Example #1
def paintCSNew(width,
    # x-axis
    xmlText = ("<line x1='0' y1='" + str(height) + "' x2='" + str(width) +
               "' y2='" + str(height) + "' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);'/>\n")
    xsign = 1 if xMax >= 0 else -1
    ysign = 1 if yMax >= 0 else -1
    for i in srange(xMin, xMax, xsign * dashedx):
        xmlText = xmlText + ("<text x='" + str(i * xsign * xfactor - 6) +
                             "' y='" + str(xsign * height - 2 * ticlength) +
                             "' style='fill:rgb(102,102,102);font-size:11px;'>"
                             + "{:.5g}".format(i + xoffset) + "</text>\n")

        xmlText = xmlText + (
            "<line y1='0' x1='" + str(i * xsign * xfactor) + "' y2='" +
            str(ysign * height) + "' x2='" + str(i * xsign * xfactor) +
            "' style='stroke:rgb(204,204,204);stroke-dasharray:3,3;'/>\n")

    for i in srange(xMin, xMax, xsign * dashedx):
        xmlText = xmlText + ("<line x1='" + str(i * xsign * xfactor) +
                             "' y1='" + str(ysign * height - ticlength) +
                             "' x2='" + str(i * xfactor) + "' y2='" +
                             str(ysign * height) +
                             "' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);'/>\n")

    # y-axis
    xmlText += "<line x1='0' y1='%d' x2='0' y2='0' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);'/>\n" % height
    for i in srange(yMin, yMax + 1, ysign * dashedy):
        xmlText = xmlText + ("<text x='-10' y='" +
                             str(ysign * height - i * ysign * yfactor + 3) +
                             "' style='fill:rgb(102,102,102);font-size:11px;'>"
                             + "{:.5g}".format(float(i)) + "</text>\n")

        xmlText = xmlText + (
            "<line x1='0' y1='" + str(height - i * ysign * yfactor) +
            "' x2='" + str(xsign * width) + "' y2='" +
            str(height - i * ysign * yfactor) +
            "' style='stroke:rgb(204,204,204);stroke-dasharray:3,3;'/>\n")
    for i in srange(yMin, yMax + 1, ysign * dashedy):
        xmlText = xmlText + ("<line x1='0' y1='" +
                             str(height - i * ysign * yfactor) + "' x2='" +
                             str(ticlength) + "' y2='" +
                             str(height - i * ysign * yfactor) +
                             "' style='stroke:rgb(0,0,0);'/>\n")

    return (xmlText)
def eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, k, prec=10, t=1, base_ring=None):
    Return Fourier expansion of Eistenstein series at a cusp.


    - ``phi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``psi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``k`` -- integer, the weight of the Eistenstein series.
    - ``prec`` -- integer (default: 10).
    - ``t`` -- integer (default: 1).


    The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series $E_k^{\phi,\psi, t}$ (as
    defined by [Diamond-Shurman]) at the specific cusp.

    sage: phi = DirichletGroup(3)[1]
    sage: psi = DirichletGroup(5)[1]
    sage: E = eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, 4)
    N1, N2 = phi.level(), psi.level()
    N = N1 * N2
    #The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series at infinity is in the field Q(zeta_Ncyc)
    Ncyc = lcm([euler_phi(N1), euler_phi(N2)])
    if base_ring == None:
        base_ring = CyclotomicField(Ncyc)
    Q = PowerSeriesRing(base_ring, 'q')
    q = Q.gen()
    s = O(q**prec)

    #Weight 2 with trivial characters is calculated separately
    if k == 2 and phi.conductor() == 1 and psi.conductor() == 1:
        if t == 1:
            raise TypeError('E_2 is not a modular form.')
        s = 1 / 24 * (t - 1)
        for m in srange(1, prec):
            for n in srange(1, prec / m):
                s += n * (q**(m * n) - t * q**(m * n * t))
        return s + O(q**prec)

    if psi.level() == 1 and k == 1:
        s -= phi.bernoulli(k) / k
    elif phi.level() == 1:
        s -= psi.bernoulli(k) / k

    for m in srange(1, prec / t):
        for n in srange(1, prec / t / m + 1):
            s += 2 * base_ring(phi(m)) * base_ring(
                psi(n)) * n**(k - 1) * q**(m * n * t)
    return s + O(q**prec)
Example #3
def QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(n, F):
    Quadratic residue codes of a given odd prime length and base ring
    either don't exist at all or occur as 4-tuples - a pair of
    "odd-like" codes and a pair of "even-like" codes. If n 2 is prime
    then (Theorem 6.6.2 in [HP2003]_) a QR code exists over GF(q) iff q is a
    quadratic residue mod n.

    They are constructed as "odd-like" duadic codes associated the
    splitting (Q,N) mod n, where Q is the set of non-zero quadratic
    residues and N is the non-residues.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17, GF(13))  # known bug (#25896)
        ([17, 9] Cyclic Code over GF(13),
         [17, 9] Cyclic Code over GF(13))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17, GF(2))
        ([17, 9] Cyclic Code over GF(2),
         [17, 9] Cyclic Code over GF(2))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(13, GF(9,"z"))  # known bug (#25896)
        ([13, 7] Cyclic Code over GF(9),
         [13, 7] Cyclic Code over GF(9))
        sage: C1 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17, GF(2))[1]
        sage: C1x = C1.extended_code()
        sage: C2 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17, GF(2))[0]
        sage: C2x = C2.extended_code()
        sage: C2x.spectrum(); C1x.spectrum()
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 153, 0, 153, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 153, 0, 153, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
        sage: C3 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(7, GF(2))[0]
        sage: C3x = C3.extended_code()
        sage: C3x.spectrum()
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 1]

    This is consistent with Theorem 6.6.14 in [HP2003]_.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(9,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument n must be an odd prime
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.categories.finite_fields import FiniteFields
    if F not in FiniteFields():
        raise ValueError("the argument F must be a finite field")
    q = F.order()
    n = Integer(n)
    if n <= 2 or not n.is_prime():
        raise ValueError("the argument n must be an odd prime")
    Q = quadratic_residues(n)
    Q.remove(0)  # non-zero quad residues
    N = [x for x in srange(1, n) if x not in Q]  # non-zero quad non-residues
    if q not in Q:
        raise ValueError(
            "the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n"
    return DuadicCodeOddPair(F, Q, N)
Example #4
def QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(n, F):
    Quadratic residue codes of a given odd prime length and base ring
    either don't exist at all or occur as 4-tuples - a pair of
    "odd-like" codes and a pair of "even-like" codes. If n 2 is prime
    then (Theorem 6.6.2 in [HP]_) a QR code exists over GF(q) iff q is a
    quadratic residue mod n.

    They are constructed as "odd-like" duadic codes associated the
    splitting (Q,N) mod n, where Q is the set of non-zero quadratic
    residues and N is the non-residues.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(13))
        (Linear code of length 17, dimension 9 over Finite Field of size 13,
         Linear code of length 17, dimension 9 over Finite Field of size 13)
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(2))
        (Linear code of length 17, dimension 9 over Finite Field of size 2,
         Linear code of length 17, dimension 9 over Finite Field of size 2)
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(13,GF(9,"z"))
        (Linear code of length 13, dimension 7 over Finite Field in z of size 3^2,
         Linear code of length 13, dimension 7 over Finite Field in z of size 3^2)
        sage: C1 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(2))[1]
        sage: C1x = C1.extended_code()
        sage: C2 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(2))[0]
        sage: C2x = C2.extended_code()
        sage: C2x.spectrum(); C1x.spectrum()
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 153, 0, 153, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 0, 153, 0, 153, 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
        sage: C3 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(7,GF(2))[0]
        sage: C3x = C3.extended_code()
        sage: C3x.spectrum()
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 1]

    This is consistent with Theorem 6.6.14 in [HP]_.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(9,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument n must be an odd prime
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.categories.finite_fields import FiniteFields

    if F not in FiniteFields():
        raise ValueError("the argument F must be a finite field")
    q = F.order()
    n = Integer(n)
    if n <= 2 or not n.is_prime():
        raise ValueError("the argument n must be an odd prime")
    Q = quadratic_residues(n)
    Q.remove(0)  # non-zero quad residues
    N = [x for x in srange(1, n) if x not in Q]  # non-zero quad non-residues
    if q not in Q:
        raise ValueError("the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n")
    return DuadicCodeOddPair(F, Q, N)
Example #5
 def plot_fft(self, npoints=None, channel=0, half=True, **kwds):
     v = self.vector(npoints=npoints)
     w = v.fft()
     if half:
         w = w[:len(w) // 2]
     z = [abs(x) for x in w]
     if half:
         r = math.pi
         r = 2 * math.pi
     data = zip(srange(0, r, r / len(z)), z)
     L = list_plot(data, plotjoined=True, **kwds)
     return L
Example #6
 def plot_fft(self, npoints=None, channel=0, half=True, **kwds):
     v = self.vector(npoints=npoints)
     w = v.fft()
     if half:
         w = w[:len(w)//2]
     z = [abs(x) for x in w]
     if half:
         r = math.pi
         r = 2*math.pi
     data = zip(srange(0, r, r/len(z)),  z)
     L = list_plot(data, plotjoined=True, **kwds)
     return L
    def _log_StirlingNegativePowers_(var, precision):
        Helper function to calculate the logarithm of Stirling's approximation
        formula from the negative powers of ``var`` on, i.e., it skips the
        summands `n \log n - n + (\log n)/2 + \log(2\pi)/2`.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- an integer specifying the number of exact summands.
          If this is negative, then the result is `0`.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=-1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=3)
            1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) + 1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^ZZ> over Rational Field
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        if precision < 0:
            return A.zero()
        n = A.gen()

        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        from sage.arith.srange import srange

        result = sum((bernoulli(k) / k / (k-1) / n**(k-1)
                      for k in srange(2, 2*precision + 2, 2)),
        return result + (1 / n**(2*precision + 1)).O()
    def _log_StirlingNegativePowers_(var, precision):
        Helper function to calculate the logarithm of Stirling's approximation
        formula from the negative powers of ``var`` on, i.e., it skips the
        summands `n \log n - n + (\log n)/2 + \log(2\pi)/2`.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- an integer specifying the number of exact summands.
          If this is negative, then the result is `0`.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=-1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=3)
            1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) + 1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^ZZ> over Rational Field
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        if precision < 0:
            return A.zero()
        n = A.gen()

        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        from sage.arith.srange import srange

        result = sum((bernoulli(k) / k / (k - 1) / n**(k - 1)
                      for k in srange(2, 2 * precision + 2, 2)), A.zero())
        return result + (1 / n**(2 * precision + 1)).O()
Example #9
def __old_make_values_list(vmin, vmax, step_size):
    This code is from slider_generic.__init__.

