Example #1
    def test_diagonal_locations(self):
        # tests the helper function `diagonal_locations` which identifies where
        # the diagonal elements or blocks occur in the H matrix
        H = Matrix(GF(2), [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
        index_one, index_B = diagonal_locations(H)
        self.assertEqual(index_one, 3)
        self.assertEqual(index_B, -1)

        H = Matrix(GF(2), [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
        index_one, index_B = diagonal_locations(H)
        self.assertEqual(index_one, 0)
        self.assertEqual(index_B, -1)

        H = Matrix(GF(2), [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
        index_one, index_B = diagonal_locations(H)
        self.assertEqual(index_one, 3)
        self.assertEqual(index_B, 0)

        H = Matrix(GF(2), [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        index_one, index_B = diagonal_locations(H)
        self.assertEqual(index_one, 2)
        self.assertEqual(index_B, 0)

        H = Matrix(GF(2), [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
        index_one, index_B = diagonal_locations(H)
        self.assertEqual(index_one, 0)
        self.assertEqual(index_B, 1)
Example #2
def attack(p, t, a, B):
    Solves the hidden number problem using an attack based on the shortest vector problem.
    The hidden number problem is defined as finding y such that {x_i - t_i * y + a_i = 0 mod p}.
    More information: Breitner J., Heninger N., "Biased Nonce Sense: Lattice Attacks against Weak ECDSA Signatures in Cryptocurrencies"
    :param p: the modulus
    :param t: the t_i values
    :param a: the a_i values
    :param B: a bound on the x values
    :return: a tuple containing y, and a list of x values
    assert len(t) == len(a), "t and a lists should be of equal length."

    m = len(t)
    M = Matrix(QQ, m + 2, m + 2)
    for i in range(m):
        M[i, i] = p

    M[m] = t + [B / QQ(p), 0]
    M[m + 1] = list(map(lambda x: x - B // 2, a)) + [0, B]

    L = M.LLL()

    for row in L.rows():
        y = (int(row[m] * p) // B) % p
        if y != 0 and row[m + 1] == B:
            return int(y), list(map(lambda x: int(x + B // 2), row[:m]))
    def TwoPointsMinusInfinity(self, P, Q): # Creates a divisor class of P + Q - g*\infty
        maxlower = self.lower
        xP, yP = self.Rextraprec(P[0]), self.Rextraprec(P[1])
        xQ, yQ = self.Rextraprec(Q[0]), self.Rextraprec(Q[1])

        assert (self.f(xP) - yP**2).abs() <= (yP**2).abs() * self.almostzero
        assert (self.f(xQ) - yQ**2).abs() <= (yQ**2).abs() * self.almostzero

        WPQ = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, 3 * self.g + 7) # H0(3D0  - g*\infty)
        Ev = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, 2, 3 * self.g + 7) # basis of  H0(3D0  - g*\infty) evaluated at P and Q
        for n in range( 2 * self.g + 4):
            if n > self.g:
                Exps.append(( n - self.g - 1, 1))

        for j in range( 3 * self.g + 7):
            u, v = Exps[j]
            for i in range( self.nZ ):
                x, y = self.Z[i]
                WPQ[ i, j ] = x**u * y**v

            Ev[0,j] = xP**u * yP**v
            Ev[1,j] = xQ**u * yQ**v
        K, upper, lower = Kernel(Ev, 2)
        assert self.threshold_check(upper, lower), "upper = %s lower = %s" % (RealField(35)(upper), RealField(35)(lower))
        maxlower = max(maxlower, lower);
        #Returns H0(3*D0 - P - Q - g infty)
        # note that  [P + Q + g infty - D0] ~ P + Q - infty
        return (WPQ * K).change_ring(self.R), maxlower
Example #4
def delta_rank(f):
    """Returns the Gamma-rank of the function with LUT f.

    The Gamma-rank is the rank of the 2^{2n} \times 2^{2n} binary
    matrix M defined by

    M[x][y] = 1 if and only if x + y \in \Delta,

    where \Delta is defined as

    \Delta = \{ (a, b), DDT_f[a][b] == 2  \} ~.

    n = int(log(len(f), 2))
    dim = 2**(2 * n)
    d = ddt(f)
    gamma = [(a << n) | b
             for a, b in itertools.product(xrange(1, 2**n), xrange(0, 2**n))
             if d[a][b] == 2]
    mat_content = []
    for x in xrange(0, dim):
        row = [0 for j in xrange(0, dim)]
        for y in gamma:
            row[oplus(x, y)] = 1
    mat_gf2 = Matrix(GF(2), dim, dim, mat_content)
    return mat_gf2.rank()
Example #5
def extract_basis(v, N):
    """Returns a subset of v such that the span of these elements is at
    least as big as v. In particular, if v is a vector space, it returns a

    dim = rank_of_vector_set(v, N)
    i = 0
    basis = []
    while i < len(v) and v[i] == 0:
        i += 1
    if i == len(v):
        return []
    if dim == 1:
        return basis
    i += 1
    r = Matrix(GF(2), 1, N, [tobin(x, N) for x in basis]).rank()
    while r < dim and i < len(v):
        new_basis = basis + [v[i]]
        new_r = Matrix(GF(2), len(new_basis), N,
                       [tobin(x, N) for x in new_basis]).rank()
        if new_r == dim:
            return new_basis
        elif new_r > r:
            basis = new_basis
            r = new_r
        i += 1
    return []
 def test_lll(self):
     # do a quick verification of the basis from cryptopals
     B = Matrix(
         [[-_sage_const_2, _sage_const_0, _sage_const_2, _sage_const_0],
              _sage_const_1 / _sage_const_2, -_sage_const_1, _sage_const_0,
              -_sage_const_1, _sage_const_0, -_sage_const_2,
              _sage_const_1 / _sage_const_2
          ], [-_sage_const_1, _sage_const_1, _sage_const_1, _sage_const_2]])
     ex = Matrix(QQ, [[
         _sage_const_1 / _sage_const_2, -_sage_const_1, _sage_const_0,
                          -_sage_const_1, _sage_const_0, -_sage_const_2,
                          _sage_const_1 / _sage_const_2
                          -_sage_const_1 / _sage_const_2, _sage_const_0,
                          _sage_const_1, _sage_const_2
                          -_sage_const_3 / _sage_const_2, -_sage_const_1,
                          _sage_const_2, _sage_const_0
     re = matrix_utils.LLL(B)
     assert re == ex
Example #7
    def get_shift_and_width_for_coset(self, n):
        Compute the shift and width of coset nr. n.
        if self._shift.has_key(n) and self._width.has_key(n):
            return self._shift[n], self._width[n]
        if not is_squarefree(self._level):
            raise NotImplementedError, "Only square-free levels implemented"
        G = Gamma0(self._level)
        A = self.coset_rep(n)
        a = A[0, 0]
        c = A[1, 0]
        width = G.cusp_width(Cusp(a, c))
        if self._verbose > 0:
            print "width=", width
        Amat = Matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, A.matrix().list())
        h = -1
        for j in range(width):
            Th = Matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [width, -j, 0, 1])
            W = Amat * Th
            if self._verbose > 1:
                print "W=", W

            if self.is_involution(W):
                h = j
        if h < 0:
            raise ArithmeticError, "Could not find shift!"
        self._shift[n] = h
        self._width[n] = width
        return h, width
Example #8
    def matrix(self):
        Return the persistence matrix of self.


            sage: from pGroupCohomology import CohomologyRing
            sage: CohomologyRing.doctest_setup()       # reset, block web access, use temporary workspace
            sage: H = CohomologyRing(8,3)
            sage: H.make()
            sage: B = H.bar_code('UpperCentralSeries')
            sage: B.matrix()
            [       1/(-t + 1)      -1/(t^2 - 1)                 1]
            [                0 1/(t^2 - 2*t + 1)  (-t - 1)/(t - 1)]
            [                0                 0 1/(t^2 - 2*t + 1)]

        from sage.all import Matrix
        M = Matrix(2 * self._length + 1, 2 * self._length + 1)
        for X in self._L.items():
            if not (isinstance(X[1], int)
                    or M.base_ring().has_coerce_map_from(X[1].parent())):
                M = M * X[1].parent()(1)
            M[X[0][0] + self._length, X[0][1] + self._length] = X[1]
        return M
    def PointMinusInfinity(self, P, sign = 0):
        # Creates a divisor class of P- \inty_{(-1)**sign}
        maxlower = self.lower 
        assert self.f.degree() == 2*self.g + 2;
        sqrtan = (-1)**sign * self.Rextraprec( sqrt( self.Rdoubleextraprec(self.an)) );

        xP, yP = self.Rextraprec(P[0]),self.Rextraprec(P[1])
        assert (self.f(xP) - yP**2).abs() <= (yP**2).abs() * self.almostzero

        if xP != 0 and self.a0 != 0:
            x0 = self.Rextraprec(0);    
            x0 = xP
            while x0 == xP:
                x0 = self.Rextraprec(ZZ.random_element())
        y0 =  self.Rextraprec( sqrt( self.Rdoubleextraprec( self.f( x0 )))) # P0 = (x0, y0) 

        WP1 = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, 3 * self.g + 6) # H0(3D0 - P0 - g \infty) = H0(3D0 - P0 - g(\infty_{+} + \infty_{-}))
        EvP = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, 1, 3 * self.g + 6) # the functions of  H0(3D0-P0-g \infty) at P
        B =  Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, 3 * self.g + 5) # H0(3D0 - \infty_{sign} - P0 - g\infty)

        # adds the functions x - x0, (x - x0)**1,  ..., (x - x0)**(2g+2) to it
        for j in xrange(2 * self.g + 2 ):
            for i, (x, y) in enumerate( self.Z ):
                WP1[ i, j] = B[ i, j] = (x - x0) ** (j + 1)
            EvP[ 0, j] = (xP - x0) ** (j + 1)
        # adds y - y0
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate( self.Z ):
            WP1[ i, 2 * self.g + 2 ] = B[ i, 2 * self.g + 2] = y - y0
        EvP[ 0, 2 * self.g + 2] = yP - y0

        # adds (x - x0) * y ... (x-x0)**(g+1)*y
        for j in range(1, self.g + 2):
            for i, (x,y) in enumerate( self.Z ):
                WP1[ i, 2 * self.g + 2 + j ] = B[ i, 2 * self.g + 2 + j] = (x-x0)**j * y 
            EvP[ 0, 2 * self.g + 2 + j] = (xP - x0)**j * yP

