Example #1
def get_from_url(url: str) -> Optional[str]:
    """ Retrieve URL and return content """
        req = urllib.request.Request(url)
        req.add_header("User-Agent", "SABnzbd/%s" % sabnzbd.__version__)
        with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
            return ubtou(response.read())
        return None
Example #2
 def get_script_log(self, nzo_id):
     """ Return decompressed log file """
     data = ""
     t = (nzo_id, )
     if self.execute("SELECT script_log FROM history WHERE nzo_id = ?", t):
             data = ubtou(
     return data
Example #3
def nntp_to_msg(text: Union[List[AnyStr], str]) -> str:
    """ Format raw NNTP bytes data for display """
    if isinstance(text, list):
        text = text[0]

    # Only need to split if it was raw data
    # Sometimes (failed login) we put our own texts
    if not isinstance(text, bytes):
        return text
        lines = text.split(b"\r\n")
        return ubtou(lines[0])
Example #4
def convert_version(text):
    """ Convert version string to numerical value and a testversion indicator """
    version = 0
    test = True
    m = RE_VERSION.search(ubtou(text))
    if m:
        version = int(m.group(1)) * 1000000 + int(m.group(2)) * 10000 + int(m.group(3)) * 100
            if m.group(4).lower() == "rc":
                version = version + 80
            elif m.group(4).lower() == "beta":
                version = version + 40
            version = version + int(m.group(5))
            version = version + 99
            test = False
    return version, test
Example #5
def publicipv4():
    """Because of dual IPv4/IPv6 clients, finding the
    public ipv4 needs special attention, meaning forcing
    IPv4 connections, and not allowing IPv6 connections
    public_ipv4 = None
        ipv4_found = False
        # we only want IPv4 resolving, so socket.AF_INET:
        result = addresslookup4(sabnzbd.cfg.selftest_host())
    except (socket.error, multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError):
        # something very bad: no urllib2, no resolving of selftest_host, no network at all
        return public_ipv4

    # we got one or more IPv4 address(es), so let's connect to them
    for item in result:
        # get next IPv4 address of sabnzbd.cfg.selftest_host()
        selftest_ipv4 = item[4][0]
            # put the selftest_host's IPv4 address into the URL
            req = urllib.request.Request("http://" + selftest_ipv4 + "/")
            # specify the User-Agent, because certain sites refuse connections with "python urllib2" as User-Agent:
            req.add_header("User-Agent", "SABnzbd/%s" % sabnzbd.__version__)
            # specify the Host, because we only provide the IPv4 address in the URL:
            req.add_header("Host", sabnzbd.cfg.selftest_host())
            # get the response, timeout 2 seconds, in case the website is not accessible
            public_ipv4 = ubtou(urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=2).read())
            # ... check the response is indeed an IPv4 address:
            # if we got anything else than a plain IPv4 address, this will raise an exception
            # if we get here without exception, we're done:
            ipv4_found = True
        except (socket.error, urllib.error.URLError):
            # the connect OR the inet_aton raised an exception, so:
            # continue the for loop to try next server IPv4 address

    if not ipv4_found:
        public_ipv4 = None
    return public_ipv4
Example #6
def _build_request(url):
    # Detect basic auth
    # Adapted from python-feedparser
    user_passwd = None
    u = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    if u.username is not None or u.password is not None:
        if u.username and u.password:
            user_passwd = "%s:%s" % (u.username, u.password)
        host_port = u.hostname
        if u.port:
            host_port += ":" + str(u.port)
        url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(u._replace(netloc=host_port))

    # Start request
    req = urllib.request.Request(url)

    # Add headers
    req.add_header("User-Agent", "SABnzbd/%s" % sabnzbd.__version__)
    req.add_header("Accept-encoding", "gzip")
    if user_passwd:
        req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic " + ubtou(base64.b64encode(utob(user_passwd))).strip())
    return urllib.request.urlopen(req)