    This code requires sage mode to be checked.
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    if isinstance(vmin, list):
        vals = vmin
        if vmax is None:
            vmax = vmin
            vmin = 0
        #Compute step size; vmin and vmax are both defined here
        #500 is the length of the slider (in px)
        if step_size is None:
            step_size = (vmax - vmin) / 499.0
        elif step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid negative step size -- step size must be positive")

        #Compute list of values
        num_steps = int(math.ceil((vmax - vmin) / float(step_size)))
        if num_steps <= 1:
            vals = [vmin, vmax]
            vals = srange(vmin, vmax, step_size, include_endpoint=True)
            if vals[-1] != vmax:
                    if vals[-1] > vmax:
                        vals[-1] = vmax
                except (ValueError, TypeError):

    #If the list of values is small, use the whole list.
    #Otherwise, use evenly spaced values in the list.
    if len(vals) == 0:
        return_values = [0]
    elif (len(vals) <= 500):
        return_values = vals
        vlen = (len(vals) - 1) / 499.0
        return_values = [vals[(int)(i * vlen)] for i in range(500)]
    return return_values
def __old_make_values_list(vmin, vmax, step_size):
    This code is from slider_generic.__init__.

    This code requires sage mode to be checked.
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    if isinstance(vmin, list):
        if vmax is None:
        #Compute step size; vmin and vmax are both defined here
        #500 is the length of the slider (in px)
        if step_size is None:
            step_size = (vmax-vmin)/499.0
        elif step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError, "invalid negative step size -- step size must be positive"

        #Compute list of values
        num_steps = int(math.ceil((vmax-vmin)/float(step_size)))
        if num_steps <= 1:
            vals = [vmin, vmax]
            vals = srange(vmin, vmax, step_size, include_endpoint=True)
            if vals[-1] != vmax:
                    if vals[-1] > vmax:
                        vals[-1] = vmax
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
    #If the list of values is small, use the whole list.
    #Otherwise, use evenly spaced values in the list.
    if len(vals) == 0:
        return_values = [0]
        return_values = vals
        vlen = (len(vals)-1)/499.0
        return_values = [vals[(int)(i*vlen)] for i in range(500)]
    return return_values
def boolean_cayley_graph(dim, f):
    Construct the Cayley graph of a Boolean function.

    Given the non-negative integer ``dim`` and the function ``f``,
    a Boolean function that takes a non-negative integer argument,
    the function ``Boolean_Cayley_graph`` constructs the Cayley graph of ``f``
    as a Boolean function on :math:`\mathbb{F}_2^{dim}`,
    with the lexicographica ordering.
    The value ``f(0)`` is assumed to be ``0``, so the graph is always simple.


    - ``dim`` -- integer. The Boolean dimension of the given function.
    - ``f`` -- function. A Boolean function expressed as a Python function
      taking non-negative integer arguments.


    A ``Graph`` object representing the Cayley graph of ``f``.

    .. SEEALSO:


    The Cayley graph of the function ``f`` where :math:`f(n) = n \mod 2`.


        sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.boolean_cayley_graph import boolean_cayley_graph
        sage: f = lambda n: n % 2
        sage: g = boolean_cayley_graph(2, f)
        sage: g.adjacency_matrix()
        [0 1 0 1]
        [1 0 1 0]
        [0 1 0 1]
        [1 0 1 0]

    return Graph([srange(2 ** dim), lambda i, j: f(i ^ j)],
Example #12
def slider(vmin, vmax=None, step_size=None, default=None, label=None, display_value=True, _range=False):
    A slider widget.


    For a numeric slider (select a value from a range):

    - ``vmin``, ``vmax`` -- minimum and maximum value

    - ``step_size`` -- the step size

    For a selection slider (select a value from a list of values):

    - ``vmin`` -- a list of possible values for the slider

    For all sliders:

    - ``default`` -- initial value

    - ``label`` -- optional label

    - ``display_value`` -- (boolean) if ``True``, display the current


        sage: from sage.repl.ipython_kernel.all_jupyter import slider
        sage: slider(5, label="slide me")
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, description=u'slide me', min=5)
        sage: slider(5, 20)
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, max=20, min=5)
        sage: slider(5, 20, 0.5)
        TransformFloatSlider(value=5.0, max=20.0, min=5.0, step=0.5)
        sage: slider(5, 20, default=12)
        TransformIntSlider(value=12, max=20, min=5)

    The parent of the inputs determines the parent of the value::

        sage: w = slider(5); w
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, min=5)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Integer Ring
        sage: w = slider(int(5)); w
        IntSlider(value=5, min=5)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        <... 'int'>
        sage: w = slider(5, 20, step_size=RDF("0.1")); w
        TransformFloatSlider(value=5.0, max=20.0, min=5.0)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Real Double Field
        sage: w = slider(5, 20, step_size=10/3); w
        SelectionSlider(index=2, options=(5, 25/3, 35/3, 15, 55/3), value=35/3)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Rational Field

    Symbolic input is evaluated numerically::

        sage: w = slider(e, pi); w
        TransformFloatSlider(value=2.718281828459045, max=3.141592653589793, min=2.718281828459045)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Real Field with 53 bits of precision

    For a selection slider, the default is adjusted to one of the
    possible values::

        sage: slider(range(10), default=17/10)
        SelectionSlider(index=2, options=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), value=2)


        sage: slider(range(5), range(5))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unexpected argument 'vmax' for a selection slider
        sage: slider(range(5), step_size=2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unexpected argument 'step_size' for a selection slider
        sage: slider(5).readout
        sage: slider(5, display_value=False).readout
    kwds = {"readout": display_value}
    if label:
        kwds["description"] = u(label)

    # If vmin is iterable, return a SelectionSlider
    if isinstance(vmin, Iterable):
        if vmax is not None:
            raise TypeError("unexpected argument 'vmax' for a selection slider")
        if step_size is not None:
            raise TypeError("unexpected argument 'step_size' for a selection slider")
        if _range:
            # https://github.com/ipython/ipywidgets/issues/760
            raise NotImplementedError("range_slider does not support a list of values")
        options = list(vmin)
        # Find default in options
        def err(v):
            if v is default:
                return (-1, 0)
                if v == default:
                    return (0, 0)
                return (0, abs(v - default))
            except Exception:
                return (1, 0)
        kwds["options"] = options
        if default is not None:
            kwds["value"] = min(options, key=err)
        return SelectionSlider(**kwds)

    if default is not None:
        kwds["value"] = default

    # Sum all input numbers to figure out type/parent
    p = parent(sum(x for x in (vmin, vmax, step_size) if x is not None))

    # Change SR to RR
    if p is SR:
        p = RR

    # Convert all inputs to the common parent
    if vmin is not None:
        vmin = p(vmin)
    if vmax is not None:
        vmax = p(vmax)
    if step_size is not None:
        step_size = p(step_size)

    def tuple_elements_p(t):
        "Convert all entries of the tuple `t` to `p`"
        return tuple(p(x) for x in t)

    zero = p()
    if isinstance(zero, Integral):
        if p is int:
            if _range:
                cls = IntRangeSlider
                cls = IntSlider
            if _range:
                kwds["transform"] = tuple_elements_p
                cls = TransformIntRangeSlider
                kwds["transform"] = p
                cls = TransformIntSlider
    elif isinstance(zero, Rational):
        # Rational => implement as SelectionSlider
        if _range:
            # https://github.com/ipython/ipywidgets/issues/760
            raise NotImplementedError("range_slider does not support rational numbers")
        vmin, vmax, value = _get_min_max_value(vmin, vmax, default, step_size)
        kwds["value"] = value
        kwds["options"] = srange(vmin, vmax, step_size, include_endpoint=True)
        return SelectionSlider(**kwds)
    elif isinstance(zero, Real):
        if p is float:
            if _range:
                cls = FloatRangeSlider
                cls = FloatSlider
            if _range:
                kwds["transform"] = tuple_elements_p
                cls = TransformFloatRangeSlider
                kwds["transform"] = p
                cls = TransformFloatSlider
        raise TypeError("unknown parent {!r} for slider".format(p))

    kwds["min"] = vmin
    if vmax is not None:
        kwds["max"] = vmax
    if step_size is not None:
        kwds["step"] = step_size
    return cls(**kwds)
Example #13
File: shapes2.py Project: yarv/sage
def ruler(start,
    Draw a ruler in 3-D, with major and minor ticks.


    - ``start`` -- the beginning of the ruler, as a list,
      tuple, or vector.

    - ``end`` -- the end of the ruler, as a list, tuple,
      or vector.

    - ``ticks`` -- (default: 4) the number of major ticks
      shown on the ruler.

    - ``sub_ticks`` -- (default: 4) the number of shown
      subdivisions between each major tick.

    - ``absolute`` -- (default: ``False``) if ``True``, makes a huge ruler
      in the direction of an axis.

    - ``snap`` -- (default: ``False``) if ``True``, snaps to an implied

    Type ``line3d.options`` for a dictionary of the default
    options for lines, which are also available.


    A ruler::

        sage: from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import ruler
        sage: R = ruler([1,2,3],vector([2,3,4])); R
        Graphics3d Object

    A ruler with some options::

        sage: R = ruler([1,2,3],vector([2,3,4]),ticks=6, sub_ticks=2, color='red'); R
        Graphics3d Object

    The keyword ``snap`` makes the ticks not necessarily coincide
    with the ruler::

        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,2,4]),snap=True)
        Graphics3d Object

    The keyword ``absolute`` makes a huge ruler in one of the axis

        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,2,4]),absolute=True)
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,3,4]),absolute=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Absolute rulers only valid for axis-aligned paths
    start = vector(RDF, start)
    end = vector(RDF, end)
    dir = end - start
    dist = math.sqrt(dir.dot_product(dir))
    dir /= dist

    one_tick = dist / ticks * 1.414
    unit = 10**math.floor(math.log(dist / ticks, 10))
    if unit * 5 < one_tick:
        unit *= 5
    elif unit * 2 < one_tick:
        unit *= 2

    if dir[0]:
        tick = dir.cross_product(vector(RDF, (0, 0, -dist / 30)))
    elif dir[1]:
        tick = dir.cross_product(vector(RDF, (0, 0, dist / 30)))
        tick = vector(RDF, (dist / 30, 0, 0))

    if snap:
        for i in range(3):
            start[i] = unit * math.floor(start[i] / unit + 1e-5)
            end[i] = unit * math.ceil(end[i] / unit - 1e-5)

    if absolute:
        if dir[0] * dir[1] or dir[1] * dir[2] or dir[0] * dir[2]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Absolute rulers only valid for axis-aligned paths")
        m = max(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])
        if dir[0] == m:
            off = start[0]
        elif dir[1] == m:
            off = start[1]
            off = start[2]
        first_tick = unit * math.ceil(off / unit - 1e-5) - off
        off = 0
        first_tick = 0

    ruler = shapes.LineSegment(start, end, **kwds)
    for k in range(1, int(sub_ticks * first_tick / unit)):
        P = start + dir * (k * unit / sub_ticks)
        ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick / 2, **kwds)
    for d in srange(first_tick, dist + unit / (sub_ticks + 1), unit):
        P = start + dir * d
        ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick, **kwds)
        ruler += shapes.Text(str(d + off), **kwds).translate(P - tick)
        if dist - d < unit:
            sub_ticks = int(sub_ticks * (dist - d) / unit)
        for k in range(1, sub_ticks):
            P += dir * (unit / sub_ticks)
            ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick / 2, **kwds)
    return ruler
Example #14
def _parametric_plot3d_surface(f, urange, vrange, plot_points, boundary_style, **kwds):
    Return a parametric three-dimensional space surface.
    This function is used internally by the
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` command.

