Example #1
def _anihilate_pol(k, M):
    k: The weight of an element c, where c is a construction
    for generators of M_{det^* sym(10)} and an instance of
    M: an instance of Sym10EvenDiv or Sym10OddDiv.
    Return a polynomial pl such that the subspace of M anihilated by pl(T(2))
    is equal to the subspace of holomorphic modular forms.
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names="x")
    x = R.gens()[0]
    if k % 2 == 0:
        # Klingen-Eisenstein series
        f = CuspForms(1, k + 10).basis()[0]
        return x - f[2] * (1 + QQ(2) ** (k - 2))
    elif k == 13:
        # Kim-Ramakrishnan-Shahidi lift
        f = CuspForms(1, 12).basis()[0]
        a = f[2]
        return x - f[2] ** 3 + QQ(2) ** 12 * f[2]
        chrply = M.hecke_charpoly(2)
        dim = hilbert_series_maybe(10)[k]
        l = [(a, b) for a, b in chrply.factor() if a.degree() == dim]
        if len(l) > 1 or l[0][1] != 1:
            raise RuntimeError
            return l[0][0]
Example #2
def main1():
    S = PolynomialRing(GF(Integer(13)), names=('x',))
    (x,) = S.gens()
    R = S.quotient(x**Integer(2) - Integer(3), names=('alpha',))
    (alpha,) = R.gens()
    print((Integer(2) + Integer(3) * alpha)
          * (Integer(1) + Integer(2) * alpha))
def to_polredabs(K):


    * "K" - a number field

    * "phi" - an isomorphism K -> L, where L = QQ['x']/f and f a polynomial such that f = polredabs(f)
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
    x = R.gen(0)
    if K == QQ:
        L = QQ.extension(x,'w')
        return QQ.hom(L)
    L = K.absolute_field('a')
    m1 = L.structure()[1]
    f = L.absolute_polynomial()
    g = pari(f).polredabs(1)
    g,h = g[0].sage(locals={'x':x}),g[1].lift().sage(locals={'x':x})
    if debug:
        print 'f',f
        print 'g',g
        print 'h',h
    M = QQ.extension(g,'w')
    m2 = L.hom([h(M.gen(0))])
    return m2*m1
def EllipticCurve_from_hoeij_data(line):
    """Given a line of the file "http://www.math.fsu.edu/~hoeij/files/X1N/LowDegreePlaces" 
    that is actually corresponding to an elliptic curve, this function returns the elliptic
    curve corresponding to this
    x = Rx.gen(0)
    Rxy = PolynomialRing(Rx,'y')
    y = Rxy.gen(0)
    assert x_rel.leading_coefficient()==1
    K = QQ.extension(x_rel,'x')
    x = K.gen(0)

    if y_rel.degree()==1:
        y = - y_rel[0]
        #print "needing an extension!!!!"
        L = K.extension(y_rel,'y')
        y = L.gen(0)
        K = L
    #f1,f2 = B.structure()
    r = (x**2*y-x*y+y-1)/x/(x*y-1)
    s = (x*y-y+1)/x/y
    b = r*s*(r-1)
    c = s*(r-1)
    return N,E,K
Example #5
    def theta_sym(self, j=2):
        Returns an image as a vector valued (Sym_{j} j:even) Fourier expansion
        of the generalized Theta operator associated with
        the Rankin-cohen operator {F, G}_{Sym_{j}}.

        Ibukiyama, Vector valued Siegel modular forms of symmetric
        tensor weight of small degrees, COMMENTARI MATHEMATICI

        Boecherer, Nagaoka,
        On p-adic properties of Siegel modular forms, arXiv, 2013.
        R = PolynomialRing(QQ, "r1, r2, r3")
        (r1, r2, r3) = R.gens()
        S = PolynomialRing(R, "u1, u2")
        (u1, u2) = S.gens()
        pl = (r1 * u1 ** 2 + r2 * u1 * u2 + r3 * u2 ** 2) ** (j // 2)
        pldct = pl.dict()
        formsdict = {}
        for (_, i), ply in pldct.iteritems():
            formsdict[i] = sum([v * self._differential_operator_monomial(a, b, c)
                                for (a, b, c), v in ply.dict().iteritems()])
        forms = [x for _, x in
                 sorted([(i, v) for i, v in formsdict.iteritems()],
                        key=lambda x: x[0])]
        return SymWtGenElt(forms, self.prec, self.base_ring)
Example #6
def test_karatsuba_multiplication(base_ring, maxdeg1, maxdeg2,
        ref_mul=lambda f, g: f._mul_generic(g), base_ring_random_elt_args=[],
        numtests=10, verbose=False):
    Test univariate karatsuba multiplication against other multiplication algorithms.


    First check that random tests are reproducible::

        sage: import sage.rings.tests
        sage: sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(ZZ, 6, 5, verbose=True, seed=42)
        test_karatsuba_multiplication: ring=Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring, threshold=2
          (2*x^6 - x^5 - x^4 - 3*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 4*x + 1)*(4*x^4 + x^3 - 2*x^2 - 20*x + 3)
          (16*x^2)*(x^2 - 41*x + 1)
          (-x + 1)*(x^2 + 2*x + 8)
          (-x^6 - x^4 - 8*x^3 - x^2 - 4*x + 3)*(-x^3 - x^2)
          (2*x^2 + x + 1)*(x^4 - x^3 + 3*x^2 - x)
          (-x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)*(4*x^2 + 76*x - 1)
          (6*x + 1)*(-5*x - 1)
          (-x^3 + 4*x^2 + x)*(-x^5 + 3*x^4 - 2*x + 5)
          (-x^5 + 4*x^4 + x^3 + 21*x^2 + x)*(14*x^3)
          (2*x + 1)*(12*x^3 - 12)

    Test Karatsuba multiplication of polynomials of small degree over some common rings::

        sage: for C in [QQ, ZZ[I], ZZ[I, sqrt(2)], GF(49, 'a'), MatrixSpace(GF(17), 3)]:
        ....:     sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(C, 10, 10)

    Zero-tests over ``QQbar`` are currently very slow, so we test only very small examples::

        sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(QQbar, 3, 3, numtests=2)

    Larger degrees (over ``ZZ``, using FLINT)::

        sage: sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(ZZ, 1000, 1000, ref_mul=lambda f,g: f*g, base_ring_random_elt_args=[1000])

    Some more aggressive tests::

        sage: for C in [QQ, ZZ[I], ZZ[I, sqrt(2)], GF(49, 'a'), MatrixSpace(GF(17), 3)]:
        ....:     sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(C, 10, 10) # long time
        sage: sage.rings.tests.test_karatsuba_multiplication(ZZ, 10000, 10000, ref_mul=lambda f,g: f*g, base_ring_random_elt_args=[100000])

