Example #1
def main2():
    print("MAIN 2:")
    print(gauss(Integer(2), Integer(13)))
    print(legendre_symbol(Integer(2), Integer(13)))
    print(gauss(Integer(2), Integer(31)))
    print(legendre_symbol(Integer(2), Integer(31)))
Example #2
def attack(p, h, c1, c2):
    Returns the Legendre symbol of the message encrypted using an unsafe generator.
    :param p: the prime used in the ElGamal scheme
    :param h: the public key
    :param c1: the ciphertext
    :param c2: the ciphertext
    :return: the Legendre symbol
    return int(
        legendre_symbol(c2, p) //
        max(legendre_symbol(h, p), legendre_symbol(c1, p)))
Example #3
def split_class(label, p):
    """given the label of one curve E in a p-irreducible isogeny class,
    return the list of all labels of curves in that class, partitioned
    into 2 parts where those in the first part are m-isogenous to E
    with legendre(m,p)=+1 and those in the second part (which may be
    empty) are m-isogenous to E with legendre(m,p)=-1.
    C = CDB.isogeny_class(label)
    isodict = {Elabel(E): E.isogeny_degree(C[0]) for E in C}
    set1 = [lab for lab in isodict if legendre_symbol(isodict[lab], 7) == +1]
    set2 = [lab for lab in isodict if legendre_symbol(isodict[lab], 7) == -1]
    return [set1, set2]
Example #4
def main4():
    print("MAIN 4:")
    zeta = CDF(exp(Integer(2) * pi * I / Integer(5)))
    v = [legendre_symbol(n, Integer(5)) * zeta**(Integer(2) * n)
         for n in range(Integer(1), Integer(5))]
    S = sum([point(tuple(z), pointsize=Integer(100)) for z in v])
    G = point(tuple(sum(v)), pointsize=Integer(100), rgbcolor='red')
    (S + G).save(filename="gauss_sum.png")
def satisfies_condition_CC_uniform(possible_odd_f, p):
    """Determine whether degrees,p satisfies condition CC.
        K ([NumberField]): the number field
        p ([Prime]): the prime p
    Returns: boolean
    if p % 4 == 1 or p == 2:
        return False
    for q in prime_range((p / 4) ^ (1 / max(possible_odd_f)) + 1):
        if legendre_symbol(q, p) == 1:
            if all((q**(2 * f) + q**f + 1) % p != 0 for f in possible_odd_f):
                return False
    return True
Example #6
def satisfies_condition_CC(K, p):
    """Determine whether K,p satisfies condition CC.

        K ([NumberField]): the number field
        p ([Prime]): the prime p

    Returns: boolean
    for q in prime_range(p / 4):
        if (q ** 2 + q + 1) % p != 0:
            if not K.ideal(q).is_prime():
                if legendre_symbol(q, p) == 1:  # i.e. not inert
                    return False
    return True
Example #7
 def test_unsafe_generator(self):
     # Safe prime.
     p = 16902648776703029279
     # Unsafe generator, generates the entire group.
     g = 7
     for i in range(100):
         x = randint(1, p - 1)
         h = pow(g, x, p)
         y = randint(1, p - 1)
         s = pow(h, y, p)
         c1 = pow(g, y, p)
         m = randint(1, p - 1)
         c2 = m * s % p
         k = self.unsafe_generator.attack(p, h, c1, c2)
         self.assertIsInstance(k, int)
         self.assertEqual(legendre_symbol(m, p), k)
def satisfies_condition_CC(K, p):
    """Determine whether K,p satisfies condition CC.

        K ([NumberField]): the number field
        p ([Prime]): the prime p

    Returns: boolean
    for q in prime_range(p / 4):
        for frak_q in K.primes_above(q):
            f = frak_q.residue_class_degree()
            if f % 2 == 1 and q**f < p / 4:
                if (q**(2 * f) + q**f + 1) % p != 0:
                    if legendre_symbol(q, p) == 1:  # i.e. not inert
                        return False
    return True
Example #9
def jordan_blocks_odd(S, p):
    p: odd prime,
    S: half integral matrix.
    Let S ~ sum p**a_i * b_i * x_i^2 be a jordan decomposition.
    Returns the instance of JordanBlocks attached to
    a list of (a_i, b_i) sorted so that a_0 >= a_1 >= ...
    p = Integer(p)
    res = []
    u = least_quadratic_nonresidue(p)
    for e, ls in groupby(_jordan_decomposition_odd_p(S, p),
                         key=lambda x: valuation(x, p)):
        ls = [x // p ** e for x in ls]
        part_res = [(e, ZZ(1)) for _ in ls]
        if legendre_symbol(mul(ls), p) == -1:
            part_res[-1] = (e, u)
    return JordanBlocks(list(reversed(res)), p)
Example #10
def find_sqrt(a, p):
    assert (p - Integer(1)) % Integer(4) == Integer(0)
    assert legendre_symbol(a, p) == Integer(1)