    There are two ways this function is invoked by

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u_min, u_max),
      (v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` are each functions of two variables

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, u_min,
      u_max), (v, v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` can be viewed as functions of
      `u` and `v`


    - ``f`` - a 3-tuple of functions or expressions, or vector of size 3

    - ``urange`` - a 2-tuple (u_min, u_max) or a 3-tuple
      (u, u_min, u_max)

    - ``vrange`` - a 2-tuple (v_min, v_max) or a 3-tuple
      (v, v_min, v_max)

    - ``plot_points`` - (default: "automatic", which is [40,40]
      for surfaces) initial number of sample points in each parameter;
      a pair of integers.

    - ``boundary_style`` - (default: None, no boundary) a dict that describes
      how to draw the boundaries of regions by giving options that are passed
      to the line3d command.


    We demonstrate each of the two ways of calling this.  See
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` for many more examples.

    We do the first one with lambda functions::

        sage: f = (lambda u,v: cos(u), lambda u,v: sin(u)+cos(v), lambda u,v: sin(v))
        sage: parametric_plot3d(f, (0, 2*pi), (-pi, pi)) # indirect doctest
        Graphics3d Object

    Now we do the same thing with symbolic expressions::

        sage: u, v = var('u,v')
        sage: parametric_plot3d((cos(u), sin(u) + cos(v), sin(v)), (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, -pi, pi), mesh=True)
        Graphics3d Object
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange, vrange], plot_points)
    urange = srange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)
    vrange = srange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)
    G = ParametricSurface(g, (urange, vrange), **kwds)

    if boundary_style is not None:
        for u in (urange[0], urange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for v in vrange], **boundary_style)
        for v in (vrange[0], vrange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for u in urange], **boundary_style)
    return G
    def SingularityAnalysis(var, zeta=1, alpha=0, beta=0, delta=0,
                            precision=None, normalized=True):
        Return the asymptotic expansion of the coefficients of
        an power series with specified pole and logarithmic singularity.

        More precisely, this extracts the `n`-th coefficient

        .. MATH::

            [z^n] \left(\frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\alpha
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\beta
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)\right)^\delta

        (if ``normalized=True``, the default) or

        .. MATH::

            [z^n] \left(\frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\alpha
            \left(\log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\beta
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)\right)^\delta

        (if ``normalized=False``).


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``zeta`` -- (default: `1`) the location of the singularity.

        - ``alpha`` -- (default: `0`) the pole order of the singularty.

        - ``beta`` -- (default: `0`) the order of the logarithmic singularity.

        - ``delta`` -- (default: `0`) the order of the log-log singularity.
          Not yet implemented for ``delta != 0``.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``normalized`` -- (default: ``True``) a boolean, see above.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=2)
            n + 1
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=3)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ> over Rational Field


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-3/2,
            ....:     precision=3)
            + 45/32/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + 1155/512/sqrt(pi)*n^(-9/2)
            + O(n^(-11/2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-1/2,
            ....:     precision=3)
            - 3/16/sqrt(pi)*n^(-5/2)
            - 25/256/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + O(n^(-9/2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=1/2,
            ....:     precision=4)
            - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)
            + 1/128/sqrt(pi)*n^(-5/2)
            + 5/1024/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + O(n^(-9/2))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: S = SR.subring(rejecting_variables=('n',))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=S.var('a'),
            ....:     precision=4).map_coefficients(lambda c: c.factor())
            1/gamma(a)*n^(a - 1)
            + (1/2*(a - 1)*a/gamma(a))*n^(a - 2)
            + (1/24*(3*a - 1)*(a - 1)*(a - 2)*a/gamma(a))*n^(a - 3)
            + (1/48*(a - 1)^2*(a - 2)*(a - 3)*a^2/gamma(a))*n^(a - 4)
            + O(n^(a - 5))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^(Symbolic Subring rejecting the variable n)>
            over Symbolic Subring rejecting the variable n


            sage: ae = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:          alpha=1/2, beta=1, precision=4); ae
            1/sqrt(pi)*n^(-1/2)*log(n) + ((euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-1/2)
            - 5/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)*log(n) + (1/8*(3*euler_gamma + 6*log(2) - 8)/sqrt(pi)
            - (euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 2)/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2) + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))
            sage: n = ae.parent().gen()
            sage: ae.subs(n=n-1).map_coefficients(lambda x: x.canonicalize_radical())
            + ((euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-1/2)
            - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)*log(n)
            + (-1/8*(euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2)
            + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:     alpha=1, beta=1/2, precision=4)
            log(n)^(1/2) + 1/2*euler_gamma*log(n)^(-1/2)
            + (-1/8*euler_gamma^2 + 1/48*pi^2)*log(n)^(-3/2)
            + (1/16*euler_gamma^3 - 1/32*euler_gamma*pi^2 + 1/8*zeta(3))*log(n)^(-5/2)
            + O(log(n)^(-7/2))


            sage: ae = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:     alpha=0, beta=2, precision=14)
            sage: n = ae.parent().gen()
            sage: ae.subs(n=n-2)
            2*n^(-1)*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma*n^(-1) - n^(-2) - 1/6*n^(-3) + O(n^(-5))


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=-1/2, beta=1, precision=2, normalized=False)
            + (-1/2*(euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 2)/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2)
            + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1/2, alpha=0, beta=1, precision=3, normalized=False)
            2^n*n^(-1) + O(2^n*n^(-2))


        See [FS2009]_ together with the
        `errata list <http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/AnaCombi/errata.pdf>`_.


        .. [FS2009] Philippe Flajolet and Robert Sedgewick,
           `Analytic combinatorics <http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/AnaCombi/book.pdf>`_.
           Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009.


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-1/2,
            ....:     precision=4)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: coefficients = ((1-x)^(1/2)).series(
            ....:     x, 21).truncate().coefficients(x, sparse=False)
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,    # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:     lambda k: coefficients[k], [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.015778873294?), (10, 0.01498952777?), (20, 0.0146264622?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=2)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + O(1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=3)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=4)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=-1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'm', alpha=-1/2, precision=3)
            - 3/16/sqrt(pi)*m^(-5/2)
            - 25/256/sqrt(pi)*m^(-7/2)
            + O(m^(-9/2))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring

        Location of the singularity::

            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=2, precision=3)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=1/2, precision=3)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=CyclotomicField(3).gen(),
            ....:      precision=3)
            (-zeta3 - 1)^n
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=4, zeta=2, precision=3)
            1/6*(1/2)^n*n^3 + (1/2)^n*n^2 + 11/6*(1/2)^n*n + O((1/2)^n)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=-1, zeta=2, precision=3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1/2, zeta=2, precision=3)
            1/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-1/2) - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-3/2)
            + 1/128/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-5/2) + O((1/2)^n*n^(-7/2))

        The following tests correspond to Table VI.5 in [FS2009]_. ::

            sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('n^QQ * log(n)^QQ', QQ)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=-1/2, beta=1, precision=2,
            ....:     normalized=False) * (- sqrt(pi*n^3))
            1/2*log(n) + 1/2*euler_gamma + log(2) - 1 + O(n^(-1)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=0, beta=1, precision=3,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=0, beta=2,  precision=14,
            ....:     normalized=False) * n
            2*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma - n^(-1) - 1/6*n^(-2) +  O(n^(-4))
            sage: (asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1/2, beta=1, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False) * sqrt(pi*n)).\
            ....:     map_coefficients(lambda x: x.expand())
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 1/8*n^(-1)*log(n) +
            (-1/8*euler_gamma - 1/4*log(2))*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1, beta=1, precision=13,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            + O(n^(-6))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1, beta=2, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            log(n)^2 + 2*euler_gamma*log(n) + euler_gamma^2 - 1/6*pi^2
            + O(n^(-1)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=3/2, beta=1, precision=3,
            ....:     normalized=False) * sqrt(pi/n)
            2*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma + 4*log(2) - 4 + 3/4*n^(-1)*log(n)
            + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=2, beta=1, precision=5,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            n*log(n) + (euler_gamma - 1)*n + log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2
            + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=2, beta=2, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False) / n
            log(n)^2 + (2*euler_gamma - 2)*log(n)
            - 2*euler_gamma + euler_gamma^2 - 1/6*pi^2 + 2
            + n^(-1)*log(n)^2 + O(n^(-1)*log(n))

        Be aware that the last result does *not* coincide with [FS2009]_,
        they do have a different error term.