    from sage.all import randint, PolynomialRing
    threshold = randint(0, min(maxdeg1,maxdeg2))
    R = PolynomialRing(base_ring, 'x')
    if verbose:
        print "test_karatsuba_multiplication: ring={}, threshold={}".format(R, threshold)
    for i in range(numtests):
        f = R.random_element(randint(0, maxdeg1), *base_ring_random_elt_args)
        g = R.random_element(randint(0, maxdeg2), *base_ring_random_elt_args)
        if verbose:
            print "  ({})*({})".format(f, g)
        if ref_mul(f, g) -  f._mul_karatsuba(g, threshold) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Multiplication failed")
Example #7
def _pair_gens_r_s():
    rnames = "r11, r12, r22, s11, s12, s22"
    unames = "u1, u2"
    RS_ring = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=rnames)
    (r11, r12, r22, s11, s12, s22) = RS_ring.gens()
    (u1, u2) = PolynomialRing(RS_ring, names=unames).gens()
    r = r11 * u1 ** 2 + 2 * r12 * u1 * u2 + r22 * u2 ** 2
    s = s11 * u1 ** 2 + 2 * s12 * u1 * u2 + s22 * u2 ** 2
    return (RS_ring.gens(), (u1, u2), (r, s))
Example #8
 def eu(p):
     local euler factor
     f = rho.local_factor(p)
     co = [ZZ(round(x)) for x in f.coefficients(sparse=False)]
     R = PolynomialRing(QQ, "T")
     T = R.gens()[0]
     return sum( co[n] * T**n for n in range(len(co)))
Example #9
def _hecke_pol_klingen(k, j):
    '''k: even.
    F: Kligen-Eisenstein series of determinant weight k whose Hecke field is
    the rational filed. Return the Hecke polynomial of F at 2.
    f = CuspForms(1, k + j).basis()[0]
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names="x")
    x = R.gens()[0]
    pl = QQ(1) - f[2] * x + QQ(2) ** (k + j - 1) * x ** 2
    return pl * pl.subs({x: x * QQ(2) ** (k - 2)})
Example #10
def _hecke_pol_krs_lift():
    '''Return the Hecke polynomial of KRS lift of weight det^{13}Sym(10) at 2.
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names="x")
    x = R.gens()[0]
    f = CuspForms(1, 12).basis()[0]
    a = f[2]
    b = QQ(2) ** 11
    return ((1 - (a ** 3 - 3 * a * b) * x + b ** 3 * x ** 2) *
            (1 - a * b * x + b ** 3 * x ** 2))
Example #11
 def polredabs(self):
     if "polredabs" in self._data.keys():
         return self._data["polredabs"]
         pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(self.polynomial())
         pol *= pol.denominator()
         R = pol.parent()
         from sage.all import pari
         pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
         self._data["polredabs"] = pol
         return pol
Example #12
 def _hecke_tp_charpoly(self, p, var='x', algorithm='linbox'):
     a = p ** (self.wt - 2) + 1
     N = self.klingeneisensteinAndCuspForms()
     S = CuspForms(1, self.wt)
     m = S.dimension()
     R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=var)
     x = R.gens()[0]
     f = R(S.hecke_matrix(p).charpoly(var=var, algorithm=algorithm))
     f1 = f.subs({x: a ** (-1) * x}) * a ** m
     g = R(N.hecke_matrix(p).charpoly(var=var, algorithm=algorithm))
     return R(g / f1)
def G_poly(l, m):
    '''The polynomial G of y1, y2 and y3 given in Proposition 3.7, [Kat].
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names="y1, y2, y3")
    y1, y2, y3 = R.gens()
    return sum(binomial(2 * n + l - QQ(5) / QQ(2), n) * y3 ** n *
               sum((-y2) ** nu * (2 * y1) ** (m - 2 * n - 2 * nu) *
                   binomial(l + m - nu - QQ(5) / QQ(2), m - 2 * n - nu) *
                   binomial(m - 2 * n - nu, nu)
                   for nu in range((m - 2 * n) // 2 + 1))
               for n in range(m // 2 + 1))
Example #14
 def _get_Rgens(self):
     d = self.dim
     if self.single_generator:
         if self.hecke_ring_power_basis and self.field_poly_root_of_unity != 0:
             R = PolynomialRing(QQ, self._nu_var)
             R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'beta')
         beta = R.gen()
         return [beta**i for i in range(d)]
         R = PolynomialRing(QQ, ['beta%s' % i for i in range(1,d)])
         return [1] + [g for g in R.gens()]
Example #15
 def test_cusp_sp_wt28_hecke_charpoly(self):
     R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names="x")
     x = R.gens()[0]
     pl = (x ** Integer(7) - Integer(599148384) * x ** Integer(6) +
           Integer(85597740037545984) * x ** Integer(5) +
           Integer(4052196666582552432082944) * x ** Integer(4) -
           Integer(992490558368877866775830593536000) * x ** Integer(3) -
           Integer(7786461340613962559507216233894458163200) * x ** Integer(2) +
           Integer(2554655965904300151500968857660777576875950080000) * x +
     S = CuspFormsDegree2(28)
     self.assertTrue(R(S.hecke_charpoly(2)) == pl)
Example #16
 def polredabs(self):
     if "polredabs" in self._data.keys():
         return self._data["polredabs"]
         pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(map(str,self.polynomial()))
         # Need to map because the coefficients are given as unicode, which does not convert to QQ
         pol *= pol.denominator()
         R = pol.parent()
         from sage.all import pari
         pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
         self._data["polredabs"] = pol
         return pol
Example #17
def pol_string_to_list(pol, deg=None, var=None):
    if var is None:
        from lmfdb.hilbert_modular_forms.hilbert_field import findvar
        var = findvar(pol)
        if not var:
            var = 'a'
    pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, var)(str(pol))
    if deg is None:
        fill = 0
        fill = deg - pol.degree() - 1
    return [str(c) for c in pol.coefficients(sparse=False)] + ['0']*fill
Example #18
def dict_to_pol(dct, bd=global_prec, base_ring=QQ):
    R = PolynomialRing(base_ring, "u1, u2, q1, q2")
    (u1, u2, q1, q2) = R.gens()
    S = R.quotient(u1 * u2 - 1)
    (uu1, uu2, qq1, qq2) = S.gens()

    l = PrecisionDeg2(bd)
    if not hasattr(dct, "__getitem__"):
        return dct
    return sum([dct[(n, r, m)] * uu1 ** r * qq1 ** n * qq2 ** m
                if r > 0 else dct[(n, r, m)]
                * uu2 ** (-r) * qq1 ** n * qq2 ** m for n, r, m in l])
Example #19
def coeffs_to_poly(c_string):
    """Given a string of coefficients, returns the polynomial with those coefficients

        c_string -- string, a a comma-separated string (with no spaces) of rational numbers

        The polynomial with these coefficients
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=('x',))
    (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
    tup = eval(c_string)
    return sum([tup[i]*x**i for i in range(0,len(tup))])
Example #20
def _to_polynomial(f, val1):
    prec = f.prec.value
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ if f.base_ring == ZZ else f.base_ring,
                       names="q1, q2")
    q1, q2 = R.gens()
    I = R.ideal([q1 ** (prec + 1), q2 ** (prec + 1)])
    S = R.quotient_ring(I)
    res = sum([sum([f.fc_dct.get((n, r, m), 0) * QQ(val1) ** r
                    for r in range(-int(floor(2 * sqrt(n * m))), int(floor(2 * sqrt(n * m))) + 1)])
               * q1 ** n * q2 ** m
               for n in range(prec + 1)
               for m in range(prec + 1)])
    return S(res)
Example #21
 def eu(p):
     local euler factor
     if self.selfdual:
         K = QQ
         K = ComplexField()
     R = PolynomialRing(K, "T")
     T = R.gens()[0]
     if self.conductor % p != 0:
         return  1 - ComplexField()(chi(p)) * T
         return R(1)
Example #22
def _method_pt1(num_bits,k,D,y):
    a = Integer(-D*y**2)
    R = PolynomialRing(ZZ,'x')
    f = R.cyclotomic_polynomial(k)(x-1).polynomial(base_ring = R)
    g = (a+(x-2)**2).polynomial(base_ring = R)
    r = Integer(f.resultant(g))
    if (Mod(r, k) == 1) and r > 2**(num_bits-1) and utils.is_suitable_r(r): # found a valid r, so use it
        F = GF(r)
        f = f.change_ring(F)
        g = g.change_ring(F)
        t = Integer(f.gcd(g).any_root())
        return t,r
        return 0,0
Example #23
 def eu(p):
     Local euler factor
     ans = F.q_expansion_embeddings(p + 1)
     K = ComplexField()
     R = PolynomialRing(K, "T")
     T = R.gens()[0]
     N = self.conductor
     if N % p != 0 : # good reduction
         return 1 - ans[p-1][self.number] * T + T**2
     elif N % (p**2) != 0: # semistable reduction
         return 1 - ans[p-1][self.number] * T
         return R(1)
Example #24
 def euler_factor_of_spinor_l(self, p, var="x"):
     Assuming self is eigenform, this method returns p-Euler factor of
     spinor L as a polynomial.
     K = self.base_ring
     if hasattr(K, "fraction_field"):
         K = K.fraction_field()
     R = PolynomialRing(K, 1, names=var, order='neglex')
     x = R.gens()[0]
     a1 = self.hecke_eigenvalue(p)
     a2 = self.hecke_eigenvalue(p ** 2)
     mu = 2 * self.wt + self.sym_wt - 3
     return (1 - a1 * x + (a1 ** 2 - a2 - p ** (mu - 1)) * x ** 2 -
             a1 * p ** mu * x ** 3 + p ** (2 * mu) * x ** 4)
Example #25
def poly_to_field_label(pol):
        pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(str(pol))
        pol *= pol.denominator()
        R = pol.parent()
        pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
        return None
    coeffs = list2string([int(c) for c in pol.coeffs()])
    d = int(pol.degree())
    query = {'coeffs': coeffs}
    C = base.getDBConnection()
    one = C.numberfields.fields.find_one(query)
    if one:
        return one['label']
    return None
Example #26
    def create_key(self,base_ring, arg1=None, arg2=None,
                                      sparse=False, order='degrevlex',
                                      names=None, name=None,
                                      implementation=None, degrees=None):
        Create the key under which a free algebra is stored.


