silent --meanshift_kernel_var 0.2 --delta 1.5 --max_iters 5 ' self.mp_realtime_link_thresh = 0.95 self.pgo_refine_kf_interval = 10 else: raise f'Unknown SLAM mode - {mode}' self.flows = [] self.images_grayf = [] # gray-float image for frame-alignment self.images_bgri = [] # bgr-uint8 image for viewer rendering self.disps = [] self.flow_loader_pt = -1 self.image_loader_pt = -1 self.disp_loader_pt = -1 self.lc_candidates = [] self.fx, fy, cx, cy = 0, 0, 0, 0 self.basefocal = 0 self.N_FRAMES = float('nan') self.fid_cur = 0 self.fid_cur_tmpkf = -1 # temporal key frame self.fid_cur_spakf = -1 # spatial key frame self.Twc_cur = np.eye(4, 4, dtype=np.float32) self.frames = [] self.edges = [] self.kf_ids = [] if == 'nt': # For multi-threading performance, # We let viewer live in main process to share all large data memory of slam instance # Other slow function calls (pyvoldor, pyfalign, pypgo) will run at remote processes self.cython_process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(6) self.falign_thread_pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(12) else: # Linux remote processing have problem with some opencv builds... self.cython_process_pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(6) self.falign_thread_pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(12) def set_cam_params(self, fx, fy, cx, cy, basefocal='auto', rescale=1.0): self.fx = fx * rescale self.fy = fy * rescale = cx * rescale = cy * rescale if basefocal == 'auto' or basefocal <= 0: self.basefocal = ( fx + fy) * 0.25 * rescale # default virtual bf = 0.5*focal else: self.basefocal = basefocal * rescale self.K = np.array([[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) self.K_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.K) self.voldor_config += f'--pose_sample_min_depth {self.basefocal/self.voldor_pose_sample_max_disp} --pose_sample_max_depth {self.basefocal/self.voldor_pose_sample_min_disp} ' print( f'Camera parameters set to {self.fx}, {self.fy}, {}, {}, {self.basefocal}' ) def flow_loader_sync(self, fid_query, no_block=False, block_when_uninit=False): if (self.flow_loader_pt == -1 and not block_when_uninit) \ or fid_query >= self.N_FRAMES-1: return False while self.flow_loader_pt <= fid_query: if no_block: return False time.sleep(0.01) return True def image_loader_sync(self, fid_query, no_block=False, block_when_uninit=False): if (self.image_loader_pt == -1 and not block_when_uninit) \ or fid_query >= self.N_FRAMES-1: return False while self.image_loader_pt <= fid_query: if no_block: return False time.sleep(0.01) return True def disp_loader_sync(self, fid_query, no_block=False, block_when_uninit=False): if (self.disp_loader_pt == -1 and not block_when_uninit) \ or fid_query >= self.N_FRAMES-1: return False while self.disp_loader_pt <= fid_query: if no_block: return False time.sleep(0.01) return True def flow_loader(self, flow_path, resize=1.0, n_pre_cache=100, range=(0, 0)): self.flow_loader_pt = 0 flow_fn_list = sorted(os.listdir(flow_path)) if range != (0, 0): flow_fn_list = flow_fn_list[range[0]:range[1]] print(f'{len(flow_fn_list)} flows loaded') flow_example = load_flow(os.path.join(flow_path, flow_fn_list[0])) self.N_FRAMES = len(flow_fn_list) + 1 self.h = int(flow_example.shape[0] * resize) self.w = int(flow_example.shape[1] * resize) for fn in flow_fn_list: while len(self.flows) - self.fid_cur > n_pre_cache: time.sleep(0.01) flow = load_flow(os.path.join(flow_path, fn)) if flow.shape[0] != self.h or flow.shape[1] != self.w: flow_rescale = (self.w / flow.shape[1], self.h / flow.shape[0]) flow = cv2.resize(flow, (self.w, self.h)) flow[..., 0] *= flow_rescale[0] flow[..., 1] *= flow_rescale[1] self.flows.append(flow) self.flow_loader_pt += 1 def image_loader(self, image_path, n_pre_cache=100, range=(0, 0)): self.image_loader_pt = 0 image_fn_list = sorted(os.listdir(image_path)) if range != (0, 0): image_fn_list = image_fn_list[range[0]:range[1]] print(f'{len(image_fn_list)} images loaded') for fn in image_fn_list: while len( self.images_grayf ) - self.fid_cur > n_pre_cache or self.flow_loader_pt <= 0: time.sleep(0.01) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_path, fn), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if img.shape[0] != self.h or img.shape[1] != self.w: img = cv2.resize(img, (self.w, self.h)) self.images_bgri.append(img.copy()) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 self.images_grayf.append(img) self.image_loader_pt += 1 def disp_loader(self, disp_path, n_pre_cache=100, range=(0, 0)): self.disp_loader_pt = 0 disp_fn_list = sorted(os.listdir(disp_path)) if range != (0, 0): disp_fn_list = disp_fn_list[range[0]:range[1]] print(f'{len(disp_fn_list)} disparities loaded') for fn in disp_fn_list: while len( self.disps ) - self.fid_cur > n_pre_cache or self.flow_loader_pt <= 0: time.sleep(0.01) if fn.endswith('.flo'): disp = -load_flow(os.path.join(disp_path, fn))[..., 0] disp = np.ascontiguousarray(disp) elif fn.endswith('.png'): disp = cv2.imread(os.path.join(disp_path, fn), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) disp = disp.astype(np.float32) / 256.0 else: raise f'Unsupported disparity format {fn}' if disp.shape[0] != self.h or disp.shape[1] != self.w: disp_rescale = self.w / disp.shape[1] disp = cv2.resize(disp, (self.w, self.h)) * disp_rescale self.disps.append(disp) self.disp_loader_pt += 1 def save_poses(self, file_path='./output_pose.txt', format='KITTI'): with open(file_path, 'w') as f: for fid in range(self.N_FRAMES): if format == 'KITTI': Tcw34 = self.frames[fid].Tcw[:3, :4].reshape(-1) f.write(' '.join([str(v) for v in Tcw34])) f.write('\n') elif format == 'TartanAir': r = Rot.from_matrix(self.frames[fid].Tcw[:3, :3]) r_quat = r.as_quat() t = self.frames[fid].Tcw[:3, 3] f.write( f'{t[2]} {t[0]} {t[1]} {r_quat[2]} {r_quat[0]} {r_quat[1]} {r_quat[3]}\n' ) print(f'Camera poses saved to {file_path} with {format} format') def save_depth_maps(self, save_dir='./depths', zfill=6): if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for fid in self.kf_ids: os.path.join(save_dir, f'{str(fid).zfill(zfill)}_depth.npy'), self.frames[fid].get_scaled_depth()) os.path.join(save_dir, f'{str(fid).zfill(zfill)}_depth_conf.npy'), self.frames[fid].depth_conf) print(f'{len(self.kf_ids)} depth maps saved to {save_dir}') def enable_loop_closure(self, voc_path='./ORBvoc.bin'): if pyvoldor_module != 'full': print( 'Error: Loop closure not available. Need full pyvoldor module.' ) return try: import pyDBoW3 as bow except: print( 'Error: Loop closure not available. Cannot load pyDBoW3 module.' ) return voc = bow.Vocabulary() print(f'Loading vocabulary from {voc_path} ...') voc.load(voc_path) self.bow_db = bow.Database() self.bow_db.setVocabulary(voc, True, 0) self.feature_detector = cv2.ORB_create() #self.feature_detector = cv2.AKAZE_create() del voc self._use_loop_closure = True def solve_pgo(self, fid_start=0): # note that py_pgo set first frame pose as constant # thus optimization must done from start_idx to the end with self._map_lock.w_locked(): assert len( self.frames ) == self.fid_cur # make sure Tcw_cur is right after all registered frames n_frames_total = len(self.frames) + 1 # +1 for Tcw_cur n_edges_total = len(self.edges) n_frames = n_frames_total - fid_start if n_frames <= 0: return n_edges = 0 poses_idx = np.zeros((n_frames, ), np.int32) poses = np.zeros((n_frames, 7), np.float32) edges_idx = np.zeros((n_edges_total, 2), np.int32) edges_pose = np.zeros((n_edges_total, 7), np.float32) edges_covar = np.zeros((n_edges_total, 7, 7), np.float32) for i in range(fid_start, n_frames_total - 1): poses_idx[i - fid_start] = i poses[i - fid_start, :6] = T44_to_T6(self.frames[i].Tcw) poses[i - fid_start, 6] = np.log(self.frames[i].scale) poses_idx[n_frames - 1] = n_frames_total - 1 poses[n_frames - 1, :6] = T44_to_T6(np.linalg.inv(self.Twc_cur)) poses[n_frames - 1, 6] = np.log(self.frames[n_frames_total - 2].scale) for i in range(n_edges_total): if fid_start <= self.edges[i].fid1 < n_frames_total and \ fid_start <= self.edges[i].fid2 < n_frames_total: edges_idx[n_edges, 0] = self.edges[i].fid1 edges_idx[n_edges, 1] = self.edges[i].fid2 edges_pose[n_edges] = self.edges[i].pose edges_covar[n_edges] = self.edges[i].pose_covar n_edges += 1 if n_edges == 0: return py_pgo_kwargs = { 'poses': poses, 'poses_idx': poses_idx, 'edges_idx': edges_idx[:n_edges], 'edges_pose': edges_pose[:n_edges], 'edges_covar': edges_covar[:n_edges], 'optimize_7dof': True if self.mode == 'mono' else False, 'debug': False } py_pgo_funmap = partial(pyvoldor.pgo, **py_pgo_kwargs) poses_ret = self.cython_process_pool.apply(py_pgo_funmap) for i in range(n_frames - 1): self.frames[i + fid_start].Tcw = T6_to_T44(poses_ret[i, :6]) self.frames[i + fid_start].scale = np.exp(poses_ret[i, 6]) self.Twc_cur = np.linalg.inv(T6_to_T44(poses_ret[n_frames - 1, :6])) print( f'solve pgo {fid_start}-{n_frames_total}, n_frames={n_frames}, n_edges={n_edges}' ) def process_vo(self): # a read lock will work since the 'write' of VO is 'append' that does not change existing map with self._map_lock.r_locked(): if self.fid_cur >= (self.N_FRAMES - 1): # since n_flow = n_frames-1 self.frames.append(Frame(np.linalg.inv( self.Twc_cur))) # last frame self.fid_cur = self.N_FRAMES return False # prepare depth priors from temporal and spatial kf depth_priors = [] depth_prior_pconfs = [] depth_prior_poses = [] dpkf_list = [] if not self.disable_dp: if self.fid_cur_tmpkf >= 0: dpkf_list.append(self.fid_cur_tmpkf) if self.fid_cur_spakf >= 0 and self.fid_cur_spakf != self.fid_cur_tmpkf: dpkf_list.append(self.fid_cur_spakf) for fid in dpkf_list: if fid >= 0: depth_priors.append(self.frames[fid].get_scaled_depth()) depth_prior_pconfs.append(self.frames[fid].depth_conf) depth_prior_poses.append( T44_to_T6( np.linalg.inv( self.Twc_cur @ self.frames[fid].Tcw))) if not self.flow_loader_sync( min(self.fid_cur + self.voldor_winsize - 1, self.N_FRAMES - 2)): raise 'Flow loader not working or files are missing.' if self.mode == 'stereo': if not self.disp_loader_sync(self.fid_cur): raise 'Disparity loader not working or files are missing.' py_voldor_kwargs = { 'flows': np.stack(self.flows[self.fid_cur:self.fid_cur + self.voldor_winsize], axis=0), 'fx': self.fx, 'fy': self.fy, 'cx':, 'cy':, 'basefocal': self.basefocal, 'disparity': self.disps[self.fid_cur] if self.mode == 'stereo' else None, 'depth_priors': np.stack(depth_priors, axis=0) if len(depth_priors) > 0 else None, 'depth_prior_pconfs': np.stack(depth_prior_pconfs, axis=0) if len(depth_prior_pconfs) > 0 else None, 'depth_prior_poses': np.stack(depth_prior_poses, axis=0) if len(depth_prior_poses) > 0 else None, 'config': self.voldor_config + ' ' + self.voldor_user_config } py_voldor_funmap = partial(pyvoldor.voldor, **py_voldor_kwargs) vo_ret = self.cython_process_pool.apply(py_voldor_funmap) # if vo failed if vo_ret['n_registered'] == 0: print(f'Tracking lost at {self.fid_cur}') self.frames.append(Frame(np.linalg.inv(self.Twc_cur))) self.edges.append( Edge(self.fid_cur, self.fid_cur + 1, pose=Edge.pose_static, pose_covar=Edge.pose_covar_null, edge_type='none')) self.fid_cur_tmpkf = -1 self.fid_cur_spakf = -1 self.fid_cur = self.fid_cur + 1 else: if self.mode == 'mono-scaled': if not self.disp_loader_sync(self.fid_cur): raise 'Disparity loader not working or files are missing.' mask = vo_ret['depth_conf'] > self.depth_scaling_conf_thresh src = self.basefocal / vo_ret['depth'][mask] dst = self.disps[self.fid_cur][mask] if src.size > self.depth_scaling_max_pixels: indices = np.arange(src.size) np.random.shuffle(indices) src = src[indices[:self.depth_scaling_max_pixels]] dst = dst[indices[:self.depth_scaling_max_pixels]] huber = HuberRegressor(fit_intercept=False) huber =, 1), dst) scale = max(min(1.0 / huber.coef_, 10), 0.1) vo_ret['depth'] *= scale vo_ret['poses'][:, 3:6] *= scale vo_ret['poses_covar'][:, :, 3:6] *= scale vo_ret['poses_covar'][:, 3:6, :] *= scale vo_ret['Tc1c2'] = T6_to_T44(vo_ret['poses']) # based on covisibility, figure out how many steps to move vo_step = 0 T_tmp = np.eye(4, 4, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(vo_ret['n_registered']): vo_step = vo_step + 1 T_tmp = vo_ret['Tc1c2'][i] @ T_tmp covis = eval_covisibility( vo_ret['depth'], T_tmp, self.K, vo_ret['depth_conf'] > self.depth_covis_conf_thresh) if covis < self.vostep_visibility_thresh: break # insert frames and edges, move Twc_cur for i in range(vo_step): if i == 0: self.frames.append( Frame(np.linalg.inv(self.Twc_cur), vo_ret['depth'], vo_ret['depth_conf'])) else: self.frames.append(Frame(np.linalg.inv(self.Twc_cur))) self.edges.append(Edge(self.fid_cur+i, self.fid_cur+i+1, pose=vo_ret['poses'][i], \ pose_covar=vo_ret['poses_covar'][i], \ pose_eval_time_scale=self.frames[self.fid_cur_tmpkf].scale, edge_type='vo')) self.Twc_cur = vo_ret['Tc1c2'][i] @ self.Twc_cur polish_T44(self.Twc_cur) # based on covisibility, to see if need let current frame be a new spatial keyframe if self.fid_cur_spakf >= 0: T_spa2cur = self.Twc_cur @ self.frames[ self.fid_cur_spakf].Tcw covis = eval_covisibility( self.frames[self.fid_cur_spakf].get_scaled_depth(), T_spa2cur, self.K, self.frames[self.fid_cur_spakf].depth_conf > self.depth_covis_conf_thresh) if covis < self.spakf_visibility_thresh: self.append_kf(self.fid_cur) self.fid_cur_spakf = self.fid_cur else: self.append_kf(self.fid_cur) self.fid_cur_spakf = self.fid_cur # set temporal kf to current frame, move fid_cur pt self.fid_cur_tmpkf = self.fid_cur self.fid_cur = self.fid_cur + vo_step return True def establish_local_links(self, kf_ids): # a read lock will work since the process does not change the map with self._map_lock.r_locked(): depths = [] weights = [] poses_init = [] images = [] for fid in kf_ids: depth = self.frames[fid].get_scaled_depth() depth = cv2.GaussianBlur(depth, (self.falign_local_depth_gblur_width, self.falign_local_depth_gblur_width), 0) depths.append(depth) weights.append(self.frames[fid].depth_conf) #poses_init.append(T44_to_T6(self.frames[fid].Tcw)) poses_init.append( T44_to_T6( np.linalg.inv(self.frames[kf_ids[0]].Tcw) @ self.frames[fid].Tcw)) if self.use_image_info: if not self.image_loader_sync(fid): raise 'Image loader not working or files are missing.' image = cv2.GaussianBlur( self.images_grayf[fid], (self.falign_local_image_gblur_width, self.falign_local_image_gblur_width), 0) images.append(image) py_falign_kwargs = { 'depths': np.stack(depths, axis=0), 'fx': self.fx, 'fy': self.fy, 'cx':, 'cy':, 'weights': np.stack(weights, axis=0), 'poses_init': np.stack(poses_init, axis=0), 'images': np.stack(images, axis=0) if self.use_image_info else None, 'optimize_7dof': True if self.mode == 'mono' else False, 'stride': self.falign_local_link_stride, 'vbf': self.basefocal * self.falign_vbf_factor, 'crw': self.falign_crw, 'debug': False } py_falign_funmap = partial(pyvoldor.falign, **py_falign_kwargs) falign_ret = self.cython_process_pool.apply(py_falign_funmap) #print(falign_ret['scaling_factor']) consistency = np.mean(falign_ret['consistency_mat'][np.isfinite( falign_ret['consistency_mat'])]) visibility = np.mean(falign_ret['visibility_mat'][np.isfinite( falign_ret['visibility_mat'])]) #print(consistency, visibility) if consistency < self.mp_link_consistency_thresh or visibility < self.mp_link_visibility_thresh: return if np.any( np.linalg.matrix_rank(falign_ret['poses_covar']) != falign_ret['poses_covar'].shape[1]): return falign_ret['Tcw'] = T6_to_T44(falign_ret['poses_ret']) # links are fully-connected for i1 in range(len(kf_ids) - 1): for i2 in range(i1 + 1, len(kf_ids)): Tc1c2 = np.linalg.inv( falign_ret['Tcw'][i2]) @ falign_ret['Tcw'][i1] pose7 = np.zeros((7, ), np.float32) pose7[:6] = T44_to_T6(Tc1c2) f1_scale = self.frames[ kf_ids[i1]].scale * falign_ret['scaling_factor'][i1] f2_scale = self.frames[ kf_ids[i2]].scale * falign_ret['scaling_factor'][i2] pose7[6] = np.log(f2_scale / f1_scale) pose_eval_time_scale = np.sqrt(f1_scale * f2_scale) self.edges.append( Edge(kf_ids[i1], kf_ids[i2], pose7, falign_ret['poses_covar'][i2], pose_eval_time_scale=pose_eval_time_scale, edge_type='falign-local')) def establish_lc_links(self, kf_ids): print('Loop closure at ', kf_ids) # a read lock will work since the process does not change the map with self._map_lock.r_locked(): depths = [] depths_median_scaling = [] weights = [] #poses_init = [] images = [] for fid in kf_ids: depth = self.frames[fid].get_scaled_depth() if self.mode == 'mono': scaling = 10 / np.median(depth) depths_median_scaling.append(scaling) depth *= scaling depth = cv2.GaussianBlur(depth, (self.falign_lc_depth_gblur_width, self.falign_lc_depth_gblur_width), 0) depths.append(depth) weights.append(self.frames[fid].depth_conf) #poses_init.append(np.zeros((6,),np.float32)) if self.use_image_info: if not self.image_loader_sync(fid): raise 'Image loader not working or files are missing.' image = cv2.GaussianBlur( self.images_grayf[fid], (self.falign_lc_image_gblur_width, self.falign_lc_image_gblur_width), 0) images.append(image) py_falign_kwargs = { 'depths': np.stack(depths, axis=0), #'images': np.stack(images, axis=0) if self.use_image_info else None, 'fx': self.fx, 'fy': self.fy, 'cx':, 'cy':, 'weights': np.stack(weights, axis=0), #'poses_init': np.stack(poses_init, axis=0), 'optimize_7dof': True if self.mode == 'mono' else False, 'stride': self.falign_lc_link_stride, 'vbf': self.basefocal * self.falign_vbf_factor, 'crw': self.falign_crw, 'debug': False } #'debug': True} py_falign_funmap = partial(pyvoldor.falign, **py_falign_kwargs) falign_ret = self.cython_process_pool.apply(py_falign_funmap) # refine alignment with image if self.use_image_info: py_falign_kwargs['images'] = np.stack(images, axis=0) py_falign_kwargs['poses_init'] = falign_ret['poses_ret'] py_falign_funmap = partial(pyvoldor.falign, **py_falign_kwargs) falign_ret = self.cython_process_pool.apply(py_falign_funmap) consistency = np.mean(falign_ret['consistency_mat'][np.isfinite( falign_ret['consistency_mat'])]) visibility = np.mean(falign_ret['visibility_mat'][np.isfinite( falign_ret['visibility_mat'])]) #print(consistency, visibility) if consistency < self.lc_link_consistency_thresh or visibility < self.lc_link_visibility_thresh: print( f'Loop closure registration score = {consistency:.4f} / {visibility:.4f}, rejected' ) return if np.any( np.linalg.matrix_rank(falign_ret['poses_covar']) != falign_ret['poses_covar'].shape[1]): return print( f'Loop closure registration score = {consistency:.4f} / {visibility:.4f}' ) falign_ret['Tcw'] = T6_to_T44(falign_ret['poses_ret']) if self.mode == 'mono': for i in range(len(falign_ret['scaling_factor'])): falign_ret['scaling_factor'][i] *= depths_median_scaling[i] # links are fully-connected for i1 in range(len(kf_ids) - 1): for i2 in range(i1 + 1, len(kf_ids)): Tc1c2 = np.linalg.inv( falign_ret['Tcw'][i2]) @ falign_ret['Tcw'][i1] pose7 = np.zeros((7, ), np.float32) pose7[:6] = T44_to_T6(Tc1c2) f1_scale = self.frames[ kf_ids[i1]].scale * falign_ret['scaling_factor'][i1] f2_scale = self.frames[ kf_ids[i2]].scale * falign_ret['scaling_factor'][i2] pose7[6] = np.log(f2_scale / f1_scale) pose_eval_time_scale = np.sqrt(f1_scale * f2_scale) self.edges.append( Edge(kf_ids[i1], kf_ids[i2], pose7, falign_ret['poses_covar'][i2], pose_eval_time_scale=pose_eval_time_scale, edge_type='falign-lc')) def append_kf(self, fid): self.frames[fid].is_keyframe = True self.kf_ids.append(fid) if self._use_loop_closure: if not self.image_loader_sync(fid): raise 'Image loader not working or files are missing.' #tic() kps, des = self.feature_detector.detectAndCompute( self.images_bgri[fid], None) self.frames[fid].kps = kps self.frames[fid].des = des ret = self.bow_db.query(des, -1, -1) for r in ret: if r.Score > self.lc_bow_score_thresh: if len(self.kf_ids) - r.Id < self.lc_min_kf_distance: continue inlier_rate = geometry_check(self.frames[fid].kps, self.frames[fid].des, \ self.frames[self.kf_ids[r.Id]].kps, self.frames[self.kf_ids[r.Id]].des) if inlier_rate > self.lc_geo_inlier_thresh: self.lc_candidates.append( (r.Id, len(self.kf_ids) - 1)) # register kf-id #print('lc candidate ', fid, self.kf_ids[r.Id], r.Score, inlier_rate) self.bow_db.add(des) #img_kp=cv2.drawKeypoints(self.images_bgri[fid],kps,None,color=(0,255,0)) #cv2.imshow('imgkp',img_kp) #cv2.waitKey(1) #toc() def vo_thread(self): print('VO thread started') print(f'VO mode = {self.mode}') self.end_of_vo = False while self.process_vo(): self._viewer_signal_map_changed = True #if self.fid_cur_tmpkf>=0: #print('current scale = ', self.frames[0].scale,self.frames[-1].scale) #print(f'{self.fid_cur} <- {self.fid_cur_tmpkf}, {self.fid_cur_spakf}') if self.fid_cur_tmpkf >= 0: cv2.imshow('tmpkf_depth', (self.basefocal * 0.04) / self.frames[self.fid_cur_tmpkf].get_scaled_depth()) cv2.imshow('tmpkf_depth_conf', self.frames[self.fid_cur_tmpkf].depth_conf) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 113: os._exit(1) while self._block_vo_signal: time.sleep(0.01) self.end_of_vo = True print('VO thread ended.') print(f'{len(self.kf_ids)} keyframes registered.') def mapping_thread(self): if pyvoldor_module != 'full': print('Error: Mapping not available. Need full pyvoldor module.') return print('Mapping thread started') n_kfs_registered = 0 next_pgo_kfid = self.pgo_refine_kf_interval link_mask = np.zeros((self.N_FRAMES, self.N_FRAMES), np.bool) # already matched mask priority_mat = np.zeros((self.N_FRAMES, self.N_FRAMES), np.float32) lc_pairs = set() new_local_link_flag = False new_lc_link_flag = False while not self.end_of_vo or n_kfs_registered < len(self.kf_ids): n_kfs_cur = len(self.kf_ids) if n_kfs_cur == 0: time.sleep(0.01) continue if n_kfs_registered == n_kfs_cur: # if all kfs already registered, link the edge with highest priority Iy, Ix = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(priority_mat), priority_mat.shape) if priority_mat[ Iy, Ix] > self.mp_no_link_thresh and not link_mask[Iy, Ix]: if (Iy, Ix) in lc_pairs: new_lc_link_flag = True self.establish_lc_links( [self.kf_ids[Iy], self.kf_ids[Ix]]) else: new_local_link_flag = True self.establish_local_links( [self.kf_ids[Iy], self.kf_ids[Ix]]) link_mask[Iy, Ix] = True priority_mat[Iy, Ix] = 0 time.sleep(0.01) else: # if new kf exists, update priority map, and link realtime required edges # set block_vo signal to soft-block vo thread and wait for realtime required edges self._block_vo_signal = True priority_mat[...] = 0 if not self.disable_local_mapping: for f1 in range( max(0, n_kfs_cur - 2 * self.mp_temporal_sigma), n_kfs_cur): for f2 in range( f1 + 1, min(n_kfs_cur, f1 + 2 * self.mp_spatial_sigma)): priority_mat[f1, f2] = max( priority_mat[f1, f2], np.exp(-( (f1 - f2) / self.mp_spatial_sigma)**2 - ((n_kfs_cur - f1) * (n_kfs_cur - f2) / self.mp_temporal_sigma**2))) # since register lc links are expensive (w/o initialization) # we only establish links within a small neighborhoods for f1, f2 in self.lc_candidates: for ff1, ff2 in [(f1, f2), (f1 + 1, f2), (f1 - 1, f2), (f1, f2 + 1), (f1, f2 - 1)]: if ff1 >= 0 and ff1 < n_kfs_cur and ff2 >= 0 and ff2 < n_kfs_cur: priority_mat[ff1, ff2] = max( priority_mat[ff1, ff2], np.exp(-((abs(ff1 - f1) + abs(ff2 - f2)) / self.mp_lc_sigma)**2)) lc_pairs.add((ff1, ff2)) priority_mat[link_mask] = 0 Iy, Ix = np.where(priority_mat > self.mp_realtime_link_thresh) # establish realtime required links if Iy.size > 0 and Ix.size > 0: falign_task_pool = [] for y, x in zip(Iy, Ix): if (y, x) in lc_pairs: new_lc_link_flag = True task = self.falign_thread_pool.apply_async( self.establish_lc_links, ([self.kf_ids[y], self.kf_ids[x]], )) falign_task_pool.append(task) else: new_local_link_flag = True task = self.falign_thread_pool.apply_async( self.establish_local_links, ([self.kf_ids[y], self.kf_ids[x]], )) falign_task_pool.append(task) link_mask[y, x] = True priority_mat[y, x] = 0 for task in falign_task_pool: task.get() # solve pose graph if (n_kfs_cur >= next_pgo_kfid) and (new_local_link_flag or new_lc_link_flag): if new_lc_link_flag: self.solve_pgo() else: self.solve_pgo( self. kf_ids[0 if self.pgo_local_kf_winsize > n_kfs_cur else -self.pgo_local_kf_winsize]) self._viewer_signal_map_changed = True new_local_link_flag = False new_lc_link_flag = False next_pgo_kfid = n_kfs_cur + self.pgo_refine_kf_interval n_kfs_registered = n_kfs_cur self._block_vo_signal = False #priority_mat_show = cv2.resize(priority_mat[:n_kfs_cur,:n_kfs_cur],(800,800),interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #link_mask_show = cv2.resize(link_mask[:n_kfs_cur,:n_kfs_cur].astype(np.float32),(800,800),interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #cv2.imshow('priority_mat_show',priority_mat_show) #cv2.imshow('link_mask',link_mask_show) #if cv2.waitKey(1)=='q': #os._exit(1) # global pgo after all finished self.solve_pgo() self._viewer_signal_map_changed = True print('Mapping thread end.')
class KeyToUrl(object): """ A thread safe class represents a dictionary where values are given by users and keys are generated in this class ... Attributes ---------- key_to_url : dict a dictionary that store values are given by users and generated keys Methods ------- add_key(value) adds generated for URL key and url to the dictionary __find_unique_key() generates random strings until finding a key that is not in the dictionary """ __metaclass__ = SingletonMetaclass def __init__(self, key_length=SHORT_KEY_LENGTH): """ Create an instance of the class :param key_length: length of dictionary key """ self.key_to_url = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, db=REDIS_DB) self.key_length = key_length self.read_write_lock = RWLock() def add_key(self, url): """ Adds generated for URL key and url to the dictionary :param url: string that was given by user by typing to the textbox in the application :return: generated key for given value """ with self.read_write_lock.w_locked(): key = self.__find_unique_key() self.key_to_url.set(key, url) return key def __find_unique_key(self): """ Looks for a key that does not exist in the dictionary yet :return: found key """ key = None while key is None or self.key_to_url.exists(key): key = get_random_alphanumeric_string(self.key_length) return key def get_url(self, key): """ Returns a value by a given key :param key: A string represents a key to find right url :return: right url """ with self.read_write_lock.r_locked(): return self.key_to_url.get(key)