        Checking parameters::

            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, 1, 1/2, precision=0, normalized=False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: beta and delta must be integers
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, 1, 1, 1/2, normalized=False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: beta and delta must be integers


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=0, beta=0, delta=1, precision=3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: not implemented for delta!=0
        from itertools import islice, count
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from growth_group import ExponentialGrowthGroup, \
        from sage.arith.all import falling_factorial
        from sage.categories.cartesian_product import cartesian_product
        from sage.functions.other import binomial, gamma
        from sage.calculus.calculus import limit
        from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function
        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
        from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
        from sage.symbolic.ring import SR

        SCR = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
        s = SR('s')
        iga = 1/gamma(alpha)
        if iga.parent() is SR:
                iga = SCR(iga)
            except TypeError:

        coefficient_ring = iga.parent()
        if beta != 0:
            coefficient_ring = SCR

        def inverse_gamma_derivative(shift, r):
            Return value of `r`-th derivative of 1/Gamma
            at alpha-shift.
            if r == 0:
                result = iga*falling_factorial(alpha-1, shift)
                result = limit((1/gamma(s)).diff(s, r), s=alpha-shift)

                return coefficient_ring(result)
            except TypeError:
                return result

        if isinstance(alpha, int):
            alpha = ZZ(alpha)
        if isinstance(beta, int):
            beta = ZZ(beta)
        if isinstance(delta, int):
            delta = ZZ(delta)

        if precision is None:
            precision = AsymptoticRing.__default_prec__

        if not normalized and not (beta in ZZ and delta in ZZ):
            raise ValueError("beta and delta must be integers")
        if delta != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError("not implemented for delta!=0")

        groups = []
        if zeta != 1:
            groups.append(ExponentialGrowthGroup((1/zeta).parent(), var))

        groups.append(MonomialGrowthGroup(alpha.parent(), var))
        if beta != 0:
            groups.append(MonomialGrowthGroup(beta.parent(), 'log({})'.format(var)))

        group = cartesian_product(groups)
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=group, coefficient_ring=coefficient_ring,
        n = A.gen()

        if zeta == 1:
            exponential_factor = 1
            exponential_factor = n.rpow(1/zeta)

        if beta in ZZ and beta >= 0:
            it = ((k, r)
                  for k in count()
                  for r in srange(beta+1))
            k_max = precision
            it = ((0, r)
                  for r in count())
            k_max = 0

        if beta != 0:
            log_n = n.log()
            # avoid construction of log(n)
            # because it does not exist in growth group.
            log_n = 1

        it = reversed(list(islice(it, precision+1)))
        if normalized:
            beta_denominator = beta
            beta_denominator = 0
        L = _sa_coefficients_lambda_(max(1, k_max), beta=beta_denominator)
        (k, r) = next(it)
        result = (n**(-k) * log_n**(-r)).O()

        if alpha in ZZ and beta == 0:
            if alpha > 0 and alpha <= precision:
                result = A(0)
            elif alpha <= 0 and precision > 0:
                from misc import NotImplementedOZero
                raise NotImplementedOZero(A)

        for (k, r) in it:
            result += binomial(beta, r) * \
                sum(L[(k, ell)] * (-1)**ell *
                    inverse_gamma_derivative(ell, r)
                    for ell in srange(k, 2*k+1)
                    if (k, ell) in L) * \
                n**(-k) * log_n**(-r)

        result *= exponential_factor * n**(alpha-1) * log_n**beta

        return result
    def SingularityAnalysis(var,
        Return the asymptotic expansion of the coefficients of
        an power series with specified pole and logarithmic singularity.

        More precisely, this extracts the `n`-th coefficient

        .. MATH::

            [z^n] \left(\frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\alpha
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\beta
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)\right)^\delta

        (if ``normalized=True``, the default) or

        .. MATH::

            [z^n] \left(\frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\alpha
            \left(\log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)^\beta
            \left(\frac{1}{z/\zeta} \log \frac{1}{1-z/\zeta}\right)\right)^\delta

        (if ``normalized=False``).


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``zeta`` -- (default: `1`) the location of the singularity.

        - ``alpha`` -- (default: `0`) the pole order of the singularty.

        - ``beta`` -- (default: `0`) the order of the logarithmic singularity.

        - ``delta`` -- (default: `0`) the order of the log-log singularity.
          Not yet implemented for ``delta != 0``.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``normalized`` -- (default: ``True``) a boolean, see above.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=2)
            n + 1
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=3)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ> over Rational Field


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-3/2,
            ....:     precision=3)
            + 45/32/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + 1155/512/sqrt(pi)*n^(-9/2)
            + O(n^(-11/2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-1/2,
            ....:     precision=3)
            - 3/16/sqrt(pi)*n^(-5/2)
            - 25/256/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + O(n^(-9/2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=1/2,
            ....:     precision=4)
            - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)
            + 1/128/sqrt(pi)*n^(-5/2)
            + 5/1024/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2)
            + O(n^(-9/2))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: S = SR.subring(rejecting_variables=('n',))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=S.var('a'),
            ....:     precision=4).map_coefficients(lambda c: c.factor())
            1/gamma(a)*n^(a - 1)
            + (1/2*(a - 1)*a/gamma(a))*n^(a - 2)
            + (1/24*(3*a - 1)*(a - 1)*(a - 2)*a/gamma(a))*n^(a - 3)
            + (1/48*(a - 1)^2*(a - 2)*(a - 3)*a^2/gamma(a))*n^(a - 4)
            + O(n^(a - 5))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^(Symbolic Subring rejecting the variable n)>
            over Symbolic Subring rejecting the variable n


            sage: ae = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:          alpha=1/2, beta=1, precision=4); ae
            1/sqrt(pi)*n^(-1/2)*log(n) + ((euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-1/2)
            - 5/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)*log(n) + (1/8*(3*euler_gamma + 6*log(2) - 8)/sqrt(pi)
            - (euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 2)/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2) + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))
            sage: n = ae.parent().gen()
            sage: ae.subs(n=n-1).map_coefficients(lambda x: x.canonicalize_radical())
            + ((euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-1/2)
            - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2)*log(n)
            + (-1/8*(euler_gamma + 2*log(2))/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2)
            + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:     alpha=1, beta=1/2, precision=4)
            log(n)^(1/2) + 1/2*euler_gamma*log(n)^(-1/2)
            + (-1/8*euler_gamma^2 + 1/48*pi^2)*log(n)^(-3/2)
            + (1/16*euler_gamma^3 - 1/32*euler_gamma*pi^2 + 1/8*zeta(3))*log(n)^(-5/2)
            + O(log(n)^(-7/2))


            sage: ae = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n',
            ....:     alpha=0, beta=2, precision=14)
            sage: n = ae.parent().gen()
            sage: ae.subs(n=n-2)
            2*n^(-1)*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma*n^(-1) - n^(-2) - 1/6*n^(-3) + O(n^(-5))


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=-1/2, beta=1, precision=2, normalized=False)
            + (-1/2*(euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 2)/sqrt(pi))*n^(-3/2)
            + O(n^(-5/2)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1/2, alpha=0, beta=1, precision=3, normalized=False)
            2^n*n^(-1) + O(2^n*n^(-2))


        See [FS2009]_ together with the
        `errata list <http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/AnaCombi/errata.pdf>`_.


        .. [FS2009] Philippe Flajolet and Robert Sedgewick,
           `Analytic combinatorics <http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/AnaCombi/book.pdf>`_.
           Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009.


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis('n', alpha=-1/2,
            ....:     precision=4)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: coefficients = ((1-x)^(1/2)).series(
            ....:     x, 21).truncate().coefficients(x, sparse=False)
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,    # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:     lambda k: coefficients[k], [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.015778873294?), (10, 0.01498952777?), (20, 0.0146264622?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=2)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + O(1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=3)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=3, precision=4)
            1/2*n^2 + 3/2*n + 1


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=-1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'm', alpha=-1/2, precision=3)
            - 3/16/sqrt(pi)*m^(-5/2)
            - 25/256/sqrt(pi)*m^(-7/2)
            + O(m^(-9/2))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring

        Location of the singularity::

            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=2, precision=3)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=1/2, precision=3)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1, zeta=CyclotomicField(3).gen(),
            ....:      precision=3)
            (-zeta3 - 1)^n
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=4, zeta=2, precision=3)
            1/6*(1/2)^n*n^3 + (1/2)^n*n^2 + 11/6*(1/2)^n*n + O((1/2)^n)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=-1, zeta=2, precision=3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedOZero: The error term in the result is O(0)
            which means 0 for sufficiently large n.
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=1/2, zeta=2, precision=3)
            1/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-1/2) - 1/8/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-3/2)
            + 1/128/sqrt(pi)*(1/2)^n*n^(-5/2) + O((1/2)^n*n^(-7/2))

        The following tests correspond to Table VI.5 in [FS2009]_. ::

            sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('n^QQ * log(n)^QQ', QQ)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=-1/2, beta=1, precision=2,
            ....:     normalized=False) * (- sqrt(pi*n^3))
            1/2*log(n) + 1/2*euler_gamma + log(2) - 1 + O(n^(-1)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=0, beta=1, precision=3,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=0, beta=2,  precision=14,
            ....:     normalized=False) * n
            2*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma - n^(-1) - 1/6*n^(-2) +  O(n^(-4))
            sage: (asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1/2, beta=1, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False) * sqrt(pi*n)).\
            ....:     map_coefficients(lambda x: x.expand())
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 2*log(2) - 1/8*n^(-1)*log(n) +
            (-1/8*euler_gamma - 1/4*log(2))*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1, beta=1, precision=13,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            + O(n^(-6))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=1, beta=2, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            log(n)^2 + 2*euler_gamma*log(n) + euler_gamma^2 - 1/6*pi^2
            + O(n^(-1)*log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=3/2, beta=1, precision=3,
            ....:     normalized=False) * sqrt(pi/n)
            2*log(n) + 2*euler_gamma + 4*log(2) - 4 + 3/4*n^(-1)*log(n)
            + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=2, beta=1, precision=5,
            ....:     normalized=False)
            n*log(n) + (euler_gamma - 1)*n + log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2
            + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, alpha=2, beta=2, precision=4,
            ....:     normalized=False) / n
            log(n)^2 + (2*euler_gamma - 2)*log(n)
            - 2*euler_gamma + euler_gamma^2 - 1/6*pi^2 + 2
            + n^(-1)*log(n)^2 + O(n^(-1)*log(n))

        Be aware that the last result does *not* coincide with [FS2009]_,
        they do have a different error term.