            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),['x','y','z'])
            (Finite Field of size 5, ('x', 'y', 'z'))
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),['x','y','z'],3)
            (Finite Field of size 5, ('x', 'y', 'z'))
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),3,'xyz')
            (Finite Field of size 5, ('x', 'y', 'z'))
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),['x','y','z'], implementation='letterplace')
            (Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Finite Field of size 5,)
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),['x','y','z'],3, implementation='letterplace')
            (Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Finite Field of size 5,)
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),3,'xyz', implementation='letterplace')
            (Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Finite Field of size 5,)
            sage: FreeAlgebra.create_key(GF(5),3,'xyz', implementation='letterplace', degrees=[1,2,3])
            ((1, 2, 3), Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z, x_ over Finite Field of size 5)

        if arg1 is None and arg2 is None and names is None:
            # this is used for pickling
            if degrees is None:
                return (base_ring,)
            return tuple(degrees),base_ring
        PolRing = None
        # test if we can use libSingular/letterplace
        if implementation is not None and implementation != 'generic':
                PolRing = PolynomialRing(base_ring, arg1, arg2,
                                   sparse=sparse, order=order,
                                   names=names, name=name,
                                   implementation=implementation if implementation!='letterplace' else None)
                if not isinstance(PolRing,MPolynomialRing_libsingular):
                    if PolRing.ngens() == 1:
                        PolRing = PolynomialRing(base_ring,1,PolRing.variable_names())
                        if not isinstance(PolRing,MPolynomialRing_libsingular):
                            raise TypeError
                        raise TypeError
            except (TypeError, NotImplementedError),msg:
                raise NotImplementedError, "The letterplace implementation is not available for the free algebra you requested"
Example #27
 def eu(p):
     Local euler factor
     # There was no function q_expansion_embeddings before the transition to postgres
     # so I'm not sure what this is supposed to do.
     ans = F.q_expansion_embeddings(p + 1)
     K = ComplexField()
     R = PolynomialRing(K, "T")
     T = R.gens()[0]
     N = self.conductor
     if N % p != 0 : # good reduction
         return 1 - ans[p-1][self.number] * T + T**2
     elif N % (p**2) != 0: # semistable reduction
         return 1 - ans[p-1][self.number] * T
         return R(1)
Example #28
    def _hecke_tp2_charpoly(self, p, var='x', algorithm='linbox'):
        u = p ** (self.wt - 2)
        N = self.klingeneisensteinAndCuspForms()
        S = CuspForms(1, self.wt)
        m = S.dimension()
        R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=var)
        x = R.gens()[0]
        f = R(S.hecke_matrix(p).charpoly(var=var, algorithm=algorithm))
        g = R(N.hecke_matrix(p ** 2).charpoly(var=var, algorithm=algorithm))

        def morph(a, b, f, m):
            G = (-1) ** m * f.subs({x: -x}) * f
            alst = [[k // 2, v] for k, v in G.dict().iteritems()]
            F = sum([v * x ** k for k, v in alst])
            return a ** m * F.subs({x: (x - b) / a})
        f1 = morph(u ** 2 + u + 1, -p * u ** 3 - u ** 2 - p * u, f, m)
        return R(g / f1)
Example #29
def pol_to_dict(pl, bd=global_prec, base_ring=QQ):
    R = PolynomialRing(base_ring, "u1,u2,q1,q2")
    (u1, u2, q1, q2) = R.gens()
    S = R.quotient(u1 * u2 - 1)
    (uu1, uu2, qq1, qq2) = S.gens()
    l = PrecisionDeg2(bd)
    pl_lft = pl.lift()
    dct = dict()
    for n, r, m in l:
        if r >= 0:
            cfs = pl_lft.coefficient({u1: r, u2: 0, q1: n, q2: m})
            cfs = pl_lft.coefficient({u1: 0, u2: -r, q1: n, q2: m})
        dct[(n, r, m)] = cfs
    for t in l:
        if not t in dct.keys():
            dct[t] = 0
    return dct
Example #30
 def eu(p):
     Local Euler factor passed as a function
     whose input is a prime and
     whose output is a polynomial
     such that evaluated at p^-s,
     we get the inverse of the local factor
     of the L-function
     R = PolynomialRing(QQ, "T")
     T = R.gens()[0]
     N = self.conductor
     if N % p != 0 : # good reduction
         return 1 - E.ap(p) * T + p * T**2
     elif N % (p**2) != 0: # multiplicative reduction
         return 1 - E.ap(p) * T
         return R(1)
Example #31
    def test_download_sage(self):

        # A dimension 1 example
        L1_sage_code = self.tc.get(
        L1_level = self.check_sage_compiles_and_extract_var(L1_sage_code, 'NN')
        assert L1_level.norm() == Integer(18333)
        assert 'NN = ZF.ideal((6111, 3*a + 5052))' in L1_sage_code
        assert '(27*a-22,),(-29*a+15,),(-29*a+14,),(29*a-11,),(-29*a+18,),(-29*a+9,)' in L1_sage_code
        assert 'hecke_eigenvalues_array = [0, -1, 2, -1, 1, -3, 4, 0, -2, -8, 7, -9, -8, -4, -9, 8, 10, -11,' in L1_sage_code
        Observe that example 1 above checks equality of the level norm between
        the loaded sage code and what appears on the homepage, but then checks
        for a particular presentation of that ideal in the text file. The problem
        with this is that the choice of generators for the ideal are not unique,
        and could potentially change from one sage release to the next. An
        alternative is to check for equality of the ideals themselves, and that
        is the strategy adopted in the following example.

        # A dimension 2 example
        L2_sage_code = self.tc.get(
        L2_level = self.check_sage_compiles_and_extract_var(L2_sage_code, 'NN')

        P = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
        g = P([1, 0, 1])
        F = NumberField(g, 'i')
        i = F.gen()
        ZF = F.ring_of_integers()

        L2_level_actual = ZF.ideal(
            (16 * i - 11))  # the level displayed on BMF homepage
        assert L2_level == L2_level_actual
        assert L2_level.norm() == 377
        assert '(2*i+3,),(i+4,),(i-4,),(-2*i+5,),(2*i+5,),(i+6,)' in L2_sage_code
        assert 'hecke_eigenvalues_array = [-z, 2*z, -1, 2*z+2, "not known", 2*z-1, 4, 2*z+3, "not known", 2*z+1, -2*z-5, -4*z+5, -4*z+5, 2*z+1, 2*z]' in L2_sage_code
Example #32
def InsolublePlaces(f,h=0):
    # List of primes at which the curve y²+h(x)*y=f(x) is not soluble
    # Assumes f and h have integer coefficients
    S = [] # List of primes at which not soluble
    # Get eqn of the form y²=F(x)
    F = f
    if h:
        F = 4*f + h**2
    # Do we have a rational point an Infty ?
    if F.degree()%2 or F.leading_coefficient().is_square():
        return []
    # Treat case of RR
    if F.leading_coefficient() < 0 and F.number_of_real_roots() == 0:
    # Remove squares from lc(F)
    d = F.degree()
    lc = F.leading_coefficient()
    t = F.variables()[0]
    a = lc.squarefree_part() # lc/a is a square
    a = lc//a
    Zx = PolynomialRing(ZZ,'x')
    F = Zx(a**(d-1) * F(t/a))
    # Find primes of bad reduction for our model
    D = F.disc()
    P = Set(D.prime_divisors())
    # Add primes at which Weil bounds do not guarantee a mod p point
    g = (d-2)//2
    Weil = []
    p = 2
    while (p+1)**2 <= 4 * g**2 * p:
        p = next_prime(p)
    P = P.union(Set(Weil))
    # Test for solubility
    for p in P:
        if not IsSolubleAt(F,p):
    return S
def repair_fields(D):
    F = hmf_fields.find_one({"label": '2.2.' + str(D) + '.1'})

    P = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'w')
    # P is used implicitly in the eval() calls below.  When these are
    # removed, this will not longer be neceesary, but until then the
    # assert statement is for pyflakes.
    assert P

    primes = F['primes']
    primes = [[int(eval(p)[0]), int(eval(p)[1]), str(eval(p)[2])] for p in primes]
    F['primes'] = primes

    hmff = open("data_2_" + (4 - len(str(D))) * '0' + str(D))

