def set_portf_fullname(symbol, asset_class, market, strategy_type): """ xxx """ #portf: symbol, asset_class_name, market_label, strategy_type return_data = '' fullname = symbol.replace(get_portf_suffix(), '') return_data = fullname + ' ' + market + ' ' + asset_class + ' ' + strategy_type return return_data
def portf_gen_portf_t_instruments(): """ xxx """ return_data = '' portf_symbol = get_portf_suffix() + set_portf_symbol() portf_asset_class_id = get_portf_asset_class('i') portf_asset_class_name = get_portf_asset_class('n') portf_market_id = get_portf_market('i') portf_market_name = get_portf_market('n') portf_strategy_type = get_portf_strategy_type() portf_fullname = set_portf_fullname(portf_symbol, portf_asset_class_name, portf_market_name, portf_strategy_type) portf_owner = portf_get_user_numeric_id() portf_description = get_portf_description(portf_asset_class_name, portf_market_name, portf_strategy_type) portf_account_reference = 1000 portf_decimal_place = get_portf_decimal_place() portf_pip = 1 portf_sector = 0 portf_unit = get_portf_market('cur') portf_creation_date = set_portf_date() connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "INSERT INTO symbol_list(symbol) VALUES('" + str(portf_symbol) + "')" cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() sql = "INSERT INTO instruments(symbol,fullname,description,"+\ "asset_class,market,decimal_places,pip, sector,unit,"+\ "account_reference,owner,creation_date) "+\ "VALUES ('"+\ str(portf_symbol) +"','"+\ str(portf_fullname) +"','"+\ str(portf_description) +"','"+\ str(portf_asset_class_id) +"','"+\ str(portf_market_id) +"','"+\ str(portf_decimal_place) +"','"+\ str(portf_pip) +"','"+\ str(portf_sector) +"','"+\ str(portf_unit) +"','"+\ str(portf_account_reference) +"','"+\ str(portf_owner) +"','"+\ str(portf_creation_date) +"')" cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close() return_data = portf_symbol return return_data
def __init__(self, symbol, uid): """ xxx """ self.s = symbol connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cr = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol from symbol_list WHERE uid=" + str(uid) cr.execute(sql) rs = cr.fetchall() for row in rs: symbol_is_portf = row[0] if symbol_is_portf.find(get_portf_suffix()) > -1: self.sql_select = "SELECT price_close, date FROM chart_data WHERE symbol='" + self.s + "' " else: self.sql_select = "SELECT price_close, date FROM price_instruments_data WHERE symbol='" + self.s + "' " self.sql_select_signal = "SELECT signal_price, date from chart_data WHERE symbol='" + self.s + "' AND forecast = 0 " sql = self.sql_select_signal + " ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1" cr.execute(sql) rs = cr.fetchall() for row in rs: self.lp_signal = row[0] sql = self.sql_select + " ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1" cr.execute(sql) rs = cr.fetchall() for row in rs: self.lp = row[0] self.ld = row[1] cr.close() connection.close() self.uid = uid self.d_1Yp = self.ld - (timedelta(days=365)) self.d_6Mp = self.ld - (timedelta(days=180)) self.d_3Mp = self.ld - (timedelta(days=90)) self.d_1Mp = self.ld - (timedelta(days=30)) self.d_1Wp = self.ld - (timedelta(days=7)) self.d_1Wf = 0