        Checking parameters::

            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, 1, 1/2, precision=0, normalized=False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: beta and delta must be integers
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', 1, 1, 1, 1/2, normalized=False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: beta and delta must be integers


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.SingularityAnalysis(
            ....:     'n', alpha=0, beta=0, delta=1, precision=3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: not implemented for delta!=0
        from itertools import islice, count
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from growth_group import ExponentialGrowthGroup, \
        from sage.arith.all import falling_factorial
        from sage.categories.cartesian_product import cartesian_product
        from sage.functions.other import binomial, gamma
        from sage.calculus.calculus import limit
        from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function
        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
        from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
        from sage.symbolic.ring import SR

        SCR = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
        s = SR('s')
        iga = 1 / gamma(alpha)
        if iga.parent() is SR:
                iga = SCR(iga)
            except TypeError:

        coefficient_ring = iga.parent()
        if beta != 0:
            coefficient_ring = SCR

        def inverse_gamma_derivative(shift, r):
            Return value of `r`-th derivative of 1/Gamma
            at alpha-shift.
            if r == 0:
                result = iga * falling_factorial(alpha - 1, shift)
                result = limit((1 / gamma(s)).diff(s, r), s=alpha - shift)

                return coefficient_ring(result)
            except TypeError:
                return result

        if isinstance(alpha, int):
            alpha = ZZ(alpha)
        if isinstance(beta, int):
            beta = ZZ(beta)
        if isinstance(delta, int):
            delta = ZZ(delta)

        if precision is None:
            precision = AsymptoticRing.__default_prec__

        if not normalized and not (beta in ZZ and delta in ZZ):
            raise ValueError("beta and delta must be integers")
        if delta != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError("not implemented for delta!=0")

        groups = []
        if zeta != 1:
            groups.append(ExponentialGrowthGroup((1 / zeta).parent(), var))

        groups.append(MonomialGrowthGroup(alpha.parent(), var))
        if beta != 0:
                MonomialGrowthGroup(beta.parent(), 'log({})'.format(var)))

        group = cartesian_product(groups)
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=group,
        n = A.gen()

        if zeta == 1:
            exponential_factor = 1
            exponential_factor = n.rpow(1 / zeta)

        if beta in ZZ and beta >= 0:
            it = ((k, r) for k in count() for r in srange(beta + 1))
            k_max = precision
            it = ((0, r) for r in count())
            k_max = 0

        if beta != 0:
            log_n = n.log()
            # avoid construction of log(n)
            # because it does not exist in growth group.
            log_n = 1

        it = reversed(list(islice(it, precision + 1)))
        if normalized:
            beta_denominator = beta
            beta_denominator = 0
        L = _sa_coefficients_lambda_(max(1, k_max), beta=beta_denominator)
        (k, r) = next(it)
        result = (n**(-k) * log_n**(-r)).O()

        if alpha in ZZ and beta == 0:
            if alpha > 0 and alpha <= precision:
                result = A(0)
            elif alpha <= 0 and precision > 0:
                from misc import NotImplementedOZero
                raise NotImplementedOZero(A)

        for (k, r) in it:
            result += binomial(beta, r) * \
                sum(L[(k, ell)] * (-1)**ell *
                    inverse_gamma_derivative(ell, r)
                    for ell in srange(k, 2*k+1)
                    if (k, ell) in L) * \
                n**(-k) * log_n**(-r)

        result *= exponential_factor * n**(alpha - 1) * log_n**beta

        return result
Example #17
def _Omega_numerator_(a, x, y, t):
    Return the numerator of `\Omega_{\ge}` of the expression
    specified by the input.

    To be more precise, calculate

    .. MATH::

        \Omega_{\ge} \frac{\mu^a}{
        (1 - x_1 \mu) \dots (1 - x_n \mu)
        (1 - y_1 / \mu) \dots (1 - y_m / \mu)}

    and return its numerator.

    This function is meant to be a helper function of :func:`MacMahonOmega`.


    - ``a`` -- an integer

    - ``x`` and ``y`` -- a tuple of tuples of Laurent polynomials

      flattened ``x`` contains `x_1,...,x_n`, the flattened ``y`` the
      The non-flatness of these parameters is to be interface-consistent
      with :func:`_Omega_factors_denominator_`.

    - ``t`` -- a temporary Laurent polynomial variable used for substituting


    A Laurent polynomial

    The output is normalized such that the corresponding denominator
    (:func:`_Omega_factors_denominator_`) has constant term `1`.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.omega import _Omega_numerator_, _Omega_factors_denominator_

        sage: L.<x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, t> = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,),), ((y0,),), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,), (x1,)), ((y0,),), t)
        -x0*x1*y0 + 1
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,),), ((y0,), (y1,)), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,), (x1,), (x2,)), ((y0,),), t)
        x0*x1*x2*y0^2 + x0*x1*x2*y0 - x0*x1*y0 - x0*x2*y0 - x1*x2*y0 + 1
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,), (x1,)), ((y0,), (y1,)), t)
        x0^2*x1*y0*y1 + x0*x1^2*y0*y1 - x0*x1*y0*y1 - x0*x1*y0 - x0*x1*y1 + 1

        sage: _Omega_numerator_(-2, ((x0,),), ((y0,),), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(-1, ((x0,),), ((y0,),), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(1, ((x0,),), ((y0,),), t)
        -x0*y0 + y0 + 1
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(2, ((x0,),), ((y0,),), t)
        -x0*y0^2 - x0*y0 + y0^2 + y0 + 1


        sage: _Omega_factors_denominator_((), ())
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, (), (), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(+2, (), (), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(-2, (), (), t)

        sage: _Omega_factors_denominator_(((x0,),), ())
        (-x0 + 1,)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, ((x0,),), (), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(+2, ((x0,),), (), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(-2, ((x0,),), (), t)

        sage: _Omega_factors_denominator_((), ((y0,),))
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(0, (), ((y0,),), t)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(+2, (), ((y0,),), t)
        y0^2 + y0 + 1
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(-2, (), ((y0,),), t)


        sage: L.<X, Y, t> = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_(2, ((X,),), ((Y,),), t)
        -X*Y^2 - X*Y + Y^2 + Y + 1
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.misc.misc_c import prod

    x_flat = sum(x, tuple())
    y_flat = sum(y, tuple())
    n = len(x_flat)
    m = len(y_flat)
    xy = x_flat + y_flat

    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Omega_numerator: a=%s, n=%s, m=%s', a, n, m)

    if m == 0:
        result = 1 - (prod(_Omega_factors_denominator_(x, y)) * sum(
            homogenous_symmetric_function(j, xy)
            for j in srange(-a)) if a < 0 else 0)
    elif n == 0:
        result = sum(
            homogenous_symmetric_function(j, xy) for j in srange(a + 1))
        result = _Omega_numerator_P_(a, x_flat[:-1], y_flat,
                                     t).subs({t: x_flat[-1]})
    L = t.parent()
    result = L(result)

    logger.info('_Omega_numerator_: %s terms', result.number_of_terms())
    return result
Example #18
def plot_vector_field3d(functions, xrange, yrange, zrange,
                        plot_points=5, colors='jet', center_arrows=False, **kwds):
    Plot a 3d vector field


    - ``functions`` - a list of three functions, representing the x-,
      y-, and z-coordinates of a vector

    - ``xrange``, ``yrange``, and ``zrange`` - three tuples of the
      form (var, start, stop), giving the variables and ranges for each axis

    - ``plot_points`` (default 5) - either a number or list of three
      numbers, specifying how many points to plot for each axis

    - ``colors`` (default 'jet') - a color, list of colors (which are
      interpolated between), or matplotlib colormap name, giving the coloring
      of the arrows.  If a list of colors or a colormap is given,
      coloring is done as a function of length of the vector

    - ``center_arrows`` (default False) - If True, draw the arrows
      centered on the points; otherwise, draw the arrows with the tail
      at the point

    - any other keywords are passed on to the plot command for each arrow


        sage: x,y,z=var('x y z')
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi))
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors=['red','green','blue'])
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors='red')
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=4)
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=[3,5,7])
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True)
        Graphics3d Object


    This tests that :trac:`2100` is fixed in a way compatible with this command::

        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True,aspect_ratio=(1,2,1))
        Graphics3d Object
    (ff,gg,hh), ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(functions, [xrange, yrange, zrange], plot_points)
    xpoints, ypoints, zpoints = [srange(*r, include_endpoint=True) for r in ranges]
    points = [vector((i,j,k)) for i in xpoints for j in ypoints for k in zpoints]
    vectors = [vector((ff(*point), gg(*point), hh(*point))) for point in points]

        from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
        cm = get_cmap(colors)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        cm = None
    if cm is None:
        if isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)):
            from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
            cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mymap',colors)
            cm = lambda x: colors

    max_len = max(v.norm() for v in vectors)
    scaled_vectors = [v/max_len for v in vectors]

    if center_arrows:
        G = sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p-v/2) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])
        return G
        G = sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])
        return G
def product_space(chi, k, weights=False, base_ring=None, verbose=False):
    Computes all eisenstein series, and products of pairs of eisenstein series
    of lower weight, lying in the space of modular forms of weight $k$ and
    nebentypus $\chi$.
     - chi - Dirichlet character, the nebentypus of the target space
     - k - an integer, the weight of the target space
     - a matrix of coefficients of q-expansions, which are the products of
     Eisenstein series in M_k(chi).

    WARNING: It is only for principal chi that we know that the resulting
    space is the whole space of modular forms.

    if weights == False:
        weights = srange(1, k / 2 + 1)
    weight_dict = {}
    weight_dict[-1] = [w for w in weights if w % 2]  # Odd weights
    weight_dict[1] = [w for w in weights if not w % 2]  # Even weights

        N = chi.modulus()
    except AttributeError:
        if chi.parent() == ZZ:
            N = chi
            chi = DirichletGroup(N)[0]

    Id = DirichletGroup(1)[0]
    if chi(-1) != (-1)**k:
        raise ValueError('chi(-1)!=(-1)^k')
    sturm = ModularForms(N, k).sturm_bound() + 1
    if N > 1:
        target_dim = dimension_modular_forms(chi, k)
        target_dim = dimension_modular_forms(1, k)
    D = DirichletGroup(N)
    # product_space should ideally be called over number fields. Over complex
    # numbers the exact linear algebra solutions might not exist.
    if base_ring == None:
        base_ring = CyclotomicField(euler_phi(N))

    Q = PowerSeriesRing(base_ring, 'q')
    q = Q.gen()

    d = len(D)
    prim_chars = [phi.primitive_character() for phi in D]
    divs = divisors(N)

    products = Matrix(base_ring, [])
    indexlist = []
    rank = 0
    if verbose:
        print('Sturm bound', sturm)
        #TODO: target_dim needs refinment in the case of weight 2.
        print('Target dimension', target_dim)
    for i in srange(0, d):  # First character
        phi = prim_chars[i]
        M1 = phi.conductor()
        for j in srange(0, d):  # Second character
            psi = prim_chars[j]
            M2 = psi.conductor()
            if not M1 * M2 in divs:
            parity = psi(-1) * phi(-1)
            for t1 in divs:
                if not M1 * M2 * t1 in divs:
                if phi.bar() == psi and not (
                        k == 2):  #and i==0 and j==0 and t1==1):
                    E = eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, k, sturm, t1,
                        products.T.solve_right(vector(base_ring, E))
                    except ValueError:
                        products = Matrix(products.rows() + [E])
                        indexlist.append([k, i, j, t1])
                        rank += 1
                        if verbose:
                            print('Added ', [k, i, j, t1])
                            print('Rank is now', rank)
                        if rank == target_dim:
                            return products, indexlist
                for t in divs:
                    if not M1 * M2 * t1 * t in divs:
                    for t2 in divs:
                        if not M1 * M2 * t1 * t2 * t in divs:
                        for l in weight_dict[parity]:
                            if l == 1 and phi.is_odd():
                            if i == 0 and j == 0 and (l == 2 or l == k - 2):
                            if l == 2 or l == k - 2:
                            E1 = eisenstein_series_at_inf(
                                phi, psi, l, sturm, t1 * t, base_ring)
                            E2 = eisenstein_series_at_inf(
                                phi**(-1), psi**(-1), k - l, sturm, t2 * t,
                            #If chi is non-principal this needs to be changed to be something like chi*phi^(-1) instead of phi^(-1)
                            E = (E1 * E2 + O(q**sturm)).padded_list()
                                products.T.solve_right(vector(base_ring, E))
                            except ValueError:
                                products = Matrix(products.rows() + [E])
                                indexlist.append([l, k - l, i, j, t1, t2, t])
                                rank += 1
                                if verbose:
                                    print('Added ',
                                          [l, k - l, i, j, t1, t2, t])
                                    print('Rank', rank)
                                if rank == target_dim:
                                    return products, indexlist
    return products, indexlist
Example #20
def slider(vmin,
    A slider widget.