    # Parse field data
    for i in range(7):
        v = hmff.readline()
    ideals = eval(v[10:][:-2])
    ideals = [[p[0], p[1], str(p[2])] for p in ideals]
    F['ideals'] = ideals
Example #34
def qexp_as_nf_elt(self, prec=None):
    assert self.has_exact_qexp
    if prec is None:
        qexp = self.qexp
        qexp = self.qexp[:prec + 1]
    if self.dim == 1:
        return [QQ(i[0]) for i in self.qexp]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
    K = QQ.extension(R(self.field_poly), 'a')
    if self.hecke_ring_power_basis:
        return [K(c) for c in qexp]
        # need to add code to hande cyclotomic_generators
        assert self.hecke_ring_numerators, self.hecke_ring_denominators
        basis_data = zip(self.hecke_ring_numerators,
        betas = [K([ZZ(c) / den for c in num]) for num, den in basis_data]
        return [
            sum(c * beta for c, beta in zip(coeffs, betas)) for coeffs in qexp
Example #35
def poly_to_field_label(pol):
        pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(str(pol))
        pol *= pol.denominator()
        R = pol.parent()
        pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
        return None
    coeffs = [int(c) for c in pol.coeffs()]
    d = int(pol.degree())
    query = {'degree': d, 'coefficients': coeffs}
    import base
    C = base.getDBConnection()
    one = C.numberfields.fields.find_one(query)
    if one:
        return one['label']
    return None
Example #36
 def __init__(self, K, L, approximation=None):
     if isinstance(approximation, MacLaneLimitValuation):
         # v = apprximation determines phi uniquely
         v = approximation
         assert v(K.polynomial()) == Infinity
         if approximation == None:
             R = PolynomialRing(L.number_field(), 'x')
             v0 = GaussValuation(R, L.valuation())
             v0 = approximation
         # now we have to find a limit valuation v such that v(P_K)=infinity
         # which is approximated by v0
         P = R(K.polynomial())
         V = [v0]
         done = False
         while len(V) > 0 and not done > 0:
             V_new = []
             for v in V:
                 if v.phi().degree() == 1:
                     if v.effective_degree(P) == 1 or v.mu() == Infinity:
                         V_new = [v]
                         done = True
                         V_new += v.mac_lane_step(P,
             V = V_new
         if len(V) == 0:
             raise AssertionError("no embedding exists")
             v = V[0]
     # now v is an approximation of an irreducible factor of P of degree 1
     v = LimitValuation(v, P)
     self._domain = K
     self._target = L
     self._limit_valuation = v
Example #37
 def divisor_data(P):
     R = PolynomialRing(QQ, ['x', 'z'])
     x = R('x')
     z = R('z')
     xP, yP = P[0], P[1]
     xden, yden = lcm([r[1] for r in xP]), lcm([r[1] for r in yP])
     xD = sum([
         ZZ(xden) * ZZ(xP[i][0]) / ZZ(xP[i][1]) * x**i *
         z**(len(xP) - i - 1) for i in range(len(xP))
     if str(xD.factor())[:4] == "(-1)":
         xD = -xD
     yD = sum([
         ZZ(yden) * ZZ(yP[i][0]) / ZZ(yP[i][1]) * x**i *
         z**(len(yP) - i - 1) for i in range(len(yP))
     return [
         make_bigint(elt, 10) for elt in [
             str(xD.factor()).replace("**", "^").replace("*", ""),
             str(yden) + "y" if yden > 1 else "y",
             str(yD).replace("**", "^").replace("*", "")
     ], xD, yD, yden
Example #38
 def get_local_algebra(self, p):
     local_algebra_dict = self._data.get('loc_algebras', None)
     if local_algebra_dict is None:
         return None
     if str(p) in local_algebra_dict:
         R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
         palg = local_algebra_dict[str(p)]
         palgs = [R(str(s)) for s in palg.split(',')]
         palgs = [
             list2string([int(c) for c in pol.coefficients(sparse=False)])
             for pol in palgs
         palgs = [lfdb().find_one({'p': p, 'coeffs': c}) for c in palgs]
         return [[
             group_display_knowl(f['gal'][0], f['gal'][1], db()), f['t'],
             f['u'], f['slopes']
         ] for f in palgs]
     return None
Example #39
def taylor_processor_naive(new_ring, Phi, scalar, alpha, I, omega):
    k = alpha.nrows() - 1
    tau = SR.var('tau')
    y = [SR('y%d' % i) for i in range(k + 1)]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, len(y), y)
    beta = [a * Phi for a in alpha]

    def f(i):
        if i == 0:
            return QQ(scalar) * y[0] * exp(tau * omega[0])
        elif i in I:
            return 1 / (1 - exp(tau * omega[i]))
            return 1 / (1 - y[i] * exp(tau * omega[i]))

    h = prod(f(i) for i in range(k + 1))

    # Get constant term of h as a Laurent series in tau.
    g = h.series(tau, 1).truncate().collect(tau).coefficient(tau, 0)
    g = g.factor() if g else g
    yield CyclotomicRationalFunction.from_split_expression(
        g, y, R).monomial_substitution(new_ring, beta)
Example #40
def Relative_Splitting_Field_Extra(fs, bound=0):
    bound_set = (bound != 0)
    F = magma.BaseRing(fs[1])
    overQQ = (magma.Degree(F) == 1)
    if overQQ:
        R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
    fs = sorted(fs, key=lambda f: -magma.Degree(f))
    K = F
    for f in fs:
        if not magma.HasRoot(f, K):
            for tup in magma.Factorization(f, K):
                K = magma.ExtendRelativeSplittingField(K, F, tup[1])
                if overQQ:
                    g = magma.DefiningPolynomial(K)
                    g = R(str(gp.polredabs(R(magma.Eltseq(g)))))
                    K = magma.NumberField(g)
                    K = magma.ClearFieldDenominator(K)
                if bound_set and magma.Degree(K) >= bound:
                    K = magma.DefineOrExtendInfinitePlaceFunction(K)
                    return K
    K = magma.DefineOrExtendInfinitePlaceFunction(K)
    return K
Example #41
def list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(s, galois=False, vari='T', p=None):
        Either return the polynomial in a nice factored form,
        or return a pair, with first entry the factored polynomial
        and the second entry a list describing the Galois groups
        of the factors.
        vari allows to choose the variable of the polynomial to be returned.
    if len(s) == 1:
        if galois:
            return [str(s[0]), [[0, 0]]]
        return str(s[0])
    ZZT = PolynomialRing(ZZ, vari)
    sfacts = ZZT(s).factor()
    sfacts_fc = [[g, e] for g, e in sfacts]
    if sfacts.unit() == -1:
        sfacts_fc[0][0] *= -1
    # if the factor is -1+T^2, replace it by 1-T^2
    # this should happen an even number of times, mod powers
    sfacts_fc_list = [[(-g).list() if g[0] == -1 else g.list(), e]
                      for g, e in sfacts_fc]
    return list_factored_to_factored_poly_otherorder(sfacts_fc_list, galois,
                                                     vari, p)
Example #42
def compute_local_roots_SMF2_scalar_valued(K, ev, k, embedding):
    ''' computes the dirichlet series for a Lfunction_SMF2_scalar_valued

    L = ev.keys()
    m = ZZ(max(L)).isqrt() + 1
    ev2 = {}
    for p in primes(m):

            ev2[p] = (ev[p], ev[p * p])

    ret = []
    for p in ev2:
        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x')
        x = R.gens()[0]

        f = (1 - ev2[p][0] * x +
             (ev2[p][0]**2 - ev2[p][1] - p**(2 * k - 4)) * x**2 -
             ev2[p][0] * p**(2 * k - 3) * x**3 + p**(4 * k - 6) * x**4)

        Rnum = PolynomialRing(CF, 'y')
        x = Rnum.gens()[0]
        fnum = Rnum(0)
        if K != QQ:
            for i in range(int(f.degree()) + 1):
                fnum = fnum + f[i].complex_embeddings(NN)[embedding] * (
                    x / p**(k - 1.5))**i
            for i in range(int(f.degree()) + 1):
                fnum = fnum + f[i] * (x / CF(p**(k - 1.5)))**i

        r = fnum.roots(CF)
        r = [1 / a[0] for a in r]
        # a1 = r[1][0]/r[0][0]
        # a2 = r[2][0]/r[0][0]
        # a0 = 1/r[3][0]

        ret.append((p, r))

    return ret
Example #43
def h(t, prec):

    Dop, x, Dx = DifferentialOperators(QQ)
    L = Dx * (x * (x - 1) * (x - t)) * Dx + x

    hprec = prec + 100
    C = ComplexField(hprec)
    CBF = ComplexBallField(hprec)

    # Formal monodromy + connection matrices
    base = t / 2
    m1 = L.numerical_transition_matrix([0, base], ZZ(2)**(-prec))
    m2 = L.numerical_transition_matrix([t, base], ZZ(2)**(-prec))
    delta = matrix(CBF, [[1, 0], [2 * pi * i, 1]])
    mat = m1 * delta * ~m1 * m2 * delta * ~m2

    # log(eigenvalue)
    tr = mat.trace().real().mid()
    Pol, la = PolynomialRing(C, 'la').objgen()
    char = (la + 1 / la - tr).numerator()
    rt = char.roots(multiplicities=False)[0]
    val = (rt.log() / C(2 * i * pi))**2

    return val
Example #44
def test_skipper_prec(skipper=Skipper4, kyber=Kyber, l=None):
    """Test precision prediction by construction worst case instance (?)