        # adds (x - x0)**(2g + 3) and  y *  (x - x0)**(g + 2)
        for i,(x,y) in enumerate(self.Z):
            WP1[ i, 3 * self.g + 4 ] =  (x - x0)**( 2 * self.g + 3)
            WP1[ i, 3 * self.g + 5 ] = y *  (x - x0)**(self.g + 2)
            B[ i, 3 * self.g + 4 ] =  (x - x0)**( self.g + 2) * ( y - sqrtan * x**(self.g + 1) )

        EvP[ 0, 3 * self.g + 4] = (xP - x0) ** ( 2 * self.g + 3)
        EvP[ 0, 3 * self.g + 5] = yP * (xP - x0)**(self.g + 2)
        # A = functions in  H0(3D0-P0-g \infty) that vanish at P
        # = H**0(3D0 - P0 - P -g \infty)
        K, upper, lower = Kernel(EvP, EvP.ncols() - (3 * self.g + 5))
        assert self.threshold_check(upper, lower), "upper = %s lower = %s" % (RealField(35)(upper), RealField(35)(lower))
        maxlower = max(maxlower, lower);

        A = WP1 * K
        # A - B = P0 + P + g \infty - (\infty_{+} + P0 + g\infty) = P - \inty_{+}
        res, lower = self.Sub(A,B)
        maxlower = max(maxlower, lower);
        return res.change_ring(self.R), maxlower;
Example #10
def upper_bound_index_cusps_in_JG_torsion(G, d, bound=60):
    - G - a congruence subgroup
    - d - integer, the size of the rational cuspidal subgroup
    - bound (optional, default = 60) - the bound for the primes p up to which to use
      the hecke matrix `T_p - <p> - p` for bounding the torsion subgroup
    - an integer `i` such that `(\#J_G(\QQ)_{tors})/d` is a divisor of `i`.

        sage: from mdsage import *
        sage: d = rational_cuspidal_classgroup(Gamma1(23)).cardinality()
        sage: upper_bound_index_cusps_in_JG_torsion(Gamma1(23),d)

    N = G.level()
    M = ModularSymbols(G)
    Sint = cuspidal_integral_structure(M)
    kill_mat = (M.star_involution().matrix().restrict(Sint) - 1)
    kill = kill_mat.transpose().change_ring(ZZ).row_module()
    for p in prime_range(3, bound):
        if not N % p == 0:
            kill += kill_torsion_coprime_to_q(
                p, M).restrict(Sint).change_ring(ZZ).transpose().row_module()
        if kill.matrix().is_square() and kill.matrix().determinant() == d:
            #print p
    kill_mat = kill.matrix().transpose()
    #print N,"index of torsion in stuff killed",kill.matrix().determinant()/d
    if kill.matrix().determinant() == d:
        return 1

    pm = integral_period_mapping(M)
    period_images1 = [
        sum([M.coordinate_vector(M([c, infinity])) for c in cusps]) * pm
        for cusps in galois_orbits(G)

    m = (Matrix(period_images1) * kill_mat).stack(kill_mat)
    diag = m.change_ring(ZZ).echelon_form().diagonal()
    #print diag,prod(diag)
    assert prod(diag) == kill.matrix().determinant() / d

    period_images2 = [
        M.coordinate_vector(M([c, infinity])) * pm for c in G.cusps()
        if c != Cusp(oo)
    m = (Matrix(period_images2) * kill_mat).stack(kill_mat)
    m, denom = m._clear_denom()
    diag = (m.change_ring(ZZ).echelon_form() / denom).diagonal()
    #print diag
    #print prod(i.numerator() for i in diag),"if this is 1 then :)"
    return prod(i.numerator() for i in diag)
def fractional_CRT_QQ(residues, ps_roots):
    residues_ZZ = [ r.lift() for r in residues];
    primes = [p for p, _ in ps_roots]
    lift = CRT_list(residues_ZZ, primes);
    N = prod(primes);
    M = Matrix([[1 ,lift, N]]);
    short_vector = Matrix(M.transpose().kernel().basis()).LLL()[0]
    return -short_vector[0]/short_vector[1];
Example #12
 def __init__(self,M=None,genus_list=None):
   #print genus_list
   if M:
     self.M = copy(M)
   elif genus_list:
     self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,len(genus_list)+1,1,[-1]+genus_list)
     self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,1,1,-1)
Example #13
    def __init__(self,
                 is_zero=lambda p: False,
        ## Checking the input of matrix and vector
        if (not SAGE_element.is_Matrix(matrix)):
            matrix = Matrix(matrix)

        if (not SAGE_element.is_Vector(inhomogeneous)):
            inhomogeneous = vector(inhomogeneous)

        if (isinstance(parent, Wrap_w_Sequence_Ring)):
            parent = parent.base()

        ## Building the parent of the matrix and the vector
        pmatrix = matrix.parent().base()
        pinhom = inhomogeneous.parent().base()

        ## Setting the variables for the matrix, the parent and the vector
        self.__parent = pushout(pmatrix, pinhom)
        self.__matrix = matrix.change_ring(self.__parent)
        self.__inhomogeneous = inhomogeneous.change_ring(self.__parent)

        ## Setting the parent for the solutions
        if (not pushout(parent, self.__parent) == parent):
                self.__matrix = self.__matrix.change_ring(parent)
                self.__inhomogeneous = self.__inhomogeneous.change_ring(parent)
                self.__parent = parent
                raise TypeError(
                    "The parent for the solutions must be an extension of the parent for the input"
        self.__solution_parent = parent

        ## Setting other variables
        if (relations is None):
            relations = []
        self.__relations = [self.__parent(el) for el in relations]
            self.__gb = ideal(self.parent(), self.__relations).groebner_basis()
        except AttributeError:
                self.__gb = [ideal(self.parent(), self.__relations).gen()]
                self.__gb = [0]

        self.__is_zero = is_zero

        ## Creating the variables for the echelon form
        self.__echelon = None
        self.__transformation = None

        ## Creating the variables for the solutions
        self.__solution = None
        self.__syzygy = None
Example #14
    def from_nice_matrix(lists):
        Mx = Matrix(StrataGraph.R, len(lists), len(lists[0]))
        Mx[0, 0] = -1
        Mx[0, :] = Matrix([lists[0]])
        for v in range(1, len(lists)):
            if lists[v][0] in ZZ:
                Mx[v, 0] = lists[v][0]
            if lists[v][0].operator() == sage.symbolic.operators.add_vararg:
                operands = lists[v][0].operands()
                if len(operands) != 2:
                    raise Exception("Input error!")
                genus = operands[1]  #the genus
                kappas = operands[0]
                kappas = lists[v][0]
                genus = 0

            if kappas.operator() == sage.symbolic.operators.mul_vararg:
                for operand in kappas.operands():
                    Mx[v, 0] += StrataGraph._kappaSR_monom_to_X(operand)
                Mx[v, 0] += genus
                Mx[v, 0] = StrataGraph._kappaSR_monom_to_X(kappas) + genus

        X = StrataGraph.Xvar
        for v in range(1, len(lists)):
            for edge in range(1, len(lists[0])):
                if lists[v][edge] in ZZ:
                    Mx[v, edge] = lists[v][edge]
                    for operand in lists[v][edge].operands():
                        if operand in ZZ:
                            Mx[v, edge] += operand
                        elif operand.operator() is None:
                            #it is a ps or ps2
                            Mx[v, edge] += X
                        elif operand.operator() == operator.pow:
                            #it is ps^n or ps2^n
                            Mx[v, edge] += X * operand.operands()[1]
                        elif operand.operator(
                        ) == sage.symbolic.operators.mul_vararg:
                            #it is a ps^n*ps2^m
                            op1, op2 = operand.operands()
                            if op1.operator() is None:
                                exp1 = 1
                                exp1 = op1.operand()[1]
                            if op2.operator() == None:
                                exp2 = 1
                                exp2 = op2.operand()[1]

                            if exp1 >= exp2:
                                Mx[v, edge] += exp1 * X + exp2 * X**2
                                Mx[v, edge] += exp1 * X**2 + exp2 * X
        return StrataGraph(Mx)
Example #15
 def __init__(self, M=None, genus_list=None):
     #print genus_list
     if M:
         self.M = copy(M)
     elif genus_list:
         self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,
                         len(genus_list) + 1, 1, [-1] + genus_list)
         self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R, 1, 1, -1)
Example #16
def symmetrize_periods(Pa, Pb, tol=1e-4):
    r"""Returns symmetric a- and b-periods `Pa_symm` and `Pb_symm`, as well as the
    corresponding symplectic operator `Gamma` such that `Gamma [Pa \\ Pb] =
    [Pa_symm \\ Pb_symm]`.

    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        The a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.
    tol : double
        (Default: 1e-4) Tolerance used to verify integrality of intermediate
        matrices. Dependent on precision of period matrices.

    Gamma : integer matrix
        The symplectic transformation operator.
    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        Symmetric a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.

    The algorithm described in Kalla, Klein actually operates on the transposes
    of the a- and b-period matrices.
    # coerce from numpy, if necessary
    if isinstance(Pa, numpy.ndarray):
        Pa = Matrix(CDF, numpy.ascontiguousarray(Pa))
    if isinstance(Pb, numpy.ndarray):
        Pb = Matrix(CDF, numpy.ascontiguousarray(Pb))

    # use the transposes of the period matrices and coerce to Sage matrices
    Pa = Pa.T
    Pb = Pb.T

    # use above functions to obtain topological type matrix
    g,g = Pa.dimensions()
    R = involution_matrix(Pa, Pb, tol=tol)
    S = integer_kernel_basis(R)
    N1 = N1_matrix(Pa, Pb, S, tol=tol)
    H,Q = symmetric_block_diagonalize(N1)
    Gamma = symmetric_transformation_matrix(Pa, Pb, S, H, Q, tol=tol)

    # compute the corresponding symmetric periods
    stacked_periods = zero_matrix(CDF, 2*g, g)
    stacked_periods[:g,:] = Pa
    stacked_periods[g:,:] = Pb
    stacked_symmetric_periods = Gamma*stacked_periods
    Pa_symm = stacked_symmetric_periods[:g,:]
    Pb_symm = stacked_symmetric_periods[g:,:]

    # transpose results back
    Pa_symm = Pa_symm.T
    Pb_symm = Pb_symm.T
    return Pa_symm, Pb_symm
Example #17
def symmetrize_periods(Pa, Pb, tol=1e-4):
    r"""Returns symmetric a- and b-periods `Pa_symm` and `Pb_symm`, as well as the
    corresponding symplectic operator `Gamma` such that `Gamma [Pa \\ Pb] =
    [Pa_symm \\ Pb_symm]`.