    For a numeric slider (select a value from a range):

    - ``vmin``, ``vmax`` -- minimum and maximum value

    - ``step_size`` -- the step size

    For a selection slider (select a value from a list of values):

    - ``vmin`` -- a list of possible values for the slider

    For all sliders:

    - ``default`` -- initial value

    - ``label`` -- optional label

    - ``display_value`` -- (boolean) if ``True``, display the current


        sage: from sage.repl.ipython_kernel.all_jupyter import slider
        sage: slider(5, label="slide me")
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, description=u'slide me', min=5)
        sage: slider(5, 20)
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, max=20, min=5)
        sage: slider(5, 20, 0.5)
        TransformFloatSlider(value=5.0, max=20.0, min=5.0, step=0.5)
        sage: slider(5, 20, default=12)
        TransformIntSlider(value=12, max=20, min=5)

    The parent of the inputs determines the parent of the value::

        sage: w = slider(5); w
        TransformIntSlider(value=5, min=5)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Integer Ring
        sage: w = slider(int(5)); w
        IntSlider(value=5, min=5)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        <... 'int'>
        sage: w = slider(5, 20, step_size=RDF("0.1")); w
        TransformFloatSlider(value=5.0, max=20.0, min=5.0)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Real Double Field
        sage: w = slider(5, 20, step_size=10/3); w
        SelectionSlider(index=2, options=(5, 25/3, 35/3, 15, 55/3), value=35/3)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Rational Field

    Symbolic input is evaluated numerically::

        sage: w = slider(e, pi); w
        TransformFloatSlider(value=2.718281828459045, max=3.141592653589793, min=2.718281828459045)
        sage: parent(w.get_interact_value())
        Real Field with 53 bits of precision

    For a selection slider, the default is adjusted to one of the
    possible values::

        sage: slider(range(10), default=17/10)
        SelectionSlider(index=2, options=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), value=2)


        sage: slider(range(5), range(5))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unexpected argument 'vmax' for a selection slider
        sage: slider(range(5), step_size=2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unexpected argument 'step_size' for a selection slider
        sage: slider(5).readout
        sage: slider(5, display_value=False).readout
    kwds = {"readout": display_value}
    if label:
        kwds["description"] = u(label)

    # If vmin is iterable, return a SelectionSlider
    if isinstance(vmin, Iterable):
        if vmax is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                "unexpected argument 'vmax' for a selection slider")
        if step_size is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                "unexpected argument 'step_size' for a selection slider")
        if _range:
            # https://github.com/ipython/ipywidgets/issues/760
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "range_slider does not support a list of values")
        options = list(vmin)

        # Find default in options
        def err(v):
            if v is default:
                return (-1, 0)
                if v == default:
                    return (0, 0)
                return (0, abs(v - default))
            except Exception:
                return (1, 0)

        kwds["options"] = options
        if default is not None:
            kwds["value"] = min(options, key=err)
        return SelectionSlider(**kwds)

    if default is not None:
        kwds["value"] = default

    # Sum all input numbers to figure out type/parent
    p = parent(sum(x for x in (vmin, vmax, step_size) if x is not None))

    # Change SR to RR
    if p is SR:
        p = RR

    # Convert all inputs to the common parent
    if vmin is not None:
        vmin = p(vmin)
    if vmax is not None:
        vmax = p(vmax)
    if step_size is not None:
        step_size = p(step_size)

    def tuple_elements_p(t):
        "Convert all entries of the tuple `t` to `p`"
        return tuple(p(x) for x in t)

    zero = p()
    if isinstance(zero, Integral):
        if p is int:
            if _range:
                cls = IntRangeSlider
                cls = IntSlider
            if _range:
                kwds["transform"] = tuple_elements_p
                cls = TransformIntRangeSlider
                kwds["transform"] = p
                cls = TransformIntSlider
    elif isinstance(zero, Rational):
        # Rational => implement as SelectionSlider
        if _range:
            # https://github.com/ipython/ipywidgets/issues/760
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "range_slider does not support rational numbers")
        vmin, vmax, value = _get_min_max_value(vmin, vmax, default, step_size)
        kwds["value"] = value
        kwds["options"] = srange(vmin, vmax, step_size, include_endpoint=True)
        return SelectionSlider(**kwds)
    elif isinstance(zero, Real):
        if p is float:
            if _range:
                cls = FloatRangeSlider
                cls = FloatSlider
            if _range:
                kwds["transform"] = tuple_elements_p
                cls = TransformFloatRangeSlider
                kwds["transform"] = p
                cls = TransformFloatSlider
        raise TypeError("unknown parent {!r} for slider".format(p))

    kwds["min"] = vmin
    if vmax is not None:
        kwds["max"] = vmax
    if step_size is not None:
        kwds["step"] = step_size
    return cls(**kwds)
Example #21
def _Omega_numerator_P_(a, x, y, t):
    Helper function for :func:`_Omega_numerator_`.

    This is an implementation of the function `P` of [APR2001]_.


    - ``a`` -- an integer

    - ``x`` and ``y`` -- a tuple of Laurent polynomials

      The tuple ``x`` here is the flattened ``x`` of :func:`_Omega_numerator_`
      but without its last entry.

    - ``t`` -- a temporary Laurent polynomial variable

      In the (final) result, ``t`` has to be substituted by the last
      entry of the flattened ``x`` of :func:`_Omega_numerator_`.


    A Laurent polynomial


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.omega import _Omega_numerator_P_
        sage: L.<x0, x1, y0, y1, t> = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
        sage: _Omega_numerator_P_(0, (x0,), (y0,), t).subs({t: x1})
        -x0*x1*y0 + 1
    # This function takes Laurent polynomials as inputs. It would
    # be possible to input only the sizes of ``x`` and ``y`` and
    # perform a substitution afterwards; in this way caching of this
    # function would make sense. However, the way it is now allows
    # automatic collection and simplification of the summands, which
    # makes it more efficient for higher powers at the input of
    # :func:`Omega_ge`.
    # Caching occurs in :func:`Omega_ge`.

    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.misc.misc_c import prod

    n = len(x)
    if n == 0:
        x0 = t
        result = x0**(-a) + \
            (prod(1 - x0*yy for yy in y) *
             sum(homogenous_symmetric_function(j, y) * (1-x0**(j-a))
                 for j in srange(a))
             if a > 0 else 0)
        Pprev = _Omega_numerator_P_(a, x[:n - 1], y, t)
        x2 = x[n - 1]
        logger.debug('Omega_numerator: P(%s): substituting...', n)
        x1 = t
        p1 = Pprev
        p2 = Pprev.subs({t: x2})
        logger.debug('Omega_numerator: P(%s): preparing...', n)
        dividend = x1 * (1-x2) * prod(1 - x2*yy for yy in y) * p1 - \
                x2 * (1-x1) * prod(1 - x1*yy for yy in y) * p2
        logger.debug('Omega_numerator: P(%s): dividing...', n)
        q, r = dividend.quo_rem(x1 - x2)
        assert r == 0
        result = q
    logger.debug('Omega_numerator: P(%s) has %s terms', n,
    return result
Example #22
def _parametric_plot3d_surface(f, urange, vrange, plot_points, boundary_style,
    Return a parametric three-dimensional space surface.
    This function is used internally by the
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` command.

    There are two ways this function is invoked by

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u_min, u_max),
      (v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` are each functions of two variables

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, u_min,
      u_max), (v, v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` can be viewed as functions of
      `u` and `v`


    - ``f`` - a 3-tuple of functions or expressions, or vector of size 3

    - ``urange`` - a 2-tuple (u_min, u_max) or a 3-tuple
      (u, u_min, u_max)

    - ``vrange`` - a 2-tuple (v_min, v_max) or a 3-tuple
      (v, v_min, v_max)

    - ``plot_points`` - (default: "automatic", which is [40,40]
      for surfaces) initial number of sample points in each parameter;
      a pair of integers.

    - ``boundary_style`` - (default: None, no boundary) a dict that describes
      how to draw the boundaries of regions by giving options that are passed
      to the line3d command.


    We demonstrate each of the two ways of calling this.  See
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` for many more examples.

    We do the first one with lambda functions::

        sage: f = (lambda u,v: cos(u), lambda u,v: sin(u)+cos(v), lambda u,v: sin(v))
        sage: parametric_plot3d(f, (0, 2*pi), (-pi, pi)) # indirect doctest
        Graphics3d Object

    Now we do the same thing with symbolic expressions::

        sage: u, v = var('u,v')
        sage: parametric_plot3d((cos(u), sin(u) + cos(v), sin(v)), (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, -pi, pi), mesh=True)
        Graphics3d Object
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange, vrange], plot_points)
    urange = srange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)
    vrange = srange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)
    G = ParametricSurface(g, (urange, vrange), **kwds)

    if boundary_style is not None:
        for u in (urange[0], urange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u, v), g[1](u, v), g[2](u, v)) for v in vrange],
        for v in (vrange[0], vrange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u, v), g[1](u, v), g[2](u, v)) for u in urange],
    return G
Example #23
def QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(n, F):
    Quadratic residue codes of a given odd prime length and base ring
    either don't exist at all or occur as 4-tuples - a pair of
    "odd-like" codes and a pair of "even-like" codes. If `n > 2` is prime
    then (Theorem 6.6.2 in [HP2003]_) a QR code exists over `GF(q)` iff q is a
    quadratic residue mod `n`.