    :param skipper: Skipper instance
    :param kyber: Kyber instance for parameters such as `n` and `q`
    :param l: bits of precision to use


        sage: test_skipper_prec(Skipper4, Kyber)
        sage: l = ceil(Skipper4.prec(Kyber)) - 1
        sage: test_skipper_prec(Skipper4, Kyber, l=l)
        Traceback (most recent call last):

        sage: test_skipper_prec(Skipper2Negated, Kyber)
        sage: l = ceil(Skipper2Negated.prec(Kyber)) - 1
        sage: test_skipper_prec(Skipper2Negated, Kyber, l=l)
        Traceback (most recent call last):

    n, q, k, eta = kyber.n, kyber.q, kyber.k, kyber.eta
    R, x = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x").objgen()
    f = R(kyber.f)

    # attempt to construct a worst-case instance
    a = vector(R, k, [R([q // 2 for _ in range(n)]) for _ in range(k)])
    b = vector(R, k, [R([eta for _ in range(n)]) for _ in range(k)])
    c = R([eta for _ in range(n)])

    d0 = (a * b + c) % f
    d1 = skipper.muladd(kyber, a, b, c, l=l)
    assert (d0 == d1)
Example #45
def p2sage(s):
    """Convert s to something sensible in Sage.  Can handle objects
    (including strings) representing integers, reals, complexes (in
    terms of 'i' or 'I'), polynomials in 'a' with integer
    coefficients, or lists of the above.
    z = s
    if type(z) in [list, tuple]:
        return [p2sage(t) for t in z]
        Qa = PolynomialRing(RationalField(),"a")
        for f in [ZZ, RR, CC, Qa]:
                return f(z)
            # SyntaxError is raised by CC('??')
            # NameError is raised by CC('a')
            except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError, SyntaxError):
                    return f(str(z))
                except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError, SyntaxError):
        if z!='??':
            logger.error('Error converting "{}" in p2sage'.format(z))
        return z
Example #46
def nf_data(**args):
    label = args['nf']
    nf = WebNumberField(label)
    data = '/* Data is in the following format\n'
    data += '   Note, if the class group has not been computed, it, the class number, the fundamental units, regulator and whether grh was assumed are all 0.\n'
    data += '[polynomial,\ndegree,\nt-number of Galois group,\nsignature [r,s],\ndiscriminant,\nlist of ramifying primes,\nintegral basis as polynomials in a,\n1 if it is a cm field otherwise 0,\nclass number,\nclass group structure,\n1 if grh was assumed and 0 if not,\nfundamental units,\nregulator,\nlist of subfields each as a pair [polynomial, number of subfields isomorphic to one defined by this polynomial]\n]'
    data += '\n*/\n\n'
    zk = nf.zk()
    Ra = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'a')
    zk = [str(Ra(x)) for x in zk]
    zk = ', '.join(zk)
    units = str(unlatex(nf.units()))
    units = units.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
    subs = nf.subfields()
    subs = [[coeff_to_poly(string2list(z[0])), z[1]] for z in subs]

    # Now add actual data
    data += '[%s, ' % nf.poly()
    data += '%s, ' % nf.degree()
    data += '%s, ' % nf.galois_t()
    data += '%s, ' % nf.signature()
    data += '%s, ' % nf.disc()
    data += '%s, ' % nf.ramified_primes()
    data += '[%s], ' % zk
    data += '%s, ' % str(1 if nf.is_cm_field() else 0)
    if nf.can_class_number():
        data += '%s, ' % nf.class_number()
        data += '%s, ' % nf.class_group_invariants_raw()
        data += '%s, ' % (1 if nf.used_grh() else 0)
        data += '[%s], ' % units
        data += '%s, ' % nf.regulator()
        data += '0,0,0,0,0, '
    data += '%s' % subs
    data += ']'
    return data
Example #47
 def computation_roots(self):
     # Write these as p-adic series.  Start with helper
     def help_padic(n,p, prec):
           Take an integer n, prime p, and precision prec, and return a 
           prec-tuple of the p-adic coefficients of j
         n = int(n)
         res = [0 for j in range(prec)]
         while n<0:
             n += p**prec
         for k in range(prec):
             res[k] = n % p
             n = (n-res[k])/p
         return res
     # Second helper, in case some arrays are not extended by 0
     def getel(li,j):
         if j<len(li):
             return li[j]
         return 0
     myroots = self._data["QpRts"]
     p = self._data['QpRts-p']
     myroots = [[help_padic(z, p, self._data['QpRts-prec']) for z in t] for t in myroots]
     myroots = [[[getel(root[j], r) 
         for j in range(len(self._data['QpRts-minpoly'])-1)]
         for r in range(self._data['QpRts-prec'])]
         for root in myroots]
     myroots = [[coeff_to_poly(x, var='a')
         for x in root] for root in myroots]
     # Use power series so degrees increase
     # Use formal p so we can make a power series
     PR = PowerSeriesRing(PolynomialRing(QQ, 'a'), 'p')
     myroots = [web_latex(PR(x), enclose=False) for x in myroots]
     # change p into its value
     myroots = [re.sub(r'([a)\d]) *p', r'\1\\cdot '+str(p), z) for z in myroots]
     return [z.replace('p',str(p)) for z in myroots]
Example #48
def intersection_points(F,G):
    """Given F, G homogeneous in 3 variables, returns a list of their
    intersection points in P^2.  Note that we can just find the
    rational_points() on the associated subscheme of P^2 but over Q
    that takes much longer.
    R3 = F.parent()
    k = R3.base_ring()
    R2 = PolynomialRing(k,2,'uv')
    u,v = R2.gens()
    R1 = PolynomialRing(k,'w')
    w = R1.gens()[0]
    sols = []

    # We stratify the possible points as follows:
    # (1) [0,1,0], checked directly;
    # (2) [1,y,0], roots of a univariate polynomial;
    # (3) [x,y,1], found using resultants

    # Check the point [0,1,0] with X=Z=0:
    if F([0,1,0])==0 and G([0,1,0])==0:
        sols = [[0,1,0]]

    # Find other points [1,y,0] with Z=0:
    f = F([1,w,0])
    g = G([1,w,0])
    h = f.gcd(g)
    sols += [[1,r,0] for r in h.roots(multiplicities=False)]

    # Find all other points [x,y,1] with Z!=0:
    f = F([u,v,1])
    g = G([u,v,1])
    # the following resultant is w.r.t. the first variable u, so is a
    # polynomial in v; we convert it into a univariate polynomial in
    # w:
    res = (f.resultant(g))([1,w])
    for r in res.roots(multiplicities=False):
        h = f([w,r]).gcd(g([w,r]))
        for s in h.roots(multiplicities=False):
    return sols
Example #49
 def curve_string_parser(self, rec):
     curve_str = rec["curve"]
     curve_str = curve_str.replace("^", "**")
     K = self.make_base_field(rec)
     nu = K.gens()[0]
     S0 = PolynomialRing(K, "x")
     x = S0.gens()[0]
     S = PolynomialRing(S0, "y")
     y = S.gens()[0]
     parts = curve_str.split("=")
     lhs_poly = sage_eval(parts[0], locals={"x": x, "y": y, "nu": nu})
     lhs_cs = lhs_poly.coefficients()
     if len(lhs_cs) == 1:
         h = 0
     elif len(lhs_cs) == 2:  # if there is a cross-term
         h = lhs_poly.coefficients()[0]
         raise NotImplementedError("for genus > 2")
     # rhs_poly = sage_eval(parts[1], locals = {'x':x, 'y':y, 'nu':nu})
     f = sage_eval(parts[1], locals={"x": x, "y": y, "nu": nu})
     return f, h
from sage.all import PolynomialRing, ZZ