    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        The a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.
    tol : double
        (Default: 1e-4) Tolerance used to verify integrality of intermediate
        matrices. Dependent on precision of period matrices.

    Gamma : integer matrix
        The symplectic transformation operator.
    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        Symmetric a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.

    The algorithm described in Kalla, Klein actually operates on the transposes
    of the a- and b-period matrices.
    # coerce from numpy, if necessary
    if isinstance(Pa, numpy.ndarray):
        Pa = Matrix(CDF, numpy.ascontiguousarray(Pa))
    if isinstance(Pb, numpy.ndarray):
        Pb = Matrix(CDF, numpy.ascontiguousarray(Pb))

    # use the transposes of the period matrices and coerce to Sage matrices
    Pa = Pa.T
    Pb = Pb.T

    # use above functions to obtain topological type matrix
    g, g = Pa.dimensions()
    R = involution_matrix(Pa, Pb, tol=tol)
    S = integer_kernel_basis(R)
    N1 = N1_matrix(Pa, Pb, S, tol=tol)
    H, Q = symmetric_block_diagonalize(N1)
    Gamma = symmetric_transformation_matrix(Pa, Pb, S, H, Q, tol=tol)

    # compute the corresponding symmetric periods
    stacked_periods = zero_matrix(CDF, 2 * g, g)
    stacked_periods[:g, :] = Pa
    stacked_periods[g:, :] = Pb
    stacked_symmetric_periods = Gamma * stacked_periods
    Pa_symm = stacked_symmetric_periods[:g, :]
    Pb_symm = stacked_symmetric_periods[g:, :]

    # transpose results back
    Pa_symm = Pa_symm.T
    Pb_symm = Pb_symm.T
    return Pa_symm, Pb_symm
 def as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6(self,insert_in_db=True):
     If self is on the full modular group writes self as a polynomial in E_4 and E_6.
     -''X'' -- vector (x_1,...,x_n)
     with f = Sum_{i=0}^{k/6} x_(n-i) E_6^i * E_4^{k/4-i}
     i.e. x_i is the coefficient of E_6^(k/6-i)*
     if(self.level() != 1):
         raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for SL(2,Z). Need more generators in general.")
     if(self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 is not None and self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 != ''):
         return self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6
     d = self._parent.dimension_modular_forms()  # dimension of space of modular forms
     k = self.weight()
     K = self.base_ring()
     l = list()
     # for n in range(d+1):
     #    l.append(self._f.q_expansion(d+2)[n])
     # v=vector(l) # (self._f.coefficients(d+1))
     v = vector(self.coefficients(range(d),insert_in_db=insert_in_db))
     d = dimension_modular_forms(1, k)
     lv = len(v)
     if(lv < d):
         raise ArithmeticError("not enough Fourier coeffs")
     e4 = EisensteinForms(1, 4).basis()[0].q_expansion(lv + 2)
     e6 = EisensteinForms(1, 6).basis()[0].q_expansion(lv + 2)
     m = Matrix(K, lv, d)
     lima = floor(k / 6)  # lima=k\6;
     if((lima - (k / 2)) % 2 == 1):
         lima = lima - 1
     poldeg = lima
     col = 0
     monomials = dict()
     while(lima >= 0):
         deg6 = ZZ(lima)
         deg4 = (ZZ((ZZ(k / 2) - 3 * lima) / 2))
         e6p = (e6 ** deg6)
         e4p = (e4 ** deg4)
         monomials[col] = [deg4, deg6]
         eis = e6p * e4p
         for i in range(1, lv + 1):
             m[i - 1, col] = eis.coefficients()[i - 1]
         lima = lima - 2
         col = col + 1
     if (col != d):
         raise ArithmeticError("bug dimension")
     # return [m,v]
     if self._verbose > 0:
         wmf_logger.debug("m={0}".format(m, type(m)))
         wmf_logger.debug("v={0}".format(v, type(v)))
         X = m.solve_right(v)
         return ""
     self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 = [poldeg, monomials, X]
     return [poldeg, monomials, X]
Example #19
def modular_univariate(f, N, m, t, X, early_return=True):
    Computes small modular roots of a univariate polynomial.
    More information: May A., "New RSA Vulnerabilities Using Lattice Reduction Methods (Section 3.2)"
    :param f: the polynomial
    :param N: the modulus
    :param m: the amount of g shifts to use
    :param t: the amount of h shifts to use
    :param X: an approximate bound on the roots
    :param early_return: try to return as early as possible (default: true)
    :return: a generator generating small roots of the polynomial
    f = f.monic().change_ring(ZZ)
    x = f.parent().gen()
    d = f.degree()

    B = Matrix(ZZ, d * m + t)
    row = 0
    logging.debug("Generating g shifts...")
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(d):
            g = x**j * N**(m - i) * f**i
            for col in range(row + 1):
                B[row, col] = g(x * X)[col]

            row += 1

    logging.debug("Generating h shifts...")
    for i in range(t):
        h = x**i * f**m
        h = h(x * X)
        for col in range(row + 1):
            B[row, col] = h[col]

        row += 1

    logging.debug("Executing the LLL algorithm...")
    B = B.LLL()

    logging.debug("Reconstructing polynomials...")
    for row in range(B.nrows()):
        new_polynomial = 0
        for col in range(B.ncols()):
            new_polynomial += B[row, col] * x**col

        if new_polynomial.is_constant():

        new_polynomial = new_polynomial(x / X).change_ring(ZZ)
        for x0, _ in new_polynomial.roots():
            yield int(x0)

        if early_return:
            # Assuming that the first "good" polynomial in the lattice doesn't provide roots, we return.
Example #20
def tu_decomposition(s, v, verbose=False):
    """Using the knowledge that v is a subspace of Z_s of dimension n, a
    TU-decomposition (as defined in [Perrin17]) of s is performed and T
    and U are returned.

    N = int(log(len(s), 2))
    # building B
    basis = extract_basis(v[0], N)
    t = len(basis)
    basis = complete_basis(basis, N)
    B = Matrix(GF(2), N, N, [tobin(x, N) for x in reversed(basis)])
    if verbose:
        print "B=  (rank={})\n{}".format(B.rank(), B.str())
    # building A
    basis = complete_basis(extract_basis(v[1], N), N)
    A = Matrix(GF(2), N, N, [tobin(x, N) for x in reversed(basis)])
    if verbose:
        print "A=  (rank={})\n{}".format(A.rank(), A.str())
    # building linear equivalent s_prime
    s_prime = [
        apply_bin_mat(s[apply_bin_mat(x, A.inverse())], B)
        for x in xrange(0, 2**N)
    # TU decomposition of s'
    T, U = get_tu_open(s_prime, t)
    if verbose:
        print "T=["
        for i in xrange(0, 2**(N - t)):
            print "  {} {}".format(T[i], is_permutation(T[i]))
        print "]\nU=["
        for i in xrange(0, 2**t):
            print "  {} {}".format(U[i], is_permutation(U[i]))
        print "]"
    return T, U
Example #21
def convert_magma_matrix_to_sage(m, K):
        return Matrix(K, m.sage());
    from re import sub
    text = str(m)
    text = sub('\[\s+', '[', text)
    text = sub('\s+', ' ', text)
    text = '['+text.replace(' ',', ').replace('\n',', ')+']'
    return Matrix(K, sage_eval(text, locals={'r': K.gens()}))
Example #22
def involution_matrix(Pa, Pb, tol=1e-4):
    r"""Returns the transformation matrix `R` corresponding to the anti-holomorphic
    involution on the periods of the Riemann surface.

    Given an aritrary `2g x g` period matrix `[Pa, Pb]^T` of a genus `g`
    Riemann surface `X` the action of the anti-holomorphic involution on `X` of
    these periods is given by left-multiplication by a `2g x 2g` matrix `R`.
    That is, .. math::

        [\tau P_a^T, \tau P_b^T]^T = R [P_a^T, P_b^T]^T

    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        The a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.
    tol : double
        (Default: 1e-4) Tolerance used to veryify integrality of transformation
        matrix. Dependent on precision of period matrices.

    R : complex matrix
        The anti-holomorphic involution matrix.

    For numerical stability, replace matrix inversion with linear system
    g, g = Pa.dimensions()
    R_RDF = Matrix(RDF, 2 * g, 2 * g)

    Ig = identity_matrix(RDF, g)
    M = Im(Pb.T) * Re(Pa) - Im(Pa.T) * Re(Pb)
    Minv = M.inverse()

    R_RDF[:g, :g] = (2 * Re(Pb) * Minv * Im(Pa.T) + Ig).T
    R_RDF[:g, g:] = -2 * Re(Pa) * Minv * Im(Pa.T)
    R_RDF[g:, :g] = 2 * Re(Pb) * Minv * Im(Pb.T)
    R_RDF[g:, g:] = -(2 * Re(Pb) * Minv * Im(Pa.T) + Ig)
    R = R_RDF.round().change_ring(ZZ)

    # sanity check: make sure that R_RDF is close to integral. we perform this
    # test here since the matrix returned should be over ZZ
    error = (R_RDF.round() - R_RDF).norm()
    if error > tol:
        raise ValueError(
            "The anti-holomorphic involution matrix is not "
            "integral. Try increasing the precision of the input "
            "period matrices."
    return R
Example #23
def get_ccz_equivalent_permutation(l, v0, v1, verbose=False):
    N = int(log(len(l), 2))
    mask = sum(int(1 << i) for i in xrange(0, N))
    L = v0 + v1
    L = Matrix(GF(2), 2 * N, 2 * N, [tobin(x, 2 * N) for x in L]).transpose()
    if verbose:
        print "\n\nrank={}\n{}".format(L.rank(), L.str())
    new_l = [[0 for b in xrange(0, 2**N)] for a in xrange(0, 2**N)]
    for a, b in itertools.product(xrange(0, 2**N), xrange(0, 2**N)):
        v = apply_bin_mat((a << N) | b, L)
        a_prime, b_prime = v >> N, v & mask
        new_l[a][b] = l[a_prime][b_prime]
    return invert_lat(new_l)
Example #24
def involution_matrix(Pa, Pb, tol=1e-4):
    r"""Returns the transformation matrix `R` corresponding to the anti-holomorphic
    involution on the periods of the Riemann surface.