def get_trades_tbl(uid, what, burl, type_trade): """ xxx """ return_data = '' connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) selected_symbol = '' selected_is_portf = False is_user_prf = False list_limit = 50 sql = "SELECT symbol FROM symbol_list WHERE uid=" + str(uid) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: selected_symbol = row[0] if selected_symbol.find(get_portf_suffix()) != -1: selected_is_portf = True if uid == '0' or uid == 0: is_user_prf = True portf_symbol_selection = '' i = 0 if selected_is_portf: sql = "SELECT portfolios.symbol, portfolios.portf_symbol "+\ "FROM symbol_list JOIN portfolios ON symbol_list.symbol = portfolios.portf_symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.uid = "+ str(uid) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() portf_symbol = '' for row in res: portf_symbol = row[1] if i == 0: portf_symbol_selection = portf_symbol_selection +\ " AND (trades.symbol = '"+ str(row[0]) +"' " else: portf_symbol_selection = portf_symbol_selection +\ " OR trades.symbol = '"+ str(row[0]) +"' " i += 1 portf_symbol_selection = portf_symbol_selection +\ ') AND portfolios.portf_symbol ="'+ str(portf_symbol) +'" ' single_selection = '' if not selected_is_portf and not is_user_prf: single_selection = 'AND trades.uid = ' + str(uid) date_now = dnstr = date_now.strftime("%Y%m%d") date_now = date_now.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") if selected_is_portf: sql = "SELECT trades.order_type, "+\ "trades.symbol, "+\ "trades.entry_date, "+\ "trades.entry_price, "+\ "trades.close_price, "+\ "trades.expiration_date, "+\ "trades.pnl_pct, "+\ "trades.url, "+\ "instruments.unit, "+\ "portfolios.strategy_order_type, "+\ "trades.uid " sql = sql +\ "FROM trades JOIN portfolios ON portfolios.symbol = trades.symbol "+\ "JOIN instruments ON trades.symbol = instruments.symbol WHERE trades.entry_date <=" +\ dnstr + " AND " elif is_user_prf and what != 'today': sql = "SELECT trades.order_type, "+\ "trades.symbol, "+\ "trades.entry_date, "+\ "trades.entry_price, "+\ "trades.close_price, "+\ "trades.expiration_date, "+\ "trades.pnl_pct, "+\ "trades.url, "+\ "a_alloc.unit, "+\ "trades.status, "+\ "trades.uid "+\ "FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN portfolios ON instruments.symbol = portfolios.portf_symbol "+\ "JOIN trades ON trades.symbol = portfolios.symbol "+\ "JOIN instruments as a_alloc ON a_alloc.symbol = trades.symbol " +\ "WHERE instruments.owner = " + str(get_user_numeric_id()) + " "+\ "AND ((portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'long' AND trades.order_type = 'buy') "+\ "OR (portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'short' AND trades.order_type = 'sell') "+\ "OR (portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'long/short') ) AND trades.entry_date <=" +\ dnstr + " AND " elif what == 'today': type_status_filter = "" +\ "((trades.entry_date = " +\ dnstr + " AND instruments.owner = " +\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) + " AND status = 'active') OR "+\ "(trades.expiration_date <= " +\ dnstr + " AND instruments.owner = "+\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) +" AND status = 'active') OR "+\ "(trades.expiration_date = " +\ dnstr + " AND instruments.owner = "+\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) +" AND status = 'expired')) " if type_trade == 'expired': type_status_filter = "((trades.expiration_date <= " +\ dnstr + " AND instruments.owner = "+\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) +" AND status = 'active') OR "+\ "(trades.expiration_date = " +\ dnstr + " AND instruments.owner = "+\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) +" AND status = 'expired')) " sql = "SELECT "+\ "trades.order_type, "+\ "trades.symbol, "+\ "trades.entry_date, "+\ "trades.entry_price, "+\ "trades.close_price, "+\ "trades.expiration_date, "+\ "trades.pnl_pct, "+\ "trades.url, "+\ "a_alloc.unit, "+\ "trades.status, "+\ "trades.uid "+\ "FROM trades "+\ "JOIN portfolios ON portfolios.symbol = trades.symbol "+\ "JOIN instruments ON instruments.symbol = portfolios.portf_symbol "+\ "JOIN instruments as a_alloc ON a_alloc.symbol = portfolios.symbol "+\ "WHERE "+\ "((portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'long' AND