    S = PolynomialRing(GF(p), names=('x',))
    (x,) = S.gens()
    R = S.quotient(x**Integer(2) - a, names=('alpha',))
    (alpha,) = R.gens()

    while True:
        z = GF(p).random_element()
        w = (Integer(1) + z * alpha)**((p - Integer(1)) // Integer(2))
        (u, v) = (w[Integer(0)], w[Integer(1)])
        if v != Integer(0):

    if (-u / v)**Integer(2) == a:
        return -u / v
    if ((Integer(1) - u) / v)**Integer(2) == a:
        return (Integer(1) - u) / v
    if ((-Integer(1) - u) / v)**Integer(2) == a:
        return (-Integer(1) - u) / v
def _generate_s(bases, k2, k3):
    s = []
    for b in bases:
        s_b = set()
        for p in range(1, 4 * b, 2):
            if legendre_symbol(b, p) == -1:


    for i in range(len(s)):
        mod = 4 * bases[i]
        inv2 = inverse_mod(k2, mod)
        inv3 = inverse_mod(k3, mod)
        s2 = set()
        s3 = set()
        for z in s[i]:
            s2.add(inv2 * (z + k2 - 1) % mod)
            s3.add(inv3 * (z + k3 - 1) % mod)

        s[i] &= s2 & s3

    return s
Example #12
 def t(m):
     if p.divides(m):
         return 2 + (1 - legendre_symbol(m // p, p)) // 2
         return (1 - legendre_symbol(m, p)) // 2
Example #13
def get_type_1_primes(K, aux_prime_count=3, loop_curves=False):
    """Compute the type 1 primes"""

    C_K = K.class_group()
    aux_primes = [Q_2]
    prime_to_append = Q_2
    for _ in range(1, aux_prime_count):
        prime_to_append = next_prime(prime_to_append)

    # We need at least one aux prime that splits to have provable termination

    my_legendre_symbols = set([legendre_symbol(K._D, p) for p in aux_primes])
    if 1 not in my_legendre_symbols:
        prime_to_append = next_prime(prime_to_append)
        while legendre_symbol(K._D, prime_to_append) != 1:
            prime_to_append = next_prime(prime_to_append)

    D_dict = {}

    for q in aux_primes:
        frak_q = K.primes_above(q)[0]
        residue_field = frak_q.residue_field(names="z")
        residue_field_card = residue_field.cardinality()
        frak_q_class_group_order = C_K(frak_q).multiplicative_order()
        exponent = 12 * frak_q_class_group_order

        running_D = q
        if loop_curves:
            weil_polys = get_weil_polys(residue_field)
            weil_polys = R.weil_polynomials(2, residue_field_card)

        # First add the C((0,0), frak_q) terms
        for wp in weil_polys:
            D = get_C00(wp, residue_field_card, exponent)
            D = Integer(D)
            # If q splits then we know C((0,0),frak_q) is non-zero
            # so we can insist on only adding D if it is non-zero
            if legendre_symbol(K._D, q) == 1:
                if D != 0:
                    running_D = lcm(running_D, D)
                # Here we do not provably know that the integer is non-zero
                # so add it directly to the running_D
                running_D = lcm(running_D, D)

        # Put the other term in the lcm before adding to dictionary
        running_D = lcm(residue_field_card ** exponent - 1, running_D)
        D_dict[q] = running_D

    output = gcd(list(D_dict.values()))
    output = set(output.prime_divisors())

    # Add the bad formal immersion primes
    output = output.union(set(prime_range(62)), {71})

    # Sort and return
    output = list(output)
    return output
Example #14
def gauss_sum(a, p):
    K = CyclotomicField(p, names=('zeta',))
    (zeta,) = K.gens()
    return sum(legendre_symbol(n, p) * zeta**(a * n)
               for n in range(Integer(1), p))