    Given an aritrary `2g x g` period matrix `[Pa, Pb]^T` of a genus `g`
    Riemann surface `X` the action of the anti-holomorphic involution on `X` of
    these periods is given by left-multiplication by a `2g x 2g` matrix `R`.
    That is, .. math::

        [\tau P_a^T, \tau P_b^T]^T = R [P_a^T, P_b^T]^T

    Pa : complex matrix
    Pb : complex matrix
        The a- and b-periods, respectively, of a genus `g` Riemann surface.
    tol : double
        (Default: 1e-4) Tolerance used to veryify integrality of transformation
        matrix. Dependent on precision of period matrices.

    R : complex matrix
        The anti-holomorphic involution matrix.

    For numerical stability, replace matrix inversion with linear system
    g,g = Pa.dimensions()
    R_RDF = Matrix(RDF, 2*g, 2*g)

    Ig = identity_matrix(RDF, g)
    M = Im(Pb.T)*Re(Pa) - Im(Pa.T)*Re(Pb)
    Minv = M.inverse()

    R_RDF[:g,:g] = (2*Re(Pb)*Minv*Im(Pa.T) + Ig).T
    R_RDF[:g,g:] = -2*Re(Pa)*Minv*Im(Pa.T)
    R_RDF[g:,:g] = 2*Re(Pb)*Minv*Im(Pb.T)
    R_RDF[g:,g:] = -(2*Re(Pb)*Minv*Im(Pa.T) + Ig)
    R = R_RDF.round().change_ring(ZZ)

    # sanity check: make sure that R_RDF is close to integral. we perform this
    # test here since the matrix returned should be over ZZ
    error = (R_RDF.round() - R_RDF).norm()
    if error > tol:
        raise ValueError("The anti-holomorphic involution matrix is not "
                         "integral. Try increasing the precision of the input "
                         "period matrices.")
    return R
Example #25
def attack(p, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Recovers the a and b parameters from an elliptic curve when two points are known.
    :param p: the prime of the curve base ring
    :param x1: the x coordinate of the first point
    :param y1: the y coordinate of the first point
    :param x2: the x coordinate of the second point
    :param y2: the y coordinate of the second point
    :return: a tuple containing the a and b parameters of the elliptic curve
    m = Matrix(GF(p), [[x1, 1], [x2, 1]])
    v = vector(GF(p), [y1**2 - x1**3, y2**2 - x2**3])
    a, b = m.solve_right(v)
    return int(a), int(b)
Example #26
    def __init__(self, parent, matrix, is_zero=lambda p: False, relations=[]):
        ## Checking the parent parameter
        if (parent.is_field()):
            parent = parent.base()
        if (not (isUniPolynomial(parent) or isMPolynomial(parent))):
            raise TypeError(
                "The parent for this algorithm must be a polynomial ring.\n\t Got: %s"
                % parent)

        ## Checking the matrix input
        matrix = Matrix(parent, matrix)
        super().__init__(parent, matrix, vector(parent,
                                                matrix.ncols() * [0]), is_zero,
    def _get_system_product(self, other, ncols, inhom=False):
            Method to compute an ansatz system for the addition of a fixed size.

            This method computes an ansatz system for the addition of two solutions to
            ``self`` and ``other`` respectively. Namely, if `f(x)` is a solution to 
            ``self`` and `g(x)` is a solution to ``other``, then we can consider the module:

            .. MATH::

                M = \langle \partial^i(f)\partial^j(g)\ :\ i,j\in \mathbb{n}\rangle.

            which (since `f(x)` and `g(x)` are annihilated by ``self`` and ``other``) is a finitely
            generated module. Hence, the module generated by `f(x)+g(x)` is also finitely generated.
            This method creates an ansatz system in the module `M` for computing the linear
            relation between `h(x) = f(x)g(x)` and its derivatives.

                * ``other``: the operator for the second operand.
                * ``ncols``: size of the desired system (in number of columns)
                * ``inhom``: if ``True``, the method return the ansazt matrix system together
                  with a vector representing the inhomogeneous term of the system.


            The ansazt system for compute a linear relation with `\partial^{ncols}(f(x)g(x))` 
            and its previous derivatives within the module `M`.
        from ajpastor.misc.matrix import vector_derivative as der

        ## Controlling the input ncols
        if (ncols < 0):
            raise ValueError("The number of columns must be a natural number")

        d_matrix = self._get_derivation_matrix_product(other)

        ## Base case: 0 column, only inhomogeneous term
        if (ncols == 0):
            v = self._get_vector_product(other)
            system = Matrix(d_matrix.parent().base(), [[]])
        else:  # General case, we build the next column
            aux_s, new_v = self._get_system_product(other, ncols - 1, True)
            system = Matrix(aux_s.columns() + [new_v]).transpose()
            v = der(d_matrix, new_v, self.derivate())

        if (inhom):
            return self._post_proc(system), v
            return self._post_proc(system)
Example #28
def incidence_matrix_from_multiplicities(n, mu):
    m = sum(mu.values())
    A = Matrix(n, m)
    j = 0
    for support, multiplicity in mu.items():
        if multiplicity < 0:
            raise ValueError('invalid multiplicity')
        if any(x not in range(n) for x in support):
            raise ValueError('invalid support')

        col = [1 if i in support else 0 for i in range(n)]
        for _ in range(multiplicity):
            A.set_column(j, col)
            j += 1
    return A
Example #29
 def _save(self, file, var_name='L'):
     from sage.all import Matrix
     HH = self.hyperplane_arrangement.parent()
     A = Matrix(
         map(lambda H: H.coefficients(),
     CR = tuple(map(lambda T: tuple(T), self.poset.cover_relations()))
     FL = self.flat_labels
     FL_tup = tuple([tuple([x, list(FL[x])]) for x in FL.keys()])
     del FL
     dict_builder = "FL = {x[0] : Set(x[1]) for x in FL_tup}\n"
     with open(file, "w") as F:
             "from sage.all import HyperplaneArrangements, QQ, Poset, Set\n"
         F.write("import hypigu as hi\n")
         F.write("H = HyperplaneArrangements(QQ, {0})\n".format(
         del HH
         F.write("A = H({0})\n".format(A).replace("), ", "),\n"))
         del A
         F.write("CR = {0}\n".format(CR).replace("), ", "),\n"))
         del CR
             "P = Poset([range({0}), CR], cover_relations=True)\n".format(
         F.write("FL_tup = {0}\n".format(FL_tup).replace("), ", "),\n"))
         F.write("del FL_tup\n")
             "{0} = hi.LatticeOfFlats(A, poset=P, flat_labels=FL)\n".format(
         F.write("del H, A, CR, P, FL\n")
         F.write("print('Loaded a lattice of flats. Variable name: {0}')".
Example #30
    def FZ_matrix_pushforward_basis(self,r):
        Return the matrix of Faber-Zagier relations, using the "pushforward" basis, NOT the kappa monomial basis that the rest of the code uses.

        :param r: The codimension.
        :rtype: :class:`Matrix`

        The columns correspond to the basis elements of the Strata algebra, and each row is a relation.
        This matrix should be the same as Pixton's original ``tautrel.sage`` program after permuting columns. ::
            sage: from strataalgebra import *
            sage: s = StrataAlgebra(QQ,0,(1,2,3,4))
            sage: s.FZ_matrix_pushforward_basis(1)
            [  -9/4   -9/4   -9/4 -153/4   45/4   45/4   45/4   45/4]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2  -21/2   15/2   15/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2  -21/2   15/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2   15/2  -21/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2   15/2   15/2  -21/2]
            [ -15/4   21/4   21/4  -15/4  -21/4  -21/4   15/4   15/4]
            [  21/4  -15/4   21/4  -15/4  -21/4   15/4  -21/4   15/4]
            [  21/4   21/4  -15/4  -15/4  -21/4   15/4   15/4  -21/4]
            [  21/4   21/4  -15/4  -15/4   15/4  -21/4  -21/4   15/4]
            [  21/4  -15/4   21/4  -15/4   15/4  -21/4   15/4  -21/4]
            [ -15/4   21/4   21/4  -15/4   15/4   15/4  -21/4  -21/4]
            [ -15/4  -15/4  -15/4  -15/4   15/4   15/4   15/4   15/4]
        .. SEEALSO ::

        return Matrix(self.list_all_FZ(r))
Example #31
def _lof_from_matroid(A=None, matroid=None):
    from sage.all import Set, Matrix, Matroid, Poset
    from functools import reduce
    if A != None:
        rows = list(map(lambda H: H.coefficients()[1:], A.hyperplanes()))
        mat = Matrix(A.base_ring(), rows).transpose()
        M = Matroid(mat)
        n = len(A)
        lbl_map = lambda S: S
        M = matroid.simplify()
        n = len(M.groundset())
        grd_list = list(M.groundset())
        l_map = {x: grd_list.index(x) for x in grd_list}
        lbl_map = lambda S: frozenset([l_map[x] for x in S])

    L = M.lattice_of_flats()
    rank_r = lambda L, r: list(
        map(lbl_map, filter(lambda x: L.rank(x) == r, L._elements)))
    rank_1 = [frozenset([k]) for k in range(n)]
    ranks = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                   [rank_r(L, r)
                    for r in range(2,
                                   L.rank() + 1)], [L.bottom()] + rank_1)
    P = Poset(L,
              element_labels={x: ranks.index(lbl_map(x))
                              for x in L._elements})
    adj_set = lambda S: Set([x + 1 for x in S])
    label_dict = {i: adj_set(ranks[i]) for i in range(len(L))}
    if A != None:
        hyp_dict = {i: A[list(ranks[i])[0]] for i in range(1, n + 1)}
        hyp_dict = None
    return [P, label_dict, hyp_dict]
Example #32
def reduced_FZ_param_list(G,v,g,d,n):
  X = StrataGraph.Xvar
  params = FZ_param_list(n,tuple(range(1,d+1)))
  graph_params = []
  M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,2,d+1)
  M[0,0] = -1
  for i in range(1,d+1):
    M[0,i] = i
  for p in params:
    G_copy = StrataGraph(G.M)
    M[1,0] = -g-1
    for j in p[0]:
      M[1,0] += X**j
    for i in range(1,d+1):
      M[1,i] = 1 + p[1][i-1][1][0]*X
    G_p = StrataGraph(M)
  params_reduced = []
  graphs_seen = []
  for x in graph_params:
    good = True
    for GG in graphs_seen:
      if graph_isomorphic(x[1],GG):
        good = False
    if good:
  return params_reduced  
Example #33
    def FZ_matrix(self,r):
        Return the matrix of Faber-Zagier relations.

        :param r: The codimension.
        :rtype: :class:`Matrix`

        The columns correspond to the basis elements of the Strata algebra, and each row is a relation.