trades.order_type = 'buy') "+\ "OR (portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'short' AND trades.order_type = 'sell') "+\ "OR (portfolios.strategy_order_type = 'long/short') ) AND "+\ type_status_filter else: sql = "SELECT trades.order_type, "+\ "trades.symbol, "+\ "trades.entry_date, "+\ "trades.entry_price, "+\ "trades.close_price, "+\ "trades.expiration_date, "+\ "trades.pnl_pct, "+\ "trades.url, "+\ "instruments.unit, "+\ "trades.status, "+\ "trades.uid " sql = sql +\ "FROM trades JOIN instruments ON trades.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE trades.entry_date <=" + dnstr + " AND " if what == 'active': sql = sql + " trades.status = 'active' " if what == 'expired': sql = sql + " trades.status = 'expired' " sql = sql + single_selection sql = sql + portf_symbol_selection sql = sql + ' order by trades.entry_date DESC' print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() l_order = 'Order' l_instrument = 'Instrument' l_entry_date = 'Entry date' l_open_price = 'Open price' l_close_price = 'Close price' l_expiration_date = 'Expires on' l_pnl = 'PnL' return_data = ''+\ '<table class="table table-hover table-sm sa-table-sm">'+\ ' <thead>'+\ ' <tr>'+\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_order +'</th>'+\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_instrument +'</th>'+\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_entry_date +'</th>'+\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_open_price +'</th>' if what == 'expired': return_data = return_data +\ '<th scope="col">'+ l_close_price +'</th>' if what != 'today': return_data = return_data +\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_expiration_date +'</th>'+\ ' <th scope="col">'+ l_pnl +'</th>' return_data = return_data+\ ' </tr>'+\ ' </thead>'+\ ' <tbody>' i = 0 for row in res: order_type = row[0] symbol = row[1] entry_date = row[2].strftime("%d-%b-%Y") entry_price = row[3] close_price = row[4] expiration_date = row[5].strftime("%d-%b-%Y") expiration_date_str = str(row[5].strftime("%Y%m%d")) pnl_pct = row[6] unit = row[8] alloc_uid = row[10] if selected_is_portf: strategy_order_type = row[9] if date_now == entry_date: badge_today = ' <span class="badge badge-primary">today</span>' elif int(dnstr) >= int(expiration_date_str) and\ (what == 'active' or what == 'today') and (close_price == -1): badge_today = ' <span class="badge badge-secondary">close @market</span>' elif int(dnstr) == int(expiration_date_str) and\ (what == 'expired' or what == 'today'): badge_today = ' <span class="badge badge-warning">closed</span>' else: badge_today = '' if order_type == 'buy': badge_class = 'badge badge-success' else: badge_class = 'badge badge-danger' if pnl_pct >= 0: text_class = 'text text-success' else: text_class = 'text text-danger' if unit == 'pips': pnl_pct = round(pnl_pct * 10000, 2) if pnl_pct > 1: pnl_pct = str(pnl_pct) + " pips" else: pnl_pct = str(pnl_pct) + " pips" else: pnl_pct = str(round(pnl_pct * 100, 2)) + "%" if selected_is_portf: if (order_type == 'buy' and strategy_order_type == 'long') or\ (order_type == 'sell' and strategy_order_type == 'short') or\ (strategy_order_type == 'long/short'): return_data = return_data +\ ' <tr>'+\ ' <td>'+ place_trade_link(symbol, '<span class="'+\ badge_class +'">' + str(order_type) +'</span>') +\ badge_today +'</td>'+\ ' <td><a href="'+\ burl + 's/?uid='+\ str(alloc_uid) +'">'+\ str(symbol) +'</a></td>'+\ ' <td>'+ str(entry_date) +'</td>'+\ ' <td>'+ str(entry_price) +'</td>' if what == 'expired': return_data = return_data +\ '<td>'+ str(close_price) +'</td>' return_data = return_data +\ ' <td>'+ str(expiration_date) +'</td>'+\ ' <td><span class="'+ text_class +'">'+ str(pnl_pct) +'</span></td>' ' </tr>' i += 1 else: return_data = return_data +\ ' <tr>'+\ ' <td>'+ place_trade_link(symbol, '<span class="'+\ badge_class +'">'+ str(order_type) +'</span>') +\ badge_today +'</td>'+\ ' <td><a href="'+\ burl + 's/?uid='+\ str(alloc_uid) +'">'+\ str(symbol) +'</a></td>'+\ ' <td>'+ str(entry_date) +'</td>'+\ ' <td>'+ str(entry_price) +'</td>' if what == 'expired': return_data = return_data +\ '<td>'+ str(close_price) +'</td>' if what != 'today': return_data = return_data +\ ' <td>'+ str(expiration_date) +'</td>'+\ ' <td><span class="'+ text_class +'">'+ str(pnl_pct) +'</span></td>' return_data = return_data +\ ' </tr>' i += 1 if i == list_limit: break return_data = return_data +\ ' </tbody>'+\ '</table>' cursor.close() connection.close() return return_data
def get_trailing_returns(uid): """ Get trailing return chart """ connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT instruments.fullname, instruments.is_benchmark, "+\ ", instruments.symbol, instruments.asset_class "+\ "FROM instruments JOIN symbol_list ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.uid=" + str(uid) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: fullname = row[0].replace("'", "") is_benchmark = row[1] market = row[2] symbol_is_portf = row[3] asset_class = row[4] if symbol_is_portf.find(get_portf_suffix()) > -1: sql = "SELECT date FROM chart_data WHERE uid=" + str(uid) + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1" else: sql = "SELECT FROM price_instruments_data JOIN symbol_list "+\ "ON symbol_list.symbol = price_instruments_data.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.uid=" + str(uid) +" ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() as_date = '' l_as_date = '' for row in res: as_date = row[0] if as_date != '': l_as_date = 'Trailing returns as of '+ as_date.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") font_size = 10 l_y1 = '1-Year' l_m6 = '6-month' l_m3 = '3-month' l_m1 = '1-month' l_w1 = '1-week' minb = 0 mini = 0 maxb = 0 maxi = 0 benchmark_header = '' benchmark_data_y1 = '' benchmark_data_m6 = '' benchmark_data_m3 = '' benchmark_data_m1 = '' benchmark_data_w1 = '' if not is_benchmark: sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid, instruments.fullname "+\ "FROM symbol_list JOIN instruments "+\ "ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE'"+\ str(market) +"' AND instruments.asset_class='"+\ str(asset_class) +"' AND instruments.is_benchmark=1" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() benchmark_uid = 0 for row in res: benchmark_uid = row[0] benchmark_fullname = row[1].replace("'", "") if benchmark_uid != 0: benchmark_header = ", ' " +\ benchmark_fullname +\ " ', {type: 'string', role: 'annotation'}" benchmark_data_y1 = ','+ get_chart_data(benchmark_uid, 'y1') benchmark_data_m6 = ','+ get_chart_data(benchmark_uid, 'm6') benchmark_data_m3 = ','+ get_chart_data(benchmark_uid, 'm3') benchmark_data_m1 = ','+ get_chart_data(benchmark_uid, 'm1') benchmark_data_w1 = ','+ get_chart_data(benchmark_uid, 'w1') minb = get_minmax(benchmark_uid, 'min') maxb = get_minmax(benchmark_uid, 'max') data = ''+\ '["'+ l_y1 + '",' + get_chart_data(uid, 'y1') + benchmark_data_y1 +']' + ',' +\ '["'+ l_m6 + '",' + get_chart_data(uid, 'm6') + benchmark_data_m6 + ']' + ',' +\ '["'+ l_m3 + '",' + get_chart_data(uid, 'm3') + benchmark_data_m3 + ']' + ',' +\ '["'+ l_m1 + '",' + get_chart_data(uid, 'm1') + benchmark_data_m1 + ']' + ',' +\ '["'+ l_w1 + '",' + get_chart_data(uid, 'w1') + benchmark_data_w1 + ']' mini = get_minmax(uid, 'min') maxi = get_minmax(uid, 'max') if minb < mini: mini = minb if maxb > maxi: maxi = maxb header = " ['x', ' " +\ fullname + " ', {type: 'string', role: 