def main(): args = get_args() # Print version and exit if args.version: print(VERSION_MESSAGE) sys.exit(0) # Setup logging util log_file = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE if args.debug_run: args.debug = True if args.debug or args.debug_file is not None: level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug_file is not None: log_file = args.debug_file log_formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(funcName)s()] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") root_logger = logging.getLogger() file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) root_logger.addHandler(file_handler) root_logger.setLevel(level) else: level = logging.ERROR log_formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(funcName)s()] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(level) if args.terminal or args.json:"Printing single line to terminal") sources = [ FreqSource(), TempSource(), UtilSource(), RaplPowerSource(), FanSource() ] if args.terminal: output_to_terminal(sources) elif args.json: output_to_json(sources) global graph_controller graph_controller = GraphController(args) graph_controller.main()
def _load_config(self, t_thresh): """ Uses configurations defined by user to configure sources for display. This should be the only place where sources are initiated This returns a list of sources after configurations are applied """ # Load and configure user config dir when controller starts if not user_config_dir_exists(): user_config_dir = make_user_config_dir() else: user_config_dir = get_user_config_dir() if user_config_dir is None: logging.warning("Failed to find or create scripts directory,\ proceeding without scripting support") self.script_hooks_enabled = False else: self.script_loader = ScriptHookLoader(user_config_dir) # Use user config file if one was saved before self.conf = None if user_config_file_exists(): self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser() else: logging.debug("Config file not found") # Load refresh refresh rate from config try: self.refresh_rate = str( self.conf.getfloat('GraphControll', 'refresh')) logging.debug("User refresh rate: %s", self.refresh_rate) except (AttributeError, ValueError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): logging.debug("No refresh rate configed") # Change UTF8 setting from config try: if self.conf.getboolean('GraphControll', 'UTF8'): self.smooth_graph_mode = True else: logging.debug("UTF8 selected as %s", self.conf.get('GraphControll', 'UTF8')) except (AttributeError, ValueError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): logging.debug("No user config for utf8") # Try to load high temperature threshold if configured if t_thresh is None: try: self.temp_thresh = self.conf.get('GraphControll', 'TTHRESH') logging.debug("Temperature threshold set to %s", self.temp_thresh) except (AttributeError, ValueError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): logging.debug("No user config for temp threshold") else: self.temp_thresh = t_thresh # This should be the only place where sources are configured possible_sources = [ TempSource(self.temp_thresh), FreqSource(), UtilSource(), RaplPowerSource(), FanSource() ] # Load sensors config if available sources = [ x.get_source_name() for x in possible_sources if x.get_is_available() ] for source in sources: try: options = list(self.conf.items(source + ",Graphs")) for option in options: # Returns tuples of values in order self.graphs_default_conf[source].append( str_to_bool(option[1])) options = list(self.conf.items(source + ",Summaries")) for option in options: # Returns tuples of values in order self.summary_default_conf[source].append( str_to_bool(option[1])) except (AttributeError, ValueError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): logging.debug("Error reading sensors config") return possible_sources
def test_util_summary(self): util_source = UtilSource() self.assertEqual(util_source.get_source_name(), 'Util')
def test_util_class(self): util_source = UtilSource() self.assertIsNotNone(util_source)