        Notice that this matrix considers the kappa classes to be in the monomial basis. Thus, is different than the
        output of Pixton's original ``taurel.sage`` program. ::
            sage: from strataalgebra import *
            sage: s = StrataAlgebra(QQ,0,(1,2,3,4))
            sage: s.FZ_matrix(1)
            [  -9/4   -9/4   -9/4 -153/4   45/4   45/4   45/4   45/4]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2  -21/2   15/2   15/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2  -21/2   15/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2   15/2  -21/2   15/2]
            [   3/2    3/2    3/2  -33/2   15/2   15/2   15/2  -21/2]
            [ -15/4   21/4   21/4  -15/4  -21/4  -21/4   15/4   15/4]
            [  21/4  -15/4   21/4  -15/4  -21/4   15/4  -21/4   15/4]
            [  21/4   21/4  -15/4  -15/4  -21/4   15/4   15/4  -21/4]
            [  21/4   21/4  -15/4  -15/4   15/4  -21/4  -21/4   15/4]
            [  21/4  -15/4   21/4  -15/4   15/4  -21/4   15/4  -21/4]
            [ -15/4   21/4   21/4  -15/4   15/4   15/4  -21/4  -21/4]
            [ -15/4  -15/4  -15/4  -15/4   15/4   15/4   15/4   15/4]

        .. SEEALSO ::

            :meth:`~strataalgebra.StrataAlgebra.FZ_matrix_pushforward_basis`, :meth:`~strataalgebra.StrataAlgebraElement.in_kernel`

        return Matrix(self.list_all_FZ(r))*self._convert_kappa_basis(r)
Example #34
def build_matrix(P, M, c=1000):
    factors_M = factor(M)
    rows = []

    # add logarithms
    for p in P:
        row = []
        for q, e in factors_M:
                       )  # generalised_log() uses unit_gens() generators
        row = [c * x
               for x in row]  # multiply logs by a large constant to help LLL

    height = len(rows)
    width = len(rows[0])

    # add unit matrix
    for i, row in enumerate(rows):
        row.extend([1 if j == i else 0 for j in range(0, height)])

    # add group orders
    generators_M = [g for q, e in factors_M for g in Zmod(q**e).unit_gens()]
    for i, g in enumerate(generators_M):
            g.multiplicative_order() * c if j == i else 0
            for j in range(0, width + height)

    return Matrix(rows)
Example #35
def random_matrix_eigenvalues(F,n):
    Give a random matrix together with its eigenvalues.
    M = MatrixSpace(F,n)
    U = Matrix(F,n)
    D = Matrix(F,n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        x = F.random_element()
    # now we need a unitary matrix:
    # make a random choice of vectors and use Gram-Schmidt to orthogonolize
    U = random_unitary_matrix(F,n)
    UT = U.transpose().conjugate()
    A = U*D*UT
    return   A,U,l
Example #36
def modular_unit_lattice(G,return_ambient=True,ambient_degree_zero=True):
    assert cusps[-1]==Cusp(infinity)
    D0=D.submodule_with_basis([D.gen(i)-D.gen(n-1) for i in xrange(n-1)])
    period_images=[M.coordinate_vector(M([c,infinity]))*period_mapping for c in cusps if not c.is_infinity()]
    F0inD0=D0.submodule([D0.linear_combination_of_basis(i) for i in F0])
    if return_ambient and ambient_degree_zero:
        return F0inD0,D0
    if return_ambient:
        return F0inD0,D
    return F0inD0
Example #37
def get_T1(K, S, unit_first=True, verbose=False):
# Sx is a list of generators of K(S,2) with the unit first or last, assuming h(K)=1
   u = -1 if K==QQ else  K(K.unit_group().torsion_generator())
   from KSp import IdealGenerator
   Sx = [IdealGenerator(P) for P in S]
   if unit_first:
      Sx = [u] + Sx
      Sx = Sx + [u]
   r = len(Sx)
   N = prod(S,1)
# Initialize T1 to be empty and A to be a matric with 0 rows and r=#Sx columns
   T1 = []
   A = Matrix(GF(2),0,len(Sx))
   primes = primes_iter(K,1)
   p = primes.next()
# Repeat the following until A has full rank: take the next prime p
# from the iterator, skip if it divides N (=product over S), form the
# vector v, and keep p and append v to the bottom of A if it increases
# the rank:
   while A.rank() < r:
      p = primes.next()
      while p.divides(N):
         p = primes.next()
      if verbose:
         print("A={} with {} rows and {} cols".format(A,A.nrows(),A.ncols()))
      v = vector(alphalist(p, Sx))
      if verbose:
      A1 = A.stack(v)
      if A1.rank() > A.rank():
         A = A1
         T1 = T1 + [p]
         if verbose:
            print("new A={} with {} rows and {} cols".format(A,A.nrows(),A.ncols()))
            print("T1 increases to {}".format(T1))

   # the last thing returned is a "decoder" which returns the
   # discriminant Delta given the splitting beavious at the primes in
   # T1:
   B = A.inverse()
   def decoder(alphalist):
      e = list(B*vector(alphalist))
      return prod([D**ZZ(ei) for D,ei in zip(Sx,e)], 1)

   return T1, A, decoder
def NonCubicSet(K,S, verbose=False):
    u = -1 if K==QQ else  K(K.unit_group().torsion_generator())
    from KSp import IdealGenerator
    Sx = [u] + [IdealGenerator(P) for P in S]
    r = len(Sx)
    d123 = r + binomial(r,2) + binomial(r,3)
    vecP = vec123(K,Sx)
    A = Matrix(GF(2),0,d123)
    N = prod(S,1)

    primes = primes_iter(K,None)
    T = []
    while A.rank() < d123:
        p = primes.next()
        while p.divides(N):
            p = primes.next()
        v = vecP(p)
        if verbose:
        A1 = A.stack(vector(v))
        if A1.rank() > A.rank():
            A = A1
            if verbose:
                print("new A={} with {} rows and {} cols".format(A,A.nrows(),A.ncols()))
                print("T increases to {}".format(T))
    return T
Example #39
def solve_vectors(n,d, verbose=False):
   def w(i,j):
      return 0 if i==j else (d[Set([i,j])] + d[Set([i])] + d[Set([j])])
   W = Matrix(GF(2),[[w(i,j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])
   v = vector(GF(2),[d[Set([i])] for i in range(n)])
   if verbose:
      print("W = {}".format(W))
      print("v = {}".format(v))
   if W==0:
      if v==0:
         return 0
         return v, v

   Wrows = [wr for wr in W.rows() if wr]
   if v==0:
      x = Wrows[0]
      y = next(wr for wr in Wrows[1:] if wr!=x)
      return x, y

   z = W.row(v.support()[0])
   y = next(wr for wr in Wrows if wr!=z)
   return y+z, y
Example #40
class StrataGraph(object):
  R = PolynomialRing(ZZ,"X",1,order='lex')
  Xvar = R.gen()
  def __init__(self,M=None,genus_list=None):
    #print genus_list
    if M:
      self.M = copy(M)
    elif genus_list:
      self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,len(genus_list)+1,1,[-1]+genus_list)
      self.M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,1,1,-1)
  def __repr__(self):
    Drew added this.
    name = self.nice_name()
    if name == None:
        return repr(self.nice_matrix())
        return name

  def num_vertices(self):
    return self.M.nrows() - 1

  def num_edges(self):
    return self.M.ncols() - 1

  def h1(self):
    return self.M.ncols()-self.M.nrows()+1

  def add_vertex(self,g):
    self.M = self.M.stack(Matrix(1,self.M.ncols()))
    self.M[-1,0] = g

  def add_edge(self,i1,i2,marking=0):
    self.M = self.M.augment(Matrix(self.M.nrows(),1))
    self.M[0,-1] = marking
    if i1 > 0:
      self.M[i1,-1] += 1
    if i2 > 0:
      self.M[i2,-1] += 1

  def del_vertex(self,i):
    self.M = self.M[:i].stack(self.M[(i+1):])

  def del_edge(self,i):
    self.M = self.M[0:,:i].augment(self.M[0:,(i+1):])

  def compute_degree_vec(self):
    self.degree_vec = [sum(self.M[i,j][0] for j in range(1,self.M.ncols())) for i in range(1,self.M.nrows())]

  def degree(self,i):
    return self.degree_vec[i-1]

  def split_vertex(self,i,row1,row2):
    self.M = self.M.stack(Matrix(2,self.M.ncols(),row1+row2))
    self.add_edge(self.M.nrows()-2, self.M.nrows()-1)

  def compute_parity_vec_original(self):
    X = StrataGraph.Xvar
    self.parity_vec = [(ZZ(1+self.M[i,0][0]+sum(self.M[i,k][1] for k in range(1,self.M.ncols()))+sum(self.M[i,k][2] for k in range(1,self.M.ncols()))+self.M[i,0].derivative(X).substitute(X=1)) % 2) for i in range(1,self.M.nrows())]
  def compute_parity_vec(self):
    X = StrataGraph.Xvar
    self.parity_vec = [(ZZ(1+self.M[i,0][0]+sum(self.M[i,k][1] for k in range(1,self.M.ncols()))+sum(self.M[i,k][2] for k in range(1,self.M.ncols()))+self.last_parity_summand(i)) % 2) for i in range(1,self.M.nrows())]
  def last_parity_summand(self,i):
    return sum(( expon[0] * coef for expon, coef in self.M[i,0].dict().items() ))

  def parity(self,i):
    return self.parity_vec[i-1]

  def replace_vertex_with_graph(self,i,G):
    X = StrataGraph.Xvar
    nv = self.num_vertices()
    ne = self.num_edges()
    #i should have degree d, there should be no classes near i, and G should have markings 1,...,d and genus equal to the genus of i
    hedge_list = []
    for k in range(1,self.M.ncols()):
      for j in range(self.M[i,k]):
    for j in range(G.num_edges() - len(hedge_list)):
    for j in range(G.num_vertices()):
    col = ne+1
    for k in range(1,G.M.ncols()):
      if G.M[0,k] > 0:
        mark = ZZ(G.M[0,k])
        for j in range(G.num_vertices()):
          if self.M[nv+j,hedge_list[mark-1]] == 0:
            self.M[nv+j,hedge_list[mark-1]] = G.M[j+1,k]
          elif G.M[j+1,k] != 0:
            a = self.M[nv+j,hedge_list[mark-1]][1]
            b = G.M[j+1,k][1]
            self.M[nv+j,hedge_list[mark-1]] = 2 + max(a,b)*X + min(a,b)*X**2
        for j in range(G.num_vertices()):
          self.M[nv+j,col] = G.M[j+1,k]
        col += 1