'annotation'}"+\ benchmark_header +" ]," chart_content = "" +\ "<script>" +\ "google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']});" +\ "google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawAnnotations);" +\ "function drawAnnotations() {" +\ " var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([" +\ header +\ data +\ " ]);" +\ " var options = {" +\ " fontSize: "+ str(font_size) + "," +\ " legend: {position:'top', textStyle: {color:"+\ theme_return_this("'black'", "'white'") +"} }," +\ " title: ''," +\ " backgroundColor: 'transparent',"+\ " chartArea: {width: '50%'}," +\ " annotations: {" +\ " alwaysOutside: true," +\ " textStyle: {" +\ " auraColor: 'none'," +\ " color: '#555'" +\ " }," +\ " boxStyle: {" +\ " stroke: '#ccc'," +\ " strokeWidth: 1," +\ " gradient: {" +\ " color1: 'yellow'," +\ " color2: 'white'," +\ " x1: '0%', y1: '0%'," +\ " x2: '100%', y2: '100%'" +\ " }" +\ " }" +\ " }," +\ " series: {0:{color: "+\ theme_return_this("'blue'", "'orange'") +"}, 1:{color: '#c9d6ea'} }," +\ " chartArea: {width:'80%',height:'80%'}," +\ " hAxis: {" +\ " title: '" + l_as_date + "', " +\ " titleTextStyle:{ color:"+\ theme_return_this("'black'", "'white'") +"},"+\ " viewWindow:{min:"+\ str(mini) +",max:"+\ str(maxi) +"}," +\ " gridlines: { color: 'transparent' },"+\ " textStyle: { color: "+\ theme_return_this("'black'", "'white'") +" } "+\ " }," +\ " vAxis: {" +\ " title: '', " +\ " textStyle: { color: "+\ theme_return_this("'black'", "'white'") +" } "+\ " }" +\ " };" +\ " var chart = "+\ "new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('trail_chart'));" +\ " chart.draw(data, options);" +\ " }" +\ " </script>" +\ " <div id='trail_chart' class='sa-chart-hw-290'></div>" cursor.close() connection.close() return chart_content
def get_details_header(uid, burl): """ xxx """ connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cr_s = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_s = "SELECT symbol_list.symbol, feed.short_title, "+\ "feed.content, feed.badge, feed.asset_class,, symbol_list.isin "+\ "FROM symbol_list "+\ "JOIN feed ON symbol_list.symbol = feed.symbol WHERE symbol_list.uid =" +\ str(uid) + " LIMIT 1" cr_s.execute(sql_s) rs_s = cr_s.fetchall() for row in rs_s: symbol = row[0] instr_name = row[1] content = row[2].replace('{burl}', burl) badge = row[3] asset_class = row[4] market = row[5] isin = row[6] if len(isin) > 1: isin = ' | ISIN: '+ str(isin) else: isin = '' if (badge.find('-0') == -1 and badge.find('-1') == -1 and badge.find('-2') == -1 and badge.find('-3') == -1 and badge.find('-4') == -1 and badge.find('-5') == -1 and badge.find('-6') == -1 and badge.find('-7') == -1 and badge.find('-8') == -1 and badge.find('-9') == -1): badge_class = 'badge badge-success' else: badge_class = 'badge badge-danger' badge_tooltip = 'Expected returns in the next 7 days' header_float_right = '' header_portfolio_info = '' if symbol.find(get_portf_suffix()) == -1: # Strategy porttfolio header_float_right = '<div style="margin: 0px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;">' +\ get_tradingview_symbol_info(uid) + '</div>' else: # Any other instruments header_portfolio_info = ''+\ ' <span class="title"><font style="font-size: x-large;">'+\ instr_name +' <span class="'+\ badge_class+'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="'+\ badge_tooltip +'" >'+\ badge+'</span></font></span><br />'+\ ' <span class="text"><span class="desc">'+\ content + ' | ' +\ asset_class +\ market +\ symbol +\ isin +'</span></span>' p_header = '' +\ ' <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">'+\ ' <div class="box-part rounded" style="'+\ theme_return_this('', 'border-style:solid; border-width:thin; border-color:#343a40;') +'">'+\ header_float_right +\ header_portfolio_info +\ ' </div>'+\ ' </div>' cr_s.close() connection.close() return p_header
