def customize_hrm_credential(**attr): """ Customize hrm_credential controller """ # Currently just used by RDRT table = current.s3db.hrm_credential field = table.job_title_id field.comment = None field.label = T("Sector") from s3.s3validators import IS_ONE_OF field.requires = IS_ONE_OF( current.db, "", field.represent, filterby="type", filter_opts=(4, ), ) table.organisation_id.readable = table.organisation_id.writable = False table.performance_rating.readable = table.performance_rating.writable = False table.start_date.readable = table.start_date.writable = False table.end_date.readable = table.end_date.writable = False return attr
def ns_only(f, required=True, branches=True, updateable=True): """ Function to configure an organisation_id field to be restricted to just NS/Branch """ # Label if branches: f.label = T("National Society / Branch") else: f.label = T("National Society") # Requires db = current.db ttable = db.org_organisation_type type_id = db( == "Red Cross / Red Crescent").select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id if branches: not_filterby = None not_filter_opts = [] else: btable = db.org_organisation_branch rows = db(btable.deleted != True).select(btable.branch_id) branches = [row.branch_id for row in rows] not_filterby = "id" not_filter_opts = branches from s3.s3validators import IS_ONE_OF requires = IS_ONE_OF(db, "", current.s3db.org_OrganisationRepresent(), filterby="organisation_type_id", filter_opts=[type_id], not_filterby=not_filterby, not_filter_opts=not_filter_opts, updateable=updateable, orderby="", sort=True) if not required: requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(requires) f.requires = requires # Dropdown not Autocomplete f.widget = None # Comment s3_has_role = current.auth.s3_has_role if s3_has_role("ADMIN") or \ s3_has_role("ORG_ADMIN"): # Need to do import after setting Theme from s3layouts import S3AddResourceLink from s3.s3navigation import S3ScriptItem add_link = S3AddResourceLink( c="org", f="organisation", vars={ "organisation.organisation_type_id$name": "Red Cross / Red Crescent" }, label=T("Add National Society"), title=T("National Society"), ) comment = f.comment if not comment or isinstance(comment, S3AddResourceLink): f.comment = add_link elif isinstance(comment[1], S3ScriptItem): # Don't overwrite scripts f.comment[0] = add_link else: f.comment = add_link else: # Not allowed to add NS/Branch f.comment = ""
def customize_pr_person(**attr): """ Customize pr_person controller """ s3db = current.s3db request = current.request s3 = current.response.s3 tablename = "pr_person" table = s3db.pr_person # CRUD Strings ADD_CONTACT = T("Add New Contact") s3.crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( title_create=T("Add Contact"), title_display=T("Contact Details"), title_list=T("Contact Directory"), title_update=T("Edit Contact Details"), title_search=T("Search Contacts"), subtitle_create=ADD_CONTACT, label_list_button=T("List Contacts"), label_create_button=ADD_CONTACT, label_delete_button=T("Delete Contact"), msg_record_created=T("Contact added"), msg_record_modified=T("Contact details updated"), msg_record_deleted=T("Contact deleted"), msg_list_empty=T("No Contacts currently registered")) # Custom PreP standard_prep = s3.prep def custom_prep(r): # Call standard prep if callable(standard_prep): result = standard_prep(r) if not result: return False if r.method == "validate": # Can't validate image without the file image_field = s3db.pr_image.image image_field.requires = None MOBILE = settings.get_ui_label_mobile_phone() EMAIL = T("Email") htable = s3db.hrm_human_resource htable.organisation_id.widget = None site_field = htable.site_id represent = S3Represent(lookup="org_site") site_field.label = T("Office") site_field.represent = represent site_field.requires = IS_ONE_OF(current.db, "org_site.site_id", represent, orderby="") from s3layouts import S3AddResourceLink site_field.comment = S3AddResourceLink( c="org", f="office", vars={"child": "site_id"}, label=T("Add New Office"), title=T("Office"), tooltip= T("If you don't see the Office in the list, you can add a new one by clicking link 'Add New Office'." )) # Best to have no labels when only 1 field in the row s3db.pr_contact.value.label = "" image_field = s3db.pr_image.image image_field.label = "" # ImageCrop widget doesn't currently work within an Inline Form from gluon.validators import IS_IMAGE image_field.requires = IS_IMAGE() image_field.widget = None hr_fields = [ "organisation_id", "job_title_id", "site_id", ] # Context from a Profile page?" organisation_id = request.get_vars.get("(organisation)", None) if organisation_id: field = s3db.hrm_human_resource.organisation_id field.default = organisation_id field.readable = field.writable = False hr_fields.remove("organisation_id") s3_sql_custom_fields = [ "first_name", #"middle_name", "last_name", S3SQLInlineComponent( "human_resource", name="human_resource", label="", multiple=False, fields=hr_fields, ), S3SQLInlineComponent("image", name="image", label=T("Photo"), multiple=False, fields=["image"], filterby=dict(field="profile", options=[True])), ] list_fields = [ "human_resource.organisation_id", "first_name", #"middle_name", "last_name", (T("Job Title"), "human_resource.job_title_id"), (T("Office"), "human_resource.site_id"), ] # Don't include Email/Phone for unauthenticated users if current.auth.is_logged_in(): list_fields += [ (MOBILE, "phone.value"), (EMAIL, "email.value"), ] s3_sql_custom_fields.insert( 3, S3SQLInlineComponent("contact", name="phone", label=MOBILE, multiple=False, fields=["value"], filterby=dict(field="contact_method", options="SMS")), ) s3_sql_custom_fields.insert( 3, S3SQLInlineComponent("contact", name="email", label=EMAIL, multiple=False, fields=["value"], filterby=dict(field="contact_method", options="EMAIL")), ) crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm(*s3_sql_custom_fields) filter_widgets = [ S3TextFilter( [ "pe_label", "first_name", "middle_name", "last_name", "local_name", "identity.value", "human_resource.organisation_id", "human_resource.job_title_id", "human_resource.site_id", ], label=T("Search"), ), S3OptionsFilter( "human_resource.organisation_id", # Doesn't support translation #represent="%(name)s", widget="multiselect", ), S3OptionsFilter( "human_resource.job_title_id", # Doesn't support translation #represent="%(name)s", widget="multiselect", ), S3OptionsFilter( "human_resource.site_id", # Doesn't support translation #represent="%(name)s", widget="multiselect", ), ] # Return to List view after create/update/delete (unless done via Modal) #url_next = URL(c="pr", f="person", ) # Report options report_fields = [ "organisation_id", ] report_options = Storage( rows=report_fields, cols=report_fields, fact=["count(id)"], defaults=Storage( rows="organisation_id", cols="", fact="count(id)", totals=True, chart="barchart:rows", #table = "collapse", )) s3db.configure( tablename, #create_next = url_next, #delete_next = url_next, #update_next = url_next, crud_form=crud_form, filter_widgets=filter_widgets, list_fields=list_fields, report_options=report_options, # Don't include a Create form in 'More' popups #listadd = False if r.method=="datalist" else True, #list_layout = render_contacts, ) # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def custom_postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive and isinstance(output, dict): output["rheader"] = "" actions = [ dict(label=str(T("Open")), _class="action-btn", url=URL(c="pr", f="person", args=["[id]", "read"])) ] s3.actions = actions if "form" in output: output["form"].add_class("pr_person") elif "item" in output and hasattr(output["item"], "add_class"): output["item"].add_class("pr_person") return output s3.postp = custom_postp # Remove rheader attr["rheader"] = None return attr
def custom_prep(r): # Call standard prep if callable(standard_prep): result = standard_prep(r) else: result = True if r.component_name == "appraisal": atable = r.component.table # Organisation needs to be an NS ns_only( atable.organisation_id, required=True, branches=False, ) field = atable.supervisor_id field.readable = field.writable = False field = atable.job_title_id field.comment = None field.label = T("Sector") from s3.s3validators import IS_ONE_OF field.requires = IS_ONE_OF( db, "", field.represent, filterby="type", filter_opts=(4, ), ) if vnrc: if r.component_name == "address": settings.gis.building_name = False settings.gis.latlon_selector = False settings.gis.map_selector = False settings.gis.postcode_selector = False elif r.component_name == "identity": table = s3db.pr_identity table.description.readable = False table.description.writable = False pr_id_type_opts = { 1: T("Passport"), 2: T("National ID Card"), } from gluon.validators import IS_IN_SET table.type.requires = IS_IN_SET(pr_id_type_opts, zero=None) elif r.method == "cv" or r.component_name == "experience": table = s3db.hrm_experience # Use simple free-text variants table.organisation.readable = True table.organisation.writable = True table.job_title.readable = True table.job_title.writable = True table.comments.label = T("Main Duties") crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm( "organisation", "job_title", "comments", "start_date", "end_date", ) s3db.configure( "hrm_experience", crud_form=crud_form, list_fields=[ "id", "organisation", "job_title", "comments", "start_date", "end_date", ], ) return result
def customize_deploy_mission(**attr): """ Customize deploy_mission controller """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db s3 = current.response.s3 MEMBER = T("Member") from gluon.html import DIV hr_comment = \ DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (MEMBER, T("Enter some characters to bring up " "a list of possible matches"))) table = s3db.deploy_mission table.code.label = T("Operation Code") table.event_type_id.label = T("Disaster Type") table.organisation_id.readable = table.organisation_id.writable = False # Restrict Location to just Countries from s3.s3fields import S3Represent from s3.s3widgets import S3SelectChosenWidget field = table.location_id field.label = current.messages.COUNTRY field.requires = s3db.gis_country_requires field.widget = S3SelectChosenWidget() field.represent = S3Represent(lookup="gis_location", translate=True) rtable = s3db.deploy_response rtable.human_resource_id.label = MEMBER rtable.human_resource_id.comment = hr_comment from s3.s3validators import IS_ONE_OF atable = s3db.deploy_assignment atable.human_resource_id.label = MEMBER atable.human_resource_id.comment = hr_comment field = atable.job_title_id field.comment = None field.label = T("Sector") field.requires = IS_ONE_OF( db, "", field.represent, filterby="type", filter_opts=(4, ), ) # CRUD Strings s3.crud_strings["deploy_assignment"] = Storage( title_create=T("New Deployment"), title_display=T("Deployment Details"), title_list=T("Deployments"), title_update=T("Edit Deployment Details"), title_search=T("Search Deployments"), title_upload=T("Import Deployments"), subtitle_create=T("Add New Deployment"), label_list_button=T("List Deployments"), label_create_button=T("Add Deployment"), label_delete_button=T("Delete Deployment"), msg_record_created=T("Deployment added"), msg_record_modified=T("Deployment Details updated"), msg_record_deleted=T("Deployment deleted"), msg_list_empty=T("No Deployments currently registered")) # Custom prep standard_prep = s3.prep def custom_prep(r): # Call standard prep if callable(standard_prep): result = standard_prep(r) else: result = True if not r.component and r.method == "create": # Org is always IFRC otable = s3db.org_organisation query = ( == "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies" ) organisation = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if organisation: r.table.organisation_id.default = return result s3.prep = custom_prep return attr