pr = PolynomialRing(ZZ, ('a', 'd', 'X1', 'X2', 'Y1', 'Y2'), 6)
a, d, X1, X2, Y1, Y2 = pr.gens()
k, d2 = 2 * d, 2 * d
T1 = X1 * Y1
T2 = X2 * Y2
Z1, Z2 = 1, 1
formula = {}
t0 = Y1 - X1
formula['t0'] = t0
t1 = Y2 - X2
formula['t1'] = t1
A = t0 * t1
formula['A'] = A
t2 = Y1 + X1
formula['t2'] = t2
t3 = Y2 + X2
formula['t3'] = t3
B = t2 * t3
formula['B'] = B
t4 = k * T2
formula['t4'] = t4
C = T1 * t4
formula['C'] = C
D = 2 * Z1
formula['D'] = D
E = B - A
formula['E'] = E
F = D - C
formula['F'] = F
Example #51
def list_to_factored_poly(s):
    return str(factor(PolynomialRing(ZZ, 't')(s))).replace('*', '')
Example #52
def list_to_poly(s):
    return str(PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(s)).replace('*', '')
 def alex_by_KnotTheory(L):
     p = mathematica.MyAlex(L.PD_code(True)).sage()
     i = min([i for i, c in enumerate(p) if c != 0])
     R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'a')
     return R(p[i:])
Example #54
    def make_passport_object(self, passport):
        from lmfdb.belyi.main import url_for_belyi_galmap_label
        # all information about the map goes in the data dictionary
        # most of the data from the database gets polished/formatted before we put it in the data dictionary
        data = self.data = {}

        for elt in ('plabel', 'abc', 'num_orbits', 'g', 'abc', 'deg',
            data[elt] = passport[elt]

        nt = passport['group'].split('T')
        data['group'] = group_display_knowl(int(nt[0]), int(nt[1]),

        data['geomtype'] = geomtypelet_to_geomtypename_dict[
        data['lambdas'] = [str(c)[1:-1] for c in passport['lambdas']]
        data['pass_size'] = passport['pass_size']

        # Permutation triples
        galmaps_for_plabel = belyi_db_galmaps().find({
        }).sort([('label_index', ASCENDING)])
        galmapdata = []
        for galmap in galmaps_for_plabel:
            # wrap number field nonsense
            F = belyi_base_field(galmap)
            # inLMFDB = False;
            field = {}
            if F._data == None:
                field['in_LMFDB'] = False
                fld_coeffs = galmap['base_field']
                pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(fld_coeffs)
                field['base_field'] = latex(pol)
                field['isQQ'] = False
                field['in_LMFDB'] = True
                if F.poly().degree() == 1:
                    field['isQQ'] = True
                F.latex_poly = web_latex(F.poly())
                field['base_field'] = F

            galmapdatum = [
        data['galmapdata'] = galmapdata

        # Properties
        properties = [('Label', passport['plabel']),
                      ('Group', str(passport['group'])),
                      ('Orders', str(passport['abc'])),
                      ('Genus', str(passport['g'])),
                      ('Size', str(passport['pass_size'])),
                      ('Galois orbits', str(passport['num_orbits']))]
        self.properties = properties

        # Friends
        self.friends = []

        # Breadcrumbs

        groupstr, abcstr, sigma0, sigma1, sigmaoo, gstr = data['plabel'].split(
        lambdasstr = '%s-%s-%s' % (sigma0, sigma1, sigmaoo)
        lambdasgstr = lambdasstr + "-" + gstr
        self.bread = [('Belyi Maps', url_for(".index")),
                       url_for(".by_url_belyi_search_group", group=groupstr)),

        # Title
        self.title = "Passport " + data['plabel']

        # Code snippets (only for curves)
        self.code = {}
def crystalline_obstruction(f,

    - ``f`` -- a polynomial defining the curve or surface.  Note if given an hyperelliptic curve we will try to change the model over Qpbar,
    in order to work with an odd and monic model over Qp.

    - ``p`` -- a prime of good reduction

    - ``precision`` -- a lower bound for the desired precision to run the computations, this increases the time exponentially

    - ``over_Qp`` -- by default False, if True uses the factorization of the cyclotomic polynomials over Qp

    - ``pedantic` -- by default False, if True might inform user of some bound improvements which werent achieved by pure linear algebra arguments

    - ``kwargs`` -- keyword arguments to bypass some computations or to be passed to controlledreduction


    - an upper bound on the number of Tate classes over Qbar

    - a dictionary more information, matching the papers notation, on how one we attained that bound


    README examples

    Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves with a Weierstrass point over Qp

    Example 5.1

        sage: from crystalline_obstruction import crystalline_obstruction
        sage: f = ZZ['x,y']('x^5 - 2*x^4 + 2*x^3 - 4*x^2 + 3*x - 1 -y^2')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=31, precision=3) # bounding dim Pic
         {'dim Li': [1],
          'dim Ti': [2],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 2)],
          'p': 31,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 2})

    Bounding the geometric dimension of Endomorphism algebra

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y']('x^5 - 2*x^4 + 2*x^3 - 4*x^2 + 3*x - 1 -y^2')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=31, precision=3, tensor=True) # bounding dim End
         {'dim Li': [1],
          'dim Ti': [4],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 4)],
          'p': 31,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 4})

    Example 5.2

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y']('x^5 - 2*x^4 + 7*x^3 - 5*x^2 + 8*x + 3 -y^2')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=4999, precision=20) # bounding dim Pic
         {'dim Li': [2],
          'dim Ti': [2],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 2)],
          'p': 4999,
          'precision': 20,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 2})

    Hyperelliptic curve given in a non-Weierstrass format

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y']('(2*x^6+3*x^5+5*x^4+6*x^3+4*x^2+x) -y*(x^4+x^3+x) -y^2')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=59, precision=3)
         {'dim Li': [1, 2],
          'dim Ti': [3, 6],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 3), (t^2 + t + 1, 3)],
          'p': 59,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 9})

    Jacobians of quartic plane curves
    Example 5.3

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y,z']('x*y^3 + x^3*z - x*y^2*z + x^2*z^2 + y^2*z^2 - y*z^3')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f, p=31, precision=3) # bounding dim Pic
         {'dim Li': [1],
          'dim Ti': [3],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 3)],
          'p': 31,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 3})

    Product of 3 elliptic curves over x^3 - 3*x - 1

        sage: f=ZZ['x,y,z']('x^3*z + x^2*y*z + x^2*z^2 - x*y^3 - x*y*z^2 - x*z^3 + y^2*z^2')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=31, precision=3) # bounding dim Pic
         {'dim Li': [1, 2],
          'dim Ti': [3, 6],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 3), (t^2 + t + 1, 3)],
          'p': 31,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 9})

    Another gennus 3 plane quartic

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y,z']('x^4+x^2*y^2+2*x^2*y*z-x^2*z^2-6*y^4+16*y^3*z-12*y^2*z^2-16*y*z^3-6*z^4')
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=5003, precision=3) # bounding dim Pic
         {'dim Li': [2, 2, 2],
          'dim Ti': [2, 3, 4],
          'factors': [(t + 1, 2), (t - 1, 3), (t^2 + 1, 2)],
          'p': 5003,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 9})
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=5003, precision=3, tensor=True) # bounding dim End
         {'dim Li': [2, 3, 4],
          'dim Ti': [4, 6, 8],
          'factors': [(t + 1, 4), (t - 1, 6), (t^2 + 1, 4)],
          'p': 5003,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 18})

    Quartic surfaces

    Example 5.5

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y,z,w']("x^4 + y^4 + z^4 + w^4 + 101^3*x*y*z*w")
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f, p=101, precision=3)
         {'dim Li': [1, 7, 12],
          'dim Ti': [1, 7, 12],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 1), (t - 1, 7), (t + 1, 12)],
          'p': 101,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 20})
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=101, precision=4)
         {'dim Li': [1, 6, 12],
          'dim Ti': [1, 7, 12],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 1), (t - 1, 7), (t + 1, 12)],
          'p': 101,
          'precision': 4,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 20})

    Example 5.6

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y,z,w']("y^4 - x^3*z + y*z^3 + z*w^3 + w^4")
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=89, precision=3)
         {'dim Li': [1, 0, 3, 0],
          'dim Ti': [1, 1, 4, 4],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 1), (t + 1, 1), (t - 1, 4), (t^4 + 1, 1)],
          'p': 89,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 10})

    Example 5.7

        sage: f = ZZ['x,y,z,w']("x^4 + 2*y^4 + 2*y*z^3 + 3*z^4 - 2*x^3*w- 2*y*w^3")
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=f, p=67, precision=3)
         {'dim Li': [1, 2],
          'dim Ti': [1, 3],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 1), (t + 1, 3)],
          'p': 67,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 4})