def gen_portf_user_example(burl, acm, notstart): """ xxx """ resp = make_response( redirect(burl + 'genportf?step=2¬start=' + str(notstart))) if acm is None: asset_class = '%%' else: asset_class = acm if user_is_login() == 1: connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol NOT LIKE '%"+\ get_portf_suffix() +"%' AND symbol_list.disabled=0 AND "+\ "(instruments.y1_signal > 0 ) AND (instruments.asset_class LIKE '"+\ asset_class +"' OR LIKE '"+\ asset_class +"') ORDER BY instruments.volatility_risk_st ASC, "+\ "instruments.m6_signal DESC, instruments.m3_signal DESC LIMIT 5" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() i = 1 for row in res: resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i), str(row[0]), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_conv', str('weak'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_type', str('long/short'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) i += 1 if i < 5: sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol NOT LIKE '%"+\ get_portf_suffix() +"%' AND (instruments.m6_signal > 0 ) AND "+\ "(instruments.asset_class LIKE '"+\ asset_class +"' OR LIKE '"+\ asset_class +"') AND symbol_list.disabled = 0 "+\ "ORDER BY instruments.volatility_risk_st ASC, "+\ "instruments.m6_signal DESC, "+\ "instruments.m3_signal DESC LIMIT 5" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() i = 1 for row in cursor: resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i), str(row[0]), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_conv', str('weak'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_type', str('long/short'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) i += 1 if i < 5: add_additional_asset = "FX:" sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol NOT LIKE '%"+\ get_portf_suffix() +"%' AND (instruments.y1_signal > 0 ) AND "+\ "(instruments.asset_class LIKE '"+\ add_additional_asset +"') AND symbol_list.disabled = 0 "+\ "ORDER BY instruments.volatility_risk_st ASC, "+\ "instruments.m6_signal DESC, "+\ "instruments.m3_signal DESC LIMIT 5" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i), str(row[0]), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_conv', str('weak'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) resp.set_cookie('portf_s_' + str(i) + '_type', str('long/short'), + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) i += 1 return resp
def draw_instr_table(burl, mode, step, maxrow, sel): """ xxx """ return_data = '<script>$(document).ready(function($) {'+\ '$(".sa-table-click-row").click(function() {'+\ 'window.document.location = $(this).data("href");'+\ '});'+\ '});</script>' connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid, instruments.w_forecast_change, "+\ "instruments.fullname, instruments.volatility_risk_st, "+\ "instruments.y1_signal, instruments.m6_signal, "+\ "instruments.m3_signal, instruments.m1_signal, instruments.w1_signal, "+\ "instruments.w_forecast_display_info, instruments.unit, "+\ "instruments.symbol FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.symbol NOT LIKE '%"+\ str(get_portf_suffix()) +"%' AND ( LIKE '%"+\ str(sel) +"%' OR instruments.asset_class LIKE '%"+ str(sel) +"%') "+\ "AND symbol_list.disabled=0 ORDER BY instruments.y1_signal DESC LIMIT "+\ str(maxrow) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: uid = row[0] w_forecast_change = row[1] fullname = row[2] volatility_risk_st = row[3] y1_signal = row[4] m6_signal = row[5] m3_signal = row[6] m1_signal = row[7] w1_signal = row[8] w_forecast_display_info = row[9] unit = row[10] symbol = row[11] volatility_risk_st = str(round(volatility_risk_st * 100, 2)) + '%' if y1_signal >= 0: class_y1 = "text text-success" else: class_y1 = "text text-danger" if m6_signal >= 0: class_m6 = "text text-success" else: class_m6 = "text text-danger" if m3_signal >= 0: class_m3 = "text text-success" else: class_m3 = "text text-danger" if m1_signal >= 0: class_m1 = "text text-success" else: class_m1 = "text text-danger" if w1_signal >= 0: class_w1 = "text text-success" else: class_w1 = "text text-danger" if w_forecast_change > -999: if w_forecast_change >= 0: class_forecast = "bg bg-success text-white" else: class_forecast = "bg bg-danger text-white" else: class_forecast = "" if unit == 'pips': y1_signal = str(round(y1_signal, 0)) + ' pips' m6_signal = str(round(m6_signal, 0)) + ' pips' m3_signal = str(round(m3_signal, 0)) + ' pips' m1_signal = str(round(m1_signal, 0)) + ' pips' w1_signal = str(round(w1_signal, 0)) + ' pips' else: y1_signal = str(round(y1_signal * 100, 2)) + '%' m6_signal = str(round(m6_signal * 100, 2)) + '%' m3_signal = str(round(m3_signal * 100, 2)) + '%' m1_signal = str(round(m1_signal * 100, 2)) + '%' w1_signal = str(round(w1_signal * 100, 2)) + '%' if not mode == "portf_select": if w_forecast_change > -999: if w_forecast_change >= 0: order_type = '<span class="badge badge-success">buy</span>' else: order_type = '<span class="badge badge-danger">sell</span>' else: order_type = '<span class="text-secondary">wait</span>' column_order_type = '<td style="text-align: left" scope="row">' + order_type + '</td>' column_y1 = ' <td class="' + class_y1 + '">' + str( y1_signal) + '</td>' column_m6 = ' <td class="' + class_m6 + '">' + str( m6_signal) + '</td>' column_m3 = ' <td class="' + class_m3 + '">' + str( m3_signal) + '</td>' column_m1 = ' <td class="' + class_m1 + '">' + str( m1_signal) + '</td>' column_w1 = ' <td class="' + class_w1 + '">' + str( w1_signal) + '</td>' else: order_type = '' column_order_type = '' column_y1 = '' column_m6 = '' column_m3 = '' column_m1 = '' column_w1 = '' if mode == 'portf_select': target_url = burl + 'p/?ins=2&step='+\ str(step) +'&uid='+ str(uid) + '&x=' + str(sel) if mode == 'view': target_url = burl + 's/?uid=' + str(uid) return_data = return_data +\ ' <tr class="sa-table-click-row" data-href="'+ target_url +'">'+\ column_order_type +\ ' <td style="text-align: left">'+ '<strong>'+\ str(fullname)+ '</strong> (' + str(symbol) + ')' + '</td>'+\ ' <td>'+ str(volatility_risk_st) +'</td>'+\ column_y1 +\ column_m6 +\ column_m3 +\ column_m1 +\ column_w1 +\ ' <td class="'+ class_forecast +'">'+\ str(w_forecast_display_info) +'</td>'+\ ' </tr>' cursor.close() connection.close() return return_data
def draw_portf_table(burl, maxrow, sel, user_portf): """ xxx """ return_data = '<script>$(document).ready(function($) {'+\ '$(".sa-table-click-row").click(function() {'+\ 'window.document.location = $(this).data("href");'+\ '});'+\ '});</script>' connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) if user_portf: sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid, instruments.w_forecast_change, "+\ "instruments.fullname, instruments.volatility_risk_st, "+\ "instruments.y1, instruments.m6, instruments.m3, instruments.m1, "+\ "instruments.w1, "+\ "instruments.w_forecast_display_info, instruments.unit, "+\ "instruments.symbol, feed.globalrank, feed.content FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "JOIN feed ON instruments.symbol = feed.