  def compute_invariant(self):
    nr,nc = self.M.nrows(),self.M.ncols()
    self.invariant = [[self.M[i,0], [], [], [[] for j in range(1,nr)]] for i in range(1,nr)]
    for k in range(1,nc):
      L = [i for i in range(1,nr) if self.M[i,k] != 0]
      if len(L) == 1:
        if self.M[0,k] != 0:
    for i in range(1,nr):
      self.invariant[i-1][3] = [term for term in self.invariant[i-1][3] if len(term) > 0]
      for term in self.invariant[i-1][3]:
    vertex_invariants = [[i,self.invariant[i-1]] for i in range(1,nr)]
    vertex_invariants.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
    self.vertex_groupings = []
    for i in range(nr-1):
      if i == 0 or vertex_invariants[i][1] != vertex_invariants[i-1][1]:
    #Drew added this
    self.invariant = tupleit(self.invariant)
    self.hash = hash(self.invariant)
  def __eq__(self,other):
        Drew added this.
        return graph_isomorphic(self, other)
  def __hash__(self):
        Drew added this.
        Note that it returns a value stored when "compute_invariant" is called.
            return self.hash
            return self.hash
  def codim(self):
    codim = 0
    for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
        for expon, coef in self.M[v,0].dict().items():
            codim += expon[0]*coef
        for e in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
            for expon, coef in self.M[v,e].dict().items():
                if expon[0] > 0:
                    codim += coef
    for e in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
        if self.M[0,e] == 0:
            codim +=1   
    return codim
  def codim_undecorated(self):
    codim = 0
    for e in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
        if self.M[0,e] == 0:
            codim +=1   
    return codim
    print "not implemented!!!!!!"
    return 1

  def kappa_on_v(self,v):
    Drew added this.
    #print "kappa",self.M[v,0].dict()
    for ex, coef in self.M[v,0].dict().items():
        if ex[0] != 0:
            yield ex[0], coef
  def psi_no_loop_on_v(self,v):
    for edge in range(1,self.num_edges()+1):
        if self.M[v,edge][0] == 1:
            psi_expon = self.M[v,edge][1]
            if psi_expon > 0:
                yield edge, psi_expon
  def psi_loop_on_v(self,v):
    for edge in range(1,self.num_edges()+1):
        if self.M[v,edge][0] == 2:
            psi_expon1 = self.M[v,edge][1]
            psi_expon2 = self.M[v,edge][2]
            if psi_expon1 > 0:
                yield edge, psi_expon1, psi_expon2
  def moduli_dim_v(self,v):
    Drew added this.
    return 3*self.M[v,0][0]-3 + sum(( self.M[v,j][0] for j in range(1, self.num_edges()+1 ) ))
  def num_loops(self):
    count = 0
    for edge in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
        for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
            if self.M[v,edge][0] == 2:
    return count
  def num_undecorated_loops(self):
    count = 0
    for edge in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
        for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
            if self.M[v,edge] == 2:
    return count

  def num_full_edges(self):
      count = 0
      for edge in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
          if sum(( self.M[v,edge][0] for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1 ))) == 2:
              count += 1
      return count
  def forget_kappas(self):
    M = copy(self.M)
    for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
        M[v,0] = M[v,0][0]
    return StrataGraph(M)
  def forget_decorations(self):
    M = Matrix(StrataGraph.R,[[self.M[r,c][0] for c in range(self.M.ncols())] for r in range(self.M.nrows())] )
    Gnew = StrataGraph(M)
    return Gnew
  def is_loop(self,edge):
    for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
      if self.M[v,edge][0] == 2:
        return True
      if self.M[v,edge][0] == 1:
        return False
    raise Exception("Unexpected!")

  ps_name = "ps"
  ps2_name = "ps_"

  def nice_matrix(self):
      Mnice = Matrix(SR, self.M.nrows(), self.M.ncols())
      for edge in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
          Mnice[0,edge] = self.M[0,edge]
      for v in range(1, self.num_vertices()+1):
          kappas = 1
          for expon, coef in self.M[v,0].dict().items():
              if expon[0]==0:
                  Mnice[v,0] += coef
                  kappas *= var("ka{0}".format(expon[0]))**coef
          if kappas != 1:
              Mnice[v,0] += kappas

          for edge in range(1, self.num_edges()+1):
              psis = 1
              for expon, coef in self.M[v,edge].dict().items():
                  if expon[0]==0:
                      Mnice[v,edge] += coef
                  elif expon[0]==1:
                      psis *= var(StrataGraph.ps_name)**coef
                  elif expon[0]==2:
                      psis *= var(StrataGraph.ps2_name)**coef
              if psis != 1:
                  Mnice[v,edge] += psis
      return Mnice

  def from_nice_matrix(lists):
      Mx = Matrix(StrataGraph.R, len(lists), len(lists[0]))
      Mx[0,:] = Matrix([lists[0]])
      for v in range(1, len(lists)):
          if lists[v][0] in ZZ:
          if lists[v][0].operator() == sage.symbolic.operators.add_vararg:
              operands = lists[v][0].operands()
              if len(operands) != 2:
                  raise Exception("Input error!")
              genus = operands[1] #the genus
              kappas = operands[0]
              kappas = lists[v][0]
              genus = 0

          if kappas.operator() == sage.symbolic.operators.mul_vararg:
              for operand in kappas.operands():
                  Mx[v,0] += StrataGraph._kappaSR_monom_to_X(operand)
              Mx[v,0] += genus
              Mx[v,0] = StrataGraph._kappaSR_monom_to_X(kappas) + genus

      X = StrataGraph.Xvar
      for v in range(1, len(lists)):
          for edge in range(1, len(lists[0])):
              if lists[v][edge] in ZZ:
                  Mx[v,edge] = lists[v][edge]
                  for operand in lists[v][edge].operands():
                      if operand in ZZ:
                          Mx[v,edge] += operand
                      elif operand.operator() is None:
                          #it is a ps or ps2
                          Mx[v,edge] += X
                      elif operand.operator() == operator.pow:
                          #it is ps^n or ps2^n
                          Mx[v,edge] += X * operand.operands()[1]
                      elif operand.operator() == sage.symbolic.operators.mul_vararg:
                          #it is a ps^n*ps2^m
                          op1,op2 = operand.operands()
                          if op1.operator() is None:
                              exp1 = 1
                              exp1 = op1.operand()[1]
                          if op2.operator() == None:
                              exp2 = 1
                              exp2 = op2.operand()[1]

                          if exp1 >= exp2:
                              Mx[v,edge] += exp1*X + exp2*X**2
                              Mx[v,edge] += exp1*X**2 + exp2*X
      return StrataGraph(Mx)

  def _kappaSR_monom_to_X(expr):
      X = StrataGraph.Xvar
      if expr in ZZ:
          return expr
      elif expr.operator() == None:
          ka_subscript = Integer(str(expr)[2:])
          return  X ** ka_subscript
      elif expr.operator() == operator.pow:
          ops = expr.operands()
          expon = ops[1]
          ka = ops[0]
          ka_subscript = Integer(str(ka)[2:])
          return  expon * X ** ka_subscript

  def nice_name(self):
      if self.num_vertices() == 1:
          num_loops = self.num_loops()
          if num_loops >1:
              return None
          elif num_loops == 1:
              if self.codim() == 1:
                  return "D_irr"
                  return None
          #else, there are no loops
          var_strs = []
          for expon, coef in self.M[1,0].dict().items():
              if expon[0] == 0 or coef == 0:
              if coef == 1:
          for he in range(1,self.num_edges()+1): #should only be half edges now
              if self.M[1,he][1] > 1:
              elif self.M[1,he][1] ==  1:
          if len(var_strs) > 0:
              return "*".join(var_strs)
              return "one"
      if self.num_vertices() == 2 and self.num_full_edges() == 1 and self.codim() == 1:
          #it is a boundary divisor
          v1_marks = [self.M[0,j] for j in range(1, self.num_edges()+1) if self.M[1,j] == 1 and self.M[0,j] != 0]
          v2_marks = [self.M[0,j] for j in range(1, self.num_edges()+1) if self.M[2,j] == 1 and self.M[0,j] != 0]
          if v1_marks < v2_marks:
              g = self.M[1,0]
          elif v1_marks == v2_marks:
              if self.M[1,0] <= self.M[2,0]:
                  g = self.M[1,0]
                  g = self.M[2,0]
              g = self.M[2,0]
              #temp = v1_marks
              v1_marks = v2_marks
              #v2_marks = temp
          if len(v1_marks) == 0:
              return "Dg{0}".format(g)
              return "Dg{0}m".format(g) + "_".join([str(m) for m in v1_marks])
Example #41
    def invariant_generators(self):
        Wraps Singular's invariant_algebra_reynolds and invariant_ring
        in finvar.lib, with help from Simon King and Martin Albrecht.
        Computes generators for the polynomial ring
        `F[x_1,\ldots,x_n]^G`, where G in GL(n,F) is a finite
        matrix group.
        In the "good characteristic" case the polynomials returned form a
        minimal generating set for the algebra of G-invariant polynomials.
        In the "bad" case, the polynomials returned are primary and
        secondary invariants, forming a not necessarily minimal generating
        set for the algebra of G-invariant polynomials.
            sage: F = GF(7); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: gens = [MS([[0,1],[-1,0]]),MS([[1,1],[2,3]])]
            sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
            sage: G.invariant_generators()
            [x1^7*x2 - x1*x2^7, x1^12 - 2*x1^9*x2^3 - x1^6*x2^6 + 2*x1^3*x2^9 + x2^12, x1^18 + 2*x1^15*x2^3 + 3*x1^12*x2^6 + 3*x1^6*x2^12 - 2*x1^3*x2^15 + x2^18]
            sage: q = 4; a = 2
            sage: MS = MatrixSpace(QQ, 2, 2)
            sage: gen1 = [[1/a,(q-1)/a],[1/a, -1/a]]; gen2 = [[1,0],[0,-1]]; gen3 = [[-1,0],[0,1]]
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([MS(gen1),MS(gen2),MS(gen3)])
            sage: G.cardinality()
            sage: G.invariant_generators()
            [x1^2 + 3*x2^2, x1^6 + 15*x1^4*x2^2 + 15*x1^2*x2^4 + 33*x2^6]
            sage: F = GF(5); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: gens = [MS([[1,2],[-1,1]]),MS([[1,1],[-1,1]])]
            sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
            sage: G.invariant_generators()  # long time (64s on sage.math, 2011)
            [x1^20 + x1^16*x2^4 + x1^12*x2^8 + x1^8*x2^12 + x1^4*x2^16 + x2^20, x1^20*x2^4 + x1^16*x2^8 + x1^12*x2^12 + x1^8*x2^16 + x1^4*x2^20]
            sage: F=CyclotomicField(8)
            sage: z=F.gen()
            sage: a=z+1/z
            sage: b=z^2
            sage: MS=MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: g1=MS([[1/a,1/a],[1/a,-1/a]])
            sage: g2=MS([[1,0],[0,b]])
            sage: g3=MS([[b,0],[0,1]])
            sage: G=MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3])
            sage: G.invariant_generators()  # long time (12s on sage.math, 2011)
            [x1^8 + 14*x1^4*x2^4 + x2^8,
             x1^24 + 10626/1025*x1^20*x2^4 + 735471/1025*x1^16*x2^8 + 2704156/1025*x1^12*x2^12 + 735471/1025*x1^8*x2^16 + 10626/1025*x1^4*x2^20 + x2^24]

        - David Joyner, Simon King and Martin Albrecht.