    They are constructed as "even-like" duadic codes associated the
    splitting (Q,N) mod n, where Q is the set of non-zero quadratic
    residues and N is the non-residues.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17, GF(13))  # known bug (#25896)
        ([17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(13),
         [17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(13))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17, GF(2))
        ([17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(2),
         [17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(2))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(13,GF(9,"z"))  # known bug (#25896)
        ([13, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(9),
         [13, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(9))
        sage: C1,C2 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(7,GF(2))
        sage: C1.is_self_orthogonal()
        sage: C2.is_self_orthogonal()
        sage: C3 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(2))[0]
        sage: C4 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17,GF(2))[1]
        sage: C3.systematic_generator_matrix() == C4.dual_code().systematic_generator_matrix()

    This is consistent with Theorem 6.6.9 and Exercise 365 in [HP2003]_.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(14,Zmod(4))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument F must be a finite field
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(14,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument n must be an odd prime
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(5,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.categories.finite_fields import FiniteFields
    if F not in FiniteFields():
        raise ValueError("the argument F must be a finite field")
    q = F.order()
    n = Integer(n)
    if n <= 2 or not n.is_prime():
        raise ValueError("the argument n must be an odd prime")
    Q = quadratic_residues(n)
    Q.remove(0)  # non-zero quad residues
    N = [x for x in srange(1, n) if x not in Q]  # non-zero quad non-residues
    if q not in Q:
        raise ValueError(
            "the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n"
    return DuadicCodeEvenPair(F, Q, N)
Example #24
def Krawtchouk(n, q, l, x, check=True):
    Compute ``K^{n,q}_l(x)``, the Krawtchouk polynomial.

    See :wikipedia:`Kravchuk_polynomials`; It is defined by the generating function
    `(1+(q-1)z)^{n-x}(1-z)^x=\sum_{l} K^{n,q}_l(x)z^l` and is equal to

    .. math::

        K^{n,q}_l(x)=\sum_{j=0}^l (-1)^j(q-1)^{(l-j)}{x \choose j}{n-x \choose l-j},


    - ``n, q, x`` -- arbitrary numbers

    - ``l`` -- a nonnegative integer

    - ``check`` -- check the input for correctness. ``True`` by default. Otherwise, pass it
      as it is. Use ``check=False`` at your own risk.


        sage: Krawtchouk(24,2,5,4)
        sage: Krawtchouk(12300,4,5,6)


    check that the bug reported on :trac:`19561` is fixed::

        sage: Krawtchouk(3,2,3,3)
        sage: Krawtchouk(int(3),int(2),int(3),int(3))
        sage: Krawtchouk(int(3),int(2),int(3),int(3),check=False)

    other unusual inputs ::

        sage: Krawtchouk(sqrt(5),1-I*sqrt(3),3,55.3).n()
        211295.892797... + 1186.42763...*I
        sage: Krawtchouk(-5/2,7*I,3,-1/10)
        480053/250*I - 357231/400
        sage: Krawtchouk(1,1,-1,1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: l must be a nonnegative integer
        sage: Krawtchouk(1,1,3/2,1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: no conversion of this rational to integer
    from sage.arith.all import binomial
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    # Use the expression in equation (55) of MacWilliams & Sloane, pg 151
    # We write jth term = some_factor * (j-1)th term
    if check:
        from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
        l0 = ZZ(l)
        if l0 != l or l0 < 0:
            raise ValueError('l must be a nonnegative integer')
        l = l0
    kraw = jth_term = (q - 1)**l * binomial(n, l)  # j=0
    for j in srange(1, l + 1):
        jth_term *= -q * (l - j + 1) * (x - j + 1) / ((q - 1) * j *
                                                      (n - j + 1))
        kraw += jth_term
    return kraw
Example #25
def QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(n,F):
    Quadratic residue codes of a given odd prime length and base ring
    either don't exist at all or occur as 4-tuples - a pair of
    "odd-like" codes and a pair of "even-like" codes. If `n > 2` is prime
    then (Theorem 6.6.2 in [HP2003]_) a QR code exists over `GF(q)` iff q is a
    quadratic residue mod `n`.

    They are constructed as "even-like" duadic codes associated the
    splitting (Q,N) mod n, where Q is the set of non-zero quadratic
    residues and N is the non-residues.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17, GF(13))
        ([17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(13),
         [17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(13))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17, GF(2))
        ([17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(2),
         [17, 8] Cyclic Code over GF(2))
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(13,GF(9,"z"))
        ([13, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(9),
         [13, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(9))
        sage: C1,C2 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(7,GF(2))
        sage: C1.is_self_orthogonal()
        sage: C2.is_self_orthogonal()
        sage: C3 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeOddPair(17,GF(2))[0]
        sage: C4 = codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(17,GF(2))[1]
        sage: C3.systematic_generator_matrix() == C4.dual_code().systematic_generator_matrix()

    This is consistent with Theorem 6.6.9 and Exercise 365 in [HP2003]_.


        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(14,Zmod(4))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument F must be a finite field
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(14,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the argument n must be an odd prime
        sage: codes.QuadraticResidueCodeEvenPair(5,GF(2))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.categories.finite_fields import FiniteFields
    if F not in FiniteFields():
        raise ValueError("the argument F must be a finite field")
    q = F.order()
    n = Integer(n)
    if n <= 2 or not n.is_prime():
        raise ValueError("the argument n must be an odd prime")
    Q = quadratic_residues(n); Q.remove(0)       # non-zero quad residues
    N = [x for x in srange(1,n) if x not in Q]   # non-zero quad non-residues
    if q not in Q:
        raise ValueError("the order of the finite field must be a quadratic residue modulo n")
    return DuadicCodeEvenPair(F,Q,N)
Example #26
def ruler(start, end, ticks=4, sub_ticks=4, absolute=False, snap=False, **kwds):
    Draw a ruler in 3-D, with major and minor ticks.


    - ``start`` -- the beginning of the ruler, as a list,
      tuple, or vector.

    - ``end`` -- the end of the ruler, as a list, tuple,
      or vector.

    - ``ticks`` -- (default: 4) the number of major ticks
      shown on the ruler.

    - ``sub_ticks`` -- (default: 4) the number of shown
      subdivisions between each major tick.

    - ``absolute`` -- (default: ``False``) if ``True``, makes a huge ruler
      in the direction of an axis.

    - ``snap`` -- (default: ``False``) if ``True``, snaps to an implied

    Type ``line3d.options`` for a dictionary of the default
    options for lines, which are also available.


    A ruler::

        sage: from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import ruler
        sage: R = ruler([1,2,3],vector([2,3,4])); R
        Graphics3d Object

    A ruler with some options::

        sage: R = ruler([1,2,3],vector([2,3,4]),ticks=6, sub_ticks=2, color='red'); R
        Graphics3d Object

    The keyword ``snap`` makes the ticks not necessarily coincide
    with the ruler::

        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,2,4]),snap=True)
        Graphics3d Object

    The keyword ``absolute`` makes a huge ruler in one of the axis

        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,2,4]),absolute=True)
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: ruler([1,2,3],vector([1,3,4]),absolute=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Absolute rulers only valid for axis-aligned paths
    start = vector(RDF, start)
    end   = vector(RDF, end)
    dir = end - start
    dist = math.sqrt(dir.dot_product(dir))
    dir /= dist

    one_tick = dist/ticks * 1.414
    unit = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(dist/ticks, 10))
    if unit * 5 < one_tick:
        unit *= 5
    elif unit * 2 < one_tick:
        unit *= 2

    if dir[0]:
        tick = dir.cross_product(vector(RDF, (0,0,-dist/30)))
    elif dir[1]:
        tick = dir.cross_product(vector(RDF, (0,0,dist/30)))
        tick = vector(RDF, (dist/30,0,0))

    if snap:
        for i in range(3):
            start[i] = unit * math.floor(start[i]/unit + 1e-5)
            end[i] = unit * math.ceil(end[i]/unit - 1e-5)

    if absolute:
        if dir[0]*dir[1] or dir[1]*dir[2] or dir[0]*dir[2]:
            raise ValueError("Absolute rulers only valid for axis-aligned paths")
        m = max(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])
        if dir[0] == m:
            off = start[0]
        elif dir[1] == m:
            off = start[1]
            off = start[2]
        first_tick = unit * math.ceil(off/unit - 1e-5) - off
        off = 0
        first_tick = 0

    ruler = shapes.LineSegment(start, end, **kwds)
    for k in range(1, int(sub_ticks * first_tick/unit)):
        P = start + dir*(k*unit/sub_ticks)
        ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick/2, **kwds)
    for d in srange(first_tick, dist + unit/(sub_ticks+1), unit):
        P = start + dir*d
        ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick, **kwds)
        ruler += shapes.Text(str(d+off), **kwds).translate(P - tick)
        if dist - d < unit:
            sub_ticks = int(sub_ticks * (dist - d)/unit)
        for k in range(1, sub_ticks):
            P += dir * (unit/sub_ticks)
            ruler += shapes.LineSegment(P, P + tick/2, **kwds)
    return ruler
Example #27
def Omega_ge(a, exponents):
    Return `\Omega_{\ge}` of the expression specified by the input.

    To be more precise, calculate

    .. MATH::

        \Omega_{\ge} \frac{\mu^a}{
        (1 - z_0 \mu^{e_0}) \dots (1 - z_{n-1} \mu^{e_{n-1}})}

    and return its numerator and a factorization of its denominator.
    Note that `z_0`, ..., `z_{n-1}` only appear in the output, but not in the


    - ``a`` -- an integer

    - ``exponents`` -- a tuple of integers


    A pair representing a quotient as follows: Its first component is the
    numerator as a Laurent polynomial, its second component a factorization
    of the denominator as a tuple of Laurent polynomials, where each
    Laurent polynomial `z` represents a factor `1 - z`.