    Check that precision = 3 is sufficient

        sage: from crystalline_obstruction import crystalline_obstruction
        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=ZZ['x,y']('y^2-(48*x^8 + 12*x^6 - 22*x^4- 13*x^2 - 2)'),p=107,precision=3)
         {'dim Li': [2],
          'dim Ti': [3],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 3)],
          'p': 107,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 3})

    Check that the result is consistent at various primes and different precision parameters and never giving a wrong upper bound:

        sage: crystalline_obstruction(f=ZZ['x,y']('y^2-(48*x^8 + 12*x^6 - 22*x^4- 13*x^2 - 2)'),p=107,precision=3,tensor=True)
         {'dim Li': [2],
          'dim Ti': [6],
          'factors': [(t - 1, 6)],
          'p': 107,
          'precision': 3,
          'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 6})
        sage: for p in [103, 107]:
        ....:     for i in range(3,8):
        ....:         print(crystalline_obstruction(f=ZZ['x,y']('-x^8 - 7*x^7 - 7*x^6 + 14*x^5 +35*x^4 + 35*x^3 + 14*x^2 - x - 1 - y^2'),
        ....:                             p=p,precision=i,tensor=True))
        (18, {'precision': 3, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6), (t + 1, 6), (t^2 - t + 1, 6), (t^2 + t + 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6, 6, 12, 12], 'dim Li': [3, 3, 6, 6]})
        (18, {'precision': 4, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6), (t + 1, 6), (t^2 - t + 1, 6), (t^2 + t + 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6, 6, 12, 12], 'dim Li': [3, 3, 6, 6]})
        (18, {'precision': 5, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6), (t + 1, 6), (t^2 - t + 1, 6), (t^2 + t + 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6, 6, 12, 12], 'dim Li': [3, 3, 6, 6]})
        (18, {'precision': 6, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6), (t + 1, 6), (t^2 - t + 1, 6), (t^2 + t + 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6, 6, 12, 12], 'dim Li': [3, 3, 6, 6]})
        (18, {'precision': 7, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6), (t + 1, 6), (t^2 - t + 1, 6), (t^2 + t + 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6, 6, 12, 12], 'dim Li': [3, 3, 6, 6]})
        (18, {'precision': 3, 'p': 107, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 18), (t + 1, 18)], 'dim Ti': [18, 18], 'dim Li': [9, 9]})
        (18, {'precision': 4, 'p': 107, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 18), (t + 1, 18)], 'dim Ti': [18, 18], 'dim Li': [9, 9]})
        (18, {'precision': 5, 'p': 107, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 18), (t + 1, 18)], 'dim Ti': [18, 18], 'dim Li': [9, 9]})
        (18, {'precision': 6, 'p': 107, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 18), (t + 1, 18)], 'dim Ti': [18, 18], 'dim Li': [9, 9]})
        (18, {'precision': 7, 'p': 107, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 36, 'factors': [(t - 1, 18), (t + 1, 18)], 'dim Ti': [18, 18], 'dim Li': [9, 9]})

    Check that some prime attains the (3,3) bound:

        sage: for p in [101, 103, 113]:
        ....:     print(p)
        ....:     print(crystalline_obstruction(ZZ['x,y'](' 4*x^8 - 20*x^6 + 33*x^4 - 17*x^2 - 2 - y^2'), p=p, precision=3))
        ....:     print(crystalline_obstruction(ZZ['x,y'](' 4*x^8 - 20*x^6 + 33*x^4 - 17*x^2 - 2 - y^2'), p=p, precision=3, tensor=True))
        (6, {'precision': 3, 'p': 101, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 9, 'factors': [(t + 1, 4), (t - 1, 5)], 'dim Ti': [4, 5], 'dim Li': [2, 4]})
        (9, {'precision': 3, 'p': 101, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 18, 'factors': [(t + 1, 8), (t - 1, 10)], 'dim Ti': [8, 10], 'dim Li': [4, 5]})
        (4, {'precision': 3, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 5, 'factors': [(t - 1, 5)], 'dim Ti': [5], 'dim Li': [4]})
        (5, {'precision': 3, 'p': 103, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 10, 'factors': [(t - 1, 10)], 'dim Ti': [10], 'dim Li': [5]})
        (3, {'precision': 3, 'p': 113, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 3, 'factors': [(t - 1, 3)], 'dim Ti': [3], 'dim Li': [3]})
        (3, {'precision': 3, 'p': 113, 'rank T(X_Fpbar)': 6, 'factors': [(t - 1, 6)], 'dim Ti': [6], 'dim Li': [3]})
    if 'cp' in kwargs and 'frob_matrix' in kwargs:
        cp = kwargs['cp']
        frob_matrix = kwargs['frob_matrix']
        shift = kwargs.get('shift', 0)
        precision, cp, frob_matrix, shift = compute_frob_matrix_and_cp_H2(
            f, p, precision, **kwargs)
    Rt = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 't')
    t = Rt.gens()[0]
    cp = Rt(cp)
    rank, k, cyc_factor = rank_fieldextension(cp, shift)
    if cyc_factor:
        tate_factor = tate_factor_Zp(cyc_factor.expand())
        max_degree = max(elt.degree() for elt, _ in tate_factor)
        if max_degree > precision - 1:
                'Precision is very likely too low to correctly compute the Tate classes at this prime'
    factor_i, dim_Ti, _, dim_Li = upper_bound_tate(cp,
    res = {}
    res['precision'] = precision
    res['p'] = p
    res['rank T(X_Fpbar)'] = rank
    res['factors'] = []
    if shift > 0:
        res['factors'].append((t - 1, 1))
    # normalize the cyclotomic factors
    for factor, exp in factor_i:
        res['factors'].append((factor(t / p), exp))
    if over_Qp:
        if shift > 0:
            dim_Li = [[shift]] + dim_Li
            dim_Ti = [[shift]] + dim_Ti
        upper_bound = rank - (sum(sum(dim_Ti, [])) - sum(sum(dim_Li, [])))
        if shift > 0:
            dim_Li = [shift] + dim_Li
            dim_Ti = [shift] + dim_Ti
        upper_bound = rank - (sum(dim_Ti) - sum(dim_Li))
    res['dim Ti'] = dim_Ti
    res['dim Li'] = dim_Li
    return upper_bound, res
Example #56
def print_q_expansion(list):
    list = [str(c) for c in list]
    Qa = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'a')
    Qq = PowerSeriesRing(Qa, 'q')
    return str(Qq([c for c in list]).add_bigoh(len(list) + 1))
def base_change(Lpoly, r):
    R = Lpoly.parent()
    T = R.gen()
    S = PolynomialRing(R, 'u')
    u = S.gen()
    return R(Lpoly(u).resultant(u**r - T))
Example #58
def rational_points(X,
    Return an iterator of rational points on a scheme ``X``


    - ``X`` - a scheme, affine or projective

    - ``F`` - coefficient field
    - ``split`` - whether to compute the splitting field when the scheme is 0-dimensional

    - ``bound`` - a bound for multiplicative height

    - ``tolerance`` - tolerance used for computing height
    - ``prec`` - precision used for computing height


    - an iterator of rational points on ``X``

    Use brute force plus some elimination. The complexity is approximately
    `O(n^d)`, where `n` is the size of the field (or the number of elements
    with bounded height when the field is infinite) and `d` is the dimension of
    the scheme ``X``. Significantly faster than the current available
    algorithms in Sage, especially for low dimension schemes in large
    ambient spaces.

        sage: from rational_points import rational_points

    A curve of genus 9 over `\mathbf F_{97}` with many rational points (from
    the website `<https://manypoints.org>`_)::
        sage: A.<x,y,z> = AffineSpace(GF(97),3)
        sage: C = A.subscheme([x^4+y^4+1+3*x^2*y^2+13*y^2+68*x^2,z^2+84*y^2+x^2+67])
        sage: len(list(rational_points(C)))
    The following example is from the `documentation
    <http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/magma/handbook/text/1354>`_ of Magma: a
    space rational curve with one cusp. Unfeasible with the old methods::
        sage: F = GF(7823)
        sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(F,3)
        sage: C = P.subscheme([4*x*z+2*x*w+y^2+4*y*w+7821*z^2+7820*w^2,\
        ....: 4*x^2+4*x*y+7821*x*w+7822*y^2+7821*y*w+7821*z^2+7819*z*w+7820*w^2])
        sage: len(list(rational_points(C))) # long time
    31 nodes on a `Togliatti surface
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Togliatti_surface>`_: only 7 of them are
    defined over the field of definition. Use ``split=True`` to automatically
    find the splitting field::
        sage: q = QQ['q'].0
        sage: F.<q> = NumberField(q^4-10*q^2+20)
        sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(F,3)
        sage: f = 5*q*(2*z-q*w)*(4*(x^2+y^2-z^2)+(1+3*(5-q^2))*w^2)^2-64*(x-w)*\
        ....: (x^4-4*x^3*w-10*x^2*y^2-4*x^2*w^2+16*x*w^3-20*x*y^2*w+5*y^4+16*w^4-20*y^2*w^2)
        sage: X = P.subscheme([f]+f.jacobian_ideal())
        sage: len(list(rational_points(X)))
        sage: len(list(rational_points(X,split=True)))