        - Singular reference manual

        - B. Sturmfels, "Algorithms in invariant theory", Springer-Verlag, 1993.

        - S. King, "Minimal Generating Sets of non-modular invariant rings of
          finite groups", arXiv:math.AC/0703035
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
        from sage.interfaces.singular import singular
        gens = self.gens()
        n = self.degree() #len((gens[0].matrix()).rows())
        F = self.base_ring()
        q = F.characteristic()
        ## test if the field is admissible
        if F.gen()==1: # we got the rationals or GF(prime)
            FieldStr = str(F.characteristic())
        elif hasattr(F,'polynomial'): # we got an algebraic extension
            if len(F.gens())>1:
                raise NotImplementedError, "can only deal with finite fields and (simple algebraic extensions of) the rationals"
            FieldStr = '(%d,%s)'%(F.characteristic(),str(F.gen()))
        else: # we have a transcendental extension
            FieldStr = '(%d,%s)'%(F.characteristic(),','.join([str(p) for p in F.gens()]))
        ## Setting Singular's variable names
        ## We need to make sure that field generator and variables get different names.
        if str(F.gen())[0]=='x': 
            VarStr = 'y'
            VarStr = 'x'
        VarNames='('+','.join((VarStr+str(i+1) for i in range(n)))+')'
        if hasattr(F,'polynomial') and F.gen()!=1: # we have to define minpoly
            singular.eval('minpoly = '+str(F.polynomial()).replace('x',str(F.gen())))
        A = [singular.matrix(n,n,str((x.matrix()).list())) for x in gens]
        Lgens = ','.join((x.name() for x in A))
        PR = PolynomialRing(F,n,[VarStr+str(i) for i in range(1,n+1)])
        if q == 0 or (q > 0 and self.cardinality()%q != 0):
            from sage.all import Integer, Matrix
                gapself = gap(self)
                # test whether the backwards transformation works as well:
                for i in range(self.ngens()):
                    if Matrix(gapself.gen(i+1),F) != self.gen(i).matrix():
                        raise ValueError
            except (TypeError,ValueError):
                gapself is None
            if gapself is not None:
                ReyName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s[%d][%d]'%(ReyName,self.cardinality(),n))
                En = gapself.Enumerator()
                for i in range(1,self.cardinality()+1):
                    M = Matrix(En[i],F)
                    D = [{} for foobar in range(self.degree())]
                    for x,y in M.dict().items():
                        D[x[0]][x[1]] = y
                    for row in range(self.degree()):
                        for t in D[row].items():
                            singular.eval('%s[%d,%d]=%s[%d,%d]+(%s)*var(%d)'%(ReyName,i,row+1,ReyName,i,row+1, repr(t[1]),t[0]+1))
                foobar = singular(ReyName)
                IRName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s = invariant_algebra_reynolds(%s)'%(IRName,ReyName))
                ReyName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('list %s=group_reynolds((%s))'%(ReyName,Lgens))
                IRName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s = invariant_algebra_reynolds(%s[1])'%(IRName,ReyName))

            OUT = [singular.eval(IRName+'[1,%d]'%(j)) for j in range(1,1+singular('ncols('+IRName+')'))]
            return [PR(gen) for gen in OUT]
        if self.cardinality()%q == 0:
            PName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
            SName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
            singular.eval('matrix %s,%s=invariant_ring(%s)'%(PName,SName,Lgens))
            OUT = [singular.eval(PName+'[1,%d]'%(j)) for j in range(1,1+singular('ncols('+PName+')'))] + [singular.eval(SName+'[1,%d]'%(j)) for j in range(2,1+singular('ncols('+SName+')'))]
            return [PR(gen) for gen in OUT]
    def invariant_generators(self):
        Return invariant ring generators.

        Computes generators for the polynomial ring
        `F[x_1,\ldots,x_n]^G`, where `G` in `GL(n,F)` is a finite matrix

        In the "good characteristic" case the polynomials returned
        form a minimal generating set for the algebra of `G`-invariant
        polynomials.  In the "bad" case, the polynomials returned
        are primary and secondary invariants, forming a not
        necessarily minimal generating set for the algebra of
        `G`-invariant polynomials.


        Wraps Singular's ``invariant_algebra_reynolds`` and ``invariant_ring``
        in ``finvar.lib``.


            sage: F = GF(7); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: gens = [MS([[0,1],[-1,0]]),MS([[1,1],[2,3]])]
            sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
            sage: G.invariant_generators()
            [x1^7*x2 - x1*x2^7, 
             x1^12 - 2*x1^9*x2^3 - x1^6*x2^6 + 2*x1^3*x2^9 + x2^12, 
             x1^18 + 2*x1^15*x2^3 + 3*x1^12*x2^6 + 3*x1^6*x2^12 - 2*x1^3*x2^15 + x2^18]

            sage: q = 4; a = 2
            sage: MS = MatrixSpace(QQ, 2, 2)
            sage: gen1 = [[1/a,(q-1)/a],[1/a, -1/a]]; gen2 = [[1,0],[0,-1]]; gen3 = [[-1,0],[0,1]]
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([MS(gen1),MS(gen2),MS(gen3)])
            sage: G.cardinality()
            sage: G.invariant_generators()
            [x1^2 + 3*x2^2, x1^6 + 15*x1^4*x2^2 + 15*x1^2*x2^4 + 33*x2^6]

            sage: F = CyclotomicField(8)
            sage: z = F.gen()
            sage: a = z+1/z
            sage: b = z^2
            sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: g1 = MS([[1/a, 1/a], [1/a, -1/a]])
            sage: g2 = MS([[-b, 0], [0, b]])
            sage: G=MatrixGroup([g1,g2])
            sage: G.invariant_generators()
            [x1^4 + 2*x1^2*x2^2 + x2^4,
             x1^5*x2 - x1*x2^5,
             x1^8 + 28/9*x1^6*x2^2 + 70/9*x1^4*x2^4 + 28/9*x1^2*x2^6 + x2^8]


        - David Joyner, Simon King and Martin Albrecht.


        - Singular reference manual

        - [Stu1993]_

        - S. King, "Minimal Generating Sets of non-modular invariant
          rings of finite groups", :arxiv:`math/0703035`.
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
        from sage.interfaces.singular import singular
        gens = self.gens()
        n = self.degree() #len((gens[0].matrix()).rows())
        F = self.base_ring()
        q = F.characteristic()
        ## test if the field is admissible
        if F.gen()==1: # we got the rationals or GF(prime)
            FieldStr = str(F.characteristic())
        elif hasattr(F,'polynomial'): # we got an algebraic extension
            if len(F.gens())>1:
                raise NotImplementedError("can only deal with finite fields and (simple algebraic extensions of) the rationals")
            FieldStr = '(%d,%s)'%(F.characteristic(),str(F.gen()))
        else: # we have a transcendental extension
            FieldStr = '(%d,%s)'%(F.characteristic(),','.join([str(p) for p in F.gens()]))

        ## Setting Singular's variable names
        ## We need to make sure that field generator and variables get different names.
        if str(F.gen())[0]=='x':
            VarStr = 'y'
            VarStr = 'x'
        VarNames='('+','.join((VarStr+str(i+1) for i in range(n)))+')'
        if hasattr(F,'polynomial') and F.gen()!=1: # we have to define minpoly
            singular.eval('minpoly = '+str(F.polynomial()).replace('x',str(F.gen())))
        A = [singular.matrix(n,n,str((x.matrix()).list())) for x in gens]
        Lgens = ','.join((x.name() for x in A))
        PR = PolynomialRing(F,n,[VarStr+str(i) for i in range(1,n+1)])

        if q == 0 or (q > 0 and self.cardinality()%q != 0):
            from sage.all import Integer, Matrix
                elements = [ g.matrix() for g in self.list() ]
            except (TypeError,ValueError):
            if elements is not None:
                ReyName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s[%d][%d]'%(ReyName,self.cardinality(),n))
                for i in range(1,self.cardinality()+1):
                    M = Matrix(F, elements[i-1])
                    D = [{} for foobar in range(self.degree())]
                    for x,y in M.dict().items():
                        D[x[0]][x[1]] = y
                    for row in range(self.degree()):
                        for t in D[row].items():
                                          %(ReyName,i,row+1,ReyName,i,row+1, repr(t[1]),t[0]+1))
                foobar = singular(ReyName)
                IRName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s = invariant_algebra_reynolds(%s)'%(IRName,ReyName))
                ReyName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('list %s=group_reynolds((%s))'%(ReyName,Lgens))
                IRName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
                singular.eval('matrix %s = invariant_algebra_reynolds(%s[1])'%(IRName,ReyName))

            OUT = [singular.eval(IRName+'[1,%d]'%(j))
                   for j in range(1,1+singular('ncols('+IRName+')'))]
            return [PR(gen) for gen in OUT]
        if self.cardinality()%q == 0:
            PName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
            SName = 't'+singular._next_var_name()
            singular.eval('matrix %s,%s=invariant_ring(%s)'%(PName,SName,Lgens))
            OUT = [
                for j in range(1,1+singular('ncols('+PName+')'))
                ] + [
                singular.eval(SName+'[1,%d]'%(j)) for j in range(2,1+singular('ncols('+SName+')'))
            return [PR(gen) for gen in OUT]
Example #43
def invariants_eps(FQM, TM, use_reduction = True, proof = False, debug = 0):
    Computes the invariants of a direct summand in the decomposition for weight
    one-half modular forms. Such a summand is of the form
      \mathbb{C}[(\mathbb{Z}/2N\mathbb{Z}, -x^2/4N)]^\epsilon \otimes \mathbb{C}[M],
    where $M$ is a given finite quadratic module and $\epsilon$ acts on the first
    factor via $\mathfrak{e}_\mu \mapsto \mathfrak{e}_{-\mu}$.