    The parents of these Laurent polynomials is always a
    Laurent polynomial ring in `z_0`, ..., `z_{n-1}` over `\ZZ`, where
    `n` is the length of ``exponents``.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.omega import Omega_ge
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -2))
        (1, (z0, z0^2*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -3))
        (1, (z0, z0^3*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -4))
        (1, (z0, z0^4*z1))

        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -1))
        (z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, -1))
        (z0*z1^2 + z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^3))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (4, -1))
        (z0*z1^3 + z0*z1^2 + z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^4))

        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, 1, -2))
        (-z0^2*z1*z2 - z0*z1^2*z2 + z0*z1*z2 + 1, (z0, z1, z0^2*z2, z1^2*z2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -1, -1))
        (z0*z1*z2 + z0*z1 + z0*z2 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^2, z0*z2^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, 1, -1))
        (-z0*z1*z2^2 - z0*z1*z2 + z0*z2 + 1, (z0, z1, z0*z2^2, z1*z2))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -2))
        (-z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1, z0*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -3))
        (z0^2*z1 + 1, (z0, z0^3*z1^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, 1, -3))
        (-z0^3*z1^3*z2^3 + 2*z0^2*z1^3*z2^2 - z0*z1^3*z2
         + z0^2*z2^2 - 2*z0*z2 + 1,
         (z0, z1, z0*z2, z0*z2, z0*z2, z1^3*z2))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, 6, -1))
        (-z0*z1*z2^8 - z0*z1*z2^7 - z0*z1*z2^6 - z0*z1*z2^5 - z0*z1*z2^4 +
         z1*z2^5 - z0*z1*z2^3 + z1*z2^4 - z0*z1*z2^2 + z1*z2^3 -
         z0*z1*z2 + z0*z2^2 + z1*z2^2 + z0*z2 + z1*z2 + 1,
         (z0, z1, z0*z2^3, z1*z2^6))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1))[0].number_of_terms()  # long time


        sage: Omega_ge(1, (2,))
        (1, (z0,))
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Omega_ge: a=%s, exponents=%s', a, exponents)

    from sage.arith.misc import lcm
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
    from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
    from sage.rings.polynomial.laurent_polynomial_ring import LaurentPolynomialRing
    from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import CyclotomicField

    if not exponents or any(e == 0 for e in exponents):
        raise NotImplementedError

    rou = sorted(set(abs(e) for e in exponents) - set([1]))
    ellcm = lcm(rou)
    B = CyclotomicField(ellcm, 'zeta')
    zeta = B.gen()
    z_names = tuple('z{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(exponents)))
    L = LaurentPolynomialRing(B, ('t', ) + z_names, len(z_names) + 1)
    t = L.gens()[0]
    Z = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, z_names, len(z_names))
    powers = {i: L(zeta**(ellcm // i)) for i in rou}
    powers[2] = L(-1)
    powers[1] = L(1)
    exponents_and_values = tuple(
        (e, tuple(powers[abs(e)]**j * z for j in srange(abs(e))))
        for z, e in zip(L.gens()[1:], exponents))
    x = tuple(v for e, v in exponents_and_values if e > 0)
    y = tuple(v for e, v in exponents_and_values if e < 0)

    def subs_power(expression, var, exponent):
        Substitute ``var^exponent`` by ``var`` in ``expression``.

        It is assumed that ``var`` only occurs with exponents
        divisible by ``exponent``.
        p = tuple(var.dict().popitem()[0]).index(
            1)  # var is the p-th generator

        def subs_e(e):
            e = list(e)
            assert e[p] % exponent == 0
            e[p] = e[p] // exponent
            return tuple(e)

        parent = expression.parent()
        result = parent(
            {subs_e(e): c
             for e, c in iteritems(expression.dict())})
        return result

    def de_power(expression):
        expression = Z(expression)
        for e, var in zip(exponents, Z.gens()):
            if abs(e) == 1:
            expression = subs_power(expression, var, abs(e))
        return expression

    logger.debug('Omega_ge: preparing denominator')
    factors_denominator = tuple(
        de_power(1 - factor) for factor in _Omega_factors_denominator_(x, y))

    logger.debug('Omega_ge: preparing numerator')
    numerator = de_power(_Omega_numerator_(a, x, y, t))

    logger.info('Omega_ge: completed')
    return numerator, factors_denominator
Example #28
def plot_vector_field3d(functions, xrange, yrange, zrange,
                        plot_points=5, colors='jet', center_arrows=False,**kwds):
    Plot a 3d vector field


    - ``functions`` - a list of three functions, representing the x-,
      y-, and z-coordinates of a vector

    - ``xrange``, ``yrange``, and ``zrange`` - three tuples of the
      form (var, start, stop), giving the variables and ranges for each axis

    - ``plot_points`` (default 5) - either a number or list of three
      numbers, specifying how many points to plot for each axis

    - ``colors`` (default 'jet') - a color, list of colors (which are
      interpolated between), or matplotlib colormap name, giving the coloring
      of the arrows.  If a list of colors or a colormap is given,
      coloring is done as a function of length of the vector

    - ``center_arrows`` (default False) - If True, draw the arrows
      centered on the points; otherwise, draw the arrows with the tail
      at the point

    - any other keywords are passed on to the plot command for each arrow


        sage: x,y,z=var('x y z')
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi))
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors=['red','green','blue'])
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors='red')
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=4)
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=[3,5,7])
        Graphics3d Object
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True)
        Graphics3d Object


    This tests that :trac:`2100` is fixed in a way compatible with this command::

        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True,aspect_ratio=(1,2,1))
        Graphics3d Object
    (ff,gg,hh), ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(functions, [xrange, yrange, zrange], plot_points)
    xpoints, ypoints, zpoints = [srange(*r, include_endpoint=True) for r in ranges]
    points = [vector((i,j,k)) for i in xpoints for j in ypoints for k in zpoints]
    vectors = [vector((ff(*point), gg(*point), hh(*point))) for point in points]

        from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
        cm = get_cmap(colors)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        cm = None
    if cm is None:
        if isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)):
            from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
            cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mymap',colors)
            cm = lambda x: colors

    max_len = max(v.norm() for v in vectors)
    scaled_vectors = [v/max_len for v in vectors]

    if center_arrows:
        return sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p-v/2) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])
        return sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])
    def HarmonicNumber(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the asymptotic expansion of a harmonic number.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand ``euler_gamma`` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,                      # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:      lambda x: sum(1/k for k in srange(1, x+1)), [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.0038125360?), (10, 0.00392733?), (20, 0.0039579?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n')
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            - 1/252*n^(-6) + 1/240*n^(-8) - 1/132*n^(-10)
            + 691/32760*n^(-12) - 1/12*n^(-14) + 3617/8160*n^(-16)
            - 43867/14364*n^(-18) + 174611/6600*n^(-20) - 77683/276*n^(-22)
            + 236364091/65520*n^(-24) - 657931/12*n^(-26)
            + 3392780147/3480*n^(-28) - 1723168255201/85932*n^(-30)
            + 7709321041217/16320*n^(-32)
            - 151628697551/12*n^(-34) + O(n^(-36))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:     'n', precision=5, skip_constant_summand=True)
            log(n) + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: for p in range(5):
            ....:     print asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:         'n', precision=p)
            log(n) + O(1)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + O(n^(-1))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + O(n^(-4))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('m', precision=5)
            log(m) + euler_gamma + 1/2*m^(-1) - 1/12*m^(-2) + 1/120*m^(-4) + O(m^(-6))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = A.default_prec

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += log(n)
        if precision >= 2 and not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.constants import euler_gamma
            result += coefficient_ring(euler_gamma)
        if precision >= 3:
            result += 1 / (2 * n)

        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        for k in srange(2, 2*precision - 4, 2):
            result += -bernoulli(k) / k / n**k

        if precision < 1:
            result += (log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += A(1).O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += (1 / n).O()
            result += (1 / n**(2*precision - 4)).O()

        return result
Example #30
def Krawtchouk(n,q,l,x,check=True):
    Compute ``K^{n,q}_l(x)``, the Krawtchouk (a.k.a. Kravchuk) polynomial.

    See :wikipedia:`Kravchuk_polynomials`; It is defined by the generating function
    `(1+(q-1)z)^{n-x}(1-z)^x=\sum_{l} K^{n,q}_l(x)z^l` and is equal to

    .. math::

        K^{n,q}_l(x)=\sum_{j=0}^l (-1)^j(q-1)^{(l-j)}{x \choose j}{n-x \choose l-j},


    - ``n, q, x`` -- arbitrary numbers

    - ``l`` -- a nonnegative integer

    - ``check`` -- check the input for correctness. ``True`` by default. Otherwise, pass it
      as it is. Use ``check=False`` at your own risk.


        sage: Krawtchouk(24,2,5,4)
        sage: Krawtchouk(12300,4,5,6)


    check that the bug reported on :trac:`19561` is fixed::

        sage: Krawtchouk(3,2,3,3)
        sage: Krawtchouk(int(3),int(2),int(3),int(3))
        sage: Krawtchouk(int(3),int(2),int(3),int(3),check=False)
        sage: Kravchuk(24,2,5,4)

    other unusual inputs ::

        sage: Krawtchouk(sqrt(5),1-I*sqrt(3),3,55.3).n()
        211295.892797... + 1186.42763...*I
        sage: Krawtchouk(-5/2,7*I,3,-1/10)
        480053/250*I - 357231/400
        sage: Krawtchouk(1,1,-1,1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: l must be a nonnegative integer
        sage: Krawtchouk(1,1,3/2,1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: no conversion of this rational to integer
    from sage.arith.all import binomial
    from sage.arith.srange import srange
    # Use the expression in equation (55) of MacWilliams & Sloane, pg 151
    # We write jth term = some_factor * (j-1)th term
    if check:
        from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
        l0 = ZZ(l)
        if l0 != l or l0<0:
            raise ValueError('l must be a nonnegative integer')
        l = l0
    kraw = jth_term = (q-1)**l * binomial(n, l) # j=0
    for j in srange(1,l+1):
        jth_term *= -q*(l-j+1)*(x-j+1)/((q-1)*j*(n-j+1))
        kraw += jth_term
    return kraw
    def HarmonicNumber(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the asymptotic expansion of a harmonic number.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand ``euler_gamma`` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,                      # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:      lambda x: sum(1/k for k in srange(1, x+1)), [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.0038125360?), (10, 0.00392733?), (20, 0.0039579?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n')
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            - 1/252*n^(-6) + 1/240*n^(-8) - 1/132*n^(-10)
            + 691/32760*n^(-12) - 1/12*n^(-14) + 3617/8160*n^(-16)
            - 43867/14364*n^(-18) + 174611/6600*n^(-20) - 77683/276*n^(-22)
            + 236364091/65520*n^(-24) - 657931/12*n^(-26)
            + 3392780147/3480*n^(-28) - 1723168255201/85932*n^(-30)
            + 7709321041217/16320*n^(-32)
            - 151628697551/12*n^(-34) + O(n^(-36))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:     'n', precision=5, skip_constant_summand=True)
            log(n) + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: for p in range(5):
            ....:     print asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:         'n', precision=p)
            log(n) + O(1)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + O(n^(-1))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + O(n^(-4))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('m', precision=5)
            log(m) + euler_gamma + 1/2*m^(-1) - 1/12*m^(-2) + 1/120*m^(-4) + O(m^(-6))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = A.default_prec

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += log(n)
        if precision >= 2 and not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.constants import euler_gamma
            result += coefficient_ring(euler_gamma)
        if precision >= 3:
            result += 1 / (2 * n)

        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        for k in srange(2, 2 * precision - 4, 2):
            result += -bernoulli(k) / k / n**k

        if precision < 1:
            result += (log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += A(1).O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += (1 / n).O()
            result += (1 / n**(2 * precision - 4)).O()

        return result