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.owner = "+\ str(get_user_numeric_id()) +" AND symbol_list.symbol LIKE '%"+\ str(get_portf_suffix())+ "%'" + " ORDER BY feed.globalrank LIMIT "+\ str(maxrow) else: sql = "SELECT symbol_list.uid, instruments.w_forecast_change, "+\ "instruments.fullname, instruments.volatility_risk_st, "+\ "instruments.y1, instruments.m6, instruments.m3, "+\ "instruments.m1, instruments.w1, "+\ "instruments.w_forecast_display_info, instruments.unit, "+\ "instruments.symbol, feed.globalrank, feed.content FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "JOIN feed ON instruments.symbol = feed.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.symbol LIKE '%"+\ str(get_portf_suffix()) +\ "%' AND feed.globalrank <> 0 AND ( LIKE '%"+\ str(sel) +"%' OR instruments.asset_class LIKE '%"+\ str(sel) +"%') "+\ "AND symbol_list.disabled=0 ORDER BY feed.globalrank LIMIT "+\ str(maxrow) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: uid = row[0] fullname = row[2] volatility_risk_st = row[3] y_1 = row[4] m_6 = row[5] m_3 = row[6] m_1 = row[7] w_1 = row[8] unit = row[10] globalrank = row[12] portf_owner = row[13] if user_portf: volatility_risk_st = '' else: volatility_risk_st = str(round(volatility_risk_st * 100, 2)) + '%' if globalrank == 0: globalrank = 'Not ranked' if y_1 >= 0: class_y1 = "text text-success" else: class_y1 = "text text-danger" if m_6 >= 0: class_m6 = "text text-success" else: class_m6 = "text text-danger" if m_3 >= 0: class_m3 = "text text-success" else: class_m3 = "text text-danger" if m_1 >= 0: class_m1 = "text text-success" else: class_m1 = "text text-danger" if w_1 >= 0: class_w1 = "text text-success" else: class_w1 = "text text-danger" if user_portf: class_row_style = "" else: class_row_style = "" if unit == 'pips': y_1 = str(round(y_1, 0)) + ' pips' m_6 = str(round(m_6, 0)) + ' pips' m_3 = str(round(m_3, 0)) + ' pips' m_1 = str(round(m_1, 0)) + ' pips' w_1 = str(round(w_1, 0)) + ' pips' else: y_1 = str(round(y_1 * 100, 2)) + '%' m_6 = str(round(m_6 * 100, 2)) + '%' m_3 = str(round(m_3 * 100, 2)) + '%' m_1 = str(round(m_1 * 100, 2)) + '%' w_1 = str(round(w_1 * 100, 2)) + '%' column_globalrank = '<td scope="row" class="'+ class_row_style +\ '" style="text-align: left"><i class="fas fa-trophy"></i> '+\ str(globalrank) +'</td>' target_url = burl + 'p/?uid=' + str(uid) return_data = ( return_data + set_modal_delete_n_view_popup(fullname, uid, burl, user_portf)) if not user_portf: column_fullname = '<td style="text-align: left" class="'+\ class_row_style +'">'+\ str(portf_owner.replace('{burl}', burl)) + ' | ' +\ str(fullname)+ '</td>' data_href = 'data-href="' + target_url + '"' else: column_fullname = '<td style="text-align: left" class="'+\ class_row_style +'">'+\ '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm active" '+\ get_portf_delete_data_toggle(uid) +'><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></button>' +\ ' <button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-sm active" '+\ 'data-toggle="modal" data-target="#popup_view_'+\ str(uid) +'">' +\ '<i class="far fa-folder-open"></i></button>'+\ ' ' + get_allocation_for_table(uid, connection) +'</td>' data_href = 'data-href="#"' column_y1 = ' <td class="' + class_y1 + " " + class_row_style + '">' + str( y_1) + '</td>' column_m6 = ' <td class="' + class_m6 + " " + class_row_style + '">' + str( m_6) + '</td>' column_m3 = ' <td class="' + class_m3 + " " + class_row_style + '">' + str( m_3) + '</td>' column_m1 = ' <td class="' + class_m1 + " " + class_row_style + '">' + str( m_1) + '</td>' column_w1 = ' <td class="' + class_w1 + " " + class_row_style + '">' + str( w_1) + '</td>' return_data = return_data +\ ' <tr class="sa-table-click-row" '+data_href+'>'+\ column_globalrank +\ column_fullname +\ ' <td class="'+ class_row_style +'">'+ str(volatility_risk_st) +'</td>'+\ column_y1 +\ column_m6 +\ column_m3 +\ column_m1 +\ column_w1 +\ ' </tr>' cursor.close() connection.close() return return_data