        - FQM: A given finite quadratic module, referred to as $M$ above
        - TM: A cyclic module of the form as given abve (the first factor)

        We do not check that TM is of the stated form. The function is an auxiliary function
        usually only called by ``weight_one_half_dim``.

    eps = True
    if TM != None and FQM != None:
        TMM = TM+FQM
    elif TM != None:
        TMM = TM
        TMM = FQM
        eps = False
    debug2 = 0
    if debug > 1:
        print "FQM = {0}, TM = {1}, TMM = {2}".format(FQM, TM, TMM)
        debug2 = 1
    if debug > 2:
    inv = invariants(TMM, use_reduction, proof=proof, debug=debug2)
    if debug > 1: print inv
    if type(inv) in [list,tuple]:
        V = inv[1]
        V = inv
    d = [0,0]
    if V.dimension() != 0:
        el = list()
        M = Matrix(V.base_ring(), V.ambient_module().dimension())
        if eps:
            f = 1 if TMM.signature() % 4 == 0 else -1
            for v in inv[0]:
                #Get the coordinate of this isotropic element
                vv = v.c_list()
                #change the first coordinate to its negative (the eps-action)
                vv[0] = -vv[0]
                vv = TMM(vv,can_coords=True)
                #since the isotropic elements are taken up to the action of +-1, we need to check
                #if we have this element (vv) or its negative (-vv) in the list
                #we append the index of the match, together with a sign to the list `el`,
                #where the sign is -1 if -vv is in inv[0] and the signature is 2 mod 4
                #(i.e. the std generator of the center acts as -1)
                if inv[0].count(vv) > 0:
            #We create the entries of the matrix M
            #which acts as eps on the space spanned by the isotropic vectors (mod +-1)
            for i in range(len(el)):
                M[el[i][0],i] = el[i][1]
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if debug > 1: print "M={0}, V={1}".format(M, V)
                KM = (M-M.parent().one()).kernel_on(V)
                if debug > 1: print "KM for ev 1 = {0}".format(KM)
                d[0] = KM.dimension()
                KM = (M+M.parent().one()).kernel_on(V)
                if debug > 1: print "KM for ev -1 = {0}".format(KM)
                d[1] = KM.dimension()
            except Exception as e:
                raise RuntimeError("Error occured for {0}, {1}".format(FQM.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol(), e), M, V)
            d = [V.dimension(), 0]
    if debug > 1: print d
    return d
Example #44
def algo64(K, S, BB, T2=None, unit_first = True, verbose=False):
   r = 1+len(S)
   if T2 is None:
      T2 = get_T2(QQ,S, unit_first)
      if verbose:
         print("T2 = {}".format(T2))
   assert len(T2)==r*(r+1)//2

   from KSp import IdealGenerator
   Sx = [IdealGenerator(P) for P in S]
   u = -1 if K==QQ else  K(K.unit_group().torsion_generator())
   Sx = [u] + Sx if unit_first else Sx+[u]
   if verbose:
      print("Basis for K(S,2): {}".format(Sx))

   #BBdict = dict((k,BB(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   ap = BB_trace(BB)
   apdict = dict((k,ap(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   t4 = BB_t4(BB)
   t4dict = dict((k,t4(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   if verbose:
      print("apdict = {}".format(apdict))
      print("t4dict = {}".format(t4dict))

   v = vector(GF(2),[t4dict[Set([i])] for i in range(r)])
   if verbose:
      print("v = {}".format(v))

   def w(i,j):
      if i==j:
         return 0
         return (t4dict[Set([i,j])] + t4dict[Set([i])] + t4dict[Set([j])])

   # Note that W ignores the first coordinate
   Wd = Matrix(GF(2),[[w(i,j) for j in range(1,r)] for i in range(1,r)])
   vd = vector(v.list()[1:])
   rkWd = Wd.rank()
   if verbose:
      print("W' = \n{} with rank {}".format(Wd,rkWd))
   # Case 1: rank(W)=2
   if rkWd==2:
      # x' and y' are any two distinct nonzero rows of W
      Wrows = [wr for wr in Wd.rows() if wr]
      xd = Wrows[0]
      yd = next(wr for wr in Wrows if wr!=xd)
      zd = xd+yd
      ud = vd - vector(xi*yi for xi,yi in zip(list(xd),list(yd)))
      if verbose:
         print("x' = {}".format(xd))
         print("y' = {}".format(yd))
         print("z' = {}".format(zd))
         print("u' = {}".format(ud))
         print("v' = {}".format(vd))

      u = vector([1]+ud.list())
      v = vector([0]+vd.list())

      if t4dict[Set([0])]==1:
         x = vector([1]+xd.list())
         y = vector([1]+yd.list())
         z = vector([1]+zd.list())
         if verbose:
            print("x = {}".format(x))
            print("y = {}".format(y))
            print("z = {}".format(z))
            print("u = {}".format(u))
            print("v = {}".format(v))
         raise NotImplementedError("t_4(p_1) case not yet implemented in algo64")

      return [vec_to_disc(Sx,vec) for vec in [u,x,y,z]]

   # W==0
   raise NotImplementedError("rank(W)=0 case not yet implemented in algo64")
Example #45
def algo63(K, S, BB, T2=None, unit_first = True, verbose=False):
   r = 1+len(S)
   if T2 is None:
      T2 = get_T2(QQ,S, unit_first)
      if verbose:
         print("T2 = {}".format(T2))
   assert len(T2)==r*(r+1)//2

   from KSp import IdealGenerator
   Sx = [IdealGenerator(P) for P in S]
   u = -1 if K==QQ else  K(K.unit_group().torsion_generator())
   Sx = [u] + Sx if unit_first else Sx+[u]
   if verbose:
      print("Basis for K(S,2): {}".format(Sx))

   BBdict = dict((k,BB(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   ap = BB_trace(BB)
   apdict = dict((k,ap(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   t2 = BB_t2(BB)
   t2dict = dict((k,t2(T2[k])) for k in T2)
   if verbose:
      print("apdict = {}".format(apdict))
      print("t2dict = {}".format(t2dict))

   v = vector(GF(2),[t2dict[Set([i])] for i in range(r)])
   if verbose:
      print("v = {}".format(v))

   def w(i,j):
      if i==j:
         return 0
         return (t2dict[Set([i,j])] + t2dict[Set([i])] + t2dict[Set([j])])

   W = Matrix(GF(2),[[w(i,j) for j in range(r)] for i in range(r)])
   rkW = W.rank()
   if verbose:
      print("W = \n{} with rank {}".format(W,rkW))
   # Case 1: rank(W)=2
   if rkW==2:
      # x and y are any two distinct nonzero rows of W
      Wrows = [wr for wr in W.rows() if wr]
      x = Wrows[0]
      y = next(wr for wr in Wrows if wr!=x)
      z = x+y
      u = v - vector(xi*yi for xi,yi in zip(list(x),list(y)))
      if verbose:
         print("x = {}".format(x))
         print("y = {}".format(y))
         print("z = {}".format(z))
         print("u = {}".format(u))
   else: # W==0
      # y=0, x=z
      u = v
      y = u-u # zero vector
      if verbose:
         print("u = {}".format(u))
         print("y = {}".format(y))
      t3dict = {}
      for k in T2:
         t = 1 if t2dict[k]==0 else -1
         t3dict[k] = (BBdict[k](t)//8)%2
      s = solve_vectors(r,t3dict)
      if not s:
         z = x = y # = 0
         if verbose:
            print("x and  y are both zero, so class has >4 vertices")
         x, _ = s
         z = x
         if verbose:
            print("x = {}".format(x))
            print("y = {}".format(y))
            print("z = {}".format(z))

   return [vec_to_disc(Sx,vec) for vec in [u,x,y,z]]
Example #46
 def wrapper(*args):
     mat = Matrix(f(*args))
     return mat
Example #47
def invariants_eps(FQM, TM, use_reduction = True, proof = False, debug = 0):
    Computes the invariants of a direct summand in the decomposition for weight
    one-half modular forms. Such a summand is of the form
      \mathbb{C}[(\mathbb{Z}/2N\mathbb{Z}, -x^2/4N)]^\epsilon \otimes \mathbb{C}[M],
    where $M$ is a given finite quadratic module and $\epsilon$ acts on the first
    factor via $\mathfrak{e}_\mu \mapsto \mathfrak{e}_{-\mu}$.

        - FQM: A given finite quadratic module, referred to as $M$ above
        - TM: A cyclic module of the form as given abve (the first factor)

        We do not check that TM is of the stated form. The function is an auxiliary function
        usually only called by ``weight_one_half_dim``.

    eps = True
    if TM != None and FQM != None:
        TMM = TM+FQM
    elif TM != None:
        TMM = TM
        TMM = FQM
        eps = False
    if debug > 1: print "FQM = {0}, TM = {1}, TMM = {2}".format(FQM, TM, TMM)
    if debug > 2:
    inv = invariants(TMM, use_reduction, proof, debug2)
    if debug > 1: print inv
    if type(inv) in [list,tuple]:
        V = inv[1]
        V = inv
    d = [0,0]
    if V.dimension() != 0:
        el = list()
        M = Matrix(V.base_ring(), V.ambient_module().dimension())
        if eps:
            f = 1 if TMM.signature() % 4 == 0 else -1
            for v in inv[0]:
                vv = v.c_list()
                vv[0] = -vv[0]
                vv = TMM(vv,can_coords=True)
                if inv[0].count(vv) > 0:
            for i in range(len(el)):
                M[el[i][0],i] = el[i][1]
            if debug > 1: print "M={0}, V={1}".format(M, V)
                KM = (M-M.parent().one()).kernel_on(V)
                if debug > 1: print "KM for ev 1 = {0}".format(KM)
                d[0] = KM.dimension()
                KM = (M+M.parent().one()).kernel_on(V)
                if debug > 1: print "KM for ev -1 = {0}".format(KM)
                d[1] = KM.dimension()
                raise RuntimeError("Error occured for {0}".format(FQM.jordan_decomposition().genus_symbol()), M, V)
            d = [V.dimension(), 0]
    if debug > 1: print d
    return d