Example #1
def test_load_config_file_exception_msg_invalid_ext():
    handle, f_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".invalid")
    f = os.fdopen(handle, "w")  # necessary for windows
        exception_msg = re.compile(
            'Configuration file ".*.invalid" has invalid or '
            'unsupported extension ".invalid".')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert exception_msg.match(excinfo.value.args[0])
Example #2
def test_load_config_file_exception_msg_invalid_ext():
    handle, f_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.invalid')
    f = os.fdopen(handle, "w")  # necessary for windows
        exception_msg = re.compile(
            'Configuration file ".*.invalid" has invalid or '
            'unsupported extension ".invalid".'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert exception_msg.match(excinfo.value.args[0])
Example #3
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a SlackObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``webhook_url`` and can optionally set
        ``bot_name``, ``icon``, ``completed_text``, ``interrupted_text``, and
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        obs = None
        if "webhook_url" in d:
            obs = cls(d["webhook_url"])
            raise ValueError("Slack configuration file must contain "
                             "an entry for 'webhook_url'!")
        for k in [
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
Example #4
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a TelegramObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``token`` and a ``chat_id`` and can optionally set
        ``silent_completion``, ``started_text``, ``completed_text``,
        ``interrupted_text``, and ``failed_text``.
        import telegram
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        request = cls.get_proxy_request(d) if 'proxy_url' in d else None

        if 'token' in d and 'chat_id' in d:
            bot = telegram.Bot(d['token'], request=request)
            obs = cls(bot, **d)
            raise ValueError("Telegram configuration file must contain "
                             "entries for 'token' and 'chat_id'!")
        for k in [
                'started_text', 'completed_text', 'interrupted_text',
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
def test_load_config_file(ext, handler):
    handle, f_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext)
    f = os.fdopen(handle, "w" + handler.mode)
    handler.dump(data, f)
    d = load_config_file(f_name)
    assert d == data
Example #6
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a TelegramObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``token`` and a ``chat_id`` and can optionally set
        ``silent_completion``,``completed_text``, ``interrupted_text``, and
        import telegram
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        obs = None

        if 'proxy_url' in d:
            from telegram.utils.request import Request

            if d['proxy_url'].startswith('socks5'):
                urllib3_proxy_kwargs = dict()
                for key in ['username', 'password']:
                    if key in d:
                        urllib3_proxy_kwargs[key] = d[key]
                request = Request(proxy_url=d['proxy_url'],
            elif d['proxy_url'].startswith('http'):
                cred_string = ''
                if 'username' in d:
                    cred_string += d['username']
                if 'password' in d:
                    cred_string += ':' + d['password']
                if len(cred_string) > 0:
                    domain = d['proxy_url'].split('/')[-1].split('@')[-1]
                    cred_string += '@'
                    proxy_url = 'http://{}{}'.format(cred_string, domain)
                    request = Request(proxy_url=proxy_url)
                    request = Request(proxy_url=d['proxy_url'])
                raise Exception(
                    "Proxy URL should be in format PROTOCOL://PROXY_HOST[:PROXY_PORT].\n"
                    "HTTP and Socks5 are supported.")
            request = None

        if 'token' in d and 'chat_id' in d:
            bot = telegram.Bot(d['token'], request=request)
            obs = cls(bot, **d)
            raise ValueError("Telegram configuration file must contain "
                             "entries for 'token' and 'chat_id'!")
        for k in ['completed_text', 'interrupted_text', 'failed_text']:
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
Example #7
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a MattermostObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``webhook_url`` and can optionally set
        ``bot_name``, ``icon``, ``completed_text``, ``interrupted_text``, and
        return cls(**load_config_file(filename))
Example #8
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a TelegramObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``token`` and a ``chat_id`` (both strings) and can
        optionally set these values:

        * ``silent_success``: bool. If True, send a "silent" message upon
          successful completion.
        * ``completed_text``: str. Format string to use upon completion.
        * ``use_reply``: bool. If True, completion, interruption and failure
          messages will be sent as replies to the
          start message.
        * ``send_image``: bool. If True, and if ``PIL.Image`` is available,
          experiment results that are deemed to be images by
          ``Image.isImageType(result)`` will be sent as images with
          the ``completed_text_image`` as a caption.
        * ``completed_text_image``: str. Format string for completion when the
          result is an image. Markdown will *not* work here!
        * ``interrupted_text``: str. Format string for interruption message.
        * ``failed_text``: str. Format string for failure message.

        import telegram
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        obs = None
        if 'token' in d and 'chat_id' in d:
            bot = telegram.Bot(d['token'])
            obs = cls(bot, **d)
            raise ValueError("Telegram configuration file must contain "
                             "entries for 'token' and 'chat_id'!")
        for k in ['started_text',
                  'completed_text', 'completed_text_image',
                  'interrupted_text', 'failed_text',
                  'use_reply', 'send_image']:
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
Example #9
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a SlackObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``webhook_url`` and can optionally set
        ``bot_name``, ``icon``, ``completed_text``, ``interrupted_text``, and
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        obs = None
        if 'webhook_url' in d:
            obs = cls(d['webhook_url'])
            raise ValueError("Slack configuration file must contain "
                             "an entry for 'webhook_url'!")
        for k in ['completed_text', 'interrupted_text', 'failed_text',
                  'bot_name', 'icon']:
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
Example #10
    def from_config(cls, filename):
        Create a TelegramObserver from a given configuration file.

        The file can be in any format supported by Sacred
        (.json, .pickle, [.yaml]).
        It has to specify a ``token`` and a ``chat_id`` and can optionally set
        ``silent_completion``,``completed_text``, ``interrupted_text``, and
        import telegram
        d = load_config_file(filename)
        request = cls.get_proxy_request(d) if 'proxy_url' in d else None

        if 'token' in d and 'chat_id' in d:
            bot = telegram.Bot(d['token'], request=request)
            obs = cls(bot, **d)
            raise ValueError("Telegram configuration file must contain "
                             "entries for 'token' and 'chat_id'!")
        for k in ['completed_text', 'interrupted_text', 'failed_text']:
            if k in d:
                setattr(obs, k, d[k])
        return obs
Example #11
def test_load_config_file(ext, handler):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+' + handler.mode, suffix=ext) as f:
        handler.dump(data, f)
        d = load_config_file(f.name)
        assert d == data