Example #1
    def test_setupI18n(self):
        """Gui translations are working."""

        myUntranslatedString = 'Show/hide InaSAFE dock widget'
        myExpectedString = 'Tampilkan/hilangkan widget InaSAFE'
        myParent = QWidget()
        myCanvas = QgsMapCanvas(myParent)
        myIface = QgisInterface(myCanvas)
        myPlugin = Plugin(myIface)
        myTranslation = myPlugin.tr(myUntranslatedString)
        myMessage = '\nTranslated: %s\nGot: %s\nExpected: %s' % (
            myUntranslatedString, myTranslation, myExpectedString)
        assert myTranslation == myExpectedString, myMessage
Example #2
    def test_ImpactFunctionI18n(self):
        """Library translations are working."""
        # Import this late so that i18n setup is already in place

        # Test indonesian too
        myParent = QWidget()
        myCanvas = QgsMapCanvas(myParent)
        myIface = QgisInterface(myCanvas)
        myPlugin = Plugin(myIface)
        myPlugin.setupI18n('id')  # indonesian
        myExpectedString = 'Letusan gunung berapi'
        myTranslation = safeTr('A volcano eruption')
        myMessage = '\nTranslated: %s\nGot: %s\nExpected: %s' % \
                    ('A volcano eruption', myTranslation, myExpectedString)
        assert myTranslation == myExpectedString, myMessage
Example #3
    def test_ImpactFunctionI18n(self):
        """Library translations are working."""
        # Import this late so that i18n setup is already in place
        from safe.common.utilities import ugettext as _
        myUntranslatedString = 'Temporarily Closed'

        # Test indonesian too
        myParent = QWidget()
        myCanvas = QgsMapCanvas(myParent)
        myIface = QgisInterface(myCanvas)
        myPlugin = Plugin(myIface)
        myPlugin.setupI18n('id')  # indonesian
        myExpectedString = 'Ditutup sementara'
        myTranslation = _(myUntranslatedString)
        myMessage = '\nTranslated: %s\nGot: %s\nExpected: %s' % (
            myUntranslatedString, myTranslation, myExpectedString)
        assert myTranslation == myExpectedString, myMessage
Example #4
    def Xtest_Afrikaans(self):
        """Test that Afrikaans translations are working"""

        # Note this has really bad side effects - lots of tests suddenly start
        # breaking when this test is enabled....disabled for now, but I have
        # left the test here for now as it illustrates one potential avenue
        # that can be pursued if dynamically changing the language to unit test
        # different locales ever becomes a requirement.
        # Be sure nose tests all run cleanly before reintroducing this!

        # This is part test and part demonstrator of how to reload inasafe
        # Now see if the same function is delivered for the function
        # Because of the way impact plugins are loaded in inasafe
        # (see http://effbot.org/zone/metaclass-plugins.htm)
        # lang in the context of the ugettext function in inasafe libs
        # must be imported late so that i18n is set up already
        from safe.common.utilities import ugettext as tr
        myUntranslatedString = 'Temporarily Closed'
        myExpectedString = 'Tydelik gesluit'  # afrikaans
        myTranslation = tr(myUntranslatedString)
        myMessage = '\nTranslated: %s\nGot: %s\nExpected: %s' % (
            myUntranslatedString, myTranslation, myExpectedString)
        assert myTranslation == myExpectedString, myMessage
        myParent = QWidget()
        myCanvas = QgsMapCanvas(myParent)
        myIface = QgisInterface(myCanvas)
        # reload all inasafe modules so that i18n get picked up afresh
        # this is the part that produces bad side effects
        for myMod in sys.modules.values():
                if ('storage' in str(myMod) or 'impact' in str(myMod)):
                    print 'Reloading:', str(myMod)
            except NameError:
        myPlugin = Plugin(myIface)
        myPlugin.setupI18n('af')  # afrikaans
        myLang = os.environ['LANG']
        assert myLang == 'af'
        from safe_qgis.safe_interface import getSafeImpactFunctions
        #myFunctions = getSafeImpactFunctions()
        #print myFunctions
        myFunctions = getSafeImpactFunctions('Tydelik gesluit')
        assert len(myFunctions) > 0