    Enumeration of points on a projective plane over a number field::
        sage: a = QQ['a'].0
        sage: F.<a> = NumberField(a^3-5)
        sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(F, 2)
        sage: len(list(rational_points(P, bound=RR(5^(1/3)))))
    def base_change(k, F):
        ch = F.characteristic()
        if ch == 0:
            return k.embeddings(F)[0]
            return F

    def enum_proj_points(I):
        R = I.ring()
        k = R.base()
        n = R.ngens() - 1
        for i in range(n + 1):
            R_ = PolynomialRing(k, 'x', n - i)
            v = [k(0)] * i + [k(1)]
            pr = R.hom(v + list(R_.gens()), R_)
            for rest in enum_points(pr(I)):
                pt = v + rest
                if bound == None or global_height(
                        pt, prec=prec) <= bound + tolerance:
                    yield pt

    def enum_points(I):
        possibleValues = get_elements()
        R = I.ring()
        F = R.base()
        ch = F.characteristic()
        n = R.ngens()
        if n == 0:
            if I.is_zero():
                yield []
        if I.is_one():
        if all(map(lambda _: _.degree() == 1,
                   I.gens())) and (ch > 0 or I.dimension() == 0):
            # solve using linear algebra
            f = R.hom(n * [0], F)
            A = matrix([f(g.coefficient(xi)) for xi in R.gens()]
                       for g in I.gens())
            b = vector(-g.constant_coefficient() for g in I.gens())
            v0 = A.solve_right(b)
            r = A.rank()
            if r == n:
                yield list(v0)
                K = A.right_kernel().matrix()
                for v in F**(n - r):
                    yield list(v * K + v0)
        if ch > 0 and I.is_homogeneous():
            yield [F(0)] * n
            for pt in enum_proj_points(I):
                for sca in get_elements():
                    if sca != 0:
                        yield [x * sca for x in pt]
        elim = I.elimination_ideal(I.ring().gens()[1:])
        g = elim.gens()[0]
        if g != 0:
            S = F['u']
            pr1 = R.hom([S.gen()] + [0] * (n - 1), S)
            possibleValues = (v[0] for v in pr1(g).roots() if bound == None or
                              global_height([v[0], F(1)]) <= bound + tolerance)
            if split:
                nonSplit = (f[0] for f in factor(pr1(g)) if f[0].degree() > 1)
                for f in nonSplit:
                    if ch == 0:
                        F_ = f.splitting_field('a')
                        # `polredbest` from PARI/GP, improves performance significantly
                        f = gen_to_sage(
                            {'x': S.gen()})
                    F_ = f.splitting_field('a')
                    R_ = PolynomialRing(F_, 'x', n)
                    I = R_.ideal(
                        [f.change_ring(base_change(F, F_)) for f in I.gens()])
                    for pt in enum_points(I):
                        yield pt
        R_ = PolynomialRing(F, 'x', n - 1)
        if n == 1:
            for v in possibleValues:
                yield [v]
            for v in possibleValues:
                pr2 = R.hom([v] + list(R_.gens()), R_)
                for rest in enum_points(pr2(I)):
                    yield [v] + rest

    # begin of main function
        I = X.defining_ideal()
        R = I.ring()
    except:  # when X has no defining ideal, i.e. when it's the whole space
        R = X.coordinate_ring()
        I = R.ideal([])
    k = R.base()
    n = R.ngens()
    ambient = X.ambient_space()
    if F:  # specified coefficient field
        R_ = PolynomialRing(F, 'x', n)
        I = R_.ideal([f.change_ring(base_change(k, F)) for f in I.gens()])
        k = F
        ambient = ambient.change_ring(k)
        split = False
    ch = k.characteristic()
    if (X.is_projective() and I.dimension()
            == 1) or (not X.is_projective()
                      and I.dimension() == 0):  # 0-dimensional dimension
        # in 0-dim use elimination only
        bound = None
        get_elements = lambda: []
    else:  # positive dimension
        split = False  # splitting field does not work in positive dimension
        if ch == 0:
            if bound == None:
                raise ValueError("need to specify a valid bound")
            if is_RationalField(k):
                get_elements = lambda: k.range_by_height(floor(bound) + 1)
                get_elements = lambda: k.elements_of_bounded_height(
        else:  # finite field
            bound = None
            get_elements = lambda: k
    if X.is_projective():  # projective case
        for pt in enum_proj_points(I):
            if split:
                # TODO construct homogeneous coordinates from a bunch of
                # elements from different fields
                yield pt
                yield ambient(pt)
    else:  # affine case
        for pt in enum_points(I):
            if split:
                yield pt
                yield ambient(pt)
Example #59
def coeff_to_poly(c):
    from sage.all import PolynomialRing, QQ
    return PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(c)
Example #60
    def make_galmap_object(self, galmap):
        from lmfdb.belyi.main import url_for_belyi_passport_label

        # all information about the map goes in the data dictionary
        # most of the data from the database gets polished/formatted before we put it in the data dictionary
        data = self.data = {}
        # the stuff that does not need to be polished
        for elt in ('label', 'plabel', 'triples_cyc', 'orbit_size', 'g', 'abc',
            data[elt] = galmap[elt]
        nt = galmap['group'].split('T')
        data['group'] = group_display_knowl(int(nt[0]), int(nt[1]),

        data['geomtype'] = geomtypelet_to_geomtypename_dict[galmap['geomtype']]
        data['lambdas'] = [str(c)[1:-1] for c in galmap['lambdas']]

        data['isQQ'] = False
        data['in_LMFDB'] = False
        F = belyi_base_field(galmap)
        if F._data == None:
            fld_coeffs = galmap['base_field']
            pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(fld_coeffs)
            data['base_field'] = latex(pol)
            data['in_LMFDB'] = True
            if F.poly().degree() == 1:
                data['isQQ'] = True
            F.latex_poly = web_latex(F.poly())
            data['base_field'] = F
        crv_str = galmap['curve']
        if crv_str == 'PP1':
            data['curve'] = '\mathbb{P}^1'
            data['curve'] = make_curve_latex(crv_str)

        # change pairs of floats to complex numbers
        embeds = galmap['embeddings']
        embed_strs = []
        for el in embeds:
            if el[1] < 0:
                el_str = str(el[0]) + str(el[1]) + "\sqrt{-1}"
                el_str = str(el[0]) + "+" + str(el[1]) + "\sqrt{-1}"

        data['map'] = make_map_latex(galmap['map'])
        data['embeddings_and_triples'] = []
        if data['isQQ']:
            for i in range(0, len(data['triples_cyc'])):
                triple_cyc = data['triples_cyc'][i]
                    "\\text{not applicable (over $\mathbb{Q}$)}",
                    triple_cyc[0], triple_cyc[1], triple_cyc[2]
            for i in range(0, len(data['triples_cyc'])):
                triple_cyc = data['triples_cyc'][i]
                    embed_strs[i], triple_cyc[0], triple_cyc[1], triple_cyc[2]

        data['lambdas'] = [str(c)[1:-1] for c in galmap['lambdas']]

        # Properties
        properties = [
            ('Label', galmap['label']),
            ('Group', str(galmap['group'])),
            ('Orders', str(galmap['abc'])),
            ('Genus', str(galmap['g'])),
            ('Size', str(galmap['orbit_size'])),
        self.properties = properties

        # Friends
        self.friends = [('Passport',

        # Breadcrumbs
        groupstr, abcstr, sigma0, sigma1, sigmaoo, gstr, letnum = data[
        lambdasstr = '%s-%s-%s' % (sigma0, sigma1, sigmaoo)
        lambdasgstr = lambdasstr + "-" + gstr
        self.bread = [
            ('Belyi Maps', url_for(".index")),
            (groupstr, url_for(".by_url_belyi_search_group", group=groupstr)),

        # Title
        self.title = "Belyi map " + data['label']

        # Code snippets (only for curves)
        self.code = {}